Jan/Feb 2016 Volume 10 • Issue 1
DID YOU KNOW? The magazine will make it's official online premier in 2016.
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Washington State Veterinary Medical Association wsvma.org
2 4 5 6
ON POINT Highlights from WSVMA Board of Directors meetings.
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Remembering our 'Why.'
NEWSWIRE The latest veterinary news in Washington State.
STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE How the new strategic management system is working.
Cover Story
WSVMA SURVEY ON VETERINARY COMPOUNDING Timely results from Washington State veterinarians.
How to navigate a controversial topic.
15 16
RELIEF VETS In-state directory of available relief veterinarians.
CLASSIFIEDS Career & practice listings.
Jan/Feb 2016 • Volume 10 • Issue 1
Highlights from WSVMA Board of Directors Meetings
A Washington State Veterinary Medical Association Publication
The following are highlights of the last two WSVMA Board of Directors meetings held on October 26, 2015 and December 3, 2015.
Editorial & Publications Committee
•• The 2014-15 year-end financial report is positive, largely due to the success of the Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference. The Conference brought in 40% more conference attendees, due to the move to Tacoma. Attendees and vendors came from 19 states and from as far away as Australia and Great Britain. Cost management was also a factor in the success. •• A new task force will be formed to evaluate different models of membership. •• Drs. Diana Thomé and Michael Anderson have been talking to newer graduates to find out what they would want for support from WSVMA. •• With a focus on increased student interaction, Dr. Paul DeMaris will be visiting students at WSU (including MSU and USU) and OSU. •• The WSVMA continues to engage with the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission about compounding in veterinary practice. •• Information sheets on marijuana for veterinarians and clients are forthcoming. •• The topic for the new VetMed Matters Conference will be Spay-Neuter and will examine timing, risks and benefits, and new methods and tools for privately owned pets and shelter-owned animals. •• The magazine format will be moving online to be more relevant. Newswire, the weekly bulletin about news affecting Washington veterinarians will become Washington Veterinarian Weekly. •• Drs. Daniel DeWeert, Donald Kelts, William Testerman and Randolph Valentine were approved for WSVMA Life Membership. •• On-line CE Portal—A new member benefit will be offered in January. Members will be able to access hundreds of hours of on-demand CE, many of them free lectures, offered through the World Veterinary Association. •• The WSVMA Policy manual is under review. Most policies will need minor amendments due to the new Bylaws and Board changes. Policies addressing committees that have been sunset will need to be rescinded.
Dr. Richard DeBowes Dr. John Cannon Dr. Angela Lehman Dr. Jim McCutchan Dr. Saundra Willis
Editorial Comments & Contributions Please send all comments and/or contributions to:
Washington Veterinarian Magazine 8024 Bracken Place SE Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Tel (425) 396-3191 Toll Free (800) 399-7862 Fax (425) 396-3192 info@wsvma.org Editorial comments and contributions must be received no later than the first day of the month prior to publication. Publication months are January, March, May, July, September, and November each year.
Please refer to the Classifieds Section for classified advertising details, rates, and deadlines. For commercial advertising rates and deadlines, please contact the WSVMA office at (425) 396-3191 or info@wsvma.org
Magazine Template by Breightly breightly.com
WSVMA Board of Directors Executive Vice President Candace Joy
President Lisa Parshley, DVM
Vice President Katherine Hickey, DVM
Secretary Diane Pinkers, DVM
Treasurer Jerry Gemar, DVM
Directors: Michael Anderson, DVM Paul DeMaris, DVM Diana Thomé, DVM
AVMA Rena Carlson-Lammers, DVM Kim Nicholas, DVM Saundra Willis, DVM
Candace Joy is the Executive Vice President of the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association. She can be reached at candacejoy@wsvma.org
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Bd. of Directors, Dist. XI Rep. Delegate Alternate Delegate
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Remembering Our 'Why' convinced that my name would not be on the class list. Somehow over the spring and summer I had become convinced that my acceptance was a mistake. That the school official would say “Um…I don’t see your name on the list, why are you here?” But obviously that didn’t happen. When my name was found on the class list it was overwhelming, just like when I received the letter of acceptance. A moment of pure elation mixed with excitement. Everything from there on out was pure joy. Do you remember your veterinary school orientation? The excitement as you stood in line to pick up your information packet. Or meeting classmates for the first time, some of whom would become family. Listening to speakers all day as they fed everyone’s excitement. The day had a general celebratory feeling. Do you remember? Why am I focused on a day that, for most of us, lives only in the past? Because I have noticed the further we get from school the easier it is for our job to become just a job. This is a reflection of the world in which we work. A world where we are required to balance family and work while paying our bills. As life piles on new responsibilities and stresses it can slowly, almost imperceptibly, leach the shine off being a veterinarian. Perhaps by remembering orientation day we can be reminded of why we became veterinarians. Maybe then it will be easier to get up in the morning or the middle of the night to go to work. Because you will remember that you’re not going to work but to your calling. Maybe it can help give back some of your pride at being a veterinarian. Reminding all of us that we need to give back to our profession in order to keep it a great profession. For me, time has stolen some of the details from my orientation day. Still, two things stick out; the emotions of the day and one particular speaker’s message. Bear with me as I relate this day. Oh yeah, the emotions are fresh and vivid. They can still make me smile and tear up all these years later. For example, as I walked up to the desk to get my orientation packet I was
During the many presentations, we were warmly welcomed to the profession and veterinary school. But it was the short simple presentation by our state veterinary medical association president that has stuck with me over the years. He came near the end of the presentations for the day. When he walked up to the podium at first he just stood looking at us. After all the rousing speeches this initial silence caught our attention. Maybe his silence lasted only a few seconds but it woke us more thoroughly than a loud voice. When he finally spoke his words, they shot right to our hearts and stayed there for years. Here is what he said. “Being a veterinarian will be the best and yet hardest thing we will do. When our careers are over they will end with an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and contentment. We must never forget that it is and was a privilege to be a veterinarian. And that with privilege comes responsibility. To be entrusted with the care of an animal or food source is a sacred trust. A trust we must endeavor to never break. It will be our responsibility to protect and nurture our profession. Veterinary medicine will give us so much over the years, therefore it will in turn be our responsibility to give back to this amazing profession.” Simple words, a short message really, but with these words he passed us a torch. Granted, my emotions likely gave his words a greater impact but they still resonate in my heart. They make getting up every morning less of a chore and most days I still feel the same joy as hearing my name was on the class list.
