Khandallah Town Hall was packed to capacity with around 200 people for the highly successful Save Khandallah Pool meeting on 7 April.
The big message that came from both the Save the Khandallah Pool group and from Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau was that they want to work together to keep the pool open. Continued on page 2.
The children were hard at work during the Save Khandallah Pool meeting on 7 April with their street art on the footpath outside the Khandallah Town Hall. Photo: Frank Neill.
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Continued from page 1.
Wellington’s Mayor Tory Whanau was among those attending, as were all three Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward
Councillors Diane Calvert, Ray Chung and Rebecca Matthews; Paekawkawa/Southern Ward
Councillor Nreddin Abdurahman; TakapŪ /Northern Ward
Councillor Ben McNulty and h riu MP Greg O’Connor. Pukeh Ī nau/Lambton Ward
Councillor Iona Pannett put in an apology, saying that she wanted her support for the meeting noted, and PukehĪnau/Lambton Ward
Councillor Geordie Rogers also apologised. Both said they had other council commitments at the time of the meeting.
The theme of working together on a solution to keep the pool open was outlined by both the Save Khandallah Pool team and by Mayor Whanau.
“What we want to say to the [Wellington City] Council is this,” Save Khandallah Pool team member Marie Newsome said: “We want to work with you to find a sensible and affordable solution that keeps the pool open for generations to come.”
The meeting greeting Marie’s comment with loud applause.
Just after this Mayor Whanau spoke, sayying “our attendance here today is a sign of good faith”.
“I can’t make any promises .. but we are ... committed to working with you, your community and your team in this space,” Mayor Whanau said.
“Let’s see if we can find a solution to keep this site for the community.”
John McGrath, who established the Save Khandallah Poll Team told the meeting that the Save Khandallah Poll petition on the council’s website had attracted 3,250 signatures.
He had researched the petitions placed on the council’s website over the last 10 years and there were 75 petitions on a range of issues affecting Wellington city.
Only one of these had attracted more than 500 signatures. It received 519.
The 3,250 signatures on the Save Khandallah Poll petition was “an incredible response,” John said and his words were greeting with loud applause.
“That demonstrates the level of community support on this issue and how much people want the pool to stay open.”
The Khandallah pool, John said, was accessible to all in the city. People using the pool came not just from Khandallah, but also from suburbs like Ngaio, Tawa, Johnsonville and even the southern suburbs.
Those people “really, really want this pool to stay open.”
John also gave a “big thank you to the children for all the effort they have put in.”
Just some of that effort was evident at the meeting.
Save the Pool posters adorned walls at the town hall, and while the adults were meeting inside,
children were using chalks to create artwork and Save the Pool messages on the footpaths outside the town hall.
The Khandallah pool even had people from Dunedin visit, Marie Newsome said.
Regular visitors included people who lived in the eastern suburbs, the Hutt, Porirua, Tawa, Newlands, Johnsonville, Chrton Park and so on.
“The pool as a destination is much, much loved,” she said.
Wellington City Council’s draft Long Term Plan for the next 10 years “currently has a proposal to demolish the Khandallah pool and replace it with a landscaped park area.
“That’s going to be at a cost of about $4½ million.”
The Long Term Plan consultation is going to be open from the middle of this month.
“What we are encouraging you to do is go on the council’s website, on the “have your say” page, and sign up for updates on the Long Term Plan.
Then make a submission.
“We also really encourage you to sign up to make an oral submission.
“The submissions from all the community matters so please make the time to do that,” Marie said.
She noted that Wellingtin City Councillors had been informed that the cost of a rebuild of Khandallh Pool was around $11.7 million.
Continue on page 3.
There is still a place in today’s world for community activism. Within the Ōhāriu electorate, I am involved with well-organised and well-supported groups taking on Airways and the Council over flight path changes and Khandallah swimming pool closure respectively. There is scope for both groups to be successful, and the Mayor’s preparedness to work with the Save the Pool group in particular, gives me some cause for optimism.
I recently hosted a meeting which included local property developers and representatives from the City and Regional Councils. The background for the meeting was the need to ensure all people involved in providing more housing in our electorate, whether it be those building them or those regulating and permitting that building, understand the issues which govern the ability to build the houses everyone agrees we need.
There are essentially two types of development; greenfields and brownfields. Greenfields means building on currently undeveloped land, typically ex farmland on the edges of current urban areas, where infrastructure like sewers, water supply and other essential services don’t exist are usually built by the developer.
A positive outcome of these campaigns is that I can see our next generation of civic leaders being mobilised. Many a successful politician, whether in local body or central government, has found their voice and indeed calling from being so involved. Importantly as well, children are involved in both campaigns, and they will learn more about civics and politics from watching their parents than they ever would in the
Brownfields development means rebuilding on existing sites, and there has been considerable discussion in recent times around how much intensification should be allowed in existing suburbs, especially changing of height limits to allow for more apartments.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages; the Regional Council in particular see their role to prevent more
runoff and other material ending up in our harbours, especially the Porirua harbour in the case of development north of Johnsonville and Newlands. The Wellington City Council are concerned that the existing infrastructure cannot handle the pressure it comes under when new housing areas are developed. Existing infrastructure is aging and needs upgrading across our city, as evidenced by recent pipe failures. An advantage of intensification of existing areas means more people, therefore more ratepayers to pay for those upgrades.
classroom. They are fighting worthy causes on behalf of their community. I spoke about these issues in Parliament this week and used them to context another big issue affecting us all, and that is the lack of development at the Johnsonville Mall. As the decision makers in that case are a private company, Stride Properties, influenced by their Australian shareholders, it’s a little harder to find a point of contact. It’s much easier when the decision makers are local and elected.
Developers of course need to make a profit, and wish to keep their compliance costs as low as possible. Many believe the Resource Management Act is too cumbersome. We as government for our part have undertaken to rewrite that act.
The feedback was good, but the success will be when there are sufficient affordable houses to meetdemand. That is certainly my goal as your MP.
That, and of course having a vibrant and functioning Johnsonville Shopping Centre we can all be proud of.
However, as I told Parliament, the time has arrived for the owners to understand the impact of their inaction on the local area. There are some great people and businesses in the mall, but each closure and empty space represents frustration for locals looking for a centre they can be proud of.
There’s plenty to be getting on with.
We just need as a community to find the pressure point to encourage some action.
Continued from page 2.
“This is for a gold-plated rebuild of the pool.
“That’s not what the community has asked for,” she said, “and the council cannot afford it.”
There was also a lot of work involved in the council’s pool upgade proposal was was not part of the pool itself.
That included new toilets, new footpaths, landscaping and work on the stream.
“Let’s go for a plan that is a bit more modest,” Marie said. Following the meeting John McGrath told the “Independent Herald” he was “absolutely delighted with the attendance”.
