The Hurricanes pre-season match with the Blues was a “fantastic event,” Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry said in his presentation to the Wainuiomata Community Board on 12 February. “William Jones [Park] was an absolute picture,” he said.
Continued on page 2.
A small section of the huge crowd at William Jones Park for the match between the Hurricanes and the Blues.
Played on 7 February, the match saw the Hurricanes defeat the Blues 31-19.
“The Hurricanes CEO said that it was one of the best pre-season games that he had been to.
“I think that is a pretty positive thing.”
Mayor Barry said he really acknowledged the community and the council contractor for the work they had done toward the running of the match.
Around 2,000 people attended the match, with around 1,500 tickets sold and 500 tickets given to local schools, the Mayor noted.
Hutt City Council is now looking at how it can better engage with its communities, Mayor Barry told the Community Board.
This follows the decision of the Local Government Commission [LGC] on how Hutt City will be represented.
The LGC overturned the earlier decision by Hutt City Council to disestablish the Wainuiomata and Eastbourne Community Boards.
“Council is now looking at how we can better engage with our communities,” Mayor Barry said.
“I want to make sure that does happen.
“There is a commitment to work with the community on how we best engage in terms of our decision-making.”
The council did not currently have a budget allocation for that, and that was something the council would have to look at, Mayor Barry said.
“I want to acknowledge all those people who submitted not just to the council but also, quite importantly, to the commissioners who had the final say.”
Some “really good outcomes” in getting water leaks down had taken place in the last 12 months, the Mayor told the meeting.
“We got below 400 in January.”
That had picked up a little recently with the drier months.
“Our processes now mean we can get on top of the leaks a lot faster.”
“We know that the only solution [in the longer term] is renewal of the pipes.
“That is going to take some years,” the Mayor said.
The proposed District Plan is now open for consultation.
“I really encourage you to have a look at that,” the Mayor said.
Upcoming road works
Hutt City Council has scheduled four road works for tomorrow 20 February and Friday 21 February.
The four works are:
Mahoe St) 20 February, stop/go; 20 February, four way stop/go; bound) 20 February 9am to 2pm, down to one lane; and
All work is weather permitting and traffic management will be in place, so people need to follow the directions of signage and workers on site.
Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry. Photo: Supplied.
John Bertrand Collectables Are Buying in Wainuiomata, Hutt Valley and Wellington Next Week
Once again, the gold and collectables buyers from Wellington company John Bertrand Collectables are visiting the Wainuiomata, Hutt Valley and Wellington area next week. Mr Kevin George from the company says, “If you are downsizing or wanting to dispose of things because they no longer serve any purpose to you or your family bring them in”. “Next week will be a great opportunity to have any items you want to sell assessed by our buyers” said Mr Kevin George. Particularly wanted are Gold and Silver (in any of its forms) and Collectables such as Coins, Banknotes, War Medals, Old Wind-up Watches and other interesting Small Collectables.
“We are keen buyers, especially of the items in the list below” said Mr George. “Nothing is too small for our consideration. We are just as happy buying 1 item as we are buying 1,000 items” he said. The buyers will be in convenient locations in the Wainuiomata, Hutt Valley and Wellington area next week (see details below). As Kevin George points out “If you are in doubt about any items you may wish to sell, bring them along for an instant appraisal.”
Gold & Silver At Near Record Prices
During these uncertain times we have seen a sharp increase in the price of precious metals. The gold price in New Zealand is at near record levels so gather up all your unwanted items and take them along to the buyers. Kevin George says “We can buy old gold items in all forms, including Jewellery (Rings, Chains, Brooches etc), Coins (Sovereigns and the like), Alluvial (River Gold), virtually anything, even Gold Teeth! We also need all Sterling Silver including Cups, Tea Services, Cutlery and Old Coins” he said.
