B&B Online - September 2016

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VOL 68, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2016

Science-based. Industry-centered. Hands-on Learning.

today’s careers and tomorrow’s opportunities.

(Left) Lake WA Institute of Technology announces new Sustainable Landscape Technologies Series. Learn more on page 14.

(Below) WSNLA Directory & Buyers’ Guide Deadline: October 31. Be sure to complete the forms enclosed with this publication. Learn more on page 7.


stainability focused


onmental Horticulture Department is excited to launch w courses in Sustainable Technology. This WSNLALandscape PROseries ies is the first of its kind: with the primary focus on announced. lity. It is designedSolution-minded to be concise, hands-on, and in line learning for equirements of ecoPRO, WSNLA, WALP/NALP, as well nursery & landscape professionals. d associated CEUs.


Subscription Price: $39 Annually Deadlines:

News, Classified ads Advertising

5pm the 1st of the month preceding the first-of-the-month publication. To place an advertisement, contact Breanne at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@ wsnla.org.


CPH Certification am recognizes the changing values with respect to management and thedemonstrates increasing focus on our natural and creating beautiful, healthy landscapes in the Puget commitment. ion. CPHs share how their certification has

WSNLA reserves the right to refuse any ads which are misleading, unethical, contrary to WSNLA policy, or which do not pertain to the nursery and landscape industry.


being used by ecoPROs?

Basic statistics from 23 sites covering over 100,000 acres are analyzed and reported.

14 NEW: Sustainable

September 2016 VOL 68. NO. 9

Published Monthly By: Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association 34400 Pacific Hwy S., Suite 2 Federal Way, WA 98003 800.672.7711 fax 253.661.6058

ended for working professionals as well as students w to the field

12 What BMPs are

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

Editor Breanne Chavez

signed by industry experts and tenured environmental rticulture instructors

empowered them as professionals. Plus, 3 ideas to help promote your certification.

The Official Publication of


From the President


Executive Director


nd Avenue NE 11605 132 Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association Growing the Success our Members Kirkland, WAof98034 www.wsnla.org (425) 739-8300 | advising@lwtech.edu

Departments 18

Calendar of Events


Chapter News


WSNLA Marketplace

Executive Director LWTech.edu/horticulture Breanne Chavez

Landscape Technologies Course Series Science-based. Industry-centered. Hands-on learning.

Interested in sharing your opinions and comments with B&B readers? If you take the time to share your thoughtful comments, WSNLA will be sure to share them with B&B readers. Please submit to breanne@wsnla.org or by fax at (253) 661-6058. Deadine: 1st of each month.

e-mail breanne@wsnla.org

Finance & Operations Director Holly Osborne, CPH e-mail holly@wsnla.org B&B Magazine Content Coordinator Dawn Clarke email dawn@wsnla.org © 2016, Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 3

[ Monthly Presidential Musings ]

Fall will soon be in the air – or so I hope! I am a person who fades if the temperature gets above 72 degrees. I blame it on my Norwegian heritage. I just love the crisp fall air and the leaves coloring up and slowly falling. And the cooler weather. Even the rain can soothe my soul. Ingrid Wachtler, CPH WSNLA President Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery Gig Harbor

This summer was not as hot in Gig Harbor as last year. This has actually increased retail sales for us. I was talking with another nurseryman who said when the temperature gets above 75 degrees, people are looking for summer fun, not summer projects. They head to the water and away from their yards. So this summer a lot of retail customers have come by with plans for projects and are buying plants at our little nursery. That does help the delicate balance between making payroll on the current income, and dipping into summer reserve. We all need some good cash flow. Another rite of fall is the announcement of classes by WSNLA. I hope everyone has some time to check out the offerings. They have been very well attended in the past. I hope to have time to attend a few myself this year. Maybe send an employee or two if the schedule allows. Definitely a lot of bang for the buck! Also, this is a good time to think about coming to our convention in January. I hear the location is quite impressive! Location by the water and spectacular views. Might be worth the upgrade to a view room! I plan to attend and maybe even stay the weekend as a mini-vacation. Definitely bringing my husband Bill to this one. So as our summer wraps up, I hope everyone is doing well and keeping up with orders. Sure is a lot busier this year than two years ago. Best to you all for a prosperous fall!

4 - The B&B Magazine

Legislative & Regulatory WSNLA Works To Protect Your Business

Heather Hansen WSNLA Lobbyist Olympia

The primary election is over and the countdown to the general election to be held Tuesday, November 8 has begun. I’ve heard people say they are so frustrated with the Presidential candidates, they are tuning out and may skip voting this year. I hope no one reading this feels that way. There is too much at stake in Washington State. If you choose to skip the presidential election, please do vote the rest of the ballot. Both houses of the Washington State legislature have very slim majorities. Currently, Democrats control the House of Representatives and Republicans control the Senate. Based on the outcome of the primary election either, or both, could change majority. The party in the majority controls the agenda. They determine who chairs each committee and they have the majority of members on each committee. They can decide which bills will, and will not, get a hearing. The majority party can block ideas they do not like.

