22 September Independent Herald

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with the Australian National Emergency medal. Thursday September 22, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660Sunday 9-12Today 10-13 Friday 10-13Saturday 9-13 honourBushfire National List MP based in Wellington WillisNicolaMP 04 817 9338 nicolawillis.co.nz NicolaWillisMP MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS Phone : 04 479 8765 128 Churchill Drive cs.croftondowns@mitre10.co.nz facebook.com/mitre10.croftondownswww.mitre10.co.nz/croftondowns Open Monday 26th 8.00am-6.00pm Saturday & Sunday 8.00am-6.00pm LONG WEEKEND PROJECTS SORTED Start Thursday 22nd September - Wednesday 28th September 2022.

on page 2.




Newlands and Wellington North firefighter Andrew Knox has been presented the Australian National Emergency medal at the Australian High CommissionAndrewweek.was of the New Zealand Rural Deployment the devastating Australian bushfires early 2020.

Newlands Wellington North firefighter Andrew presented



“I was proud,” he says. “It was something that was well received by all of us and we appreciated the honour.”


By Jacob Page

Knox has been


Andrew, who has been part of Wellington North Brigade for 16 years, and Newlands for the past 12 months, had previously battled fires in Tasmania and spent November of 2019 in Ballina, New South Wales and then February 2020 he was near Canberra.

passion.“Ihave a very understanding wife who understands this is my passion.“Forme I want to continue to grow and grow others,” he says.

“It’s always an honour when you go over because you are representing New Zealand but it’s also a chance to learn new skills and test yourself,” he says.

“I got a chance to learn back burning while I was over there which I haven’t done in New Zealand.“Itwas an ever-changing environment and that’s why the fires keptAndrewburning.says a regular shift would be five days on, one off with each day lasting anywhere from 12 to 16 hours.

Passion for firefighting takes Andrew to Australia

Phone: (06) 377 1600 | 51 Ahiaruhe Road, R.D.2 Carterton Email: info@stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz | Web: www.stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz Stonehenge Aotearoa Star LaserTrekTour This programme begins with a presentation on the current night sky which includes an audio visual. This is followed by, weather permitting, a laser tour of the night sky. Available any evening by appointment. Times vary with sunset times.

Continued from page 1. Andrew says the chance to fight the Australian Bushfires was an enticing one.

Andrew says he would do it again “in a heartbeat”.

Andrew Knox was part of the New Zealand Rural Deployment during the devastating Australian bushfires in early 2020.

“It’s a great experience and it’s something as a firefighter in New Zealand, we don’t see, so going

through that learning process is great.“We are well trained in New Zealand but when you’re flying over there to fight these fires, you try not to overthink it,” Andrew says.He says he gives his wife credit for allowing him to chase his

“Not everyone gets to Australia but I try to get people over there where I can.”

“You just, eat sleep and work “There’s a lot of camaraderie, we stay in motels together and we just got on with it.”

2 Thursday September 22, 2022 CLASSIFIED SALES classifieds@wsn.co.nz How to reach us Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 www.independentherald.co.nz SALESNATIONAL Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 587 1660 SALES Steve Maggs steve@wsn.co.nz 587 1660 SALES Brenda Ingram-Johnson brenda@wsn.co.nz 021 640 152 REPORTER Jacob Page herald@wsn.co.nz 027 425 0422

“The size of the fires were nothing we’ve seen in New Zealand,” he“Thesays.thing I’ll remember is the people and the communities who tried to help in whatever way they could.”Andrew says the chance to learn new skills is always appealing.

your tips to herald@wsn.co.nz

The Event Centre is the product of years of hard work by a small group of determined, community volunteers. Two stalwarts, Wallace Simmers and Gary Parsons, have been involved since the facility was fi rst

But the fundraising environment for this type of project changed after the Kaikoura earthquakes, and efforts to raise the further funds proved very difficult. Since then there have been several twists and turns and in 2020 Wellington City Council agreed to fund the fit out with Footnote NZ Dance being the daytime tenant in the facility.Planning timeframes, covid delays and changes in construction industry conditions caused Footnote to recently re-evaluate their position, and

Daylight saving starts at 2am on Sunday September 25 when clocks go forward one hour. It is also an opportunity to check smoke alarms and ensure they are working.

“It’smooted.beena long haul, and taken us much longer than any of us dreamed. But I am thrilled that the funding is now secured for the building to be completed. It is a much needed Centre and will be a fantastic community facility”, saidTheWallace.KaroriEvent Centre replaces three community halls that were previously on the site at the corner of Karori Road and Campbell Street. Those halls had been demolished for various reasons. In 2007 the Karori Community Hall Trust was established to raise funds to build a replacement hall with Wallace as the founding chair.The Trust raised nearly $3m from the Karori community and various granting bodies. “We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to the project. That funding provided us the means to construct the building,” said Wally Simmers. By 2017 the Trust had enough funding to complete a weather tight shell. Some of that funding would have been lost if the build had not been started then. “It was a very deliberate

“We’re really looking forward to the facility being available for Community use. It will be a great venue not just for Karori, but also for the greater Wellington community”, says Heather Baldwin, Chair of the Karori Community Centre and Deputy Chair of the Trust.


they have decide to pursue other options.

Oral historian / Radio presenter

Daylight saving this weekend

A decision by Council in late August confirmed the Event Centre will be fully utilised by the community and funding has been confi rmed to complete the required work.


Once open, the Event Centre will be administered by the Karori Community Centre.

debt of gratitude for their vision and tenacity to make this Centre a reality. It’s a place that people for many generations to come will enjoy, thanks to them and all the people who made this happen”, says Heather. The Trust will gift the building to the Council, who will now manage the fitout. The Trust will continue to raise funds for equipment and to support the Event Centre. They are still accepting donations for sponsorship of the retractable seating block, theatre lighting and a sound system– go andcommunitygenerouslyforkcht.secretary@gmail.comtowww.karorieventcentre.co.nztomakeadonationoremail.Alldonationsareeligible30%taxrefund,sogiveandhelpgetourhallwellkittedoutopen.

lorma@xtra.co.nz 021 844 965

Wallace Simmers (Founding Chair of Karori Community Hall Trust), Heather Baldwin, Chair (Karori Community Centre and Deputy Chair of the Trust), Gary Parsons (Trustee and donor).