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I cannot help but echo those wise words from long ago; we are privileged to be veterinarians. We have been entrusted with a sacred responsibility not only to our patients but to our profession. If veterinarians do not stand up and take care of our profession, others will do it for us. It essentially comes down to who is better to guide the veterinary profession, veterinarians, corporations or the government? There are many ways to serve our profession. One of the easiest is donating time, any amount will do, to the veterinary medical association of your choice. Why a professional association? Veterinary medical associations do most of the work for our profession. They make sure our profession is nurtured and protected and our professional standards are maintained. They achieve this through many means not the least of which include advocacy and education. Through advocacy, veterinary medicine has representation in our society. Education ensures we have access to state of the art information to continue our professional growth. Associations are for the most part powered by members of a profession. Thus volunteering will ensure that an associations will continue doing the work of the profession. In this age of growing corporate and political pressures, having a voice is critical. When your life and work gives you time, think of volunteering and give back to our profession. Next time when you are having trouble getting out of bed for work, try remembering that first day of veterinary school. It might give back a little shine to veterinary medicine. When you’re stretched thin between family and work, remember that work-life-balance also requires a love of job. When you think back to why you became a veterinarian you might be reminded of your love of this profession.
Agriculture, and University of Washington Center for One Health Research, has developed a brochure on the use of antimicrobials in veterinary practice. The new Judicious Use of Antimicrobials brochure, developed for veterinarians includes key information to help practitioners prescribe antibiotics wisely. It also includes tips for communicating with clients, especially when prescribing antibiotics is not warranted. The brochure is included in this issue and can be downloaded from the WSVMA website under Hot Topics/Judicious Use of Antimicrobials.
Jefferson County cat positive for rabies A two-year old pet cat in Jefferson County died from rabies in November. The cat bit its owner and a veterinary technician, and a shelter worker who was monitoring the cat under quarantine was exposed to the cat’s saliva. All were encouraged to begin postexposure rabies shots. While in quarantine, the cat became ill and died. Public health officials say it’s possible the cat hadn’t received all its vaccinations and likely caught the disease when it came into contact with a bat.
Veterinary Newswire The Latest Veterinary News in Washington State
WSVMA Guide to Animal Health Care Tasks and Supervision Levels updated to reflect changes in Washington Administrative Code WSVMA’s handy guide to the list of tasks and supervision levels for licensed veterinary technicians (LVTs) and unregistered assistants has been updated for 2016. In December, the Veterinary Board of Governors amended the rule, WAC 246-935050 Animal Health Care Tasks, to require LVTs to administer biologics for rabies and other diseases listed under WAC 16-42026(1) under direct supervision rather than indirect supervision previously allowed. The change was made so that the WA Department of Health’s rule agrees with the WA Department of Agriculture’s rule, WAC 16.42.026. This exclusive member Guide is included in this print issue of the magazine for posting in members’ veterinary practices.
New member benefit! New CE web portal offering hundreds of hours of free or very low cost CE The WSVMA has joined the World Continuing Education Alliance, an international consortium and aggregator that has made hundreds of on-line high-
quality continuing veterinary education programs exclusively available for WSVMA members. All CE programs are either free or at very low cost and they’re RACE-Approved so they can be used towards your license renewal. As required by Washington state law, all on-demand CE programs will come with the required test at the end, and when completed successfully, a certificate will be generated. Ten hours of self-study are allowed in a renewing period. Speakers come from local, national and international sources including several veterinary colleges. In addition to obtaining first-rate CE, members will be able to use the portal to track and maintain your complete CE history, regardless of where it was taken. Members will receive an introductory email with an invitation to join. Registration only takes five minutes and content will be delivered within 24 hours. For more information, please contact the WSVMA office at (800) 399-7862.
Judicious Use of Antimicrobials brochure The WSVMA, in partnership with the Washington State Department of Health, Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, Washington State Department of
WSVMA 2016 Awards nominations At WSVMA’s Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference on October 8, 2016 in Spokane, the WSVMA will present awards to those that have contributed significantly to the veterinary profession in Washington. The 2015 awards that will be presented include Veterinarian of the Year, Distinguished Achievement, WSU Faculty Member of the Year, Distinguished Veterinary Staff, Humane Animal Welfare, Recent Grad and Allied Industry. Please submit nominations to the WSVMA office using the enclosed form no later than April 1, 2016.
In memoriam Dr. Stephen Uhler, graduate of WSU College of Veterinary Medicine, passed away November 2015 at the age of 67. After graduation, Dr. Uhler practiced in both Arizona and Nevada prior to coming to Washington in 1976. He owned a small animal practice in Aberdeen for 17 years, and then in 1993, he and his family moved to Puyallup and joined Sumner Veterinary Hospital. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be sent to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, 230 E. Ohio St., Suite 304, Chicago, IL 60611-3201.
january /february 2 0 16
Strategic Plan Update he WSVMA Board of Directors has completed their first year under the new strategic management system. As they cross objectives off the strategic plan, new ones have been developed for the upcoming year. Read what they have to say about how it’s working.
DR. MICHAEL ANDERSON Our goal is to build trust between the WSVMA and all Washington veterinarians, the public they serve and the animals in their care, and to be the pre-eminent platform for honest discourse concerning both topics upon which all can agree and those upon which there is disagreement. The goal is the betterment of the well-being of animals, the safety of the public, and the health and well-being of the veterinarians of Washington. Communication was my initial assignment with this vision, connecting animal issues to Washington veterinarians, owners, regulators and legislators. Communication needs to be the clearinghouse of Washington-centric, timely, filtered, easily and readily accessible information.
Additionally, it should be the hub to reference materials, people, businesses and agencies. During the past 12-18 months, the WSVMA has focused on this vision and has brought you significant changes in content and delivery and we’ll continue to adapt to the communication needs of its members and the public. I am looking forward to the coming assignments of outreach and assisting new graduates.
DR. PAUL DEMARIS The purpose of the objective on membership models is to look at new ways to present our dues and offer value to our members. We want to change the structure to appeal to potential members and improve value to members. Going from individual to practicerelated forms of membership will be evaluated. Our goal is to improve the value of membership and to keep dues reasonable for everyone. We are going to support veterinary students and show them the benefits of our Association. We will meet with students and offer them support during school and throughout their careers. To encourage them
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to be involved so that their needs can be addressed now and later as they become our colleagues. We offer mentorship, financial planning and at the conference will have a job fair. Involvement now will lead to involvement later and we need this to learn about their ideas.
DR. KATHY HICKEY The WSVMA has committed to advocate for Washington Veterinarians with the many pharmacy issues currently affecting our field. We have actively commented on and are monitoring the FDA’s new Compounding Guidelines, in addition to following the Fairness to Pet Owners Act and FDA ruling regarding Ketamine availability. We will continue to provide education and updates regarding pharmacy matters as they arise. As the WSVMA strives to be transparent to our members, we are also evaluating the best ways to communicate and seek feedback, in order to accurately represent ALL veterinarians in Washington State, including those in rural locations and/or without active local veterinary associations.