Interesting Small Collectables Wanted
The buyers from John Bertrand (Collectables) Ltd, visiting the Wainuiomata, Hutt Valley and Wellington area next week, are happy to look at any interesting items, for example vintage pocket and wristwatches such as Rolex, Men’s Omega, Breitling and gold watches etc. Also wanted, pre 1950’s picture postcards, Maori and Pacific artefacts, old fountain pens and other small antique or historical items.
“If you have something unusual which you would like to sell, please bring it into one of our venues, we would like the chance to at least have a look at it” said Kevin George, buyer for the Company. “We will consider anything which may be of interest to a collector” he said.
Some Big Dollars in Early Banknotes
Early New Zealand Banknotes dated before 1932 are currently fetching big money! This is according to Mr Kevin George, Senior Buyer. Mr George is in the Wainuiomata, Hutt Valley and Wellington area next week on a buying trip for John Bertrand (Collectables) Ltd and would be very keen to see any of these issues. “We will pay at least $300 for any undamaged Ten Shilling or One Pound banknote from a New Zealand
trading bank dated 1932 or before. Denominations of five pounds and higher would be worth from $700. “Any banknote dated prior to 1900 would be worth at least $1000” said Mr George. Also purchased are any Reserve Bank of New Zealand pre-decimal issues, especially 50 Pound notes. All overseas banknotes are also wanted, especially early Pacific Island issues.
Collectors Need War Medals
Currently, throughout NZ and the world there is a big demand by collectors for war medals. These cover all wars right through from the New Zealand Land Wars and the Boer War, to the First and Second World Wars and the later Korea and Vietnam conflicts. New Zealand Servicemen and Women first served overseas in the Boer War in South Africa around 1900 and the war medals awarded for this service are needed by the buyers, as are any other Medals from early New Zealand and the New Zealand Wars. General service medals from both the First and Second World Wars will also be purchased, but as can be imagined these were awarded in fairly large numbers. “If a group of medals has any special award for bravery such as the Military Medal, Military or Flying Cross or other medals for Distinguished Conduct or Meritorious Service, these can add great value to a group” stated Mr Kevin George, buyer for John Bertrand (Collectables) Ltd. “Many families have old medals, some dating back to early Imperial days, that they are not sure what to do with. These are better off in the hands of collectors who will look after them. We will be happy to look at any war medals whatsoever, just bring them in to venues” he said.
Old Coins Can Toss Up a Rarity
Do you have a bunch of old coins sitting around in your drawers and cupboards? You just never know what rarities may be lurking there. The advice from Kevin George from John Bertrand (Collectables) Limited is to “bring them in and let us have a look”. “No need to sort anything out just bring them in ‘as is’ and please don’t clean them! We can go through coin accumulations and collections fairly quickly” he said. The buyers are particularly keen to buy pre 1946 New Zealand Silver Coins for at least 20 times their face value (more for quantity). “In any event we will buy All Coins,” said Mr George.
Mr Kevin George Senior Buyer John Bertrand (Collectables) Ltd
MP checks out Marae’s plans
Hutt MP Chris Bishop visited the Wainuiomata Marae on 13 February, and was updated on the Marae’s “ambitious plans”. “Very exciting stuff,” Mr Bishop says. “With some government funding they’re doing a 12-unit papak inga development (mix of one, two, three and four bedroom units). “Construction is expected to start later in the year once consents have been sorted with the [Hutt City] Council.” The de-
velopment will feature architecturally designed homes that incorporate shared gardens (mara kai), an EV charge station and design elements that carefully consider and encompass tikanga M ori. Mr Bishop was also updated on three more projects the Marae is undertaking: an indigenous play space, a tiny forest and a hauora centre. The Marae has received funding from Lego Corporation to develop an indigenous playspace on the Marae’s whenua. The funding is part of the Spirit Project* run through John Hopkins University in the USA. The Marae is working with local landscape
designer Mark Newdick to design and build a visionary indigenous playscape which expresses the unique culture, location, history and future aspirations of the Marae and broader community in a fun, engaging and enduring way. The tiny forest at the Marae (called Ngahere Korowai) is in the planning stage and will complement the indigenous playspace. The Marae is developing a space for Wainuiomata rangatahi which will also incorporate a hauora reception and consultation room.
