By Frank Neill
This year’s Karori Karnival, organised by the Karori Lions Club, was hugely successful. The 54th annual Karnival, it netted “somewhat over $10,000,” the Lions Club’s Treasurer Jo Cameron says.
Continued on page 2.
Some of the crowd at the Lions Karori Karnival.
Phone (04) 587 1660
Frank Neill
herald@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916
Les Whiteside whitesidemedia@gmail.com 021 360 008
Steve Maggs steve@wsn.co.nz 027 765 8303
Brenda Ingram-Johnson brenda@wsn.co.nz 021 640 152
Continued from page 1.
“This was a great Karnival and, with good crowds on the field staying longer with the good weather, stallholders were very happy with their takings,” Jo says.
Around 1,000 people gathered at the Karnival, most of them Karori residents.
“Costs are still coming in, and will be around a quarter of the gross income.
“All the money the club earns from the public goes back into the community.
“At present some of our major beneficiaries include Life Flight, Child Cancer and the Lions Skin Cancer Bus, but over the years there have been a great many, including health, youth, vision, environment and disaster relief causes,” Jo says.
“Although we raise some money through the Karnival, giving us added ability to make our charitable donations, the main objective of this Karnival is to provide a fun and quality event for the people of Karori,” the club’s President Gina Smith says.
“It is wonderful to see so many happy faces enjoying the many attractions throughout the day, and know that we have made this happen.”
The Lions say they love to provide Karori’s biggest annual public event.
“This one got off to a great start by the Red Hackle Pipe Band, marching around Ben Burn Park.
“The on-stage entertainment was full of crowd-pleasers, and concluded with a spectacular display of gymnastic art by Sarah Bain from Elements Rhythmic.
“Excited children enjoyed a
variety of rides, while there were enough food stalls to satisfy the hungry.
“Craft stalls and information stalls for other charitable organisations provided a mix of attractions.
“As always, the Lions book stall remained popular throughout, and queues were steady at the Lions barbecue trailer,” the club says.
Continued on page 6.
By Frank Neill
Demolishing the Begonia House is no longer Wellington City Council’s “preferred option”
This follows the 13 February meeting of the council’s K rau T t pŪ Long Term Plan, Finance and Performance Committee. The papers the committee was considering listed demolition as the preferred option.
However the Mayor, Tory Whanau, introduced an amendment that adopts the continued operation of Begonia House as the council’s preferred option, while keeping costs at a minimum.
“We have seen the strong support and fundraising efforts to keep Begonia House open,” Mayor Whanau says.
“We will still be seeking community input on the future of Begonia House in March/April 2025.
“There is still an option in the consultation document to demolish if that is what locals wish to see. I encourage everyone to have their say before a final decision is made in June.
“I will work with officers and colleagues to identify possible savings elsewhere in our budgets to offset any impact on our overall Long-Term Plan budget savings,” the Mayor says.
At the 13 February committee meeting an amendment to remove “demolition of the Begonia House” from the options put out for public consultation was moved, but was defeated.
The Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden turned up in force, with “Save the Begonia House” banners, both outside the council offices and at the meeting.
There were around 70 people
outside the building, and around 45 attended the committee meeting.
The Friends of Botanic Garden, on behalf of their membership and the 12,000 petition signatures (and growing), along with Wayne Norwood and Stella O’Brien and Sophie Barry addressed the councillors and outlined their arguments to keep and renovate the Begonia House.
“The Friends position was that the Begonia House is a wellloved and much visited destination that has strong community support,” says Mazz Scannell, the President of the Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden.
To move forward we requested the council consider a partner-
ship with the community to try and provide another source of funding to offset the costs to the council during the repair and restoration work.
“This suggestion was accepted and agreed unanimously by the councillors, as was the request that council officers work with the Friends to support public fundraising efforts,” she says.
Ms Scannell is asking people to do the following:
sign the petition – every signature is valuable; andmission.
Submissions “should include a statement on how important the Begonia House is to you
and yours. We will be running courses on submission writing early next month leading up to the 20 March when the submission period opens,” Ms Scannell says.
She is also asking people to “consider donating to our fighting fund or for larger donations making a pledge towards the renovation.
“We need to raise at least $1 million towards the costs. Current pledges stand at $130,000.”
This year’s ecumenical World Day of Prayer service will be observed at St Francis of Assisi of Ohariu Church, 37 Doctor Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, on Friday 7 March at 10:30am.
Observed on the first Friday of March each year the service features a different country each year.
The theme for this year, ”I Made You Wonderfully” has been prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Cook Islands.
The local committee would very much welcome Cook Island folk who are living in the area to join in the service. World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of informed prayer involving people of many denominations and languages in more than 170 countries.
The petition is on the Change. org website, the Wellington City Council website, wellington. govt.nz/have-your-say/petitions/ petitions/current/2024-12-savethe-begonia-house, and available as a hard copy. Double Glazing
By Frank Neill
The Karori Community Patrol is actively seeking volunteers so it can provide enhanced coverage of Wellington’s western suburbs.
The Community Patrol aims to help keep neighbourhoods in its area safe.
The Karori patrol covers a big area. As well as Karori, it also covers M kara, Wadestown, Northland, Thorndon and Crofton Downs.
People can volunteer at a time that works best for them and the time commitment is not big.
Volunteers are asked to commit to one or two evenings a month for either two or four hours. If they want to, people can also volunteer to serve for longer.
To volunteer for the Karori Community Patrol, or for more information, email karori@ cpnz.org.nz.
The main aim of community patrols is to deter crime – deterring and preventing things before they happen.