Our goal is to build trust between the WSVMA and all Washington veterinarians, the public they serve and the animals in their care...
Strategic objectives for the coming year: MEMBERSHIP
»» Evaluate membership models by August 2016
»» Establish a New Grad academy »» Improve student interaction (personal and Association) WSU, OSU, MSU, USU
»» Transparency/Board communication
»» Address pharmacy issues pertinent
to the practice of veterinary medicine
»» Establish new committee for Vetmed Matters Conference
»» Pharmacy – CE »» Regional outreach and Focus Groups
to membership
»» Pharmacy – Info sheets for members »» Marijuana info sheets for veterinarians and clients
DR. DIANE PINKERS My goals for our plan for the year are to complete a Marijuana Information sheet for both clients and veterinarians, informing them of the legal and medical aspects of marijuana use in pets. That will be completed shortly. An ongoing project is to improve transparency of the board to the membership—we want you to know what we are doing, and to be active in feedback. We are YOUR organization, and we want the veterinarians in Washington State to be informed of issues that affect their medical and business practices. As part of that endeavor, we will be setting up short meetings in areas of the state that have no local representation, to introduce ourselves to veterinarians, understand what concerns you have, and promote membership in our organization.
DR. DIANA THOMÉ Advocacy for Washington veterinarians is one of the most important objectives of the WSVMA. Over the last year, the WSVMA has worked with the Veterinary Board of Governors to outline a new standard for the veterinary-patient-client-relationship that we feel is fair to veterinarians across species and specialties. We have worked closely with the Pharmacy Commission to both identify and resolve issues arising from the increasing use of human pharmacies to fill medications. We are also playing an integral role in the development of new standards for compounding. The WSVMA successfully blocked a King County initiative to mandate reporting of companion animal Rabies vaccination records. To prevent future efforts similar to this, the WSVMA worked with the Veterinary Board of Governors to make the Rabies certificate part of the confidential medical record.
Strategic objectives accomplished within the last year: ++ Stopped potential mandatory
reporting of rabies vaccines in Washington counties.
++ Implemented a new leadership
program for young veterinarians. The WSVMA Power of Ten Leadership Academy started in November.
++ Addressed the issue of declawing by surveying members and developing resources.
++ Review and add content to the
WSVMA website. Added sections on animal disease alerts, food recalls, judicious use of antimicrobials, the new Veterinary feed Directive, and more.
++ Worked with the Pharmacy
Commission to address medication errors by pharmacists.
++ Designed new program for members
to study industry issues in depth. The first VetMed Matters Conference is being planned for April.
++ Reviewed WA Veterinarian magazine for continued viability in its current format.
++ Increased funding to the WSVMA Political Action Committee (PAC).
++ Opened up membership for practice managers and staff.
++ Evaluated and updated technological needs at the WSVMA office.
++ Added videoconferencing service to facilitate meetings and webinars.
++ Continued with the development
of an app for the Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference.
january /february 2 0 16
WSVMA Survey on
he WSVMA recently conducted a member survey to gather input on how compounded drugs are used in veterinary practice. The survey was intended to inform us as we communicate with both the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the Washington Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) as both agencies are engaged in adopting new regulations for compounded drugs that could negatively affect veterinary medicine.
Prompted by the recent tragedies at compounding pharmacies in Massachusetts and Florida, the Washington legislature passed a bill requiring that conditions must meet minimum practice and quality standards known as USP 795 (non-sterile) and 797 (sterile) when compounding drugs. Washington Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission is currently drafting rules to adhere to the new law, which could further affect how drugs are compounded in non-pharmacy or veterinary practice sites.
The FDA contends that compounding from bulk drug substances (i.e., active pharmaceutical ingredients) for animals has been and continues to be illegal. The AVMA has been in active discussions with the federal agency, soliciting input from members and submitting comments on Draft Guidance #230. Our compounding survey was useful in that it also provided crucial information that the WSVMA submitted to the FDA.
The WSVMA is actively engaged with PQAC on this issue, alerting them to compounding needs unique to veterinary practice, and the results of this survey is providing them critical information while they continue the rule-making process.
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Survey results indicated that compounding is viewed as critical by a majority of veterinarians in Washington State. In fact, 93% of the 178 Washington veterinarians who responded to the survey indicated that having access to compounded medications was very important (83%) or important (10%) to their practice. Additionally, 76% of veterinarians surveyed stated it is very important (55%) or important (21%) to their patients’ health and medical outcomes to maintain office stock of compounded medications and 76% of veterinarians stated that a requirement for patientspecific prescriptions of compounded medication negatively (41%) or significantly negatively (35%) impacted their ability to practice. Veterinarians in Washington State frequently prescribe compounded medications that are not available as FDA-approved medications for non-food animals and in some cases, humans. They rely on compounding for medications that are not commercially available, as well as to provide improved routes of administration and costeffectiveness. Many of our patients, particularly small dogs, cats or exotic patients, will not tolerate medications as commercially available. Having the ability to compound in appropriate strengths and routes of administration (i.e. oral liquid suspensions, flavored chews, and/or transdermal solutions) is critical for our clients to safely and properly administer medications to their patients. Some medications, such as Cisapride, which have been removed from the human market, significantly improve the quality of life of our patients and are only available via compounding routes. Emergency clinics face a particular challenge, with the need for instock compounded medications such as injectable Apomorphine for inducing nausea after toxin exposure or foreign body ingestion,
How important is it to the health and medical outcomes of your patients to maintain office stock of compounded medications?
other 24%
important 21%
very important 55%
Prazosin for urethral relaxation in emergency urethral obstruction in cats, Ursodiol for improving bile flow in cases of liver and gall bladder inflammation, and Fomepizole for Tylenol(Acetaminophen) toxicities. Large animal veterinarians rely on compounded Ponazuril for deworming in non-food animals and compounded NSAIDs, such as Phenylbutazone, for equine patients. Many medications have been unavailable or on backorder in the recent past and having a compounded option, including for inhospital use, is invaluable. Examples include Diazepam for seizuring pets, antibiotics such as Doxycycline for rickettsial infections or respiratory infections, analgesics, nebulization solutions, chemotherapeutics, and many other medications. We have attached a compiled survey-collected list of frequently-prescribed compounded medications, highlighting those which veterinarians feel should be allowed to be kept as office stock for urgent and emergent needs, as opposed to those for which a prescription could be provided. As a result of these indications, 76% of Washington veterinarians surveyed stated that they would dispense a compounded medication from office stock daily or weekly if the law allowed. They do see the importance of regulated compounding pharmacies, however, and 52% are comfortable prescribing three days’ worth of medication from their office stock until the client can obtain a prescription from a compounding pharmacy, while 55% are comfortable prescribing five to seven days’ worth of medication. This time period varies pending a clinic’s location to a compounding pharmacy and taking into account preparation and shipping times, as well as weekends and holidays.