Men bowlers promoted to premiers
The Wainuiomata Bowling Clubs men's team has been promoted to the interclub premier division for the first time since the current interclub competition started in 2000.
The club, which was a major force back in the 1980s and 1990s, says it is “thrilled about this achievement”.
Selector Peter Pointon credits both junior and senior players for its success and acknowledges those who
helped by filling the gaps throughout the season.
“We are thrilled to be in the top 10 teams in Wellington,” the club says.
“Our boys' achievement will increase our club’s exposure, and we look forward to the exciting challenge ahead.”
Club President Richard Morgan expresses pride, attributing the club's
success to the dedication and hard work of its bowlers, volunteers and committee, and the constant work on improving greens, equipment and culture.
The club’s ladies' team is also aiming for promotion to premier next season.
Anyone interested in playing bowls can contact the club at 04 564 5995 or
Wainuiomata transport a top priority
By Frank Neill
Wainuiomata is “one of the highest priorities” for him when it comes to transport, Wellington Regional Councillor Quentin Duthie told the 12 February meeting of the Wainuiomata Community Board. The Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan “will be coming out any day soon.
“You will be most welcome to have very strong advocacy ... for the most important things for local residents,” Cr Duthie said.
Currently bus patronage was high – “the highest it has ever been”. Although he did not have the figures for Wainuiomata he thought it would be tracking higher than average, he said.
Greater Wellington Regional Council would soon be looking at fares, and possible fare increases.
“Our general policy is to increase them by the rate of inflation” and he anticipated that the council would probably increase fares by the rate of inflation this year.
This summer there is “a very low chance” of water restrictions being put in place, Cr Duthie said.
“We had a very wet December and January so we don’t have any worries this summer of running short.” That is in comparison with last summer when “we had a very high chance of water restrictions.”
Gollans Valley Station, a large farm that separates the two parts of the regional park, is on the market, Cr Duthie told the Community Board.
"Greater Wellington is looking at the value and affordability of potentially seeking to acquire Gollan's Valley Station for addition to East Harbour Regional Park, but
no decision has been made yet.
"The station is a gorgeous landscape of pasture and wetland surrounding by hill slopes of native forest. “East Harbour Regional Park is currently in two separate blocks separated by the station.
"There is clearly value in joining the park together, with significant ecological, recreational and management benefits.
“I also see potential for an outdoor education facility for urban young people.
"Council would be remiss in not considering the value proposition here. “Large properties in strategic locations like this do not come on the market often, and past purchases of rua-pouanui Baring Head and Belmont Farm have proved their worth to the public.
"Equally we need to consider affordability of both purchase and
maintenance over time.
“We manage a large and diverse regional parks network and must consider what investment is in the best interests of the region and all our ratepayers. "Greater Wellington staff will provide options to council to decide later this month whether to make an offer.
“That decision and details of any potential offer will likely be confidential in order to protect council's negotiating position. "Residents are most welcome to contact me or other regional councillors to convey your view on the matter."
Greater Wellington Regional Council’s representation review “is currently being undertaken and there is some possibility that Hutt City representation will reduce from three Councillors to two,” Cr Duthie told the Community Board.
Women cricketers top of the table
By Frank Neill
Wainuiomata’s premier women cricketers scored another convincing victory on 15 February, defeating Petone Riverside at Te Whiti Park.
Batting first, Wainuiomata scored 165 for the loss of just two wickets in their 20 overs.
Petone Riverside fell 33 runs
short when they were 132 for five in their 20 overs.
This saw Wainuiomata stay at the top of the Wellington division three table, four points ahead of the Taita Greens.
Wainuiomata is the only undefeated team in the competition, with nine wins and one no result from their 10 matches.
Their next match sees them play
City Suburbs at Ben Burn Park, Karori, on 22 February.
A much improved second innnings by the Wainuiomata premier men’s team was not enough for them to secure a draw against Johnsonville on 15 February.
