2014 Nov-Dec WA Veterinarian Magazine

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Nov/Dec 2014 Volume 8 • Issue 6

The Confusion Surrounding Preventive Care Plans THE PERIL OF DISCOUNTING WELLNESS PLANS 8 2014 CONFERENCE RECAP 14


2 4 6 84


ON POINT New bylaws approved.

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Looking forward.

NEWSWIRE The latest veterinary news in Washington State.


Cover Story


14 6 19 20

2014 CONFERENCE RECAP Nearly 600 conference-goers converged on Yakima.

RELIEF VETS In-state directory of available relief veterinarians.

CLASSIFIEDS Careers & practice listings.

November/December 2014 • Volume 8 • Issue 6

BYLAWS APPROVAL ESTABLISHES NEW GOVERNANCE MODEL At the September 25, 2014 Executive Board meeting in Yakima, board members approved a new set of bylaws, which not only bring us into better compliance with WA non-profit corporation laws, but establish a new governance model that will allow the WSVMA to be well poised to address a rapidly changing professional and societal environment. As announced earlier this year, the new WSVMA Bylaws establish a small board of directors comprised of six members. This will make it easier for the board to meet more frequently and to address emerging issues in a more timely way, which will strengthen the association and the value of membership. Since we’re scaling down to a board of six from nineteen, the board approved a transition plan for the 2014-15 fiscal year during which we close out the seats of board members whose terms concluded this fall. This means that for the upcoming year, we’ll have a board of directors made up of ten members from the former executive board: Drs. Michael Anderson, Michael Burdette, Paul DeMaris, Kathy Hickey, Lisa Parshley, Diane Pinkers, Chantal Rothschild, Steve Ruark, Diana Thomé, and Tamara Walker. Instead of regional or practice type representatives, all positions will be at-large. The new bylaws establish one, two and three-year staggered terms for the board. According to the approved transition plan, in fall 2015, four directors with one-year terms will rotate off the board and two other directors with one-year terms will run for re-election. The remaining four directors will continue to serve their two- and three-year terms. Beginning next fall, we’ll hold annual elections for two directors. Elections will be held at the annual membership meeting held in conjunction with our annual conference. Our bylaws call for a 10% quorum of the membership to elect directors, so those who can’t attend the meeting will be asked to submit proxies ahead of time. Following the election, the board of directors will meet and elect their own officers. Under the old bylaws, WSVMA officers held the titles of president, president-elect, first vice president and past president. Going forward, those offices will be president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. The process started this year when the transitional board elected officers for 2014-15 on September 27 in Yakima. Dr. Parshley was elected by the board to serve as president. Drs. Anderson, DeMaris and Thomé will serve jointly as vice presidents and Dr. Pinkers will serve as secretary. Dr. Jerry Gemar, who has served the WSVMA for many years as chair of the Finance Committee will become Treasurer. The office of treasurer does not have to be filled by a director. Also called for in the new bylaws is the Leadership Development Committee, which is in the process of being established. The committee’s charge is to identify and recruit new leaders and volunteers for the board and task forces. The committee will be made up of former board members and members at-large who have an interest in networking and reaching out to fellow colleagues to help us find those much-needed volunteers. Information on the election process for next year’s and future years’ open board positions will be provided to members soon. Members who have any questions or concerns about our new governance can direct them to me or to any board director.

A Washington State Veterinary Medical Association Publication

Editorial & Publications Committee Dr. Richard DeBowes Dr. John Cannon Dr. Angela Lehman Dr. Jim McCutchan Dr. Donna Mensching Hana Kazunas Dr. Debora Wallingford Dr. Saundra Willis

Editorial Comments & Contributions Please send all comments and/or contributions to:

Washington Veterinarian Magazine 8024 Bracken Place SE Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Tel (425) 396-3191 Toll Free (800) 399-7862 Fax (425) 396-3192 info@wsvma.org Editorial comments and contributions must be received no later than the first day of the month prior to publication. Publication months are January, March, May, July, September, and November each year.


Please refer to the Classifieds Section for classified advertising details, rates, and deadlines. For commercial advertising rates and deadlines, please contact the WSVMA office at (425) 396-3191 or info@wsvma.org

Magazine Template By The Breightly Co. breightly.com

WSVMA Board of Directors Executive Vice President Candace Joy

President Lisa Parshley, DVM

Vice President Michael Anderson, DVM Paul DeMaris, DVM Diana Thomé, DVM

Secretary Diane Pinkers, DVM

Treasurer Jerry Gemar, DVM

Directors: Michael Burdette, DVM


Katherine Hickey, DVM Chantal Rothschild, DVM Stephen Ruark, DVM Tamara Walker, DVM


Candace Joy is the Executive Vice President of the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association. She can be reached at candacejoy@wsvma.org


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Rena Carlson-Lammers, DVM Kim Nicholas, DVM Saundra Willis, DVM

Bd. of Directors, Dist. XI Rep. Delegate Alternate Delegate


Keep Veterinary Medicine Uncompromised. Sometimes laws are passed that negatively affect veterinarians, animals or animal health. The WSVMA-PAC is the only organization that advocates for veterinarians in Washington state. We make sure veterinary medicine remains uncompromised. To find out how you can help go to wsvma.org.

Navigating ChangeAVMA Leadership Conference

President’s Message By Lisa Parshley, DVM, WSVMA President

Two weeks ago the Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference came to a successful completion; life has returned to its normal routines. What still resonates from the conference is an impression that Washington State Veterinary Medical Association has an amazing, dedicated group of leaders. Not only do they balance work and family, they also generously give to our profession. As amazing as this fact is, it is not what astounded me. Rather it is the knowledge of what our executive board has been able to achieve in a single year. Collectively they have embraced new concepts and creatively built a strong proactive future for WSVMA. A future guided by the strategic planning process and a new governance model to support this process. Why is this accomplishment so huge? It took a heartfelt realization, an acceptance that our association needs to move into the 21st century. That to accomplish this goal, WSVMA was going to have to change our very structure. This process of acceptance and understanding required courage and honesty. Once decided, the executive board worked tirelessly to evolve this new process to develop a new way of doing business. Strategic planning is not a new management scheme, but it is ground breaking, trend setting, for a professional association. The few other medical associations currently using this process have found it hugely successful. These associations have an increased relevance to their members through strategic planning’s ability to provide rapid and effective responses to the always changing world. So I ask again, why is this accomplishment so huge? It is huge because the WSVMA executive board chose a nimble and proactive process to better serve our members now and in the future. WSVMA is one of the first veterinary medical associations to embrace this new process. We should be proud of the executive board’s vision and action this last year.