Wellington ratepayers are being urged to go on a “rates revolt”, where they will not pay any rates increases or any extra levies. The initiative has been set up by Karori resident Judy Rohloff. She has set up a Facebook page named Wellington Rates Revolt. “This is a group for all those who are fed up with Wellington City Council, it’s lack of transparency, undemocratic decision-making, failure to pay attention to communities, frivolous spending on vanity projects, and failure to attend to matters of real necessity such as the pipes and other water infrastructure, potholes and dangerously uneven footpaths,” Judy says.
“I’m hoping that a lot of people will get involved in the group because it is time that they [the council] sat up and took notice of the people – I mean the ordinary ratepayers.”
Within two days of setting up Wellington Rates Revolt, 11 people had joined the group and she had received support from two Wellington City Councillors.
“I’ve also had emails of support from about half a dozen people,” she says.
What Judy is suggesting is that people coninue paying their rates bill at the current level but do not pay the rates increase or pay the extra levies the council adds to
He was also very appreciative of Mayor Whanau’s attendance and the Save Khandallah Pool group was looking forward to working with the council on the pool’s future.
the rates bill.
“A lot of people like us have very limited incomes and literally can’t afford to pay the increase the council is talking about.”
The council has got its priorities “all wrong,” Judy says.
As an example she refers to the Karori Connections project.
That project will see nearly 200 of the 279 car parks on Karori Road removed to make way for cycle lanes “to the detriment of a lot of local businesses.
“There was an alternative route [for cyle lanes] to Karori Road and the council will not even do that.
“That was uttterly ridiculous. It’s just all wrong,” Judy says.
“There was a lot of opposition to the project and there have been a number of complaints to the Ombudsman about it.”
“I created this group at the suggestion of a ratepayer from another suburb,” the Wellington Rates Revolt page says, “because I'm fed up with the council's:
1. failure to adequately fund Wellington Water so that the leaks springing up repeatedly around the city and suburbs are adequately dealt with instead of piecemeal bandaids that don't hold being applied;
2. spendthrift ways;
3. insistence on forging ahead with their own agenda against majority opposition of communities;
4. indecent haste in implementing the Karori Connections Cycleway Project along Karori Road, instead of an acceptable parallel route, to the detriment of many residents and businesses;
5. undemocratic processes;
6. refusal to accept a generous proposal to buy the Reading Centre land which would spare ratepayers the cost of yet another vanity project;
7. proposed introduction of parking meters in all suburbs; and
8. failure to accept that many ratepayers simply cannot afford massive rates increases.”
For bookings call us on 04 934 7269
400 Karori Road, Karori Tues–Sun 8:30am–4pm
Young poets are being invited to submit their work for inclusion in Tūhono 2024, Wellington City Libraries annual poetry journal for children and teens. The theme for this year is “Tūmanako / Hope”. Poems can be written either in English or Te Reo Māori. Enttries close on 12 May and can be made at www.wcl.govt.nz/blogs/teens/index. php/2024/04/01/submissions-are-livefor-tuhono-2024.
Nominations are open for the 2024 Golden Foot Walking Awards. The awards are open to individuals, organisations or businesses that have made a difference to walking in their local area. The Golden Foot Walking Awards are organised by Living Streets Aotearoa.
Nominations close on Monday 17 June. Nominations can be about: projects and programmes, facilities or place-making, events, research, school projects, Walking Advocate Champions, Eextraordinary walkers (for example walkers completing the Te Araroa Trail in record times or ways, walk fundraising for a particular cause, commuters walking long distances or overcoming barriers, stories of health gains through walking), walking and public transport initiatives, or buildings and public spaces that demonstrate strong accessibility and CPTED principles.
For more information and a nomination form visit www.livingstreets.org.nz/ node/5161.
Five of the lead roles in the current Porirua Little Theatre production of “High School Musical” live in the northern and western suburbs.
Lizzie Summers from Karori plays Sharpay Evans, Jet Wilton from Newlands plays Zeke Baylor, Ella Minchin from Grenada Village plays Taylor McKessie, Tessa Guest from Northland plays Ms Tenney and Kate Honey from Karori plays the Dance Captain. Five more of the cast are also from the northern suburns.
Dani Aspros, Eva Wilson and Olivia Hardgreave are from Newlands, and they are cheerleaders, while Tom Agate from Broadmeadows and Lilliana Rendle from Khandallah are in the ensemble. “High School Musical” opened last night, 10 April, and runs until 20 April at the Bishop Viard College Auditorium, 20 Kenepuru Drive Porirua.
Based on the 2006 Disney Channel original movie, "High School Musical" tells
the story of Gabriella (a brainiac) and Troy (a basketball jock) who meet while singing at a Karaoke contest.
Little do they know that their paths will cross again and their friendship will break down barriers at their high school.
Based very loosely on “Romeo and Juliet” but with a much happier ending, “High School Musical” challenges everyone to look beyond the “status quo” and discover new things about themselves and their friends.
"High School Musical" is a timeless tale that resonates with audiences of all ages, celebrating the joy of selfdiscovery, the importance of community, and the thrill of pursuing one's passions.
With its catchy songs, exhilarating dance numbers, and heartwarming message, this production is providing theatre goers with an unforgettable experience.
Julie O’Brien is the director of the Porirua Little Theatre’s production of “High School Musical”.
Family history and wartime experiences will be the focus at the April meeting of the Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Genealogical Society. The meeting will be held at the Johnsonville Collective Community Hub, 33 Johnsonville Road on 17 April at 7pm, with the talk starting at 7:30pm. Tom McGrath will be talking about his book “Wartime Secrets from the family home”. Tom was clearing out his mother’s home when he found a cache of letters written by his father, Hugh, to Tom’s grandparents. Hugh McGrath fought with
She brings a wealth of talent and experience to the show, with a career spanning 40 years and performance credits in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and New York.
Julie says she is thrilled to be working on this iconic show with such amazing young talent. “It’s been an absolute joy working with these young people, nurturing their growth as performers and hopefully inspiring a lifelong appreciation for the arts.” Tickets to the show are available at https://iticket.co.nz.
the 5th Field Regiment of the 2nd NZ Expeditionary Force (part of the 8th Army) in Africa and Italy during the Second Word War. Tom has turned this trove of “letters home” into a fascinating eye-witness commentary on the war in general, and Hugh’s part in it in particular. It was sanitised so that it didn’t worry his parents, or the censors, but still manages to reveal what happened. Tom will talk about the book, the letters and his family tree. There is no charge for this event, and there will be coffee, tea, biscuits and a friendly welcome to visitors.
Local organisations have received $92,844.50 in the latest round of grants from the New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT).
The Onslow Amateur Athletic Club received $724.50 to pay for a contactor.
Papakowhai School’s Board of Trustees received $7,120 for fundamental movement lessons and swimming lessons.
Waterside Karori Association Football Club received $60,000 toward the cost of a men’s director of football and a women’s director of
Wellington North Badminton Association received $25,000 toward the cost of shuttles and salaries of the Community Event Manager and Community Development Manager.
NZCT disbursed $629,798.72 to organisations in the Wellington region in the latest round of funding.