Karori Event Centre funding secured to complete fitout

The greatest family heritage you’ll have to treasure. Let me come and and record the memories of those unforgettable times.

inbrief news 3Thursday September 22, 2022

Rob Webb

“This project has been a labour of love for many people. But it wouldn’t have happened without Wally and Gary. Our community owes them a huge

As they say, good things take time. The Karori Event Centre, developed by the Karori Community Hall Trust since 2007, is expected to be completed inThe2023.Karori Event Centre recently got the green light for Council funding to complete its fit out.

and considered decision by the Trust, knowing we still had to raise further funds for the fit out. At the time, raising the extra funds looked totally doable”, says Gary Parsons long standing trustee and himself a significant donor to the project.

Standing room only at electionKarorimeeting

Strong winds and showers did not deter a big crowd from attending Monday night’s local body elections Meet the Candidates event, organised by Karori Residents Association and Karori Rotary Club. Karori Baptist Church saw the largest crowd ever for such a recent event hear timed addresses and then questions

1953 Crowns, though never of particularly high value through the years, feature the Queen’s very first portrait as Sovereign. “These Crowns have soared in value in the last few days,” David Galt says.

David Galt of Karori is President of the Royal NZ Numismatic Society.

answered by both Wellington Mayoralty aspirants and Wharangi/Western Ward candidates. Picture shows Mayoral hopeful Donald Newtown McDonald making his speech flanked by MCs for the two-hour event, Andrea Skews of the Residents Association (left) and Douglas Langford from Karori Rotary.

4 Thursday September 22, 2022 Vote #1 Ben McNulty for Takapū/Northern Ward “I’ll fight for our fair share in the Suburbs.”Northern Authorised by Paul Tolich, 9 Kellsmere Crescent, Island Bay ben@mcnulty.nz | benmcnulty.nz /ponekeben FREE measure and quote Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm JUST DEDICATED TO YOUR SATISFACTION BLINDS FOR YOUR HOME AND OFFICE Showroom: 29 Hutt Road, sales@justblinds.co.nzThorndon Ph: 04 472 9920 - www.justblinds.co.nz Please Vote John Peters A Customer Centric Council for COUNCILLOR Ph: 027 240 2121 E: pjp@hotmail.co.nz AUTHORISED BY JOHN PETERS, 246 TAKAPU ROAD, TAWA. STAND FOR Takapū/Northern Ward M: 027 653 4080 Gifts Art 100 Courtenay Place Shop 12 Johnsonville Mall (next to Countdown Supermarket) 9A Park Road, Miramar E: wellycollective@gmail.com Homeware

Along with coins there will be 95 medal lots and 100 banknote lots on offer. Total pre-sale estimates total $450,000 in coins, medals andMowbray’sbanknotes.International Stamp

President of the Royal New Zealand Numismatic Society, Karori resident David Galt says he is amazed at how interest in any Queen Elizabeth coinage has risen in the last ten days. ”It really has brought interest out of the woodwork, and we’ve had more enquiries than normal from everyday people, rather than collectors, who want coins that feature the late QueenDavidElizabeth.”Galtisalso Director of Coins, Banknotes and Medals for Mowbray’s International Coin Sale in Wellington this Friday: “obviously, catalogue prices were decided long before the passing of Her Majesty, so I am expecting estimates to go ‘out the window’ and higher prices to be paid for many of the coins associated with the Queen

1953 Crowns featured Queen Elizabeth’s first portrait.

during her record 70-year reign.”

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II has seen a huge surge in interest in coins bearing the Queen’s head.

Friday’s auction will begin at 12.30pm at West Plaza Hotel with live online bidding available, which will attract international bidders.

Sale on Saturday comprises over $700,000 of estimates and the company’s inaugural Sports Memorabilia Online Auction on Tuesday 29 November has already attracted international rugby items and memorabilia from Olympic and Commonwealth Games.

Surge in interest for Queen’s coins

Uglifying the city by destroying all character and ensuring our suburbs are dominated by apartment Encouragingblocks.population increase, and emptying the countryside, in order to justify Bribingintensification.alland sundry, including overseas buyers, to replace agriculture with monoculture Planningpine. more and more dependence on the environment disaster that is lithium batteries.

Well-known streetwear brand Cheapskates now in Johnsonville

Net Zero Carbon is an impossible, destructive, pointless Green dream.


In 2021 Antarctica had its second coldest winter on record and experienced some of its lowest known temperatures. -91C IS COLD.

There is no way NZ can offset the emissions from the big industrialising countries such as China and India, who are building ever more coal fired power stations.

The cycle network ("we can make hilly Wellington just like Amsterdam or Copenhagen").

Email: mckenziebarbara42@gmail.com Ph: 021 085 34798

Streetwear: Cheapskates represented all these brands as they first began to land in New Zealand in the very early 1980s.

Net Zero Carbon by 2050 for NZ is technically unachievable, has been calculated to cost upwards of $550 billion, and would require NZ alone to consume up to 10% of the world’s key elements such as lithium and cobalt.

Commuters can take free trial of electric skateboard

They are now at the new store in Johnsonville Shopping Centre opposite Just Jeans and EB CheapskatesGames.has amassed a huge range of quality brands and knowledge of their product lines.


Electric skateboards have become a practical and economic mode of commuting in recent years.

Ensure your build project is set to go! With over 30 years’ Quantity Surveying experience and a wide range of construction knowledge, My QS Consultants offer a variety of services for preparing estimates and schedules for all types of building projects from residential builds and renovations to large commercial and industrial projects. See us Insurancefor:Rebuild Options - Strengthening - Tender Preparations - Trade www.myqsconsultants.nzSchedules 55 Cuba Street, Petone, Lower Hutt Ph: 04-568 6977


Normalising the expropriation of private property ("if we take your garden, it will save the Preventingplanet"). new low density development ("no we don't want you building three nice houses in the bush, or developing your gorse covered hill").

For 40 years Cheapskates has been leading the way in skate culture and skate fashion. Cheapskates were there at the beginning of the modern era of skateboarding and streetwear.PowellPeralta, Santa Cruz and Vision

They also know how to add big value to their stock – this week they have an offer of two t-shirts for just $40! This and online sales are just one way they’ve grown a reputation for good fashion at amazing prices. See www. cheapskates.co.nz. PBN. Skateboard news source: Evolve Skateboards

Too much time spent in the driver’s seat poses temporarily long-term health risks, including elevated cholesterol, higher blood pressure, muscle and joint pain, problems sleeping, depression, lower frustration tolerance, anger, and much more.

Authorised by Barbara McKenzie PO Box 22073 Khandallah Wellington

Humanity's contribution to atmospheric CO2 is minimal, so levels kept rising during the 2020 lockdown. NZ's contribution is minuscule.

In the name of Net Zero Carbon, Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington, and central government are taking measures to destroy our economy, our rights, our way of life and the environment.

Several recent studies show that daily commuting using active travel has a positive impact on well-being and mental health, not to mention your wallet!