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Will there be growing pains and necessary changes to the process in the coming years? Yes. But the strategic planning process involves constantly assessing goals and objectives via sampling of information from the world around us. When this information indicates, we will adjust our plan and process in a proactive manner. Rethinking of the whole process is allowed, even expected, should the information suggest a need. It embraces and welcomes change, and when done right, it does not allow for stagnation of an association. The beauty of strategic planning management is that it encourages evolution of an association, keeping it relevant to its members. Our course to the new strategic governance has been well charted by our executive board. Already in the coming year we will begin using strategic planning as the primary mode of business. Through more frequent board meetings, closer interactions with our WSVMA staff, and constant testing of the effectiveness of our goals, we hope to achieve timely and effective responses to the changes in our professional world. WSVMA has a group of remarkable leaders who care for and love our profession. I am personally humbled by their wisdom, inspired by their courage, and impressed with their intelligence. It will be fun to watch them guide us into the future.

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provide individual patients with multiple prescriptions for hydrocodone substance to be filled sequentially. The combined effect of these multiple prescriptions is to allow the patient to receive, over time, up to a 90-day supply of that controlled substance. Each prescription issued is for a legitimate medical purpose by an individual practitioner acting in the usual course of his/her professional practice. The individual practitioner must provide written instructions on each prescription indicating the earliest date on which a pharmacy may fill each prescription. All DEA registrants will have to use official DEA Form 222c to order or transfer any hydrocodone products, rather than simple invoices or packing slips. As with all Schedule II – V controlled drugs, dispensing of greater than 14 days’ supply must be reported to the Prescription Monitoring Program.

Veterinary Newswire The Latest Veterinary News in Washington State

Licensure window closing for job-trained technicians The current law allowing people to apply for veterinary technician licensure based on experience is scheduled to expire next year. Those who are applying for veterinary technician licensure in this manner must complete all the requirements before the law changes. Effective July 1, 2015, a veterinary technician license may be issued only to a person who has successfully completed an accredited program approved by the Veterinary Board of Governors and who has met other examination and application requirements. Applicants who have applied for licensure based on five years of acceptable practical experience must complete all application and payment requirements with the WA State Department of Health (DOH), successfully complete the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE) and become licensed prior to July 1, 2015. Important dates: •• Applicants should submit veterinary technician licensure applications to the WA State Department of Health by December 15, 2014 to allow application processing time to meet the February 15, 2015 deadline. Trainees must complete all tasks and procedures required to apply for the veterinary technician license and submit that information with the veterinary technician licensure application by December 15, 2014, to allow for application processing time to meet the February 15, 2015 deadline.


•• Complete the VTNE no later than the March 15, 2015 through April 15, 2015 administration period. The deadline to apply for the March 15, 2015 through April 15, 2015 testing window is February 15, 2015. Applicants should contact the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) to confirm testing dates and deadlines. For more information contact the Department of Health Customer Service Center at (360) 236-4700, Veterinary Credentialing at (360) 236-4989 or Judy Haenke, Program Manager, at (360) 236-4947.

Hydrocodone-containing products becoming Schedule II drugs The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has put into place new requirements for hydrocodonecontaining products (HCPs). Effective October 6, 2014, all HCPs will become Schedule II drugs. Currently, some HCPs are Schedule II controlled drugs and some fall under Schedule III. HCPs are used in veterinary hospitals to help control coughing in dogs and to manage pain. For prescribers, a new prescription will be required for all hydrocodone products prescribed after October 5, 2014. No refills will be allowed, similar to other Schedule II drugs. The DEA will allow pharmacies to dispense HCP refills on prescriptions if the prescription was issued prior to October 6, 2014 and the dispensing refill occurs before the expiration date, not to exceed April 8, 2015. According to the WA Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission, a practitioner may

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For more information, see DEA’s Final Rule for more details or contact the WA Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission at (360) 2364834.

Renew your membership online Renewing your membership has never been easier. Logon to the WSVMA website, www.wsvma.org, and click “Renew Your Membership Now” on your Profile page. Make sure to update any outdated information, so it will reflect correctly in the 2015 Member Services Directory. For assistance with logging in or questions about your dues balance, call Sherri Dean at the WSVMA office, (800) 399-7862, or email Sherri at sherrid@wsvma.org.

Donating to WSVMA-PAC will help us fight tax increases in the next legislative session Legislative advocacy is one of the most important benefits that you receive as a WSVMA member. No other veterinary organization is working to protect veterinary medicine at the state level. An active and financially healthy WSVMA-PAC gives us political credibility, access to relationship building, and opportunities to elect candidates who understand veterinary, animal and small business issues. As the state of Washington struggles to find funding for K-12 education, tax increases will likely be on the table. Please consider including PAC with your dues renewal this year as we seek to build those important relationships with legislators who understand our issues. Contributions can be made along with your dues renewal or separately to the WSVMA office.

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Real Life Story :


Most “experts” have never been in favor of discounting veterinary services. Generally speaking, when you discount your services by 10%, you have to see 50% more clients to break even. Even in the highly value driven economic climate of today, it is impossible to attract 50% more clients with a 10% discount; discounts don’t work. The same “experts” have a different opinion when it comes to wellness plans. Many recommend discounting wellness plans with a strategy that sounds a lot like a parent’s lesson on safe choices. The parent’s lesson goes something like: “Don’t do it. But, if you do – take precautions.” With wellness plans, the message is “You don’t need to discount veterinary services, but if you do discount your wellness plans, offer additional services or products instead of the cash discount.” Admittedly, discounting the wellness plan makes it easier to sell wellness plans because the veterinarian and staff can say something like, “you need all this stuff anyway, and if you take the wellness plan, it will cost you less.” This offer gives veterinarians more confidence to sell wellness plans. With more confidence, they do a better job of presenting the wellness plan and they sell more plans. Selling more plans is better for both the client and the practice but the underlying issue is, after accounting for the discount, are you better off? How many more plans do you need to sell to break even? One veterinarian, who was seeing huge success with discounted wellness plans in her hospital sat down and did the math and realized that she could not afford to offer discounts. Even though she was selling a lot of wellness plans, she was worse off after the discounts. Her analysis showed she would have been better off not offering the wellness plans at all. When she developed her wellness plans she listened to the expert’s recommendations regarding discounting and offered free product instead of a cash discount. She gave clients free flea/heartworm meds with every wellness plan. She rationalized that the free product in the hand of the client was worth more than a discount of the same amount because the benefit from the product will be remembered every time the client uses it verses a discount that could be forgotten as soon as the invoice is folded. Another benefit of offering free flea/heartworm product was that her cost of the product was less than the retail price so the client’s perception (at value price) was significantly higher than her cost. She essentially paid half of the total value to the client. She compared her cost of the product against a 10% discount in price and decided that it was cheaper to offer the product.


