2015 Jan-Feb WA Veterinarian Magazine

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Jan/Feb 2015 Volume 9 • Issue 1

Practice (Ownership) Makes Perfect





We asked a handful of current owners how they went about starting their practice and what they learned.

Washington State Veterinary Medical Association wsvma.org

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ON POINT Hazardous drugs control program deadline.

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Understanding economics in veterinary medicine.

NEWSWIRE The latest veterinary news in Washington State.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE A review of this year and what to expect in 2015.


Cover Story

PRACTICE (OWNERSHIP) MAKES PERFECT? Lessons from current practice owners.

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5 QUESTIONS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA GURU Eric Garcia offers advice.

RELIEF VETS In-state directory of available relief veterinarians.

CLASSIFIEDS Careers & practice listings.

JANUARY 1, 2015 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN HAZARDOUS DRUGS CONTROL PROGRAM The WA Dept. of Labor & Industries’ (L&I) hazardous drugs requirements began taking effect January 1, 2015. The rule takes effect in stages: •• Jan. 1, 2015 — Employers must have completed and implemented a written hazardous drugs control program. •• July 1, 2015 — Employers must have implemented employee training. •• Jan. 1, 2016 — Installation of appropriate ventilated cabinets must be completed. The regulations were adopted to protect workers who handle chemotherapy and other hazardous drugs. Under this rule, if there is a reasonably anticipated occupational exposure to one or more hazardous drugs, then the employer must develop and implement a written hazardous drug control program to protect workers. The written hazardous drugs control program must be created with input from workers and address the following elements as applicable to the facility: •• A written inventory of hazardous drugs in the workplace. •• A current hazard assessment for the hazardous drugs. •• Hazardous drugs policies and procedures that cover, but are not limited to: -- Engineering controls (equipment use and maintenance). -- Personal protective equipment (PPE). -- Safe handling practices -- Cleaning, housekeeping, and waste handling. -- Spill control. -- Personnel issues (such as exposure of pregnant workers).

Janurary/February 2015 • Volume 9 • Issue 1 A Washington State Veterinary Medical Association Publication

Editorial & Publications Committee Dr. Richard DeBowes Dr. John Cannon Dr. Angela Lehman Dr. Jim McCutchan Dr. Donna Mensching Dr. Debora Wallingford Dr. Saundra Willis

Editorial Comments & Contributions Please send all comments and/or contributions to:

Washington Veterinarian Magazine 8024 Bracken Place SE Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Tel (425) 396-3191 Toll Free (800) 399-7862 Fax (425) 396-3192 info@wsvma.org Editorial comments and contributions must be received no later than the first day of the month prior to publication. Publication months are January, March, May, July, September, and November each year.


Please refer to the Classifieds Section for classified advertising details, rates, and deadlines. For commercial advertising rates and deadlines, please contact the WSVMA office at (425) 396-3191 or info@wsvma.org

Magazine Template by Breightly breightly.com

-- Training. Sample Hazardous Drug Control Program for veterinary practices available The WA Dept. of Labor and Industries has developed a sample program to provide veterinary employers with an easy-to-use format for developing a comprehensive Hazardous Drug Control Program (HDCP). Veterinary practices can customize the guides for their specific use, work tasks, and workplace. These guides are not regulations and do not create any new legal obligations. They contain advisory and informational content intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace. The Sample Program can be downloaded from the WSVMA or Dept. of Labor and Industries websites. What Drugs are included? A hazardous drug is any drug identified as hazardous by NIOSH in the “NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings 2014” and any other drugs identified by the employer that: •• Can cause cancer.

WSVMA Board of Directors Executive Vice President Candace Joy

President Lisa Parshley, DVM

Vice President Michael Anderson, DVM Paul DeMaris, DVM Diana Thomé, DVM

Secretary Diane Pinkers, DVM

•• Can cause birth defects or prevent reproduction. •• Causes reproductive toxicity in humans.


•• Causes organ toxicity at low doses in humans or animals.

Jerry Gemar, DVM

•• Can damage the DNA structure. •• Mimics existing hazardous drugs in structure and toxicity.

Directors: Michael Burdette, DVM Katherine Hickey, DVM

The NIOSH hazardous drug list includes chemotherapy drugs, but also drugs such as hormones. Since some drugs cause less risk than others, L&I has approved a tiered approach that effectively matches precautions to the nature of exposure. For more information and links to the Department of Labor & Industries webpages and downloadable resources, visit the WSVMA website at wsvma.org/hazardous-drugs.

