The guardian 2/10/16

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FEBRUARY 10, 2016

Love Life Bad date stories Page 5

Outdoors Get ready for The Adventure Summit this weekend Page 3

Drama Dr. Hopkins’ love story: The Wright kind of love Page 4


Men’s basketball battle for top tournament seed Page 9

ISSUE NO. 18 VOL. 52

36 questions to fall in love with complete strangers Adam Ramsey Features Editor


ove, like most things in life, can be boiled down to a science. Now we have the formula to do it. You can now find love with 36 questions and a staring contest. A study called “The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness” by Arthur Aron et al. paired up heterosexual strangers and gave each couple the list of questions to answer. Then, each couple was asked to stare into their partner’s eyes for four minutes. The study resulted in overall feelings of closeness between the partners and even a pair who married within months after the experiment. Vancouver writer Mandy Len Catron tested this and recorded her results in “Modern Love,” an article in the New York Times. The first time she had one-on-one time with a coworker in a bar, they decided to Google the questions and test out how easy it is to fall in

love. Though they didn’t follow the guidelines of the study completely, as both knew each other before the experiment, Catron admits to falling in love with her partner. Of course, Catron doesn’t

even really credit the study to being the true reason that they fell in love. However, that does not mean that it did not help. If you are alone and desperate this Valentine’s Day, why not experiment for yourself

and give this list of questions a shot with someone equally alone and desperate? Who knows where things could go? The questions are available online at

Photo by Emily Nurrenbrock

Former senior advisor to the provost sues university Travis Sollars Contributing Writer


yan Fendley, former senior advisor to the provost, is suing the university for $32,583 in damages after being fired from his position in August of 2015. This is in addition to a previous lawsuit filed by Fendley in Dec. 2015 for $249,000. Both lawsuits are a result of Fendley’s claim that he was fired without just cause and the dollar amounts represent the pay Fendley would have received had he not been fired. According to Wright State policy, the university must give employees a nine months’ notice before terminating one’s employment without just cause. Fendley claims that his involvement in project SpiderXchange, a business part-

nership between Wright State University and information technology (IT) company Web Yoga, was not a situation that should have warranted dismissal without notice. Fendley is seeking the money he lost as a result of this allegedly improper termination. The IT company Web Yoga, a staffing resource company which helps businesses build IT departments that fit their needs, payed the Wright State Research Institute (WSRI) $1.5 million in December of 2010 for their collaboration on the SpiderXchange project. The WSRI worked with Web Yoga to hire in immigrant software developers with H-1B work visas, which in itself is a legitimate and legal process. However, upon analyzing the business model, immigration experts suspect that the col-

laboration may have been taking advantage of federal immigration laws in an effort to obtain “cheap labor.” Nearly 233,000 foreigners applied for an H-1B work visa in 2015 alone, but the federal government only permits 85,000 to be accepted per year. This makes it difficult for private companies like Web Yoga to secure H-1B workers on their own. Research nonprofits and universities, on the other hand, are exempt from this cap and are also exempt from wage requirements, which means that universities can pay H-1B workers much less than required of private companies. Federal law states that immigrant workers with an H-1B hired by a university must work specifically and

only for that university. This regulation is in place to help keep private staffing agencies from using universities and nonprofits as a source of cheap labor, which is what appears to have happened under the leadership of Fendley. Investigators suspect that the university may have abused its power by helping Web Yoga hire additional workers that were not working specifically for Wright State. Fendley, as the former CEO of the WSRI, played an active role in Wright State’s partnership with Web Yoga. The investigation in to the business deal is still ongoing, however, which leads Fendley to believe that his termination was premature and a violation of university policy. The results of Fendley’s case have not yet been determined or released.

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