Shaqielle Kumu

It’s history back in the early American days.

The Bucket List. It’s life. It’s the sort of stuff that could happen. It was funny and it was poignant.

Suzanne Mynhinnick

“It gives elders meaning, it gives them purpose, and helps them live fulfilling lives.”

Ngarimu Bill

Paul Devitt

The Last of the Mohicans.

Fast and Furious. It’s all about the actors because they are pretty good.

Cashmere Home recreation team leader Linda Lankshear, Enliven chief executive Joe Asghar, general manager Nicola Turner, clinical director Joy Tlapi, and business operations manager Peter Newman celebrate Enliven’s success.

Enliven general manager Nicola Turner says she was surprised, but very excited, to see Enliven win two awards. She says Enliven’s commitment to staff succession planning, which has seen many graduate nurses progress into senior positions, was recognised by the awards.

Battle of Britain. My uncle flew bombers in the second world war and was highly decorated.

6 Thursday September 22, 2022 readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

Enliven’s commitment to its staff and residents has been recognised with two awards at the prestigious New Zealand Aged Care Association Excellence in Care Awards.

Another Enliven Central initiative to make it to the finals of the awards was Cashmere Home’s garden to plate programme which sees residents at the Johnsonville home involved from grow-

Bernard Paterson

The Shawshank Redemption, because of the struggle that they go through and how they come out at the end – what the struggles have taught them.

I like all my horror movies. I’ve loved them ever since I was little.

Enliven, the organisation behind Huntleigh Home in Karori and Cashmere Home in Johnsonville, won awards for Overall Excellence in Aged Care and Training and Staff

Joy says programmes like this make a difference in the residents’ lives and wellbeing, and are a part of Enliven’s philosophy of care, which is based on the internationally recognised Eden Alternative.

EnlivenDevelopment.clinicaldirector Joy Tlapi says it felt good to get some external recognition of the excellent work Enliven is doing, particularly in staff development.“Thechallenges with recruitment of staff, especially nurses, are very apparent across the aged care sector, but at Enliven we take pride in taking the time to invest in our people and bring out the best in them, so they feel good about themselves and deliver the best care to our residents.”

Madhu Kandula

Q: What is your favourite film and why do you like it?

Enliven positive ageing services has a range of exciting job opportunities available

“When we make a difference in the lives of the staff, that flows through to the residents as Enliven’swell.”training and development programmes include support for postgraduate study, a Competency Assessment Programme (CAP) for internationally qualified and return to practice nurses, and a First Year of Practice Programme (FYOP) where graduate nurses are mentored by trained preceptors.

New te reo Maori app supports bilingual city goals

ing food right through to cooking it.

Huntleigh Home in Karori and Cashmere Home in Johnsonville currently have roles available. If you, or someone you know is looking for a fun and rewarding role, visit

Enliven scoops top prize at Excellence in Care Awards


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It’s just so good to know that mum has the support, and we don’t have to worry about security. It’s great that there are care options available too, should she ever need them. Now that she’s settled in, we can all see how happy she is. safe

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Churton Park School students got amongst efforts to clean up their neighbourhood over the weekend. Photo: Maree Goodall.

“All three hubs walked around our community to clean up the streets

“We’re grateful to the more than 1800 people in the community, representing individuals, businesses, and groups, who provided feedback on the plans.

Plans to make Wellington a place where it is easier and safer to get places in low carbon ways are another step closer with bus and bike improvements that will complete the Newtown to city route approved, last week.

Saturday marked the start of World Clean Up Week and so the Churton Park Community Association (CPCA) had reached out to local schools and the wider community to see what small groups of volunteers couldBriando.Sheppard, CPCA President,

“Armed with rubbish bags and a lot of exuberance, they headed off on Thursday. Koru Hub (year 1-2) collected rubbish from around our school and several surrounding streets.“Ourolder tamariki headed further afield, with Harakeke Hub (year 2-4) heading to the near-side boundary of Churton Park Reserve, and utukawa Hub (year 5-6) covering the full expanse of the reserve.

said:“It’s surprising how much casuallydropped litter builds up, even in a tidyThesuburb.schools were enthusiastic and so organised activities as part of their school week. On 17 September, other volunteers took their rubbish sacks to the Lakewood and Churton Park Reserves, and the shopping area and medical centre car parks.

These energetic youngsters and just a few adults made a big difference and set a good example of what can be done with a little effort to keep Churton Park beautiful.

a new signalised diagonal bike crossing from Cambridge Terrace to Kent Terrace at the Courtenay Place intersection.

“Between them all, they filled multiple rubbish bags and were happy to contribute to the Churton Park community clean-up effort.”

Once the interim improvements are installed, we’ll be asking for feedback on how things are working and adjust if necessary.

“The mix of views and local knowledge has helped to shape these interim changes. Along with the insights we’ll gain from having these interim improvements completed, the feedback will help ensure the route is the best it can be until permanent changes are made by Let’s Get Wellington Moving.”

Wellington City Council’s oro ua Planning and Environment Committee gave the go ahead to quicker and more reliable bus trips and safer biking between Wellington Hospital and the waterfront. The committee made the decision after considering recent community feedback. The feedback showed 69 percent of respondents supported or strongly supported proposed interim bus and bike improvements on Riddiford Street, Adelaide Road and Cambridge and Kent terraces. Yesterday’s decision means the Council will install:24/7 bus lanes along Adelaide Road (both directions)extended hours for bus lanes on Kent Terrace and Cambridge Terrace (7am–9am and 4pm–6pm on both streets, Monday to Friday) three more bus stop platforms like the ones already in place near the hospital separated bike lanes on both sides of Adelaide

and reserve areas.

The Council’s Chief Planning Officer, Liam Hodgetts, says “The committee’s decision yesterday reflects the commitments the Council has already made to lower emissions, improve bus journey times and reliability, and develop a safe, citywide bike network as quickly as possible.

At Amesbury School, Principal Urs Cunningham reports says the students enjoyed it.

More short-term time restrictions for some of the existing parking on side streets and relocated loading zones will help to mitigate the impact of parking removal along the route.

loading zones, and adding metered parking in the closed-off u-turn area near 59 Kent Terrace, on Kent and Cambridge.

Wellington City Council’s Pūroro Āmua Planning and Environment Committee gave the go ahead to quicker and more reliable bus trips and safer biking between Wellington Hospital and the waterfront.

In response to feedback received during the consultation, Councillors also agreed to a proposal for a separate traffic resolution that would extend the bus lane hours on Kent and Cambridge to 24/7. This would further improve bus travel times and reliability and be consistent with the bus lanes on Adelaide Road and Riddiford Street.