Chantal Rothschild, DVM Stephen Ruark, DVM Tamara Walker, DVM

AVMA Rena Carlson-Lammers, DVM Kim Nicholas, DVM Saundra Willis, DVM

Candace Joy is the Executive Vice President of the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association. She can be reached at candacejoy@wsvma.org


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Bd. of Directors, Dist. XI Rep. Delegate Alternate Delegate

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Understanding Economics in Veterinary Medicine

President’s Message By Lisa Parshley, DVM, WSVMA President

In 2008 the “recession proof profession� was taught a hard lesson: we are tied to the economy more than we thought. This myth was grounded in the belief that veterinary medicine, as a part of the medical professionals, was resistant to a bad economy. The current recession has permanently burst this bubble of thought. We are distinguished from other service industries by our passion to care for animals but we are still a service industry. As a service industry we are and will always be dependent on a healthy economy. Nearly six years later, we should stand back and try to learn the hard lessons taught by this recession. Working through both our economic weaknesses and strengths could lessen the impact of future economic down turns. The American Veterinary Medical Association has recognized and reacted to this need. Several years ago they began accumulating and analyzing economic data. Rightfully, they believe that through understanding we will be able to better react to our current and any future economic stresses. They have employed economists and other specialists on the economy and tasked them with untangling a maze of economic data. AVMA has recognized a serious need and then tackled the issue. Kudos to the leadership. A great example of their work is the annual AVMA Economic Summit. This seminar provides a platform to disseminate the accumulated economic data. Attending this summit I can say that I was pleasantly surprised at the level of information provided. It was presented in a format that people who are more comfortable reading chemistry panels than reading economic indicators could learn about the economy. This day long learning marathon educated me and increased my understanding of our professional economy. For example, I learned that predictions on how an economy will behave is actually a science that uses mathematical equations. The resulting data can provide insights into possible future trends and pitfalls. As long as the data from these equations are used with some skepticism it can allow strategic adjustments for future economic trends. When the veterinary profession is viewed using these tools there is new data that we may actually have a very bright future.


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The data strongly suggests an economic turnaround is in the works. A change was first noted last summer, and by the October meeting it appeared to be a stable phenomenon. This possible upturn appears to be gaining speed with each passing month. For example, the United States holiday season may bring increased holiday sales through consumer spending for the first time since 2008. Look to your own clinic. We are all starting to see increased visits and clients are more willing to do diagnostics and therapies for their pets. If the economy continues to increase, we could be entering a new phase of growth in veterinary medicine. New growth will mean new jobs, greater demand for services, and a more stable environment for building and expanding hospitals. Increased demand for veterinarians will also possibly provide for the higher number of graduating veterinary students. In general, the AVMA second annual Economic Summit was enlightening, educating, and best yet, it gave me hope. We are likely entering a new economic era for veterinary medicine. What I learned is that we veterinarians can no longer be just medical professionals. We have to understand our slice of the economy. We have to be able to adjust our practice to the demands and stresses of the current economy in order to better treat our patients.

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years, comes to Washington from New Mexico where he led their Food Safety, Meat and Poultry Inspection Division, worked as a field veterinarian and served an interim state veterinarian. Dr. Baker is a 1977 graduate of Washington State University, where he completed his undergraduate degree. He also completed an equine reproduction residency at UC-Davis. Over the course of his career, Dr. Baker has worked in mixed, equine and emergency practice. Dr. Paul Kohrs, who has been serving as WA’s acting state veterinarian since Dr. Leonard Eldridge’s retirement last year, will return to his role as assistant state veterinarian.

Veterinary Newswire

The role of the state veterinarian is to manage WSDA’s Animal Health Program, protect and enhance animal health and well-being, promote the economic vitality of the livestock industry and protect citizens by identifying and limiting exposure to zoonotic disease.

