B&B Online - January 2014

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VOL 66, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014



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10 mental traits of truly innovative leaders. A tech guru shares his insight on what characteristics are trending in creative and innovative tech entrepreneur. Industry innovators shine in areas of media, mentorship, discovery and sustainability. Turn to page 11 to find out more.

The Official Publication of

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

January 2014 VOL 66. NO. 1 Editor Breanne Chavez


Published Monthly By: Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association 34400 Pacific Hwy S., Suite 2 Federal Way, WA 98003 800.672.7711 fax 253.661.6058 Subscription Price: $39 Annually

Features 8 You and WSNLA in 2014

Your Participation Matters!

11 Innovators

Industry innovators and the traits that guide them.

16 Industry Pioneers Enduring innovation and contributions.

18 ecoPRO Certified

Sustainable Landscape Professional Certification Program


News Classified ads Advertising

Columns 4

From the President


Legislative Update


Executive Director


Bugs & Blights


Member Notes


CPH of the Month


Industry News


Chapter News


WSNLA Marketplace


Calendar of Events


Interested in sharing your opinions and comments with B&B readers? If you take the time to share your thoughtful comments, WSNLA will be sure to share them with B&B readers. Please submit to breanne@wsnla.org or by fax at (253) 661-6058. Deadine: 1st of each month.

5pm the 1st of the month preceding the first-of-the-month publication. To place an advertisement, contact Breanne at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@ wsnla.org. WSNLA reserves the right to refuse any ads which are misleading, unethical, contrary to WSNLA policy, or which do not pertain to the nursery and landscape industry.

75 years & Growing

WSNLA www.wsnla.org Executive Director Breanne Chavez e-mail breanne@wsnla.org Finance & Operations Director Holly Osborne, CPH e-mail holly@wsnla.org Industry Advancement Jeanne McNeil e-mail jmcneil@wsnla.org Š 2013, Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 3


Innovators in Person.

Megan Pulkkinen, CPH WSNLA President Megan Pulkkinen Landscape Design Bremerton Reading about innovation in this edition of the B&B is impressive, but does not come as a surprise to me. I have had the pleasure of meeting most of these members in person. It is inspiring to hear them speak on the subjects they are passionate about. It is wonderful to hear their dedication to teaching, improving products, plants, methods, and their thoughtful stewardship of the environment. Their adventures abroad and in business are entertaining and instructive as well. I admire their willingness to openly share hard earned knowledge at the chapter meetings and seminars. I would say getting to know interesting and inspiring people in our industry is my number one benefit of membership. Working along with them whenever I can is even more rewarding. I learn so much from them and really enjoy introducing people I think might benefit from the connection. It is exciting that the marketplace is finally warming up to concepts that have been around a long time. Sustainable and edible landscapes have moved from the 4 - The B&B Magazine

back burner to the mainstream. I heard Rosslyn Creasy speak when her first book came out and am pleased she continues to update the topic. I am looking forward to hearing her and author Ann Marie Van der Zanden speak on Sustainable Design at our NW Green Industry Conference. Very timely topics with the new ecoPRO certification series coming up at the end of February and again this fall when I hope to take it. The Conference is a great example of our successful partnership with WALP on events and activities we have in common. We are joining forces this year on the NW Flower & Garden Show display garden. This is shaping up to be beautiful, thanks to Kirsten Lints, Rob Boyker, our nursery members, suppliers, and the Seattle Chapter of WALP. Legislative Day on February 27 is another combined activity that brings awarness to the representatives in Olympia. If you have never participated please come join us. You will be pleasantly surprised by the great reception we recieve. And spending the day with our lobbyist Heather Hanson is always valuable. As a long time WSNLA Board member, and your new President, I really want to hear from all of you on how we keep our organization responsive, relevant, and worthy of your involvement. Our board

Jerry Rosso is a true innovator. If you have had the pleasure of meeting Jerry, than you too would agree. Getting to know interesting and inspiring people in our industry is my number one benefit of membership. Jerry is just one example of this. His ongoing committment to our industry is more than impressive. After all, it is called the Jerry Rosso Involvement Award.

and staff have worked very hard the last few years on updating our websites, procedures, programs and partnerships to best serve you. We all continue to benefit from the innovative ideas of the membership. Please share yours with me and the other board members preferably in person at an industry event soon! Thank You.


[ Grassroots in Effect ]]

Thank you to the following WSNLA members for their support of our industries legislative activities. Legislative Support

Heather Hansen WSNLA Lobbyist Olympia Every year in December, agricultural organizations from across the state meet at Snoqualmie Pass to hold the annual Ag Summit. The purpose of this meeting is to bring the leadership of all the diverse groups together to see what issues and concerns we all share. Dry land wheat growers come from the eastern edge of the state, irrigated vegetable growers from the Columbia plateau, tree fruit and wine grape growers and dairy, beef and sheep producers. The Farm Bureau helps organize the summit. Most years, western Washington agriculture is well represented. This year, each group was asked to identify their greatest concerns. Water quality regulation was mentioned most often, followed by taxes, pesticide regulation and transportation. Then the discussion turned to public education. How do we help the public understand where food (and other crops) come from and what goes into to producing those crops? The Washington Potato Commission and the Washington Association of Wheat Growers along with Washington Friends of Farms & Forests have begun an effort to reach out to the public. The new program is called Washington Grown. On Sundays at Noon and 8:30 PM, tune your TV to Northwest Cable

News. You will see the new Washington Grown TV show. Each show includes an interview with a farmer, a chef preparing Washington grown food, interviews with the public and more. You can also check out www.WAGrown.com on the web and on Facebook. Beginning in January, the TV show will be airing on PBS in Spokane, too. While much of the emphasis is on food, nursery crops will be included as well. The 2014 season is in the planning stages and additional plans are underway! How does this relate back to the Ag Summit? The consensus was that the most important issue we can all work on together is helping the public and the policy makers understand more about agriculture. They need to understand who is involved, what types of jobs are created, and how important agriculture is the economy of Washington State. Nursery and greenhouse crops are the eighth largest crop grown in Washington. Washington farmers grow over 300 different crops so coming in eighth is significant! If you have ideas about how to more effectively tell the story of Washington agriculture, please share. If you have thoughts about how you would like to see the nursery industry portrayed on Washington Grown, let me know.

Anderson/LeLievre Landscape Design Bremerton City Nursery Byles, Frank Garden Vision, Inc. Gray Barn Nursery Mukilteo Cedar Products Roadhouse Nursery Schafer Specialty Landscape & Design Simply Garden Design Suburban Gardens LLC Swanson’s Nursery Wight’s Home & Garden

AmericanHort Lighthouse Fund Anderson/LeLievre Landscape Design Byles, Frank Vyas, Lara Elizabeth

Marketing Fund Artemis Gardens Landscape Design Eychaner, Mary Larson, Gayle Steves Greenhouses LLC

WSNLA & WALP Legislative Day is February 27. Represent the nursery and landscape industry by volunteering to help deliver plants to legislators. Members are encouraged to make appointments with their legislators. Legislative Day is a great way to build relationships, share both the positive and negative impacts on your business; and ensure your voice is heard! Plan now to attend WSNLA & WALPs Legislative Day on February 27. For more information, contact WSNLA at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@wsnla.org.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 5

75 Years & Growing


2MUST things you know...

Looking for ideas everywhere.

WSNLA www.wsnla.org

1. WSNLA Legislative Day February 27. On Thursday, February 27, nursery and landscape professionals will convene in Olympia in an effort to bring awareness to the value of our industry and the issues impacting it. Your assistance is needed to help deliver plants to every legislator! Trust me when I say you will enjoy this experience of sharing and spreading the joy of plants. (What a great way to highlight and talk about the valu of our industry.) For those interested, making an appointment to speak with your legislators is a great way to build relationships and share your professional insight on issues impacting your business.

2. Take the Next Step Professional certification sets you and your business apart! WSNLA would like you to consider two professional certifications for nusery and landscape professionals. Certified Professional Horticulturist (CPH) and the new ecoPRO sustainable landscape professional certification, which is co-administered by WALP. Through professional certification you show your clients and customers that you are dedicated to your profession and are comitted to learn. Certification offers credibility and professionalism in providing expert and informed services. And, through promotion and recognition, you stand for excellence in the industry. Your professional certification will set you apart from the competition and show you are an expert in your field. Registration is now available for the CPH and ecoPRO examinations and training. Register online at WSNLA.ORG or contact WSNLA at (800) 672-7711, holly@wsnla. org.

