B&B Online - February 2015

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(left) Legislative Day is March 17 - make an impacted on legislation impacting your business and industry, deliver plants to legislators and enjoy a VIP tour of the Capitol trees by Dr. Brent Chapman and Neal Wolbert. Find out more on page 5.

The Official Publication of

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

(below) Become ecoPRO Certified March 10-13, 2015. Find out more on page 20.


Editor Breanne Chavez Published Monthly By: Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association 34400 Pacific Hwy S., Suite 2 Federal Way, WA 98003 800.672.7711 fax 253.661.6058


Subscription Price: $39 Annually

8 WSNLA Awards


Industry leaders serve with time, talent and expertise.

13 WSNLA Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund

Scholarships & grants now available! Deadline February 28.

14 WSNLA Partners with SBGA

Members gain access to cost savings, information and efficiency services.

18 Certified Professional Horticulturist Online Forums

February 2015 VOL 67. NO. 2

News, Classified ads Advertising

Columns 4

From the President


Legislative Update


Executive Director

Departments 7

Member Notes


ecoPRO Certified


WSNLA Marketplace


Chapter News


Calendar of Events

Online CPH forums provide opportunity for learning and community.

Interested in sharing your opinions and comments with B&B readers? If you take the time to share your thoughtful comments, WSNLA will be sure to share them with B&B readers. Please submit to breanne@wsnla.org or by fax at (253) 661-6058. Deadine: 1st of each month.

5pm the 1st of the month preceding the first-of-the-month publication. To place an advertisement, contact Breanne at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@ wsnla.org. WSNLA reserves the right to refuse any ads which are misleading, unethical, contrary to WSNLA policy, or which do not pertain to the nursery and landscape industry.

75 years & Growing

WSNLA www.wsnla.org Executive Director Breanne Chavez e-mail breanne@wsnla.org Finance & Operations Director Holly Osborne, CPH e-mail holly@wsnla.org Industry Advancement Jeanne McNeil e-mail jmcneil@wsnla.org Š 2015, Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 3


Telling people about our successes is what we need to do better, louder, and more often.

Last November, WSNLA held our Strategic Planning Session. Earlier that month, I participated in the WALP Strategic Plan retreat. Both sessions were attended by dedicated individuals who have volunteered to help each organization make changes in how things are done for their membership. They reviewed the past, the present, and future with the understanding that these changes will allow each association to move into the future successfully.

Tim Gray WSNLA President Pacific Stone Company Everett

Looking at our strengths, and weaknesses, is vital for continued growth. Telling people about our successes is what we need to do better, louder, and more often. Let’s tell our story to our membership, the public consumer, and our entire horticultural community. Here is a quote from the WSNLA planning session. It’s borrowed from ‘7 Measures of Success, What Remarkable Associations Do That Others Don’t’. “Associations are the hidden glue of our society and economy. Like the mortar that holds the bricks of a building in place, associations go largely unnoticed, yet they do much to hold the entire structure together. As such, associations cannot settle for being only good; they must work toward greatness.” My goal for 2015 is to focus on all the good things that WSNLA does for our membership. I plan to continue the positive relationship with our fellow horticultural community, the Washington Association of Landscape Professionals. It has always been exciting to work in such a great industry, with so many amazing and talented people. It is an honor to work with so many dedicated people in WSNLA, and may 2015 be even more successful for all of us. Cheers, Tim

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Legislative Update WSNLA Works To Protect Your Business The Governor’s budget also creates a new carbon tax. This is being presented as “polluters pay.” That tag line resonates well with consumers and the proposal appears to be gathering support. Note that this tax will affect fertilizer manufacturers, oil companies, fuel distributors and many other types of businesses. Those businesses will most likely pass the new expense along to their customers so in the end, everyone pays.

Heather Hansen WSNLA Lobbyist The 2015 Washington State legislative session began Monday, January 12. The last day of the regular session will be April 26. Just before Christmas, Governor Inslee released his budget proposal. It includes a $1.5 billion tax increase. The economic forecast shows that the state should collect an additional $3 billion in taxes over the past biennium due to increased economic activity. All total, that would provide an 8% increase in revenue to pay for state-government operations. Let’s look at a few specifics. The Governor creates a new capital gains tax (7 % tax on earnings exceeding $25,000 for individuals and $50,000 for joint filers). The new tax claims to exempt the sales of homes, farm and forestry property, and retirement accounts, however, there are strings attached. For example, a home would only be exempt if it has been your principle residence for at least 25 years.

The Governor’s proposal goes to the legislature. Then both the House and the Senate develop their own proposals. While they use the Governor’s budget as a guide, they can and will make significant changes. Since the House majority is Democratic and the Senate Majority is Republican, expect significant differences between their budget proposals. As part of the process, they must find a way to fund basic education to comply with the court order handed down in the McCleary case. In the end, they will have to compromise and agree to pass a budget for the 2015-2017 biennium. It must be ready to go before the fiscal year ends on June 30, 2015. The Legislative Information website has been updated. For those who are interested, google Washington State Legislative Information Center or type in http://leg.wa.gov. You can find your legislators, see who is on which committees, see what bills have been introduced, look up hearing schedules and much more. If you are looking for something you cannot find, please ask. As always, the more your legislators know about your business and what is important to you, the more they can do to help. That goes for WSNLA staff and me as well.

2015 WSNLA & WALP Legislative Day March 17, 2015 Capital Campus, Olympia Be heard in Olympia! Join your trade associations in one of the most important days of the year for the Green Industry! - Find out how critical legislation coming up in the 2015 Legislative Session could affect the Green Industry in Washington and your business.

- Learn how to become an effective citizen lobbyist helping you communicate with your elected officials about the issues that matter to you and maximize your impact.

- Visit with your state representatives and let them know what you think about the issues they will be facing this year.