WSVMA 2015 Awards nominations The Latest Veterinary News in Washington State

Dr. Kathy Haigh loses re-election in 35th district In a very close race, Dr. Kathy Haigh, WSVMA past president from Shelton, lost her re-election to Republican challenger Dan Griffey in her bid for a ninth term in office in the WA House of Representatives. Dr. Haigh first ran for office after serving on her local school board for twelve years and as a WSVMA officer for four years. She was inspired to get into politics to change the constitution to allow for a simple majority rule to approve school levies. She accomplished that goal when the law changed nearly ten years ago. Since taking office in 1998, Dr. Haigh worked on a variety of educational issues. “Public education has been transformed in many ways, and now focuses on the outcomes for every student,” she stated recently. “We still have a long way to go to completely change the system of delivery, but we know that every single student can be successful. It is our responsibility to give them every opportunity possible to do so.” In addition to educational issues, Dr. Haigh chaired a committee to improve state government effectiveness and accountability. The committee focused on mail balloting, performance auditing of state government, and implementing more efficient methods to handle publicly funded capital projects. When asked if she would miss serving in the


legislature, she responded that the impact on the family can be significant. Husband Gary and son Eddie are both veterinarians at the Haigh Veterinary Hospital. “We weathered the changes over the years and grew more adept at dealing with the demands on personal time and public attention. This is something that has gotten harder for me as I get older.” Dr. Haigh will be missed in her practical approach to solving important issues in the state. While she first ran for office to work on education, she was always the go-to person for other legislators when it came to addressing animal health, animal welfare, and veterinary issues. Dr. Haigh was instrumental in assisting the WSVMA in passing several bills, including legislation granting veterinary immunity for reporting cases of animal cruelty. But her knowledge as a veterinarian and small business owner also helped her fellow legislators understand when bills would negatively affect animal health or welfare or veterinarians in practice, and thereby prevented their passage. “I have no regrets,” she stated. “It was a great honor to serve and I will treasure the memories.” The WSVMA expresses sincere appreciation to Dr. Haigh for her service to the state of Washington and to the veterinary profession.

WSDA hires new state veterinarian The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has hired Dr. Joe Baker as the new state veterinarian, effective November 3. Dr. Baker, whose career spans nearly forty

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At WSVMA’s Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference on September 26, 2015 in Tacoma, the WSVMA will present awards to those who have contributed significantly to the veterinary profession in Washington. The 2015 awards that will be presented include Veterinarian of the Year, Distinguished Achievement, WSU Faculty Member of the Year, Distinguished Veterinary Staff, Humane Animal Welfare, Recent Grad and Allied Industry. Please submit nominations to the WSVMA office using the enclosed form no later than April 1, 2015.

In memoriam Dr. Kerstin Brosemer (WSU, ’95) passed away on August 3, 2014 at the age of 45. Dr. Brosemer, originally from Pullman, practiced at the MidColumbia Pet Emergency Services for the last ten years. Prior to that, she was an associate veterinarian at Vineyard Animal Clinic in Kennewick. Dr. Brosemer volunteered with Prevent Homeless Pets, a non-profit spay and neuter clinic for low income. Memorials may be made to Prevent Homeless Pets, 812 Della Ave., Benton City, WA 99320; or Pet Over Population Prevention, P.O. Box 442, Pasco WA 99301. Dr. Bill R. Ellsworth (TEX, ’52) passed away on October 24, 2014 at the age of 85. Born in Little Rock, AR, Dr. Ellsworth grew up in Texas, and moved to the Pacific Northwest following a one year internship in Boston after veterinary school. Following brief stays in Eugene, OR and Victoria, BC, Dr. Ellsworth and his wife moved to Seattle in 1955 where he first practiced at Airport Veterinary Hospital and then at White Center Veterinary Hospital for over 40 years. Memorials may be made to the animal welfare organization of your choice.

Legislative Update by Greg Hanon, WSVMA Legislative Advocate

2014 Elections The Washington State Senate appears to continue to be controlled by the Republican dominated Majority Caucus Coalition after the November 4 General Elections. The Republicans now have an outright majority of 25 votes in the Senate by virtue of Mark Miloscia winning his race in the 30th district (Federal Way). Democrat Tim Sheldon, who caucuses with the MCC, also won his race. It looks like a 26-23 MCC majority going into the 2015 session. In the House, Republicans appear to have gained 4 seats and the current 55-43 Democrat majority has shrunk to 51-47. Representative Kathy Haigh, WSVMA member and longtime friend of the WSVMA in Olympia did not win her race for re-election. Please wish Kathy the best. She is a wonderful supporter of the mission of the WSVMA and a valuable confidant to me as we worked the many issues impacting veterinary medicine over the years. Perhaps the most significant issue of the election was the passage of I-1351, the class size ballot measure. Despite trailing on election night by 25,000 votes, it eventually passed with less than 51% of the vote. Passage of this measure will obligate the legislature to increase spending on K-12 education by as much as $2 billion in the next biennium; further complicating the legislatures attempt to balance the budget without raising taxes.