Let’s take a closer look at what is at stake in November. In the state Senate, six members are retiring or leaving office for other reasons. In all six of those districts, one of the sitting Representatives is running for the Senate seat. An additional five Senators are running for other offices. Four of them were successful in the primary election. If they are successful in the general election, four Senate seats will be left open. These seats will be filled by appointment. County commissioners in the district make the appointments. Two sitting Senators are in danger of losing their seats to challengers in the general election. That means up to twelve of the forty-nine Senators could be new. That’s nearly a quarter of the Senate. In addition, both the Republican and Democratic caucus chairs are retiring as well as the Democratic caucus vice chair. In the House of Representatives, at least sixteen of the ninety-eight state Representatives will be new. Eight Representatives are leaving their seats to

run for Senate, leaving their House seats open. Four Representatives are running for other offices, three are retiring and one lost in the primary. The following districts have open house seats: 1, 5, 6, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22 (both seats), 24, 25, 31, 39, 43, 44, 49. At least five of the new representatives could be familiar faces. Joyce McDonald in the 25th district, Phil Fortunato in the 31st district, John Koster in the 39th district, John Lovick in the 44th district, and Monica Stonier in the 49th are all former state representatives who are looking to return. All five did well in the primary. Several sitting Senators and Representatives are in very close races after the primary. Anything could happen with those seats. In the state legislature, majority party control in both houses depends on the outcome of the November election. The result will depend on how hard the candidates work and possibly even more important, on who turns out to vote.

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New WSNLA Members PLEASE WELCOME... Garrett Zwar 155 Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 206-396-2852 mcfarlandcreekroad@gmail.com Affiliate Member, Seattle Chapter New Dungeness Nursery Doug Cockburn 4911 Sequim-Dungeness Way Sequim, WA 98382 360-681-0132 cockburndoug@gmail.com Branch Member, Olympic Chapter Hilary Turner PO Box 11252 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 206-778-4645 hilaryturn@gmail.com Affiliate Member, Olympic Chapter Pangea Gardenscapes LLC Joe Machcinski PO Box 540 Olalla, WA 98359 360-990-3035 besthands@aol.com www.pangeagardenscapes.com Regular Member, Landscape Caucus Olympic Chapter Hannah Hedglin Seattle WA 206-462-9659 hannahhedglin@gmail.com Student Member, Seattle Chapter Edible Landscapes Inc. Michael Seliga-Soulseed 5537 S 119th St Seattle, WA 98178 206-708-9298 food@eatyouryard.com www.eatyouryard.com Regular Member, Wholesale Caucus Seattle Chapter

Breanne Chavez WSNLA Executive Director Crisp air, stunning foliage, foggy mornings, and football are just a few things that get me thinking fall-ish. This year, I added a new one... back-to-school! My daughter, Emma, started kindergarten. She is so excited about learning new things. Of course, I love this and hope it continues! Our industry is a great example for commitment to learning. Whether you are looking to solely fulfill continuing education credits or seeking professional development for enjoyment, WSNLA member’s continuously rate education as one of the top three valued benefits of membership. Because of this, I know you will enjoy this month’s B&B Magazine as a resource for opportunities to advance your knowledge. To help, I thought I would share a bit more about each opportunity. WSNLA PROseries: You’ve asked; We’ve Delivered. Each year, PROseries events are developed with members in mind and are tailored to deliver solutions to real problems and challenges. A great example of this is the Nursery Round-table on November 2 that expands on last year’s PROseries by providing an opportunity for growers, retail and wholesale nurseries to gather, share, listen, and learn with the goal to support the success of individual businesses, but also strengthen our local industry. Registrations are already coming in for this exciting event! Find the complete WSNLA PROseries line-up on page 8-9. NEW! WSNLA Landscape Learning Lab: There has already been a lot of buzz about this new WSNLA series. For those of you that have not had a chance to attend, it includes a collection of strategically selected sites designed to provide an in the field learning experience, opportunity to network, and promotes peer to peer learning. Each site delivers a high-level interactive experience. Join us on October 27 for the last Landscape Learning Lab of the year at Albers Vista Gardens in Bremeton. Don’t worry though... the 2017 series is already in the works. NEW! Sustainable Landscape Technologies Series: Lake WA Institute of Technology and Cascade Water Alliance convened an advisory group of nursery and landscape professionals that helped develop this new series. There is truely something for everyone and even better it’s structured to serve the practitioner’s timeframe. Learn more on page 14. NEW! ecoPRO 1-day Training: On October 14 a 1-day training that will focus on design and construction ecoPRO best management practices will be held in Thurston County. This abridged training is a great opportunity for CEUs and for preparation in taking the ecoPRO Exam for those seeking a focused training in these areas. Registration is now open. And, don’t forget the NW Green Industry Conference in January 2017. Watch for more details about this annual event in next month’s magazine.