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In the first year of introducing wellness plans with free flea/ heartworm product, she sold plans to more than 20% of her clients. At the end of a very successful first year she analysed her revenue and expenses from wellness plans. To her surprise she realized that her offer of free product was costing her more than she thought. Because she was operating on a smaller margin with the giveaway, she calculated that she would have to see a 24% increase in wellness revenue to offset the discount of free flea heartworm. She looked at the clients who purchased wellness plans in the first year and realized that most of them were her “A” clients and were already getting all the services and products offered in the wellness plan. Now they were getting it with a steep discount in the way of free product. Revenue from clients with wellness plans was up, but not up 24%. In hindsight, it could have been worse. While determining whether or not to discontinue free flea/heartworm product, the veterinarian calculated the impact from a 10% discount on wellness programs. The numbers were even worse. It turned out that she would have to sell 32% in revenue to make up for the shortfall. She realized she was better off to have a lower number of wellness plans at full price than to offer discounts and try to gain enough volume to offset the losses. When wellness plans came up for renewal she started charging full price for the wellness plans that included full price for flea/ heartworm medication. Most clients did not notice the change in price and the ones that did asked why the price had gone up. “I simply can’t afford to give the product away,” was her answer. She went though the benefits of the wellness plan with these clients and realized that clients were purchasing her wellness plan because they valued the services in the plan. Three months later, not only were renewals on track, but the number of wellness plans was up over the first year. The discount was not as big a draw as she thought – many clients said that the offer to break up the cost of the plan into monthly payments was what helped them make up their mind. Easing the burden of the payments was enough of a motivator.

— Darren Osborne is a veterinary economist at the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. He can be reached at dosborne@ovma.org.

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his summer over 200 veterinarians and pet owners participated in an online and in-office survey about pet preventive plans.

In general we hoped to understand, “Do these plans matter to pet owners and do they have the ability to improve the health of the veterinary practice and/or pets in their care?” THE SURVEY WAS DESIGNED TO GAIN INSIGHT INTO: 1. How familiar veterinarians and pet owners are with preventive plans. 2. How interested they might be in offering or utilizing these plans. 3. Whether respondents had any prior experience with preventive plans and, if so, were they interested in offering/utilizing plans in the future? First, let’s take a quick look at the percentage of pet owners responding to the survey about their knowledge of, or prior familiarity with, Preventive plans. • 77.27% said they had no prior usage, or real understanding of preventive plans • 22.73% were familiar with them

Given that just over three out of four survey respondents don’t understand preventive plans, survey answers were completely influenced by each respondent’s personal interpretation of what a plan might include. One of the most significant survey findings is that education on this topic is desperately needed if Preventive plans are to make sense before veterinarians may successfully offer them to pet owners. WHAT WE HEARD: Veterinarians care deeply about providing quality pet care. In general, they all share the belief that efficacy of treatment follows a well-prescribed schedule and preventive plans have the power to encourage more predictable and aligned treatment protocols. Veterinarians focus on the quality of care provided as it relates to their ability to keep pets healthy and help them enjoy the longest, healthiest lives possible. Pet owners, on the other hand, have a conflict between love and money. This came out in their written comments. Perhaps the best example was this pet owner who said, “I provide my pets the best care, food and love I can to make sure their lives are healthy and happy. I love them. They are my family. I live on a fixed income and my pets have better care than I do.” This comment seems to be broadly shared. Pet owners will do everything in their power for their pets... within the limit of their financial capability.

VETERINARIAN HIGHLIGHTS In your opinion, would preventive plans result in pets receiving better care?

43% YES

What are the main benefits preventive plans provide for the pet care family?

Affordability ..........................................................................................37.50% Convenient payments (monthly payments) ................................12.50% Easy scheduled pet care ..................................................................12.50% Pets live longer ....................................................................................9.09% What are the main benefits preventive plans provide for the health of the pet?

Early disease diagnosis ....................................................................13.64% Vaccine compliance ...........................................................................12.50% Annual lab work ...................................................................................11.36% Exams ......................................................................................................10.23% Dental health ........................................................................................7.95%


What are the main benefits preventive plans provide for the health and success of your clinic?

A reliable income for the clinic, revenue.................................... 21.59% Promotes customer loyalty ..............................................................18.18% Increased compliance .......................................................................9.09% Drives more client visits ....................................................................7.95% Catching diseases early ....................................................................2.27% What are the main reasons you don’t offer preventive plans?

17% NO

Difficult to administrate, administrative work required ............20.11% Clients are not asking for it ..............................................................5.03% Not sure how to structure plans .....................................................4.47% Haven’t given it enough thought ...................................................2.79% Clients have a negative opinion of it ............................................2.23% Costs .......................................................................................................2.23% Practice too small ................................................................................1.68%

nov ember/december 2 0 1 4


PET OWNER HIGHLIGHTS Are you currently using a preventive plan for your pet?

If your veterinarian began to offer preventive plans, what kinds of things would you like to see included in an annual plan?