WSVMA-PAC During the 2014 election season, the WSVMA-PAC met to determine financial contributions from the PAC who we felt would advocate and support issues of concern to the veterinary profession and to small business. The PAC distributed 52 checks totaling just shy of $30,000 during the 2014 election. Most checks were delivered by a WSVMA member to the candidate. Several WSVMA members have developed relationships with legislators over the years where the legislator may seek a WSVMA member’s opinion on legislation being considered in Olympia. Thank you to all of our members who have both contributed to the PAC, and to those who deliver the contributions. Unfortunately, we have seen a fall-off of member contributions to the PAC. If the current trend continues, we will

have to reduce our contributions in future elections. Please consider a contribution to the PAC if you do not already do so. We certainly do not link the issue of contributions with success on issues, but it is important for our profession to help elect individuals to the legislature who share similar perspective on issues and are aware of the WSVMA. Helping legislators get elected is an important part of developing those relationships.

2015 Session The 2015 session of the Washington State Legislature convenes on January 12 for a 105 day session. The session is expected to be dominated with issues relating to the budget and funding K-12 education. The Washington Supreme Court has held the legislature in contempt for not adequately finding education. Many believe that the level of funding in the 2015-17 biennium needs to be as much as $2Billion to satisfy the court. In addition, the impacts of I-1351, general program increases as well as a discussion of state employee salary increases will create a major debate on how the budget should be balanced. There will clearly be pressure to increase taxes on the business community. I expect that we will see proposals regarding increasing the B&O tax rate from the current 1.5% to as high as 2.5%. We may also see pressure for applying the sales tax to services, as well as consideration of a capital gains tax. The WSVMA will be part of the debate and will advocate against those measures that would increase taxes on the veterinary profession.

Veterinary Issues We will watch closely for issues that would have an impact on the veterinary community in Washington State and report back to you through the association about those issues. — Greg Hanon is the WSVMA Legislative Advocate. He can be reached at greg@greghanon.com.

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Determine a reasonable confirmation timeframe for each appointment. If a client has pre-booked a year out, confirm two weeks prior to the appointment versus when a client books four to six weeks ahead of time where a confirmation call could be made two to three days ahead of time.

What if? There may be some staff resistance to pre-booking because it may be something they would never do as a client, because of variances in veterinarians’ schedules or fear that clients may say “no”. If a decision has been made that the practice will now pre-book appointments for all clients, introduce it to staff and give them the tools (i.e. scripts). It is also beneficial to appoint a team lead to show the rest of the team how it is done. When staff insist that they would never book a year ahead, encourage them to at least try it (using the script) so they can see how easy it really is.

Pre-Booking Appointments by Terra Shastri

When a client brings his/her pet in for an appointment, consider pre-booking the client’s next appointment (such as the next annual wellness exam) before the client leaves the practice. This is a great way to improve client compliance and fill up the appointment book with a minimal investment in staff time. Dentist offices have been doing it for years and there is a reason – it works.

When? You can pre-book the next appointment anytime the client is at the front desk following an appointment, or when the client is in purchasing food or medication. Once you have a pre-booking system in place, work towards getting the client into the habit of booking the date and time for next year’s wellness exam before they leave the practice following this year’s wellness exam. Once the client arrives at reception to pay, schedule the next appointment prior to reviewing the invoice. Clients are accustomed to this process, and it is important to do it before settling their balance.

the appointment two weeks ahead of time. If there are scheduling issues, they can be dealt with at that time. The key is that the client has committed to the next appointment and confirmation is the only step that follows. In addition to being a more efficient process, pre-booking also sends the message to clients about how important appointments and exams are for their pet. Waiting until “it is that time of year again” to book, does not emphasize that it is a priority for your client’s pet.