- Help demonstrate the unity and strength of the “Green Industry”. This year’s event will start at 9:00 am. The day’s events will include a presentation by WSNLA Lobbyist Heather Hansen, a VIP tour of the campus trees, followed by appointments with your legislators and delivering of plants to each legislator!! Plus, with March 17 being St. Patrick’s Day, the day may include a wee bit o’fun and laughter. So mark your calendars now. WSNLA and WALP will provide the tools you will need to be effective in conveying messages about Green Industry and other legislative issues, as well as information to give to Legislators during each visit. Please go to the WSNLA.ORG events page to register for this important event. If you have questions, please contact Breanne at (800) 672-7711. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 5

75 Years & Growing

WSNLA www.wsnla.org


3Member WSNLA

Benefits to serve, educate & promote

Growing the success of our members!

Grow Your Network Over the years, I have spoken with many members and analyzed survey data about the most valued benefit of WSNLA membership. Hands down, the response and feedback centers on growing business resources through relationships and networking. This intangible benefit is demonstrated over and over as peers information share, sell and purchase, and grow their business network.

Grow Your Knowledge Throughout the year, WSNLA offers various events for you to network, learn and grow your knowledge and ultimately your business. To help keep you in the loop, an annual calendar of events is available on WSNLA.ORG. Plus, so you don’t forget, you are now able to download all events into your calander!

Grow Your Exposure From paid sponsorship and advertising to volunteer efforts, there is something that will help grow your business exposure and connect with clients and customers, including online and print advertising, event sponsorships, event volunteer efforts, and chapter meeting hosts and presenters. Learn more about the unique benefits of each opportunity. Please contact me at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@wsnla.org to get things rolling!

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Breanne Chavez WSNLA Executive Director As a member of Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association you have access to member benefits to help grow and protect your business, save you money and connect with your customers through advertising and events. This month’s issue of the B&B Magazine highlights a few benefits that are designed to serve the WSNLA community. They include: WSNLA adds SBGA as Preferred Partner. Members gain access to cost savings with credit card processing and a valed information resource via this new partnership. Many of you have received phone communication from SBGA in recent weeks. They are a tremendous resource and I encourage you to learn more about how they can help you save. Find out more on page 14. Utlity Tree Certificate Program. Member nurseries have an opportunity to grow their sales through this program available to WSNLA members only. Learn more on page 17. Online Forums. With our busy daily lives, online forums offer an easy and accessible way to communicate and network with colleagues. Certified Professional Horticulturist forums were created last spring for this purpose. Log on to your account to access member only forums. Please be sure to utilize your WSNLA membership to grow your business in 2015. I encourage all members to revisit the list of benefits that their membership provides them. Your WSNLA leadership is always working to tailor these offerings to the needs of members.


WSNLA Member Benefits

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

WSNLA Promotes

2015 WSNLA Officers

Plant Something. WSNLA is a partner of this national public awareness campaign promoting the many benefits of plants and trees. WSNLA utilizes Radio, Online and Mobile Media to promote this message from April - June. Thousands of consumers visit GardenWashington.com each seasopn to locate WSNLA members. GardenWashington.com & WSNLA.org. WSNLA’s industry and consumer websites promote members through a searchable database, but also offer users a credible resource for information, and for businesses to grow their exposure through online advertising. GardenWashington Locator Guide & Green Passport. Your retail and landscape business is promoted to over 16,000 ideal customers and clients – making this Guide the most cost effective marketing around. Members are listed in the publication for FREE. WSNLA Directory & Buyer’s Guide. This tried & true annual publication is a resource for wholesale nurseries, growers, and suppliers to promote their products, services and plant materials to the industry! The Buyer’s Guide is also online at WSNLA.ORG. B&B Magazine. Our monthly magazine brings awareness of the Washington nursery and landscape industry. It provides unique and valuable content, such as industry news and trends, plant showcases, business tools, member features, and more.

WSNLA Educates Professional Development & Certification. Fine tune your skills and techniques with WSNLA’s PROseries, chapter meetings, publications and certification opportunities. Access To the Best & Brightest. WSNLA’s Community includes the movers and shakers of the nursery and landscape industry. Accessibility to colleagues that understand your business provides invaluable knowledge and tools to increase your business success. Information Library. A wealth of information at your fingertips. Not only does WSNLA host an archive of information dating back to 1937, but it also is a conservator of member knowledge. WSNLA’s diverse membership provides a scale of information and talent.

WSNLA Serves & Represents WSNLA Is Your Regulatory & Legislative Advocate. With a 75 year history, WSNLA has a proven track record of representing its membership and industry in Olympia and DC. WSNLA advocates on behalf of the entire industry for professionalism and fair business conditions. Linkage with a Professional Organization. Linking your business with a professional organization is yet another way to promote your professionalism. Preferred Partner Program. WSNLA members can save money on a range of business services, including: equipment purchases; legal access; health and business insurance; office supplies; printing costs; financial recovery and more. For a complete list visit www.wsnla.org.

Tim Gray, President Pacific Stone Company 425-258-1911 | timg@pacificstoneco.com Bill Raynolds, My Garden, President Elect 206-406-3487 | mygardennursery@gmail.com Ingrid Wachtler, CPH, Vice President Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery 253-265-6271 | woodbrk@harbornet.com Duane Job, Treasurer Job’s Nursery 509-547-4843 | duanejob@gmail.com Megan Pulkkinen, CPH, President Megan Pulkkinen Landscape Design 360-698-1865 | megancph@hotmail.com