6 - The B&B Magazine

Access Your PRE-QUALIFIED Target Market Your targeted audience is key when investing marketing dollars. Because of this, WSNL A has a handful of industry tailored marketing opportunities for your consideration. For business-to-business marketing, trade organizations, like WSNL A, are the most efficient and cost effective ways to connect your business with qualifed customers. Advertising in the B&B Magazine or Directory & Buyers’ Guide means your company is in front of your market and not lost in a generalized search. Trying to reach the general public? WSNLA has strategic tools that deliver opportunities to increase sales and exposure. Here’s a quick overview on each of WSNLA’s marketing opportunities:


Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

2016 WSNLA Officers Ingrid Wachtler, CPH, President Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery 253-265-6271 | woodbrk@harbornet.com Duane Job, President Elect Job’s Nursery 509-547-4843 | duanejob@gmail.com Lucinda McMahan, CPH | Vice President Lucinda’s Landscapes 425-773-4237 | lucinda31@comcast.net


Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association

2016 Locator Guide.indd 1

Bill Raynolds, My Garden, Treasurer 206-406-3487 | mygardennursery@gmail.com Tim Gray, Past President Pacific Stone Company 425-258-1911 | timg@pacificstoneco.com

2/4/2016 1:46:14 PM

- B&B Magazine and Directory & Buyers’ Guide - Users of the print and online magazine and buyers’ guide are industry professionals looking to stay engaged, learn more about and find the products and services they use every day. This is your target market in its purest form. DEADLINE NOVEMBER 16. - WSNLA.ORG - For $525 annually you can reach over 10,000 pre qualified customers each year by simply placing an online ad. Plus, post your job openings on the WSNLA Career Center and reach over 1600 professionals instantly. - Sponsors (PROseries & Conference) - Align your business with the #1 valued member benefit: education! Promote your business and ensure dynamic and solution-based content is delivered to your customers and clients. - GardenWashington Guide & Green Passport - 15,000 guides are distributed and sought after at home & garden shows. Plus, the Green Passport has recorded on average $3900 in added sales for participating nurseries. DEADLINE NOVEMBER 16 . - GardenWashington.com - $450 annually helps you capitalize on WSNL A’s advertising campaign targeted at engaging younger audiences and non traditional customers with plants and growing. Please review the materials you received with this month’s magazine. WSNL A continues to offer these marketing platforms because they serve a unique purpose for our industry and members and are proven to be effective. Please contact WSNLA at (800) 672-7711 or breanne@wsnla.org to help navigate your options. Custom packages can be created and assistance with ad development is available.

WSNLA Board of directors Peter Van Well, III, Van Well Nursery 509-886-8189 | pete2@vanwell.net North Central Chapter President Scott Pringle, CPH, Paradise Lake Nursery 206-930-4132 | paradiselakenursery@gmail.com Northwest Chapter President Megan Pulkkinen, CPH | Megan Pulkkinen Landscape Design 360-698-1865 | megancph@hotmail.com Olympic Chapter President Kirsten Lints, CPH, Gardens ALIVE Design 425-318-2971 | kirsten@gardensALIVEdesign.com Seattle Chapter President Toni Cross, CPH, Toni Cross Seasonal Color Pots 206-781-1060 | toni@seasonalcolorpots.com Design Caucus Chair Chris Smith | Lake Washington Institute of Technology 425-739-8424 | chris.smith@lwtech.edu Horticulture Educator Caucus Chair Mary Ranahan, Cedar Grove Composting 206-963-0428 | mary.ranahan@cgcompost.com Horticultural Supplier Caucus Chair Gregory Smaus, CPH, Native Root Designs 206-227-4458 | gregory@nativerootdesigns.com Landscape Caucus Chair Ben DeGoede, CPH, Windmill Gardens 253-863-5843 | info@windmillgardens.com Retail Caucus Chair Shannon Grina, CPH, Grina Landscape Design (425) 736-5170 | shannon99@comcast.net CPH Caucus Chair

Open Positions: -

Mt Rainier Chapter President Greenhouse Grower Caucus Chair Wholesale Grower Caucus Chair Out of State Caucus Chair

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Solution-Based Education Continuing Education Credits Available: CPH, ecoPRO, and LIC Credits. WSDA credits pending for December 7 PROseries.

November 2, 2017, 9am – 3:30pm

WSNLA Nursery Roundtable

The WSNLA PROseries is proudly supported by:

Location: Center for Urban Horticulture, Seattle

Earlybird (before Oct. 10) Member: $60 | Non Member: $75 After October 10: Member $75 | Non Member: $90 Designed by nursery professionals for nursery businesses, this roundtable event evolves last year’s PROseries Plants, Planning & Promotion into an interactive industry dicussion on topics identified by YOU to ensure solutions are provided, ideas are gathered and objectives are identified that will work to support the success of your business and strengthen our local nursery industry. 9:00am: Welcome 9:15 – 10:45am: The Customer Experience: Understanding the most powerful element of your business’ strategy to encourage return visits & increased sales. Presented by Rick Bechtel, Bechtel Consulting Group. Two researchers from Forrester, a leader in the customer experience arena, have written an excellent book on the subject entitled “Outside In,” which proclaims customer experience to be “...the most powerful - and misunderstood - element of corporate strategy today,” and “the only sustainable source of competitive advantage.” Quite a claim, but they make the case well. The premise behind the concept is the simple fact that everything in your organization contributes in one way or another to the customer’s experience - not just the way your employees conduct themselves, but all the other policies, practices, procedures and technologies that influence your customer interface. The authors refer to this as the “customer experience ecosystem.” Learn how your ecosystem map promotes a better understanding of your customer’s journey and enables you to identify and correct trouble spots, so as to create a healthier overall customer experience, and ultimately drive sales. 11am – Noon: Nursery Roundtable Topics (Topics to be identifed by nurseries.) Noon – 1pm: LUNCH. The Nursery License & Your Business. Presented by Washington State Department of Agriculture. 1 – 2:30pm: Nursery Roundtable Topics Continued 2:30 – 3:20pm – If You’re Not Selling These Plants You Need To Be & Why! Presented by T&L Nursery, Blooming Nursery & Skagit Gardens. 3:20 – 3:30pm – CONCLUSION