They do this by being visible
and highly present.
Although they cannot measure it, patrols around the country know that they do deter crime.
People are not going to break into somebody’s house if they are going to be seen by the community patrol.
The service works really well as the eyes and ears of the Police, to see what is going on in the community and to work towards making the suburbs they cover safe.
Founded in 2002, Community Patrols of New Zealand (CPNZ) is a nationwide organisation backed by funding from the New Zealand Police and Government.
Its vision is a New Zealand where everyone feels safe.
“In partnership with others, we prevent crime and reduce harm through the active presence of trained patrollers,” CPNZ says on its website.
“Through intelligence gathering and keen observation, we assist law enforcement and other agencies in building safer communities.”
By Frank Neill
Karori Kaitiaki (K K ) is currently working on a project to enhance Birdwood Reserve in partnership with the Rotary Clubs of Wellington.
It is currently undertaking a programme of weeding and tidying up the vegetation.
K K is running a working bee this Sunday, 23 February, to undertake more weeding.
The working bee will start at 2pm and people can meet at the car park in Birdwood Street.
People wanting to help can contact Dawn at Action-Sanders@xtra. co.nz or Siva at karori.kaitiaki@ gmail.com.
And it is planning to create a “robust track” through the reseve.
K K is currently fundraising for this and plans to start work on the new track this year, funds permitting.
“We have worked with [Wellington City] Council to decide the best route as some parts are steep, and we also need to cross the Kaiwharawhara stream once,” the Birdwood Reserve website says.
“This means the track needs to be partly built by contractors, and partly by volunteers.
The cost of construction – in cash, materials and labour – is estimated at $91,000.
“We are now raising funds, and so far have commitments for approximately a third of that amount.
“Assistance is sought, whether through donations, sponsorship or offers of labour.”
People can make a donation by visiting www.birdwoodreserve. com.
“The new track will give visitors a glimpse of more interesting environmental features on the way to Zealandia.
“The journey along it is full of
“The Kaiwharawhara Stream (Te Mahanga branch) runs through Birdwood Reserve, from the historic 1870s Karori Dam in Zealandia, to a tunnel under the 1930s Appleton Park landfill.
“It passes the 1868-71 Golden Crown gold mine and the 1909 and 1933 St John's Pools.”
For decades Birdwood Reserve has been largely ignored despite being at the very entrance to Karori.
Showroom: 29 Hutt Road, Thorndon
“It is a beautiful stream gully but is steep sided and hard to access other than via round the Sanctuary, Saint John's Pool track,” the Birdwood Reserve website says.
“As a result, Birdwood Reserve had been unloved, weedy and full of rubbish.
“K K and its predecessor, Friends of Birdwood Reserve members, have in recent years pulled literally truckloads of rubbish out of the reserve.”
Local mobile photographers have an opportunity to win an international competition.
Entries for the OnePlus Photography Awards, now in their fifth year, are now open.
From now until June 30 mobile photography enthusiasts worldwide are invited to showcase their creativity and passion for photography under the theme "Make the Moment," inspired by the iconic first moon landing captured by Hasselblad. There are three award categories.
The "Movement" category invites photographers to capture the essence of motion,
from the energy of speed and adventure to the subtle moments of everyday life.
The "Night and Low Light" category showcases the magic of the world after dark, highlighting vibrant cityscapes, starlit skies, and dynamic low-light scenes.
The "Faces" category invites participants to capture the emotions and stories behind every face, from joyful smiles to heartfelt moments, turning portraits into powerful expressions of life. For more information and to enter visit www.oneplus. com/us/photographyawards-2025.
By Felicity Wong
On Waitangi Day Onslow Historical Society Secretary, John Galloway, hosted a well attended walk of the historic “Bridle Track” and Kaiwharawhara.
The track was the original access route from Wellington Harbour to the land north.
It was recently subject to humour when a Wellington City Council attempt at safety was botched with a wobbly white line painted along its length.
The continuous median line has gone now and just the sharp bends are helpfully marked for oncoming cyclists.
The track was created centuries ago by M ori though its age is not known.
When Taranaki iwi Ngati-tama established a pa at Kaiwharawhara around 1825, the track ran from there north to Porirua.
At the top of the hill above the pa at a place named Te Wharau were M ori potato gardens enjoying commanding views over the harbour.
Middens suggest a popular resting and eating place.
European setters used the track to explore areas north of Port Nicholson (Poneke).
Edward Jerningham Wakefield said: “we ascended a steep hill through extensive potato gardens belonging to Chief Tuarau; and from thence had a noble view of the harbour and the infant settlement.
“After a tedious march of two or three hours over very undulating ground on the top of the range, along a track constantly obstructed by webs of Karao, or supplejack, we came to the brow of a descent, from which we had a view of a narrow wooded valley, and a peep of the sea in Cook's Strait over a low part of the further hills”.
In 1841 the surveyor Mein Smith designed improvements to make the track more accessible to those travelling between Wellington and Porirua.
The only other option at the time was a coastal sailing boat.
The improvements were paid for by the New Zealand Company and re-routed the track around unsuitably steep or narrow sections to allow stock and horses to pass.
The track was a steep and difficult main route north out of town.
Charles Heaphy wrote “this road is not more than five feet in width, and therefore only serves for the passage of cattle and pack- horses; but it is of much importance in throwing open the route to Wanganui and Taranake (sic)".
Many of the settlers began constructing private roads from their sections.
What became the nearby “Porirua Road” was developed in 1843 from Captain Daniell's private road to his farm (“Trellisick”) at Ngaio.
