27 October Independent Herald

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Ngaio’s very own repair cafe is just another notch in the community’s belt to come together and lend a hand.

The cafe opened last week with volunteers lending their time and skills to give much-loved items a new lease on life.

Five years ago Ngaio Union Church removed its pews in favour of chairs and flexibility of use of its space.

This move allowed it to become the centre for a range of community activities, which have grown substantially over the intervening years.

Several of these have been in conjunction with Ngaio Crofton Downs Residents Association, working together to promote a carbon neutral suburb. Continued on page 2.

Ngaio has joined the Repair Cafe global movement and the volunteers had fun doing it.

Thursday October 27, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660Sunday 13-18Today 13-17 Friday 14-18Saturday 14-19 Power of the volunteer 5 & 6 NOV TSB ARENA FREE TICKETS ONLINE! National List MP based in Wellington Nicola Willis MP 04 817 9338 nicolawillis.co.nz NicolaWillisMP MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS Phone : 04 479 8765 128 Churchill Drive cs.croftondowns@mitre10.co.nz facebook.com/mitre10.croftondowns www.mitre10.co.nz/croftondowns Monday - Friday 7.00am - 6.00pm Saturday & Sunday 8.00am-6.00pm SPRING PROJECTS SORTED Start Thursday 27th October - Wednesday 2nd November 2022

The Repair Cafe comes to Ngaio

Continued from page 1. Kettles and remote controls and other household items are forever going wrong. Not always do we have a handy neighbour or a convenient internet help.

In Amsterdam in 2009 a Dutch woman, Martine Postma, did something about that. She offered a repair café, coffee plus volunteer repairers who fixed and showed how to fix. It was a communal success.

Then, in 2011 after that initial success, Martine formed the Repair Cafe Foundation, which now has cafes in many countries, popping up, often on a Saturday, in churches, libraries, community centres and suchlike places.

They become friendly community gatherings where people who know how to fix things gather alongside the coffee to help locals who don’t know how to fix things.

Ngaio Church member, John McInnes, saw the opportunity and, with the enthusiastic support of the church, formed a hard-working committee to bring the Ngaio Repair Café to fruition on Saturday 15th October. It was an immediate success.

“Forty items were brought for repair between 10am and 1pm. All sorts of stuff, sewing, kitchenware, electronic gadgets, furniture and even a lawnmower.”

“By 11am the church was crowded with individuals, cou-


ples and families bringing things that were faulty but which they didn’t want to throw away.

Those who had to wait, as the team of volunteer repairers dealt with one thing at a time, seemed to enjoy sitting around have complementary morning tea.

Some stayed on for a while afterwards just to enjoy the company. Several people came just to have a look.

Perhaps they will tell others before the next session on Saturday 19 November. I thought our church by holding this on Saturday did good for the planet and good for the community.”

Food for thought comment


from the EU is that.

“Just extending the life of all washing machines, notebooks, vacuum cleaners and smartphones in the EU by one year is the equivalent of removing two million cars from the roads.

“The right to repair is therefore a climate issue.”

Preceding the Repair Café, there have been a number of other initiatives taking place in the freed-up space within Ngaio Union, some in conjunction with the Residents Association and aimed at being a community hub for the suburb. These include Ngaio Agile, a weekly exercise class for the elderly, indoor

bowls and practice venue for a local choir.

This past winter has seen a series of monthly Friday film evenings, popcorn provided. On the first Saturday of each month the Residents Association holds a recycling collection for small items not acceptable for roadside collection.

Not to forget friendly church services on Sunday mornings and a Korean service on Sunday afternoons. The policy of the church, which has undergone significant renovations, is not to charge other users but rather to join with them to embrace the community.

I recently hosted a meeting which included local property developers and representatives from the City and Regional Councils. The background for the meeting was the need to ensure all people involved in providing more housing in our electorate, whether it be those building them or those regulating and permitting that building, understand the issues which govern the ability to build the houses everyone agrees we need.

There are essentially two types of development; greenfields and brownfields. Greenfields means building on currently undeveloped land, typically ex farmland on the edges of current urban areas, where infrastructure like sewers, water supply and other essential services don’t exist are usually built by the developer.

Brownfields development means rebuilding on existing sites, and there has been considerable discussion in recent times around how much intensification should be allowed in existing suburbs, especially changing of height limits to allow for more apartments.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages; the Regional Council in particular see their role to prevent more

Many of us in Ōhāriu and elsewhere have been following events in Britain with disbelief. As a Westminster style democracy, New Zealand and many of the countries we have immigrated from over the years, have often looked towards the UK as a stable democracy. That’s what makes the shambles it has become through Brexit and its turnover of Prime Ministers disturbing. At the same time, it does give us comfort at the stability we enjoy here in New Zealand. I do worry that the Opposition attempt to create an impression of instability and negativity about our Government for their own purposes, without understanding the long term damage to confidence in our country. Yes, the cost of living and inflation has increased, as they have all around the world due to international factors. The truth is we are much better off than most other countries; any search of overseas’ media will show that. And then there’s the latest misinformation that

runoff and other material ending up in our harbours, especially the Porirua harbour in the case of development north of Johnsonville and Newlands. The Wellington City Council are concerned that the existing infrastructure cannot handle the pressure it comes under when new housing areas are developed. Existing infrastructure is aging and needs upgrading across our city, as evidenced by recent pipe failures. An advantage of intensification of existing areas means more people, therefore more ratepayers to pay for those upgrades.

