The Guardian 4/13/16

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ISSUE NO. 26 VOL. 52


APRIL 13, 2016


Class making 3D printed hands for children Page 4


13th Annual Drag Revue hosted at WSU Page 3

The Arts

Photo by Emily Nurrenbrock

ArtsGala event is a major success Kasi Ferguson Features Writer


WSU alumni create dark coloring book Page 7


he 16th Annual ArtsGala was celebrated this past Saturday, April 9th, in the Creative Arts Center. The theme was “Hold On To Your Hats,” in reference to the construction occurring on the building, and the remodeled art gallery was done just in time to present a myriad of student work to those in attendance. There was a new record of guests, as well, with the event raking in over 750 people. At the event, all sections of the fine arts department were showcased, whether it be in the production of “The Mu-


of Baseball first in Horizon League Page 10

the week

sic Man,” in the dining rooms with students doing various musical numbers, or through the visual arts students producing paintings, prints and drawing as entertainment for the guests.

“It’s only gotten bigger over time, too. The increase of guests is a good sign for the future of ArtsGala.” -Jennie Buckwalter

It was more than an exciting event for the public, though. The gala originated for a purpose centered around the very students performing.

“The gala works for two main purposes,” said event coordinator Jennie Buckwalter, “those being, one, to present to the public the talent of our students, and two, to help raise funds for the ArtsGala scholarship in order to assist those very students.” The event has raised over two million dollars in its history. Through tickets, individual donations, and the silent auction - where items range from student-made art to sports tickets to jewelry - ArtsGala continues to be a highly useful means of supporting Wright State students. “It’s always a successful event,” said Buckwalter. “It’s only gotten bigger over time,

lizzie thiemann I imagine that hell is a lot like Wright State’s parking lots.

too. The increase of guests is a good sign for the future of ArtsGala.” Also featured as entertainment was a student film festival, wine and beer tastings, an orchestra concert, a dance performance and much more. Multiple areas within the Creative Arts Center were also set aside for dancing, eating and sitting back to enjoy to spectacle. Overall, the event was a major success for Wright State’s fine and performing arts departments, and Buckwalter hope that ArtsGala continues to grow in the future. More about the scholarship fund or the gala can be found at www.

Nat According to this bathroom wall, there’s a snapchat I can follow to see all of Wright State’s best dick pics

Zachary Scott The only thing I’ve gotten out of going to Wright State is the necessity to second guess myself every time I write: write or wright

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