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Breanne Chavez WSNLA Executive Director It’s officially 2014 – time to get reenergized and reorganized! For those of you that may not know, I am a quite the list maker. My impressive collection of notepads is filled with to-dos, new ideas, member feedback, keywords and other notes. All relevant to ‘How can WSNLA continue to improve its industry service, representation, promotion and education?’ While I have notepads upon notepads that are full, there is nothing more pleasing than the feeling of scribbling an item off the list – Check. It’s done. Finished. Success! But, wait... there is always more. The RACE model, which includes the steps research, action, communicate and evaluate, is a neverending cycle that ensures an ever evolving program, event and most importantly organization. (It also ensures a healthy notepad collection.) Nevertheless, I enjoy this cycle. Knowing that programs, publications and events are in constant evolution is exciting. There is always room for improvement. There is always room for change and innovation. The possibilities are endless for the WSNLA Community. In addition to RACE, I am continuously looking for ideas everywhere. My ears, eyes, and yes my notepad too, are always open and on high alert. As your WSNLA leadership continues working to further strengthen the value of the WSNLA Community, they are looking for ideas everywhere, as well. To that extent, your participation, feedback and ideas are vital to this process. I encourage you to reach out and share your thoughts. Your involvement, insight and ideas will have an impact on your professional community. I’m looking forward to hearing from you, and growing my collection of notepads and ideas in 2014!

Member Notes


Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

2014 WSNLA Officers

3 Ways to Volunteer at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show: Display Garden: Staffing the garden is a great way to interact with the gardening public. Your responsibilities include: Answering questions about the garden; Passing out GardenWashington Locator Guides and garden brochures; and representing the CPH program. (2hr shifts) Treasure Island Marketplace: Enjoy working in a retail setting? Then Treasure Island is the perfect place to volunteer. Your responsibilities include: Answering questions about plant material and care, while providing inspiration and ideas; and Assist with restocking plants if needed. (2hr+ shifts) CPH Hire a PRO: Help build brand recognition - Educate potential clients and customers about the Certified Professional Horticulturist program. This ia great opportunity to reach out to the public and promote your professional certification and business. If you are interested in helping staff the booth, please contact Shannon Grina, CPH at shannong99@comcast.net. CPH credit is available for all volunteer opportunities.

New Members Corliss Resources, Inc.

Renel Anderson 2949 E. Badger Road (Mail: PO BOX 859) Everson WA 98247 206-650-6306 renel@biocharsupreme.com www.purepeonies.com Regular Member, Wholesale Caucus Northwest Chapter

Scott Corliss, Jamie Burke 16805 64th St. E., Sumner WA 98390 18001 Meridian Ave. E. (PO Box 487) Sumner WA 98390 253-343-8169 jburke@corlissresources.com www.corlissresources.com Associate Member, Horticultural Supplier Mt. Rainier Chapter

18007 NW 138th Place Redmond WA 98052 425-785-9914 baynham.chris@gmail.com Affiliate Member, Seattle Chapter

Snohomish County Home & Landscape Services, LLC Chris Mirante 2404 258th St NE Arlington WA 98223 425-293-4166s snocohome@ymail.com Regular Member, Landscaper Caucus Northwest Chapter

Tim Gray, President Elect Pacific Stone Company 425-258-1911 | timg@pacificstoneco.com Bill Raynolds, Vice President My Garden Nursery 206-406-3487 | mygardennursery@gmail.com Duane Job, Treasurer Job’s Nursery 509-547-4843 | duanejob@gmail.com Jan Nielsen, Past President Marenakos Rock Center 425-392-3313 | jann@marenakos.com

WSNLA Board of directors Ingrid Wachtler, CPH Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery 253-265-6271 | woodbrk@harbornet.com Mount Rainier President Ryan Carpenter, Sunbreak Nursery 360-384-3763 | ryan@sunbreaknursery.com Northwest Chapter President George Bahr, Roadhouse Nursery 360-779-9589 | roadhousenrsry@embarqmail.com Olympic Chapter President

Pure Peonies

Chris Baynham

Megan Pulkkinen, CPH, President Megan Pulkkinen Landscape Design 360-698-1865 | megancph@hotmail.com

Richard Kramer Seasonal Wetland/Vegetation Asst. 11826 93rd Ave Crt E Puyallup WA 98373 253-365-5718 rickhort96@gmail.com Affiliate Member, Mt Rainier Chapterz

Jason Jorgenson PO Box 15922 Seattle WA 98115 206-931-7429 info@thirdspring.com Student Member, Seattle Chapter

Kirsten LInts, CPH 425-318-2971 | kirsten@gardensalivedesign.com Seattle Chapter President Peter Van Well, III, Van Well Nursery 509-886-8189 | pete2@vanwell.net South Central Chapter President Toni Cross, CPH, Toni Cross Seasonal Color Pots 206-781-1060 | toni@seasonalcolorpots.com Design Caucus Chair Gregory Smaus, CPH, Native Root Designs 206-227-4458 | gregory@nativerootdesigns.com Landscape Caucus Chair Mary Ranahan, Cedar Grove Composting 206-963-0428 | mary.ranahan@cgcompost.com Horticultural Supplier Caucus Chair Chris Smith, Lake Washington Institute of Technology 425-739-8424 | chris.smith@lwtech.edu Horticulture Educator Caucus Chair Ben DeGoede, CPH, Windmill Gardens 253-863-5843 | info@windmillgardens.com Retail Caucus Chair Scott Pringle, CPH, Paradise Lake Nursery 206-930-4132 | paradiselakenursery@gmail.com Wholesale Nursery Caucus Chair Shannon Grina, CPH, Grina Landscape Design 425-736-5170 | shannong99@comcast.net CPH Caucus Chair Open Positions: Greenhouse Grower Caucus Chair & Out of State Caucus Chair Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 7

You & WSNLA Your Participation Matters

Committees and task forces play a valuable role in WSNLA’s ongoing success. For those interested in being a part of one of the following committees, please know that involvement and committment varies and is determined by the committee itself. The majority of committee and task force work can be done through discussions and communication online and by phone. However, in person meetings serve an important role in achieving WSNLA goals. EDUCATION COMMITTEE Help WSNLA meet the ongoing needs of nursery and landscape professionals. As a participant on the education committee, you will help coordinate high quality educational offerings throughout the year. Specifically: - Assist with identifying professional development topics and trends. - Assist with identifying qualified speakers - Evaluate format and topics, and recommend necessary changes for improvement. PLANT SOMETHING COMMITTEE Are you marketing minded? As a participant of this nationwide public awareness campaign, WSNLA has the opportunity to build upon current messaging targeted to new audiences and younger gardeners. Committee activities include: - Review and expand Plant Something content relevant to the health and environmental benefits of plants and trees. - Review 2013 media and make 2014 recommendations. - Assist with production of Plant Something videos. - Assist with creation of new messaging. - Participate in building awareness of Plant Something. GARDENWASHINGTON.COM Help promote the nursery and landscape industry in Washington State and take GardenWashington.com to the next level. Committee activities include: - Create goals and objectives for GardenWashington.com - Assist with creation of seasonal focused editorial. - Assist with ongoing effort to be a ‘true gardening hub’ by expanding resources and links. WSNLA.ORG - Knowledge & Resource Center Are you tech savvy? This members only feature on WSNLA.ORG provides access to valuable articles, business templates and industry specific information. Committee activities include: - Review WSNLA archives for relevant content. - Assist in dentifying relevant topics. - Assist with uploading of content of WSNLA.ORG. 8 - The B&B Magazine

Impact Your Professional Community in 2014 Invest. Engage. Connect. Participate. Benefit. Engaging in the WSNLA Community is a key element of maximizing your membership. Not only do you have an opportunity share and learn from colleagues, but it also provides you a platform to promote your business and services while giving back to your industry.

Why volunteer? To Improve Community Life As a volunteer, you will have an opportunity to impact your professional community for the better. Through involvement, To Give Back Showcase your successes and knowledge by giving back to your industry. Many successful entrepreneurs allocate time to volunteering on behalf of their industry and teaching others how to do business. To Improve Effectiveness When people get together, the job or assignment becomes easier to do. It doesn’t matter what the job on hand is. Improve effectiveness and have fun! To Get Connected to Other Professionals When you take part in these activities, you get closer to people. By getting more involved with other professionals, not only will your professional and personal network expand, but your knowledge and ability will also increase. To Embolden the Human Spirit The selfless act of volunteering provides a spiritual boost as well. Knowing you did something good for someone or some cause is an emotionally uplifting experience that can never be matched by money or fame. For more information contact WSNLA at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@wsnla.org.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 9

Garden Build Shifts:

Volunteers are Needed Saturday, February 1st

Sunday, February 2nd Note: Super Bowl Sunday!!!