One gaming venue in the “Independent Herald’’s circulation area contributed to these grants – The Pickle Jar in Karori. It was one of 14 gaming venues in the greater Wellington region that contributed.
Khandallah resident Vino Martyn will be exhibiting some of her original mosaic stained glass art for the first time this month.
The exhibition will be held at the Thistle Hall Gallery from 21 to 25 May.
“I stared working with glass in 2010 as a hobby wanting to express my inspirations, thoughts, experiences and the world around me in the form of mosaic stained glass art,” Vino says.
“I then auctioned four of my stained glass art pieces and donated the entire proceeds to Youthline Wellington.
“These raised substantial amounts for the charity. I’m proud of this outcome.
“Over the past 14 years I have done over 50 pieces of glass art.
“My work of glass art is unique and I can assure you it’s one of its kind in this universe.
“One of my first pieces of mosaic stained glass art is a reproduction of our son’s painting which he did when
he was 12 years old.
“It is an intriguing and interesting piece of work.
“Our late son Anshan was a creative artist as well as a saxophonist. He has produced a number of creative works in his 17 years using different media. I treasure his works.
“My late Mum was a great artist who also held a degree in Art. She had a keen eye for colours, details and had artist’s imaginative mind, she used variety of materials to bring out the beauty of her work,” Vino says.
Johnsonville and Districts R&SA Welfare Trust
Thursday the 25th of April 2024 10.00am
The Chairman and Trustees of the Johnsonville and Districts R&SA Welfare Trust cordially invite citizens and service and youth organisations in the Johnsonville area to attend the annual ANZAC Day parade and community service to be held in Johnsonville on Thursday the 25th of April 2024. The parade will assemble in Burgess Road at 9.15am, and step off at 9.40am for the march to the service at the Salvation Army Citadel at 125-137 Johnsonville Road at 10.00am.
For further information, please contact:
Glenton Waugh mobile: 0274 416 290
email: glenton.waugh@ salvationarmy.org.nz
T H J Knight Chairman
Wellington’s historic Wrights Hill Fortress in Karori is open for public inspection again on ANZAC day, Thursday 25 April.
The World War Two coastal battery first opened to the public in 1989 and will be accessible between 10am and 4pm.
On ANZAC Day people are invited to self-guide themselves through the tunnels and gun emplacements.
The walk usually takes about one hour. People are advised to bring a torch.
Visitors will be able to explore the 620 metres of underground tunnels with a free map and history pamphlet.
They will see the engine room, shell stores, plotting rooms and the huge gun pit where Gun Number 1 used to stand, as well as a replica of the 10-metre-long gun barrel.
Also on show will be historic photos and a DVD of how a 9.2-inch gun operates will be showing as well.
The World War Two Fortress is the only one of its type in New Zealand available to the public on four open days a year.
Wrights Hill Fortress was built from 1942 to protect Wellington from Japanese bombardment.
In the early 1960s, the guns were cut up for scrap and sold, ironically, to the Japanese.
Admission is $20 for a family of two adults and three children under 15, or $10 per adult and $5 per child (no EFTPOS, cash only).
All proceeds go to the continuing restoration of the fortress.
There is limited car parking at the summit of Wrights Hill. Park sensibly and use walking tracks.
Visitors to the fortress in Wrights Hill Reserve can also enjoy picnic sites and panoramic views from the top of the hill.
There will be a BBQ sausage sizzle and soft drinks on sale. For safety reasons no jandals.
People who have enquiries or seek further information can phone 04 476 8593 or visit www.wrightshillfortress. org.nz.
Johnsonville Mall is now decorated ready for the upcoming celebration of Eid al-Fit, which marks the end of Ramadan.
The Eid decorations have been organised by Ekta, a-not-for-profit community organisation focussed on building social cohesion in the Wellington area. Ekat will hold an opening ceremony to celebrate Eid al-Fit at 11am on 14 April at the mall.
This follows Ekta’s Chinese New Year celebration, which was also held at the mall. As was the case for the Chinese New Year celebration at Johnsonville Mall, this is the first time that Eid is being celebrated in a
mall in Wellington.
“It is a very significant effort towards social cohesion,” says Jamil Khan who is leading the project.
“Here is a non-Muslim organisation, celebrating a Muslim religious festival with the larger wh nau.
“We do hope with this there will be greater understanding of Ramadan and Eid. These are but small efforts in building the team of five million.
“We are thankful to the mall management for taking this initiative”.
There will be cultural performances, calligraphy, henna and face painting activities at the celebration on 14 April, and the decorations will be on display until 21 April.
Michael Grace, and Guy and Carolyn Parkinson of Terawhiti Station in M kara won two awards in the Greater Wellington Ballance Farm Environmental Awards.
The award winners weree announced at a ceremony in Carterton on 3 April.
Michael, Guy and Carolyn won the Innovation Award and the Biodiversity Award, both sponsored by the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust.
Terawhiti Station has a colourful history and has managed to adapt, survive and ultimately thrive to a point where it is achieving more than simply financial prosperity.
The original block was purchased in 1843, with Irishman James McMenamen taking it over four years later.
Today the station is 4,808ha and is still owned and farmed by his descendants.
The sheep and beef farm is surrounded by Cook Strait on three sides.
Terawhiti is perfectly located to harness Cook Strait’s notorious wind which is why the station now features a wind farm.
The wind farm became operational in 2009, the same year Guy became the station’s manager.
A 10–year plan was commissioned to turn the farm around and 15 years later those goals have been achieved, with Terawhiti Station now returning a healthy profit with a triple bottom line. Using a low-input system that prioritises animal welfare, they run just over 1,300 Angus cattle, along with about 1,800 Wiltshire sheep.
In addition to the wind farm, the nongrazed areas are used for carbon credits, M nuka honey production, rentals and tourism.
Terawhiti Station was the foundational property in a project that is successfully returning a wild kiwi population to the rural hinterland of Wellington.
More recently, the team has partnered with the Wellington Goldfields Heritage Society to restore 19th century industrial gold mining equipment located on the station.
Continuing their future focus, this team has acquired and developed a finishing farm in Linton that will further boost profitability, reduce their carbon footprint by being able to finish stock more quickly, and free up space for more conservation projects.
Newlands College achieved “admirable results” in 2023, the school says in its “Review of Term One”.
“As a school we achieved higher than national NCEA levels 1, 2 and 3 results.
“Our konga were awarded 13 scholarships across a range of subjects.
“And we achieved fantastic pass rates for literarcy and numeracy at Year 10,” the review says.
“Term One was off to a strong start with our Year 9 peer support camp at El Rancho.
konga and kaiako alike were immersed in organised fun, competition and Newlands College values,” the review
“Year 12 and 13 geographers trekked through Te Waipounamu, climbing St Arnaud Range overlooking Lake Rotoiti and followed the Buller River out to Westport Park.”
Long serving leader of the Onslow Historical Society (OHS) Judy Siers has resigned from her position as President.
“I recently read from a quote: ‘a single strand is vulnerable’ – how true,” Judy told the “Independent Herald”.