Now called “Old Porirua Road” it starts a little further to the south and has a gentler grade and wider route.
The Porirua Road was completed by the Government in 1846 and joined up to the Bridle Track at Cockayne Road, near Box Hill.
With the completion of the Porirua Road the remaining Bridle Track was reduced to the section from Kaiwharawhara to Box Hill. For many years its condition was controversial for Onslow Borough ratepayers and the Borough Council.
Near the bottom of the track at Kaiwharawhara the New Zealand Railways Housing Department constructed a housing development for its workers in the early 1920s.
Onslow Historical Society walkers stop for lunch at Kaiwharawhara Stream. Photo: Supplied.
Access to the houses was from a newly formed road – Cameron Street – which followed the curve of the hill below the Bridle Track (at the time called “Victoria Track”).
In 1922 the Evening Post reported: “For some considerable time past the executive of the Onslow Progressive Association has been devoting attention to the matter of improving the approach to Khandallah and Te Kaianga via what is known as the Victoria Track. Shortly after leaving Kaiwarra the grade of the present track increases to one in four for some six or seven chains, and the exceptionally steep approach is trying to pedestrians, particularly ladies and children.”
The executive suggested that the difficulty might be overcome if the Railway Department would agree to pedestrians using the lower end of the new road into the Railway Settlement at Kaiwarra, and the City Council would construct a short length of new track from the western boundary of the railway settlement to join with Victoria Track above the top of the steep grade already referred to”. This change was approved by the Railways Department and work began almost immediately.
The track was getting a great deal of use, partly from commuters walking to and from Kaiwharawhara Station or catching bus services at Kaiwharawhara.
Letters to the editor suggested that seats be built for those walking home from the station, while others railed about the hundreds of people walking the track daily who could be driving up and down it if a road was constructed. Politicians resisted calls for a road to be built, no doubt given its expense.
Gradually, calls for a road direct to Khandallah died down.
The Bridle Track remained on the same alignment until the carly 2000s.
It underwent regular maintenance and at some point was scaled.
The Railway houses were removed in the 1970s and the area was largely unused.
In the early 2000s a new subdivision with extensive harbour views was built on the site of the former Railway settlement at Kaiwharawhara.
The access track from Fore Street to the Bridle Track was discontinued and a new track formed to replace it in roughly the same location.
The Bridle Track is still a steep and narrow track but a very pleasant walk from Nicholson Rd, Khandallah, to Kaiwharawhara.
Natural history enthusiast Chris Horne pointed out the geomorphology of the escarpment, visible while walking down the track.
The exposed greywacke rotten rock of the hillside marks the Wellington Fault.
The trip also viewed a number of other historic and natural sites, including the restoration efforts at the Kaiwharawhara Stream. Further information is available on the Onslow Historical Society’s website.
1x pack bacon $20 – Xavier Numia
2x pork loin chops $10 – Asafo Aumua
3x porterhouse steak $25 – Tyrel Lomax
4x lamb loin chops $10 – James Tucker Isaia Walker-Leawere
6x chicken kebabs $25 – Devan Flanders
7x marinated lamb chops $30 –
8x choice of any sausage $20 – Brad Shields
February 20, 2025
Continued from page 2.
“One of the advantages of this Karori fair compared to similar events across the region is the layout of stalls and entertainment in the spacious park, providing the public with space to relax on the lawns with a variety of food and socialise or watch the entertainment.
“The transport and deployment of the books to the site, and the erection of the large book stall tent, are always fast and physical activities, and Lions expressed their gratitude for the help of the 1st Karori and Karori West Scout Groups early on the day, and at closure.”
The Rotary Club of Karori is offering a second tranche of grants for the 2024-2025 Rotary year, with applications closing on 14 March.
For this round, the club has introduced two new areas of focus: for schools seeking funding support for children from needy families who otherwise would not be able to join in school outings, and support for proposals that involve Rotarians helping with mentoring and hands-on activity support.
A maximum of up to $2,000 currently applies on grants.
The Rotary Club of Karori covers M kara, Karori, Kelburn and Northland.
The club has a proud record of supporting community projects in Karori and surrounding suburbs for more than 40 years.
As a measure to achieve wider recognition of its support, the club decided three years ago to publicise its grant programme as
By Frank Neill
Five local photographers are among the exhibitors at an upcoming Wellington photography exhibition.
The Wellington Lens Club (WLC) is holding its “Our City” exhibition at the Thistle Hall, 293 Cuba Street, from 1 to 6 April.
widely as possible advising of a three-year commitment to distribute up to $10,000 per annum to deserving projects.
To date, close to $20,000 has been distributed to more than 20 organisations.
The Karori Community Bus is one of the local organisations that the Rotary Club of Karori has supported over the years.
President Allan Frazer says the club’s local community focus has been on supporting families, including youth and young adults up to 25 years of age, on leadership, learning and literacy, disadvantaged persons, migrants and refugees, promotion of the local economy, environmental protection and climate change initiatives.
The club is keen to continue its focus on community needs working with schools and other organisations for their betterment.
Contact Allan Frazer allan.frazer@gmail. com to be sent an application form.
Among the local photographers exhibiting is WLC founder Benni Krueger, who lives in Paparangi.
Benni is a serial lens hoarder and professional lens rescue technician who has a longstanding professional involvement with all things camera lenses, especially vintage lenses.
He launched the WLC nearly two years ago as “The Vintage Lens Club.”
What was meant to be a small regional group quickly drew nearly 40,000 members in more than 20 countries.
A new group for locals only was spun off, and while the WLC is a private group, membership is open to photographers at every level so long as they live in or regularly spend time in the Wellington area.
