pt 2) WSSM WOMENS SURF STYLE MAGAZINE | Travel Issue 2018 / '19 (PART 2)

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Share the Stoke By Jeff Beige

Meet Kelly Kingston, the visionary behind Share The Stoke Foundation, wave shredder and family girl. Kelly founded STSF in 2008 after realizing there were many kids who wanted to surf, but didn’t have the means to make it happen. In those first few years she would have people donate their old beat up surfboards and put them into the hands of kids who were making a positive impact in the world. With their mission of creating a positive way for kids to express themselves through surfing, they have expanded and are now stoking out kids all over the world. Ideally they partner with existing surf clubs, NGO’s, non-profits, surf schools and organizations that aim to make the lives of kids better in coastal towns, and create leaders through the sport. Together they organize surf contests, beach cleanups, donate surfboards and equipment, host surf clinics and BBQ’s to bring people together in the name of surfing. In some areas they have even started surf clubs so that kids will have a place to go and be a part of a group-learning environment. One example of their dedicated global outreach is a trip they took to Vanuatu on an island called Tanna to take part in a massive celebration for Nev House- a company that makes sustainable housing from recycled materials. Through STSF’s relationship with Firewire Surfboards, it allowed them an invite by Nev Hyman, the founder of Firewire Surf-

Kelly Kingston - STSF Founder 78 | | wSSm

FOUNDATION boards and Nev House. During their time there they were able to donate surfboards and help host the first ever Tommy Tanna Surf Classic on behalf of Nev and Firewire for a village near a super fun surf break. “Tanna was out of this world, it was unlike any place that we have ever been to. The people were probably the most loving and welcoming that we have ever seen, and we cannot wait to go back already. This year STSF is going far and wide and reaching some of those off the beaten path surf locations. We are excited to have ambassadors who want to take boards with them on their travels and stoke out locals. This makes it way easier for us to have a larger impact globally. Surfing has the ability to give us so many gifts and that is why we do this work, so that all kids can experience it”, says Kelly Kingston, STSF founder. “With the help of our sponsors, Firewire Surfboards, FCS and Sticky Bumps we have been able to impact kids in 28 countries. Our sponsors have been unfaltering in their commitment to surfing and sharing that gift with kids and we love them for it. They are the backbone of Share The Stoke Foundation”, says Kingston, and this year is no different, as they have their hearts set on going far and wide and deepening their impact to those farther to reach places in the Indian Ocean like the Maldives. If you would like to be a part of this movement, send them an email to and tell them why you are the perfect match to help share the stoke or be an ambassador. F

surf wax lip balm air fresheners rash guards hats & tanks


FROM SURFER TO Photo: Gabeto Fernandez

Swimwear Designer

Story by Beka Shane Denter | Photos by Kaoru Matsui


estled in the foot of the mountains in the Miyazaki prefecture, I was a drive away from the shorelines of Japan’s best and warmest waters.” So begins the story of how Kaoru Matsui, founder and designer of KARU DESIGN swimwear, developed a passion for surfing. She was fresh out of university, with an ESL teaching position in Kobayashi. “It had been a while that I was interested in trying to surf, and now I had no excuse,” she continues, “as I was now only a 90 minute drive from an area that is inextricably linked to surfing to scores of adventurous young Japanese.

kick started KARU DESIGN. Her courageous spirit and determination is what continues to motivate and inspire Kaoru to provide loyal customers with a stylish suit that delivers. “My love for the ocean and being active created a need to feel good in my own skin, and in what I wore.” With KARU DESIGN, Kaoru has managed to merge together fashion and function into the ultimate active lifestyle bikini. When riding a wave, paddling out on your SUP or serving up a ball on the beach, Kaoru, like many women, wishes to focus on the activity and not an unexpected “wardrobe malfunction.”

Kaoru set out to find some individuals in town who surfed, but to her disappointment, not many people had any experience with catching waves. “I finally discovered a group of high school kids who regularly went to the beach and I decided to tag along,” she says. The teens on their short boards were ripping it up with tricks, “making it all look so effortless,” explains Kaoru. Their enthusiasm was contagious and “one stormy day, I borrowed one of the short boards, ventured into the angry sea and had no idea what ego lesson I was about to embark on!” She admits, “I never even made it out past the break that first day. Tossed around, turned upside down and spit out, I gave up with a feeling of absolute failure. But that just got me more determined to get it the next time, so every day after that, I made an arrangement to borrow a board, drive the 1.5 hours to shore and battle the waves. In hindsight, a lesson may have been helpful, but hey, sometimes life is about just going for it.”

Inspiration hit while on her annual surfing trip to Mexico, to escape the -30 degree winter in Canada. “I love being active and the first thing I do upon arrival is go for a run on the beach, soak in the warm sunshine and grab a surf board. I found that I was always adjusting my bikini and was often concerned with its placement when coming out of the water.” She needed a bikini that would look great and stay put. “This is when I first asked myself if anything existed that wasn’t a sports bra, but still cute and stylish, and also practical. I looked at what other women surfers were wearing, went shopping – only to find nothing. I doodled some sketches while looking for the design that I had in mind. This is when I decided to take my sketches to sample. KARU really began from my personal need.”

After much trial and error, Kaoru eventually got the hang of surfing and like many, “caught the bug.” This bug is what ultimately 80 | | wSSm

What makes a KARU DESIGN different from other swimsuits on the market? “At KARU, we focus on swimwear that has a comfortable fit and is performance friendly,” explains Kaoru. “But we also focus on style. The key is to create a supportive design with less material. The adjustable cross back we do assists

with support and fit. We also source durable fabric and take pride in quality assurance in the seam detail.” Kaoru describes wearing a KARU bikini as being “comfortably different.” Being “comfortably different” is a familiar feeling for Kaoru. Born to Japanese parents in Canada, Kaoru describes herself as being, “a very shy, quiet and sensitive little girl.” Japanese is her first language and she recalls “the horror of having to start kindergarten where kids spoke a completely foreign language (English), had unfamiliar features such as blue eyes and blond hair and ate bologna sandwiches for lunch.” It was a world so very different from the one in which she spent her first few years, surrounded by others who spoke her language, looked like her, and ate similar food. She does, however, credit this earlier “journey of a cross cultural platform” with instilling her with some of her “most impactful life lessons.” She remembers, “pretending to be asleep in the back of my dad’s Celica, in hope that he would just let me be and I wouldn’t have to go to school.” But the sleeping trick “failed miserably,” and Kaoru found herself with no other choice than to learn how to go with the flow. Before long, her English became much stronger than her Japanese, giving her the confidence she needed to navigate her new surroundings. Over the years, Kaoru explains, “there were many other experiences which presented themselves as crossroads of cultures which innately taught me the art of independence.” She also recalls, “differences in food etiquette, and in concepts often created obstacles and in these situations, learning to absorb, listen, and be flexible and to read others were just a few ways that allowed me to gain

Kaoru in Japan

Kaoru surfing Sayulita, Mexico

the sometimes tricky but essential survival skills.” High school proved to be an especially challenging time, “where I was certainly not comfortable in my own skin,” admits Kaoru. Sporting braces and broken glasses she says with a laugh, “I was awkward as awkward could be!” Kaoru did not, however, let this deter her from pursuing her various passions. If anything, the struggles she encountered encouraged her to seek out people, places and activities that would have a positive and lasting impact on who she became, especially as the founder and designer of KARU DESIGN. Although Kaoru doesn’t have any formal design training – she studied sciences – she has been in the business world now for over twenty years. “I’ve worked in HR, Marketing and Sales in the medical, educational and international relations fields.” Throughout her varying careers, she always had a tendency to have little businesses on the side, “selling everything from matcha green tea, web services, to running a B&B.” Her entrepreneurial spirit began back in elementary school, “when I attempted to sell hand written secret code cards for 50 cents. This ‘what the heck, I won’t know until I try spirit’ is what has helped me with each new business venture, and tremendously with starting KARU.” Combine this with her passion for surfing and SUP, and KARU DESIGN is a natural extension of her hands on experience in both business and sport. Before putting her bikinis in stores Kaoru needed to find a catchy name for her brand. “Growing up in Canada, I had many friends who had difficulty pronouncing my name