There will be some clients that ask “why” or say “no” to pre-booking one year ahead of time. When a client asks why they need to pre-book, equip staff with the following script: “We’ve realized that all of our clients are busy so it can be challenging to get their pets in for their next exam. By booking now, you know well in advance when Fluffy needs to come in, it saves you the extra step of calling to book an appointment and keeps all of us on track with keeping Fluffy happy and healthy.”

How? Initiate the conversation about the next wellness exam appointment booking before settling the client’s bill by saying: “Mary, we’d like to get Fluffy booked for her next annual wellness exam. I can schedule you for the same day next May, does this time usually work for you?” “We will send you a confirmation notice two weeks ahead of your appointment. We can take care of any scheduling issues you might have at that time.”

Why Pre-book? The question really is, why not? Pre-booking the next appointment for a client is an easy way to remove a couple of steps in the process. Rather than trying to get in contact with a client through postcard, phone, email, etc. and convince them that they need to bring Fluffy in for an exam, you have them right in front of you and so the opportunity to book is literally in front of you. Once the client has pre-booked, the only task left is to confirm

While doctor schedules may not be set in stone, there are usually certain days of the week that they are available. Follow this pattern when pre-booking appointments and if an appointment time has to be rescheduled the following year because the client’s preferred veterinarian is working a different schedule, this is still easy to do. The client is still committed to the appointment, and it is merely a matter of rescheduling.

Or use this for pre-booking a follow-up visit: “Dr. Lisa would like to see Fluffy six weeks from now as a follow-up. Does Wednesday, December 27th at 5 p.m. or Thursday December 28th at 6 p.m. work better for you?”

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“We will call you a day or two ahead of time to confirm.”

When clients refuse to book a year or six months ahead, continue following the same process of booking them just before their pet is due. Why not make pre-booking appointments the “norm” in your practice? It is easy to do, it promotes better pet health, it fills the appointment book, and it is something you can start today. — Terra Shastri is the Manager of Business Development at the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. She can be reached at tshastri@ovma.org.

Practice (Ownership) Makes Perfect? by Angela Lehman, DVM


he idea of owning a practice beckons and beguiles veterinarians in all stages of their careers. For some the plan to pursue a career in veterinary medicine and the goal of someday owning a practice take root simultaneously. For others the idea arises more gradually or an opportunity to purchase an existing practice presents itself. What can we learn from our colleagues who have already built or bought their own practices? We asked a handful of current practice owners from both sides of the state to reflect on how they went about building or purchasing a practice and what they learned along the way. Where does a potential practice owner start? Dr. Jim McCutchan has built several practices from the ground up, and the basic tenets of ownership apply no matter what the individual situation. Now CEO of Seattle Veterinary Specialists and Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital in Snohomish, Dr. McCutchan advises that the first crucial step is to research the area you would like to practice in and identify the demographics. How many local pet-owning households are there? What are the median age, income, and number of pets per household? A new practice must be able to grow and thrive where it is built, which means tailoring a business plan to fit into the local economic landscape. Buying or building a practice is not an impulse decision; a potential owner must have a business plan in place with a realistic projection, a working budget, and a cash flow analysis. Alternately, practice ownership may become possible through a combination of research, preparation, and being in the right place at the right time. Working as an associate or relief veterinarian for an owner who is contemplating retirement or who wishes to sell his or her practice allows a potential practice owner to become familiar with the existing demographics of the practice and surrounding community. Dr. Jocelyn Woodd, who owns Mt. Spokane Veterinary Hospital in Mead, initially learned from a colleague that the practice she had worked for previously as a relief veterinarian was for sale. Knowing the practice and owner beforehand allowed her to determine that the practice location and variety of species seen could satisfy her both financially and professionally. Current owners have ventured along several avenues to find a practice for sale, from word of mouth to listings in trade publications like DVM Magazine and newsletters from WSVMA. Third-party companies that specialize in the purchase and sale of veterinary practices received mixed reviews. In one such case, a purchasing veterinarian decided against enlisting a veterinary-specific company due to what he perceived to be exorbitant fees and instead contacted a commercial banker to determine the value of the business. Dr. Debra Nicholson, who owns Rainier Veterinary Hospital in Seattle, recommends approaching fellow veterinarians and owners directly instead. Dr. Woodd consulted with a well-known veterinary broker during the purchasing process. Whether buying an existing practice or building one from scratch, a competitive edge is essential to set one potential owner apart from other buyers as well as other practices in the area. Dr. McCutchan stresses the importance of establishing a distinctive relationship between your practice and clientele, as well as amongst the staff themselves. What can your practice offer that no one else can? Knowledge of the local area can provide information regarding the influence of shelter and rescue