Developers of course need to make a profit, and wish to keep their compliance costs as low as possible. Many believe the Resource Management Act is too cumbersome. We as government for our part have undertaken to rewrite that act.

The feedback was good, but the success will be when there are sufficient affordable houses to meetdemand. That is certainly my goal as your MP.

That, and of course having a vibrant and functioning Johnsonville Shopping Centre we can all be proud of.

There’s plenty to be getting on with.

our PM Jacinda Ardern is stepping down. Absolute rubbish; she’s not and neither am I. We’ll both be standing at the next election. Where we are lucky in New Zealand is that we have very low unemployment and so ensuring wages keep increasing does give us the ability to mitigate rising costs. Of course all the initiatives we have introduced to give relief to families have been opposed by the Opposition, who just want to drop taxes for the welloff, as the British Government did with disastrous consequences. Finally, great news that we will soon have a National Public Transport ticketing system where we can use public transport anywhere in NZ with one card which will work out the correct fare entitlement. That can’t come soon enough. We’re getting a taste of that in Wellington where as a result of the success on the Johnsonville line, Metlink are extending the Snapper service to all of their network. So we’ll be ready for when it all goes nationally.

2 Thursday October 27, 2022 CLASSIFIED SALES classifieds@wsn.co.nz How to reach us Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 www.independentherald.co.nz NATIONAL SALES Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 587 1660 SALES Steve Maggs steve@wsn.co.nz 587 1660 SALES Brenda Ingram-Johnson brenda@wsn.co.nz 021 640 152 REPORTER Jacob Page herald@wsn.co.nz 027 425 0422 We’d love to hear from you. The elders of Enliven’s Huntleigh and Cashmere Homes are looking for fun-loving, caring, talented nurses to join their dedicated team. With Enliven positive ageing services, you’ll enjoy a wide range of clinical work, a supportive work environment, plenty of professional development and career progression opportunities, a focus on wellbeing and lots of fun! “I love it here. The environment is friendly, and there are recreational activities all week Are you a
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Sewing repair observed by Ngaio Union Minister, Sue Brown (left).

Newlands College young enterprise group wins big

On Friday night one of Newlands College’s YES (Young Enterprise Scheme) Businesses Smile Support represented the school at the Wellington Regional Awards for Businesses.

Smile Support were placed within the top four within the Wellington region and had the opportunity to be one of the few groups to pitch to hundreds of people.

After the pitches, the regional awards were given out and Smile Support received the Kickstarter Award worth $2000.

Lachlan Robertson received the best teacher award within the Wellington Region

Smile support also received an additional $200 after being announced the Wellington champions. They now have the opportunity to compete in the National Excellence Awards.

Laurie Foon - Wellington’s new Deputy Mayor

Second term city councillor Laurie Foon is Wellington’s new Deputy Mayor.

Wellington Mayor-elect Tory Whanau says Laurie was initially hesitant to accept the role when she first offered it to her.

“I actually saw that as a benefit as it told me that when she accepted it was for all the right reasons – for the benefit of Wellington and Wellingtonians.

“I have 100 per cent trust in Laurie. We have a shared vision and she has the respect of councillors based on her kindness and honesty.

“Laurie also has strong connections with the business community which will prove invaluable as we bring them along on the journey of change which faces

the city.”

“I must also say it is also important to me that I support women in leadership,” Mayor-elect Whanau says.

Deputy Mayor-elect Laurie Foon says she felt “incredibly honoured to bring her positive mahi to the city” as deputy.

“I will support Tory so she can be the best she can be for the city and provide a solid bridge between the Mayor’s office and councillors.

“I see a big part of my role as helping create a unified council to make good decisions on behalf of all Wellingtonians.”

Both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor were presented with their respective chains at an official inauguration ceremony yesterday.

Tony keeps going

Karori RSA member, Tony Williams is now almost three quarters through his long walk of New Zealand, having reached Burnham Camp yesterday afternoon.

He gave a speech about his length of New Zealand walk at Templeton RSA.

Second meeting tonight

There will be a second community meeting hosted by the Karori Residents Association via zoom tonight at 7pm as a follow up from the in person community meeting around the major works project to replace the Allington Road Culvert.

WCC officers Brad Singh and his team will be in attendance as per last meeting, and GWRC representatives will be attending this meeting to address any questions the community have about the bus rerouting concerns.

Heritage Week begins

Wellington Heritage Week is back for its sixth year celebrating the region’s many people, places and stories.

The festival has over 60 events, walks, talks and activities happening around Te-Whanganui-a-Tara – most of which are free or koha, but many need booking.

The week runs from October 24 to November 6.

people, great hours

inbrief news 3Thursday October 27, 2022
04 920 8850 24 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville Your local medical centre Great
Mayor-elect Tory Whanau, left and Deputy Mayor-elect Laurie Foon will lead the Wellington City Council for the next term. Smile Support were placed within the top four within the Wellington region and had the opportunity to be one of the few groups to pitch to hundreds of people.