Vaccinations...........................................................................................21.76% Dental cleaning.....................................................................................15.90% Blood work.............................................................................................9.21%


Please indicate the reasons why you are not currently using a preventive plan:


I haven’t heard about them...............................................................33.04% I don’t want another monthly payment.........................................25.00% Why not just come in from time to time for care........................21.43% I don’t think I’m interested in them.................................................9.83% My veterinary clinic doesn’t offer them.........................................6.25% I wouldn’t want a plan tied to a single clinic................................4.46% Monthly Amount Willing to Pay 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%




EDUCATION HAS THE POWER TO BRING CLARITY TO THE LOVE OR MONEY CONFLICT Pet owners want to know how to best care for their pets. They want to make informed decisions about pet care. They also want to look for ways to optimize their pet’s health while reducing their monthly expenses. Good health and wise budgeting don’t have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, the right preventive plan might be just the answer. Just as a pet owner wants to be able to plan for monthly pet care expenses, they also want to do whatever is in their power to reduce the number of unplanned pet care expenses they might have. Clearly today, these plans are not sufficiently understood to make a pet owner want to sign up for one. ARE VETERINARIANS INTERESTED IN CLOSING THE PREVENTIVE PLAN UNDERSTANDING GAP? The question that needs to be asked and answered is do veterinarians want to spend the time and collective educational resource to teach pet owners about the benefits of preventive plans? Would a preventive plan improve a veterinarian’s ability to help keep pets healthier and to help pet owners reduce unanticipated pet care expenses? THE JURY IS OUT FOR VETERINARIANS AS WELL AS PET OWNERS While significant education is needed for pet owners, it’s also needed by the veterinary community. It will be difficult to get pet owners to understand preventive plans if there is not a fairly broad-based agreement in the veterinary medical community on what the best practice is for these plans and how to construct, administer and offer them to their pet owners. THE VERBATIM SURVEY RESULTS TELL A VERY INTERESTING STORY By delving deeper into the preventive care survey results, we believe there is the ability to better understand what’s causing confusion for the pet owner and how to best resolve that confusion. Just take a look at these eight verbatim responses from pet owners when asked about preventive plans:


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1. I would consider something like this with a new pup 2. We used an Annual Preventive Care Plan last year, but found it too expensive and it didn’t cover visits for illness, injury, surgery, etc. 3. Vet care is expensive, I don’t want going to the vet to be a sales pitch for unnecessary work, I want them to be medical professionals who are compassionate and caring and don’t make you feel guilty if you can’t afford all they recommend. 4. Since I do not give my dog annual vaccines it would be nice to offer other services as options. 5. Might be fine for pet owners but not breeders. 6. I would do anything to ensure a happy healthy life for my pets within my means. We try to give our pets the proper care. 7. I think these plans are a good idea. Not sure my vet will ever offer them but I have heard favorable comments from people. 8. I love my vet. If I didn’t have so many animals, I would definitely consider the preventive care plans. PARTING THOUGHT While the survey revealed a number of fascinating results on the state of the preventive care market and preventive plans, it was clear that some veterinarians are disheartened by the perceived complexity of administering these plans. Others are skeptical that the plans will really change owner behavior in a meaningful way. However, the survey notes that a clear majority of veterinarians understand and believe in the value of preventive plans– for their business, and for the pets they look after. WANT TO KNOW THE LITTLE DETAILS AND THE AD HOC INSIGHTS THIS SURVEY PROVIDES? Download the complete survey results at http://carecap.com/ preventive-plan-survey-results. This article was prepared by the team at CareCap. CareCap streamlines and automates billing and collections, making it possible to offer inexpensive financing to clients, while decreasing your administrative overhead. They can be reached at (888) 992-8889.

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2014 Conference Recap by Angela Lehman, DVM


early six hundred conference-goers and guests converged on Yakima for the 2014 Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference & Trade Show. Thursday morning the WSVMA Executive Board met to conduct, among other business, an intensive discussion and brainstorming session for Strategic Planning. The Washington State Animal Health Foundation also convened and installed two members into open trustee positions – Dr. Lisa Dzyban was elected to fill a one-year vacancy and Dr. David Gill was elected to serve a five-year term. A four-year trustee position remains unfilled and the Foundation welcomes nominations. Alongside many stellar lectures from thirty-three speakers in both small and large animal medicine, some of the topics at this year’s conference attracted nearly standing-room-only crowds. A few of the subjects which proved especially popular over the weekend included Marijuana as a Therapy and Marijuana Toxicity; multiple lectures in both small and large animal behavior; a day-long series of presentations in Communications led by Dr. Richard DeBowes; and updates in technology and navigating social media. In between


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sessions, attendees milled around amongst nearly sixty exhibitor booths at the trade show. It was nearly impossible to leave the conference empty-handed. Exhibitors at the trade show offered eye-catching tote bags, free samples and information on exciting new products. Attendees who placed an order with a vendor onsite earned a chance to win a complimentary voucher towards next year’s conference. Participants who completed the exhibitor scavenger hunt were placed in a drawing to win prizes including a new iPad Air. Still others could bid their way to a gourmet gift basket full of tempting wines, regional delicacies, cookbooks, and more at the silent auction – all for a good cause, the WSVMA Past Presidents’ Scholarship Fund. A shining few even received recognition for their dedication to the veterinary community at the Awards Banquet. If nothing else, at the end of the weekend conference-goers headed home with a few new tricks up their sleeves and a few more days spent in the company of friends and colleagues old and new. We thank everyone who joined us, and we can’t wait to see you again next year!

Saturday evening the Exhibit Hall transformed into a festive venue for the annual WSVMA Awards Banquet. In accordance with this year’s theme, many guests donned their western duds before tucking in to a barbecue dinner with all the fixings. Current WSVMA President Dr. Jocelyn Woodd graced the podium to lead the celebration.


Attendees stop and chat in the convention center.

Dr. Erin Hicks (l) presented the Veterinarian of the Year award to Dr. Richard DeBowes (r).

Suzanne Kurtz, PhD is the recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Achievement award.

Dr. Julie Cary (l) recipient of the WSU Faculty of the Year award, with presenter Dr. Sue Wedam (r).

Anyone who has met Dr. Richard DeBowes will not be surprised that he was awarded Veterinarian of the Year. As a principal figure in the foundation of the Cougar Orientation Leadership Experience for incoming freshmen at the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, which has since gone global in the form of the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience, Dr. DeBowes has introduced the concept of servant leadership into the veterinary profession as a standard rather than a suggestion. Those who know Dr. DeBowes will not hesitate to call him teacher, colleague, and friend; and yet, the titles of husband and father are the ones that bring him the most pride. In a nod to the many new frontiers of communication, Suzanne Kurtz, PhD, graciously accepted the Distinguished Achievement Award long distance via Skype. This is perhaps fitting for a woman whose pioneering work in the field of clinical communication in human medicine has spanned not only decades but also the globe. Dr. Kurtz generously parlayed her expertise into the veterinary field and has bettered the lives of countless veterinarians and veterinary students as both a clinical professor and Director of the Clinical Communications Program at Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. “Distinguished” hardly begins to describe the many amazing achievements for which Dr. Kurtz deserves to be recognized. Several awards presented Saturday evening shared a common theme, that of communication and its importance to the veterinary profession. Dr. Julie Cary humbly accepted the WSU Faculty of the Year Award for her ardent dedication to the veterinary students at the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Not only a well-respected equine surgeon and criticalist, Dr. Cary is a clinical associate professor within the college and co-director of the ground-breaking Clinical Communications Program. In addition, Dr. Cary holds a prestigious postgraduate credential in teaching competency from the University of Dundee and serves as the founding administrator of the invaluable Clinical Simulation Center. Dr. Cary’s tireless devotion ensures her students’ success.