Monday, February 3rd

Tuesday, February 4th

WSNLA Display Garden, Treasure Island Plant Market & CPH Bench! by Stacy Smith, Volunteer Coordinator

Please directly contact the appropriate contact person for each This extra likely special because theAM WSNLA is collaborating opportunity. TBDyear butismost 8:00 – 12:00 PM 8:00 AM –specific 12:00 volunteer PM 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM with WALP to create their first ever joint display garden entitled: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Nature’s Studio: Arouse, Evoke, Create, Grow, Chill. The Display Garden Volunteers 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM TREASURE ISLAND PLANT VOLUNTEERS creative forces behind this year’s garden are Kirsten Lints, CPHMARKET Contact Stacy J. Smith (Gardens ALIVE Design) of the WSNLA and Rob Boyker (Avid jsmith8491@aol.com Landscape Design and Development LLC) of WALP. The show 425-392-3499 runs from February 5-9 and our designers have been hard at work creating thisDown lush garden since July. We would love for you Treasure Island Plant Market Volunteers Garden Tear Shifts: Market Build Shifts: to join us for this awesome endeavor. Contact Megan Pulkkinen megancph@hotmail.com th Monday, February 10construct morning booth ToSunday get the ball rolling, = simply let us know that you would like 360-265-5799 toSunday participate, which shifts youpavers would prefer, and your physical afternoon = lay address so that wePM can send you a show bracelet for entry. 9:00 AM – 1:00 CPH Bench @ NW Flower & Garden Show Details about your PM shift,ndwhat to bring, scheduling information Contact Shannon Grina 1:00 PM – 5:00 Sunday, February 2 Monday, February 3rd Tuesday, February 4th and the “insider’s scoop” about the garden will will be sent shannong99@comcast.net Note: It’s Super Bowl previous to the garden debut. Thanks again for your willingness 425-736-5170 toSunday!!! work on this exciting collaborative garden project.

Show Host Shifts (Must be a WSNLA Member or CPH): Ongoing between Ongoing between Ongoing between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PM Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 Saturday, th th th February 5 February 6 February 7 February 8th

Sunday, February 9th

9:00AM –12:15PM Market Tear Down 9:00AM Shifts: –12:15PM 9:00AM –12:15PM 9:00AM –12:15PM 9:00AM –12:15PM

12:00PM –3:15PM 12:00PM –3:15PM 12:00PM –3:15PM 12:00PM –3:15PM 12:00PM –3:15PM th 3:00 PM –February 6:15 PM 103:00 PM – 6:15 PM 3:00 PM – 6:15 PM 3:00 PM – 6:15 PM 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Monday, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Ongoing between

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM February 1 - 4. 8am - Noon. Noon - 4pm. 4 - 8pm. Garden Build Shifts: Garden Tear Down Shifts: February 10. 9am - 1pm. 1-5pm. Contact:

Stacy J. Smith Jsmith8491@aol.com 425-392-3499

Plant Market Sales Shifts (Must be a WSNLA Member or CPH): Shifts (2-3 hours/each) run daily from 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM. Please specify if you would prefer a morning or afternoon shift. Wednesday, February 5th

Thursday, February 6th

Friday, February 7th

Saturday, February 8th

Sunday, February 9th

9:00 AM – 7:00PM

9:00 AM – 7:00PM

9:00 AM – 7:00PM

9:00 AM – 7:00PM

9:00 AM – 6:00PM

Garden Build Shifts: February 2 - 4. Ongoing between 10am - 4pm. Garden Shifts: February 10. Ongoing between 10am - 3pm. Contact:Tear Down Megan Pulkkinen 10 - The B&B Magazinemegancph@hotmail.com


10 mental traits of truly innovative leaders by Neil Patel, tech business analyst and entrepreneur. Ever since I was young I’ve always loved thinking of ways to fix things, build products and make money.

From media to sustainability, nursery and landscape professionals lead and innovate in various ways. Leadership, as defined by Wikipedia, is “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. However, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others, while others define leadership as “organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal”. Nevertheless, nursery and landscape professionals are impacting the industry for the better and forging a path for the future. The WSNLA Community has shared their thoughts on individuals and companies that lead through innovation. Turn the page to find out more.

And, over the years, I’ve been fortunate to have worked with so many creative and innovative people. I’m talking about people like Whitepages’ Alex Algard, Cheezburger’s Ben Huh and BuddyTV’s Andy Liu. These guys are absolute masters at drawing profitable conclusions from problems and ideas from totally unrelated fields. The businesses that these new ideas trigger speak for themselves. So I thought I would put down on paper what it is that makes these guys innovative thinkers and leaders, and tips that you can use to help you reach their kind of success, too. Continued on the next page. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association -11

Recognizing patterns Truly innovative people have an ability to see connections across data and ideas, and then turn those patterns they see into even better ideas. This mental trait starts early with you recognizing patterns in things like language, faces and handwriting, but through experience you see connections between ideas and concepts in the world. They call this lateral thinking.

Media Gurus:

Plant Adventurers:

The WSNLA Community includes many garden writers, retail nurseries and landscape professionals that have mastered various forms of media. However, Riz Reyes of RHR Horticulture, has been mentioned time and again by his colleagues for his media savvy. Reyes, who notes that he accessibility of information on social media can be overwhelming at times, says his favorite form of media is a digital newsletter sent each month because it holds more weight than a post here or there. He mentioned the value in “sharing a story, photograph, advertise a special offer, and go more in-depth so a customer gets a broader scope of your company and, of course, you can add links to your hearts content and the fact that it’s monthly, you can announce events to allow for ample planning time”. And, if Reyes has time, he will post reminders, sneak peaks, and little tidbits on Facebook and Twitter.

As previously mentioned in the B&B Magazine, Bob Zimmerman of Chimacum Woods believes every plant has a story. This year, he, along with Andy Navage (The Bloedel Reserve) traveled to China on a plant adventure.

what is called peripheral vision. This is the ability to look not just ahead, but up and down the vertical you are working in and across into very different verticals.

- Try to find information that could change the way you do business or the way your industry does business.

- Challenge established and popular mindsets and beliefs. This includes your own!

- Look past all of your current boundaries.

- Do not stand for hypocrisy or manipulation in your organization, especially when it is related to the creativity and execution of ideas.

- Look at lots of sources of data and ideas and seek out the associations.



This is the ability to ask questions like “Why?” and “Why not?” Howard Schultz is a great example of this type of innovative thinker. People who constantly are questioning things tend to be really good at other mental traits — like observing, recognizing patterns and experimenting.

Most people stare straight ahead and look for the obvious. That can leave you open to missed opportunities, allowing competition to jump on them instead…or take advantage of weaknesses that you have.

Of course if you used nothing but conventional thinking then you would never rock the boat or risk anything… but you would never score the ultimate killer product. Instead, you lose your competitive edge, if you ever had one.

Great innovative leaders instead develop

Innovative leaders question everything. And to develop this certain skill, you have

12 - The B&B Magazine

to do this:

Here are some tips to help you do that:

- Create networks of people who are also looking out at the peripheral to help you scan for opportunities. These reciprocal relationships work best with people not in your industry.

- Question conventional thinking and constantly get into the habit of developing different theories on how you can do something better.

Bob has traveled with botanists, three times to China, once to Tibet, sometimes braving adverse weather, leeches, and the very rugged hiking and mountain climbing conditions to study the plants he loves so much.

- Instead of looking at surface problems, try to figure out what is the root cause of that problem. You are more likely to uncover a profitable solution that way than the other way.

A good innovate leader will blend information from different sources to come up with solutions and products. If you want to get really good at this, you have to do this:

- Encourage those around you to do the same.

Zimmerman says, “Rhododendron habitats in the wild, particularly in China, are under constant threat from humans. Some are chopped down for firewood. Others fall under the road-builder’s heavy equipment or the farmers’ need to clear land for crop production. Except for a handful of dedicated botanists few seem to care about their future.”

Coordinating True innovative thinkers know that you are never going to get everyone on board all the time. It’s so rare, so you need to make sure it is safe for everyone to discuss issues and ideas out in the open, building trust with your peers, those below you and those above you. This minimal collaboration will lead to efficiency and spread of ideas. This is how you pull that off: - Discover other people’s motives and goals, both professionally and personally. When you understand their agenda it is easier to coordinate. - Confront difficult issues no matter how hard it may be or how uncomfortable you may make people. - Make sure you know the risks behind your ideas in detail so you can share and explain to other people who you

Master Mentors:

Trailblazers in Sustainability:

The gift of paying it forward is alive and well in the nursery and landscape industry. Industry professionals continuously share comments about their amazement about the level of the information sharing that happens within the WSNLA Community.