Kevin Peng, Josh Shöenberger, Judith Dickson and John Kelly all live in Karori and their work also features in the exhibition.
Kevin started taking outdoor and landscape photos at university with his father's old DSLR.
Since then, he's developed a curiosity for all styles of photography, and major GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) for vintage lenses and film cameras.
Joshua is a local saxophonist and electronic music artist.
He draws on his experiences as a musician to create art through photography. With an emphasis on challenging the status quo and prioritising creative independence, Josh looks for creative ways to express new ideas.
A Girl Guide badge initiated Judith Dickson’s interest in photography.
After raising a family and pursuing a career, Judith rediscovered her passion through her recent introduction to the WLC photography community, giving her a fresh perspective, now focused on street photography.
A retired policeman turned photographer, John discovered a passion for capturing life's candid moments through street photography. Joining WLC provided him with the camaraderie, support and opportunities to hone his craft and pursue his photographic goals. The WLC’s mission is to capture the capital's diversity and dynamism, its daily life and its vibrant culture.
Each of the 13 photographers in the exhibition will be showcasing their own unique approach and perspective, and this will be reflected in the variety of images on show.
Once again, the gold and collectables buyers from Wellington company John Bertrand Collectables are visiting Wellington and the Hutt Valley next week. Mr Kevin George from the company says, “If you are downsizing or wanting to dispose of things because they no longer serve any purpose to you or your family bring them in”. “Next week will be a great opportunity to have any items you want to sell assessed by our buyers” said Mr Kevin George. Particularly wanted are Gold and Silver (in any of its forms) and Collectables such as Coins, Banknotes, War Medals, Old Wind-up Watches and other interesting Small Collectables.
“We are keen buyers, especially of the items in the list below” said Mr George. “Nothing is too small for our consideration. We are just as happy buying 1 item as we are buying 1,000 items” he said. The buyers will be in convenient locations in Wellington and the Hutt Valley next week (see details below). As Kevin George points out “If you are in doubt about any items you may wish to sell, bring them along for an instant appraisal.”
During these uncertain times we have seen a sharp increase in the price of precious metals. The gold price in New Zealand is at near record levels so gather up all your unwanted items and take them along to the buyers. Kevin George says “We can buy old gold items in all forms, including Jewellery (Rings, Chains, Brooches etc), Coins (Sovereigns and the like), Alluvial (River Gold), virtually anything, even Gold Teeth! We also need all Sterling Silver including Cups, Tea Services, Cutlery and Old Coins” he said.
The buyers from John Bertrand (Collectables) Ltd, visiting Wellington and the Hutt Valley next week, are happy to look at any interesting items, for example vintage pocket and wristwatches such as Rolex, Men’s Omega, Breitling and gold watches etc. Also wanted, pre 1950’s picture postcards, Maori and Pacific artefacts, old fountain pens and other small antique or historical items.
“If you have something unusual which you would like to sell, please bring it into one of our venues, we would like the chance to at least have a look at it” said Kevin George, buyer for the Company. “We will consider anything which may be of interest to a collector” he said.
Early New Zealand Banknotes dated before 1932 are currently fetching big money! This is according to Mr Kevin George, Senior Buyer. Mr George is in Wellington and the Hutt Valley next week on a buying trip for John Bertrand (Collectables) Ltd and would be very keen to see any of these issues. “We will pay at least $300 for any undamaged Ten Shilling or One Pound banknote from a New Zealand trading bank dated
1932 or before.
Denominations of five pounds and higher would be worth from $700. “Any banknote dated prior to 1900 would be worth at least $1000” said Mr George. Also purchased are any Reserve Bank of New Zealand pre-decimal issues, especially 50 Pound notes. All overseas banknotes are also wanted, especially early Pacific Island issues.
Currently, throughout NZ and the world there is a big demand by collectors for war medals. These cover all wars right through from the New Zealand Land Wars and the Boer War, to the First and Second World Wars and the later Korea and Vietnam conflicts. New Zealand Servicemen and Women first served overseas in the Boer War in South Africa around 1900 and the war medals awarded for this service are needed by the buyers, as are any other Medals from early New Zealand and the New Zealand Wars. General service medals from both the First and Second World Wars will also be purchased, but as can be imagined these were awarded in fairly large numbers. “If a group of medals has any special award for bravery such as the Military Medal, Military or Flying Cross or other medals for Distinguished Conduct or Meritorious Service, these can add great value to a group” stated Mr Kevin George, buyer for John Bertrand (Collectables) Ltd. “Many families have old medals, some dating back to early Imperial days, that they are not sure what to do with. These are better off in the hands of collectors who will look after them. We will be happy to look at any war medals whatsoever, just bring them in to venues” he said.
Old Coins Can Toss Up a Rarity
Do you have a bunch of old coins sitting around in your drawers and cupboards? You just never know what rarities may be lurking there. The advice from Kevin George from John Bertrand (Collectables) Limited is to “bring them in and let us have a look”. “No need to sort anything out just bring them in ‘as is’ and please don’t clean them! We can go through coin accumulations and collections fairly quickly” he said. The buyers are particularly keen to buy pre 1946 New Zealand Silver Coins for at least 20 times their face value (more for quantity). “In any event we will buy All Coins,” said Mr George.
supporting your community g you r
Wellington Male Voice Choir has a long tradition in four part harmony, male voice singing ranging from the serious classics to popular music. They are recruiting singers now: tenors, baritone and bases.
WMVC are a volunteer community choir and do not audition. If you would like to give it a try see them on Mondays 7-9pm at St Christopher’s Church, 1 Lyndhurst Road, Tawa or just call the President, Les Williams on 022 106 1574.