8 - The B&B Magazine


What are your biggest challenges business-wise? What keeps you up at night? In what areas would you like to see your business grow? Help prioritize the topics to be discussed by telling us what is most relevant to you. Here are a few suggestions we have already received. Please share your feedback and additional topics by October 21. They include: - Nursery Sales (What’s selling? What’s not?) - Customer Touch Points - Labor (Finding, training & retaining.) - Challenge with & ideas for streamlining inefficiencies in your operation - Plant Sourcing - Investing in Infrastructure (Projects with ROI, financing, etc.) - Improving Vendor Relations: How can growers & suppliers work more harmoniously with the retail nursery. - Other?

December 7, 9am - 3:00pm

Pest & Disease ID & Management Location: Lake WA Institute of Technology, Kirkland

Earlybird (Nov. 11) Member: $60 | Non Member: $75 After Nov. 11: Member: $75 | Non Member: $90 9:00am: Welcome 9:15 - 10:30am: Emerging Pests in the Landscape: What we know. What we’re doing. And, tools available. Presented by Chris Looney, PhD | Entomology Laboratory, Washington State Department of Agriculture.

LANDSCAPE learning lab presented by WA State Nursery & Landscape Association

October 27, 9:30am - Noon

Albers Vista Gardens

Location: 124 East 31st Street, Bremerton

10:30am - Noon: Understanding Root Diseases & Options for Management. Presented by Jenny Glass, Diagnostic Plant Pathologist | WSU Puyallup Research & Extension Center. 1 - 1:30pm: Wood Boring Invasives: Signs & Symptoms Presented by Jenny Cena, Pest Biologist | WA State Department of Agriculture. 1:30 - 3:00pm: IPM IPM & Plant Health Care Strategies Presented by Ladd Smith, ecoPRO | InHarmony Landscape Services

January 2017, 9:30am - Noon

Plant Talk: Plantsolutions Location: Woodinville

Member: $30 | Non Member: $50 SAVE THE DATE! A plant-centric WSNLA PROseries to help you kickstart 2017. You will walk away with ideas, inspiration and an expanded plant palette to serve your clients and customers. Watch for more details to be announced. February 2017, from 9:30am - 3pm

Sustainable Landscape Management Peer to Peer Learning Workshop Location: Tacoma/Lakewood Area

Earlybird (Jan. 6) Member: $60 | Non Member: $75 After Jan. 6: Member: $75 | Non Member: $90 This Peer to Peer Learning Workshop brings landscape professionals together to learn from one another, review landscape case studies, identify common questions, and work together to find, discuss, learn and integrate new ideas, products, and techniques into their businesses. This workshop will highlight sustainable landscape management case studies including topics: integrated pest management, irrigation systems & solutions, and anlysis of new landscape technologies and products.

Visit WSNLA.ORG For More Information

To find out more about these WSNLA PROseries offerings, please visit the WSNLA Calendar of Events at WSNLA.ORG. Registration is now open. Businesses sending 3 or more attendees qualify for a group rate. Please contact WSNLA directly at holly@wsnla.org or (800) 672-7711 to learn more. .

Albers Vista features 15 different garden areas, each with its distinct theme, and contains over a thousand different species and cultivars that provide four season color and interest. ecoPROs, John Albers and Kate Easton, CPH, will discuss sustainable management practices, site challenges, water management, minimizing resource inputs, and pollinator health. Also expect to see a kaleidoscope of colors and textures amid 60 different cultivars/species of maples and a myriad of plant species. 2 CPH & ecoPRO CEUs available

COST: $30 About the WSNLA Landscape Learning Tour Series A collection of strategically selected sites designed to feature the good and bad of urban tree performance, planting and maintenance issues and solutions, sustainable practices, irrigation systems, and an opportunity to network and learn from other industry professionals along the way. Tours are rain or shine. Previous tours in this series included: University of Puget Sound & WA Park Arboretum’s Pacific Connections Garden. Watch for more Landscape Learning Labs in 2017.

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CPH Means Commitment

BY ELAINE SAWYER, CPH | Lake WA Institute of Technology

If you give a plant sunlight and water it grows. If you give it extra nutrients it can reach its full potential. The Certified Professional Horticulturist Certification is like an extra boost of nutrients to someone in the green industry. Adding that extra infusion of knowledge shows commitment to the profession, reflects achievement and builds self-esteem and confidence. All of these things combined can’t help but improve career opportunities and provide for greater earning potential. Here, learn more about why these Certified Professional Horticulturists have choose to take the next step by becoming a Certified Professional Horticulturist and how the certification has helped them professionally.