properly; they would call me Karu with much more ease.” She took four names to market for feedback, and KARU came back the winner. The KARU motto, “Be comfortable in your own skin and be proud of who you are” is an extension of Kaoru’s personal mantra, and inspires her to design and deliver a product that allows women to feel strong, stylish, comfortable and confident. Kaoru’s extensive experience in Marketing and Sales has helped her to build a brand that values both its employees and customers. “Our employees have come to us through their personal passion for the KARU product, allowing us to be an organization that values its employees and encouraging all involved to be a part of its direction and growth. We believe in customer satisfaction, therefore, listening to our client’s needs and feedback is important to us.” Like many active wear companies, KARU too now includes an impressive roster of inspirational brand Ambassadors. “Our ambassadors have been an important aspect to building our brand image and reputation. The selected athletes not only excel in their individual sports but are well respected within their communities and have a great attitude: Strength, inspiration and open mindedness,” are essentials explains Kaoru. KARU DESIGN currently has professional athletes representing and sporting the suits in both Canada and the US. Team Canada pro-beach volleyball players Kacie MacTavish and Caleigh Whitaker; the Team Canada Women’s soccer team; Professional Paddle Boarder and surfer Shelby Rose Taylor from Lexington, Kentucky; Toronto-based founder of FreshwaterSUPCo.

Diana Turnbull, and Marianne Jezerinak of Power Yoga Canada. A KARU brand Ambassador is usually ranked within the top five of their sport; “but most importantly it’s their attitude,” says Kaoru. “We look for females who exude confidence and strength, yet at the same time are kind and approachable and respected. Once chosen as an ambassador, they wear KARU with pride and through image and personality, they positively represent the brand.” Kaoru believes that “Ambassadors, if chosen appropriately, allow the brand to speak for itself. They help us simultaneously build the KARU personality while assisting us with exposure.” KARU is currently available for purchase via the company’s website ( and in selected retail stores across Canada. Kaoru soon hopes to expand the brand into stores stateside. “We have already begun to branch out from just two piece bikinis and plan to diversify the product lines and categories. We also want to build a strong international presence in addition to Canada and the USA,” explains Kaoru. Throughout our interview, Kaoru exudes confidence and enthusiasm on every topic we touch on. Her energy is contagious. “My mantra today is to be comfortable in your own skin and be proud of who you are. Anything is possible if you can just put your mind to it because the world, life and its possibilities are more inviting than you think!” It’s this upbeat attitude that will make KARU DESIGN a brand that will soon be worn by women on beaches and in oceans around the world. F wSSm | | 81


Why you need to GET YOUR OWN FISH an interview with

Secret Society Surfboards A surfing company based in Isabela, Puerto Rico

Interview by Dan Olson Photos: Frank Hernan

With all the new designs and progressive shapes of surfboards emerging these days, one thing we’ve noticed here in the Caribbean and throughout Central America is the reemergence of the classic “fish”- a versatile board that appears to effortlessly float down the line, allowing it’s rider to easily perform radical turns and maneuvers. It’s easily recognizable by it’s fat, short and wide appearance with the traditional “fish” tail and looks like SO MUCH FUN, especially in small wave conditions. For many women however, the only fish they’ve ever ridden is usually their boyfriend’s, husband’s or dad’s old board. It’s usually retro, heavy- and often, much-to-thick to give her the body-to-board ratio that is needed in order to truly obtain that magic carpet ride. One progressive surfer that’s been riding and designing exciting new “fishes” these days here in Puerto Rico, is local shaper, Frank Hernan. Between shaping and becoming a new father, he is a busy man, but whenever there’s a spare minute, Frank can be found testing out his newest creation down at Surfer’s Beach or Maria’s, and just beaming with delight. He knows his craft well and is a perfectionist when it comes to shaping a custom fish specifically for a woman.

WSSM: Does weight and height really matter when having a fish shaped for a woman? FRANK: Yes. Your height and weight is going to determine the volume of the board you’re having made. However, the fish is a design that always packs a little more volume than you would normally need. This gives the board that fast, loose feeling. Having a fish in your quiver is an essential part of your training as a surfer. Surfboards are made for different types of people and waves, and just like any other board, the surface area and how the volume is distributed throughout the board, will make it ride different for each person. The fish is an all around design that makes it perfect for traveling or surfing any local conditions. WSSM: I want to ride it at a specific break. Should I ask my local shaper to shape it for that particular break? FRANK: Yes. It is important that you know where you are going to surf because not all boards work in all conditions. Every board has a specific function, but not all shapers know how to transform ideas into functional art. That’s why Secret Society Surfboards is so special and unique. We are all about our clients and where and how that person is going to surf. So if you are down in Puerto Rico and you have a functional idea that you want to come to life, you can come to us. WSSM: There have been a lot of surf movies and guys in the line-up with crazy shapes these days. What’s going on the past few years? FRANK: Competitive surfing has reached a level beyond its limits, and at the same time, there is a craving for ‘DIFFERENT’. The past few years have been experimental ones, for us in the company and for the surfing community in general. The classic shapes are coming back, but with a “different” flare. Nowadays in lineups all over the world, you’re going to see asymmetrical surfboards, logs, quads, fish, singles, twinnies, finless- all different shapes and colors are now back in the mainstream. WSSM: We think girls are ready to start updating their quivers. We’ve been surfing the same styles- both short and longboards for years, but not many of us are riding a pink fish. And if you’re going to get a custom fish made, you might as well have a hot pink one! How long will it usually take you to custom make a fish? FRANK: Here at Secret Society Surfboards we take the time that is necessary, and give every board the attention it deserves. However, our production is so accurate and fast that in a month or less you will be riding that fish. WSSM: Any shout-outs, or words of wisdom for us? FRANK: Always support your local shaper... He’s the one giving the smiles for free :) Learn more about Secret Society Surfboards online at F

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Bethany Zelasko Pro Surfer & Just Bones Boardwearâ„¢ Surf Team Rider


Poetic Musings

Be sure to check out Tiffany’s fabulous new book “Surfer Girls Kick Ass” available at

OCEAN SPEAKS - A SURFER’S MEMOIR By Tiffany Manchester | Photo by Sonia Bocale -

demands respect. She may be soft and gentle one day, then fierce and raging the next. But make no mistake about it - she is always in control. And if I go out for a session and wind up getting my butt kicked, I know it’s because I let my ego take control. That is, I’m distracted by my emotions - with thoughts about the past and concerns about the future - and therefore I’m not focused on the present moment. I can’t ‘see’ what she is offering me because my mind isn’t really there. I was hesitant at first, because I knew that if I decided to be in this relationship I would have to commit to her 100%. And to be honest, I wasn’t sure I was ready for something that intense. But the moment I entered her I was instantly swept away, and there was no chance of ever turning back. She is the Ocean and I am a surfer. Of course, this doesn’t mean our relationship is perfect. Far from it, in fact. And in times of uncertainty, when it feels like our connection is lost, I’ll actually think about breaking up with her. But then I take a moment to remember the many sweet, divine moments we’ve shared, and I realize that leaving isn’t the answer. I could never do it. She is the Ocean and I am a surfer. This Salty Goddess known as the Ocean is a great teacher who

Ultimately it means I am working against her because I’m working against myself, and that’s how I end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. On the other hand, when I let go of my thoughts and concerns with the world + the role I play in it, the fear can finally wash off of me, allowing the peace to settle in. In these moments I can connect with her vibe by feeling her movements and listening to her guidance. ‘Being’ becomes effortless - and that’s always when the perfect wave lines up right in front of me. She is my guru, and in this relationship I am learning how to live with more joy and trust in the process of life - to have patience while I accept and love myself at every moment. I realize now the choice to be in this relationship really never was mine to make, and I could never leave her - because I love her with all of my heart. She brings me peace and I am committed to her 100%. She is the Ocean and I am a surfer.