By Harcourts Khandallah realtor Layne Hughes
The Wellington property market is showing renewed momentum, with Decreasing interest rates are expected to into 2025. The release of new Rateable sentiment.
A spike in listings in Wellington has provided more options for buyers. Open home attendance remains strong for new listings, while properties
that have been on the market for a longer period are struggling to attract interest. This highlights the importance of realistic pricing, great presentation and effective marketing in a competitive environment. With improved affordability and more choice available, now is an opportune grows, Wellington’s property market is set for an active year ahead, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers looking to make a move. I am here to help you navigate this evolving market, with friendly advice and a balanced approach.
Aluplast is one of the leading developers of uPVC window and door systems around the world, and the brand is recognised internationally for its innovations. They are based in over 80 countries and have 1400 business partners.
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Our uPVC windows and doors will easily last 40 years or more in New Zealand. uPVC frames and uPVC windows do not need painting or special maintenance. uPVC is resistant to dirt and environmental conditions and cannot be deformed by moisture or temperature changes, like timber and aluminium joinery. Additionally the uPVC itself will never rot, rust or corrode. uPVC windows and doors can be easily cleaned with soapy water. Some periodic maintenance of hinges and moving parts is recommended.
Watercolour New Zealand and the Outer Art Group are two groups of artists that come together on the third Sunday of each month to paint en plein air, enjoying the beauty of Wellington’s natural surroundings. Known for its laid-back and welcoming atmosphere,
both novice and professional artists alike. The sessions are typically held in calm, settled weather, making for a relaxing and productive day.
Artists bring their easels, who work on both pocket size and larger A3-sized boards, making it easy to capture the essence of the landscape while still producing a portable piece of art.
The subjects of their paintings often include the cityscape, stunning waterfront, parks, and the unique coastlines that define the city, offering a diverse range of inspiration for painters. These outdoor settings provide perfect opportunities for artists to hone their skills and experiment with different techniques with an informal yet supportive group.
While the primary focus of the group is watercolour, oil painting or drawing, the gathering is as much a social event as
a creative one. After the two hour session wraps up, members typically head to nearby cafes to relax, chat, and discuss their work. This not only helps bring in a sense of inclusion but also allows artists to share tips, exchange ideas, and offer feedback in a relaxed and friendly way.
The sessions typically attract around 15 people, although this number can swell to as many as 25 and has been as many as 50 artists. The diversity of the group, in terms of both skill levels and artistic backgrounds, makes it a rich and dynamic environment. Beginners can count on guidance and encouragement from more experienced members. This blend of novice and professional artists creates an inclusive atmosphere that is ideal for both learning and personal growth.
The group provides a relaxed space for artists to explore their craft and connect with others, fostering both artistic development and a sense of community. This informal approach to creating art, combined with the social aspect, makes the group’s schedule worth putting on the calendar.
For those interested in meeting like-minded individuals and exploring Wellington’s by emailing apdc1@outlook.com
Think smart and carry a beacon for peace of mind – hire one
My Ride Wellington know bikes inside out!
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When heading to the outdoors so many people are finding a personal locator beacon is a must-have. The ACR ResQLink PLB 400 is already saving lives.
It has all the great features of the previous model - the ACR ResQLink 375 - plus it has the added feature of not only a built-in high intensity strobe light, but also an infrared strobe light that can been seen from kilometres away at night.
They are waterproof, they float, and they come with a free heavy-duty pouch that
Southland Locator Beacons have had custommade.
Some models have a screen on the front of them that will confirm your emergency signal has been sent, then it will give you your GPS position.
Check them out for sale or rent at Macpac stores at 45 Willis St, Wellington; Queensgate, Lower Hutt; or 4 Jackson Street, Petone. They are all for hire at Macpac branches around Wellington, or for sale on Southland Locator Beacons website www.locatorbeacons.co.nz/shop
Take a step back in time and discover Ōamaru’s vibrant colonial history.
Embark on a 90-minute easy-paced walk around the Historic Precinct and be immersed in Ōamaru’s rich heritage, culture and geology with a knowledgeable local guide.
Part of the character of Oamaru is the events calendar, and on 21-23 March the Jazz and Blues Festival kicks off.
Immerse yourself in this captivating world of music over Otago Anniversary weekend. Held in the heart of Waitaki, it’s a celebration of soulful melodies, timeless rhythms, and the vibrant culture of jazz and blues.
Ōamaru Heritage Walking Tours are ondemand and bookings need to be made by contacting Helen Stead on 027 434 1173 or email at helenstead18@gmail.com
Fraser, the owner, raced in Europe through his twenties is still super passionate about bikes, commuting, road, mtb riding and taking his kids out to the park.
My Ride, Wellington sell and service all types of bikes, from full on E Mountain bikes to kids’ bikes to high end road bikes, and everything in between.
They have a large showroom with all the latest gear from Scott and Avanti, Rocky Mountain and Kona bikes. If we haven’t got it in store, we’ll get it in for you.
Our workshop team are one of the most experienced in town. They can keep your bike working like new, so when you need your bike to perform, it will.
Come and talk to them about your next adventure or trip plans – autumn is approaching, and there are so many great places to ride in Wellington and around New Zealand.
Fraser and the team will all be happy to help and advise on what you need to know.