Installation of interim bus and bike improvements on the Newtown route temporarily stopped in May following a legal challenge. The Council reached an agreement with the group which had sought a judicial review. The agreement included a commitment to consult using the traditional traffic resolution process which has now happened.Depending on contractor availability, the installation work could resume from October and take several months.

“We were amazed at what we found.“Students could not believe how people could throw away glass bottles, ‘doggy do’ in plastic bags, chippy and chocolate bar wrappers, milk bottles, glass jars and remnants of paper recycling bins. They loved it so much that one asked ‘Can we do this again tomorrow?’.”

Year-5/6 Student Councillors braved the elements to clean up the streets around the school and in John Walker Park.

during and after the installation.

8 Thursday September 22, 2022 PH: 027 443 5830 Gael Vanhattum Licensed Salesperson REAA 2008 Tender Closes: Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 1:00pm (if not sold prior). City end Karori, this light, bright and private home is set over two levels. Features include: 4 large double bedrooms; 3 bathrooms; 2 living room; 1 garage at street level; central heating throughout, plus a heat pump; high ceilings; large French doors that open to surrounding decks. RV $1,450,000. Open home - Sunday 11am – 11:45am E: vanhattumgael@gmail.com

Springtime spruce-up for Churton Park

Bus and bike improvements from Newtown to city will now go ahead

Councillors also passed a number of amendments for Council officers to report back on monitoring once the changes are installed, particularly the impact on local businesses; update Council on plans to educate bus stop users and how the bus stops are used; work with Let’s Get Wellington Moving to develop permanent upgrades as soon as practicable to eliminate the need for shared paths; continue to work with willing local businesses to understand what signs might direct customers to available parking; and with disability and walking groups

Maree Goodall, Deputy Principal of Churton Park School says that 10 Year-6 House Captains and 8

Each student received a badge, certificate and a sense of pride in doing service for our community.

a new signalised pedestrian crossing between the central median islands at the Vivian Street/ Cambridge Terrace intersection

turn from Cambridge Terrace into Pirie Street

Changes made to the original draft plans in response to community feedback include traffic signal, lane and parking changes near the Mein/Hall/Riddiford intersection, more pick-up and drop-off parking spaces near Newtown School, adjustments to some

Road and Riddiford Street, as far as Mein Street a two-way bike lane between the Basin Reserve and the waterfront via Cambridge Terrace and a short section of Kent Terrace closed u-turn areas on Kent and Cambridge terracesnoright

Economic data is being used to help monitor and evaluate the impact of the project on economic spend along the route.

home for a premium price, the smell in your property makes up a big part of the buyer’s emotional journey towards committing. As you live there all the time, ask someone who doesn’t visit your property often to see if they notice the smell. If it is there, look to clean the carpets, and upholstery in the property. If in very bad situations, an ozone machine (properly used by a professional) will also

fabrics over time, it is easier to keep on top of your pet’s hygiene than let it get worse. As a lover of many pets in our household, I totally understand the challenges and I wouldn’t have it any other way! They are part of the family and when you go to sell, the family pitches in to help present your home as best as possible.

Karori Lion and organiser Trevor Anders said that the main objective of the afternoon was to enthuse the younger generation about conservation.“Worldwide, with the warming climate, biodiversity loss, depletion of resources and

pollution, it’s becoming increasingly evident how important conservation is and it is the younger generation and the next generation who will bear the brunt of the challenges, and who will need to find the solutions.”

“As a start, we want to reinforce the message of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”

The children were provided with refreshments, participated in a fun quiz and took an envelope home stuffed with useful information. A common observation was how nice it was that Lions had provided an opportunity for the various service groups to get together for a fun event doing useful work.

Hey Everyone! This week, I want to share with you some tips around looking after your home, in relation to pets. Most pets are pretty good, and personally I’d say most pets look after the house better than the average toddler or teenager – but sadly in our line of work, we do see some bad situations. Here are some ways to help protect the value of your home.

Got Pets? YIP!

Also, don’t forget about daylight savings

Sunday afternoon in Karori saw some fine weather and an enthusiastic crowd of 70 adults and children at the Karori Lions CUP Event (“Clean Up and Plant”). Children, leaders and parents from Girl Guides Karori, and 1st Karori, Karori West and Northland Scouts heard about conservation and volunteering in Wellington from WCC Park Ranger Adam Groenewegen, before getting stuck in removing rubbish from the embankment along the west side of Appleton Park, then clearing an infestation of tradescantia and other weeds, and finally planting a variety of native plants.

polished, timber floors, chances are it isn’t looking like the day it was done. The top layer of the polish is quite delicate and picks up indentations and also the claws of your

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Scouts and Girl Guides join Lions to protect the environment


to scratch, they will scratch everything and anything if they had the choice, from corner of walls & furniture all the way to curtains and drapes. We’ve managed to save the condition of our property by initially applying a repellent on key areas, then we placed scratching posts / pads everywhere they have been scratching. When you catch them scratching the right places they would be rewarded with treats.

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Karori Lions wish to acknowledge Zealandia, Forest & Bird, Otari-Wilton’s Bush, and Wellington City Council for contributions to the success of the day, and were particularly grateful to BP Karori, who once again provided Lions with a free trailer for the day.

mal that does their #1s in the yard, chances are you will have some burn patches in the grass. I personally use a product called ‘dog rocks’ that adjusts the impurities that causes this. It just sits in the dog bowl and works like magic! The product (and few other options) is available at all good pet stores. This has resolved all the lawn issues we’ve had with our dog. Also, weeding & feeding your lawn is also a big help.

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to re polish the floors before selling. But to minimise the need, try placing rugs in the space, your furry friend will prefer to walk on the rug saving & warming your floors.

If you have any questions and queries about your situation, or you would like to talk about buying/selling property in this area –


Before the work starts, the crowd listens to WCC Park Ranger Adam's talk on the successes of conservation and volunteering in Wellington.

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Regular events include weekend training seminars, Southern Region and National competitions, and our annual Gasshuku event run by TSKF New Zealand Chief Instructor Mark Willis Shihan (8th Dan Black Belt). For more information visit our website www.tskfwellington.org.nz

The TSKF Wellington dojo has been in operation since 1992. We offer classes for beginner grades and senior grades. These classes have adults and children in the same class, making it easy for a family to join together. It’s an encouraging environment, where everyone is constantly learning.Classes include line work, pad work,

Henry Ford

More than just exercise ….‘Qi’ is your internal energy. It’s the ‘fizz’ we notice when feeling healthy and rearing to go – or notice the lack of when unwell or just feeling down. The ancient Chinese discovered they could work with this Qi using movement and meditation to build up reserves of Qi while also flexing and strengthening the body. Movements that connect Qi to acupuncture points and meridians help to clear blockages and strengthen the immune system. Dayan Qigong exercises and longer forms help with balance, memory,


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Many people have heard the term ‘Enduring Power of Attorney’ before, but don’t necessarily fully understand what it means. Having an enduring power of attorney, or EPoA, is something that could save you and your family a lot of money, stress and complications later in life.