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organizations within the community, as well as opportunities for niche markets to explore such as catering to local breeders, fanciers, hunting enthusiasts or agility groups. One veterinarian who is currently in the process of purchasing an existing practice recommends reaching out to the previous veterinarian’s clients – both active and inactive – as well as creating an attractive website to communicate with current patrons and draw in new clientele. Dr. Nicholson recommends getting finances in order and optimizing credit scores prior to approaching the bank. She also advises to never underestimate the power of community goodwill and word-of-mouth advertising; her hospital has thrived for nearly a century on a loyal client base. Potential buyers must educate themselves on reliable sources of information relating to purchasing and financing a practice, for instance which banks frequently work with veterinarians. Dr. Nicholson recommends working with local or smaller banks that specialize in veterinary clinics and tend to offer rates as competitive as larger corporate banks. Dr. McCutchan has utilized various financing options over the years, using bank partnerships as well as some of the practice’s own equity. He also keeps his banker partners involved with ongoing business and business decisions. Half of the veterinarians surveyed arranged financing through the previous owner. In one instance, a veterinarian purchasing an existing practice in a building leased by a third party obtained financing for the business and equipment through the selling veterinarian, while at the same time taking over the existing lease with intent to purchase the physical practice in the future. Veterinarians by nature tend to be independent problem solvers. The time for buying or building a practice, however, is not the time to go it alone. Dr. McCutchan routinely works with a handful of experts – including an attorney, a banker, and a network of vendors in order to explore all possibilities within a new practice. All new owners agree that attorneys and bank contacts are vital – as well as practice managers and fellow veterinarians. Multiple owners also agree that having an accountant on hand who is familiar with veterinary clinics to analyze profit and loss statements and to keep vendor accounts current is invaluable. Dr. Nicholson, who took ownership of Rainier Veterinary Hospital in April 2014, experienced frustration when dealing with a broker. She cautions any potential buyer to approach each expert separately, and to make sure that no single person fills more than one role in the transaction. For a potential practice owner starting from scratch, the landscape resembles an intricate puzzle. Dr. McCutchan relates that two very important pieces to this puzzle are the

knowledge of what unique services you will provide, and how to utilize staffing. Practice culture and communication are integral to the future of any practice, whether bought or built. When taking over an existing practice, it often makes sense to keep the current staff employed for continuity and to build trust with existing clients. If the current staff includes any previous owners in a multiple owner practice, Dr. Woodd advises to consider ahead of time any possible complications which may result from this arrangement. Current veterinary students are fortunate to have several options when it comes to enhancing their veterinary curricula with leadership and business administration courses prior to graduation, such as through the Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA.) Dr. Nicholson believes it is important for recent graduates to understand that practice ownership offers potential relief from the burden of educational debt faster than working as an associate.

Aside from a few who may have had experience in the business world or pursued additional education in another field before or after veterinary school, the majority of practicing veterinarians have relied too heavily on daily on-the-job training – or rather, trial and error – to form a working knowledge base in business administration. Dr. McCutchan highly recommends seeking out continuing education focused on practice management. It is also important to become familiar as an owner with monthly balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements, in addition to calling on financial advisors when necessary. How long does it take to go from dreaming of the perfect practice to living the dream? Starting from scratch, Dr. McCutchan reports that it takes about two years – one and a half years to research and locate a practice site and build on it, and another six months to hire staff. Dr. Nicholson suggests a similar timeframe of two to three years. The process of purchasing an existing practice can often be completed in a matter of months. After three years of research to find the right practice, Dr. Woodd was able