ONCE MORE By Claudia Aragon

Calm seas Moonlit nights Walking on the shore Sitting by the fire Feeling the heat Wondrous Is God’s majesty Smell the air Feel the cool moistness On your skin 84 | | wSSm

Taste the salt On your lips Is the sea calling to you? Do you feel restless? Do you feel your desire To ride the waves Stirring inside you Once more? Longing to be a nomad Travel

Follow the sea Riding the waves Independent No ties to bind you Enjoy the night Enjoy the calm Until day breaks When you can ride Once more

Just one of many beautiful poems in the new book by Claudia Aragon, available at, Barnes & Noble, and select surf shops


made in the USA 760.753.0255

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Chicas de PUERTO RICO Stories & Photos: Gabeto Fernandez


ere you born and raised in PR, and if so, where? Yes, I’ve lived here my whole life. My family is originally from Isabela, but I was born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.


del Mar Rafols AGE: 28 HOMETOWN: Isabela, Puerto Rico 86 | | wSSm

How long have you been surfing and what are your favorite breaks? I’ve been surfing since I was about 5 years old. My dad, Jose Rafols, took me out tandem surfing with him for the first time. Ever since then I’ve been in the water. I love all the spots in our little town, but if I have to choose a favorite spot, it would be my local break at Jobos Beach. Do you longboard or shortboard? I like to surf on both boards, but most of the time I’m on my short board or SUP surf.

Do you have any favorite surfing buddies? I enjoy surfing with all my girlfriends and especially my dad. What are some of your favorite things to do in Puerto Rico besides surfing? There’s many things to do on the island, but when I’m not surfing I’m usually distance paddling. I also love scuba diving, but if I’m not in the water I enjoy going for hikes and runs. Have you traveled anywhere else in the world for surfing? I’ve been on surf trips to Latin America and Hawaii. Do you have an inspiring quote, verse, proverb or saying that you live your life by? “Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy.” F

Rosangela Santiago tournaments. I always have a good time at them, and meet other nice surfer girls, where we bond and create new friendships. What is surfing to you? Surfing for me is to find the integration with nature and find peace. When you are not surfing what are you usually doing? I’m usually working as a social worker, and when I’m not working, I Iike to spend time with my daughter who is 10 years old. Her name is Isabella, inspired by the town of Isabella.


here are you from, and where do you live now? I was born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, and now live in Isabella.

What’s your favorite spot to surf in Puerto Rico? My favorite spot is Playa Jobos, but the beautiful thing about this area of Aguadilla is that there is a lot of variety of surf spots, all with different conditions.

How did you start surfing? I always lived next to the ocean growing up in Puerto Rico. I started surfing when I was 14 years old. I started boogie boarding, and then graduated to the surf board. I learned by myself, by my own will and dedication. I have been surfing now for over 20 years.

What surfer inspires you? I have always liked how Rob Machado surfs.

Have you participated in any competitions? Yes, I have. Mostly competitions that are free for women, where we have the opportunity to compete with other women. I have competed in the Roxy, Body Glove, RVCA and Billabong

What kind of music do you listen to? I like a little bit of everything, salsa and also music for the 60’s, somehow I think I could have be born in that time.

What places have you surfed outside of Puerto Rico? I love surfing in Barbados, but I would like to go to surf in Costa Rica in the near future. I’ve heard Costa Rica is a place with beautiful nature, good waves and a good place to find the spirituality that brings me peace... Integrating all of those element together.

Whats your favorite food? I love seafood and fish, but I love ceviche the most. F wSSm | | 87


Chicas de


Photo: Gabeto Fernandez

Photos courtesy of Odalys C.R.R.

Odalys C. Ramos Ruiz W

AGE: 22 HOMETOWN: Rincon, Puerto Rico

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ere you born and raised in PR, and if so, where? I was born in Fredericksburg, Virginia, but I was raised in Rincon, P.R.

change my shortboard from a 6’0 to a 5’ 4 which I think feels a lot better.

How long have you been surfing and what are your favorite spots in Puerto Rico? I started surfing at 15 when my mom got me a short board for my Quinceanera. My favorite spots are Antonios beach, Marias and one other “secret” spot in Aguadilla.

What are some of your favorite things to do in Puerto Rico besides surfing? Besides surfing, I practice jiu-jitsu and gardening.

Do you longboard or shortboard, and have you always ridden that size of board? I surf both, but I prefer to longboard. I always rode an 8’6” longboard, but I would like to get a bigger one for a better nose ride. I did

Do you have any favorite surfing buddies? Not really, I usually surf alone.

Is there an inspiring quote, verse, proverb or saying that you live your life by? “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Be water my friend.” - Bruce Lee If you were to sum up Puerto Rico in one word, what would it be? Home. F

Photos by: Gabeto Fernandez

boards, and now I am surfing on a 5’8. Have you ever competed? Yes, I have done some competitions, usually the ones that are free to enter. One time I got a third place and the prizes were pretty good. I got some cool, fancy sunglasses, shirts and bags.

Sheryl Irizarry W

hen did you start Surfing, and what motivated you? I started surfing when I was 21 years old. I remember sitting down at the beach and watching people surf and thinking that I couldn’t do that, it seemed impossible to me. One day I met this girl, Elizabeth, that took me to surf on a boogie board, so that is how it started. Then I met Charlie Miranada. He told me if I wanted to quit the boogie and start learning how to surf on a board, he would help me, and I told him, yes please! Then I started learning on his longboard and he taught me the basic stuff. I stood up easily on the longboard. Then I met a local professional surfer in Jobos, he is the father of my daughter, and he didn’t want to carry my longboard, so I started practicing on a short board because it was easier to store and put it anywhere. I gradually started riding shorter

When you are not surfing, what other activities do you do? My life is always in between surfing, working and my kids. I have 2 kids. The oldest is Donaldson, he also likes to surf and the youngest one has my same name, Sheryl. She doesn’t surf because she had a bad experience surfing and got hit in the head, so I have to take her surfing slowly so that she can start gaining trust out in the water again. Who are your surf idols? I like my friend Lilac, she has a good style of surfing. I also like Kelly Slater, Rob Machado and Mick Fanning. I saw them one time at the Pro Search. Favorite surfing spot? Jobos, because it’s a nice long wave. I also like the Mix and Middles, and a secret spot between Golondrinas and Middles that only the locals know of. How long have you lived in the northwest part of the island? I was born in Ponce, but I’ve been here in Isabella for over 17 years now. I used to live in San Juan, but often came here to surf. I used to drop my son at school, then drive 2 hours to surf for one hour and then head back, so I finally decided to move here. What place in the world would you like to surf? I think Bali would be amazing to go visit and surf. I would also like to explore Costa Rica. I have heard a lot of good things about the surf and the country in general. Maybe one day I will make the trip with my friend Rosangela that also wants to go there. F wSSm | | 89


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Photos by: Gabeto Fernandez 90 | | wSSm


Gabriela Idalia Suarez

María Cartagena

HOMETOWN: San Juan, Puerto Rico HOMEBREAK: La 8 (la ocho)

Photos by: Gabeto Fernandez


ere you born and raised in Puerto Rico? Yes and no. I lived in Caguas until I was 10 years old, then I moved with my family to Maryland. I returned to Puerto Rico as an adult and have been living in the metro area ever since. How long have you been surfing and what are your favorite surfing spots? I’ve been surfing for about 10 years and love everywhere in Puerto Rico when it has a swell. All the waves are so different and all have their epic moments. Do you longboard or shortboard? Short board. I started out on a 6’10” fun board, but got tired of being dragged by white

water and switched to a short board fairly quickly.

of new projects, and spending time with friends and family.

Do you have any favorite surfing buddies? Danica Coto, Patricia Fuentes and Kaydi Archer from the Costa Bikini Team. (The Cayito Girls always have awesome good vibes and the guys and gals from La 8 who always push me to do better, as well as the crew from Luquillo.)

Have you traveled anywhere else in the world for surfing? Barbados, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Orlando, Florida to celebrate Kaydi’s birthday at Typhoon Lagoon.