“It became apparent that for OHS to achieve a progressive future I had to sharpen the quill and write myself off the agenda.
“The wise old walrus knew a thing or two: ‘the time has come’ …”
Judy has been at the forefront of the society’s activities since 1968 when Johnsonville’s Bob Meyer lead the charge and the society was established.
She recalls one of the new members remarking: “well I suppose we could be active for a few years and then we would know all the history and could close up.”
That has turned out not to be true.
“We are still in the learning curve of history in our area, and our advocacy work and active engagement is more important now than ever,” Judy says.
“This is the time to be pro-active and take a stance or two when Wellington City Council, who previously acknowledged the significance of local history and encouraged heritage culture in the city, is now cutting 40% off its heritage budget and implementing relaxed permit rules for demolition and for new builds, which are certain to bring drastic loss of character in our city, including our north-western suburbs. “It’s time to fight for rights.
“We have ongoing rapid transport issues and the diminishing status of the Johnsonville line to raise with our local council, as well as the Khandallah pool future and our own centre, KATE at 86 Khandallah Road, the Khandallah Automatic Telephone Exchange building.
“It has a Category 1 listing with Heritage
Judy Siers was caught on camera by oral historian Ann Packer during one of their recording sessions. It was a life history recording plus memories of OHS, commissioned by the Society in 2023. Photo: Ann Packer.
New Zealand, but the owner, Chorus, has to comply with the seismic code, so strengthening and change that comes with that signals concern.
“I will be behind all efforts to ensure this building is saved, yet again if needed, as OHS saved it in the 1980s.
“I have been enormously grateful to all the loyal people supporting me and OHS, not for just a few years but over decades, thank you.
“I expect new leadership at OHS will continue to ensure strong community support and will enjoy an increase in membership.
“OHS flies a flag for local heritage and history so we can take pride in our special place, the place we call home, with confidence.”
Judy has been succeeded by OHS committee member George Walter, who has been appointed Acting President by the committee. George has indicated that he does not wish to stand for President at the society’s annual meeting to be held in late May. Nominations for a new Preisent are now open. For more information email onslowhistorical@gmail.com.
Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau says she has no plans to remove Wellington City Council’s M ori ward.
Mayor Whanau said this on 4 April, the day Local Government Minister Simeon Brown announced the introduction of a bill which would require councils to either vote to disestablish their M ori wards from 2025 or to hold a binding poll on disestablishing that M ori ward, taking effect from 2028.
“This council is committed to our partnership with our Takai Here partners and representation of M ori across the city,” the Mayor says.
“It is so important that we continue to not only recognise but uphold tangata whenua perspectives in decision making and in the council chamber.
“Ultimately, it is better for all of us.”
Mayor Whanau described the bill as “a concerning example of central government overruling a democratically made local government decision.
“This is over and above a reversion to the law of 2021, which only required a poll if demanded by a certain number of citizens.
“I question whether this complies with the crown’s obligations to M ori under Te Tiriti,” the Mayor says.
“This government is out of step and out of date with these changes to legislation and our democracy.
“I will work through this with our mana whenua and iwi partners before responding further.
“I strongly believe that creating avenues for M ori representation in decision making is how we move forward towards an inclusive society.
“Abolishing the need for a referendum on M ori wards has helped to increase representation in local councils to its
Biosecurity New Zealand is reminding dog owners to make sure their pets are up to date with their flea and tick treatment, after the parasite Babesia gibsoni was detected in a dog in the Canterbury region. “The parasite is often transmitted by ticks, so we are encouraging dog owners to make sure their dogs are up to date with
their flea and tick treatment,” says Biosecurity New Zealand’s chief veterinary officer Dr Mary van Andel. Babesia gibsoni is widespread around the rest of the world, including Australia, but this is the first case in a New Zealand-bred dog. It can cause the disease babesiosis, which is not present in New Zealand. Most dogs will only expe-
rience mild symptoms, if any, but the disease can be severe in some cases. “In countries where Babesia gibsoni is widespread, the focus is on preventing infection by treating dogs with tick treatments or combined with flea treatments, and limiting fighting behaviour.”
Dr van Andel says dog owners shouldn’t be alarmed. “At this
Faster buses could be the outcome of closer collaboration on bus priority corridors proposed by Greater Wellington Regional Council, the public transport authority, to Wellington City Council, the road controlling authority.
Greater Wellington chair Daran Ponter and Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau have discussed the proposal, after support for accelerating Wellington’s bus corridors was advocated for to ministers and indicated in the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport.
As well as speeding up travel times for commuters, Cr Ponter says the proposal could ease bus bottlenecks on the Golden Mile by delivering “a second spine” for public transport along the harbour quays.
“Rapid improvements to traffic flows and congestion along strategic corridors can be achieved with limited further planning through a variety of quick, bus priority solutions,” Cr Ponter says.
“The limit for efficient bus operations on the Golden Mile is due to be reached in 2025.
“While planned improvements will increase its capacity, a second spine would help to shoulder the load, offering faster cross-city connections to key regional destinations like the hospital and airport.”
Mayor Whanau says the councils will now consider ways for Greater Wellington and city council staff to work together to achieve shared public transport objectives.
“As Wellington’s population grows, enhancing bus priority will be essential for managing congestion, reducing emissions and making our city more liveable,” Mayor Whanau says.
For Greater Wellington’s 2024 Long Term Plan review, a budget of up to $88m over 10 years will be considered for bus priority initiatives.
Following bus priority improvements already made by the city council, Greater Wellington hopes to collaborate on upgrades to bus corridors running north to south (Wellington CBD to the hospital and Island Bay) and east to west (Wellington CBD to Miramar and the airport).
highest rate ever.
“This is only a good thing and should be celebrated, not reversed,” Mayor Whanau says.
“This is in no way about fairness,” M ori Ward Councillor NĪkau Wi Neera says.
“No other representation decision is subject to a referendum.
“I am extremely concerned about what appears to be an attack on efforts to honour Te Tiriti in local decision making, and the potential divisive impacts to Aotearoa of a referendum.
“However, I believe that this city will make the right decision.”
stage we are aware of just one case of Babesia gibsoni in New Zealand. We are working hard to determine whether this is an isolated case and where it came from.” Biosecurity New Zealand is working closely with the owners of the infected dog to identify other dogs she had been in contact with so they can be tested. The affected dog was
euthanised at its owners’ request due to it being extremely unwell. “A second dog in the household has had blood taken for testing and early results are negative for the disease. Samples have also been taken from several dogs known to be close contacts of the infected dog and another playmate of the infected dog,” says Dr van Andel.
Bill Milner is on a three-year assignment with the Canadian Diplomatic Service working in the background “making stuff work” with finance and human resources to keep the mission’s wheels turning.
“It’s not the diplomatic service you see in the movies,” he laughs.
Outside of work, his community theatre background goes back to 1972 with church one-act plays before discovering Ottawa Little Theatre via a children’s play.