WSVMA Past Presidents present at the conference: Front Row: Left to right: Dr. Clark Fobian (AVMA Immed. Past president), Dr. Jerry Gemar, Dr. Jocelynn Woodd, Dr. Sandy Willis, Dr. Reilly Glore, Dr. Kit Wenrick. Back Row: Left to right: Dr. Jim McCutchan, Dr. John Cannon, Dr. Warwick Bayly, Dr. Jerry Pospisil, Dr. Harmon Rogers.

nov ember/december 2 0 1 4


An emotional acceptance followed as the Distinguished Veterinary Staff Award was given to Christina “Rae” Thompson, LVT. Ms. Thompson, a technician and assistant hospital manager at VCA Central Kitsap Animal Hospital in Poulsbo, recently received national recognition by the VCA organization over thousands of other candidates to participate in a new Technician Development Group. In her daily work she routinely goes above and beyond, earning her dozens of glowing comments from her co-workers which were read aloud during her heartfelt nomination. On accepting her award, Ms. Thompson took a moment to remind us all that a few words of gratitude go a long way when working with hospital support staff.

Attendees chat up one another at the WSU reception.

The Humane Animal Welfare Award was bestowed on Judith Piper, founder and Executive Director of Old Dog Haven. With the help of her husband, Lee, and a network of volunteers and foster families throughout western Washington, Judith finds both temporary and Final Refuge homes for senior dogs who would otherwise end up in shelters. Although Ms. Piper was unable to accept this award in person, her presence was felt via a deeply moving video montage featuring some of the pets who have benefited from her care. Since 2007, Judith has helped to give over one thousand senior dogs a chance to live out their golden years in a loving home. It never ceases to amaze how many shining stars we meet in our profession every day. Let us remember to take a few minutes to appreciate those who make our lives a little better and brighter – and be sure to keep them in mind for next year’s nominations.

Dr. Jocelyn Woodd, outgoing WSVMA president, enjoys the auction.

Our valued exhibitors enjoy Happy Hour and auction fun.

Christina “Rae” Thompson (r), winner of the Distinguished Veterinary Staff award (r) hugs Dr. Kathy Hickey.


w a s h i ngton ve te ri nari an

Keynote On Saturday morning, a room-full of conference-goers squeezed in shoulder-toshoulder to listen to a pair of lectures on livestock handling and behavior presented by Dr. Temple Grandin. Her presentations are inspiring for many reasons, not least of which is the fact that a mother’s vigilance and hours of intensive speech therapy during childhood may be the only reason that she is able to speak at all. Dr. Grandin’s mild autism has shaped her view of the world and allowed her to understand animal emotions and behavior in a way few others do. As members of the veterinary profession, we would be remiss to pass up any opportunity to learn from her experience. Dr. Grandin began the morning with a lecture on keeping livestock calm during handling. Animal emotions are real, and any fearful experiences can have a measurable impact on animal welfare and productivity. Lacking a verbal thought process, animals form memories based on sensory experiences such as a visual or auditory stimulus perceived at the same time as a painful or aversive one. Any sensory cues related to pain will induce fear with subsequent exposure. Conversely, conditioning an animal to equate certain objects or sounds with a food reward, or decreasing potential environmental stressors, can actually improve such parameters as weight gain, reproduction, and overall health. When handling livestock, Dr. Grandin advised her audience, “Be observant.” Handlers should be able to utilize body language to “read” their animals in stressful situations. The unique sensory adaptations of farm animals influence the way they respond to their environments in a predictable way. Farm animals are known to possess dichromatic vision – as opposed to our trichromatic vision – which makes them more susceptible to fear of shadows and sudden movements. They are also highly sensitive to certain noises, especially highpitched sounds and yelling or whistling from human handlers. Sudden loud or startling noises can cause stress, although continuous background noises, machinery, or noises used in conditioning such as a horn calling cattle in to feed can be used without inducing fear. Based on these keen observations, Dr. Grandin has put much effort into designing equipment for livestock handling that reduces stress by decreasing visual and auditory stimuli. Dr. Grandin recommends that ramps and chutes be constructed with solid walls – on at least one, if not both sides – to block distractions such as nearby handlers, trucks, shadows or moving chains. Similarly, diffuse lighting can be used to reduce dark corners or shadows in

an animal’s path or in a crowded pen. At this time Dr. Grandin’s designs are being utilized to process half the cattle in the U.S. and Canadian beef industries alone. Dr. Grandin followed up with a second session on the role of animal welfare in livestock management. She is a devout believer that “you manage what you measure.” Admittedly it can be difficult to quantify a “proper” way to handle an animal, but a general rule will work for any situation. In a moment of levity between sessions, she quipped, “If this will look bad on YouTube, don’t do it.” She went on to explain that two of the most critical mistakes a livestock manager can make are to understaff a facility or to overwork the animal handlers. For a more precise and evidencebased explanation on proper animal handling techniques, Dr. Grandin offers resources on her website, www.grandin.com.

Dr. Temple Grandin stops to pose with conference attendees.