While the sustainable movement continues to establish stronger roots, nursery and landscape professionals have been blazing the sustainable trail for years.

Horticulture educators like Don Marshall, CPH (Lake Washington Institute of Technology) have dedicated careers investing in the future of the nursery and landscape industry. Individuals like Jerry Rosso, CPH (Rosso Gardens, WSNLA Past President), continually share their experiences and knowledge of successes and failures. This list could go on and on with likely candidates.

For example, Alan Burke (Classic Nursery and Landscape Co), Ladd Smith (In Harmony), and Bill Peregrine (Earthdance Organics) pushed for advanced sustainable land care training/certification. Jessi Bloom, CPH (NW Bloom), Lisa Port, APLD (Banyan Tree Design Studio), Zsofia Pasztor, CPH (Innovative Landscape Technologies), and Ben Alexander (Sound Native Plants) have have been promoting and educating consumers on sustainable practices and professionals on Low Impact Development.

However, the WSNLA Community as a whole is an exceptional example of Master Mentors in sharing and learning. This is evident time and again at WSNLA chapter meetings, conference and other events.

And, let’s not forget Bainbridge Gardens who was a pioneer in their commitment to not use or sell chemicals that may harm our environment. Plus, through a program called “Going Green,” Bainbridge Gardens

will need to depend upon to build your support.

Mastering True innovative leaders never stop learning. They are very curious people and are often reading or researching. But they often look for feedback to, hoping to improve what they are doing. These types of leaders are also good at creating a culture where learning is very important and everyone is encouraged to do it. This also means that you value and encourage risk…in the face of certain failure. Failure is not a bad thing…but can actually be a school room. To encourage this kind of behavior in yourself and others, do this: - Create a culture where honesty is valued and feedback is welcome. People need to feel safe in this environment so that when it is time to debrief on successes and failures people are prepared. - Have a celebration when your team succeeds…and even celebrate at times when you fail at something that was very risky, but you were proud of at least trying. - Change direction the moment you realize that you are off track.

Experimenting True innovative leaders are masters of experimenting both big and small. Usually you’ll find these types of leaders involved in constant little pet projects— whether it’s running a headline idea through Reddit or tinkering with a new gadget. The sizes of their experiments grow as they succeed at each stage. When an experiment fails, they either toss it out or tweak it. And the ideas that they are experimenting on can take years… sometimes even decades. If you want to become better at experimenting, try this: - Tinker with new technologies the moment they are released. This could be a new social media platform or an actual gadget that has come out, like a new type of camera. - Travel to different places and experiment living like other people. See how they solve their problems. - Observe how other people go about experimenting and try to learn techniques from them.

Deciding This information that innovative leaders are creating can lead to a situation of overload and eventual paralysis. Some people have so many projects going, but none that they have ever actually finished.

continues to educate gardening consumers about natural and organic methods of caring for their gardens. Many, many more, as demonstrated by the long list of industry professionals involved in the development of the ecoPRO sustainable landscape professional certification, have been committed to blazing the sustainable trail.

True innovative thinkers will land upon a project and see it to it’s completion. They may have dozens of ideas in their head or paper, but there are single-minded about one or two specific projects. To do this mental trait well, you need to: - Count the cost carefully before you jump into any new project. This may be as simple as writing down pros and cons. I’ve found that the act of writing an idea down will sometimes help me to dismiss it immediately so I can move on to more productive things. - Be comfortable when you don’t have complete information in some situations and make a decision.

Networking Whether they are naturally outgoing or not, innovative thinkers tend to be really good about meeting people, especially those they have little in common with. They see the value in knowing lots of people with different backgrounds and experiences. It’s like they view that network as their extended brain and creativity power that they can tap into any time. If you want to make this mental trait more effective, do this: - Join different clubs and association in your local area. And don’t forget that Continued on next page. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association -13

Breaking Borders It became evident in the late 1990s a change was occurring in the labor demographic of the nursery and landscape industry. Native Spanish speakers were becoming a major source for homeowners and landscape companies looking to hire. In PlantAmnesty’s tireless search for ways to improve the common practice of pruning, they set out to teach the selective pruning technique to America’s newest labor force. Since then, they have successfully: built relationships with trainers who can teach and translate; re-filmed a standard DVD on pruning and landscape renovation in Spanish and made it available on the PlantAmnesty YouTube channel; dubbed the tree care TV Public Service Announcement in Spanish and aired it; provided many TV and radio interviews in Spanish; and have created and made available other Spanish print and video resources on YouTube and website, as well as held numerous in person trainings annually.

they don’t have to be all related to your business. You can join a science fiction book club or a rock climbing gym. Both of these will expose you to different people who you wouldn’t normally meet. - Join social media and use it. I like to connect with people on LinkedIn and then follow up with a reason why I wanted to connect with them. It might be because I’m wanting to build my network of designers or I saw that they have experience in CSS.

Persistence One thing that I love about innovative thinkers and leaders is that they never give up. Even when they’ve failed or fallen to their lost point, they get back up and try again. They have faith in themselves to succeed and work hard with razor sharp focus on tasks. The downside is that sometimes they are the last ones to give up…even in the face of certain defeat. But for the most part, innovative leaders will stick with it until they win. - Set time limit goals that will help stretch your normal level or risk and work. A good deadline will give you something to shoot for and motivate you to keep working even when you don’t feel like it. - Have someone hold you accountable 14 - The B&B Magazine

to results. This could be a spouse or a good friend. This person should have the courage to tell you the truth.

International Impact For over 10 years, the elder Pete Van Well and Dr. Paul Larson from Utah State University (and formerly WSU), have been working to revive the apple industry in Lebannon following the civil war there in the 80s. Pete has been working with the Moad Foundation and Fren Foundation to establish fruit tree nurseries in Lebannon, because he feels that the apple industry cannot thrive if they import all their trees from other countries. To that end, he has hosted about half a dozen Lebanese nurserymen at Van Well Nursery and has traveled to Lebannon about five times. He has helped them with rootstock innovation and tree production, and has also shared some of Van Well’s improved sports of Red Delicious and Gala varieties with the burgeoning industry.

circumstance? - Hang out with people who are

- Remind yourself that success takes a

optimistic and will hold you accountable when you are negative.

really long time, and each time you feel like things are working remind yourself that success could be just over the hill.


Optimistic Finally, true innovative leaders are people who are positive. In some cases they are near insane in their optimism, believing they and their team can do the impossible. They may seem crazy but these are the people who will create the billion dollar company or solve the most stubborn problem. In a lot of ways, you either have optimism or not. You may be a natural born pessimist, but that doesn’t mean you can’t become more positive with these techniques: - Avoid bad news and negative opinions. Instead, focus on reading and watching about successful people. This includes people who’ve overcome huge odds whether it was physical, mental or financial. - Challenge your pessimism. When you get cynical about a situation, try to look for the silver lining. Is there something you can take advantage of in that

True innovative people have a certain drive and energy about them that you like to be around. They are always full of ideas and looking for ways to improve things. Keep in mind that they aren’t born as black belts in these mental traits…they’ve developed them over time. You can, too, by spotting weaknesses in each area and focusing on strengthening that mental trait. With just a little focused work on that trait everyday…say twenty minutes…and you will begin to achieve mastery in it. Neil Patel is the co-founder of KISSmetrics, an analytics provider that helps companies make better business decisions. More from Neil Patel on GeekWire: Seven signs that you might just be an entrepreneur… Eleven things every entrepreneur should know about innovation… 17 things I wish I’d known when starting my first business… (Source: www.GeekWire.com)

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Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 15

2014 WSNLA Pioneer Awards

Honoring Innovation and Enduring Contributions within the Green Industry grow healthy food. To meet the demand for information on how to grow food during the “Great Recession”, the taught classes in local venues, and organized two major garden events. The program was adopted in many forms around the Puget Sound and in Snohomish County has evolved into an Extension volunteer program.

Sharon J. Collman WSU Snohomish County Extension Sharon J. Collman began her career as the first woman to be hired as an agriculture agent in Washington 1974. Since then she has pioneered as a leader in our industry. Here are a few of her career highlights: Master Gardener Program – Dave Gibby and Bill Scheer were the birth fathers and developed the concept and first training in 1973 in King, Pierce and Snohomish. When I joined Extension, I became the foster parent guiding it through its infant years. George Pinyuh adopted the program and it has grown up and has children all over the US and other countries. The Master Gardener training series now accepts nursery and landscape professionals as tuition-only students without volunteer payback. Integrated pest management – trained Master Gardener volunteers to assist in diagnosing plant problems in King County. When I was moved to Snohomish County these diagnosticians continued to support the Master Gardener program in this capacity, providing their own training for another 27 years. Nursery and landscape professionals –attended nursery and pesticide applicator meetings with specimens of bugs and blight and Extension updates from 1979-1986. Bugs and Blights: column in Balls and Burlaps (now B&B Magazine) was started at the invitation of Honore Hockanson former Executive Secretary of WSNA. The column placed 2nd in the U.S. in national competition with other Extension columnists (1986). Also 16 - The B&B Magazine

Awards from WSNLA: Nurseryman of the Year (1985), Honorary Lifetime Member (1985), and Educator of the Year award (2008).