I became a Washington Certified Nurseryman in 1980 because I believed in developing as a professional personally as well as in the eyes of my customers. I believe it is the job of WSNLA and each certified individual to continue to raise awareness of what a CPH is and how it will benefit the consumer. Don Marshall, CPH | Lake WA Institute of Technology & CPH Committee Member 10 - The B&B Magazine

I became a CPH because I wanted to become a professional in the field. After 22 years of teaching elementary students I wanted to challenge myself in new ways physically and mentally. The CPH certification process has really helped boost my confidence and allowed me to network with others in the field. It helps me feel like a member of a very strong, supportive community. Ann Gilpin, CPH | Cultivate

Being a CPH is a professional tool, a way of signifying to my clients that I am knowledgeable and trained in my field. As a new member of WSNLA being a CPH makes it a lot easier to meet people and get involved. Finally, the process of studying for and gaining this certification strengthened my knowledge and skills as a horticulturalist. Asher Christl, CPH | New Growth Gardens & CPH Committee Member

As a CPH, I feel I’ve gone from being a hobbyist to being a pro who can stand alongside my horticulturalist peers with the distinction of having passed a set of rigorous standards. To me, the CPH badge is the mark of a pro in our state. Molly Malecki, CPH | WeHop

It is a way to evoke professionalism and show you have the skill set and interest to work in the horticultural field. As a long time retail nurseryman I can tell you it is an essential way to gain the respect and loyalty of fellow employees and more importantly your customer base/clients. Knowledge has been and always will be king. It has helped me immeasurably over 25 plus years. Trevor Cameron, CPH | Sunnyside Nursery

I became a CPH to compliment my education as I pursue a degree in Landscape design. As the business manager of a landscaping company the knowledge has helped me to be a better teacher and trainer for my team and gives me more credibility with my team and my clients.

Being a CPH also requires continuing education, so people know that I am invested in this industry, always learning and keeping up with the latest trends. Elaine Sawyer, CPH | Lake WA Institute of Technology, CPH Committee Member

YOU ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF INCREASING CONSUMER AWARENESS ABOUT THE CPH CERTIFICATION 1. Add It To Your Social Media Profiles, Email Signatures, And Website. LinkedIn recently shared that people who add their certifications to their LinkedIn profile can expect to see six times the average number of profile views. That’s an impressive fact. Across the board, social media and other digital platforms are an effective way to share about your professional achievements. Be sure you include your CPH Certification on your About Me pages, email signatures and on your website. Be sure to link to the CPH page on one of the WSNLA websites (www.wsnla.org/cph or www. gardenwashington.com/garden-resources/ certified-professional-horticulturist/) so your clients and contacts can learn more.

Sarah Gregory, CPH | Kaleidoscope, Inc.

Personally, having those three little initials CPH on a business card gives me confidence. Confidence when I’m choosing plants for a client or charging a professional rate. It speaks to professionalism and dedication in the horticultural field. It gives me a proficiency in all aspects of horticulture, from plant ID to landscape design. It especially helps me as I’m trying to assist students in learning the almost 300 plants on the CPH plant list.

3 Ways to Promote Your Certified Professional Horticulturist Certification

The certification has helped me in an evolving way over the last 21 years. When I worked in retail nurseries and first started my own business, I was still quite young and so it gave me credibility when answering questions about plants and their care. Now as a business owner, in my dealings with new clients, advertising, and interacting with the public it sets me apart from other landscapers. Anyone can get a truck and a few shovels, but being a CPH shows that I have an in depth knowledge of horticulture that others might not bring to the table. James Sprague, CPH | Fancy Plants Gardens, Inc.

2. Share About It During Presentations to Gardeners & Professionals. Be sure to include your CPH Certification on your bio when doing presentations to the gardening public or to the industry. Go one step further by incorporating a slide into your presentation that highlights the requirements involved in becoming a CPH. Be sure to share how your certification has served you personally, and your clients. If you would like to add this to your presentation, WSNLA is developing a slide to be used by all CPHs. 3. Tell Your Clients & Contacts! Write a blog, article or social media post letting your clients and contacts know how your achievement of the CPH certification will benefit them. Be sure to use all your communication channels to share this message!

What BMPs are fellow ecoPRO professionals using on their sites? One goal of the ecoPRO program is to provide information to professionals and the public about the benefits of sustainable landscape practices and the value of ecoPRO certification. In April 2015, an online method was developed for ecoPROs to report which BMPs they are using and not using on their sites. Below is a summary from 23 sites collected through August 2016 and information regarding ecoPRO educational and promotional activities.

Basic statistics from 23 sites covering over 100,000 acres SITE TYPES:

13 single-family residential, 6 public sector, 1 multifamily/commercial, 1 education, and 2 “other”.


13 customers knew the professional was ecoPRO certified, 5 did not, 5 were unsure.


On a scale of 1 to 5, there was an average value of 3.43 on ecoPRO certification.