WSNLA Board of directors Peter Van Well, III, Van Well Nursery 509-886-8189 | pete2@vanwell.net North Central Chapter President Scott Pringle, CPH, Paradise Lake Nursery 206-930-4132 | paradiselakenursery@gmail.com Northwest Chapter President Stephen Serafin, Quality Landscapes 360-385-6663 | qualitylandscapes @cablespeed.com Olympic Chapter President Kirsten Lints, CPH, Gardens ALIVE Design 425-318-2971 | kirsten@gardensALIVEdesign.com Seattle Chapter President Shannon Grina, CPH, Grina Landscape Design 425-736-5170 | shannong99@comcast.net CPH Caucus Chair Toni Cross, CPH, Toni Cross Seasonal Color Pots 206-781-1060 | toni@seasonalcolorpots.com Design Caucus Chair Chris Smith | Lake Washington Institute of Technology 425-739-8424 | chris.smith@lwtech.edu Horticulture Educator Caucus Chair Mary Ranahan, Cedar Grove Composting 206-963-0428 | mary.ranahan@cgcompost.com Horticultural Supplier Caucus Chair Gregory Smaus, CPH, Native Root Designs 206-227-4458 | gregory@nativerootdesigns.com Landscape Caucus Chair Ben DeGoede, CPH, Windmill Gardens 253-863-5843 | info@windmillgardens.com Retail Caucus Chair Open Positions: Mt Rainier Chapter President, Greenhouse Grower Caucus Chair, Wholesale Grower Caucus Chair & Out of State Caucus Chair

Learn more! contact WSNLA at (800) 672-7711 or holly@wsnla.org. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 7

WSNLA Award Recipients

Service & leadership given to benefit the industry WSNLA Member of the Year Kirsten Lints CPH | Gardens Alive Design This award is given for outstanding Service to WSNLA and the industry in the past year. Kirsten is the Seattle Chapter President, a WSNLA Board member, enthusiastic garden coach and designer, community volunteer, and tireless cheerleader for our profession. She likes to push the limits on all things possible for any project she works on, as demonstrated when she went all out last year as the designer for the WSNLA and WALP Seattle chapter show garden. This was the largest volunteer effort combining both WSNLA and WALP’s professional communities. Kirsten dreams big, collaborating across all areas of the industry, combining her own vision with ideas from students, colleagues, and artists. Then patiently integrated all the pieces together beautifully. She led an amazing team effort with Rob Boyker, ecoPRO, Avid Landscape Design & Development, to produce a fantastic 2014 show garden which was honored with nearly every award possible, and garnered national media attention. Congratulations Kirsten - and thank you for all you do.

WSNLA Cultivating Community Award Lara Vyas CPH | Natural Greenscapes & Stacy Smith CPH | Sweet Loam Fine Gardening This award is given to a new or established WSNLA member for involvement that has provided notable service in cultivating the WSNLA community, and supporting our organizational mission. Lara left a career in database technology because of her passion for horticulture. Her enthusiasm for all things green and natural was obvious from the first time we met at the 2011 garden show when she volunteered. She has volunteered at every show since then, becoming the plant procurement specialist for the team the last two years. Vyas is a designer, coach, educator, speaker, and also a Master Naturalist for the city of Bellevue. 8 - The B&B Magazine

Stacy volunteered before the 2014 NWFG show garden while attending Lake Washington Institute of Technology. She was the volunteer coordinator last year for the largest group of volunteers our two associations has ever assembled. She was a well organized team leader on the build. This year, Smith is the garden designer of the 2015 Wine garden- “Get Social, Sip and Sparkle in the Garden”. Stacy has volunteered at botanical gardens in

Washington and abroad. She is passionate about organic fine gardening, artistic sustainable design and has earned her Master Pruning certificate from Plant Amnesty. Stacy is a proud OSU graduate, and was previously a project coordinator for a biotech company. Congratulations to both Lara & Stacy. It is a true statement that our industry continues to benefit from professional career changes from these two individuals and many others!

Bruce Briggs Legislative Leadership Award Ingrid Wachtler CPH | Owner of Woodbrook Nursery Given to a member who has actively supported and shown leadership in legislative issues. This last spring in the middle of the busiest time of year for her nursery Ingrid made several trips down to Olympia to testify about an issue she and other nurseries were having with county tax assessors not treating all nurseries as Agriculture in their tax assessments. Yes container growing is agriculture whether on the ground or on benches. She did a notable job on her documentation and spoke passionately and convincingly to the panel, which paved the way to pass HB 2493, which updated language ensuring nurseries growing plants in containers were treated as agriculture. Your voice makes a difference in Olympia. Hearing directly from practioners impacted is what legislators need. Thank you Ingrid for your time, expertise and dedication to this issue.

Supplier of the Year Roger Canfield CPH Puget Sound Plants Usually given to a hard good or nonplant supplier who has shown an above average support of the association, its members, and the industry. This year it is going to a nursery supplier for going above and beyond for many years to support our industry by supplying and delivering plants to many home and garden shows, the NWFG show, field day, convention, and other events. Roger has a great attitude and makes time to help out any way he can, and he loves to show you around his nursery.

Educator of the Year Van Bobbitt ecoPRO South Seattle Community College Award given for meritorious service in any educational function serving the industry. Van has been on the faculty of South Seattle Community College since 1990. He has initiated many innovative programs at the school and always been a supporter of Horticulture Education and the Certified Professional Horticulturist program. He is in charge of the schools wonderful Arboretum and Conifer Garden, which was Nationally recognized this year with Reference Garden Status by the American Conifer Society a terrific achievement for the school and a great resource for the industry.

Honorary Lifetime Member Linda Malland Griswold Nursery This award goes to an individual who, having been an active member, performed some outstanding service to the field of horticulture or in the interest of the industry. Linda has been active in many aspects of the nursery industry and especially for WSNLA over many years. She is now retired from ownership of Griswold Nursery in Kirkland. She was a Seattle Chapter President, served on the Scholarship Board, and currently is on the Pioneer Awards Committee. Linda was the first woman President of WSNLA in 1990. Thank you Linda for your service. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 9

Environmental Excellence Award Bainbridge Gardens Given to a person or a company that significantly improved, protected, or repaired the environment through the use of plants and proper horticultural practices. The award can be given to a person or firm within or outside of the nursery and landscape industry. In the year 2000 Bainbridge Gardens very publicly announced in the media they were going All Organic as a nursery retailer. This was not that uncommon at the time among a few smaller nurseries, but they chose to do it in a very bold way. They were one of the first major retailers in our state to make this decision. Adapting this policy across the board required lots of customer and staff education, an ongoing learning process, and a willingness to prioritize their beliefs above their profits. Not surprising if you had the pleasure of knowing Junko and Chris Harui. Unfortunately we have now lost them both, but their daughter Donna and the rest of the family is doing a fine job of continuing the tradition of excellence in managing a beautiful destination nursery.