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Sifu Cynthia Shaw is an experienced instructor affiliated to the Tse Qigong Centre with whom she maintains her own training. As well as teaching the Dayan Qigong system, Sifu Shaw teaches Chen style Taijiquan. Her Chen teacher is Grandmaster Michael Tse whose own Chen Sifu is the head of Chen Village Taijiquan – Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang. If anyone is interested in Chen style Taijiquan classes they should inquire from Sifu Shaw – 021613081.


Flexibility; easier

powers’ and can’t be blocked by such things as the Privacy Act.

Traditional Chinese health exercise promotes: balance and co-ordination joint back movement

Age Concern Event - Seminar Day For details and to www.acwellington.org.nzregister:orcall044996648Betterbankinghow to avoid Escamsnduring Power of Attorney - why you need one Advance Care Planning why and how to plan for your end of life Bcarerain Health and Dementia 101 how to keep your brain healthy hen: Wednesday, September 28, am - 2pm here: Johnsonville Uniting Church, Doctor Taylor Terrace, hnsonvilleminarstochoose from: EE event, registration required. Lunch is provided. The Stroke Foundation will also be available to do blood pressure checks. SENIORS' WEEK 2022 FOR YOUR ADVERTISING Contact brenda@wsn.co.nz or phone 04 587 1660

In New Zealand, an EPoA is a legal document that authorises the person or people you name as your “attorney” to act for you, and make decisions for you about your property and personal care and welfare. An EPoA doesn’t normally kick in until your GP or doctor says you need it. This is usually when you become so ill or are in a bad accident that you can no longer make decisions for yourself. Your EPoA document lets your attorney make decisions for you about your property and health. Your attorney has your ‘legal

SHOTOKAN KARATE-DO Training provided by Sensei Grant Stove, 6th Dan TWO GREAT LOCATIONS Newlands Intermediate School and Centennnial Hall, Newlands Road TRAINING PROVIDED FOR ALL AGE GROUPS — from children (age 7+) to adults COME ALONG AND CHECK US OUT! 2FREEWEEKSTRIAL GIVEITAGO! JOIN US NOW! FOR MORE INFORMATION: CALL Jude 027 2430840 EMAIL info@tskfwellington.org.nz | www.tskfwellington.org.nz

Call Angela, Manager, on 04-3877207, 022-3092302, or send CV chelseatrust@xtra.co.nz.to

Relaxation and energy from within Boost to immunity from colds etc Taught in small, friendly groups Authentic lineage of instruction: skilful teaching Beginners always welcome

Feel valued for your skills, and fun loving nature. We are looking for a person to join our small team. Work in Lyall Bay, become part of a community based day programme. If you enjoy working with the elderly, can do appropriate activities, some cooking, some craft and have the ability to offer our members a brilliant day out, and if you have that “special something”, then I would love to have a chat with you. We can offer some training and a competitive hourly rate, and warm and cheerful surroundings. Immediate start. Min 24hrs pwk.

10 Thursday September 22, 2022

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There are two types of EPoAs: a EPoA that deals with your property and money, and a EPoA that deals with your health and medicalEveryonecare.should consider getting an EPOA, you don’t need to be a certain age. It can give you and your loved one’s peace of mind. Disaster can strike at any time, and you may not see it coming. You should get an EPoA when you don’t need one so that your family are saved the stress of getting and EPoA or welfare guardian orders after something happens to you.

Traditional Shotokan Karate-do Federation

Most law fi rms can help you prepare an EPoA for a fee. Age Concern Wellington Region has partnered with Porirua and Kapiti Community Law to offer a special price for Members to complete an EPoA. Call 04 499 6648 for details.

Wild Goose (Dayan) Qigong Classes returning to Karori Community Centre in October

Dayan (Wild Goose) than exercise”

Chen style Tai Chi tuition

Planning for the unexpected

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skin and make your feet feel like new! Bring your work and sport shoes and Dr Halpine can give advice regarding selecting the right shoe and ascertain if you are in need of additional support, ie orthotic devices. Dr Tim Halpine of Active Feet Podiatry is open and ready to sort out your feet. We are located at floor 2, 85 the Terrace and also at the Ngaio Medical Centre. We can be reached for booking a consult on 04 473 8696, ActiveFeetPodiatry.com

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One of the unique aspects of this event is the great Group training options available to everyone. From openwater swim practices to cycle and run technique sessions and regular Sunday morning group swim sessions at Coastlands Aquatic Centre. Details can be found on the ‘Training’ page of kwt.org.nz website.Theevents are run in age group waves of 50 or less to avoid congestion. The first wave

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Health 11Thursday September 22, 2022 Dr. Tim Halpine Caring for your feet www.activefeetpodiatry.com Ph: 04 473 8696 Level 2, 85 The Terrace, Wellington (opposite Solnet House and Aurora Terrace). Services We Offer Include: problems

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Kapiti Women’s Triathlon – a special event

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During the period of the Covid pandemic, a good portion of our patients have been working at home. Many folks wore slippers all day and have now discovered that their feet complain when put back into work shoes. Others have sore heels or arches, which feel worse on first standing in the morning. At Active Feet Podiatry we have seen a large increase in these type of problems. Dr Halpine can help give relief for problems such as issues with nails, painful feet or corns or callouses. We also will be able to remove hard

starts at 8.30 am with the Long Distance Triathlon (750 m/18 km/5 km) and duathlon (500 m/18 m /5 km). Further waves start at 9am, participants are advised of their wave at registration.

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The Kapiti Women’s Triathlon, to be held on Sunday 26th February 2023, is the longest-running women’s-only event in NZ. This iconic contest began in 1983 with the aim of encouraging women and girls to get out and have a go, focusing on fun, fitness and health.

It remains an amazing ‘grass roots’ event for women, run by women with a low key fun and friendly approach where any woman can find a challenge to suit them.

“The Airport Express offers customers free Wi-Fi, USB chargers and luggage racks, making it a highly convenient, affordable and climate friendly way to get to the airport.”Withthe vast majority of Airport Express customers previously needing to access the airport by car, the bus service is becoming a major contributor to Greater Wellington’s goal of a 40 percent increase in public and active transport modes by 2030.

