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Newlands wins college debate
The thirteenth debate between Newlands and Onslow Colleges, organised by the Johnsonville Lions Club, was held on Thursday 3 August at Newlands College.
This annual Lions intercollege debate provides an opportunity for members of the two local colleges’ teams to debate in front of a public audience.
Kinajil-Moran of the Wellington Speaking Union, determined that Newlands won.
The adjudicators agreed that the debating standard was strong, with clear thinking and positive arguments from both teams.
Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm
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Next bus 16th August 2023 shown us that our community’s future will be in good hands when they progress through their careers.”
The moot asked that students act as large social media companies, and debate that they would ban controversial influencers from their platforms.
Newlands College took the affirmative side.
Their audience enjoyed wellreasoned arguments and heard differing reasons to support both side of the proposal.
Interestingly the debate also went some way to educating older audience members about who influencers are and how social media platforms generate profits.
Onslow College debaters brought forward interesting arguments setting out that social media companies would hold on to all influencers, regardless of their views, but would ban them only if the influencers openly posted illegal commentary.
However, Newlands winning approach was to clearly outline the benefit for social platforms to hold onto controversial influencers until their following began to reduce, and then they would be banned. Thus, financial benefits for the social media businesses would be maximised.
Student self-confidence, public speaking skills and ability to think clearly are improved through this local Lions Club project.
6pm at the Johnsonville Club in Norman Lane.
This private bus service has been operating for 17 years.
This private bus service has been operating for more than 17 years.
Sponsored by Harbour City, Guardian and The Wilson Funeral Homes.
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Harbour City Funeral Home (56 Onepu Road, Kilbirnie) 1:00pm

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Courtenay Place (Main Bus Stop) 1:30pm
Karori opposite The Wilson Funeral Home, (142 Karori Road, Karori) 1:40pm
Karori Library (Outside the Postshop) 1:45pm
Fare: A donation to Wellington Free Ambulance would
The debating students brought forward a wide and insightful series of arguments to support their cases.
After careful deliberation guest adjudicators ariu MP Greg O’Connor, together with Brook
“We value the support of both local colleges for this Lions Club initiative,” Lions Club President Jim Ng says.
“These young debaters have
Next year’s debate will be held at Onslow College with Onslow taking the affirmative side.
The Johnsonville Lions Club supports a range of youth activities and has 23 members.
The club meets on the first and third Monday of each month at
Lions Clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together with the community to fulfil those needs.
For more information or to get involved with the Johnsonville Lions Club, contact Stephen Cook at 027 647 1747 or email Johnsonville@lionsclubs.org.nz.