Harold Young Lifetime Achievement Award Neil Burkhardt, CPH, ISA & Jane Stewart, CPH Given for exemplary service to WSNLA and to the Industry on an ongoing basis. As Neil and Jane considered opening a nursery, they had friend, Don Marshall, instructor at Lake Washington Institute of Technology, take a look at the site of a nursery for sale in Sequim. Once there Neil asked him what he thought... Don said, “Well it is in rough shape, might take a couple years to fix it up, with out much hope for a profit until then�. From there, Neil and Jane sold their house in Ballard, bought the nursery that would come to be known as McComb Gardens. Lucky for us that a Merchant Seaman/Literary Agent, and a Law Librarian decided to join the nursery business!! Between the two of them they have served our industry on the WSNLA Board of Directors, WSDA Nursery Advisory Committee, North Olympic Chapter President, WA Community Forestry Council, and Committee on P. Ramorum. Their honors include previously been awarded the Presidents Award, Member of the Year, and an Environmental Excellence Award for going solar. Their dedication to excellence as an independent retailer shows in their beautifully designed demonstration gardens that showcase diverse and unusual plant material, support for Certified Professional Horticulturist employees, & continuing education and service to their local gardening community Currently Neil & Jane are enjoying their well deserved, very active retirement. Congratulations!

Jerry Rosso Involvement Award Kate Easton CPH | Garden Vision LLC Given in the tradition of Jerry Rosso, awarded to a member who has demonstrated commitment and involvement over the long term. Kate Easton has a long list of contributions to WSNLA, including Chapter officer of the Olympic Chapter, Legislative Chair, Design Caucus Chair, seminar speaker and contributing writer to B&B Magazine. She has been awarded as the Educator of the Year award, and was on the design team for our 2011 NWFG show garden. Kate is still activetly involved on legislative issues like the Landscape Architecture practice act and she was the driving force of a 3 year effort to pass House Bill 1056 so that certain corporate officers would not be disqualified from receiving unemployment benefits when their corporation was not the primary source of their income. Thank you Kate for continuing to share your time and expertise!

WSNLA Pioneer Award Recipients For enduring service to the industry!

Dr. Harold Tukey Jr

Dr Tukey is professor emeritus of the Center for Urban Horticulture and the Washington Park Arboretum at the University of Washington. He was the founding director of the center which opened in 1984. It was the first academic program of its kind in the world researching the benefits of plants used in urban environments for the benefit of the people living there and in landscapes everywhere. Dr Tukey was born in to a horticultural family, his father, and two brothers were also renowned in the industry. He earned his degrees from Michigan State and Cal Tech, then joined the faculty of Cornell University for 20 years before coming to Washington. Professor Tukey and his wife Tish have travelled extensively over the course of his career, lecturing and receiving many honors. He was president of the International Society for Horticultural Science and the International Plant Propagators Society, and Vice President of the Royal Horticultural Society London. He received the Award of Merit from the American Hort Society, and the Morrison medal from the US Deptartment of Agriculture. He has been honored for his work internationally and invited to speak at 6 International congresses including China, the Soviet Union, and Iran. Thank you to Dr. Tukey for a chosing to work in Washington for the good of our industry.

Pioneer Awards Recipients Honoring the people from the past that have laid the ground work for today’s association. * Bruce Briggs, 1999