Sharon J. Collman Outstanding Urban Horticulture program in the U.S. (1986). Extension Liaison to EPA: Appointed to be the first extension liaison at EPA Water Division in Region 10 (WA, OR, ID, AK) to link land grant university research and science and EPA environmental mandates from 1989-2004. And was asked to return in 2004. Extension Urban IPM Coordinator: appointed at EPA Region 10 (WA, OR, ID, AK) providing linkages and training and grant management. Organized the first regional urban IPM Summit. WSU Growing Groceries training – assembled a team of groups interested in teaching about growing food and we organized the first Growing Groceries Mentor whose goal was “building the capacity of communities and families to

Service to the nursery industry and WSNLA: Bugs and Blights column (30 years) and board member Education Caucus and many workshops.

“Forty Years of Growing Together”: was the theme of the annual Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference hosted by Snohomish County Master Gardeners. It also sums up my involvement in WSU Extension, with the volunteers and the nursery industry: providing hands-on training workshops, lectures throughout the Pacific Northwest; researching pest biology and life cycles and writing extension publications and articles for books and periodicals. Most important has been the interaction with adults and great nursery professionals eager to learn about diagnosis and beneficial insects and willing to think about solving pest problems in new ways with new methods that protect human and environmental safety.

Nursery and Landscape Association and was Douglas County State Committeeman for the Democratic Party. He served on the EPIC Board for Migrant Head Start Program from 1985 to 1991. For his contribution to the Arbor Day program he received the Outstanding Service Award from the Take Pride in America Program, which was presented to him by Mayor Earl Tilly.

John E. ‘JACK’ Van Well Van Well Nursery John E. ``Jack’’ Van Well was born May 10, 1921, to Peter and Caroline T. (Roelle) Van Well, at Wenatchee. He died of acute leukemia on September 6, 1994. He grew up and received his education in Wenatchee, graduating from Wenatchee High School in 1939. He then attended Wenatchee Valley Community College. During his youth, he worked at C&O Nursery for his father, who was field superintendent. He started at age 8 trimming the leaves off scionwood and progressed to other field and orchard work. He joined the U.S. Army and served during World War II, completing his service in 1945. He then returned to Wenatchee Valley Community College and then attended Seattle University for two years. He, his father and his brothers founded Van Well Nursery in Wenatchee in 1946. Jack was Sales Manager at Van Well Nursery until his retirement in 1984. He also owned a 10-acre apple orchard in East Wenatchee. He married Mary Beaty on Oct. 3, 1953. They were married for 41 years and had four children, Mary Linda, Vickie, Jacqueline and Peter. At the time of his death, he had five grandsons, four granddaughters and one greatgranddaughter.

He was a former member of the East Wenatchee Rotary Club, president of the Eastmont School District PTA, a member of Orondo Grange, a member of the Wenatchee Eagles, and a keynote speaker at the Douglas County Centennial Celebration. He was instrumental in the founding of Holy Apostles Catholic Church of East Wenatchee, of which he was a member.

John. E. “Jack” Van Well W.L. Fulmer Mr. Van Well was very active in community organizations. He served as a member of the Eastmont School Board from 1962 to 1964. He was a Douglas County commissioner from 1964 to 1976, as well as a member of the Chelan-Douglas Health District Board. He was on the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council and the Douglas County Air Pollution Control Commission from 1967 to 1976. He served on the ChelanDouglas Mental Health and Mental Retardation Board from 1971 to 1976. He was active with the Regional Law and Justice Planning Committee from 1972 to 1976. He was involved with the Central Washington Health Services Committee from 1975 to 1976. He was active in the Upper Columbia Economic Development District in 1976. In 1981, he was president of the Washington State

W.L. Fulmer was elected the first President of WSNA, he served four years from 1937 - 1941 and again in 1943. He along with L.N. Roberson, R.W. Williams & Robert Tindall saw a need to become more organized to support each other during the war years when supplies were being rationed. Mr. Fulmer loved camellias and rhododendrons and grew a wide variety of each group. In fact many of his plants can still be found in the older neighborhoods of Seattle. Some of his customers were Malmo Nursery, Anhalts Landscape Nursery and many more in this area. He was a very forward thinker for his time and was one of the first nurserymen in the area to advertise his products. Later in his career, each spring, he would have a special where the customers would come to the nursery and dig their own plants. (This was well before the idea of growing plants in containers was even thought of.) Continued on next page. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 17

R.W. Williams R.W. Williams served as Washington State Nurseryman’s Association President from 1944-1947. He was a Landscape Gardener in the Seattle area and planted many of the large estates in Broadmoor, The Highlands, Blue Ridge & Capital Hill & many other areas of the city. Afterwards he was hired to maintain the grounds on many of the estates that he planted, during the course of his years in business he trained many of the successful landscapers in the Seattle area. In the beginning, most of the equipment that was used was hand labor. Mr. Williams crafted most of his own equipment that he used for landscaping and in turn was able to sell his equipment to others in the industry. Pioneer Award Recipients are honored each year at the WSNLA Awards Luncheon held during the Northwest Green Inustry Conference.

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R.W. Williams

ecoPRO best practices Sustainable landscaping is design, construction, operations and maintenance that conserve and regenerate water, air, soil, plant and wildlife resources. Sustainable practices must maintain a focus on the environment as the priority while remaining socially equitable and economically feasible. The ecoPRO certification program has identified eight key principles that include 200+ sustainable landscape management best practices. As an ecoPRO certified indvidual, you will demonstrate knowledge of, and voluntarily practice sustainable best landscape practices in the following domains: • Protect and Conserve Soils • Conserve Water • Protect Water and Air Quality • Protect and Create Wildlife Habitat • Conserve Energy • Sustain Healthy Plants • Use Sustainable Methods and Materials • Protect and Enhance Human Health and Well-being Download a copy of the ecoPRO sustainable landscape best management practices at www.wsnla.org/ecoPROcertified or www.walp.org. Additional ecoPRO certification study materials are available in hardcopy and ebook format. Contact WSNLA at (800) 672-771 or holly@wsnla.org.

WSNLA and Washington Association of Landscape Professionals (WALP) to co-administer the ecoPRO Certified Sustainable Landscape Professional program. Last month, a stakeholder group representative of government agencies, educational institutions and practitioners, unanimously gave their support of WSNLA and WALP as co-administrators of the ecoPRO sustainable landscape professional certification program. The ecoPRO certification program offers advanced certification recognized throughout Washington State for individual landscape professionals. The program provides science-based information that promotes, guides and informs ecological, sustainable landscape management. The ecoPRO program, along with WSNLA and WALP, will continue to work together to ensure a unified standard within the horticultural industry that also enhances marketing, networking, and educational opportunities. A steering and technical committee provides leadership to the ecoPRO certification program and works ongoing to define and approve acceptable standards, best practices, and the expertise needed to get certified. Moving forward, WSNLA and WALP, as co-administrators, are committed in continuing and expanding the collaborative efforts made on behalf of the ecoPRO program to date.

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ecoPRO Sustainable Landscape Professional Certification is an individual certification for professionals working in Continued on next page Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 19

the landscape industry. It is offered by the Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association (WSNLA) and the Washington Association of Landscape Professionals (WALP. - Certified landscape professionals will have demonstrated knowledge of, and voluntarily practice, the sustainable best landscape practices presented in this document.

February 18-21, 2014 - Training & Exam Clover Park Technical College, Lakewood Who can become certified? To be eligible for certification, you must meet one or more of the following requirements: - Be certified by a professional horticultural association (APLD, IA, ISA, WALP/PLANET, WSNLA); - Be a licensed landscape architect or a graduate of an accredited landscape architecture program; - Have 3-years landscape experience as well as a horticultural degree or a degree in a related field. ecoPRO certification requirements include attending an optional 3-day training, reading study materials, and passing a certification exam.