After Johnsonville scored 263 in the first innings of the match, played at Bryan Heath Park, they bowled Wainuiomata out for 119.
How do you want change to happen?
By Frank Neill
Hutt City Council’s Sustainable Growth Strategy is currently open for feedback. This strategy aims to guide how people want Hutt City to change over the next 30 years. “Our city is expected to grow by about 40,000 people in the next 30 years,” Hutt City Council’s Spacial Plan Lead Kashmir Kaur said in a presentation on the plan to the 12 February meeting of the Wainuiomata Community Board. “We need a strategy to be able to accommodate that growth.”
The draft Sustainable Growth Strat-
egy is available online, as is a summary version of the strategy, she said. It is available at https://haveyoursay.huttcity. The council is seeking feedback by 4 April. The document includes proposals for Wainuiomata, Ms Kaur said.
Analysis of the submissions will take place during April and will go the the council in May for adoption.
“Growth planning involves looking at all the aspects of our city from housing and transport to water infrastructure, businesses and community spaces,” the council says on its website.
inbrief news
Extreme fire risk
The Parangarahu Lakes and Baring Head /Ōrua-pouanui sections of East Harbour Regional Park are temporarily closed to the public between 1pm and 9pm daily, due to extreme fire risk.
Greater Wellington Regional Council asks visitors to avoid the areas as fire could easily ignite and spread quickly.
The Ridge Track in Baring Head/ Ōrua-pouanui is completely closed until further notice.
In Parangarahu Lakes, areas with limited options for escape remain closed. Visitors should obey local signage.
WCB meetings
The Wainuiomata Community Board approved its schedule of meetings between now and the 2025 Local Body Election, to be held in October, at its meeting on 12 February.
The board meetings will be held on 16 April, 13 June and 20 August at the Wainuiomata Community Hub, Queen Street, starting at 6:30pm.
Johnsonville enforced the follow on in the Cricket Wellington division two match and then bowled out Wainuiomata for 184.
The visitors took out an outright victory when they scored 41 in their second innings, but they did lose three wickets on the way.
Ryan Jackson took two of the wickets to fall and Jackson Hem-
“It also considers our natural environment, climate challenges and cultural identity.
“Our draft Sustainable Growth Strategy brings together existing plans for transport, infrastructure and open spaces, and aligns with the Long-Term Plan 2024-2034.” In developing the draft strategy, the council had input from its Mana Whenua partners, central government agencies, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Metlink.
“Their feedback has been invaluable in developing the draft strategy and now we want to hear from you,” the council says.
Craft show returns next month
The Wainuiomata Pioneer Church is again hosting the Wainuiomata Craft Show on Sunday 2 March.
Entries will be accepted on the day from 9am to 11am, after which the Church will be closed to allow the judges to assess and award certificatesin all categories.
The craft show will open at 1:30 pm and entry is free.
Certificates will be presented at 3pm as will the trophy for thebest entry in the show. Tea, coffee, baked cakes, scones
etc will be on sale throughout the day and plants will also be on sale.
There are two sections for entries: an adults section and a children’s section.
Both sections have entries in the following categories: quilting, soft toys, wooden items, cross stitch, mosaics, jewellery, journals, diamond art, paintings, pouches, unscheduled and knitting (which will be divided into sub categories).
The cost per entry is a gold coin for each item.
mingway took the other, at a cost of only 9 runs.
Jackson Hemmingway was also Wainuiomata’s top second innings scorer, with 69 runs, while Yesh Prasanth scored 43 from just 44 deliveries.
Wainuiomata’s next match is against Petone Riverside at the Petone Recreation Ground on 22 February and 1 March.
In last week’s issue of the “Wainuiomata News” we printed the incorrect draw for the Super Rugby Pacific 2025
competition. We have included the correct draw in this week’s issue of the paper.
Just some of the hundreds of art works on view at last year’s Wainuiomata Craft Show. Photo: Supplied.