Later that evening during the Awards Banquet, Dr. Grandin expanded on the idea that animal emotion plays an integral role in understanding behavior and handling of all animals. She gave several insightful suggestions for reducing fearful encounters in both small and large animal medicine. For instance, small animal clinicians should instruct dog owners to bring a bathmat from home to prevent slipping on a smooth floor or exam table. Providing a familiar article from the dog’s daily environment will also help keep it calm. Similarly, a horse who is fearful of enclosed spaces or has never been introduced to a barn prior to a veterinary visit should be examined outdoors to reduce stress. A calm animal will be much easier to handle, and in the long run such measures will actually increase efficiency. Dr. Grandin closed the evening with a Q & A session, as well as hinting at the intriguing role that genetics play in predisposing specific breeds to certain emotional responses, and the dangers of overbreeding for certain traits. For many who attended the 2014 Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference, the opportunity to see and hear Dr. Temple Grandin speak – and even to meet her in person – stands out as a highlight of the weekend. Her work serves as a reminder that something as daunting as childhood autism can turn out to be an opportunity to view a situation from a new perspective, leading to innovations we could never otherwise foresee.

— Angela Lehman is a small animal practitioner in Spokane. She can be reached at vetgirl82@gmail.com.

Dr. Temple Grandin enthralls the audience with her knowledge of animal welfare and handling.

nov ember/december 2 0 1 4


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Relief Bank

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Dr. Jessica Allmendinger UC Davis, ‘08 SA Medicine and Surgery,ER (day only) Greater Seattle Area (530) 220-3868 jlallmendinger@gmail.com

Dr. Stacy Chartrand WCVM ‘01 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery and Emergency and Critical Care Greater Seattle and Eastside (206) 445-9994 stacychartrand@gmail.com

Dr. Brian Hur WSU ‘11 SA, Medicine/Surgery/Dentistry, ER/CC Greater Seattle Area (206) 856-0928 brian.hur@gmail.com

Dr. Cheryl Meyers MSU ‘96 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery & Dentistry Greater Puget Sound area (206) 683-0685 cherylmeyers101@gmail.com

Dr. Sonia Amador Ross and Cornell ‘03 SA General Medicine Surgery, and ER (day/night) Greater Seattle area, 7 days (206) 369-5308 Healerfox2@gmail.com

Dr. Leah Cloud WSU ‘05 SA Medicine King County (425) 223-7618 leahclouddvm@gmail.com

Dr. Julie Janiak Colorado State University ‘07 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery, Emergency and Acupuncture Internship trained Greater Spokane Area and nearby counties (970) 420-9556 jagej@hotmail.com

Dr. Gary Miller WSU ’84 SA & MA WA, OR, Northern ID, Western MT (509) 248-7398 millerg@bossig.com

Dr. Douglas Anderson WSU ‘94 (360) 249-3550 doug270@gmail.com Dr. Veeda Angell WSU ‘04 SA/MA King, Snohomish, Pierce and Thurston Cos. (509) 432-3225 vangell_dvm@hotmail.com Dr. Janice Anthony WSU, ‘03 Small Animal Medicine King and neighboring counties Short notice OK jaadvm@cs.com Dr. Bela Belle Tufts ‘97 ER, SA Medicine/Surgery, PT (425) 770-3193 Dr. Evelyn Bittner MSU ’91 SA Medicine/Surgery Greater Seattle & Eastside area (206) 301-0580 evelynbittner@comcast.net Dr. Frank Bousaid TAMU ‘95 SA, Acupuncture/Chinese Herbal Therapy Eastern Washington including Wenatchee, Moses Lake, Spokane (206) 683-3770 snohobear@gmail.com Dr. Kimber C. Brawley KSU ‘89 SA & Exotics, Medicine/Surgery, some Orthopedics King & Snohomish (425) 367-1288 docb333@aol.com Dr. Jon Bruhn Purdue, ‘81 SA Medicine and Surgery Snohomish and King Counties (425) 478-4073 purduevet81@gmail.com Dr. Emily Buddenhagen Oklahoma St., ‘13 SA Medicine Within 30 miles of Puyallup (918) 706-0528 emhowland87@gmail.com Dr. Teri Byrd WSU, ‘91 SA Medicine Seattle- Eastside, North (808) 866-0420 teribyrd@hotmail.com

Dr. Patricia Dorsey IL ‘84 Cats and Dogs (253) 851-8234 (Gig Harbor) reliefvet@dorsey.cotse.net Dr. Leah Ferguson Kansas State, ‘02 SAl medicine and surgery Snohomish and King counties (503) 380-4810 leah.jia@gmail.com Dr. Robyn Fry WSU ‘06 SA Medicine King & nearby Counties (425) 244-5776 robyndvm@gmail.com Dr. Tracy Fuelleman MIN ‘89 SA Medicine Greater Puget Sound area (206) 361-8009 tracydvm@hotmail.com Dr. Catherine Gamber Texas A&M 2011 Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, ER, Exotics Greater Seattle Area (281) 352-3987 catherine.gamber@gmail.com Dr. Emma Harvey Edinburgh, Scotland ‘12 SA medicine & surgery, Food animal, equine, exotics Anywhere in WA, Short Notice OK (206) 601-0620 emmarosefiala@gmail.com Dr. Lee Harris WSU, 1974 Pierce, Snohomish and King Counties Small Animal Medicine with Surgery (253) 569-5360 dr.harris@pacificcrestvets.com Dr. David Hildreth MO ‘70 Small Animal (360) 914-1234 dhildr9770@aol.com Dr. William D. Hougham UCD ‘75 SA Surgery and Medicine South King County and Pierce County (360) 825-1981 drbilldvm@gmail.com Dr. Elizabeth Hughs STG ‘09 SA (206) 992-1730 elizabeth.hughs@gmail.com

Dr. Emily Jewell Liverpool ‘98 SA General Medicine & Surgery Seattle and surrounding, Walla Walla and surrounding (206) 579-1012 eajewell@hotmail.com Dr. Kathy Johnson Ohio State `83 SA Snohomish & South Skagit (360) 659-7252 katherine@earthlink.net Dr. Rebecca Johnson OSU / WSU ‘94 SA Medicine Greater Puget Sound area (206) 230-8002 reliefdoc@comcast.net Dr. Darlene King WSU ‘98 Snohomish and King County area (425) 344-7996 dnmking@yahoo.com Dr. Cynthia Knapp Ohio State ‘98 SA North King and South Snohomish Counties cyn.knapp@comcast.net Dr. Kathleen Koppa WSU ‘07 SA Medicine and Surgery King and Snohomish Counties (425) 495-2626 kkoppa@yahoo.com Dr. Lori Maness Tufts, ‘92 Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish Counties (307) 277-8819 Maness.lori@gmail.com Dr. Regina Mansfield WSU ‘85 SA Medicine SE King/ NE Pierce (360) 825-6753 regina.scott.m@gmail.com Dr. Alina McClain Ross ‘06 SA, Ultrasound, Soft Tissue Surgery Northern Western Washington to Seattle Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and some Sat/Sun (360) 682-6216, (614) 563-9914 ndcrud42@yahoo.com