Since then, he’s been involved with around 40 productions on and off stage in a multitude of roles in everything from musicals to dramas to comedies.
His job has also taken him to Russia, Jordan and Tanzania where he’s dipped his toes in local theatre.
“I almost had a part in Australia, but I moved at the wrong time,” he recalls.
“Amateur theatre is a good way to meet people and have an activity,” says Bill.
With his job bringing him to Te Whanganuia-Tara, he naturally looked to his nearest local theatre group, KAT Theatre, for that community spirit.
Being able to turn his hand to pretty much anything theatre-related, he offered to take on the set design for the group’s 24th summer Play in the Park, Puss in Boots, designing a delectable drawbridge that was the highlight of the beautiful staging.
“It gives incredible satisfaction when a set gets applause,” he delights.
“One of my homework jobs now is to read the script for the next production, Alice – The Musical, and make masses of notes to see how it works with what the director wants.
“On the upside, I can use wheels this time which I couldn’t on the park’s grass.
“It’s very busy on stage with lots of stuff happening, so anything that moves needs to look like it’s supposed to be moving or be very subtle.”
Before that set design work really gets underway, however, Bill will be exercising his thespian skills again in Aunt Leaf by Barbara Weichmann, one of KAT Theatre’s short dramas in its upcoming season of four one-act plays called Choices. It’s a three-hander with multiple roles.
“I’m playing the father character as well as a narrator,” he says.
“It’s interesting to see how we manage the bits of script where the father has a line, then the narrator has a line, then the father has a line again.
“The other thing about this play that has been driving us a bit crazy is working out where everyone should be on stage. “The blocking is insane.
“And with just three people on stage, you can’t spend time moving set and props around, so it’s an absolutely bare set. There’s a chair and I think a pot of flowers somewhere.
“It’s our job to make sure the audience knows where everything is.
“The story gets kind of mystic too, so many different things can be done with this show.”
While his job takes him around the world, “being back on stage is like home,” says Bill.
“Theatre’s either in your blood or it isn’t.
“If it isn’t, you can get on stage and you’ll manage but if it is, you’ll be on stage and it
Hey Everyone! It is important that at every step of your property journey, to make good decisions to ensure long-term financial prosperity. Sometimes it may be important to not over capitalise on a property - Here are my favourite 5 tips on modernising a kitchen on a budget.
1. Replace the Benchtop – Nothing instantly brings a kitchen into the modern world like a new bench-top. You can look at getting stone-type top, polished wood and some laminate benchtops can look amazing as well on a budget.
2. Paint the Cupboards – Paint technology has come a long way and giving your old cupboards a paint is a great option. Not only will it modernise the colour, but it will give it a new protective coat of gloss, giving it a brandnew look! You can take them into a shop to be sprayed or do it yourself - but please follow instructions, no one likes a flaky kitchen.
3. Hardware is Key – Designer hardware is emulated by the mass market, and we are seeing some trendy designs available in the low-tier market. Modernising the tapware, changing handles, and throwing in some funky lights and your kitchen will pop! You can source very cheap fittings online from overseas as well.
4. New Flooring – What I love most about the houses in this area is that most of them have timber floors. It is a quite simple and painless process to get the flooring lifted and have beautiful sanded & polished timber floors in your kitchen. If you don’t have timber floors, give vinyl a chance. Some of the new vinyl designs look very trendy. Both options present great value.
5. Finish the look – You’ve spent all that
effort, don’t ruin it with that nasty fridge you’ve had for 25 years and doesn’t fit the space, or that cooker that only has one working element. Keep an eye on when product seasons end and nab up the last-season designs. All kitchen & appliance stores clear out their demo stock at the end of the line. Last years model looks perfectly fine and is a fraction of the price - also try the second hand market. Did you know we help hundreds of people renovate each year? Plus! We get great discounts for our clients on most things, saving you thousands of dollars. If you want to have a personalised renovation chat about your property or about the market - feel free to get in touch, love to hear from you!
Bill Milner in KAT's Aunt Leaf. Photo: Supplied. just feels like home.”
People can see Bill on stage in Choices for four performances from 19 to 21 April
at Cochran Hall, 106 Cashmere Avenue, Khandallah.
Tickets are available via kat-theatre.org.nz.
Challenge 2000, the Johnsonville-based youth development, community and family social work agency, has organised five ANZAC events.
An ANZAC Remembrance Day will be held at the Glenside Halfway House on 25 April.
The day will start with a picnic and games at 12:30pm, followed by Halfway House stories, poetry reading and a remembrance service at 1:30pm.
The venue is particularly relevant because halfway house got its name from the fact that soldiers bound for the First World War stayed at the house half way on their journey from Porirua to Wellington.
Soldiers bound for the Second World War also stayed at Halfway House, which is located at 246 Middleton Road.
Challenge 2000 has also organised an ANZAC service.
It will be held at St Francis of Assisi Church, 37 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville on 25 April.
The ANZAC remembrance service will take place at 4:30pm followed by soup and biscuits and 5:15pm.
Young poets have an opportunity to win prizes in Challenge 2000’s Spirit of ANZAC Today Poetry Competition.
Children can write a poem of up to 150 words on the topic “what does ANZAC Day mean to you today?”
There are three categories: ages 5 to 7, ages 8 to 10 and ages 11 and 12.
Entries need to be emailed to PoetryChallenge2000@gmail.com or dropped off to Challenge 2000, 1 Wanaka Street Johnsonville, by 17 April.
There is a first prize of $50, a second
prize of $30 and a third prize of $20 in each category.
Prize winners will be notified before ANZAC day and the winning entires may be used by Challenge 2000 for events and advertisements.
A Challenge 2000 ANZAC holiday programme will take place at the St Francis of Assisi Church hall on 23 April from 10am to 4pm.
People can register their children by emailing anabaice@challenge2000.org.nz or katemahu@challenge2000.org.nz. Challenge 2000 will also put on an ANZAC performance at a home for the elderly.
“When you go home Tell them of us and say For your tomorrow We gave our today.”
These words are written on the war memorial in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery at Kohima and have become known as the Kohima Epitaph.
Challenge 2000 has used them on ANZAC day throughout its 35 years of existence.
“We do this because we believe that history is hugely important and that to stop the mistakes of the past and to remember and honour the lives of those who served and worked for peace and justice and a better world must beremembered,” Challenge 2000 says.
“Our young people, volunteers and staff offer a range of opportunities.
“This ANZAC Day we have five such opportunities, all based on our ANZAC 2024 Mission which is to provide opportunities for all members of our communities to remember and honour all those who served and sacrificed their lives for peace and a better world and to educate new generations about the ANZAC spirit.”
Design and Build Homes are local owner operators with over 20 years experience in building new homes, renovations, and extensions in the Hutt Valley.
Our prices are very competitive, we will deliver an affordable high-quality product to your satisfaction.
We also specialise in subdivisions, large and small, project management, earthworks, and landscaping.