* Leno Bassett, 2002

* Ed Heath, 2006

5 Corner Nurseries, 2011

Doris Briggs, 1999

* Glen & Oleah Greseth, 2002

* Jerry Monro, 2006

Peter J. Van Well, 2011

*J.A. “Bert” Snyder, 1999

* Wayne Cockburn, 2002

Bob Snyder, 2007

Dr. Ray Malieke, 2012

*John Holmason Sr., 1999

* Bob & Marge Tindall, 2003

* Betty Alkema, 2007

* William “Heather” Steward,

* Peter Van Well Sr., 1999

* Adolf Krause, 2003

* L.M. 'Bud' McGuire, 2007


* Marland Edwards, 2000

* Larry Krause, 2003

Honore' Hocansen, 2008

* Paul Vernon Adams, 2012

* John Strander, 2000

* Frank Staneck, 2003

* Windsor Bond, 2008

Sharon Collman, 2013

* Stan Walters, 2000

Jack & Jean Doty, 2004

* Ray Holmberg, 2008

* John E. ‘Jack’ Van Well, 2013

Lenora Walters, 2000

* Harold Hopkins, 2004

* LaDon Henson, 2009

* W.L. Fulmer, 2013

* William Griswold, 2001

* Harold Wells, 2004

* Emil deWilde, 2009

* R.W. Williams, 2013

* Herbert Frost, 2001

Ed Hume, CPH, 2005

Egon Molbak, 2010

Dr. Harold Tukey

* Marion Frost, 2001

John J. Snyder, Sr., 2005

* Julius Rosso, 2010

* George & Debra Gillett

* Leonard & Frances

* Ranville 'Randy' Hart, 2005

Johnnie Holmason, 2010

*Carl & Gie Perleberg

Roberson, 2001

* Dirk Oosterwyck, 2006

*Jack McConkey, 2011

* have passed

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association -13

Carl & Gie Perleberg

Carl Perleberg grew up in Fort Lee, N.J. just across the Bridge from New York City. He loved working in the garden surrounded by large oaks and maples. He went to college at Rutgers University, majoring in horticulture. They met when Gie’s family stayed with Carl’s parents on a trip east. Gie grew up on an orchard in Penticton, B.C., where Carl worked on her parents orchard in the summers. After graduation Carl came back west to marry Gie. From there they criscrossed the country working in California at Armstrong Nursery, then back to New Jersey to Meadow Brook Nursery. After Carl’s army service moved them up and down the east coast they moved to Portland, Oregon where he got the job of fieldman for Sun Basin Growers in Quincy, Washington. They loved the Quincy area, bought a house and started the nursery in their back yard, establishing Columbia Basin Nursery. Carl enjoyed meeting nurserymen and orchardists throughout the world. Carl patented the Ace Spur Red Delicious Apple. After 50 years the nursery had grown to shipping 800,000 fruit trees annually throughout the United States and Canada. His daughters Dena and Carla both returned to work on the family business. Carl was very proud of his girls, he passed away in 1992 knowing his nursery was in good hands. The family enjoyed the business until they closed in June 2014. Columbia Basin Nursery were members of WSNLA for 56 years, and have been awarded the honors including International Fruit Tree Assoc 2014 Industry Service Award, WSNLA 2007 Honorary Lifetime Member, WSNLA 50 year Membership, and WSNLA’s 2014 Harold Young Lifetime Achievement Award.

George & Debra Gillett

George grew up in Seattle starting at Viewlands Nursery in Greenwood. He attended University of Washington for one quarter to study engineering and decided he would rather work in the nursery industry he enjoyed. He loved the nursery people, suppliers, and landscapers involved in Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association because they were hard working family people like him. When he worked for Rosso Nursery, Jerry Rosso, encouraged him to come to chapter meetings and state association events. They both worked very hard to advance the industry. George served as President in 1987. Debbie shared with us that her first “fancy date” with George was the WSNA Presidents Banquet in 1973 - they really dressed up for those events- and, we have the photos to prove it! George was part owner of L&R Nursery in Federal Way. Debbie and their children supported George in all his work and were grateful to work together. Debbie’s advice is to enjoy what you are doing, keep an open mind, and do your best - not just for yourself but the greater community. It will all come back to you. She is thankful for the recognition, and would like to thank all of us as well.

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WSNLA Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28 Do you know someone that is getting ready to or is currently studying horticulture education? Scholarships and grants are available through the WSNLA Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund. With fourteen named scholarships, the WSNLA Charitable Fund is committed to supporting education and research within the horticultural industry.

WSNLA's Scholarship & Research Charitable Fund

Applications are available for download on the WSNLA website and must be submitted by February 28. Individuals and companies provide lasting support for the horticultural industry through bequests and donations to the Washington State Nursery & Landscape Scholarship and Research Charitable Fund. This charitable foundation takes the gifts it receives, manages the fund for growth, and distributes scholarships and grants annually to support horticultural education for students and funding for horticultural research. In 2014, over $20,000 was awarded to students and horticultural research professionals. Deadline - February 28. Selection Criteria for Scholarships: • Must submit a complete application, statement of intent and at least two letters of reference, by February 28. • Must be pursuing a major in the horticultural industry. • Must plan to or be attending a Northwest accredited educational institution. • Must demonstrate academic success. Selection Criteria for Research Grants: • Must submit a completed application, statement of intent, by February 28. • Must provide research for the horticultural industry. • Must be a researcher for a Northwest accredited institution. • Must agree to share research with the professional horticultural community. WSNLA offers the following scholarship & research grant awards: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Johnnie Holmason Scholarship Peter Van Well Sr. Scholarship George Gillett Scholarship Olympic Chapter Scholarships Leno Bassett Scholarship Bert Snyder Scholarship Ray Holmberg Scholarship Jim Brown Scholarship Windsor Bond Marland Edwards Scholarship Fred Palmer Scholarships Herbert & Marion Frost Scholarship The Walters Family Scholarship Junkoh Harui Scholarship

To download a Scholarship Application or a Grant Application, please visit WSNLA.ORG/ CharitableFund or contact Holly Osborne at holly@wsnla.org or (800) 672-7711. Please submit applications to WSNLA: 34400 Pacific Hwy South, Ste 2, Federal Way WA 98003. Or, by fax at (253) 661-6058 or email holly@wsnla.org.

The Fund distributes scholarships and grants annually to support horticultural education for students and funding for horticultural research. Donate Today! (800) 672-7711. The Fund is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and accepts tax-deductible donations from both individuals and organizations. (Please consult your tax advisor for professional advice regarding deductibility of donations.) For information on contributing to the Fund, please contact the WSNLA office at (800) 672-7711. Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 13

WSNLA adds SBGA as Preferred Partner Members gain access to cost savings & information WSNLA has added the Small Business Growth Alliance (SBGA) to their list of preferred partners to assist WSNLA members with their total back-office needs. With considerable association experience, SBGA, for years had provided electronic payments, payroll services, and web management programs to members of the green industry. SBGA has helped members manage their entire business from a single platform, save $1,900 a year, on average, on payroll services, and obtain a web presence to bring more customers through their door with ease using SBGA’s array of simple, effective business solutions. It is with confidence that the WSNLA endorses SBGA’s services to help your business in these key operating areas as well. Fraudulent card transactions sky rocketed in 2014. With a 47% increase in card fraud in the past year alone, the U.S. has become home to an estimated $8.6 billion dollars of annual fraudulent card transactions. EMV cards – more commonly known as Smart Chip Cards – finally arrived in the United States to help mitigate these losses. With new technology and greater security, however, comes the requirement that businesses upgrade their systems to meet the new compliance standards. While smart chip cards have made card payments safer for customers and card issuers, merchants will carry full liability for any fraudulent card used in their store if they are not equipped to properly handle smart card transactions. Legislation such as the President’s Buy Secure Initiative, large data breaches at Target and Home Depot, and new ways for customers to pay, such as Apple Pay™, have pushed forward EMV Smart Chip Card adoption in the United States. In anticipation of this transition, SBGA has become one of the few companies to be EMV Smart Chip Card certified, offering your business secure 14 - The B&B Magazine

transactions through all of their payment system options. Upgrading your credit card terminal to Smart Chip Card standards will provide your business with safer transactions, new methods of payment, and the latest technology solutions to help you manage everything in your business from payments to inventory. Don’t be left liable for fraudulent transactions – the deadline for Smart Chip Card compliance is this year! Let SBGA go to work for you. The Small Business Growth Alliance began as a collaboration of nearly two decades of experience in serving business leaders just like you, people who have dedicated their lives to pursuing their passions. As an organization committed to providing complete back-office business management solutions for the small business owner, SBGA identifies trustworthy partners to deliver essential products and services to small businesses at discounted prices typically reserved for large corporations. SBGA is a longstanding member of many professional business organizations, helping hundreds of thousands of members find ways to improve and grow their business every day.