What are some of your favorite things to do in Puerto Rico besides surfing? Right now, coaching gymnastics takes up most of my time, but Puerto Rico has so many places to explore. There is always something new to see. Also, I love the creation

Do you have an inspiring quote, verse, proverb or saying that you live your life by? Right now, I’m just taking in life as it comes. There’s always something to learn or to experience. If you were to sum up Puerto Rico in one word, what would it be? Paradise. F wSSm | | 91


Idelis “Lilac” Alvarado D

o you have a nickname? My name is Idelis Alvarado, but they call me “Lilac”. I was born in Orocovis, Puerto Rico, a little town in the middle of Puerto Rico up in the mountains. I’ve been in the northwest area off and on, for about 7 years. When did you start surfing? I started surfing when I was 23 years old, so I have been sufing for over 11 years now. But I remember when I was 12 years old saying that when I’m older, I want to be a surfer. So when I was 23 I bought my first surfboard and started practicing. My brother inspired me to surf, he let me use his boogie board. I didn’t like it, because I really wanted to stand up. My dream was the surfboard. So a good friend gave me some tips on how to start surfing and everything went from there. I always was into sports, I did long distance running and inline skating, so I was always competing. I practiced surfing for a year and then I started competing to, and the first time I got a 4th place so that kept me motivated to be better. What is your biggest win to date? I won the Corona in Middles in 2009. I have also represented Puerto Rico 4 times in the World Surfing games. I have traveled to Portugal, Panama, Peru, and California. I love competing for my island. I also won the Triple Crown. There were 3 competitions, one in Arecibo, one in Aguadilla and the other one in San Juan. What’s your favorite surfing spot? My favorite surfing spot is Jobos and Middles, and I try to surf every day if I can. What do you like to do when you are not surfing ? I studied fashion design, so I have a line of tshirts, bags, etc.. I sell them online and also participate in art festivals. Whats your favorite food? I like to eat a lot, and I like everything! Rice, vegetables, patatas, habichuelas, etc. Everything! Do you have sponsors? Right now I’m riding for WRV Wave Riding Vehicles - and I have some friends that help me with bathing suits and bikinis. What other things keep you busy? I like organic agriculture, and I dream about having a big farm someday. What place could you recommend to tourists that come to visit Puerto Rico? I love the center of the Island where the mountains are and the rivers. The view is spectacular from the hilltops. I also recommend the east, around Luquillo where I lived before. The beaches are beautiful, the waves are nice and a lot of good places to eat good food. The southeast is also beautiful. I learned to surf over there. The manglares (mangroves) are amazing! What was that feeling when you rode your first wave? It was a sensation, as though I had found my true passion, the happiness that I was looking for, and the balance of my life. It changed my life in a good way. What surfers inspire you? I admire Kely Slater the most. He came to compete here, but I didn’t get the chance to meet him. From Puerto Rico the one that I like the most Is Gaby Escudero. There are a lot good surfers from around here. Carissa Moore and Stephanie Gilmore are the surfers girls I like the most, and also Sally Fitzgibbons. What kind of music do you like? I love tropical music. Salsa is my favorite, and Ismael Rivera is the singer I like the most. I love dancing, even to the commercials, I just love dancing to them. F

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Photo by: Gabeto Fernandez

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AnnaBella Lopez

H Photos by: Gabeto Fernandez

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ow long have you been surfing? Since I was 10, so 4 years now.

Do you go to school? I go to school and I love it. I alternate school and surfing.

What motivated you to surf? Watching my brother and a lot of other people surf, I wanted to do the same. I wanted to surf too, because it looked cool. My brother taught me to surf, and since then, I won the first competition that I participated in. I won a new surf board!

What do you wanna do when you grow up? A professional surfer, and I wanna become an actress, too.

What was the feeling catching your first wave? I had this amazing feeling... something that felt so cool, I couldn’t believe I was riding a wave! My dreams are to become a professional surfer, so I am training hard every day to become a professional.

Any sponsors? Sonic Surfboards, WSSM, Idalia Suarez Swimwear and Samantha Higgis.

Favorite surfing spot? Golondrinas. I go there with my family every Saturday and Sunday and I always have a blast there.

What are you most thankful for? I am thankful that God has given me this beautiful opportunity to have all that I have, and for my parents, too. F

Photos by: Pichón Duarte

Schaper that I bought after an amazing surfing class with a friend of my dad. It is still with me. I absolutely love that board and even more now because I have more control on the wave and can now duckdive it, which I could not do before. Transitioning to smaller boards (Pelicano 6’8 and Tropical Blends 6’2) has definitely helped me improve those techniques. In conclusion, I have not been hooked on the longboard fever, yet…

Carolina Aragonés Fred AGE: 25 HOMETOWN: Añasco, Puerto Rico


ere you born and raised in PR, and if so, where? I was born in Puerto Rico, raised outside of Puerto Rico for some time, and then came back to my hometown, Añasco. How long have you been surfing and what are your favorite surfing spots? I started surfing a few years after I moved back to Puerto Rico. I took my first surfing lessons at “La Planta” (Domes beach) in 2009. For me, the best surfing spots on the west coast of the island are El Mix, Marias, and The Landing. Do you longboard or shortboard, and have you always ridden that size of board? The first board that I owned was a funshape (6’10) Bonga Perkins/

Do you have any favorite surfing buddies? Yes, my partner in crime, exploratory companion and soulmate, Pichón. What are some of your favorite things to do in Puerto Rico besides surfing? When there are no waves, I enjoy scuba diving different sites around Puerto Rico. I also study Biological Oceanography at the University of Puerto RicoMayagüez Campus, so when I am not studying, I am usually on a board or underwater. Have you traveled anywhere else in the world for surfing? Yes, to Costa Rica. Do you have an inspiring quote, verse, proverb or saying that you live your life by? “Focus on what you really want and makes you happy.” If you were to sum up Puerto Rico in one word, what would it be? PRECIOSA. F wSSm | | 95


Photo by: Ted Albritton

Andrea P. Garcia Ogando AGE: 22 HOMETOWN: Aguadilla, Puerto Rico


ere you born and raised in Puerto Rico, and if so, where? I was born and raised in a little piece of paradise located on the west coast of Puerto Rico, called Aguadilla. How long have you been surfing and what are your favorite surfing spots? First time I surfed was when I was 3 years old, but it wasn’t until 6 years ago that surfing became my passion. I noticed how it relaxed me and separated me from my day to day life. My favorite surfing spots are Surfers Beach, and Middles. Do you longboard or shortboard, and have you always ridden that size of board? When I first started surfing it was on a longboard and I still secretly love it. I shortboard most of the time now and always use the same size for my boards. Do you have any favorite surfing buddies? My childhood best friend, Valerie Owen, and my other half, Sam, are my favorite people to surf with. We make surfing a game and the ocean is our playground.

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I love surfing with them because they push my limits and challenge my surfing. What are some of your favorite things to do in Puerto Rico besides surfing? When you’re into a sport like surfing it becomes your everything, so all the plans you make evolve around it. When the waves go flat I like to drive to the mountains and explore the wonders that this little island holds. Have you traveled anywhere else in the world for surfing? After Hurricane Maria I had the chance to fly to Florida. I stayed there for two months, and that was the first time I ever surfed outside of Puerto Rico. Do you have an inspiring quote, verse, proverb or saying that you live your life by? “You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” —Walter Hagen Puerto Rico to you in one word? PARADISE! F

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love to connect with other like-minded girls. That’s no secret. But what’s a girl to do when traditional social clubs aren’t her thing? For coastal women, one answer is surfing together. In a sport dominated by men, the dilemma for girls who love to ride has been finding other like-minded women who enjoy surfing. More than ever, female riders are a common sight in line-ups along the East and West Coasts of America. That is good news for ocean loving women. Across the U.S., women are actively introducing other women to the sport that brings them immeasurable joy, connects them to other girls who understand their passion, and inspires them in their relationships with God. Mary Gordon Kerr, the founder of a surf day for women sponsored by a local church in coastal South Carolina, was blown away by the response to her first surf day event. “God definitely blessed that event. A bunch of women came out who had never before considered that they might ever surf. A small, clean swell rolled in that was perfect for learning,” she said. “At one point, two dolphins began playfully jumping completely out of the water just beyond the line-up, and when it was all over, everyone had stood up on a wave. There was much whooping and cheering and joy in the water that day,” she continued. “It is easy to see why surfing

to the f ull

appeals to women who want to connect with each other, and with their Creator. I feel closer to God when I am surrounded by his creation, especially in the ocean, and I’ve noticed that a lot of the walls we put up in normal social settings naturally come down in the water. I love that.” It is a sentiment that surfers everywhere can understand. The vast size, power and beauty that God displays in the sea is awe inspiring. That spiritual element of surfing is part of what makes it so life-giving to some surfers. Finding their gang of surfer girls and making a difference in their communities for God is a huge part of life for many. Bailey Kaiser, a 10th grade, east coast surfer started a surf club at her school. Georgia Cook, a top-ranked, competitive surfer from Franklin, TN, used her influence in the surf community to start an organization called Every Girl Counts that founded a school for girls in Kenya. Solveig Jobbins of San Diego county is part of a dynamic Christian Surfers chapter in Southern California and says her faith inspires her to find and share joy in life. Cocoa Beach native Coral Schuster started a group she calls “Groms for God.” Tiffany Dobransky of San Diego, and East Coaster, Maria Barend see surfing as a natural way to build meaningful relationships. See profiles on these surfers on the following pages. mg kerr

Women whose friendships are formed through surfing and the love of the ocean have a unique bond.