What will I learn and be tested on? The training, study materials, and exam are based on 200+ sustainable best practices for: This section outlines Sustainable Best Practices for landscape design, construction, and maintenance. The best practices are organized around eight key principles: - Protect and Conserve Soils - Conserve Water - Protect Water and Air Quality - Protect and Create Wildlife Habitat - Conserve Energy - Sustain Healthy Plants - Use Sustainable Methods and Materials - Protect and Enhance Human Health and Well-being

Why get certified? More and more customers are requesting sustainable landscape design, construction, and maintenance. Earn a new designation to show customers and others that you are knowledgeable in sustainable practices. Besides this advanced learning, this is a great opportunity to network with other landscape professionals around Washington State who promote and conduct sustainable practices.

Cost: $350, which includes the 3-day training and exam (lunch included). $150 for exam only. $75 for re-taking the exam. Individuals that do not meet the eligibility criteria for certification are welcome to register for the training only at the rate of $350. ecoPRO study materials are available for purchase in hardcopy or eBook formats January 2014. Visit www.WSNLA.org/ecoPROcertified.

Two Easy Ways to Register! - Register at www.wsnla.org/ecoPROcertified - Contact WSNLA directly at (800) 672-7711 or holly@wsnla.org.

20 - The B&B Magazine

- Certified landscape professionals will be able to offer knowledgeable, enthusiastic, profitable, and environmentally sound landscape design, installation, and maintenance services. Participants’ work will strive to have a positive impact on the environment and on their local Washington State community. - The Program provides science-based information that promotes, guides, and informs ecological, sustainable landscape management. ecoPRO sustainable best practices align as much as possible with existing business and site certifications. There are several sustainable certifications applicable to landscape businesses and sites in Washington State. Some of these include: EnviroStars—a certification for businesses that reduce their use and input of toxics in the environment; Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES)—a national certification for landscapes designed, installed, and including a maintenance plan for sustainable practices; Salmon Safe—a land management certification for sites that protect water quality and preserve and restore habitat; the regional BuiltGreen, national LEED, and Living Building Challenge--green building certifications that include site development best practices; Greenroads—for road construction; and Envision—for infrastructure projects.

BACKGROUND AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Program standards and requirements were developed by a nine-person

volunteer Advisory Committee in 2011-2012 with additional input by outside reviewers. The standards and requirements were updated in 2013. The Initial Advisory Committee, convened by WSNLA, WALP, and Cascadia Consulting Group in 2011, was comprised of landscape professional leaders in the private and public sectors: designers, builders, maintenance professionals, horticulture educators, and growers. The Initial Advisory Committee members, as well as subsequent committee members, are associated with other relevant initiatives and professional organizations, including the regional EnviroStars certification program and national Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES), Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD), Washington Chapter of the Society of Landscape Architects (WASLA), International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), Coalition of Organic Landscape Professionals (COOL), Washington Native Plant Society, Sports Turf Management Association (STMA), and Building Owner and Management Association (BOMA). The Initial Advisory Committee had the overarching goals of developing a program that: - Serves landscape professionals in Washington state; - Addresses Washington state habitat, water quality, conservation, and toxics reduction issues; - Holistically addresses the landscape; and - Builds on existing programs. The Initial Advisory Committee first reviewed existing organic and sustainable landscape certification programs in California, Oregon, British Columbia, Connecticut, and nationwide, with the goal of adopting and adapting policies, standards, and material. The committee chose to develop a menu of Sustainable Best Practices that encourage professionals to consider the whole

Sustainable Landscaping is design, construction, operations and maintenance that conserve and regenerate water, air, soil, plant and wildlife resources. Sustainable practices must maintain a focus on the environment as the priority while remaining socially equitable and economically feasible.

landscape, from design to installation to maintenance over time. They designed the program as a second tier certification that builds on and does not duplicate existing basic horticultural education and certification opportunities. The program is geared to professionals who already have basic landscape horticultural knowledge, experience, and certification, and who serve a wide range of clients – from public to residential to commercial. We want to acknowledge the following individuals and entities instrumental in the initial development of this program for Washington State:

Initial Advisory Committee Will Bailey, CLT, CLP, ISA, Signature Landscape Services Jessica Bloom, CPH, NW Bloom EcoLogical Landscapes Van Bobbitt, ISA, South Seattle Community College Barb DeCaro, Seattle Parks and Recreation Don Marshall, CPH, Lake Washington Institute of Technology David McDonald, Seattle Public Utilities Lisa Port, APLD, Banyon Tree Design Studio Ladd Smith, In Harmony Sustainable Landscape Services

Jeff van Lierop, Country Green

Facilitation Patty Anderson, Washington Association of Landscape Professionals Jeanne McNeil, Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association Gwen Vernon, Cascadia Consulting Group

Review and Support Janine Anderson, Anderson LeLievre Landscape Design Mike Brent, Cascade Water Alliance Sharon Collman, Washington State University – Snohomish County Extension Mark Guthrie, Tacoma Water, Tacoma Public Utilities Lisa Niehaus, Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County Jenna Smith, Seattle Public Utilities Peg Tillery, Washington State University – Kitsap County Extension

Initial Funding Seattle Public Utilities Washington Department of Ecology Washington State Department of Agriculture WSNLA Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund Find out more at www.wsnla.org/ ecoPROcertified. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 21

WSNLA Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund Deadline February 15, 2014. WSNLA Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund is accepting applications for 2014 scholarships and research projects. Awards will be announced in March, and will be paid in two installments for students, and upon completion of the research for grants.

Eligibility Each year, the WSNLA Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund offers research grants and scholarships to researchers and students of hotriculture, ornamental horticulture, landscape architecture and related fields.

This charitable foundation, which is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that is administer by WSNLA, takes the gifts it receives, manages the fund for growth, and distributes scholarhips and grants annually to support horticultural education for students and funding for horticultural research. A five person Board of Directors provides oversight of the funds and meets to review and select annual recipients. In 2013, over $20,000 was awarded to students and horticultural research professionals.

The following selection criteria shall be utilized when reviewing scholarship applications and selecting recipients.

The following selection criteria shall be utilized when reviewing research grant applications and selecting recipients: - Must submit a complete application, statement of intent and at least two letters of reference, by February 15. - Must provide research for the horticultural industry.

- Must submit a complete application, statement of intent and at least two letters of reference, by February 15.

- Must be a researcher for a Northwest accredited institution.

- Must be pursuing a major in the horticultural industry.

- Must agree to share research with the professional horticultural community.

- Must plan to or be attending a Northwest accredited educational institution.

Researchers and students who have received grants or scholarships from WSNLA remain eligible to apply again during subsequent years of their academic careers. Applicants whose earlier applications were not funded are also eligible to re-apply.

Carter Evans Wood Concepts The Ultimate Natural Addition To Your Landscaping Projects! - Large selection of salvaged landscape wood. You can pick up or we will deliver. - Outstanding old growth Western Red Cedar pieces salvaged from the forest floor. - Use as center pieces, water features, bulkheads, seats, planters boarders & more Visit landscapewood.com to purchase by picture number, or call 360-482-5555 if you would like to come by and look. Email: john.evans@landscapewood.com 2 miles West of Elma, take the Schouweiler exit. 22 - The B&B Magazine

- Must demonstrate academic success.

How to Apply Complete applications (Including essay and letters of reference) must be returned to WSNLA by February 1. Scholarship and research applications are available for download at www.wsnla.org Submit applications: - by email to holly@wsnla.org - by mail to 34400 Pacific Hwy S. Ste 2 Federal Way WA98003 For additional questions, please contact WSNLA at (800) 672-7711 or holly@ wsnla.org.

Bugs & Blights

What’s Wrong with that Pine?

by Sharon J. Collman | WSU Snohomish Extension

Freeze damage to a pine. Drying is uniform at the tips and dies back down toward the base. All the other branches also had the same pattern. No signs (insect webbing, frass, or fungus fruiting bodies) were found.

Disease damage is random, occurring wherever spores land on susceptible plant parts (needles, bark). Look for small black specks or pimples (fruiting bodies); or look on older fallen needles on the ground.

One of several needle diseases with tiny black fruiting bodies. Sometimes the needles look “clean” because the fruiting bodies have not erupted through the epidermis. The fruiting bodies may be produced on the needles that have fallen on the ground. There are different needle diseases specific to 2-3 and 5 needle pines.

The crucial area to examine in this case is the area between the dead and healthy branch. Random damage often indicates a biotic cause such as animal chewing damage, western gall rust, wood borer, broken limb or girdling from a wire. In this case sequoia pitch moth is the culprit.

Sequoia pitch moth caterpillars live and feed just under the bark of pine. Where several pitch moths converge and girdle the branch, the branch may die or break in a windstorm. The pitch mass from young larvae is pinkish becoming gray when the larvae are mature.