Walking through streetscapes of locally quarried neo-classical architecture buildings of the 19th Century with a knowledgeable guide immersing yourselves in Oamaru’s rich heritage, culture and geology. Bookings essential Contact Helen Stead: 027 434 1173 helenstead18@gmail.com
Podocarp forest. Kereru, bellbirds, tomtits, robins, rifleman and warblers ON THE TE ARAROA TRAIL
33 Rangitata Gorge Rd, Peel Forest, Canterbury Tel 03 696 3509, Mob 027 746 7267 sjdeans1@outllook.com
The heartbeat of Peel Forest homestay comes from Steve and Jenny Deans’ Christian world-view which aims to give guests a friendly, warm welcome in their beautiful environment. This is your chance to unwind and recharge. It can be a convenient stop-over on the Te Araroa Trail between the Mackenzie Country and Christchurch, or simply a quiet weekend away from the bustle of city life. Wood pigeons can be seen doing their sun dives and the dawn chorus is magnificent. Accommodation provides for four single beds and one double bed on the balcony of the main homestead.
There is a self-contained bunkhouse 20 metres from the house, whose veranda looks up onto the mountains and spectacular sunsets. This rustic and cosy room contains five single beds, one double, a large table and a small kitchenette. Tariffs are from only $55.
Steve and Jenny can provide meals or guests can use the house or bunkroom kitchens themselves.
Rangitīkei is the perfect place to get active! It’s name literally translates to ‘The day of striding out”. Māori ancestor Hau named the Rangitīkei River when pursuing his wife and her lover southward from Taranaki some 600 years ago. With a long stride (tīkei) he moved one day (rangi) to the river, which he then called Rangitīkei (the day of striding out).
Nothing has influenced the Rangitīkei District landscape more than the mighty Rangitīkei River as it has carved its way from its headwaters in the Kaimanawa Range to the Tasman Sea in the south, forming passages of majestic river canons, alternating with quiet stretches of sparkling trout-laden pools.
Rangitīkei is home to unspoilt land steeped in history with panoramic views leading out to Mount Ruapehu & Taranaki, the Kaimanawa & Ruahine Range and of course our mighty Awa Rangitīkei.
Experience the perfect blend of golf and serenity at Manor Park Golf Sanctuary. Our stunning 18-hole course offers a challenge for golfers of all skill levels, set against a backdrop of native birds, lush flora, with challenging holes. Each round is an adventure, with well-maintained fairways and natural obstacles that keep local golfers coming back for more.
As a designated golf sanctuary, we are deeply
committed to environmental sustainability. Our course is carefully managed to protect native wildlife, preserve natural habitats, and minimise our environmental impact. Nestled in the heart of Lower Hutt in the Wellington region, Manor Park provides a tranquil escape with breathtaking views, ensuring a peaceful and rejuvenating golfing experience.
Discover the great membership deals at Wellington’s renowned golf sanctuary!
Get them active while they’re young –on the “Walking Bus”!
Glenside’s “Walking Schoolbus” has again seen children active in this environmentally friendly iniative run by local Glenside parent Andrea Wilson.
Together with Wellington City Council’s “Moving March” programme, March has seen more children keen to join the “bus”.
The “Walking Bus” is where children, generally aged 5-10 years old, are led along a safe and parent-supervised walk to their local school, usually taking 10-15 minutes.
Andrea has been thrilled to see the engagement her bus has as they learn about birdlife, flora, local landmarks and how it all relates to their local environment.
Most walks have been dry and sunny, and in the “bus” hours the wind is
generally very light. Andrea says she has experienced very few wet mornings whilst involved in it.
The “Walking Bus” is a great reason to leave the car behind, cut those emmissions and have your children learn about the natural environment.
See about having your children join in the new school year.
The Royal Albatross Centre is nestled at the tip of the Otago Peninsula, ŌtepotiDunedin. Here visitors have the unique opportunity to view the only mainland nesting site of one of the greatest seabirds in the world.
The Northern Royal Albatross – with an impressive three metre wingspan is definitely an extraordinary bird to watch.
The Albatross colony can be viewed from
our observatory, which is located a short walk uphill from the Albatross Centre on a guided tour.
At the Albatross Centre visitors can also learn about the Albatross and the history of the headland.
Our on-site Toroa Café provides freshly baked and cooked meals and our Giftshop has a big range of New Zealand and locally made treasures.
Hospitality at Rarakau Lodge is so warm guests are offered a free cinamon roll, an espresso coffee and free fruit before they head off on the Hump Ridge Track.
They also offer the closest accommodation to the Track, being located only a few metres from the start and finish of this world famous track which was recently written about internationally.
The Lodge is nestled deep within lush Southland bush, with magnificent ocean and picturesque mountain views. They have the most beautiful sunsets, and breathtaking stars in the night skies.
You can book to relax in their spa after
walking this exciting Southland track or try your hand at making your own delicious pizza in the outdoor pizza oven.
There are so many different guided packages available to you during your stay at Rarakau – including hunting, hiking, fishing, whitebaiting, and relaxation packages.
Whether you seek adventure or a blissful place to unwind, the experience you have at Rarakau lodge will last you a lifetime. 1304B Papatotara Coast Road, Rowallan, Southland. Telephone 021 256 4993
email: management@rarakaulodge.co.nz bookings@rarakaulodge.co.nz
Start your journey and master the basics with our beginner-friendly golf sessions. No experience? No problem! All equipment is provided, so you can focus on learning and having fun. The program runs on Fridays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, with six sessions on March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and April 4th and 11th.