Dr. Sue Moriyasu WSU ‘02 SA, high volume spay/neuter King & nearby counties (425) 830-2784 sue.moriyasu@gmail.com Dr. Kathryn Okawa WSU ‘81 SA, Small mammals (425) 870-7088 okawak@aol.com Dr. Sarah Jane Owens Tufts ‘02 Small Animal, Equine, and Exotics Within 2.5 hours of greater Seattle (206) 661-6005 sarahowens@hotmail.com Dr. Pamela Powell WSU ‘82 SA, ER, HQHV spay-neuter WA, ID, OR. Short notice OK. (253) 229-7816 pamvetdr@aol.com Dr. Chanelle Remien Ross and Purdue, ‘11 SA with surgical, emergency and some mixed animal experience North King County and all of Snohomish County. (509) 607-0850 Drchanelledvm@gmail.com Dr. L. Louise Rutter Cambridge, England ‘95 SA Medicine and Surgery relief work King County, Lake Washington area (425) 999 6765 louiserutter1000@gmail.com Dr. Michael Ryan WSU ‘84 SA Medicine and Surgery Kitsap and West Sound region (360) 830-4911 ryanserv@msn.com Dr. Aja Senestraro WSU, ‘14 SA, LA, some exotics, Integrative medicine Tumwater to Bellingham (425) 492-0323 SeatoSkyVet@gmail.com Dr. Timarie Simmons OK State ‘98 Small Animal Medicine/Surgery and Some Exotics Greater Seattle and Statewide Options (703) 606-3300 timariedvm@yahoo.com

Dr. Heather Smith WSU ‘03 SA Medicine/Surgery, Exotics (small mammals) North King/South Snohomish counties (425) 501-8008 heatherlosmith@yahoo.com Dr. Hank Snelgrove, CVA UCD ‘81 Integrative Small Animal Practice: medicine, dentistry, surgery, acupuncture, and TCVM herbal therapy Olympic and Kitsap Peninsulas and Central and Western Washington (360) 301-0096 tsetsibus@olympus.net Dr. Mary Sprague WSU ‘89 SA Medicine King, S. Snohomish Counties (425) 880-4073 dr.sprague@cablespeed.com Dr. Priscilla Stockner Min ’70 King, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties. (360) 926-8371 or (360) 420-3717 priscillastockner@mac.com Dr. Michael Stone OSU ‘99 SA,ER, Medicine/Surgery (253) 988-1200 nwdvmrelief@gmail.com Dr. Melissa Walker Cornell ‘04 SA Medicine and Surgery, Integrative Medicine Greater Seattle Area (206) 595-2382 mwalkerdvm@gmail.com Dr. Karen Wichert WSU ‘89 SA Medicine and Surgery Snohomish, King Counties (425) 312-3376 karen.wichert.dvm@gmail.com Dr. Evelyn Wilson, WSU ‘90, ABVP canine & feline med. Small animal medicine, surgery, dentistry, E.R. and exotics Snohomish, King, Skagit and Whatcom counties. (360) 631-2400 evwilsonvet@wavecable.com Dr. Heather Woodke WSU 2002 small animal medicine, surgery, ER, mobile small ruminant Western Washington (509) 990-8854 woodkemagpie@comcast.net Dr. Michelle Zachry Purdue ‘02 SA, Medicine/Surgery/Dentistry, ER/ CC, Public Health/Food, Shelter King County and surrounding areas (425) 654-3521 reliablevetrelief@gmail.com Dr. Sharon Zito UC Davis, 1984 SA Medicine Seattle/King County Area 3 or more days in a row (619) 733-6875 s.zito@yahoo.com

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Ads for the Jan/Feb 2015 issue of the WSVMA Classifieds will be accepted until Nov. 30, 2014. No refunds or changes will be allowed after the deadline has passed. The WSVMA WA Veterinarian Magazine and WSVMA Classifieds are sent to all WSVMA members.


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Jan/Feb 2015 • Nov. 30, 2014


DVM Wanted, Western Washington

unbeatable benefits, and the opportunity to grow in your career. Please email Danielle.andrews@banfield.net for more information.

VCA Five Corners Animal Hospital in beautiful Seattle, WA is seeking a highly experienced veterinarian to lead our busy, AAHA-accredited, 24hour emergency practice as Medical Director. Please contact Ben Kelley at ben.kelley@vca.com or at (206) 243-2982 for more information.

DVM Wanted, Eastern Washington

Full-time veterinarian wanted for busy small animal hospital in Port Angeles. Do you absolutely love being a vet? Will you get down on the floor to say hi to a dog or pick up and hold the small dog or cat that comes in? Do cats allow you to handle them with minimal restraint? Do you easily connect with owners personally and achieve compliance for the best possible health care? Are you able to handle a busy workload with unexpected drop-ins or emergencies and still find time to complete the charts and call back in a timely manner? Are you looking for something a little different? Please email resume to saradutrow@olympicveterinaryclinic. com. PT Associate need in Kent, WA. Bring your experience to our family oriented team practice. We supply a great environment to practice medicine and surgery, offering digital radiographs, surgical monitoring and experienced staff. Contact affordavet@affordavetac.com. VCA Redwood Animal Hospital is seeking an experience Associate Veterinarian to join our busy, 6-doctor small animal practice in Redmond, WA. Ultrasound, endoscopy, digital radiography, in-house lab. Competitive compensation and benefits. Please contact Johanna Baldwin at johanna.baldwin@vca.com. www. vcahospitals.com/redwood Chief of Staff (COS) Veterinarian needed for a progressive, small animal clinic in Puyallup. This 2 doctor Banfield Pet Hospital is excited to welcome a leader (and 3rd veterinarian) to the team! The COS works to ensure the highest quality of veterinary care, exceptional client service and maximum productivity of the veterinary team and partners with the Practice Manager to create a safe and effective hospital environment, improving both medical quality and business performance of the hospital. This position requires 2 years clinical and 6 months leadership experience and offers a generous benefits package + competitive pay. We also have associate positions available in Puyallup and Lacey. Please email Danielle.andrews@banfield.net. AAHA ER practice in North Puget Sound looking for confident and skilled veterinarian. We offer competitive salary base on production, generous benefits, and a great staff to work with. Contact Carrie Farmer at cfarmer@diamondvet.com or (425) 252-1106. Feline-only practice: FT/PT DVM. Busy, wellestablished clinic looking for a cat person with strong communication skills, a sense of humor, and the ability to work well under pressure. Leave the barking, drooling, and wrestling behind. p.gawley@comcast.net . Banfield Pet Hospital is growing and seeking a fulltime Associate Veterinarian to join our hospital in Seattle and a part-time Associate Veterinarian to join our hospital in Issaquah! Our hospitals are fullservice, companion animal hospitals and boast in-house labs, digital x-ray, high speed dental equipment, fluid pumps, and the largest data base of evidenced based medicine in the industry. We offer competitive pay, CE,