How would a requirement for patient-specific prescriptions of compounded medication impact your ability to practice?
other 24%
significantly negatively 35%
negatively 41%
Because some veterinarians do not have ready access to compounding pharmacies and taking into account that USP standards are not feasible or practical for the majority of veterinarians, 64% of Washington veterinarians surveyed stated that they strongly agreed (45%) or moderately agreed (19%) that veterinarians and employees who compound for “their own use” administration for patients should be exempt from USP requirements. With respect to bulk drugs, our veterinarians were not specifically surveyed, but separate discussion has indicated that many medications, such as Methimazole for hyperthyroidism, the antibiotic Marbofloxacin, and Cyclosporine ophthalmic solution for Dry Eye, cannot be produced from FDA-approved products without clients purchasing the product from a veterinarian and transporting it to the pharmacist themselves for compounding. This is time-cumbersome for clients; many small patients will not tolerate the palatability of such preparations, and many clients will not be able to financially afford the medication. Having to provide a justification on the prescription for use of bulk drugs is tedious and time-intensive, not to mention unclear as to what will classify as a “clinical difference.” Will inability to administer without aggression or inability for a client to financially afford medications compounded from FDA-approved products classify as a “clinical difference?” There is no precedence for this rule and human prescriptions are held by a different, but lesser standard. We would ask why the GFI has animal prescriptions held to an increased stringency compared to those of humans.
The following is a list of compounded drugs commonly used by Washington State veterinarians. According to our survey, the drugs highlighted are compounded drugs that our members believe must be allowed to keep as office stock for use for urgent and emergent needs, as opposed to those for which a prescription could be provided.
ANESTHETICS/SEDATIVES: Acepromazine, Ketamine, Xylazine, Reserpine (equine), Ketamine/Xylazine/Butorphanol (camelids) ANTITUSSIVE: Hydrocodone, Torbugesic elixir BEHAVIOR/PSYCH: Clomipramine, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Amitryptiline NSAIDS: Phenylbutazone, Meloxicam, Diclofenac(Surpass- equine) ANTICONVULSANTS: Potassium Bromide, Diazepam, Levetiracetam, Zonisamide, Phenobarbital (injectable) ANTIFUNGALS: Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Carbimazole, Famciclovir, Griseofulvin ANTIHISTAMINES: Hydroxyzine, Chlorpheniramine
ANTIBIOTICS: Minocycline, Doxycycline, Metronidazole, Enrofloxacin, Marbofloxacin, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Chloramphenicol, Sulfa-based antibiotics, Tylosin, Clindamycin, Dilution of injectable antibiotics with water, saline, or alcohol for aquatics
GASTROINTESTINAL: Famotidine, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Mirtazapine, Cisapride, Apomorphine, Cyproheptadine, Ondansetron, Amforal
ANALGESICS: Tramadol, Buprenorphine (standard or sustained release), Gabapentin, Codeine
RENAL/URINARY: Prazosin, DES, Phenoxybenzamine, Aluminum Hydroxide, Calcitriol, Bethanechol, Tamsulosin, Losartan, Diethylstilbestrol(DES)
CARDIAC/VASCULAR: Enalapril, Benazepril, Amlodipine, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Glycopyrrolate, Pimobendan, Atenolol,
STEROIDS/IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS: Prednisone(inj), Prednisone(oral), Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Triamcinolone, Cyclosporine (oral), Apoquel (generic), Budesonide, Mycophenolate, Stanozolol, Trichlormethiazide/ Dexamethasone (Naquasone) CHEMOTHERAPEUTICS: Lomustine, Cyclophosphamide, Chlorambucil, Melphalan, L-Asparaginase USE IN TOXICITIES: Calcium EDTA, DMSA (Succimer), Fomepizole RESPIRATORY: Sildenafil, Nebulization solutions (acetylcystine, terbutaline, dexamethasone), Theophylline OPHTHALMICS: Tacrolimus, Cyclosporine, Diclofenac, Ofloxacin, Terramycin, Morphine, Chloramphenicol OTICS: Antibiotic/Antifungal/Steroid preparations OTHER: Ursodiol, Methimazole, Trilostane, Anal gland infusion ointments, Potassium Phosphate for IV solution, Methocarbamol, SAM-E, Insulin, Chlorhexidine solutions, Avermectin, Ponazuril, Aminocaproic acid, Calcium gluconate, Pergolide, Coloring added to Formalin for external parasite treatment in aquatic
Nikki Nitz, CPA, CMA l Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 l www.simmonsinc.com l northwest@simmonsinc.com
How Much Do You Charge to Declaw a Cat? by Wendy Hauser, DVM
he practice of surgically de-clawing cats has become a controversial topic. Veterinarians are faced with clients that threaten relinquishment or abandonment of cats if the surgery is not performed. An opposing viewpoint is offered by an increasing number of anti-declawing activists that feel the procedure causes mutilation of the cat and is inhumane. These activists, passionate about their cause, have become very aggressive toward veterinary hospitals that provide declawing services. In August, 2015 the AMVF’s “America’s Favorite Veterinarian” contest was abruptly cancelled, due to the vicious cyberbullying of competition finalists by anti-declawing activists. The cyber-bullying included “the circulation of fraudulent negative advertisements, negative reviews, and threatening phone calls” according to a press release by the American Veterinary Medical Foundation1 . More recently, veterinarians in the Salt Lake City area have had their hospitals actively picketed by anti-declawing activists. These hospitals have been targeted when activists have called, price shopping declaw services. When a price was quoted, the activists appeared the next day to picket at the hospital locations. How can hospitals avoid becoming targets of unwanted and unwelcome negative publicity? Two clear solutions exist: evaluation of
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services offered and how those services are presented by your team to clients/prospective clients.
Does Your Hospital Routinely Evaluate the Services it Offers? As a practice owner, I critically examined how and why I offered services on an annual basis. There were procedures that were “purposefully abandoned” when they failed to meet the criteria listed below: •• Does the service offered fit with our culture? In other words, do we feel good about performing this service? •• Does the service offered provide a clear benefit to the client and the patient? •• Is the service offered in a manner that meets or exceeds best practices medicine? •• Does the service offered make good financial sense? https://www.avma.org/News/PressRoom/Pages/Americas-Favorite-VeterinarianContest-halted-due-to-cyber-bullying-finalists-to-be-honored-collectively.aspx 1
The result of this exercise allowed my hospital to focus on meeting client needs as well as allowing my team to be true to their collective values. Due to the positive outcomes that my hospital experienced, I routinely undertake this exercise with my consulting clients.