Watercolour exhibition to make a splash

The annual Splash exhibition is a highlight of the New Zealand Arts calendar and a not-tobe-missed event. Two exhibitions, Splash 2022 and Ceramicus, each one an outstanding show, are combining again to present a treat for art

lovers at the Academy Galleries in Wellington. This major art gallery is located in the heart of the city in the historic harbour office building at the entrance to Queens Wharf. This year’s Splash 2022 guest is renowned

6Power saving Tips? YIP!

Hey Everyone! Inflation is up, and with it, so is the cost of living – so most households are making every dollar stretch a little further. And while the discounts might be obvious when you swap one brand of cheese for another, there are even bigger savings to be made, right at home. With a house that’s more efficient to heat and cool, you’ll shrink your energy bill and your environmental impact along with it.

1. Install a smart meter

What uses the most energy in your home? How much would you save by switching to LEDs or turning appliances off at the wall? You can answer those questions with a smart meter, which lets you track, in 30-min increments, how much energy you’re using. Seeing that data will let you focus on getting the biggest wins and can be motivating too! To get a smart meter installed, start by talking to your energy retailer.

2. Insulate top to bottom

Insulation is a game changer – it keeps the warmth and cool in. For most homes, insulating can be relatively fast and cheap –well-fitting bats in your roof and a moisture barrier makes a significant difference. You’ll use your heater less in winter and will find your home stays cooler as the weather heats up. That adds up to more comfortable, affordable living and less environmental impact. Remember that insulation is a requirement under the Healthy Homes initiative, so get your home ready for your next stage in life for your next project.

3. Insulate side to side

Hang thermal-backed curtains and blinds. Those beautiful big windows could be stealing your energy – you lose a lot of heat through glass, even if your windows are double-glazed. Invest in floor-to-ceiling thermal curtains or blinds to trap warm air

in and check for any loose latches or warped frames that can create drafty gaps. You can get these very cheap when on special.

4. Swap in energy-efficient appliances

You could be surprised at how energy-hungry that old dryer and fridge can be. Swap it out for 5 star rated appliances and you’ll see those energy savings creep up without having to do a thing. As an extra environmental bonus, your new appliances will save on water and probably work better too – no need to run dirty plates through the dishwasher twice.

5. Hot water thermostat

You may find your hot water system is running way too hot and you are just wasting that heat by mixing more cold water. Run your hot water at the hottest it can go and see if it is too high! You can save serious $$ by adjusting your thermostat down a little

6. Light up with LEDs

The simplest way to reduce energy use is to swap your old incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs. These are super cheap to buy now and easy to install. LED can use up to 85% less power than traditional incandescent or halogen bulbs and can last 15 times longer too!

Whether you go for the big upgrades or start small, getting your home more efficient will keep money in the bank and help you live more sustainably. Have a great week everyone!

New Zealand artist, Brian Baxter from Blenheim. Brian became a full-time artist almost 50 years ago and an early success was winning the Kelliher Art Award in landscape in 1977. Brian started as an oil and acrylic painter.

“At first I found it challenging to unlearn oil painting techniques, to give up some control and let watercolour talk. Now I appreciate the fresh looseness of watercolours and find that it’s happy accidents can be appealing.”

Brian has enjoyed well deserved success and has a growing reputation as one of New Zealand’s top watercolour artists.

He is known for his contemporary realistic landscapes for which he has won several prizes and awards. Brian’s masterly paintings of New Zealand and international scenes promise to be a highlight of the show.

Splash 2022, the national exhibition of Water-

colour New Zealand Inc, will feature around 300 paintings by professional and amateur artists from Whangarei to Invercargill. Exhibiting artists include the top names in New Zealand watercolour, among them Adrienne Pavelka, Bernadette Parsons, Svetlana Orinko, Jacky Pearson, Min Kim, Peter Coates, Alfred Memelink, Richard Bolton, Alan Collins, Dianne Taylor, Kimbra Taylor, Joy De Geus, and Roger Daniell. Images of paintings from the exhibition, posted on Watercolour New Zealand’s facebook page, have attracted interest from art lovers around the world with likes from more than twenty countries. There will be a wide range of paintings to view in a variety of styles and all artworks will be for sale. The variety of style and price ranges will ensure that there will be works to suite all tastes. Many paintings will depict popular local and national scenery. Visitors who would like to watch watercolours being painted are welcome to watch as experienced artists demonstrate their skills. Demonstrations are scheduled for 1 to 3pm on weekends.



4 Thursday October 27, 2022 TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE CONTACT SAM NOW Sam Barnes Sales M: 021 109 4406 E: sam@wsn.co.nz Love local. Shop local. FREE measure and quote Hours: Mon-Fri
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The annual Splash exhibition is a highlight of the New Zealand Arts calendar and a not-to-be-missed event. Two exhibitions, Splash 2022 and Ceramicus, each one an outstanding show, are combining again to present a treat for art lovers at the Academy Galleries in Wellington.
Written by William YIP Your friend in Real Estate 021 106 9997 William.YIP@CollectiveFN.co.nz

Planting in Zealandia a success

During September, a small group of hardy rangers and volunteers trekked out to the very far south end of the Zealandia and the valley to plant podocarps and other key plant species, including mata kau, h nau, and others.

The team, especially plantastic leader Ranger Tia, flexed their botanical biceps to an unbeleafable degree to transport the trays of seedlings up and down tricky transects to reach the designated planting zones.