“This service is accessible and environmentally friendly and is serving both visitors and workers in and around the airport.

Local youth mentoring programme Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wellington is aiming to raise $5,000 in 15 days with its first ever Givealittle campaign being run between 15 and 29 September.

In February 2021, the band completed a week-long South Island tour, performing to more than 4000 fans of all ages. More recently, it has been present at numerous musical and ceremonial events in Wellington, including the national Anzac Day services and the late Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Service.

Almost 50,000 customers have caught Metlink’s Airport Express in its first two months of service, nearly 18,000 more than forecast.

“Being a fully-electric service in Wellington also reflects Transdev’s commitment to zero emission fleets around the globe.”

Airport bus proves popular

A retiree said they were, “Very grateful for the new service into airport. No more long wet and windy walks hauling luggage”.

Mr Chin said his team was focused on p roviding a great customer experience which was reflected in the positive feedback.

“For one hour, once a week our ‘Bigs’ and ‘Littles’ spend time together sharing hobbies and interests. By simply showing up each week and being themselves, our mentors provide encouragement, promote confidence and build self-belief in young people. For some of the children in our programme, the weekly interaction with their mentor may be the only time they are afforded the undivided attention of an adult.

Patronage figures show 25,613 passengers used the bus route in August, a 5.8 percent increase on July when 24,219 people took the Airport Express in its first month.

“BBBSmore.islike stepping stones to help equip Thomas Lee for life. By being in the mentoring programme, Thomas Lee is working toward being better prepared for life as he grows up.

The route was forecast to be used by 15,983 customers each month in its first year.

Grant Tregurtha, who mentors Thomas Lee O’Donovan Karangaroa, says: “When I started mentoring Thomas Lee, nearly 12 months ago, he was very quiet and a little shy. Since then, I have seen his confidence grow as well as his thirst for knowledge. He asks a variety of questions from how a building is built to how a person gets paid – things I haven’t thought of since my children were little.

The Air Force in Concert will be an afternoon of varied entertainment, featuring symphonic masterworks, jazz standards and musical theatre hits from across theVersatileages. musicians from the band will also perform as a jazz orchestra and a drum line. The concert will highlight local talent, including award-winning entertainer Ali Harper, vocalist Leading Aircraftman Matt Mulholland, and resident bagpiper Sergeant Murray Mansfield.Afterhaving to cancel the event for the past two years because of Covid-related restrictions, the band was looking forward to returning to the MFC stage to strut

One customer said, “The new bus is on time, warm, clean and gets me into town faster and cheaper than any other option”.

“Through quality training, we equip mentors with the ability to build resilience in young people and support positive relationships that are critical to childhood development.

“Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wellington recruits, trains and supports adult volunteer mentors across Hutt Valley and Wellington, matching them with children aged between six and 12 who are in need of a little extra support”, says Programme Manager Ashleigh Stallard.

The RNZAF Band play ‘Air Force in Concert’ at the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington with conductor FLTLT David Gallaher

The Airport Express is operated by Transdev’s Mana Newlands Coaches. Mana Newlands Chief Executive Craig Chin said he was pleased customer demand was growing.

customer said they, “Had a really great driver on the Airport Express this morning, he was really helpful for all the people unfamiliar

Air Force band back in action

their stuff, said Director of Music Squadron Leader David Gallaher. “We’re delighted to be back performing for our home crowd after an extended hiatus from the Wellington concert scene. The band is sounding excellent, and we can’t wait to show our audience what a symphonic band can do,” heThesaid.RNZAF Band’s core duties include tasks such as welcoming visiting dignitaries at Government House and providing music for commemorations at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park.

with Wellington and took the time to make sure everyone got off in the right place and knew where to go. A great welcome to Wellington.”

into the Wellington community, supporting vulnerable tamariki and their wh nau.”

“The regional council’s bold

“Studies show that 98 percent of the youth Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors believe they now make better life choices as a result of the relationship with their“Wementor.needthe support of our community to keep our youth mentoring programme going in Wellington. Every dollar donated over the next two weeks will be invested straight

Big Brothers Big Sisters aims to ignite the potential of Wellington youth

The Royal New Zealand Air Force Band will take to the stage at Wellington’s Michael Fowler Centre with its annual showcase event, the Air Force in Concert, on Sunday 25 September.

Ten, fully electric Airport Express buses commenced service on 1 July, running between Wellington Railway Station and Wellington Airport approximately every 10 to 20 minutes, seven days a Metlinkweek. General Manager Samantha Gain said the patronage figures showed Greater Wellington made the right decision to establish the airport route.


12 Thursday September 22, 2022

Patronage figures show 25,613 passengers used the bus route in August, a 5.8 percent increase on July when 24,219 people took the Airport Express in its first month.

vision has materialised into a popular, premium, high frequency service that Wellingtonians and visitors to the region are coming to rely on,” Ms Gain said.

“It’s great to see people catching the bus and liking the service and we’re proud that we’ve been able to provide more equitable airport transport,” Mr Chin said.

“Thomas Lee often asks me about topics his teachers have taught him, and we get to discuss these more in-depth or from a different angle.

“Thomas Lee forgets nothing. He will start a conversation by saying ‘you told me about something’, and then wants to know

Wellington youth mentoring programme Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wellington is aiming to raise $5,000 in 15 days with its first ever Givealittle campaign being run between 15 and 29 September.

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An action from the 2017 Play Spaces Policy stated the need to engage with the Wellington skate community to understand their needs and aspirations. As a result, in 2020 with the help of surveys, interviews and drop-in sessions.

On Monday 26 September the existing skate park will be closed and work will begin. This work will take 3–4 months to complete. During this period there will be disruption to the carpark and the cycleway and the skatepark will be a closed construction site.

On Monday 26 September the existing skate park will be closed and work will begin. This work will take 3–4 months to complete. During this period there will be disruption to the carpark and the cycleway and the skatepark will be a closed construction site. The nearest skate park to Tawa is Pukehuia Park in Newlands which has been recently upgraded.

The final plan has been developed using the feedback we received from Tawa community representatives as well as extensive input from key local skaters Kevin Francis and the Wellington Skateboarding Association.

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Tawa Skate Park will be upgraded in 2022 from an aging relic to a contemporary space which skaters of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels can enjoy.