How Does Your Team Convey the Value of the Services You Offer? One of the services that I offer as part of my consulting practice is a competitive market analysis. This in part involves calling practices that are either geographically or philosophically similar to my client’s hospital. While most hospitals score very well on their initial phone greeting, the quality of the dialog quickly deteriorates. The primary challenge is that the customer
service representative (CSR) works to establish a transactional as opposed to a relational interaction.
motivated to schedule an appointment. Please see the box below for the components and an example of a relational interaction.
A transactional interaction is devoid of a personal connection and is characterized by the caller asking a question, and the CSR replying in terms of what the price of the services are. There is no attempt to establish common ground with the caller and typically no attempt to schedule an appointment. The caller is left feeling underwhelmed and unimpressed. A relational interaction is one in which the CSR works to establish rapport with the caller. The caller feels that the CSR and by extension the hospital, truly cares about them and their pet. They feel validated in their decision to call this hospital and experience a sense of connection. They are
Wendy Hauser, DVM, a small animal practitioner for 26 years has been an associate, practice owner and has enjoyed a successful practice sale. In January 2015 Dr. Hauser left her position as a Technical Services Veterinarian to establish Peak Veterinary Consulting (www. peakveterinaryconsulting.com). She is highly engaged in AAHA in both new initiatives and leadership and was responsible for helping design and facilitate Colorado VMA’s Power of Ten, a recent graduate leadership academy. The recently published co-author of “The Veterinarian’s Guide to Healthy Pet Plans”, she enjoys consulting with hospitals and presenting workshops on hospital culture, leadership, client relations and operations.
Relational Interaction Example •• They ask what the caller’s name is and use it in the conversation. •• “Mrs. Smith, thanks for calling ABC Animal Hospital today. How may I help you?” •• The CSR asks about the pet and further personalizes the conversation using the pet’s name: “Mrs. Smith, we love cats and Leo sounds like a character. I look forward to meeting both of you.” •• The CSR explains services in terms of the value that they bring to the client and the pet, not what they cost. •• “Mrs. Smith, I am happy that you called today asking about dental services for Leo. At ABC Animal Hospital our dental treatments are comprehensive in nature. The dental procedure starts with a complete blood panel evaluation, so that our doctors can individually tailor the anesthesia to Leo’s needs. It includes a complete pre-anesthetic physical examination as well as a veterinary technician dedicated to Leo for the entire day, including monitoring him while he is anesthetized and during the recovery period and personalized anesthetic protocols. A second veterinary technician will act as his dental hygienist, cleaning and polishing his teeth and taking x-rays of all of his teeth. She will also record any
abnormalities seen on a dental chart. The doctor will evaluate the x-rays and examine Leo’s mouth. If there are any concerns about problems with his teeth or gums, the doctor will call and discuss recommendations with you. Leo will go home later in the day during a scheduled discharge appointment, where we will review the dental chart and x-rays with you. We will also discuss any special care Leo needs. What questions do you have for me, Mrs. Smith?” •• The CSR asks for a commitment. •• “Mrs. Smith, we would love to help Leo live a long and healthy life. We can schedule Leo for a new patient examination today at 3:00 PM. How does that sound?” As veterinary professionals, we face increasing competition for our client’s attention and resources. I believe that the most important position, and most difficult, is that of your front desk team. They are the gatekeepers of your practice and their communication skills and style are the first impression of your hospital that a prospective client will form. Investing in their training by providing guidelines and tools, and continuing to train your entire health care team to interact with clients in a relational manner increases not only client satisfaction and retention, but workplace happiness as well.
“How Much is a Declaw?” Relational interactions are a key strategy in the prevention of becoming the target of unwanted negative attention. By training your front desk team to promote the value of the service, as opposed to quoting a price, you are depriving the anti-declawing activists the ammunition that they need to attack your hospital. Formulate a scripted statement and train every team member that answers the phone about the importance in following this protocol. In the case of a request for a price quote for a surgical declaw, the CSR should explain that some information is needed. Obtain the caller’s name and the pet’s name. Ask why they want the surgical procedure performed. A scripted response might sound like: “Mrs. Brown, thanks for calling ABC Animal Hospital today. I understand that you are interested in having your cat, Puzzles, declawed because your husband is on blood thinners and you are afraid that Puzzles will scratch him and cause problems for your husband. The decision to declaw Puzzles is a complex one and will
require a frank discussion with one of our doctors. May I schedule an appointment for you and Puzzles?” In Salt Lake City, the callers’ persisted in attempting to obtain a price for declawing a cat. It is critical that your team has a ready answer for continued pressure for a price quote: “Mrs. Brown, I am sorry that I am unable to quote a price for a declawing surgery. As I have explained, this is a complicated discussion and is one that the doctors have requested to have with clients.” A possible outcome might be the direct question “So you do perform declaws at your hospital?” In this case, a reply could be: “Mrs. Brown, that involved decision is between the client and the doctor and is based on the medical needs of the patient. May I schedule an appointment for you and Puzzles?”