The team managed to complete this year’s planting of two separate sites in one long and very muddy day.

While generally Zealandia staff let the

forest regenerate by itself, each year the conservation team does some planting to facilitate the establishment of species that would not otherwise come back into the sanctuary, including podocarps and rare and threatened plant species. In addition, podocarp planting is always complemented with other emergent tree species to promote a more diverse canopy cover in the future.

This is a key part of our 500-year vision, so we are rooting for these wee seedlings to grow tall and become part of the Zealandia canopy that will be enjoyed by the valley’s inhabitants hundreds of years from now.

5Thursday October 27, 2022
team, especially plantastic
Ranger Tia, flexed their botanical biceps to an unbeleafable
to transport the trays of seedlings up and down tricky transects to reach the designated planting zones. Many thanks to all of you for your number 1 vote in Onslow-Western “Qui Servit Ille Maximus” (Who serves is greatest, my old college motto) ray.chung@wcc.govt.nz 022-065 0088 Onslow Western’s Number 1 NEWBOLDS JOHNSONVILLE We’re Local, We Care! 6-8 Broderick Road, Johnsonville 478-4988 Easy Customer Parking We’re Local We Care SAMSUNG $1499 4 Star Energy Saving! 427L Fridge Freezer $749 Save $200! 254/236L Fridge $1199 Limited Stock! 8.5Kg Add Wash Washer $1299 Limited Stock! 12Kg Washer $2499 Dual Fridge Compartments SideXside Fridge $1498 9 Star Energy Saving! 8Kg Heatpump Dryer $839 46 dBA Quiet Operation 13 Place Dishwasher $1199 Dual Fan! Pyro Self Clean Oven $899 200 Air Watt Power! Jet 90 Pet Stick Vac $1299 Up to 60 Mins Running! Induction Cooktop $729 Up to 60 Minute Runing! Jet 70 Pet Stick Vac $799 Value & Practical! Built-in Oven SAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNG SUPER BUYS

readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

Q: What is your favourite meal, and what do you like about it?

A boil up, with meat like pork or lamb and water cress, because it is easily done.

Chinese, because the taste is different.

A nice roast meal with veges.

A decent piece of steak. I love my steak, but it’s pretty expensive now so I can’t have it as often.

Greater Wellington welcome national ticketing solution Food bank appeal a success

The iu branch of Altrusa International, Wellington, held a food bank appeal for Newlands food bank on Sunday October 16 at Newlands New World. This was to celebrate World Food day. Ray Good, chairman of Newlands Community House was there to accept this wonderful donation, and thanks them for their generosity.

Greater Wellington and Metlink welcomed news today that Cubic has been chosen to deliver the next stage of the National Ticketing Solution.

At the contract signing with Cubic today Hon Michael Wood, Minister of Transport, outlined how the National Ticketing Solution will deliver a nationally consistent payment system and provide a range of easy-to-use payment methods across all public transport in New Zealand.

Samantha Gain, General Manager for Metlink – Greater Wellington’s transport arm - said the signing was an important milestone in the delivery of an improved, simpler to use public transport system at both a local and national level.

“This is great news for our passengers who tell us that they want more and easier ways to pay across all modes of public transport, whether that be train, bus or ferry.

While Environment Canterbury will be the first council to implement the National Ticketing Solution, Metlink will work with Waka Kotahi to adapt the system to best meet the needs of Wellingtonians.

In the meantime, Metlink introduced a contactless electronic payment pilot with existing supplier, Snapper, on its Johnson-

ville Line in November 2021 to help pave the way for the eventual National Ticketing Solution in Wellington. The Johnsonville pilot gave Metlink the opportunity to trial the best approaches to design, installation and running of contactless electronic payment system on its rail network. The high customer satisfaction associated with the pilot gave Metlink the confidence to roll out Snapper across the whole of its rail network which is happening in November 2022.

“This obviously complements the system that has been in place for Metlink buses since 2018 and the technology, infrastructure, data and passenger feedback will help inform the next stage of the fully integrated National Ticketing Solution which is expected to be implemented in Wellington by 2026.

“The Snapper on Rail project is an important part of our transition to the National Ticketing Solution - this will ensure our rail passengers have early access to electronic ticketing as well as undertaking the important step of transitioning passengers to a modern way of payment for rail journeys across the region,” says Samantha Gain.

The National Ticketing Solution (NTS) is a collaborative project delivered by

Waka Kotahi, in partnership with public transport authorities across the country. For more information about Snapper on rail in the Wellington region please see: http://metlink.org.nz/snapper-on-rail

6 Thursday October 27, 2022
Simon Te-Rauna Puha, pork bones, potato and dough boys boil up. Judith Judd Chicken, because you can do so much with it. Joe Richardson Janice Harrington Mike Ivar Hoani McGregor The Ohariu branch of Altrusa got plenty of community spirit from their foodbank appeal at Newlands New World. Samantha Gain, General Manager for Metlink – Greater Wellington’s transport arm - said the signing was an important milestone in the delivery of an improved, simpler to use public transport system at both a local and national level.

Free COVID antiviral medicines are available

Free oral antiviral medicines are available for people at risk of becoming very unwell from COVID, and free RATs are available for everyone.