Core Design BMPs Most Used

Core Construction BMPs Most Used

 Designed the site to maximize water

 Maintained vehicles and equipment in

 Placed plants in the proper location to

 Salvaged, reused, composted and

and conserve energy. (13)

prevent poor performance. (12)

 Specified disease and pest resistant plants. (11)

 Selected site-appropriate turf and

plants to minimize power tool use for maintenance. (10)  Designed and planned for plant growth, species longevity, and succession during landscape lifetime. (10)  Limited vegetation clearing to avoid soil erosion and compaction. (9)  Sourced local materials to reduce transportation. (8)

optimum working condition. (10)

recycled materials from site, demolition, and construction. (9)  Installed plants properly. (9)  Minimized major grading, soil disturbance, and compaction. (9)  Improved existing soil as an alternative to importing topsoil. (8)  Made planting adjustments in the field based on actual site conditions. (8)  Used local, reputable nurseries as sources for plants. (8)  Monitored, watered, and protected plant material until installation. (8)

Core Maintenance BMPs Most Used  Minimized or eliminated use of

chemical pesticides harmful to wildlife. (16)  Avoided use of combination pesticide and fertilizer products. (14)  Selected plants that need minimal pruning/shaping. (14)  Tolerated a few insects, weeds and diseases. (14)  Studied the landscape ecosystem (14)  Avoided synthetic mulches and fertilizers. (14)  Applied organic mulches a few inches from the base of trees and plants and extending at least to the dripline. (13)  Chose plants that are pest- and disease-resistant. (13)

Design BMPs Not Used:

Construction BMPs Not Used:

Maintenance BMPs Not Used:

 Specified paints, sealants, or coatings that emit low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

 Avoided using non-organic seeds and plants if organic choices were available.

 Exercised caution when using unfiltered water for irrigating edible food crops.

Educational and promotional activities

 1 training attended by 7 landscape professionals.  3 trainings attended by 30 individuals from the public.  20+ landowners received promotional information at site visits.

12 - The B&B Magazine

1-day ecoPRO Training to Focus on Design & Construction BMPs October 14, 9am - 4:15pm

ecoPRO 1-day Training: Design & Construction Best Management Practices Location: Thurston County Public Health (412 Lilly Rd. NE, Olympia) COST: $85 | CPH, LIC & ecoPRO Credit Available Here is what will be covered: - ecoPRO Program Overview by Jennifer Johnson, Thurston County Public Health.


- Principles of Sustainable Landscaping Instructor: Jessi Bloom, CPH & ecoPRO | Owner, NW Bloom Eco-Logical Landscaping

STAND FOR EXCELLANCE in sustainable landscape management

- Designing the Sustainable Site Instructor: Jessi Bloom, CPH & ecoPRO | Owner, NW Bloom Eco-Logical Landscaping

HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT on our Washington environment & communities.

- Soils and Construction Instructor: David McDonald | Resource Conservation Planner, Seattle Public Utilities

INCREASE YOUR CREDIBILITY among your peers, customers and clients.

- Integrating Sustainability into Landscape Management & Decision-Making (Includes application of ecoPRO BMPs on various landscape sites.) Instructor: Barb DeCaro, ecoPRO | Resource Conservation Coordinator, Seattle Parks

INCREASE MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES for your firm and personal career growth.

October 21, 9am - Noon

ecoPRO Certified Sustainable Landscape Professional Examination

Location: Thurston County Public Health (412 Lilly Rd. NE, Olympia) COST: $150. Retest: $75 This is an advanced certification. To be eligible for certification, you must meet one or more of the following requirements: • Be certified by a professional horticultural association (APLD, IA, ISA, WALP/PLANET, WSNLA.) (WSDA Pesticide License, plus 3-years landscape experience); • Be a licensed landscape architect or graduate of accredited landscape architecture program;

• Have 3-years landscape experience as well as a horticultural degree or a degree in a related field.

REGISTER @ ecoPROcertified.org

Sustainability is defined as design, construction, operations, and maintenance practices that meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. - Brundtland Commission of the United Nations 1987.



administrative positions within green industry companies, and much more. Learn from

Lake WA Institute of Technology Announces New Sustainable Landscape Have excellent growth Course SeriesHighlights Technologies Course Series potential Industry experts These jobs: & business owners excited to share their Are in demand knowledge & passion FOR sustainabLE  Provide higher wages landscaping.

All courses will highlight the computeraided programs to assist in the subject To see whether what jobs matter being presented, it be are currently business planning, landscape visit design,www.hortor available, smart phone applications.

An Environmental Horticulture Program

Sustainable Landscape Technologies

Fall of 2016 – Sustainable Water Use and Irrigation in the Landscape

Science-based. Industry-centered. Hands-on learning.

Winter of 2017 – Survey of Sustainability in the Landscape

Do you need new tools in your toolbox to meet the demands of the 21st century landscape client--Low Impact Development, Rain gardens, Water Catchment, Low and non-toxic Pest Management?


Spring of 2017 – Sustainable Plant Material Best Practices

Learn fro

Industry ex The Environmental Horticulture Department at Lake Washington Institute knowledge Our Mission: of Technology is proud to announce a new course series in Sustainable Landscape Technologies. In response to demand from the Green Industry, we have created this course series for professionals in the field who would like to expand and extend their skills to better meet the needs of clients who require resource efficient and ecological landscape management. The series is designed and taught by industry experts. It is designed to be concise, hands-on, and in-line with the requirements of ecoPRO, WSNLA, WALP/NALP.

n Environmental Horticulture Program Coming Soon: Sustainable Hardscape Materials and Best Practices; Business Practices, Bidding, Estimating, Proposals; and Business Explorations.