In 1976, brothers Bill and Ian Hollings started something great—Hollings First. For nearly 50 years, they’ve built a name on quality windows, doors, and top-tier service. Fast forward to April this year. Scott and Nikki didn’t just buy a business—they bought
Elite Arboriculture is a local, family-owned and operated tree management business on the K piti Coast, offering professional arborist services across the Wellington and Horowhenua regions. Elite Arboriculture believes the mana of trees must be respected. They love giving back to the Earth by planting trees and to the community through volunteer service. Elite Arboriculture has carried out free tree work at their local preschools and kindergartens, as well as for their Free Tree Initiative, where they offer one lucky recipient arborist services of their choice at no cost. “We had a team from Elite Arboriculture working at our son’s and daughter-in-law’s place in Paek k riki today”, a happy client comments “This work was being done as a prize that Elite Arboriculture had donated to a local
a legacy. “We took on an amazing reputation, a brand people trust, and a team that makes it all happen. We’re lucky to be part of it.” With a powerhouse team of 20, Hollings First isn’t just about history—it’s about making your home look incredible, just like they have for decades.
competition. A great example of a local business supporting the local community… You folks are absolute stars, and we can’t recommend you highly enough”. Tree pruning and hedge trimming are important to maintain health and structure. From thinning to reductions, Elite Arboriculture can keep your trees healthy and looking their best. The team can also help with planting and mulching, assisting you in finding the right trees for the right spaces and with the right aesthetics. Trees are essential to our beautiful country’s ecosystem, but an unhealthy tree can be dangerous. If the time has come for removal, they are qualified to perform the job safely and professionally. Elite Arboriculture has a green thumb and green heart for the community and ecosystem.
A new fixed route ‘hail and ride’ bus service, Route 59, will begin on Monday 24 February, replacing the Metlink On Demand trial.
Route 59 buses will run from 7am to 7pm on weekdays between Greenacres and Grenada North, via the Tawa shops, Takapu Road Station and Linden Station.
Greater Wellington Transport Committee chair Thomas Nash says ‘hail and ride’ is the next best option for Tawa, after the On Demand trial was declined funding from the government’s National Land Transport Fund.
“Route 59 will be using the same 20-personSprinterbusesastheOn Demand trial.
“As well as accepting cash and SuperGold cards, the buses now haveSnappervalidators andbuzzersto signal drivers to stop,” Cr Nash says. In areas where there are no bus stops, passengers can flag down Route 59 services from designated ‘stopping areas’. These have been identified as areas where the vehicle can safely stop and are marked on the Metlink map as they will not have specific stop markings, signs or poles.
For more information about the new route visit www.metlink.org. nz/getting-started/tawa-fixedroute.
The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz
The Man Whose Mother Was A Pirate Khandallah Park, 1.30 and 3.30, Last weekend. February 22 & 23. Details at www.kat-theatre.org.nz.
Amesbury School in Churton Park currently has student places available in years 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 (ie: all years except year 3).
These places are open to students living outside of the Amesbury School zone.
Applications for out of zone places will close on Friday 7th March
For further information, or to apply for an out of zone place, please contact our enrolment team on enrol@amesbury.school.nz
Enrolment at Bellevue School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from our website: www.bellevue-newlands.school.nz.
The board has determined that up to five (5) places are likely to be available for out of zone students for the third enrolment period in 2025 (Saturday 28 June 2025 to Friday 19 September 2025). The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. For students seeking enrolment within the second enrolment period of 2025, the deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is 9am, Friday 28 March 2025.
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, this will be held on Friday 28 March 2025. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held. Details of how applications from out of zone students are processed are available on the school website.
Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during the next year should notify the school by as soon as possible to assist the school to plan appropriately for next year. Students who live in the home zone are entitled to enrol at the school.
Enrolment packs are available online at www.bellevue-newlands.school.nz.
By Frank Neill
The Wellington Cable Car will celebrate its 123rd birthday on Saturday 22 February.
To mark the occasion the Cable Car is offering special fares between 1pm and 3pm on the day.
Children will be able to ride one way for $1 and return for $2. The concession fare will be $2 one way and $4 return. The adult fare will be $3 one way and $6 return.
The next weekend, 1 and 2 March, children under 15 will be able to ride free when accompanied by an adult. The Upland Estate Company, which was proposing a residential subdivision in Kelburn, set up the Kelburn and Karori Tramway Company
We invite applications for the second enrolment period running for Term 2 2025 from Saturday 12 April 2025 to Friday 27 June 2025. For students seeking enrolment within the second enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is 9am, Friday 14 March 2025.
Please submit an online enrolment form via www.rewarewa.school.nz/enrolment for submission to the ballot.
Enrolment at our school is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on our website. The board has determined that up to 12 places will be available for out-of-zone students in 2025. The exact number of places will depend on the number of in zone student enrolments. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Monday 17 March 2025. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
Parents of students who live in zone should notify the school when their child turns 4, to assist the school to plan appropriately.
Details relating to the third enrolment period for 2025 are as follows:
Deadline for 2025 third enrolment period applications: 9am, Friday 06 June 2025
Date of ballot if required: Monday 09 June 2025
Friend(Sp) (5)
Taps (7)
Incite (5)
Begged (9)
Prevented (9)
Tasted (7)
Cleave (5)
Digest (6)
More pleasant (5)
Terrible (4)
Most beautiful (7)
Women’s stockings (6)
Reacted to (12)
Theme (5)
Disaster (11)
Newt (3)
Assistant (4)
in 1889.
Work on the cable car line began 10 years later in 1899. Three shifts worked around the clock to construct the system, which included digging three tunnels. The Wellington Cable Car began operating on 22 February 1902. It proved an instant success, with more than 425,000 passenger trips in its first year. By 1912 annual patronage had increased to more than a million passenger trips. Wellington City Council purchased the Kelburn and Karori Tramway Company in 1946 and the company was dissolved the next year.