Benefits of antiviral medicines

Antiviral medicine can help people be less sick and stay out of hospital. The medicine must be taken within the first 5 days of having COVID symptoms to reduce the amount of virus in the body.

Who can get antiviral medicines

Eligible people include:

• Māori or Pacific people aged 50 years or older

• everyone aged 65 years and older

• anyone aged 50 years or older who has had less than two COVID vaccinations

• anyone with a severely weakened immune system, Down syndrome, sickle cell anaemia, or were previously in critical or high dependency hospital care from COVID.

• anyone with three or more high-risk medical conditions.

For the full list of high-risk medical conditions, visit Covid19.govt.nz/medicines

When to get antiviral medications

To get the COVID antiviral medicines, all of these must apply:

• you have COVID, or you are a household contact and have symptoms

• your symptoms started within the last 5 days

• you are eligible for the medicine.

Your doctor, nurse, hauora provider, or local pharmacy can tell you if you are eligible and may provide you with a prescription. If your local pharmacy does not prescribe antiviral medicine, they can put you in touch with a pharmacy that does.

How to get antiviral medications

If you have COVID you must isolate for 7 days. You can arrange to have medicines delivered by friends or whānau. If needed, pharmacies that provide COVID antiviral medicine can have them delivered to you, for free.

Free RATs

Free rapid antigen tests (RATs) are available for everyone, and you do not need to have COVID to get them.  You can order them online at RequestRATS.Covid19.health.nz and collect them at community providers, marae, testing centres, and some pharmacies, or have someone collect them for you.

Upload your test results, positive or negative, to MyCovidRecord.health.nz, or call 0800 222 478 and choose option 3.

Find out more at Covid19.govt.nz
7Thursday October 27, 2022
MELBOURNE CUP 2022 Tuesday 1st November, 5pm THE Join the Winners Circle! WIN $150 The Independent Herald and these local businesses are off ering you the chance to win $150 on the race that STOPS THE NATION. Here’s how you can win. 1. Check out all the ads on this page. Notice that each business has been allocated a number of a horse running in the Melbourne Cup 2022. 2. Choose one horse to win (1-24). 3. Fill out the coupon with your details, the name of the business and your home phone number. 4. Email a photo of your coupon to the Independent Heraldwin@wsn.co.nz If you pick the winning horse, you go in the draw to WIN $150!! Join in all the fun of the Melbourne Cup, you have nothing to lose and $150 to gain! Name:.......................................................................................................................... ..... Address:....................................................................................................................... Phone No: ..................................................................................................................... Horse Number:.............................................................................................................. Business Name:............................................................................................................ Conditions: All winners who have picked the winning horse will go into a draw to win $150. Judges decision is fi nal, no correspondence may be entered into. Employees of Wellington Suburban Newspapers and their immediate family are not entitled to enter this competition. Competition closes on Monday 31st October 2022, 3pm. The winner will be contacted by telephone. The winner agrees to be available for publicity shots for future issues of Wellington Suburban Newspapers. Call 027 493 9903 E: autobuffntouch@gmail.com J’ville’s No. 1 Print Experts mbs@mbsdigitalprint.com 23-29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville04 477 5705 Get in touch! 24 V E H ICLE SER V ICIN G A N D RE PA IRS FOR E U RO P E A N A N D JAPA NESE V E H ICLE 31 JOHNSONVILLE RD, JOHNSONVILLE PH: 04-385 0060 | Email: motorworxwgtn@outlook.com www.motorworx.co.nz2 J’ville’s No. 1 Print Experts mbs@mbsdigitalprint.com 23-29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville04 477 5705 Get in touch! 1 V E H ICLE SER V ICIN G A N D RE PA IRS FOR E U RO P E A N A N D JAPA NESE V E H ICLE 31 JOHNSONVILLE RD, JOHNSONVILLE PH: 04-385 0060 | Email: motorworxwgtn@outlook.com www.motorworx.co.nz8 MondaySaturday 9am-6pm 04 979 8126 / 022 419 5008 4 Cobham Court, Porirua 19 MELBOURNE CUP 2022 8 Thursday October 27, 2022 13 Thursday October 27, 2022 21 18 Call 027 493 9903 E: autobuffntouch@gmail.com Workshop Quantity Surveyors LtdSpecialists in Project Cost Estimates for Residential & Commercial Buildings 23 16 6 15 13 Workshop Quantity Surveyors LtdSpecialists in Project Cost Estimates for Residential & Commercial Buildings 17 14 YOUR LOCAL CROFTON DOWNS LOCALS SUPPORTING LOCALS CROFTON DOWNS MITRE 10 128 Churchill Drive Ph: 04 479 8765Locals Supporting Locals MondayFriday: 7:00am6:00pmSaturday & Sunday: 8.00am6:00pm 6.1km 9 min Johnsonville Mitre 10 Crofton Downs Broadmeadows Khandallah 10 12 3 4 11 5 9 22 20 7
9Thursday October 27, 2022 CalltheExpertsintheirfieldXPERTS Premier Preschool Johnsonville Call: 04 939 8247 Email: jvpremierpreschool@gmail.com Location: Onsite Johnsonville School, 2 Morgan Street. Open: 8.30am–4pm Age Group: 2–5 years Open over the school term 20 Hours ECE available Fun, Friendship, Learning Preschool Headstones Are you paying too much? Second Inscription from $900.00 New Plaques from $1150.00 New Headstones from $1950.00 Permit, Lettering, Artwork, Installation and GST all Included BUY DIRECT & SAVE GLOVER MEMORIALS 7 Hartham Pl Sth, Porirua, Ph: 237-8891 Also at 298 Naenae Road, Lower Hutt Headstone specialists since 1911 www.glovermemorials.co.nz Lawns and Gardens www.Jimsmowing.co.nz 0800454-654 Real Estate
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10 Thursday October 27, 2022
11Thursday October 27, 2022
12 Thursday October 27, 2022

Regain your independence with an Acorn stairlift

Acorn is the world’s biggest company dedicated solely to the manufacture, direct sale, installation and maintenance of home stairlifts.