We invite you to become a member of SBGA and secure access to the incredible services and partnership that is focused on the needs of your business. Scott Norris, National Association Director of SBGA, is readily available to walk you through the best programs for your business needs. To schedule a consultation with Scott, call 800-8897242 ext. 7865 or email member. benefits@sbga.com.

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WSNLA Membership Growth to take Centerstage in 2015

Members recieve Access to Community & Opportunities Mary Ranahan, Cedar Grove Composting WSNLA MEMBERSHIP CHAIR I believe that being a member of WSNLA offers a variety of unique resources at your fingertips, by bringing nursery and landscape professionals together as a much larger community. This partnership promotes the retailer through a national media campaign of Plant Something, website exposure in GardenWashington.com, the Retail & Landscape Locator Guide, Directory & Buyers’ Guide, B&B Magazine, radio and online advertising plans. Through WSNLA affiliation the professional gains education and professional development, certifications, assistance with legislative advocacy, discounts and cost savings through WSNLA preferred partner programs. WSNLA offers members opportunities to gain more monetary exposure through the Utility Tree certificates and Green Passport programs.

2015 Membership Goals


1. Encourage Member Participation WSNLA continues to thrive because of our volunteer community, both new and experienced, sharing expertise and time to serve the great professional community. Continuing to cultivate volunteer recruitment will only cement this strength of our organization. 2. Grow WSNLA Membership! WSNLA member retention continues to average around 92%. This year, WSNLA is looking to grow its membership by 8% and the WSNLA membership committee and staff are committed to making this happen. 3. Tell the WSNLA Story Watch for improved communication about programs, services and achievements. Printed and digital tools will be created to help achieve this. WSNLA Board of Directors and staff will be reaching out to engage in this opportunity to share your valued WSNLA experiences. About Mary Mary came to Cedar Grove in 2009 and has worked in the Lawn and Garden Industry for 20 years. As the lead Account Manager overseeing relations with all area retailers, combined with her extensive industry experience, Mary has a keen knowledge of the changes and trends in the lawn & garden sector. This perspective of the marketplace, combined with her involvement the inner workings at Cedar Grove (regulatory, production and transportation matters) is key knowledge that she brings to her role as a WSNLA board member.

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Utility Tree Certification Member Nurseries increase sales The Utility Tree Certificate Program is a great way to bring new customers into your nursery. Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association partners with Snohomish County Public Utility District, Puget Sound Energy, Seattle City Light and City of Lynnwood to bring you this program. To encourage their customers to remove unsafe trees, these utilities may give certificates to the customers to provide replacement plant material. The issuance is a goodwill gesture to thank the customer for helping the utility to reduce problems affecting the utility lines. These certificates can only be redeemed at WSNLA nurseries. So this is an opportunity to not only redeem the certificate, but develop a relationship with a new customer and provide add on sales as well. These programs are truly a win-win for the utility and your nursery. When the customer brings the certificates to your nursery, you apply them like a gift certificate to the purchase. Be sure to have the customer sign that they received the plant material. Then you fill in the information required on the front of the certificate and mail the utility copy to WSNLA with an invoice stating which utility they are from and the certificate numbers being redeemed. The association collects the certificates, does bulk invoicing on your behalf to the utilities and reimburses you for them. Please be aware that each utility has different criteria so you and your staff want to be sure to read the back of the certificate to double check that what the customer is purchasing is what the certificate can be redeemed for. The utility’s purpose is to replace oversized plant material with appropriate sized trees and shrubs so power lines are not compromised. Snohomish County PUD

certificates can only be redeemed in Snohomish and Island counties as they are a private utility. The other certificates can be redeemed at any WSNLA member nursery. The certificates are redeemable for one year from the date of issue. If they are over a year old, the customer should have an extension letter from the utility. Each utility has a different face value for their certificates so pay attention to that. Snohomish County PUD and City of Lynnwood have two different denominations of certificates in circulation as well. Because you process certificates like you would a gift card, you can apply the balance towards tax as well as product. The WSNLA office processes Utility Tree Certificates payments to member nurseries once a month, generally by the 10th, for the previous month’s certificates that you have submitted. To submit, please send the WSNLA office your invoice along with the WSNLA copy of the certificate. Your invoice number wil be referenced on the payment. If you are in an area where the trees have recently been trimmed, consider posting a sign on your reader board or website that you accept Utility Tree Certificates. This program can definitely increase your sales. Also don’t hesitate to contact Holly at the WSNLA office: holly@wsnla.org or 800-672-7711 with specific questions. Don’t miss out on this great program! Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 17

Certified Professional Horticulturist Forums Online CPH forums provide opportunity for learning and community.

Chris Sexton-Smith, CPH Lake Washington Institute of Technology WSNLA Horticultural Educator Caucus Chair I am blessed to be a horticulture instructor at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology. I frequently learn something new from members of our industry, many of whom are CPHs, who pass through our doors and through these interactions I improve on my understanding of horticultural. It’s a shame that we all don’t have this opportunity, but at least great programs like CPH require continuing education in the field of horticulture. Those classes are few and far between though, aren’t they? Wouldn’t it be great to learn from each other in a time efficient, minimal effort way? Wouldn’t it be great to log-in to a computer or device and communicate with other knowledgeable professionals in the field? Well the WSNLA has been working on this issue. New to the WSNLA website are the “forums” and, if you are a CPH, you now have access to a really great communication tool. In the CPH forums, you can post comments, questions and answers on topical issues and events. In addition, it’s a venue to chat, inform, and generally connect with your peers about horticultural

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happenings. Forums are an easy way to overcome the time and travel issues that we all face when trying to meet-up. If that sounds interesting to you, then take a look at this new feature. Like any organization or group, it is only as powerful as the people who use it. It can thrive if we make an effort to learn how it works and use it frequently.