january /february 2 0 16
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Relief Bank Dr. Jessica Allmendinger UC Davis, ‘08 SA Medicine and Surgery,ER (day only) Greater Seattle Area (530) 220-3868 jlallmendinger@gmail.com Dr. Sonia Amador Ross and Cornell ‘03 SA General Medicine Surgery, and ER Greater Seattle area, 7 days (206) 369-5308 healerfox1@gmail.com
Dr. Patricia Dorsey IL ‘84 Cats and Dogs (253) 851-8234 (Gig Harbor) reliefvet@dorsey.cotse.net Dr. Leah Ferguson Kansas State, ‘02 SAl medicine and surgery Snohomish and King counties (503) 380-4810 leah.jia@gmail.com
Dr. Douglas Anderson WSU ‘94 (360) 249-3550 doug270@gmail.com
Dr. Tracy Fuelleman MIN ‘89 SA Medicine Greater Puget Sound area (206) 361-8009 tracydvm@hotmail.com
Dr. Veeda Angell WSU ‘04 SA/MA King, Snohomish, Pierce and Thurston Cos. (509) 432-3225 vangell_dvm@hotmail.com
Dr. Catherine Gamber Texas A&M 2011 Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, ER, Exotics Greater Seattle Area (281) 352-3987 catherine.gamber@gmail.com
Dr. Janice Anthony WSU, ‘03 Small Animal Medicine King and neighboring counties Short notice OK jaadvm@cs.com
Dr. Michelle Gengler ISU, ‘05 Small Animal North King and Snohomish County Short notice OK (206) 920-0219 genglerdvm@gmail.com
Dr. Bela Belle Tufts ‘97 ER, SA Medicine/Surgery, PT (425) 770-3193 Dr. Evelyn Bittner MSU ’91 SA Medicine/Surgery Greater Seattle & Eastside area (206) 301-0580 evelynbittner@comcast.net Dr. Frank Bousaid TAMU ‘95 SA, Acupuncture/Chinese Herbal Therapy Eastern Washington including Wenatchee, Moses Lake, Spokane (206) 683-3770 snohobear@gmail.com Dr. Kimber C. Brawley KSU ‘89 SA & Exotics, Medicine/Surgery, some Orthopedics King & Snohomish (425) 367-1288 docb333@aol.com Dr. Erika Cantamessa WSU, ‘06 SA and exotic pet medicine Adams, Grant and Spokane Counties (509) 660-0234 Erika_18@hotmail.com Dr. Shauna Carroll UC Davis, ‘93 SA Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry South and Central King/N. Pierce Counties (206) 434-7418 scarrolldvm@gmail.com Dr. Stacy Chartrand WCVM ‘01 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery and Emergency and Critical Care Greater Seattle and Eastside (206) 445-9994 stacychartrand@gmail.com Dr. Leah Cloud WSU ‘05 SA Medicine King County (425)223-7618 leahclouddvm@gmail.com
Dr. Emma Harvey Edinburgh, Scotland ‘12 SA medicine & surgery, Food animal, equine, exotics Anywhere in WA, Short Notice OK (206) 601-0620 emmarosefiala@gmail.com Dr. Lee Harris WSU, 1974 Pierce, Snohomish and King Counties Small Animal Medicine with Surgery (253) 569-5360 dr.harris@pacificcrestvets.com Dr. David Hildreth MO ‘70 Small Animal (360) 914-1234 dhildr9770@aol.com Dr. Elizabeth Hughs STG ‘09 SA (206) 992-1730 elizabeth.hughs@gmail.com Dr. Brian Hur WSU ‘11 SA, Medicine/Surgery/Dentistry, ER/ CC Greater Seattle Area (206) 856-0928 brian.hur@gmail.com Dr. Julie Janiak Colorado State University ‘07 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery, Emergency and Acupuncture Internship trained Greater Spokane Area and nearby counties (970) 420-9556 jagej@hotmail.com Dr. Emily Jewell Liverpool ‘98 SA General Medicine & Surgery Seattle and surrounding, Walla Walla and surrounding (206) 579-1012 eajewell@hotmail.com
Do You Want to Be in the WSVMA Relief Bank? All you have to do is email or fax your information to the WSVMA offices. If you are a current WSVMA member, your ad is free! Contact classifieds@wsvma.org or fax to (425) 396-3192 to get your ad started!
Dr. Kathy Johnson Ohio State `83 SA Snohomish & South Skagit (360) 659-7252 katherine@earthlink.net
Dr. Gary Miller WSU ’84 SA & MA WA, OR, Northern ID, Western MT (509) 248-7398 millerg@bossig.com
Dr. Mary Sprague WSU ‘89 SA Medicine King, S. Snohomish Counties (425) 880-4073 dr.sprague@cablespeed.com
Dr. Rebecca Johnson OSU / WSU ‘94 SA Medicine Greater Puget Sound area (206) 719-2056 reliefdoc@comcast.net
Dr. Sue Moriyasu WSU ‘02 SA, high volume spay/neuter King & nearby counties (425) 830-2784 sue.moriyasu@gmail.com
Dr. Priscilla Stockner Min ’70 King, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties. (360) 926-8371 or (360) 420-3717 priscillastockner@mac.com
Dr. Darlene King WSU ‘98 Snohomish and King County area (425) 344-7996 dnmking@yahoo.com
Dr. Kathryn Okawa WSU ‘81 SA, Small mammals (425) 870-7088 okawak@aol.com
Dr. Cynthia Knapp Ohio State ‘98 SA, ER Medicine/Surgery North King and South Snohomish Counties cyn.knapp@comcast.net
Dr. Sarah Jane Owens Tufts ‘02 Small Animal, Equine, and Exotics Within 2.5 hours of greater Seattle (206) 661-6005 sarahowens@hotmail.com
Dr. Stephanie Stoegbauer VA Polytechnic ‘07 SA medicine and surgery King County (206) 465-3902 steph.rawlinson@gmail.com
Dr. Kathleen Koppa WSU ‘07 SA Medicine and Surgery King and Snohomish Counties (425) 495-2626 kkoppa@yahoo.com
Dr. Pamela Powell WSU ‘82 SA, ER, HQHV spay-neuter WA, ID, OR. Short notice OK. (253) 229-7816 pamvetdr@aol.com
Dr. Peggy Vogt Auburn, 2000 SA Medicine & Surgery Seattle to Olympia (253) 686-2048 pevdvm@comcast.net
Dr. Jamelyn Kyser University of Georgia ‘10 SA ER/CC (cats, dogs) King, Snohomish, Pierce counties for multiple/consecutive shifts, farther WA and CA considered drkyser@gmail.com
Dr. L. Louise Rutter Cambridge, England ‘95 SA Medicine and Surgery relief work King County, Lake Washington area (425) 999 6765 louiserutter1000@gmail.com
Dr. Melissa Walker Cornell ‘04 SA Medicine and Surgery, Integrative Medicine Greater Seattle Area (206) 595-2382 mwalkerdvm@gmail.com
Dr. Lori Maness Tufts, ‘92 Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish Counties (307) 277-8819 Maness.lori@gmail.com Dr. Kira MacKinnon (Dr. Mac) Ross ‘06 References available SA medicine, surgery, dentistry, ER Spokane, Stevens County (928) 580-8819 (text, call or email) knmdvm@gmail.com Dr. Alina McClain Ross ‘06 SA, Ultrasound, Soft Tissue Surgery Northern Western Washington to Seattle Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and some Sat/Sun (360) 682-6216, (614) 563-9914 ndcrud42@yahoo.com Dr. Julianne Meisner Edinburgh '11 SA, strong background in medicine and dermatology; Saturdays only Greater Seattle (860) 805-0029 meisner.julianne@gmail.com www.juliannemeisner-reliefvet.com for more information and references Dr. Heidi Miller Missouri, ‘99 Medicine, dentistry, surgery Greater Seattle area (206) 739-8170 Heidimiller01@hotmail.com Dr. Cheryl Meyers MSU ‘96 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery & Dentistry Greater Puget Sound area (206) 683-0685 cherylmeyers101@gmail.com
