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Managing volunteer member services
Western suburbs resident Tracy Ward has moved to the position of Volunteer Wellington’s Manager Member Services.

“I’m responsible for meeting our awesome community organisation members and providing support and advice on all things volunteering – from advertising for volunteers right through to supporting the delivery of
‘best practice’ in their volunteer teams,” Tracy says.
“Outside of work hours you will also find me co-ordinating a volunteer team at my local repair café where I blend my passions for good volunteer management [and] sustainability.
“If you’d like to reach out, you can find me on members@ volunteerwellington.nz.”
Tracy has been with Volunteer Wellington for five years.
For most of that time she has been working with Volunteer Wellington’s Work and Income contract which helps to engage people on a benefit into volunteering.
RIGHT: Tracy Ward. Photo: Supplied.
Northern volunteer service awards
Nominations for the 2023 North Wellington Voluntary Service Awards are about to close. These awards cover the northern suburbs between Churton Park in the north and Crofton Downs in the south, and between Kaiwharwhara in the east and ariu Valley in the west.
To qualify for an award, a person must have served without any form of remuneration for a minimum of three years. In most cases the length of service far exceeds this minimum period and nominees with 30 years of voluntary service are not uncommon.
They need to have performed the voluntary service in the geographical area covered by the awards.
Nominations need to be made by the organization the nominee is associated with. Individual residents need to liaise with an organisation if they wish to nominate someone.
Nomination forms are available on the North Wellington Voluntary Service Awards Facebook page or from the secretary, Ray Wood on 021 212 3136, email northernserviceawards@gmail.com.
Nominations close on Friday 11 August.
The committee has decided that in 2023 there will only be 15 awards presented. This number may increase once nominations are received.
Each recipient receives a freestanding engraved plaque, a lapel badge and a framed citation setting out the details of their service to the community.
The North Wellington Voluntary Service Awards programme was established in 2001 to coincide with the United Nations declaration that 2001was to be the “Year of the Volunteer”.
A committee was established, under the chair of MP Peter Dunne, with members drawn from voluntary and community based organisations, to set up and administer a programme in the Northern Suburbs of Wellington, The North Wellington Voluntary Service Awards programme was very successful in 2001, and it was decided to continue it as an annual event.
To date 207 people have received the awards. The limited number of people receiving the Awards over the 22 years highlights the importance these awards are held in the community.
Part funding for this annual event has since 2001 been provided by the Johnsonville Charitable Trust and The Trusts Community Foundation Ltd.