As people enjoy longer lives and wish to remain living independently at home, the demand for domestic stairlifts continues to grow. Acorn Stairlifts are innovative on every level, making Acorn the safest alternative for staircase use in every home.

As an example of Acorn’s commitment to excellence and safety, they are proud that our products have earned the prestigious Ease of Use Commendation from the Arthritis Foundation. This commendation is only awarded to companies whose products have passed rigorous testing proving they are easy to use for people with arthritis.

Should you buy a stairlift?

Acorn Stairlifts will help you master 'the three Rs': Regain your independence, Retain full use of your home, and Remain

in the home you love. Installing an Acorn Stairlift turns your home into a bungalow, by removing the obstacle of stairs if they become too challenging.

Skye's health range all set in an exciting Advent parcel package for Christmas

If you want to show someone special just how much they mean to you why not consider an Advent Gift Box from Skye Candle and Bodycare in Tawa?

Filled with a selection of 25 of their most popular skin, hair, body, bath, aromatherapy and candle products, it makes an exciting gift.

Their “Advent” package's selection of small individually wrapped parcels is opened each day, up to Christmas Day. But you’ll have to be quick to get an Advent Package as they’ve proved popular, with only a small number now remaining.

Packaged inside their beautifully designed

gift box with magnetic closure, there is 25 times the excitement upon opening up all 25 compartments to reveal each product! They’ve already chosen each product and are keeping them a secret, though they’re happy to share them with you if you ask!

Each of their handcrafted scented and selfcare products are made right here in New Zealand using only the finest 100% natural ingredients. They take great pride in their manufacturing process, choosing individual, and combinations of, ingredients they are happy to use in products themselves.


Cherries – a powerful antiviral punch

From the salesman who came to our house to the tech who installed the lift, my experience was very pleasant.

Everyone was businesslike and polite.

Regain all the freedom of your own home

Simple, safe and stylish, Acorn Stairlifts give people the independence to enjoy their own home once again.

Diet plays a huge role in our health with foods that offer specific health benefits referred to as functional foods. Cherryvite’s Montmorency tart cherries is one such food.

As one of nature’s richest source of an-

your body’s free radicals, and support heart health and joint mobility, reduce stress and enable a better night’s sleep.

Montmorency tart cherries are warmed and pressed to remove the cherry juice. Cherry juice is concentrated to 68° Brix by removing water. Cherryvite products contain no additives, preservatives or colouring agents and are 100% natural.

Tart cherry juice concentrate can be reconstituted into a single-strength beverage.

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15Thursday October 27, 2022




We know when our children are sick, they go from being active and alert to quiet, grumpy, sleepy, clingy and wanting more cuddles. Often they lose interest in food.

The most common general signs of illness are fever, pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough, headache and rash. Fever (body temperature above 37°C) indicates that the body is ‘fighting’ infection from either bacteria or viruses.

Children’s natural defence mechanisms are less well-developed than adults’ immune systems, so children are at higher risk of infections.

Fever accompanied by cough, runny or blocked nose and headache can signify the common cold. “Ask us about our Children’s Pain & Fever fact card”, recommend Self Care pharmacists, “because this has a lot of helpful hints for looking after sick children. Also it indicates what other signs to look out for in children that indicate more serious illnesses.”

Keeping your child comfortable in bed, giving plenty of fluids, and using liquid medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce fever, are best when your child has a cold.

“But” advice from Self Care pharmacists is “use proper medicine-measuring spoons when measuring-out doses of liquid medicines. Don’t use kitchen teaspoons because they are not accurate, the volume varies from spoon to spoon, and your child will not receive the correct dose of medicine.”

It is important to look out for sore throats in children as it can lead to Rheumatic Fever. This is a serious illness that affects mainly Maori and Pacific children and young people, aged four and above.

Sore throats generally clear up by themselves but “strep” sore throats can lead to rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease which can be life threatening. It is important to check up children with sore throats so if they do have a “strep” sore throat they can be treated with antibiotics and stop the illness progressing any further.

If you are unsure then get in touch with your pharmacist, doctor or nurse.

Parents can encourage their children to take simple steps to help prevent the spread of some illnesses.

Children should cover their mouths and noses when they sneeze and cough, and then wash their hands straight after. Washing hands is also VERY important after going to the toilet, and before eating. They should not share cups and drink bottles, nor spoons and other eating utensils. Tissues are best for blowing noses, and then they should be thrown away immediately after use.

Immunisation is generally one of the most effective ways of protecting children against infections that can cause serious diseases and associated complications (including death).

