Veronica longifolia Vernique Series: ‘Rose’ & ‘White’
New and improved, Vernique Rose and Vernique White are well branched, have tight, compact habits and rich, long lasting spikes of color in abundance from spring to early fall. This breakthrough Veronica is perfect for the border, the cutting garden and for mixed containers. Excellent mildew and leaf spot resistance makes this delightful perennial easy to grow and appreciate. These are some of the best of the many new Veronicas now coming into the market! Attract hummingbirds and deer resistant. Hardy in USDA zones 4-8; 12-18” Tall x 10-12” Wide.
Ajuga genevensis Blue Bugleweed
Ajugas are not just for groundcover, anymore! This is a true border perennial, and quite striking once established. Not invasive like other Ajugas, as it is not stoloniferous. Native to the edges of forests and woods of Britain and parts of Europe it works well near the front of borders and in rockeries. Blue Bugle flowers from mid-April through July, with profuse dense spikes of relatively large bright blue flowers. It’s evergreen and hardy, possibly to USDA zone 3 and maintains an evergreen presence. Grows well in full sun or bright shade and will get 12-14” tall and around 2’ wide.
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Agapanthus ‘Stevie’s Wonder’
Stevie’s Wonder offers a bold presence, whether as a long-blooming dramatic specimen in the perennial border, the large rock garden, poolside or in large containers. This Lily-of-the-Nile has large, (3 ½-4”!) umbels of rich blue-purple, trumpet-shaped blooms from summer to fall. The 30-36” tall flowering stalks arise from vigorous flat-leaved neat clumps. Agapanthus is deer-resistant, but well loved by hummingbirds and bees. It’s also good as a cut flower, offering beautiful vivid blue shades and lots of flowers per stem! Hardy in USDA zones 7 – 10.