Send us an email for a no obligation friendly chat about the project you have in mind. info@designandbuildhomes.co.nz
If you’re doing building of any kind, whether it be your dream home or an extension to your existing home, a new office building or a purpose-built workshop, you should employ the services of a quantity surveyor at Concept Design Stage. John Barton has worked on numerous projects both residential and commercial, and his independent, qualified advice will help ensure your next construction project has a realistic budget.
team did a great job remov-
From cost estimates to contract administration and everything in between, Workshop Quantity Surveyors is there to make sure you get the best deal available for your project.
unusable chimney - it took a while to book in time, but the once booked in, everything ran so smoothly. Kevin/team gave loads of updates, kept the site so clean. He also was really good value for money and I will definitely have him back again to do other work at the house. Thank you so much!" - Bernice
The Winter Solstice was, and still is one of the most important festivals of the year. The Stonehenge Aotearoa programme will begin with an introduction, and then we move to the henge to watch the sun set over the winter heel stone (weather permitting).
Observing the Solstice isn’t the only attraction at Stonehenge Aotearoa because sky!
The Stonehenge Aotearoa Star Treks programme begins with a short presentation on our place in the universe.
Weather permitting we then take you on a laser tour of the heavens beneath the stars.
Star Treks are available on any evening but must be booked in advance. Allow 90 minutes for your tour which should begin about an hour after sunset.
This is followed by an audio-visual that takes you on a tour of our current night sky identifying the planets and notable celestial objects.
Learn about the cycles of nature, movements of celestial bodies and archeoastronomy: how our ancestors have
Jane Sinclair MNZM, can’t help but be moved and inspired by the physical landscape of the mountains, hills, valleys, rivers, and the coastlines of her local Wairarapa and New Zealand. This geology, combined with our country’s dynamic weather patterns, create vast cloudscapes that affect how the light falls on the land and water.
Artist Talk: Saturday, 20 April, 11am
understood the phenomena in the sky, how they used these phenomena and what role the sky played in their cultures. With a daytime guided tour you can learn about the henge and its link with the past, with ancient civilisations and archeoastronomy.
Occurs on June 22 at 4:00pm.
Adults $30, Seniors $25, Child (primary) $5, School student (secondary) $10
Established in 1873, Greytown Butchery is still operating in the same historic building and keeping old butchering traditions alive.
It’s no wonder they con sistently win awards with their multi-award winning sausages, having so far clocked up 25 awards in the last 17 years.
Jane constantly observes how light changes through the day and through the seasons. The quality and colours of the light alter depending on the geology, the latitude, and the altitude.
Jane Sinclair: Quiet Observations 20 April 2024 - 16 June 2024
Image credit: Jane Sinclair, Whatataki Coastline, 2024, oil on stretched canvas Aratoi Museum of Art and History
If you want to know what’s made New Zealand a great agricultural country you can learn so much about it by visiting the National Museum of Sheep and Shearing in Masterton.
The complex is housed in two authentic old wool sheds trucked in from local farms, plus a newly constructed gallery building – full of sheep farm gear, including shearing and wool handling equipment.
the history of sheep farming and its
importance to our nation. For many years New Zealand was said to “live off the sheep’s back.” Demonstrations are held about spinning and weaving on Wednesday mornings and by arrangement. See the history of spinning from ancient times and our collection of spinning wheels.
See our shop with its wide range of wool garments, footwear, sheepskin rugs, lanolin cosmetics, gift items, kids’ stuff and souvenirs. We are a visitor attraction of international quality.
4:00pm Saturday June 22nd at Stonehenge Aotearoa
Greytown Butchery has recently won their 25th award at the annual Great New Zealand Sausage Competition. Ironically it was the Sausage Competition’s 25th year running.
Greytown Butchery have also recently marked the Butchery Building’s 150th year, recently celebrating 150 years since Greytown Butchery first opened, by Sam Haigh.
Artisan butcher Gavin Green and partner Julie Fairbrother, have transformed this iconic and popular business into a gourmet, Europeanstyled butchery.
Itprides itself on top quality cuts with exceptional service to match. Remember to bring your chilly bin with you next time for your goods!
Shearing and farming memorabilia plus types of wool and their uses.
The story of shearing – its beginnings and how it became an international sport.
The history of sheep farming.
Live shearing demonstrations for groups arranged with prior notice.
Spinning and weaving demonstrations on Wednesdays or by arrangement.
Wool garments and souvenirs.
Choose from three fun-filled packages and pair with one of our seven thrilling party themes: Pirate, Princess, Superhero, Mermaid, Jungle, Charlie, and Unicorn.
Let us make your child’s birthday unforgettable and stress-free for you. Ready for an unforgettable party?
Book or enquire today at Chipmunks Tawa!
The celebration kicks off with an hour in our adventurous playground, followed by delicious food and cake in your private party room. Plus, the kids get unlimited playtime in the main area afterward.
Visit chipmunksplayland.co.nz/tawa.
Kids go wild these school holidays!
The Royal Albatross Centre, nestled at the tip of the Otago Peninsula on Taiaroa Head near tepoti Dunedin, is home to a colony of Northern Royal Albatross and offers guided tours to an observatory in the nature reserve to see a section of the nesting site. During the tour, we see giant fluffy albatross chicks sitting in their nests and the chance of parents flying in to feed them once every two or three days. Chicks are here until September when they fledge
as fully grown albatross.
Hidden underneath the albatross colony is a military fort established in the 1880’s in response to fear of Russian invasion.
Optionally added on to the end of the albatross tour, your guide will walk you through the underground tunnels to see the Armstrong Disappearing Gun and learn about the headland’s human history.
The centre also has galleries, a giftshop, café and viewing platforms for all to enjoy.
Let your kids go wild at Zealandia these holidays! Located just 10 minutes from the centre of Wellington City, a lush native forest sits waiting for you all to explore.
It is Takah Awareness Week these school holidays, so come along and meet a takah , make a takah puppet or enter our colouring competition to win a bunch of prizes. Or explore by torchlight on a Kids Night Walk and discover ancient insects and reptiles found nowhere else in the world. Listen for the distinctive calls of the forest nightlife, including kiwi as they venture through the leaf litter on the forest floor.
Erin Hildred is offering Jazz and Hip Hop classes for varying age groups in Khandallah commencing the beginning of Term 2. Erin discovered her passion for dance at age 5 and over 20 years has excelled in many styles including ballet, hip hop, jazz, and contemporary. She graduated Khandallah Ballet Academy with distinction in her IDTA Advanced II ballet examination. She has completed masters degree at University and has several years teaching experience in hip hop, jazz and contemporary. Currently pursuing IDTA Pre-Associate/ Associate qualifications, Erin is dedicated to sharing her passion, enthusiasm and expertise with students.
Erin will be offering free introductory classes during the school holidays. See ad for details.