Operation of the cable car was taken over by Wellington Cable Car Ltd in 2007.
The Board invites applications from parents who wish to enrol new entrant out-of-zone students at Cashmere Avenue School. Cashmere Avenue School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on the school website.
Applications for new entrant out-ofzone places are now being invited for students who will be eligible for enrolment during Term 3 and 4 2025. Applications are made on the official enrolment form, which is available via email:office@cashmere-ave.school.nz The deadline for receipt of applications for new entrant out-of-zone places is 5pm, Friday 4 April 2025. If a ballot for outof-zone places is required, it will be held on Monday 7 April 2025. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held. Please contact the School office, phone 04 939 4700 for details regarding the application process or email office@ cashmere-ave.school.nz
By Frank Neill
Johnsonville’s two premier Cricket teams scored resounding victories on 15 January. The premier men’s team defeated Wainuiomata outright and the women beat City Suburbs by 148 runs at Alex Moore Park.
After scoring 263 in their first innings, the Johnsonville men bowled out Wainuiomata for 119 in their Wellington division two match at Bryan Heath Park. They enforced the follow on and then bowled out Wainuiomata for 184.
Johnsonville scored 41 for three to take out both first innings and outright points for the match.
Will Martin contributed 19 of the second innings runs and Matthew Nel was 15 not out when the win came.
Maximus Petrie bowled outstandingly to take six Wainuiomata second innings wickets.
Ashan Wanasinghe was also among the wickets, taking three for 23, while Faaiz Ysuf took one for 24.
Johnsonville’s next match is against North City at Linden Park on 22 February and 1 March.
Batting first, the Johnsonville women scored 275 for the loss of just one wicket. They then bowled out City Suburbs for 127.
Gemma Simms scored a century for Johnsonville and was 150 not out when victory came. Dhriti Girish also batted outstandingly to finish on 83 not out.
Estalla Wallace nabbed a five wicket bag, taking exactly five wickets for 26.
Annissa Greenlees took two wickets for 15, Nandasna Ramachandran one wicket for 4 and Aesha Sukhu one wicket for 24.
Johnsonville’s next match is against Petone Riverside at the Basin Reserve on 22 February.
Onslow’s premiers drew with Eastern Suburbs in their division one match at Nairnville Park on 8 and 15 February.
Batting first on Nairnville Park, Onslow was all out for 226. Eastern Suburbs then scored 291 to take first innings points.
Onslow batted much better in their second innings, scoring 312 for the loss of nine wickets.
Captain Micah Conroy came close to making a century, scoring 91.
Daniel Rose notched up a half century and went on to score 64.
Elliot Seddon contributed 40 and Matthew Scoble was 32 not out at the end of play.
Onslow’s next match is against Hutt Districts at the Hutt Recreation Ground on 22 February and 1 March.
A strong second innings by Karori saw them stave off defeat in their division one match against Taita.
Batting first on Karori Park, Taita was all out for 384. They then dismissed Karori for 159 and enforced the follow on.
The Karori batsmen rallied in their second innings, reaching 343 for eight declared.
Sam French scored a century in Karori’s
By Frank Neill
The scene is set for the annual Wadestown Village Fair on Saturday 15 March from 11am to 2pm at Philip Myers Park.
The fair is always a well anticipated and fun day out for local families and community groups with lots of craft stalls, yummy treats and musical entertainment on show, the fair’s organiser Greg Hyland says.
The entertainment will be provided by the Music Box Academy, which is based at
second innings and was 118 not out when the team declared.
Two players also scored half centuries –James Hartshorn with 58 not out and Fraser
By Frank Neill
Moves to save Wellington ratepayers nearly $40 million dollars was voted down at the 13 February meeting of Wellington City Council’s K rau T t pŪ Long Term Plan, Finance and Performance Committee.
A motion for the council to choose the lower cost cycleway option was moved by Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward Councillor Diane Calvert.
The motion was seconded by TakapŪ/ Northern Ward Councillor Tony Randle.
The motion was voted down by the committee. Had it been successful it would have meant the council plan was to spend $19.3 million less on cycleways.
“The majority of Councillors still want cycleways, which is more money,” Cr Randle told the “Independent Herald” after the meeting.
“One of the big take-out messages of the meeting is that they are not stopping [provision of cycleways].”
million dollars, which is $25 million capital expenditure and $5 million in operating costs.
“We are going to borrow that and probably hand the debt over.”
What was not on the table were “the big items like the Golden Mile project.
“They weren’t even considering cutting that ... so the money is still there, waiting to be burned.”
Wadestown School and features the talents of local children.
There will be the usual mix of stalls set up by local groups and by children, and the Scouts will be putting on a barbecue.
Games will also be part of the programme.
“The Wadestown Village Fair is a great community event,” Greg says.
“It’s a real focal point in our year and chance to make the most of the summer itself.
“It’s a special day.”
The meeting also looked at some other ways to “cut another $20 million of the spend by looking at things we thought there was maybe some room for savings.
“Again that was voted down,” Cr Randle said.
“On the plus side we did agree ... that the preferred option would be about saving the Begonia House.
“We also gave Wellington Water the extra money it needs – an extra $30
TakapŪ /Northern Ward Councillor Ben McNulty successfully put a stop to a move to increase the fee for swimming at Wellington’s pools at the 13 November meeting.
He moved an amendment which stopped the swimming fee increasing from $4 to $4.20, and this amendment was passed.
Following the committee meeting the council’s Long-Term Plan will be put to audit and following that will be released for public consultation.