Science Parties, Events and Kits Dr Sarah Kenworthy
021 022 29002
Thursday April 14, 2022
Today 8-15
Friday 11-17
Saturday 12-18
Sunday 10-16
Phone: (04) 587 1660
Eyesore to icon
By Jacob Page
Debbie Bidlake is motivated to make her slice of Karori a little more beautiful and community minded. She has launched the Montgomery Avenue Community Mural and Restoration Project. “The reserve itself is funny because the heart of it is an ugly, old water reservoir so you can restore
the bush around the edges, which we are doing, and you can bring the birds back but it’s always going to look ugly unless you address the elephant in the room which is this reservoir. “I live next to the reserve and I have to stare at it out my kitchen window and I thought it seemed like a missed opportunity.” Continued on page 2.
Debbie Bidlake is leading the effort to get a community mural painted as part of the Montgomery Avenue Community Mural and Restoration Project.
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