Photo: Solveig Jobbins

SS the world. surf the world. change the world.

CS Surf Missions trips were designed to combine your love for surfing with your desire to see surfers around the world impacted by the love of Jesus.

Join us on an all-girls trip to El Salvador, June 26th-July 3rd, 2018! Learn more at

SURFER PROFILES Meet six surfer girls from California, Florida, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Tennessee whose faith and love of surfing inspire them to live life to the full.

T if fa ny D o br an s k y

Name: Tiffany Dobransky Nickname: Tiff Swift Home Break: Pacific Beach Age: 24 Stance: Regular Boards Type: 6’1” Rusty Neil Diamond Why I surf: To spend time with God in His Creation and to enjoy the company of my friends. How surfing inspires me: Surfing inspires me to go out of my comfort zone and to push my limits in ways I didn’t think were possible. My faith is important to me because: Tides change, winds change, waves change. My faith is the only thing in my life that doesn’t change. No matter how I am feeling I know that God’s love for me will never change because of any circumstance. I use my faith to encourage others... by using my gifts, talents and resources that God has so graciously given so that they can enjoy the same fulfillment. Surfing takes away all of those barriers we put up out of the water and allows us to be vulnerable enough with each other to make meaningful friendships.

C o r a l S chuster

Name: Coral Schuster Home Break: Cocoa Beach, Florida Age: 14 Stance: Regular Boards type and/or brand: Gorkin Surfboards Why I surf: I surf because I love the ocean, the sport, and the rush of excitement I get on every single wave I stand up on, good or bad. I feel beyond blessed when I get to do this thing that I enjoy so much in some of the most beautiful places on Earth. How Surfing inspires me: Surfing inspires me to push my limits and try to surf to the best of my ability. When I surf, I feel closest to God, because I am enjoying what He has blessed us with in a way that makes me happy, so surfing also inspires me to do more of what makes me feel so close to God. My faith is important to me because: It is what keeps me going. In the good and the bad, I look to God to help me no matter the situation. It helps me to try and see the best in every situation. I know that if it wasn’t for my faith and the help of the Lord, I would not have achieved any of my greatest accomplishments in life thus far. I use my faith to encourage others by... trying to be a light to everyone around me. I believe that if I give all glory to God, because He is the only reason I am where I am today, people might find that if you trust and believe in Him, He will help you to achieve your goals.

G eo rg i a C o o k

Name: Georgia Cook Age:17 Break:Tybee Island, GA Stance: Goofy Board: Black Rose 9’4” customized Dark Horse model Why I surf? I absolutely love to surf! It’s fun and I like pushing myself to get better. Going for new tricks is a fun obstacle to overcome, and when you do, the joy is immeasurable! How surfing inspires me? Surfing inspires me to push myself to be better. Even when its difficult, you have to keep pushing or no progress will be made.

M a r i a Barend

Name: Maria Barend Nickname: Marmar / Happyfeet Home Break: Rhode Island Pointbreaks Age: 17 Stance: Goofy! Board type and/or brand: 5’6” thumbnail // Carroll Surfboards HI Why I surf: I love the feeling of gliding on ocean glass - pure happiness! How Surfing inspires me: Being completely immersed in God’s beautiful creation inspires me to be creative and joyful :) My faith is important to me because: God’s love and grace sets me free and gives me the ability to trust in God’s plan for my life. I use my faith to encourage others by… Spreading Jesus’s love and message of hope to others.

Name: Solveig Jobbins Nickname: Sol or Solv Solveig Jobbins Home Break: Beech Street, north county San Diego Age: 26 Stance: Goofy Board type and/or brand: Board shaped by my brother in law Luke Jobbins Why I surf: The freedom, the escape, the connection to God in the water, hanging with friends. How Surfing inspires me: It's the total lack of control, it's what terrifies me about surfing but also inspires me most to remember how Powerful God is and how truly not in control I am... in surfing and in life. My faith is important to me because: Jesus is literally everything! Without Him life is boring, meaningless, and lacking LIFE! He has saved me and given me more than I knew I needed and wanted. I use my faith to encourage others by... holding onto joy in remembering and reminding others that "the joy of the Lord is your strength" and letting that joy help encourage others to choose thankfulness in any circumstance and my faith helps me love as well as I can and asking God to help me know how to love better.

B a i l ey K a i ser

Name: Bailey Kaiser. Nickname: BK, Boo, Baikai Home Break: Isle of Palms, SC/Wrightsville Beach, NC Age: 15 Stance: Regular Board type and/or brand: 9’4” Gumm, a 9’2” Stewart and a Rusty shortboard Why I surf: Because the feeling of standing on top of a wave never fails to bring a smile to my face no matter what's going on in my life. How Surfing inspires me: It makes me realize how small I am compared to the great sea God made with his bare hands. My faith is important to me because: I don't think I would be the person I am today without it. I use my faith to encourage others by... Always trying exhibit my love for God so that others will see that there is something good and different about me.

[Georgia Cook] Why My Faith is Important to me? My faith gives me a purpose for being here on Earth. It gives me my identity. Without it, I would be completely lost. My faith motivates me to…Love other people where they are in life. Be it in class at school, in the lineup out in the water, or in Kenya at a school for girls from the slum.

christiansurf life to the full

FESTIVAL Photos: Gabeto Fernandez | Hair & Makeup: Buffy Archer

MODEL: ODALYS SHIRT: “Sadhu Backless Shirt” in white, by The Om Collection. This adjustable backless shirt is versatile, comfortable and super sexy. (

fits sizes 32A to 36D. Perfect for layering with sheer or backless tees. (

BRA: Your favorite Coobie bra just got even more comfy! Introducing the new “Coobie Lace Back Scoopneck“ bra featuring a decorative, high quality lace-back panel, and shown in Margarita. Super soft & stretchy, it comfortably

BODY CHAIN: A bohemian luxe “WANDERLUST Coin Body Chain” by criscara, silver plated and featuring 8 filigree puffed coins with a tree of life motif that hangs from a delicate chain in a long cascading pattern. (

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PANTS: “JE2054” jeggings with knee pleats in olive. By ELAN (

BRACELET: “Traveler Bracelet Seven Sands” is the ultimate gift for the ultimate world traveler. A top-quality, statement making silver plated bracelet, filled with 7 of your favorite sands, then layered to a glass-like finish. By Dune Jewelry ( Rings: “Nomad 9” and “Nomad 6” stackable rings in silver, by criscara. (

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SHOP THIS LOOK A Touch of Tribal Model: KAYDI DRESS: By ELAN ( BOOTS: Made with handcrafted leather, “Janis” in brown from the Nomad Red Collection is both comfy and chic. These trendy fringe boots pair well with jeans, dresses and everything in between. By Nomad ( NECKLACE: Beautiful “Wave Stationary Pendant” in sterling silver, and customizable with your choice of sand, by Dune Jewelry ( LONG NECKLACE: “Desert Dancer Y Necklace” in antiqued 14 karat gold. By criscara (