1) Navigate your web browser to www. wsnla.org. On the main page, half way down, in the right column, there is an area the reads “Members Login”. Enter your username and password into the dialogue boxes. If you don’t have this information and have never logged-in to the site, contact the WSNLA to receive your credentials.

In case you’ve never used a forum before, I’m going to attempt to explain how to access and use the feature. It’s pretty straight forward.

2) Once you are logged in, you can access the forums. To enter them, you must click on the “Forums” link at the top of the webpage. This will bring you into the forums homepage.

3) There are currently 5 general forum areas in which you can start a discussion topic or “thread starter”. To start a thread (discussion topic), first click on the most appropriate forum that relates to your topic.

CPH Board Committee Members

4) Once you are in the selected forum, you may press the “New Topic” button to start a thread or you can select an existing thread that has already been created to read and comment on.

Lucinda McMahan, CPH Lucinda’s Landscapes lucinda31@comcast.net CPH since 2001 5) If you are comfortable with email, than you will be comfortable with posting on a forum. First you enter a subject in the “subject line”. Then type you message and click the “Post New Topic” button. That’s it! You have started a conversation.

Andrew Barker, CPH Cloud Garden Landscape Design candrewbarker@gmail.com CPH since 2011 Shannon Grina, CPH Grina Landscape Design shannonG99@comcast.net CPH since 2008

6) If, instead of posting a new topic, you decide to join in an existing topic, you will see the original post (thread starter) in addition to any responses made to that post. If you wish to join in on the conversation, just click the “Post Reply” button near the top left hand corner of the page and type in your message.

Joan Hackett, CPH PlantScapes joaniedidit@comcast.net CPH since 2002 Don Marshall, CPH Lake Washington Institute of Technology don.marshall@lwtech.edu CPH since 1983 Mike Davis mdaviscph@gmail.com CPH since 2002

7) That’s it! You’re up and running. Like any type of tool, it can be as simple or sophisticated as you want. If you would like to learn how to post pictures, videos or links to other resources into your posts, and you’re not sure how, try asking in the forums ;-) I would LOVE to see all of our talented, knowledgeable CPHs having great conversations with one another online. What a great way to meet and learn from each other. Challenge yourself to contribute to the conversation, learn some new skills and meet your fellow professionals in 2015. Happy New Year everyone!

Dana Blaskovich paradisecontained@hotmail.com CPH since 2002 Joseph Weninger, CPH Wight’s Home & Garden josephweninger@yahoo.com CPH since 2012

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Become ecoPRO Certified this Spring! March 10-13, 2015 | 21 Acres in Woodinville

Why Get Certified More and more customers are requesting sustainable landscape design, construction, and maintenance. Earn the “ecoPRO certified” (or EPC) designation to show customers and others that you are knowledgeable in sustainable practices that: Protect and conserve soils; Conserve water; Protect water and air quality; Protect and create wildlife habitat; Conserve energy; Sustain healthy plants; Use sustainable methods and materials; and Protect and enhance human health and well-being.

Who can become certified? The ecoPRO training is open to all landscape professionals who have a basic background in horticulture and landscape management. However, because this is an advanced certification, to be eligible to sit for the examination, you must meet one or more of the following requirements: - Be certified by a professional horticultural association (APLD, IA, ISA, WALP/PLANET, WSNLA); - Be a licensed landscape architect or a graduate of an accredited landscape architecture program; 20 - The B&B Magazine

- Have 3-years landscape experience as well as a horticultural degree or a degree in a related field.

demonstrate knowledge of, and voluntarily practice sustainable best landscape practices in the following eight key principles:

How to Prepare:

• Protect and Conserve Soils • Conserve Water • Protect Water and Air Quality • Protect and Create Wildlife Habitat • Conserve Energy • Sustain Healthy Plants • Use Sustainable Methods and Materials • Protect and Enhance Human Health and Well-being

To prepare for the ecoPRO training, a list of required reading can be found below. All study materials are available for purchase and/or available for download at www.wsnla.org/ecoPROcertified. They include: - ecoPRO required reading handbook. - ecoPRO program, policies and procedures - ecoPRO resource list

View last Fall’s training schedule at www. wsnla.org/ecoPROcertified.

The ecoPRO 3-day training is not required for certification, but is highly recommended. The training enhances the required study materials, offers interactive training, allows time for Q&A, and provides an opportunity to network with other landscape professionals.

ecoPRO Training & Exam Costs

What will I learn and be tested on?

For more information please contact Jeanne McNeil, ecoPRO Industry Advancement Specialist at (206) 387-6727, (800) 6727711 or jmcneil@wsnla.org. This training is

The training, study materials, and exam are based on 200+ sustainable best practices and required study materials. As an ecoPRO certified indvidual, you will

$350, which includes the 3-day training and exam (lunch included). $150 for exam only. $75 for re-taking the exam. Individuals that do not meet the eligibility criteria for certification are welcome to register for the training only at the rate of $350.

sponsored by Cascade Water Alliance!

WSNLA Marketplace

[ Job Postings, For Sale, Plant Material Available & More! ] HOLLAND-AMERICA NURSERY. Now Available: Van den Akker weeping Alaska cedar 6’ thru 10’. Snowberry 1 gal. & 2 gal. Thuja plicata zebrina 5 gal. Red twig dogwood 1gal. Mahonia aquifolium 1 gal & 2 gal. Mahonia repens 1 gal & 2 gal. Mahonia aquifolium 5 gal. Rosa nutkana 1 gal. Rosa Rugosa 1 gal. English laurel 2 gal. & 5 gal. b&b. List available. (360) 794-6549, or akker4@gmail.com. WSNLA MEMBER.