To advertise on this Page contact
A reader recently asked me to write an article about the advantages of using pure salt from the ocean in the garden for its mineral and sodium component and also using the same to kill weeds. Lets firstly look at the weed control aspect of salt; this can be refined salt like table salt that is just about straight sodium chloride having had all the other minerals stripped from it. Then there is pure ocean salt which has been sun and wind dried from ocean water that ideally has 114 minerals and elements in it.
As a weed control either will work but the better one to use is the unrefined salt sold in 25 kg bags from farm supply places branded as Dominion Salt, Agriculture salt, Grade 11. Salt comes into its own when there are weeds growing in cobbles, paving, paths, tracks, driveways, waste areas and where there are well established trees and shrubs.
For instance if you have a wooded area that has been taken over by wandering jew and you throw a lot of salt at it, the weed will die without any adverse effect on the trees. To make the job easier with wandering jew would be to cut it down low with a weed eater or slasher and then throw lots of salt at it. Later if any new growth is seen spot treat with more salt.
On cobbles etc cover weeds with salt and lightly water to start it breaking down and killing the weeds. Do not use in gardens where preferred annuals and perennials are growing as it is likely to harm them also. The other use is for the minerals which is Wallys Ocean Solids (not refined table salt) that is used to get
all the minerals from the ocean into your gardens to improve the health of the plants. The deep blue water of the ocean is rich in minerals and elements, in fact all the 114 elements known to man. These elements are also in perfect balance for living organisms, health and well being.
Back in the 60’s/70’s a Dr Maynard Murray did a incredible amount of research into ocean solids and wrote the book ‘Sea Energy Agriculture’ Nature’s Ideal Trace Element Blend for Farm, Livestock and Humans.’ It is currently published by Acres USA. Maynard dissected hundreds of ocean creatures and never once found tumors or disorders in their organs.
Doing the same to fish from streams and lakes, many were found to have tumors etc. In one case he dissected a 100 year old whale and found its organs in pristine condition as good as a newly born whale. Maynard realised it was the ocean water, rich in minerals that allowed the creatures living in it to be so free of the ills that effected fresh water and land creatures. We know that at various times, all land masses were for periods, under the sea. When a land mass arises from the sea it is mineral rich and once plant life establishes on the land it too is rich in minerals. But over time through rain, erosion and leaching a lot of the minerals gained by the land are lost back into the sea. It is interesting to note that in isolated pockets on the planet, where because of the terrain, that leaching does not take place. People living in these pockets more often than not live to over a 100 years of age, in excellent health. The reason, Maynard says,
is because of the mineral rich diet they have, which allows the cells of the body to replicate perfectly, slowing right down the aging process and maintaining very healthy organs. Maynard believed that if you give a plant all the possible minerals and elements it may need to grow as it should, then that plant would not be susceptible to diseases common to it. Trials proved this point by supplying Ocean Solids to say nectarine trees in a row. Every second tree received the solids, the others being the controls. Then curly leaf disease was sprayed over all the trees.
After three years the controls had all died and the Ocean Solid trees never showed any signs of the disease. A number of similar trials were done on various plants with the same results! Maynard took this a stage further by growing various crops of grains with Ocean Solids and feeding them to 200 female mice (C3H) that had been bred to always develop breast cancer which in turn causes their death. 200 more of the same C3H mice were fed conventional foods of whom all died within the normal 9 month period that their condition dictated, during which time they produced the normal two or three litters. (all to die later) The Ocean Solid fed group were sacrificed at 16 months and a definitive examination revealed no cancerous tissue. This group also produced ten litters and no sign of the cancer in the off spring! The Ocean Solids grown foods had removed the cancer. If we take this to the next stage then people that grow their own vegetables and fruit with Ocean Solids will be able
to have in their food chain all the minerals that those vegetables are capable of taking up. Maynard found that vegetables etc were capable of taking up about 20 to 60 odd elements dependent on the type of plant. On the other hand wheat and barley are capable of taking up all the 114 odd elements if available. This is why wheat grass juice become a very important plant in our health/ food chain. Two aspects of this have become very important in my concerns for plant health and people’s health.
If we use Ocean Solids in our gardens along with other natural plant foods, building up the soil life populations, including the worms, then we will have very healthy plants that will not suffer from diseases unless they become stressed for some reason, or reach the end of their days.
If we grow our own vegetables, fruit and wheat grass with Ocean Solids our health can greatly improve, markedly reducing the possibility of many ills such as cancer. Think of it, healthy roses, plants and gardens
along with better health for you and your family. Use rates are: New or existing gardens; 35 grams per square metre on gardens, sprinkled on and watered in. Use at the above rate for first year and then at half the rate for years 2 to 5. No further applications then for 5 years.
For trays or container plants use at a tablespoon per 4.5 litres of mix. (Scoop supplied does 18 Litres Mix) As a spray: One tablespoon to 4.5 Litres of water spray over foliage to run off. The Purpose for the spray, is as a natural insecticide, fungicide and foliage feed. Use only Bi-Monthly and late in day when sun is off the plants.As plant food: Use at 1 gram per Litre of water. (Also same for adding to Hydroponic solutions)
Bear in mind that the above use rates on to gardens will over time, with other natural products, bring up the health levels of the plants. Some plants will respond fairly quickly where others may take a season or two to see really good changes.
Life Art Class
5.30-7.15pm Wednesdays, Untutored. St Andrews on The Terrace. Entrance lane at right of church. $15.00 waged / $9 unwaged.
Early 20th century subdivisions will be the focus on the next Onslow Historical Society presentation.
Gábor Tóth, the local and New Zealand History Specialist at Wellington City Libraries, will make a presentation entitled “Future Plans: Wellington subdivision advertising bills from the early 20th century”.
He will present at KATE Onslow Historical Centre, 86 Khandallah Road at
Speaker: Navina Clemmerson - Author
Title of Talk:
Researching , “There was a Garden in Nuremberg"
Date: Thursday 18 April at 9:45am
Visitors Welcome
Enquiries to Kathy 938 4523
Free Event Supported by:
7:15pm for a 7:30pm start on 2 May.
The talk will draw upon newly digitised advertising bills and subdivision plans selected from the heritage collections of the Onslow Historical Society and Wellington City Libraries.
This digital online collection of maps and plans will be launched at the event.
The years leading up to the First World War saw a large increase in Wellington’s
population with a booming economy and high migration from the United Kingdom. Coupled with local body amalgamation and improved transport infrastructure, property developers and business syndicates seized the opportunity to acquire and subdivide large blocks of land for new housing on the outskirts of the city with varying degrees of success.
Those attending need to email Onslowhistorical@gmail.com.
oversee and coordinate all aspects of the BID’s operations, working collaboratively with stakeholders to achieve our goals.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Develop and implement strategic plans and initiatives to promote economic growth and enhance the overall appearance and appeal of the district.
2. Collaborate with local businesses, residents, and public officials to identify community needs and priority.
3. Coordinate and manage BID projects, such as website, beautification efforts, events, marketing campaigns etc.
4. Foster strong relationships with key stakeholders, business owners, property owners, local authorities, and community organisations.
5. Advocate for the district’s interests and represent the BID at public meetings, community events and networking functions.