BELLY CHAIN: The “Wanderlust Belly Chain” by criscara is the ultimate versatility piece with three unique styling options. Wear it with a deep V neck top as a long necklace, spice up your favorite pool side bikini wearing it as a belly chain, or throw it on over your favorite dress as a belt. By criscara ( BRACELET: “Gypsy Soul” in 14 karat gold plated, this fully adjustable open link chain features a glowing Opalite stone focal. By criscara ( Rings: “Nomad 9” and “Nomad 6” stackable rings in silver. Stackable 14 karat gold rings: “Highland 9 Ring” features a wide-lined band accented by an antiqued finish of 14 karat gold. “Canyon River Ring” features a raised triple dome accented with an antiqued finish, and the “Joni Midi Ring” the smallest of the three, also shown in an antiqued finish. By criscara. ( EARRINGS: Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309 METALLIC TATTOOS: Temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

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SHIRT: Comfy muscle tank featuring the “Flag / OA Logo” by Ocean Addict ( BRA: “Coobie Bra V-neck Lace Trim” in black heather by Coobie Bra ( PANTS: By ELAN (

while remaining functional and comfortable. Featuring man-made leather detailed with exquisite sequin uppers, padded insoles, and subtle detailing of gunmetal pyramid studs that add just the right amount of edge to this classic style. (

HAT: Your perfect summer accessory- “Ariel” in natural, by Peter Grimm (

NECKLACE: Beautiful “Wave Stationary Pendant” in sterling silver, by Dune Jewelry (

BOOTS: “Swag HD in Black” by Gotta Flurt. A modern twist on the tried and true combat boot, these tall boots make a fashion statement

LONG NECKLACE: “Birch Pendant” necklace in silver, an elegant piece on it’s own or layered, by criscara (

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RINGS: “Nomad 9” and “Nomad 6” stackable rings in silver. By criscara. ( BRACELET: Hand painted, luxurious, one-of-akind, wide leather cuff featuring eye-catching Swarovski crystal elements and a secure snap closure, by Caroline Rocha ( SPEAKER: Jam to your favorite tunes with the “Mini Terrain” by FRESHeTECH. Portable & lightweight, this mini speaker easily fits into the palm of your hand and features a handy carabiner clip that also doubles as a kickstand. Perfect for traveling, stream via Bluetooth 3.0 for 5 hours straight! (


USA! | Model: ODALYS

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SHOP THIS LOOK GYPSY SOUL | Model: KAYDI SHAWL: By ELAN ( BRA: “Coobie Bra V-neck Lace Trim” in Calypso Coral, by Coobie Bra ( PANTS: We love these “Aladino Pants” that feature a wide self-fabric waistband and cuffs that contain no elastic, so they fit comfortably and smoothly over your hips, while allowing ample circulation through the ankles. By Juana de Arco ( BOOTS: “Lasalle” in beige- a tantalizing mixture of leather and textile, featuring a 3 3/4” wedge, an inside zipper for easy on-and-off and styled out with a wrapped belt and buckle at the ankle. By Naughty Monkey ( EARRINGS: “WILD HEART Feather Fringe Earrings” feature long cascading fringe accented with feather drops. They will shimmer and sway as you dance under the desert sun. By criscara ( NECKLACE: “Vagabond Y necklace” in 14 karat gold plated and Opalite stone. Layers of feather-like leaves are accented with natural gemstones and a dagger drop. Shown with matching “Gypsy Soul” anklet in 14 karat gold plated and Opalite stone. By criscara ( LONG NECKLACE: “Lariat Wrap Necklace” in 14 karat plated antiqued gold by criscara. This stunning 48” wrap necklace can be worn a multitude of ways, making it an essential piece in your collection. ( BELLY CHAIN: “Desert Dancer Belly Chain + Belt” is adjustable up to 31” in length. This versatile piece can be worn as a belly chain, belt, long necklace, or wrapped as a multi-strand bracelet. By criscara ( RINGS: “Highland 9 Ring” features a wide lined band accented by an antiqued finish of 14 karat gold. “Canyon River Ring” features a raised triple dome accented with an antiqued finish, and the “Joni Midi Ring” the smallest of the three, also shown in an antiqued finish. By criscara. ( CUFF: “Triple Treat Wrap Bracelet” in metallic gold, an especially versatile piece that can be worn as a double round wrap bracelet; a gorgeous choker necklace; or a stylish and sassy boot cuff. By Caroline Rocha (

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SHOP THIS LOOK SASSY | Model: KAYDI ROMPER: By ELAN ( BRA: “Coobie Bra V-neck Lace Trim” in Berry Sorbet, by Coobie Bra ( SUNGLASSES: “Lennon” in matte rose gold with pink mirrors, perfectly sized for small to medium face shapes. By Peppers Polarized Eyeware ( EARRINGS & LONG PINEAPPLE NECKLACE: Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309 NECKLACE: “Lariat Wrap Necklace” in 14 karat antiqued gold by criscara. This stunning 48” wrap necklace can be worn a multitude of ways, making it an essential piece in your collection. ( RINGS: “Highland 9 Ring”, “Canyon River Ring”, and the “Joni Midi Ring” the smallest of the three, all shown in 14 karat gold plated, antiqued finish. By criscara ( BRACELETS: “Triple Treat Wrap Bracelets” in metallic gold and bedazzled with genuine Swarovski crystals and elements. Wear them as a double round wrap bracelet; a choker necklace; or a uniquely-you boot cuff. By Caroline Rocha ( SHOES: “Mindil” in brown, from the handcrafted leather Nomad RED Collection, featuring multi-strand uppers intricately detailed with beads and stitching. By Nomad (

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Model: ODALYS SHIRT: “Bliss Long Sleeve” in Tiki by Jiva. This ultra-soft organic bamboo tee features a scallop cut bottom and super soft feel. Rich in both color and touch, it will quickly become your go-to shirt. ( PANTS: “Stardust bell bottoms” in mermaid green by The Om Collection. Sparkly with a kaleidoscope glitter effect, these bell bottom pants are perfect for concerts, festivals or anywhere you want to make a statement. Available in several colors. ( CUFF: Rich hues of tropical greens and blues are highlighted against this wide, black suede cuff by Caroline Rocha. Uniquely hand painted with metallic pistachio green paint to create a pattern of waves, it’s embellished with multi-sized Swarovski crystal elements that enhance the beautiful wave pattern. Accented with mirrored silver studs, and featuring a snap closure. ( BELOW JEWELRY BY CRISCARA ( - BODY CHAIN: “Akira Body Chain”. A dramatic faceted metal chain accented with a decorative filigree coin. Reversible design - wear it with the coin in the front or back, or any one of 10 other unique ways that inspire you. - HEADBAND: “Lariat Wrap Necklace” in 14 karat antiqued gold by criscara. This stunning 48” wrap necklace can be worn a multitude of ways, making it an essential piece in your collection. - RINGS: “Highland 9 Ring”, “Canyon River Ring” and the “Joni Midi Ring” the smallest of the three, all shown in 14 karat gold antiqued finish. - EARRINGS: “WILD HEART Feather Fringe Earrings” feature long cascading fringe accented with feather drops. They will shimmer and sway as you dance under the desert sun.