14 Thursday September 22, 2022 Death Notices HENDERSON, Peter Anthony: Sep 12, 2022 MITCHELL, Christina Ann (nee Sharrock): Sep 16, 2022 NELSON, Russell: Sep 17, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS YourNewsLocal Graham’sPainters E: grahamspaintersnz@gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior andpainted!Interior ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ www.wilsonfunerals.co.nz Locally owned funeral directors caring in your community 142 Karori Road, Karori 476 5292 375 Adelaide Road, Newtown 389 6069 p, Funeral Directors BUILDING Consent Approval and house plans. Free estimates provided. Call Doug on 934-1398. 477 4025 | www.gfh.co.nz Johnsonville’s only locally owned Funeral Home Trades and Services RWPuzzle OO CR S SD ForSOLUTIONSOLUTIONForApril9,2003July14,2004 ACROSS 1. Dubious (7) 5. Liberated (11) 11. High up (5) 12. Large tent (7) 13. Counter (5) 14. Hung (9) 15. Bears witness (9) 16. Poet (4) 17. List (7) 19. Daintily odd (6) 23. Free (6) 26. Lionize (7) 29. Against (4) 30. One-horse carriage (3) 32. The Commandments (3) 34. Image (4) 35. Inheritance (7) 36. Wanaka ‘warbird’ collector, Sir Tim (6) 39. Hard coating (6) 40. Numbs (7) 42. Crooked (4) 46. Hateful (9) 48. Pompous (9) 50. Leg bone (5) 51. Eighth of mile (7) 52. Patent (5) 53. Confirmation (11) 54. River mouth (7) DOWN 1. Switches (5) 2. Supporter (7) 3. Respect (6) 4. Fear (8) 5. Nobleman’s estate (7) 6. Grown up (5) 7. Fold (6) 8. Accesible (8) 9. Based on custom (11) 10. Adores (5) 16. Charm (7) 18. Areas (5) 20. Parched (7) 21. Lively dance (3) 22. Towards stern of ship (3) 24. Fear of open spaces (11) 25. Akin (3) 27. Accustom (5) 28. Cemetary tree (3) 31. Set (3) 33. Negative vote (3) 37. Backs away (8) 38. Snare (8) 41. Damn(sl) (7) 43. Aboriginal spear (7) 44. Young calf (6) 45. Skilled (6) 46. Change (5) 47. Italian city (5) 49. Way in (5) Solution Last Week 15 September 2022 CARPET & VINYL laid and repaired. Ph 0210634013 TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE CONTACT SAM NOW Sam Barnes Sales M: 021 109 4406 E: sam@wsn.co.nz ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be Callpre-paid.intoour office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz AllProbusJohnsonvilleClubretireeswelcometo meet with us to hear about life at the Malvina Major Retirement Village! St John’s Church Hall, Thursday 29th September, 10.30am. Enquiries to 04 382 8524 THURSDAY Who invented the first vending machine? The first modern coin-operated vending machines were introduced in London in the United Kingdom in the early 1880s, dispensing post cards. The machine was invented by Percival Everitt in 1883 and soon became a widespread feature at railway stations and post offices, dispensing envelopes, postcards and notepaper. FACT

Due to increasing build costs, it was agreed to split the vision for the new skate park into two areas. The funded and approved stage one shown in the design concepts, and a proposed flat ground / beginners area in stage two. The design has been through multiple iterations and drew inspiration from a variety of existing facilities and skate spots around the world, including:Ramp and bank sections inspiration (loosely modelled on Vans Showdown Ledge/ManualPark) inspiration

Tawa Skate Park set for upgrade

Public Notices

Pyramid inspiration Double set and rails.

Wellington City Council will be communicating via their website and social media when the Tawa Skate Park will be completed and celebrating with an open day.

Will Jordan is the X-factor of the backline and I fear his talents are being wasted on the wing instead of his natural fullback position.

Matti Rawlins triumphed in the Cool Kids K in a time of 3:50 Rico Rawlins was fourth in the Cool Kids K in 4:30.

Jordie Barrett can’t be trusted with his goal kicking but Richie

All Black teams do not let teams come back from an 18 point deficit but this 2022 team is rewriting the rule book.

At 31-13 up in the 55th minute, the game should have been in the bag.Great All Blacks teams of the best decade blew teams off the park with their depth on the bench and fitness in the final 20 minutes ofPoorgames.defence, appalling execution of basic skills, constant ill disci-

pline and some downright panic saw this team wilt when closing out the final stages of the game.

Mo’unga can.

Jennie Alderton-Moss managed sixth in the half marathon, stopping the clock in 1:57:04.

Lots of club supporters at the finish too Full results at Letscorer.com/race?raceid=290683https://www.web-Didwemissyouintheresults?usknow!

on Thursday night.

Linda Rawlins won the women’s 50-59 10km age-group race with a time of 1:03:59.

IngridRiver.Cree won the marathon in a time of 2:59:33.

Anneke Binkhorst finished 25th in a time of 2:44:53.


Yes, they won 39-37, thanks to a Bernard Foley brain explosion and a correct but gutsy call from referee Mathieu Raynal who’d had enough of the Wallabies time-wasting but the outcome is where the positives end.The game didn’t flow - that’s what you get with a French referee coupled with injuries and yellow cards.

The All Blacks were not patient, they blew try-scoring chances and failed to adapt to the officiating.

I’m thrilled they won, but this team is not trending in the right direction.Hoskins Sotutu was lazy at No 8 and Scott Barrett proved he’s a lock not a loose forward.

Johnsonville batter Devan Vishvaka’s rise continues after he earned a Wellington contract for the upcoming domestic cricket season.With Finn Allen accepting a national contract with the departures of Trent Boult and Colin de Grandhomme, the 21-year-old has earned an opportunity through sheer weight of runs over the past three seasons.

On another great summery Wellington Sunday, the black-white-red singlets of Johnsonville’s Olympic Harriers joined lots of other locals walking and running along the Hutt

He has also been a key cog in Johnsonville’s back-to-back Pearce Cup two-day clubDevantitles.says it was a surreal moment finding out he had earned a contract.

Fortunate All Blacks continue Foster rollercoaster

Johnsonville batter Devan Vishvaka has received a Wellington cricket contract for the upcoming season.

“I’ve received a lot of congratulations and support from everyone which has beenDevangreat.”says

Anita Tan was fifth in the same event, clocking 3:55:07.

“Getting the opportunity late last season to play for Wellington was some of the best cricket I’ve been involved in.”

Devan has been studying in Auckland for parts of the last couple of seasons and has been flying down to Wellington to play for Johnsonville on the weekend.