All forms of immunisation work by causing the body to produce an immune response, in the same way it would if exposed to the disease but without the child suffering all the symptoms and consequences. In the future, when the child comes into contact with the disease, the immune system responds quickly and helps prevent the child developing the disease.

The World Health organisation and the Ministry of Health recommend immunisation for your children. However there may be cases where it is not suitable to immunise and it is important to see your pharmacist or doctor regarding possible risks and/or contraindications.

Children with asthma or allergies, or who are recovering from an illness, such as a common cold, can be immunised.

Free immunisation, at specific times in a child’s life according to the Ministry of Health’s immunisation schedule, is available to all children in New Zealand, to protect against a number of diseases – diphtheria, haemophilus influenzae type b (a cause of childhood meningitis), pneumococcal disease, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus and whooping cough.

Side effects from vaccines can sometimes occur and include redness and soreness at the injection site. There may also be mild fever.

While these symptoms may be upsetting at the time, the benefit is protection from the disease. More serious reactions to immunisation are very rare.

Ask your Self Care pharmacists for a copy of the Children’s Illnesses and Children’s Pain & Fever fact cards that contains useful information for parents.


16 Thursday October 27, 2022
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Managing stress

International student hosting

The Onslow College International Department would like to hear from you if your family/someone you know is interested in hosting an international student with the school.

These students will pay their host family a weekly homestay fee of $330. The students will be in NZ for 10 school weeks minimum.

This is a great opportunity to learn about a different culture & introduce a fabulous young person to life in NZ. If you are interested, please email us at homestay@onslow.school.nz

Ashton earns another centre title

Johnsonville Bowling Club legend and prolific winner Rob Ashton claimed another centre titlr over the weekend, winning the Kapiti Mens Open Triples.

Ashton skipped his Composite team of Brent Stubbins and Jim Swift to win five straight games including the final against the unbeaten team of Derek Taylor, Paul Rybinski and Nicky Morgan from the Paekakariki Bowling Club.

The final was an outstanding game

played in great spirits by both teams in front of an appreciative crowd.

Ashton’s team took the title with a well deserved performance winning 20-12.

The win gave Rob his second Kapiti Centre title, Jim his sixth and Brent his fi rst.

The tournament was held in brilliant conditions, on a terrific green and was run superbly by Bowls Kapiti and hosted by Paraparumu and Paekakariki Bowling clubs.

18 Thursday October 27, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Death Notices FAIRLESS, Jane: Oct 20, 2022 INWOOD, Colleen Brigid: Oct 18, 2022 LECCHI, Simone: Oct 24, 2022 Love Local. Shop Local. Graham’s Painters E: grahamspaintersnz @gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior and Interior painted! ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ BUILDING Consent Approval and house plans. Free estimates provided. Call Doug on 934-1398. CSS G C Trades and Services ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz
with a heart condition Heart Foundation free community session to discuss managing stress and anxiety with a heart condition.For people living with heart disease. Contact Annette 04 4722780 annettes@heartfoundation.org.nz on Public Notices RWPuzzle OO CR S SD SOLUTION For April 9, 2003 SOLUTION For August 11, 2004 ACROSS 1. Remedial (11) 7. Competent (7) 11. Bring to bear (5) 12. Imprecise (7) 13. Bucketed water-wheel (5) 14. Chemist shop(U.S.) (9) 15. Stress (9) 16. Asian deer (6) 18. Fascinate (7) 21. Carry weapons, bear (4) 23. Sister (3) 25. Small flap (3) 27. Wrench apart (4) 28. Dupe (7) 30. Sharp scolding (6) 32. Two year-old sheep (3) 33. Seaman(inf) (3) 34. Haggle (6) 35. Relating to origin (7) 36. W. Samoan capital (4) 37. Finish (3) 39. Exclamation of surprise (3) 41. Loosen (4) 43. Learned (7) 45. Unborn offspring (6) 48. Can speak two languages (9) 49. N.Z. naval base (9) 51. Relinquishment(by plantiff) of a suit(Lat) prosequi (5) 52. Pet rodent (7) 53. Bold (5) 54. Maintains (7) 55. Exploit (11) DOWN 1. General tendency (5) 2. Contract killer (11) 3. Deep waterhole, well (8) 4. Newspaper boss (6) 5. Topic (5) 6. French manor house (7) 7. Ballista (8) 8. The number five (6) 9. Fence (7) 10. Raise the spirits of (5) 16. N. American deer (7) 17. Alfalfa (7) 19. Follow (5) 20. Aural pain (7) 22. Giant cactus (7) 24. Termagant (3) 26. Barristers(collectively) (3) 29. Skilful (5) 31. Assume the character of (11) 32. Golf peg (3) 33. Liqueur, Maria (3) 38. Board game (8) 40. Susceptible to suggestion (8) 42. Sampsons mistress (7) 44. Quandary (7) 46. Remove shroud from (6) 47. Loath (6) 48. Official name for black S.Africans (5) 49. Drainage channel (5) 50. Act of stealing (5) Solution Last Week 20 October 2022 , Simone: Oct 24, 2022 Funeral Directors www.wilsonfunerals.co.nz Nigel, your local funeral director caring in your community. 142 Karori Road, Karori 476 5292 375 Adelaide Road, Newtown 389 6069 Comprehensive professional funeral services from a locally owned business. www.gfh.co.nz Johnsonville 477 4025 | Tawa 232 1588
Ettiene Kirsty
NOTICE OF AGM Notice is hereby given that the Karori Community Bus AGM will be held on Wednesday 23 November 2022 at 7pm at the Karori Community Centre, Beauchamp Street, Karori. Fill Your Life With New Friends Johnsonville Probus Club. St John’s Church, 18 Bassett Rd. Last Thursday of the month at 10.30am. For more info 04 382 8524
Public Notices Brent Stubbins, Rob Ashton and Jim Swift claimed the Kapiti Open Triples over the weekend while going undefeated during the tournament.