Dr. Michael Ryan WSU ‘84 SA Medicine and Surgery Kitsap and West Sound region (360)830-4911 ryanserv@msn.com Dr. Aja Senestraro WSU, ‘14 SA, LA, some exotics, Integrative medicine Tumwater to Bellingham (425) 492-0323 SeatoSkyVet@gmail.com Dr. Amy Small Glasgow ‘88 SA Medicine/Surgery Central and Eastern Washington & Idaho (509) 420-3554 (text or leave message) amysv1@yahoo.com Dr. Timarie Simmons OK State ‘98 Small Animal Medicine/Surgery and Some Exotics Greater Seattle and Statewide Options (703) 606-3300 timariedvm@yahoo.com Dr. Heather Smith WSU ‘03 SA Medicine/Surgery, Exotics (small mammals) North King/South Snohomish counties (425) 501-8008 heatherlosmith@yahoo.com Dr. Hank Snelgrove, CVA UCD ‘81 Integrative Small Animal Practice: medicine, dentistry, surgery, acupuncture, and TCVM herbal therapy Olympic and Kitsap Peninsulas and Central and Western Washington (360) 301-0096 tsetsibus@gmail.com
Dr. Michael Stone OSU ‘99 SA,ER, Medicine/Surgery (253) 988-1200 nwdvmrelief@gmail.com
Dr. Shelby Watson MN ‘02 Kitsap Peninsula (360) 473-6260 swatson@wavecable.com Dr. Karen Wichert WSU ‘89 SA Medicine and Surgery Snohomish, King Counties (425) 312-3376 karen.wichert.dvm@gmail.com Dr. Evelyn Wilson WSU ‘90, ABVP canine & feline med. Small animal medicine, surgery, dentistry, E.R. and exotics Snohomish, King, Skagit and Whatcom counties. (360) 631-2400 evwilsonvet@wavecable.com Dr. Heather Woodke WSU 2002 small animal medicine, surgery, ER, mobile small ruminant Western Washington (509) 990-8854 woodkemagpie@comcast.net Dr. Michelle Zachry Purdue ‘02 SA, Medicine/Surgery/Dentistry, ER/ CC, Public Health/Food, Shelter King County and surrounding areas (425) 654-3521 reliablevetrelief@gmail.com Dr. Sharon Zito UC Davis, 1984 SA Medicine Seattle/King County Area 3 or more days in a row (619) 733-6875 s.zito@yahoo.com
Classifieds DVM Wanted, Western Washington
WSVMA 2016 Classified Advertising Rates WSVMA Members First 30 words Each additional word WSVMA Blind Box (one-time fee)
$65.00 $1.00 $10.00
No charge for contact information. Rates are for two months on the website. Non-Members First 30 words Each additional word WSVMA Blind Box (one-time fee)
$115.00 $ 1.50 $ 10.00
No charge for contact information. Rates are for two months on the website. Classified ad forms are available upon request. Call (800) 399-7862 or (425) 396-3191 or email classifieds@wsvma.org. No refunds or changes will be allowed after the deadline has passed. The WSVMA WA Veterinarian Magazine and WSVMA Classifieds are sent to all WSVMA members. More Information For further information on classified advertising, please contact: WSVMA Office (800) 399-7862 or (425) 396-3191 classifieds@wsvma.org
DVM Wanted, King-Pierce-Snohomish Counties PT experienced veterinarian wanted for a growing, AAHA accredited, small animal practice in West Seattle. Greentree Animal Hospital focuses on exceptional communication skills, highest quality of medicine and building relationships with clients and patients. Competitive salary, benefits, fulfilling work environment. Flexible schedule allowing focus on professional development and life balance. Email gahdirector@ gmail.com. Full-time/Part-time associate veterinarian wanted for a well-established privately owned small animal practice in Everett. Well-equipped hospital with IDEXX blood machines and digital radiography. Fun, friendly work environment and staff. Competitive salary with production bonuses, medical. and CE. (425) 258-2444 or everettvet@ gmail.com. Full-time Veterinarian wanted for an independently owned, 2-vet, neighborhood practice in Greenwood (North Seattle). Dedicated staff, owner and clientele. Full benefits. Salary DOE. Send resume and cover letter to debscheuerman@ msn.com.
Full-time position available for a small animal veterinarian in a thriving 3 doctor practice, located in beautiful Anacortes, WA. Our hospital focuses on progressive medicine and surgery, with a small town, family=oriented feel. Great clients and strong support staff allow us to practice with a high standard of care. Excellent mentorship available for new grad. Well-equipped hospital, with paperless records, digital radiology, full lab, K-laser, etc. Generous production based pay and full benefit package, including IRA, medical, vacation, and extra CE allowance. No on call and limited weekend hours. Please reply to famc@ fidalgovets.com with resume. Orchards Veterinary Clinic in Vancouver, WA is seeking FT and PT associates for a small animal, 4-doctor practice. Must be driven, compassionate, have strong communication skills and enjoy a fast paced environment. Compensation based on experience great rotating schedule, vacation, CE, etc. Send resume to ovcjobs@ rocketmail.com. DVM wanted PT/FT – Google’s highest rated hospital in Lacey! No nights, weekends, emergencies. Ownership potential. Non-chain in 17th year, healthy growth (up 18%+ in 2015.) Fun, dedicated team. Resume to pjsommerville@ comcast.net. www.cvhps.com Self-motivated, large animal associate veterinarian wanted to help grow equine portion of a large mixed animal hospital in beautiful NW Washington. Our practice was started in 1950; we are proud to say that the doctors and excellent support staff remain dedicated to providing quality care for all species. We currently have 12 doctors on staff with a support team of 28 which includes 6 licensed veterinary technicians. Many of our team members have been employed by KVH more than ten years. The hospital is equipped for laser surgery, therapeutic laser, digital radiography, endoscopy, ultrasound, dentals and in house laboratory. KVH is located in Washington where there are many trails and parks for bicycling and hiking, skiing and snowboarding at Mt. Baker, water adventures like whale watching, salt and fresh water fishing, arts and theater and more. Applicant must be productive, equine oriented and willing to work and be supportive in a mixed large animal practice. It will be essential to have effective communication skills with the KVH team and clients. We are looking for the individual that is interested in growing the practice while working well with our team. Please send cover letter, resume and reference list to pbergmann@kulshanvet.com Growing practice looking to add a new associate veterinarian tour awesome team. We are a 2 site practice with 5 DVMs and support staff of 15. Open to new grads or experienced associates. Special interests a plus (already serve avian, exotics, pocket pets and TCVM patients). Contact stephanie@chimcacumvet.com with resume –
w a s h i ngton ve te ri nari an
see our website at chimacumvet.com for more information about us. Experienced PT SA veterinarian wanted for Vancouver, WA. 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 days weekly. Well equipped, comfortable practice. No emergencies, half day Saturdays. Contact Roy Velardi at vancvethosp@aol.com.