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Road Trippin’ Comfy Clothes for the Journey Photos: Gabeto Fernandez


Caribbean Coral | Model: Kaydi

JEWELRY: “Port O’ Call Charm Necklace” featuring 3 petite round pendants, layered with the delicate “Sterling Shaped Seahorse Necklace” and accented with the “Wave Bypass” ring, and 3 round silver “Stacker” rings. Complete the look with the “Traveler Bracelet Seven Sands” a bracelet designed for the ultimate world traveler! This top-quality, statement making bracelet is silver plated, filled with your favorite beach sand, then layered to a glass-like finish. An instant conversation piece. All pieces are customizable with your favorite beach sand. Visit Dune Jewelry to create your own special jewelry. ( ROMPER: Fall in love with this coral romper by ELAN ( BRA: The perfect bra for traveling and the ultimate in comfort, the “Coobie Bra V-neck Lace Trim” in white, by Coobie Bra. Available in a multitude of exciting colors and prints. (

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Beach Life | Model: Kaydi SHIRT: White linen surplice top with embellised crochet trim, by Surf Gypsy ( BRA: The perfect bra for traveling and the ultimate in comfort, the “Coobie Bra V-neck Lace Trim” in blue heather, by Coobie Bra ( PANTS: “Tropical Print Pants” by Lagaci ( SUNGLASSES: “Stellar” in matte tortoise with gold and brown lenses, polarized and specifically designed to fit medium-size faces, by Peppers Polarized Eyeware ( WRAP BRACELET: Ocean hues triple wrap bracelet by Charming Shark Surf Jewelry ( LONG NECKLACE: “Birch Pendant” necklace in silver, an elegant piece on it’s own or layered. By criscara ( NECKLACE & HAND CHAIN: “Casbah Pendant Necklace with Sodalite Natural Stone” layers perfectly for more drama, and is even more of a statement when paired with the “Gypsy Soul Hand Chain” featuring a double chain bracelet and triple Sodalite gemstone focal. By criscara (

Road Trippin’

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On Island Time | Model: Josh

TANK: “Mens Burnout Vest with Embroidered Logo” in sky blue, by Soulstar (

PANTS: “Mens Faded Distressed Slim Leg Jeans” by Soulstar ( SUNGLASSES: A stylish new look for Maui Jim, the “Tail Slide” in Frosted Crystal frames and Blue Hawaii lenses that offer the same amazing color enhancement and clarity as all other Maui Jim lenses. ( CUFF: “Triple Treat Wrap Bracelet” in matte grey, by Caroline Rocha ( NECKLACE: The customizable “Sandbar” pendant by Dune Jewelrythe original beach sand jewelry company. Inlaid with your choice of sand in a sterling silver bezel, then hand-sanded and polished to the final, flat matte finish. (

Macrame | Model: Kaydi

DRESS: “Weave Back Tunic Dress” in deep grey by The Om Collection. The exquisite, hand-woven macrame back detailing is what makes this dress spectacular. Double layered, ultra-soft fabric is supportive enough to wear comfortably without a bra. Pair it with pants or leggings on cool nights, or wear alone for a sexy festival dress. Drawstrings on both sides of the skirt allow for your own unique styling and coverage options. ( BODY CHAIN & HAND CHAIN: This bohemian luxe “WANDERLUST Coin Body Chain” is silver plated and features 8 filigree puffed coins with a tree of life motif that hangs from a delicate chain in a long cascading pattern. “GYPSY SOUL Hand Chain” featuring a double chain bracelet and triple Sodalite gemstone focal. By criscara ( RING: The ultimate ring for surfers, the “Wave Bypass” ring, customizable with your favorite beach sand or elements. By Dune Jewelry (

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Comfy Clothes for the Journey

Road Trippin’

Caribbean Living | Model: Kaydi

ROMPER: Super lux, buttery soft “REAGAN ROMPER” in Samba, by PILYQ (

CUFF: “Triple Treat Wrap Bracelet” hand painted, unique detailing on deep blue suede, embellished with Swarovski crystals and elements. Stunning. By Caroline Rocha ( BODY CHAIN: “Akira Body Chain” in 14 karat gold, with more than 12 unique ways to style this piece, you’ll fall in love it over and over. By criscara (

Comfy Clothes for the Journey

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Boricua | Model: Odalys SHIRT: By ELAN ( BRA: Introducing the new “Coobie Lace Back Scoopneck“ bra featuring a decorative, high quality lace-back panel. Super soft & stretchy, it comfortably fits sizes 32A to 36D. Shown in cobalt, and perfect for layering with sheer or backless tees. ( PANTS: “VLove: Undie Couture Lounge Pant” in Groove. High quality, oh-so-soft fabric make these the ultimate pants to spend a lazy day in. (

WRAP BRACELET: Touches of teal, triple wrap bracelet by Charming Shark Surf Jewelry. ( SUNGLASSES: “Red Sands” in Purple Fade, with Maui Rose® lenses by Maui Jim. For everyday variable conditions, from full sun to overcast. The highest contrast available, and excellent for fast moving sports. Provides a subtle rose tint. (

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Sassy | Model: Kaydi

By the Sea | Model: Kaydi

SWEATSHIRT: Show a little shoulder in this sexy and lightweight “Beach Bunny Sweatshirt” in heather grey by Lagaci (

ROMPER: Whimsical and fresh, “Ivory & Navy Stripe, Textured Weave Off-Shoulder Romper” by Surf Gypsy (

BRA: Introducing the “Undie Couture Classic Lace Bralette”. New from Coobie, it’s a pretty and sexy alternative for everyday wear, and features soft, stretchy lace making these bralettes ultra comfortable! The cups are lined with a soft, thin nylon blend that provides comfortable coverage without the bulk. No pads or wires. Fully adjustable straps that include a mid strap hook on the back so that you can wear it in a racerback style. (

LONG NECKLACE: “Birch Pendant” necklace in silver, an elegant piece on it’s own or layered. By criscara (

SUNGLASSES: “Lennon” in matte rose gold with pink mirrors, perfectly sized for small to medium face shapes. By Peppers Polarized Eyeware ( SURFBOARD: “6’3” The BOSS” hand shaped by 40yr east coast shaping legend, Tom Neilson (

NECKLACE & HAND CHAIN: “Casbah Pendant Necklace with Sodalite Natural Stone” exquisitely paired with the “Gypsy Soul Hand Chain” and “Nomad 9” and “Nomad 6” stackable rings in silver. By criscara ( SUNGLASSES: “Solid Denim Sunglasses - Cassini” by Mosevic. These unique shades are handcrafted in Cornwall, UK, and are made from recycled denim fabric that has been uniquely infused with resin, and feature polarized lenses by Zeiss- which offer 100% UV protection. ( SHOES: “Mindil” in blue from the handcrafted leather Nomad RED Collection, featuring multi-strand uppers detailed with beads and stitching. By Nomad. (

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Tie-Dye & Lace | Model: Odalys ROMPER: Soft and oh-so-comfy, “Tie Dye Crochet Back Surplice Romper” by Surf Gypsy ( EARRINGS: Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309 RINGS: “Nomad 9” and “Nomad 6” stackable rings in silver. By criscara. (

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Coobie Lace | Model: Odalys BRA: Your favorite Coobie bra just got even more comfy! Introducing the new “Coobie Lace Back Scoopneck“ bra featuring a decorative, high quality lace-back panel, that is super soft & stretchy. Perfect for layering with sheer or backless tees. ( PANTS: Buttery soft “Vintage Maroon Floral Leggings” by The Om Collection ( JEWELRY: “Akira Body Chain” in 14 karat gold. “WILD HEART Feather Fringe Earrings” and “Wanderlust Belly Chain” with three unique styling options. Wear it with a deep V neck top as a long necklace, spice up your favorite poolside bikini wearing it as a belly chain, or throw it on over your favorite dress as a belt. By criscara (

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Comfy Clothes for the Journey

Road Trippin’


Beach Stroll’n | Models: Dan & Odalys DAN SHIRT: Distressed OA (Ocean Addict) logo in mint, by Ocean Addict ( SUNGLASSES: Polarized “Dividend” in shiny black with fade to blue, by Peppers Polarized Eyeware ( NECKLACE: “Sandbar” pendant by Dune Jewelry- the original beach sand jewelry company ( “Seek” Wax Seal by Whitney Howard Designs. A uniquely designed charm that exemplifies what surfers crave... To seek out newwaves and adventures. ( ODALYS SHIRT: “Sorpresa Printed T-shirt” by Juana de Arco- offering one-of-akind pieces, bursting with color. ( SUNGLASSES: Polarized “Flyboy” Peppers sunglasses, by Peppers Polarized Eyeware ( NECKLACES: Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309


Kill’n Time | Model: Dan SHIRT: “Palm Tee” in black, by Nectar ( SUNGLASSES: Polarized “Sunset BLVD” in ice blue by Peppers Polarized Eyeware ( NECKLACE: “Sandbar” pendant by Dune Jewelry- the original beach sand jewelry company ( PANTS: “Mens Faded Distressed Slim Leg Jeans” by Soulstar ( CUFF: “Triple Treat Wrap Bracelet” in matte black, by Caroline Rocha ( HAT: “OA Patch Logo Trucker Hat” in green, by Ocean Addict (