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FT SA Associate Veterinarian needed for a busy, long-established, 2nd generation Spokane practice. Non-corporate, family atmosphere. Strong surgical & orthopedic case-load. Stable, loyal staff with little turnover. Needing an associate with 3+ years’ experience, confident with good diagnostic, procedural & surgical skills. Rotating schedule with full medical, professional & CE benefits. Vstreet80@hotmail.com at Five Mile Pet Clinic. Licensed Veterinarian - New Grads Welcome (TriCities, WA) - Very fast paced, growing veterinary clinic with room for advancement and great rewards. We are a clinic that is outside of the box, forward thinking with advanced technologies and pay well (veterinarians are mostly under paid and I want to change that). We are in the process of building a new technologically advanced brick and mortar clinic and currently have 3 mobile units in place now with over 5000 clients and are currently the number one mobile clinic in the United States. We presently work out of our facility located on the outskirts of Tri-Cities Washington offering a variety of services. We are open 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday thru Saturday and offer 24/7 emergencies. We service small and large animals with compassion and without compromise. We offer equine reproduction, digital X-Rays and much, much more. If you are under paid, hungry for excitement and want to make a change or are a new Grad and want to learn and grow with us, you need to call Jeff at (509) 492-1577 or fax your resume to (509) 627-6216.

DVM Wanted, Out-of-State Multi-doctor practice in the Central Valley of CA; progressive, small animal hospital that offers digital radiography, in-house ultrasounds, digital dental equipment, daily surgeries, canine rehabilitation unit including laser therapy and hydrotherapy, in-house laboratory; support staff to veterinarian ratio high; we have a well-established and loyal client base. Pro-Sal with generous base. Learn more www.montevistavet. com. Email resumes to sara@montevistavet.com. Associate veterinarian wanted for busy 6-vet hospital in beautiful Southeast Alaska. Experience preferred but not required. Competitive salary/benefits. For more information visit us at www.seavets.com or phone Tracye at (907) 789-7551.

Practice for Sale or Lease Want to buy an established practice for FREE? Ideal opportunity for start-up. Take over 20-year practice for lease payment only. Excellent north Seattle location. Great freeway access. (206) 999-2909 or ahealingvet@ comcast.net Oregon, Linn County – 2-story SA hospital with RE on corner lot, Willamette Valley. Gross income of >$330K. (OR2) (800) 636-4740, info@psbroker.com, www. psbroker.com.

Find More Classified Ads Online at wsvma.org California, Fresno County – Profitable 2,500 sf SA with RE. 2-exam rooms. San Joaquin Valley. (CA7) (800) 636-4740, info@psbroker.com, www.psbroker.com. OREGON – NEW LISTING: Growing area! Highly profitable, 3+ DVM, SA practice. Grossed nearly $1,700,000 in 2013. Potential for $150,000+ to buyer after debt. Faciltiy has 5000 SF, leashold. Practice price $1,650,000. Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LOR62) ALASKA – Southern Region - CONSIDERING ALL OFFERS: Alaskan beauty, outdoor recreation. Highly profitable, 1 DVM, SA practice. Leasehold. Grossed $390k+ in 2013. Potential for $165k+ to buyer after debt pymts. Asking price $275,000/make offer. Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LAK06)

of our team, please email your resume Attention: Marisa at manager.upvh@gmail.com.

Technician Wanted Practice Sales Brokerage or Practice Buyer Representation. Increase profitability and Practice Sales price with Management Consulting. Practice Valuation and Employment contracts, buy-sells, startups, litigation support, representation before license board. Contact Karl Salzsieder, DVM, JD, AVA, (360) 5778115 or karl@salzsiederlaw.com.

Relief Technician Available

WA – S. Puget Sound, 1 DVM, great location w/RE on busy 4 lane. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com

Vet Tech Services – Let our experienced LVT’s keep your hospital running at full capacity. Please call Virginia Jones, LVT at (425) 330-5234

WA – NEW, East of Seattle – Two Cat clinics each in busy shopping center, high demographics. One Rev. 300k. Second one 700k. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com

WSAVT Career Center

N. of Seattle, WA – Awesome 3,581 SF building for sale or lease, 1 DVM Practice. Needs jump start, financing available. Practice only, $50k sale price. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com SE AK – 1 DVM SA practice, leasehold. High profit and great recreation area. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 6361228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com NV – SA practice & RE. Outside Reno, Rev. 300k to 400k (2014). Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com (Under Contract)

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Homestreet Bank............................................................. 18 Kitsap Bank........................................................................... 7 Simmons & Associates Northwest.............................. 9

OR – East of Portland. SA, some mixed, high rec. area. Rev. Over 500k. Beautiful facility included w/ Practice. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@ TPSGsales.com

Summit Veterinary Referral........................ Back Cover

Two Practices - near Portland, OR –High net, SA high tech 2 vet $700k rev. One w/real estate one leasehold. For details, contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com

WSU......................................................................................... 9

to view additional job opportunities.

Seattle Veterinary Specialists........................................ 5 Total Practice Solutions Group................................... 18

OR – NEW LISTING! Central OR. SA 1 DVM over 400k gross rev. Leasehold. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com ID – Eastern ID. Practice and RE w/ Residence in the practice. Room to grow, in beautiful ID. $375,000 total package. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@ TPSGsales.com WA – Great Income! Good practice S. of Seattle. Long term practice, on 4 ¼ day work week. Owner retiring. Nearly 400k rev. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com

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nov ember/december 2 0 1 4


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