Wellington have their Saturday in the sun

Wellingtonians gave me a full range of emotions on Saturday night.

I headed along to the well past its use-by-date Orangetheory Stadium to witness Wellington’s much-deserved NPC final win over Canterbury, their first since 2000.

Canterbury were outmuscled and lacked passion in front of a home crowd that had little to cheer about. Many of us one-eyed Cantabs

were so bored by the performance of the hosts that we turned to our phones to watch another Wellingtonian, Finn Allen crash and bash the Australian bowlers all over the Sydney Cricket Ground.

His blazing 42 off 16 set the tone in the Black Caps’ 89-run thumping of Australia in the opening game of the T20 World Cup proper.

It was New Zealand’s first win on Aussie soil since 2011 and it

solidified Allen as the heir apparent to Martin Guptill’s crown in limited overs cricket.

The power of Allen was complimented by the precision of Devon Conway’s unbeaten 92.

Conway has a way of lulling teams into a false sense of security.

He scores his runs with finesse.

Unlike Allen, Conway kills you softly - it’s like watching a death by 1000 papercuts.

Bowlzilla doesn’t miss a trick this year

COVID-19 put a few cogs in its wheels the last couple of years, but the Bowlzilla skate festival is back, and on track to be bigger and gnarlier than ever before.

Bowlzilla Wellington is the biggest gathering of skaters from here and abroad happening in Aotearoa, with skateboarding stars grabbing some air, as they pop, ollie and carve up the bowl at Waitangi Park on Saturday 29 October.

In addition to the main event this year, there’ll also be a free women’s learn to ride clinic, and ARTZILLA, a New Zealand skate community art show.

Kiwi skaters missed out on the Tokyo Olympics because they were unable to earn inter-

national ranking points due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic – but Paris 2024 is the next goal for one of New Zealand’s top skateboarders, 27-year-old Krysta Ashwell.

“I took up skateboarding later in life because everyone thought it was a boy’s sport – but they were wrong, and still are.

“It was so great to see so many women on the Olympic stage showing off their skate skills at Tokyo this year, which will hopefully boost the growing numbers of women in the sport both here and overseas.

“New Zealand competitions are such a good vibe, especially having the local support, and it feels more inclusive and there’s a real supportive and fun

feel about them – so everyone should come along and be a part of it at Bowlzilla this year.”

Skateboarding New Zealand is now a High Performance Sport New Zealand investment partner, receiving funding to go towards the campaign for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Wellington City Council has partnered with Miryoku Agency, Wellington Skateboarding Association, Skateboarding New Zealand, and Redhead or Dead Events to bring this festival to the capital.

Radio Active is sponsoring the event this year. Visit Bowlzilla and follow @ Bowlzilla for the most up to date information.

Conway has been a terrific gift for New Zealand cricket considering the South African born batter has been the perfect replacement for the retired Ross Taylor.

The win was so complete and convincing, it totally turned around what was going to be a ho-hum Saturday night for my mates and I.

I’m not sure it instills faith the Black Caps can win the tournament but a win over Australia in Australia

are a rare delight worth celebrating. One thing is for sure and that’s the Black Caps now have a championship pedigree and will not be overcome by the big moment.

Trent Boult and Mitch Santner hold the key in the bowling department and the return of Daryl Mitchell later in the tournament could just add a point of difference to allow the team to cause a boil over.

Johnsonville suffer two T20 defeats

Johnsonville’s Twenty20 cricket campaign is in tatters after two tough losses on the opening weekend of the season.

Johnsonville lost to Taita by five wickets and North City by three wickets.

Johnsonville seemed to struggle without several front-line bowlers and couldn’t create pressure with ball-in-hand.

Under new captain Gareth Severin, Johnsonville could not defend 123 against Taita or 177 against North City.

Opener Scott Mudway top-scored with 36 against Taita but no batter was able to score freely and put a

meaningful score on the board.

Taita cruised to the target with 12 balls to spare despite two wickets from Ben Hilder.

The batters fired against North City.

A strong 68 from Severin and 45 from Mudgway created a strong platform and 177 should have been enough.

The bowlers, started strongly, taking three early wickets before the North City middle-order took the game away.

Sheil Ghandhi’s unbeaten 52 got North City home with one ball to spare.

The team will play Hutt Districts and Naenae Old Boys in rounds three and four on Saturday.

19Thursday October 27, 2022 SPORT SPORTS TALK With
Johnsonville twenty20 captain Gareth Severin showed strong early season form despite two defeats to start the season. COVID-19 put a few cogs in its wheels the last couple of years, but the Bowlzilla skate festival is back, and on track to be bigger and gnarlier than ever before.

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