To prepare

students for

The Sustainable Landscape Technologies Course Series kicks off this fall with Science-based. Industry-centered. today’s our initial offering, Sustainable Irrigation I, to be taught in our newcareers irrigation E Hands-on Learning.lab. Students in this hands-on course will learn the Design, Components,

ultural, and opportunity or, national status. The educational d to Melissa 5 132nd Ave.

Installation, Construction and Maintenance of the major types of irrigation systems: drip; subsurface; and low volume sprays. Students will learn basic electrical principles and practices and the use of smart controllers to more efficiently deliver irrigation where it is most needed.

and tomorrow’s opportunities.


This five week course is designed for the active professional, meeting Friday afternoons from October 4 through November 7. In that short time, students will install two irrigation zones in our study arboretum, from design, to wiring, laying pipes and installing valve boxes. The experience gained will translate directly into greater confidence for professionals Lake and students new to irrigation alike and a higher level of Washingto ethnic diversity b service for clients.

in education and

Sustainability focused

This is just the first offering in the Sustainable Landscape origin, sex, marit Technologies Series. Classes will follow in Sustainability in the Landscape, including institute complie water catchment strategies, low impact development, and maintaining and promoting

Designed by industry experts and tenured environmental 14 - The B&B Magazine horticulture instructors

programs, and a Lamy, Executive NE, Kirkland, WA

To ava lwt

healthy soils; Sustainable Plant Material Best Practices, from basic landscape design to plant nutrition and disease management.

om Industry Experts

Get started on 21st century landscape design and management with these exciting, hands-on courses designed for you, the professional in the field who must meet these challenges every day.

xperts and business owners are excited to share their HOW TO SIGN UP: about sustainability in landscaping. e and passion Non-Lake Washington Institute of Technology students must complete an application for admission:

Skip steps 1 & 2, go to step 3 • Download the 1 page application for admissions, or • Apply online • You will receive an email with a student id and pin in one business day • Email your student identification and request to register for HORT 141 to: mony.loeum@lwtech.edu

Find out more! Environmental Horticulture Department (425) 739-8279 horticulture@lwtech.edu SUSTAINABLE IRRIGATION 1 www.LWTech.edu/horticulture Part of the new course series in Sustainable Landscape www.hort-lwtech.com Technologies offered by the Environmental Horticulture Department at Lake Washington Institute of Technology Follow us on Facebook and Twitter Fridays, 1:30-4:30PM There is no need to take the Compass placement test or attend new student orientation classes.liFind out more at Environmental Horticulture Department (425) 739-8279 horticulture@lwtech.edu. www.LWTech.edu/horticulture

This course offers: 

10/07/16 - 11/04/16

Hands-on instruction in basic irrigation installation and repair using cutting edge equipment and techniques in a newly built irrigation learning lab

on Institute of Technology values equality of opportunity, human dignity, racial, cultural, and  5 week, short-course scheduling designed to be accessible to working professionals both as an educational institution and as an employer. The institute provides equal opportunity  Industry recognized curriculum. This course counts towards continuing d employment and does not discriminate theIA and basis ofcertifications race or ethnicity, creed, color, national education units for on LIC, CPH, ecoPRO ital status, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. The Visit hort.lwtech.com or es with applicable laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment in employment, educational call 425.739.8424 for more infomation admission. Inquiries regarding compliance procedures and complaints may be directed to Melissa Washington132 Statend Nursery & Landscape Association - 15 e Director, Human Resources, Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator, 11605 Ave. A 98034, (425) 739-8212 or (425) 739-8122 (TDD).

As a WSNLA member, you have contributed to protecting, promoting and educating our horticultural community. Please help recognize the hard work, passion and talents being invested to ensure a vibrant industry for current and future nursery and landscape businesses. industry initiatives that ensure a vibrant industry for current and future businesses. Consider nominating a friend, colleague, employee, co-worker, or yourself for the leadership, hard work and commitment to professional horticulture. Submit Nominations by November 4. WSNL A Award Categories Include: Environmental Excellence Award Criterion: This award goes to a person or company that significantly improved, protected or repaired the environment through the use of plants and proper horticultural practices. The award can be given to a person or firm within or outside of the nursery and landscape industry. Cultivating Community Award Criterion: This award is given to a new or established WSNLA member for involvement that has provided notable service in cultivating the WSNLA community, and supporting ourorganizational mission. WSNLA Member of the Year Criterion: Given to a member who has rendered outstanding service to WSNLA and the industry during the year just past. Jerry Rosso “Involvement” Award Criterion: In the tradition of Jerry Rosso, given to a member who has demonstrated consistent commitment and involvement over the long term. Legislative Award Criterion: Given to a member who has actively supported and shown leadership in legislative issues on behalf of the nursery and landscape industry.