6. Monitor and measure the success of BID initiatives, regularly reporting on progress and outcomes to stakeholders.
1. Proven experience in community development, economic revitalisation, and urban planning
2. Exceptional leadership and communication skills to inspire and engage stakeholders
3. Strong project management abilities
4. Knowledge of local regulations, and government processes related to business improvement districts.
5. Ability to think strategically and creatively to address challenges and seize opportunities
6. A passion for community engagement.
Application Process: if you are ready to make a significant different in our community and possess the right qualifications, we invite you to apply. Please submit your updated resume and a compelling cover letter detailing your relevant experience and dedication to community improvement to cumac@xtra.co.nz or Post to PO Box 13264, Johnsonville.
Application Deadline Friday 3rd May
Round two of the men’s Central Football League showed that the competition will keep the punters guessing right until the end after results played out on 6 and 7 April.
TFS North Wellington squared off against Stop Out under ideal conditions at Hutt Park on 6 April. Both sides were looking for their first win but at the end of the day, there was disappointment all round with a 1-1 draw.
After the final whistle, the silence was deafening. Norths couldn’t believe how they didn’t put the game away after fluffing their lines too many times to count.
Conversely, Stop Out would have been wondering how they managed to come out with their first point.
Sam Staunton took just six minutes to put Norths on the board when he converted a close-range chance brought about by a keeping fumble.
With one minute to half time, Jared Cunniff evened the ledger as a result of the Norths defensive unit having any number of chances to clear the ball and get out of Dodge City.
The second half was uneventful, apart from the Norths supporters going from ectasy to agony while they watched in disbelief at the golden opportunities that were left unconverted in a game that should have been Norths any way you looked at it.
There no doubt will be plenty of work ons before Norths face the Phoenix Reserves on Friday night 12 April at Alex Moore Park.
Waterside Karori had a tough assignment with their away home game at Martin Luckie Park against Napier City Rovers.
William Forrest’s 56-minute goal for Wharfies was the single score against five goals from Rovers, including a hat trick to Oscar Faulds. Rovers would have been hurting after their home loss to Wellington
The Johnsonville Hawks came close to winning its first match of the 2024 Swindale Shield competition on 6 April.
Following a closely fought battle, which saw the lead seesaw throughout the match, Old Boys University (OBU) finally emerged with a 41-37 win at Rugby League Park.
This saw OBU lift the Bill Cavubati Cup. This was the first time the Hawks and OBU competed for this cup.
OBU opened the scoring with a try only to see Johnsonville quckly reply when wing Finlay Sharp ran from halfway to score without an oppositioon player touching him.
The conversion was success,
Olympic in the opening round and perhaps showed a glimpse of how successful their off-season recruitment has been.
The Wellington Phoenix Reserves pipped Petone by 3 goals to 2 at Fraser Park.
At Wakefield Park, Island Bay made a much better show of things after their opening round 7-1 loss to Western Suburbs.
Miramar Rangers prevailed for a 2-0 win over the new kids on the block but the scoreline was considerably closer than would have been anticipated.
The unthinkable happened with Wellington Olympic being beaten by Western Suburbs by 5 goals to 3, also at Wakefield Park.
Two second half goals to Jesse Randall and one for Hamish Watson would be a good effort for Olympic on any given day.
Wests had their own plans though. They chalked up three goals by half time and added another two with 20 minutes still to play.
The cat is out of the bag. Wests are out make a big impression and have accumulated 12 goals against teams at both ends of the spectrum in just two matches. Watch this space.
In the Women’s Kelly Cup pre-season competition, Waterside Karori recorded a 3-0 win after Palmerston North Marist defaulted the match.
It’s a daring premise, to say the least – a science fiction version of “The Sound of Music”.
You wouldn’t necessarily think it could work, but work it does, or did, as the students of Onslow College embraced the concept fully and put in impressive performances all round on this night of the fifth of April 2024.
giving the Hawks a 7-5 lead.
The Hawks then doubled their lead with another try and they scored agiain on the half hour mark when wing Jacob Walmsley dotted down following a sustained build up.
When second five eight Oliver Paotonu scored the team’s bonus point try it saw the Hawks leading 27-12 at half time.
OBU opened the second stanza with two quick tries to cut the Hawks lead to 27-24.
Finlay scored his second try with 30 minutes still on the clock but OBU hit back again with two tries to tie up the scores at 34-34.
A Hawks penalty saw them retake the lead, but OBU had the final say with a converted try.
The show featured a curious blend of Irish and Roman Imperial names and vibes – Imperatus Mundi, Filius Mundi, a ruling class called the Nox, and several Irish names I won’t attempt to spell. Hard to get across, perhaps, without a lot of description, which I will forgo. A lot of loving work has evidently been put in by the students, but mention must be made of how much thought director Justin Pearce has clearly put into the script, which I understand was almost entirely his conception. The story is largely original, as one would imagine it would have to be when one thinks of a science fiction version of the Sound of Music, and the fact that the songs fit in without much wrenching is a testament to the talents of all involved.
Maria’s voice was a particular highlight – a winning delicacy that never felt too vulnerable.
Captain von Trapp’s acting stood out in the first half, and it stood out in the second half too.
Calm and dignified in bearing and diction, his rendition of Edelweiss was neat and effective, and the audience applauded heartily, as they did after many of the songs. The orchestral performance was robust, confident, and the foundation for this notably solid production. This was the work of accomplished musicians.
I was, perhaps justifiably, scep-
The Sound of Music is a classic story, and to so heavily alter it, as I’d heard Justin had, was a risk, the kind of risk, though, that Onslow College musicals are perhaps by now somewhat known for, and in this case it paid off big time. By the intermission I was quite relaxed, and enjoying the rhythm of the show.
The classic Rodgers and Hammerstein songs, of which there remained most, remain timelessly appealing. Some of the songs were heard several times, and you didn’t mind at all. Two songs that were cut from the film adaptation made it into the second half, which partially answered the question posed in the first half when almost all the big hits were done – what will the future bring, I wonder?
Speaking of which, it was a slight shame that two of my favourite songs, I Have Confidence and Something Good, didn’t make it in, rspecially given the quality of Maria’s voice.
But they wouldn’t have worked really with the s-f vision, and
that was worth having. That’s what will make this production remembered.
Utopia has to be found within, was the note the production ended on, after a brief, gleefully-rendered scene of bloodshed and mayhem.
A bold ending well done.
Special mention also has to go to those responsible for the lighting and the set design, the first of which was worthy of any professional show, and the second of which, a sparse, multi-layered, black-and-white-and-grey design, seemed perfect for the s-f theme.
What the show was, really, was the brilliance of the music and lyrics of Rodgers and Hammerstein, combined with a love letter to the rich and modern genre of science fiction. Levavi Occults Meos in Montes is, if I’m not mistaken, still the motto of Onslow College – I Will Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills. And for this week of April 2024 those hills have been truly, joyously alive with the Sound of Music.