Olympic Harriers at Hutt Marathon

By Jacob Page

Vishvaka has excelled for the Wellington Men’s A squad this past summer scoring 367 and finishing the summer with back-toback three-day hundreds – in a three-wicket win over Northern Districts A, followed by a 172-run win over Central Districts A. His performances were rewarded with a first-class debut for the Wellington Firebirds against the Otago Volts, in Dunedin lastThemonth.young opener scored his maiden firstclass half-century in his first knock for the Firebirds and backed it up with his highest first-class score of 80 to help the Firebirds round out the 2021/22 summer with a win over Northern Districts.

“He’s just scored a ton of runs for us the past few seasons so you love to see that rewarded.“Devanhas a quiet confidence about his game and he doesn’t dwell on failure for long.“He backs his game and remains calm in key“He’ssituations.goneabove and beyond to continue to play for Johnsonville and equally we’ve shown that we, as a club, value him so this is a great outcome.”

There’s no place for that in the game.

15Thursday September 22, 2022SPORT

“I was very excited to hear about it and I’m overjoyed, as is my family.

after initially missing out on a contract in April, he just hoped for more opportunities with the Firebirds but this was the chance he was waiting for.

Take away the last 30 seconds and this All Blacks team took a step back in Bledisloe 1.

“It feels amazing, it was completely unexpected.

Foster praised his team’s ability to win at the death but admitted his team should have controlled the advantage they earned in the second half.

On a side note, Wallabies lock Darcy Swain should get a minimum six week ban for his callous attack on the legs of Quinn Tupaea which saw the All Blacks replacement hobble off.

Ele Brown was fourth in the same event with a time of 1:07:05.

Johnsonville’s Vishvaka earns Wellington contract

Johnsonville Olympic Harriers athletes were in the medals at the Hutt Marathon.

When Wayne Smith describes Jordan as one of the most elusive runners he’s seen, much like Christian Cullen, that carries weight forTheme.fans have been crying out for consistency from Ian Foster’s team and that noise will not have died down based on that performance

Johnsonville captain Raki Weerasundara says Devan deserves the opportunity.

With Jacob Page

Devan says he believes he can be an opener in all three formats and tailor his aggressive, shot-making mindset into any match situation.

CROFTON DOWNS MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS LOCALS SUPPORTING LOCALS Snapper Card Top ups instore now LONG WEEKEND PROJECTS SORTEDMITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS Phone : 04 479 8765 128 Churchill Drive cs.croftondowns@mitre10.co.nz facebook.com/mitre10.croftondownswww.mitre10.co.nz/croftondowns Open Monday 26th 8.00am-6.00pm Saturday & Sunday 8.00am-6.00pm Start Thursday 22nd September - Wednesday 28th September 2022. Keter Easy DarkPlanterGrowing120LitreGrey Simple drainage system that can be opened or closed for full control of Fullwatering.watering system includes a reservoir to prevent root decay and over 295740watering. $229 LOW PRICE Tui Tui 3 Tier Worm Farm Kit Recycle organic waste to create fertiliser for your 100%garden.recycled plastic. Two tier system with Newtap. leg mechanisminsert–no clips 346411needed. $109 LOW PRICE Browns Superior Telescopic Wash Brush 280mm Yellow and Black 3 stage 1.6m to 3.6m reach extending waterflow handle. Jet grip flow control soap dispenser valve. Flagged Synthetic fill. Rubber squeegee blade. 119489 Browns Gutter Whiskers Gutter Filter 6 Pack H: 900mm, W: 105mm, D: 105mm Black Easy DIY installation. Bends around corners. Proven for all seasons. Stops leaves and debris from blocking the gutter yet lets water flow the gutter. 121711 Bosch Electric Lawn Mower 370mm 1400 Watt Cut and catch. Cutting width of 370mm. Cutting height of 204070mm.litre fabric catcher. 16 Nm 232615torque. WAS $ 129 NOW Nouveau$99 Glazed Bird Bath Green Butterfly Perfect addition to any Suitablegarden.for outdoor/ garden use. WAS $ 75.38 NOW $4998 ea Strawberry Assorted 10cm Easy to Producesgrow.masses of juicy 377824bedsPerfectberries.forgardenorpatiopots. $298 ea LOW PRICE Or 5 for $10 Tui Lawn Force All Purpose Slow Release FertiliserLawn2.5kg A specialised formula that will feed your lawn for up to 3 months. 2.5kg (treats 319510165m2). WAS $ 37.98 NOW $24 99 Tui Tomato Grow Tower Extend the support tower as your plants grow to 1.5 Suitablemetres. for all tomato H:types.1480mm, W: 380mm, D: 343342380mm. $49 ea LOW PRICE Tui Urban Oasis Planter L: 0.75m, W: 0.35m, H: 1.34m Self watering container with extra large 16 litre water Includesstorage.acover to protect plants from harsh conditions and extend your growing season. 366375 $199 LOW PRICE Growfresh Pot Assorted Herbs Grow your own herbs, perfect for bringing flavour and aroma to the kitchen. Suitable for pots, containers or garden beds. 10cm 181817pot. $529 ea LOW PRICE Or 2 for $9 Solo Domestic Back Pack Sprayer 15 Litre Durable 50cm spray Practicallance. robust trigger 136311handle. 361376 / 361377 / 361378 Yates Weed n Feed BONUS PACK 2.4 litre 20% extra free than the standard 2 litre Easybottle.to 218174Hose-onapply.applicator. $1898 LOW PRICE Makita Cordless Lawn Mower & Line Trimmer Kit 18 Volt x 2 5Ah 2 Piece Heavy382924duty metal Providesdeck. instant full speed of 3,300rpm. Quiet mode keeps motor at 2,500rpm for lower noise output. $929 LOW PRICE Number 8 Plastic Leaf Rake Assorted Colours Wide 20 tooth head for easy raking. Sturdy 243568blue,availableAssortedhandle.woodencoloursinblack,redoryellow. $599 ea LOW PRICE *T&C’s apply. Nouveau Malay Hanging Egg Chair Durable powdercoated steel frame. All-weather rattan. Plush and durable olefin 354067120kgcushions.weightrating. Accent Interior & Exterior 4L and 10L* *T&C’s apply. $599 LOW PRICE Tui Chicken & Sheep Pellets 10 kg Enrich your garden with natural nutrients for healthy plants and soil. All natural New Zealand Chicken and Sheep Manure enriched with minerals and nutrient-rich organic matter. Formulated for new and established gardens. 376781 WAS $ 16.98 NOW $13 ea $9998 LOW PRICE 30 Seconds Spray and Walk Away Hose End 2 litre Works over time. Fast application from hose end. Hose end deflector provides FAN spray for wide 201833coverage. WAS $ 39.98 NOW $35 ea WAS $ 249 NOW $169 WAS $ 77.98 NOW $4998 ea Now Stockists of 16 Thursday September 22, 2022

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