LIFESTYLE . . . Daily Fitness By Zofia Karubin Certified Yoga Instructor
Surfing and Yoga is a journey and adventure where we can discover where the wilds things are within and without. We build strength and flexibility in every pose, in every surf session. We can face our life and challenges more peacefully and compassionately by staying centered, balanced, and connected to nature, to our hearts, and the true nature of our Spirit because Spirit and Nature are dancing together.
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F Be very gentle with yourself and listen to your body. Don’t force or strain in any way.
F Even five minutes a day will
F Builds heat and core power F Opens the heart and increases energy
2 Grip the ground with the other hand and press the finger tips down, exhale. 3 Rotate the shoulders up and back as you stretch the arms in opposite directions, keep breathing.
2) Side Stretch: Inhale, gently reach up with your arms up over your head and hands together, then slowly stretch the arms and torso to the left and right, while breathing in and out.
and focused on one point in front of you.
F Improves balance and
1 Start from push-up position and lift one arm up over your head, inhale.
standing pose, relax your arms out, roll your shoulders up and down, and turn your torso and head to the left and right, as your arms gently swing back and forth, while you breathe in and out.
F Breathe deeply, stay relaxed
the fingers, hands, wrists, arms, neck, shoulders, wings (lats), back, abdomen, hips, legs, feet and toes
Side Plank Pose
1) Spinal Twist: Ground yourself in
F Stretches and strengthens
Point Dume, Malibu, California
F WARM UP & COOL DOWN Always warm up gently by grounding yourself in standing pose.
3) Forward Bend: From a standing position, first inhale and stretch the arms up and over your head, then slowly breathe out and bend forward reaching the arms down, and relaxing down, keeping the knees slightly bent, head down, neck relaxed, feel the breath. When you’re ready, lift up and roll up slowly as you inhale and again ground yourself in standing pose.
4 Focus on one point in front of you, lift one leg on top of the other, the feet flexed, toes pointing toward the knees, and continue breathing. 5 Fuse the buttocks, thighs, and feet together, tuck in your pelvis, and bring the energy up the spine, look up and inhale.
6 Exhale and release. Repeat on each side several times, holding the pose as long as comfortable.
Wild Thing
(Camatkarasana) 1 Start in side plank pose and listen to your breath, listen to your body. 2 Next, lift the top foot and step it back slowly and gently, focused on one point in front of you. 3 Inhale, reach over your head with your arm, keep breathing and look up. 4 Enjoy the stretch from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes.
make a big difference in your life.
(Check with your health care provider before doing this or any exercise program)
5 Stay here as long as your body needs it, then release, and repeat on the other side.
6 After doing this stretch, your body will require a counter balancing pose, such as downward dog pose or any kind of forward bend, then continue with the cool down yoga poses. F Namaste: My Inner Light Bows to Your Inner Light.
Zofia is a certified yoga instructor who resides in Los Angeles, California, where she’s been teaching yoga for over 15 years and practicing yoga since childhood with her mother who is also a yoga teacher. Learn at your own pace how to incorporate yoga into your busy lifestyle through the online collage of Zofia’s yoga routines from previous issues of WSSM. Go to Outfit by Sweet Waterwear ( | Photos by: OnIt Pro LLC ( ) 46 | | wSSm