16 - The B&B Magazine

Supplier of the Year Criterion: Hardgood or non-plant supplier who has shown an above average support of the Association, the industry and the members. The award is to the person, not the company. Educator of the Year Criterion: Given for meritorious service in any “education” function serving the industry. Has been awarded to Cooperative Extension personnel, due to the strong education mission of that organization and its staff. Honorary Lifetime Member Criterion: Goes to an individual who, having been an active member, performed some outstanding service to the field of horticulture or in the interest of the industry. Harold Young Lifetime Achievement Award Criterion: Given to a member who has demonstrated exemplary service to WSNLA and the industry throughout their career. HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION: Please submit your nominations, along with a few sentences about the person you are nominating by November 4. All nominations will be presented and reviewed by the WSNLA Executive committee in November. Award recipients will be honored at the 2017 WSNLA Awards Presentation and featured in the February 2017 B&B Magazine. Please send your nominations directly to Breanne Chavez at breanne@wsnla.org.

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Here to Help You Grow Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association - 17

2016 WSNLA Chapter Activities Mt Rainier Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Ingrid Wachtler, Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery at woodbrk@harbornet.com.

Northwest Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Toni Cross, CPH at toni@seasonalcolorpots. com.

Olympic Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Gayle Larson, CPH at dancingravendesign@ gmail.com

Seattle Chapter

For more information or to be added to the email list to receive chapter meeting notice announcements, contact Kirsten Lints, CPH at kirsten@ gardenALIVEdesign.com.

Host or Sponsor a Chapter Meeting Hosting a chapter meeting at your business is a great way to introduce your plant availability, products and services to potential clients and customers. By inviting nursery and landscape professionals to your business site, it provides an opportunity to share your expertise and build valuable relationships to grow your business.


Find more industry events at WSNLA.ORG! OCTOBER 11, FROM 5PM to 8:30PM. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL HORTICULTURIST EXAM Location: Lake WA Institute of Technology in Kirkland. Cost: $90 WSNLA members, $160 non members. Register at WSNLA.ORG. OCTOBER 14, from 9am - 4:15pm. 1-day ecoPRO Training: Design & Construction Best Management practices. Location: Thurston County Public Health. Learn more on page 13. Register at ecoPROcertified.org. CPH, LIC, ecoPRO Credit Available. OCTOBER 19, 7:30am - 4pm. The case for sustainable landscapes. Location: Brockey center, south seattle college. Learn more at http://2016greengardening.eventbrite. com. CPH, ecoPRO Credit Available. OCTOBER 21. ecoPRO Exam. Location: Thurston County Public Health. Learn more on page 13. Register at ecoPROcertified. org. OCTOBER 20 & 21, 2016, FROM 9AM - 4PM. PROFESSIONAL RAIN GARDEN WORKSHOP (presented by WSU Extension Kitsap). Location: Norm Dicks Government Center in downtown

November 2, 2017, 9am – 3:30pm. WSNLA Nursery Roundtable Location: Center for Urban Horticulture, Seattle. Earlybird Member: $60 . After $75. Non Member: $75, $90. Learn more on page 8. Register at WSNLA.ORG. CPH Credits Available. December 7, 10am - 2:30pm. Pest & Disease Management. Location: Lake WA Institute of Technology, Kirkland. Earlybird Member: $60 . After $75. Non Member: $75, $90. CPH Credits Available. Learn more on page 9. Register at WSNLA.ORG. CPH, ecoPRO, WSDA, LIC Credits Available. APLD Credits Pending. JANUARY 26 & 27, 2017, NW GREEN INDUSTRY CONFERENCE. Location: Semiahmoo Resort & Country Club.



Check out the wSNLA ONLINE CAREER CENTER at WSNLA.ORG for current openings.


30 - The B&B Magazine 28

Bremerton. Workshop covers: the design and installation of Rain Gardens: benefits, site analysis, hydrologic modeling, materials specifications, maintenance, and the latest in regulatory updates on these Low Impact Development (LID) features. New this year: optional local rain garden tour for registrants following the class. Cost: $85 per day/$150 for both days. To learn more contact Colleen Miko cmiko@co.kitsap.wa.us (360) 307-4378. Register at http://2016profrg. bpt.me/ 11 CPH, ecoPRO and CLT credits.

HOLLAND-AMERICA NURSERY. Now Available: Van den Akker weeping Alaska cedar 6’ thru 10’. Snowberry 1 gal. & 2 gal. Thuja plicata zebrina 5 gal. Red twig dogwood 1gal. Mahonia aquifolium 1 gal & 2 gal. Mahonia repens 1 gal & 2 gal. Mahonia aquifolium 5 gal. Rosa nutkana

1 gal. Rosa Rugosa 1 gal. English laurel 2 gal. & 5 gal. b&b. List available. (360) 794-6549, or akker4@gmail.com. Specimen Street and landscape Trees in large Root Control Bags. Year around availability, easier shipping, handling and establishment. Mount Vernon. (800) 827-4067. Fax (360) 4281822. www.urbanforestnursery.com. WSNLA MEMBER. Promote your job openings, plants and trees for sale, and other classified listings! Email your copy to breanne@wsnla.org.

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Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association 34400 Pacific Hwy S., Ste 2 Federal Way, WA 98003 Address Service Requested

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