DVM Wanted, Eastern Washington FT SA Associate Veterinarian needed for a busy, long established, 2nd generation Spokane Practice. Non-corporate, family atmosphere. Strong surgical & orthopedic caseload. Stable, loyal staff with little turnover. Looking for an associate with at least 3 years experience. Needing a confident associate, with good diagnostic, procedural & surgical skills. Rotating schedule with retirement, medical, professional & CE benefits. vstreet80@hotmail.com at Five Mile Pet Clinic.
Practice for Sale or Lease North Seattle – Spay & Neuter Clinic. Established in 1972. Solid book of business with a loyal client base, owner retiring after 43 years. $120,000 negotiable. Opportunity exists for Veterinary Partnership, interested Vets. inquire. Contact Chris Kunnen at (206) 409-3244 or kunnenc@gmail.com. OREGON – Portland - AMAZING!! Investment opportunity-Portland area!! Profitable, SA, 1.5 DVM practice. $100k+ income after debt. PLUS rental properties & income in booming market. Entire package (Px, RE, Rental Properties) priced at $2,540,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LOR64) OREGON – Eastern Oregon/Southern Idaho - ATTRACTIVE!! Beautiful location in Eastern Oregon/Southern Idaho. Grossed $630k+ in 2014 with $100k to buyer after debt. Spacious, 1 DVM, SA practice. Px & RE priced at $675,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LOR63) IDAHO – Northern Idaho - NEW LISTING!! Unique start-up practice situation in leased, long standing veterinary building in beautiful Coeur d’Alene, ID. Turnkey opportunity to practice tomorrow. Building, equipment, inventory and number of clients established. Price $335,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LID32) Brokerage firm Tri-Cities Real Estate with Agent Nikki Nitz of Simmons Northwest IDAHO – Northern Idaho - APPEALING!! Perfect location in Northern Idaho. Px grossed $400k+ in 2014 with 1 DVM. SA facility provides 2,700 SF. Potential income $120k after debt. Px and RE priced at $750,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LID31) Brokerage firm Tri-Cities Real Estate with Agent Nikki Nitz of Simmons Northwest
Find More Classified Ads Online at wsvma.org IDAHO – Central Region MUST SEE!! LA mobile practice located in central Idaho area. Grossing over $400k/year with great lifestyle for current owner, 1 DVM. Price incl: truck, inventory, and equipment. Price $400,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LID30) Brokerage firm Tri-Cities Real Estate with Agent Nikki Nitz of Simmons Northwest IDAHO – South Central Region - GREAT OPPORTUNITY!! Fantastic practice located in HIGHLY desirable south central Idaho. SA, leasehold. Grossed $770k+ in 2014 with potential for $180k to buyer after debt. Price $600,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LID28) Brokerage firm Tri-Cities Real Estate with Agent Nikki Nitz of Simmons Northwest WASHINGTON – Just North of Seattle - NEW
LISTING!! Just north of Seattle. Established and profitable, 1 DVM, SA practice. Grossed $370k+ in 2014, double-digit growth in 2015. Around $100k to buyer after debt. Leashold. Price $350,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LWA58) WASHINGTON – Southern Puget Sound - ACT NOW!! Southern Puget Sound area. Practice grossed $740k+ in 2014 with $100k+ to buyer after debt. SA practice in 3300 SF facility, 1+ DVM. Practice and RE priced $1,050,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LWA57) ALASKA – Southern Region - CONSIDERING ALL OFFERS: Alaskan beauty, outdoor recreation. Highly profitable, 1 DVM, SA practice. Leasehold. Grossed $420k in 2014. Potential for $200k+ to buyer after debt. Asking $125,000 reduced from $350,000 Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LAK06) WA- NEW LISTING- S of Seattle, 1 DVM SA w/ real Estate just under $500K Gross Revenue. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales. com WA- NEW LISTING- S of Seattle, high profit, SA practice 1 DVM, $645k Gross revenue. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com WA – East of Seattle - 1 DVM Feline only SA practice, Leasehold, $500,000 Rev. Priced to sell only $300,000! Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 6361228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com WA- East of Seattle -Feline only SA practice, Leasehold, OVER $300K Rev. w/DVM only working 3.5 days a week. $200,000 Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com
AK - South East– 1 DVM SA practice, leasehold. High profit, 2014 30% rev increase and great recreation area. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com
WSAVT Career Center (360) 273-7838 or ludeluh@yahoo.com
AZ - Northeast Phoenix- Very busy growing Small Animal practice 1.5+ DVM, Great location. Almost $600k Gross rev. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 6361228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com
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ID – Eastern ID. Practice and RE w/ Residence in the practice. Room to grow, in beautiful ID. $375,000 total package. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 6361228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com
Simmons Veterinary Practice Sales & Appraisals....14
Dermatology Clinic for Animals.....................................13 Seattle Veterinary Specialists..........................................14
WSU College of Veterinary Medicine..............................7
OR – NEW LISTING - Eastern, Mixed, 1 plus DVM w/RE $385,000 Gross Revenue. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com OR - Two Practices near Portland–High net, SA high tech 2 vet over $1,100,000 revenue combined. One w/real estate one leasehold. For details, contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales. com OR- Southwest - 1 DVM small animal, $280,000 Gross Rev. Leasehold. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com OR- South Central- 2 DVM SA and Boarding Business with real estate, $800,000 Gross Rev. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@ TPSGsales.com
Miscellaneous IDEXX laboratory equipment for sale. Purchased in
2010. Includes: 1. Lasercyte CBC analyzer, 2. Catalyst Chemistry Analyzer, 3. Snapshot T4/Cortisol/ Bile Acids analyzer, 4. UA analyzer, 5. Coagulation analyzer, 6. Vatlab Monitor/communication center, 7. Smartlink (connects with Cornerstone). 2010 purchase price was $37,095. Asking price is $25,000. Contact Dr. Kit Bowerman at (425) 391-0188. Practice Sales Brokerage or Practice Buyer Representation. Increase profitability and Practice Sales price with Management Consulting. Practice Valuation and Employment contracts, buysells, startups, litigation support, representation before license board. Contact Karl Salzsieder, DVM, JD, AVA, (360) 577-8115 or karl@salzsiederlaw.com.
Relief Technician Available Vet Tech Services – Let our experienced LVT’s keep your hospital running at full capacity. Please call Virginia Jones, LVT at (425) 330-5234.
WA –East of Seattle – Two Cat clinics each in busy shopping centers, high demographics. One Rev. 300k. Second one 800k. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com
january /february 2 0 16
Keep Veterinary Medicine Uncompromised. Sometimes laws are passed that negatively affect veterinarians, animals or animal health. The WSVMA-PAC is the only organization that advocates for veterinarians in Washington state. We make sure veterinary medicine remains uncompromised. To find out how you can help go to wsvma.org.