Specimen Street and landscape Trees in large Root Control Bags. Year around availability, easier shipping, handling and establishment. Mount Vernon. (800) 827-4067. Fax (360) 428-1822. www.urbanforestnursery.com. WSNLA MEMBER. Place you job openings and items for sale in the WSNLA Marketplace. Your listings are also included online at WSNLA.ORG. Contact Breanne at breanne@wsnla.org or (800) 672-7711.

MUKILTEO CEDAR PRODUCTS Wholesale to the Trade 425-353-1382


“CEDAR-TIqUE COLLECTIOn” Mukilteocedar@aol.com

Are you a fan yet? Join the WSNLA Facebook Page! Connect with other nursery and landscape professionals and receive updates on what is going on at WSNLA and your industry.

Real-time Dialogue.

Communicate directly with WSNLA leadership and staff with your questions and comments.

Generate Fresh Ideas.

Do you have a suggestions for an event, seminar, story idea or member program? WSNLA is always seeking ways to serve its membership.

Promote Your Business.

As a WSNLA member you can share special news and events about your business on the WSNLA Facebook page.

Publications & Articles.

WSNLA provides links to the B&B Magazine and other relevant industry articles so that members can connect with their industry. As a member, you can do the same! Please feel free to share links to industry news and research.

Online Networking.

Get to know your industry colleagues by connecting with them online. The WSNLA facebook page is a resource to grow your professional network.

Join the Conversation.

Search Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association at www.facebook.com/WSNLA.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 21

2015 WSNLA Chapter Activities Mt Rainier Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Ingrid Wachtler, Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery at woodbrk@harbornet.com.

Northwest Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Ryan Carpenter, Sunbreak Nursery Company at ryan@sunbreaknursery.com.

Olympic Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Gayle Larson, CPH at Gayle.larson@hotmail. com.

Seattle Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Bill Collins at wjcollins@comcast.net.

Host or Sponsor a Chapter Meeting Hosting a chapter meeting at your business is a great way to introduce your plant availability, products and services to potential clients and customers. By inviting nursery and landscape professionals to your business site, it provides an opportunity to share your expertise and build valuable relationships to grow your business. If you are interested in hosting or sponsoring an upcoming chapter meeting, please contact the chapter contact listed above.

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Find more industry events at WSNLA.ORG! FEBRUARY 25. WATER MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS FOR LANDSCAPE PRACTITIONERS, from 7:30am - 4:00pm. Location: South Seattle Community College, Seattle. Cost: $30 (includes continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks). Register at http://www. brownpapertickets.com/event/1013120. CPH, ecoPRO, Landsacpe Certified, APLD, Irrigation Association Credit Available. February 25, from 1-3:30pm OR 6 - 8pm. Certified PRofessional Horticulturist Preview Exam. Location: Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland. What to expect on the test, actual test questions and procedures, how to take the test and feel comfortable. Instructed by the Certification Board. Cost: $45 members, $65 non members. For more information contact (425) 357-6039 or register at www.wsnla.org. MARCH 10 - 13, 2015, FROM 9:15AM - 4:45PM. ecoPRO TRAINING & EXAM. Location: 21 Acres, Woodinville. The training, required study materials, and exam are based on 200+ sustainable best practices. As an ecoPRO certified indvidual, you will demonstrate knowledge of, and voluntarily practice sustainable best landscape practices in the following eight key principles: Protect and Conserve Soils; Conserve Water; Protect Water and Air Quality; Protect and Create Wildlife Habitat; Conserve Energy; Sustain Healthy Plants; Use Sustainable Methods and Materials; and Protect and Enhance Human Health and Well-being. Our event sponsor is Cascade Water Alliance. Cost is $350 for training & exam. $150 for exam only. $75 for retest. Professionals, not eligible to sit for the exam, are welcome to register for the training only at $350. To register, please visit www.wsnla.org. 4 CPH, ecoPRO Credit Available.

MARCH 17. WSNLA & WALP Legislative Day! Location: Capitol Campus, Olympia. Be heard in Olympia! Join your trade associations in one of the most important days of the year for the Green Industry! This year’s event will start at 9:00 am. The day’s events will include a presentation by WSNLA Lobbyist Heather Hansen, a VIP tour of the campus trees, followed by appointments with your legislators and delivering of plants to each legislator!! WSNLA and WALP will provide the tools you will need to be effective in conveying messages about Green Industry and other legislative issues, as well as information to give to Legislators during each visit. Please register at WSNLA. ORG. For more information or questions, please contact breanne@wsnla.org. MARCH 18, FROM 5:00PM 8:30PM. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL HORTICULTURIST EXAM. Location: South Seattle Community College, Seattle. The three-part examination covers a variety of subjects pertinent to the industry. The plants chosen for the Plant Identification portion are selected from the “CPH Plant List” which is included with the study materials purchased from WSNLA. Photo ID will be required to take the exam. Examinations are based on the Association’s study materials purchased through WSNLA and the “Sustainable Gardening” handbook available from WSU. Examinations are open to WSNLA members and nonmembers alike. Information about the CPH exams is available at www.wsnla. org/CPH. Member & Student Rate: $90 | Non Member Rate: $160. Please register at WSNLA.ORG. For more information or questions, please contact Holly at (800) 672-7711, holly@wsnla.org. Promote Your Events in the B&B Magazine. Content Breanne at breanne@ wsnla.org or (800) 672-7711.


advertisersIndex Anderson Die & Manufacturing....... 23 Biringer Nursery.............................. 23 Motz & Sons.................................... 24 Mukilteo Cedar Products................. 21 Northwest Farm Credit Services........ 2 Ogden Murphy Wallace................... 21 Oregon Valley Greenhouse.............. 24 Plant Something!............................. 17 SBGA................................................ 15 Stueber Distributing........................ 23 Wetlands & Woodlands................... 14 WSNLA Sholarship & Research CharitableFund................................ 16 WSNLA would like to thank our B&B advertisers and encourages our readers to learn more about the products and services they offer. Be sure to visit ouradvertiser websites to find out more.


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