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Besties | Model: Odalys (far left)

TANK: Soft and comfy, kick back in the “Triblend Racerback Tank with Vitamin Sea”, by Ocean Addict. ( SHORTS: “Hooping & Hot Yoga Tie Shorts” featuring adjustable tie sides, by The Om Collection ( SUNGLASSES: “Wicket” in Honey Tortoise with green mirrored lenses. Lightweight, polarized wire sunglasses by Peppers Eyeware (

BRACELETS: Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309 CUFF: “Triple Treat Wrap Bracelet” in metallic silver, by Caroline Rocha. ( SKATEBOARD: “Silver Copper 22” From the Metallic Fades collection, this 22” Penny Skateboard seamlessly transitions from silver into copper, adding that flash of bling to your skate session. Made from the same high quality, secret plastic formula Penny is known for. (

Model: Kaydi (left)

TANK: “Muscle Yoga Tank” by Juana de Arco- offering one-of-akind pieces that are bursting with color. ( SHORTS: “Hooping & Hot Yoga Tie Shorts” in denim, by The Om Collection ( SUNGLASSES: “Sunset BLVD” in Crystal Purple Smoke Polarized, with Diamond Purple Mirror Lenses, by Peppers Eyeware ( NECKLACES: “Wave Stationary Pendant” in sterling silver, and “Port O’ Call Charm Necklace” by Dune Jewelry ( BRACELETS: “Heart” clasp bracelet- Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309 | “Wisdom & Energy” from the Classic Summer Wrap collection by Da Costa Jewelry. ( SKATEBOARD: “Pastel Mint 27” is soft in color “yet still gives you the licence to shred!” Bringing a refreshing twist to the season with the delicate shades of minty green and the creamy accents of lilac and lemon pastel. By Penny Skateboards. (

Ocean Zen | Model: Kaydi (below)

TANK: “Freedom T Back” in turquoise- a perfect yoga cover up, featuring slits up both sides and a flattering neck line, by The Om Collection ( BRA TOP: The “Trilogy 3 Strap Yoga Bra” in white, combines high performance fabric, a feminine design, and extreme comfort. By The Om Collection ( LEGGINGS: “Capri Leggings” in Pink/Green Psychedelic, made from soft, organic cotton. By The Om Collection. (

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NECKLACES: “Casbah Pendant Necklace with Sodalite Natural Stone” in sterling silver, by criscara ( “Sterling Shaped Seahorse Necklace” by Dune Jewelry (

Road Trippin’ Garden of Eve | Model: Kaydi

TANK: Fresh and fun in mint, by Lagaci ( BRA: Introducing the new “Coobie Lace Back Scoopneck“ bra featuring a decorative, high quality lace-back panel, that is super soft & stretchy. By Coobie Bra ( LEGGINGS: “Cala | Flex Legging” offering movable, breathable coverage. By Jiva ( HAT: “Experience” an absolutely delightful beach hat by Peter Grimm ( BRACELET: “Gypsy Soul” anklet in 14 karat gold plated with Opalite stone. By criscara ( SHOES “Turquoise Bay” from the Nomad Red Collection.This suede leather ankle strap sandal features turquoise beading and a low blocked heel. By Nomad. (

Om | Model: Kaydi

BIKINI TOP & LEGGINGS TOP: ”Claire Top” in Storm, a comfortable and versatile top featuring cross back straps that allow for easy cinch-ability when you need optimal staying power. By Sensi Graves ( BOTTOMS: “Laura Leggings” in Bali Bound”. Rock these surf yoga leggings comfortably, both in and out of the water, while staying protected from the elements. By Sensi Graves ( RING: The ultimate ring for surfers, the “Wave Bypass” ring, customizable with your favorite beach sand or elements. By Dune Jewelry. ( WRAP BRACELET: Ocean hues triple wrap bracelet by Charming Shark Surf Jewelry. (

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Beach Joggers | Model: Josh

PANTS: “Aqua Culture Jogger” in heather coral, featuring a drawstring waistband and side pockets. By Lagaci ( NECKLACE: “Sandbar” pendant by Dune Jewelry. A fun piece for the man in your life, and customizable with his favorite beach sand. ( CUFF: “Triple Treat Wrap Bracelet” in matte black, by Caroline Rocha ( SUNGLASSES: “Fly Boy” in shiny light silver and ice blue lenses, by Peppers Polarized Eyeware (

Sunset | Model: Kaydi

HAT: “Christi” in brown by Peter Grimm ( TOP: “Matrix Tank” in off-white, this organic yoga tank top features hand woven details on the back, a built in sports bra, and is double layered so it’s supportive and opaque. By The Om Collection ( SKIRT: “OM Mini Skirt” in Zebra Tie Dye. The Om Mini Skirt is a twist on the classic mini skirt. With drawstrings on both sides and a simple waistband, this stretchy mini skirt is an easy fit for most body types. By The Om Collection ( RINGS: “Nomad 9” and “Nomad 6” stackable rings in silver. By criscara (

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Country Chic (left) Model: CJ

Shirt: By ELAN ( Sport Bra: “Coobie Bra” in Zebra Ivory by Coobie Bra ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. ( Boots: “Amplify” in wine. A modern twist on the classic cowboy boot, complete with stud and wrapped chain accents. By Very Volatile ( Hat: “Raw Bird” limited edition, air brushed over olive tones, straw drifter cowboy hat by Peter Grimm ( Rings: Pearls and sterling silver rings, handmade in Hawaii by Lino Life ( Instagram: linolife E: Leg & Wrist Jewelry Tattoos: “Indigo” temporary jewelry tattoos by Lulu DK (

Fringed Out (right)

Model: CJ

Shirt: “Hola Bonita” in coral by Lagaci ( Shorts: “Lace Up Shorts” in denim by Ocean Drive Clothing Co. (

Boots: “Pasa” in beige. Lush suede with weathered micro-studs accentuating the curved topline and over-the-topawesome fringe that creates incredible movement as you walk. By Very Volatile. ( Hat: “Caspian” in dark brown. Overwhelmingly popular, this wool hat is both stylish and trendsetting. By Peter Grimm (

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Road Trippin’

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Caribbean Sunset | Model: Kaydi TOP: By ELAN ( BOOTS: These fun “Festival” booties seen in nude, feature cage-like straps, corset-style closure and adorable tassles. By Naughty Monkey ( NECKLACE: “Wanderlust Belly Chain” worn here as a necklace. By criscara ( “Wrap choker” Trendy Jewels by World End Imports ( 1-800-722-2309 RINGS: “Nomad 9” and “Nomad 6” stackable rings in silver. By criscara ( WAVE RING: The ultimate ring for surfers, the “Wave Bypass” ring, customizable with your favorite beach sand or elements. By Dune Jewelry (

Road Trippin’ Comfy Clothes for the Journey

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Country Lovin’ | Model: Kaydi TOP: “Cowl Neck Hoodie” in Adobe, by The Om Collection. Lush long sleeved shirt with oversized hood that is ultra cozy and super soft. ( BOOTS: “Josie” in Taupe, from the Nomad Red Collection, featuring hand crafted leather. The ultimate boho boot, with contrast stitch detailing, a lightly cushioned leather footbed, and zipper closure. By Nomad ( HAT: Your perfect summer accessory- “Ariel” in natural, by Peter Grimm (

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JEWELRY BY CRISCARA: - LONG NECKLACE: “Lariat Wrap Necklace” in 14 karat plated antiqued gold by criscara. This stunning 48” wrap necklace can be worn a multitude of ways, making it an essential piece in your collection. (

will shimmer and sway as you dance under the desert sun. ( SURFBOARD: “6’3” The BOSS” in neon yellow/pink, by Tom Neilson (

- RINGS: “Highland 9 Ring”, “Canyon River Ring” and the “Joni Midi Ring” the smallest of the three, all shown in 14 karat gold antiqued finish. (

SURFBOARD (right): “6’0” custom artwork by the very talented #_akro_

- EARRINGS: “WILD HEART Feather Fringe Earrings” feature long cascading fringe accented with feather drops. They

LEASH: “Day Glo Regular Leash” in pink, by Sticky Bumps (

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Comfy Clothes for the Journey

Road Trippin’

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