Western gall rust is a disease that causes perennial woody swellings or galls. These galls can grow each year. In May and June they produce bright yellow spores that disperse to new branches and twigs. Photo Credit: Bess Bronstein.

Additional Resources: Sequoia pitch moth http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/homehort/pest/sequioa_pitch_moth.htm Sequoia pitch moth http://county.wsu.edu/chelan-douglas/gardening/plant/Documents/sequoiapitchmoth.pdf Western gall rust http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/homehort/pest/wgr.htm Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 23 Western gall rust http://puyallup.wsu.edu/ppo/sod/extension/tree_diseases/cankers.pdf

CPH Board & Committee Members

CPH of the Month

A look into the CPH Community

Andrew Barker, CPH Cloud Garden Landscape Design candrewbarker@gmail.com CPH since 2011 Shannon Grina, CPH Grina Landscape Design shannong99@comcast.net Joan Hackett, CPH PlantScapes joaniedidit@comcast.net CPH since 2002 Lucinda McMahan, CPH Lucinda’s Landscapes lucinda31@comcast.net CPH since 2001 Mike Davis, CPH Pathways to Ponds info@pathwaystoponds.com CPH since 2002 Dana Blaskovich, CPH T&L Nursery paradisecontained@hotmail.com CPH since 2002 Joseph Weninger, CPH Wight’s Home & Garden josephweninger@yahoo.com CPH since 2012 Don Marshall, CPH Lake Washington Institute of Technology don.marshall@lwtech.edu CPH since 1983 24 - The B&B Magazine

Dana Blaskovich, CPH T&L Nursery Paradise Contained February 26 CPH Preview Exam Location: Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland.

March 19 CPH Exam Location: South Seattle Community College, Seattle. For more information visit www.wsnla.org. Questions? Contact Holly at (800) 672-7711 or holly@wsnla.org.

Q. How long have you been a CPH? DB: 12 years, which have really flown by! Q. How do you participate in WSNLA? DB: I am a new member of the CPH committee. I also take advantage of many of the great classes and seminars offered by WSNLA; they help me to stay current with new trends and ideas as well as enhance my professional skills. Q. What is your job title/ company? DB: I work as an Inside Sales and Service Rep for T&L Nursery. When I’m not busy at T&L, I also do container gardening and small scale landscape designs and renovations with my own company, Paradise Contained.

Q. How long have you been in your current position? What other positions have you held? DB: After I completed the Environmental Hort program at LWIT I worked as an Estate Gardener on two large waterfront properties for around five years. That experience taught me so much! I then moved into designing and installing container gardens and doing landscape design and renovations. I’ve been at T&L for about a year now; I love the busy pace and working with lots of great customers.

DB: Improper pruning and the lack of a cohesive design. That along with too many rhodies and azaleas being planted!! Q. What is your favorite plant? Why? DB: It’s impossible for me to choose just one. A few of them are: Upright Japanese Maples for their year round beauty and elegance, Hellebores for beautiful , long lasting flowers when we most need them and Brugmansias for their incredible nighttime fragrance.

Q. What is your overall philosophy for being successful in this field?

Q. Any publications or websites you’d like to share?

DB: Work hard, have fun and keep learning!

DB: I really like the Great Plant Picks sight www.greatplantpicks.org when I’m in a design rut and Thomas Hobbes’ blog www.southlandsnursery.com/tomspeaks for gorgeous pictures and witty prose.

Q. What is the biggest challenge you face in your job? DB: After working alone for many years, the solitude started to become a challenge for me. Now, at T&L, I am challenged with dusting off and enhancing my computer skills. Q. What is the most common mistake you see in homeowner yards and/or commercial properties?

Suggest at CPH of the Month! Please send your thoughtful submissions for CPH of the Month to Joan Hackett at joaniedidit@comcast.net.

Help Build CPH Awareness CPH & the NW Flower & Garden Show Certified Professional Horticulturists = knowledgable, qualified and committed nursery and landscape professionals. At the NW Flower & Garden Show, CPHs will have an opportunity to promote their certification and the value of working with a qualified professional, to the gardening public. Volunteers interested in staffing the CPH bench at the garden show will be responsible for: distributing marketing materials; answering questions about the CPH program; and assisting with design, plant selection and care questions of gardeners. This is also a great time to promote your business and your professional certification, so be sure to bring business cards, a well. If you are interested in helping build CPH Awareness, contact Shannon Grina at shannong99@comcast.com.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 25

Industry News [ Headlines ]

Court Decision Prohibits DOL from Mid-Season H-2B Wage Increases On December 2, 2013, the Department of Labor’s Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (“BALCA”) ruled that DOLs H-2B prevailing wage regulation does not allow DOL to raise prevailing wage rates mid-season. The long-awaited ruling came in Island Holdings, No. 2013-PWD-00002. Island Holdings brings a little regulatory certainty to the H-2B Program. It establishes that DOL may not, under the current H-2B regulations, raise prevailing wage rates mid-season. Employers may now plan their labor costs without worrying that DOL will change the required wage without warning. The case also shows that a coordinated litigation effort can succeed in challenging DOL’s unlawful actions. BACKGROUND An employer that wants to participate in the H-2B Program must agree to pay its H-2B workers at least the “prevailing wage.” DOL determines the prevailing

wage using a formula set by regulations. In 2008, DOL adopted a new formula for setting the prevailing wage. Worker advocacy groups challenged this formula and a federal court ruled the formula was illegal. However, the court allowed DOL to continue using the formula until DOL could adopt a new one. Earlier this year, DOL issued an Interim Final Rule (“IFR”) with a new formula. DOL also tried to apply the new formula to prevailing wage determination that it had already issued. For large numbers of H-2B employers, this meant a large unplanned for increase in their wage obligations. Island Holdings appealed the retroactive increase and it is estimated that another 1400 post-certification wage determinations were appealed. Island Holdings was represented by CJ Lake, LLC, which also serves as ANLA and AmericanHort’s employment and immigration law consultant. What the Island Holdings Decision

Means For Employers: Island Holdings is a very significant decision. Although precise estimates are difficult to come by, it is certain that BALCA’s decision saves employes millions of dollars in unforeseeable and unplanned for expenses. Many employers simply could not pay the new rates and would have had to curtail operations or close their doors. DOL is currently cosidering how it will implement the Island Holdings decision. But based on the ruling itself, we expect the following will happen for three main groups of employers: - Employers who appealed. These employers are likely to receive a notice vacating/cancelling the supplemental prevailing wage determinitation that they received in spring. They have no obligation to pay the higher wage. - Employers who did not appeal, but escrowed funds instead. DOL will content

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26 - The B&B Magazine

Industry News [ Headlines ]

that these employers are required to pay the higher wage because they did not appeal. Future litigation will determine whether this argument succeeds. - Employers who did not appeal, but paid the higher wages. Because these employers did not appeal, it will be very difficult to recover the funds.

AmericanHort Launches January 2014! As the new year arrives, so will AmericanHort, the historic consolidation of ANLA and OFA, two of the nation’s premier horticultural industry organizations. For all our members concerned about how the decisions and actions of government affect their businesses, these are exciting times. AmericanHort will bring together a larger community of horticultural businesses of all types, to support and engage in a proactive advocacy and research agenda. For more information about AmericanHort visit ww.AmericanHort. com.

In Memory Of... Dirk Oosterwyk, 95, of Cottonwood, Arizona passed away October 24, 2013. Dirk was born March 18, 1918, the seventh of thirteen children of Dirk and Margje Oosterwijk. After school, he grew up in the nursery business learning all about being a fullfledged nurseryman. He was in the Dutch Army for 15 months, being discharged July 1, 1939. He moved to Germany to work, but was called back into the Army in September, 1939 and served until the end of 1940. After World War II, he rejoined the service and was a Quarter Master for six years. He then returned to the nursery business and worked there from 1951 until 1953. He moved to the United States and picked up in the nursery business on the

USDA - APHIS and ANLA Discuss the Future. In recent years, APHIS has faced budget reductions and more may lie ahead, challenging the agency to be creative in its efforts to protect American agriculture from foreign pests and diseases, while facilitating international and domestic trade. The overall theme of the APHIS and ANLA meeting was to find ways to work more closely and take advantage of synergies with the intention of saving resources, protecting US agriculture and natural resources, and helping the horticulture industry grow and thrive. The topics discussed were broad and far reaching. ANLA and APHIS discussed the industry’s concerns about recent changes to the plants for planting regulations including the Not Authorized Pending Pest Risk Analysis (NAPPRA) and the rollout of the Risk Based Sampling at the US port of entry; the importance of access to foreign material through a functioning permit system, and the

fact that if entry barriers are too great we face risk of more illegal movement of plant material; the need to continue to support the National Clean Plant Network as part of the solution for introducing high value plant material that would otherwise not be allowed in to the country; and expanded opportunities to mitigate pest risks offshore through plant production certification programs for starter material (ie. tissue culture, cuttings and budwood). Though ANLA and APHIS do not always agree, the discussion remained positive and focused on collaboration. “When we look across government agencies, APHIS is at the top in regards to their commitment to collaborate,” said Joe Bischoff, Regulatory & Legislative Affairs Director for ANLA. “Sure we’re got challenges but Administrator Shea made it clear, he wants to work with us and that’s encouraging.”

Dirk Oosterwyck west coast. After one year of working for other people, he started his own company as a supplier of nursery stock to landscape companies. In 1954 he joined the Washington State Nurserymen’s Association (WSNA) and became the WSNA president. He also served as president of the Snohomish Lions Club. He joined the Presbyterian Church in Washington and has been an active member of the Presbyterian Church ever since. Dirk married his wife, Wilma in 1961. He retired from the nursery business in 1982. After full retirement, he and Wilma fell in love with traveling and made many trips in the United States and abroad. They moved full-time to Arizona in 1992 where they have enjoyed the sunshine. Dirk is survived by his wife, Wilma; son Fred (Linda); son, Dirk (Jeannie); daughter, Nellie (Lemuel) Pratt; and grandchildren, Jason, Brianne, and Dale James “DJ”; brother, Gerard; sister-inlaw, Betty and numerous nieces and nephews.

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Chapter News

[ Making Connections, Building Brands, Investing & Educating ]

Host a Chapter Meeting in 2014 Host a WSNLA Chapter meeting at your business. Build awareness of your brand. And, expand your network of qualifed customers and clients. WSNLA Chapters are currently setting their 2014 calendar and would love to hear from you about collaborating on a meeting. Here are three reasons why WSNLA Chapter meetings are a great way to participate with your professional community: - Qualified Customers & Clients. Opening your doors for a VIP event, is an effective way to connect with current and potential customers and clients. Invite nursery and landscape professionals in for a behind the scenes meeting to learn more about your business and services. - Additional Promotion. Chapter meetings receive extra visibility on the WSNLA facebook page, B&B Magazine and on the WSNLA.org calendar of events.

- Share your knowledge. No storefront? No big deal. Maybe inviting members into your business just doesn’t make sense. Instead, think about being a presenter at a chapter meeting. If you have valuable information that you would like to share, chapter meetings are an effective platform to spread the word. WSNLA chapter meetings are scheduled throughout the year and are regionally based (Northwest Chapter, Seattle Chapter, Mt. Rainier Chapter, Olympic Chapter). While members traditionally belong to the chapter most relevant to their region, chapters meetings are open to all members. Think about stepping outside your local chapter and connecting with nursery and landscape professionals to the north or south. Look for a complete list of chapter meetings in the February 2014 B&B Magazine. If you are interested in finding out more about hosting a chapter meeting, please contact the chapter president. Contact information can be found on page 7.

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WSNLA Marketplace

[ Job Postings, For Sale, Plant Material Available & More! ] HOLLAND-AMERICA NURSERY. Now Available: Van den Akker weeping Alaska cedar 6’ thru 10’. Snowberry 1 gal. & 2 gal. Thuja plicata zebrina 5 gal. Red twig dogwood 1gal. Mahonia aquifolium 1 gal & 2 gal. Mahonia repens 1 gal & 2 gal. Mahonia aquifolium 5 gal. Rosa nutkana 1 gal. Rosa Rugosa 1 gal. English laurel 1 gal. List available. (360) 794-6549, or akker4@gmail.com. WSNLA MEMBER. Specimen Street and landscape Trees in large Root Control Bags. Year around availability, easier shipping, handling and establishment. Mount Vernon. (800) 827-4067. Fax (360) 428-1822. www.urbanforestnursery.com. WSNLA MEMBER. To be listed in the WSNLA Marketplace, contact Breanne at breanne@wsnla.org or (800) 672-7711.

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Supplies for Small Growers SEED STARTING - Pots Trays Inserts Plug Trays -____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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AAAmercantile.com http://stores.ebay.com/AAA-Mercantile http://www.amazon.com/shops/AAAmercantile Enter promotion code WSNLAJUNE for a 15% discount for a limited time at AAAmercantile.com

WSNLA Preferred Providers Credit Card Processing Save money with low processing fees and a variety of related benefits, including gift cards for customers, through Sage Payment Solutions. Plus, they are committed to giving back to your organization through a rebate program. Miah Green, Sage Payment Solutions 208-503-0561, jgreen@sagepayments.com www.sagepayments.com/wsnla

Printing & Promotional Products Purchase your print and promotional products from Proforma because they have the buying power to provide unbeatable rates. Plus, they are committed to giving back to your organization through a rebate program. Jim Stedman, ProForma 888-546-6028, jwstedman@aol.com

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Office Supplies

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Equipment Purchases Receive fleet like discounts on high quality commercial equiptment at participating dealerships only.

Brittany Martin, Association Members Only 800-420-6421 x 234, FAX 800-420-6422 bmartin@goamo.com, www.goamo.com

Health Insurance

Phil Smith, Scotsco, Inc (253) 720-6420, psmith@scotsco.com

Bill Yeager, Association Benefits Corp. 206-948-9379, FAX 425-742-1474 bill@associationbenefits.us

Cash Flow Management

Business Insurance

Receive assistance in the commercial recovery field. Bill Bosch, Cash Flow Management 503-774-1399, FAX 503-771-4202, bbosch@ cfmcollect.com, www.cfmcollection.com

Ken Von Forell, Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefit 360-459-9411, KVonForell@hortica-insurance. com, www.hortica-insurance.com

CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ Education & Enjoyment ] January 14. 8:30-10:30am. DRIP IRRIGATION: WATER CONSERVATION, INCREASED PLANT HEALTH, AND LESS LABOR. Location: 21 Acres, Woodinville. Cost: FREE. Drip irrigation can grow healthier plants using 50% less water than sprinklers, with less weeding and other work. Real and imagined barriers stop many contractors from using drip. Learn how good equipment choices and layout can create efficient drip systems and prevent common problems. We’ll also cover scheduling and maintenance tips, design resources, and utility rebate programs. 2 Irrigation Association CEUs. Register at http://cascadewateralliance. brownpapertickets.com.

January 29 & 30. RAIN GARDEN WORKSHOP FOR LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS. Location: Thurston County. This professional level training will focus on rain gardens and other low-impact development practices gaining in popularity with savvy property owners who want to control run-off and beautify their yards. The class will cover site selection, design, soils/ compost, new regulations, plant designs/ selection, costs, maintenance, and more. Register at www.12000raingardens.org/getinvolved/events/. CPH Credit Available.


Find more industry events at WSNLA.ORG! the latest water and labor saving tools such as improved sprinkler nozzles, valves, sensors, and controllers. These tools can make irrigation more efficient, save water and money, an make your job easier. You will learn how to calculate savings over time and how to apply for utility rebate programs that help tp pay for irrigation upgrands. 2 Irrigation Association CEUs. Register online at http://cascadewateralliance. brownpapertickets.com.

February 12-13. RAIN GARDEN WORKSHOP FOR PROFESSIONALS.. Location: Jefferson County. his professional level training will focus on rain gardens and other low-impact development practices gaining in popularity with savvy property owners who want to control run-off and beautify their yards. The class will cover site selection, design, soils/compost, new regulations, plant designs/selection, costs, maintenance, and more. Register at www.12000raingardens.org/get-involved/ events/. CPH Credit Available.

FEBRUARY 5-9. NORTHWEST FLOWER & GARDENSHOW Location: Washington State Convention Center, Downtown Seattle. For more information visit www.gardenshow. com.

TRAINING. Location: Clover Park Technical College, Lakewood. Registration: $350 for training and exam. $150 for exam only. $75 for retest. Learn more about testing eligibility, study materials and ecoPRO best practices at www.wsnla.org. Registration is available at www.wsnla.org or (800) 672-7711. February 26. CPH Preview Exam. Location: Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland. For more information visit www.wsnla.org. Questions? Contact Holly at (800) 672-7711 or holly@wsnla.org.

FEBRUARY 27. WSNLA & WALP LEgislative Day Location: The Capital, Olympia. For more information contact Breanne at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@ wsnla.org.

March 19. CPH Exam. Location: South Seattle Community College, Seattle. For more information or to register visit www.wsnla. org or contact holly@wsnla.org or (800) 6727711; Promote your event in the B&B Magazine and on WSNLA.org. Contact Breanne at breanne@wsnla.org or (800) 672-7711.



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