to complete the transaction in six months. Similarly, a relief veterinarian who decided to purchase an existing practice from a retiring veterinarian plans to officially take ownership of the business within six months of the start of negotiations. We have all heard the saying that “hindsight is 20/20.” Perhaps no one would agree more than current practice owners looking back on their journey. Dr. Nicholson stresses the importance of seeking help or advice from other veterinarians who have been through the process; our own friends and colleagues can be our most valuable resource. If she had it to do again, she would have saved her money and not signed a contract with a broker. Dr. Woodd recommends taking inventory of and examining the condition of any equipment included in the sale beforehand to avoid any unpleasant surprises or buyer’s remorse. As with learning any new technique or procedure, some wisdom can only be earned by doing. So what else can we glean from the prior experiences of current practice owners? Dr. McCutchan recommends that potential practice owners have realistic expectations as to when they will break even. In his experience it takes around three and a half years to become profitable – including an initial period of zero and even negative growth, when owners will rely heavily on a reserve budget. Owners should also expect an initial staff turnover of about 50% within the first year to year and a half. Dr. McCutchan cautions against completing any legal transactions, including signing a lease or banking transactions, without the presence of legal counsel. In addition, it helps to allow for more time and expense than you anticipate in your projections, and ensure a fair reserve of operating capital for the first 18 months. Multiple owners suggest that potential buyers take time to consider exactly what kind of practice they would like to own before entering into any agreement. A new practice is more than just an investment in time and money – it is an expression of your personal vision for the practice of veterinary medicine. In parting, current practice owners have this to say to anyone considering practice ownership – even new graduates: don’t wait. Once you can envision your dream practice – including a workable size, any species or disciplinary specialization you plan to pursue, and an ideal location – be bold, and don’t settle. Yes, it will be challenging, but it can be done with the right preparation and assistance from qualified professionals. At the end of the day, practice ownership – much like veterinary medicine itself – is a labor of love. — Dr. Angela Lehman practices in Spokane as a relief vet and can be reached at vetgirl82@aol.com.

january /february 2 0 15




Why should a veterinary hospital use social media? The real question should be, “Why wouldn’t veterinary practices use social media?” Social media is the form of communication that gives your message the largest reach, one that includes not only your clients, but your prospects, too. What happens when you mail out postcards or give your business card to people who don’t need your services right away? We all like to think they save the information, but the reality is that when they do need you, that card is nowhere to be found. So they go to the Internet, and you can only hope they find you there. If your practice has a social media (which you also listed on that business card), the prospective client can follow it or subscribe to its feed, and that puts your practice name in front of them several times a week. This can help stimulate reminders about refilling heartworm and flea medications, coming in for annual vaccines and other things. Seeing your name is a reminder of the services you offer, and when they need those services, they can easily find you by logging into social media. Used correctly, social media can actually increase compliance with pet owners.


What’s the best way to use social media to stimulate business? Most consultants will tell you not to use social media as a place to sell. I agree— the minute you start to sell to clients in “their” space, which is where they want to avoid advertising, they’ll unsubscribe from your feed. This was what businesses did when social media first took off, and they learned the repercussions quickly. But you can market services to clients through social media if you do it correctly. I always tell people there are three parts to using social media successfully: • A mention of a service you want to market • Some sort of fun and engaging fact • The most important thing: the social part Here’s an example: “Wow, we just received Penny’s DNA results back from the Mars Veterinary Lab, and it turns out she’s 40% Yorkie and 60% Maltese. What do you think your mixed breed is made of?” You can easily see the service we’re trying to market, but we made it cute. People look at the photo of Penny, think about her breed and socialize back with you. And then, they might call you to ask more about DNA testing, maybe schedule an appointment outside of a routine visit or share it on their neighbor’s page or their own wall. And what’s attached to that posting? The practice name and page, so now everyone can see the services you offer. The average Facebook user has 140 friends. Say your practice has 100 followers, and three of those people share one of your posts. One hundred of your followers, plus 140 friends of each of those users equals a reach of 520 people! The possibilities are endless.


w a s h i ngton ve te ri nari an


How do you ensure that social media messages are on-point and appropriate? The best way to do that is make sure that a few people on your team go through training. Visit a conference and spend a little extra for the all-day social media lab, or hire a consultant to come in for one-on-one training. You may have a technician or receptionist who knows how to use social media, but knowing how to use it and how to communicate properly and effectively with clients are two totally different things. I don’t suggest outsourcing social media, by the way. When you outsource social media, it becomes an argument about return on investment. If you spend a few hundred dollars a month having another company communicate on your behalf, at some point you’re going to start questioning the value of that communication. It also makes no sense to outsource social media because the whole point is to honestly engage in conversation with your clients. How does it look if your clients find out you’ve hired an outside company to do that? It becomes fake social media—it’s a lie.


How often should a veterinary practice post to social media? Which channels are best to focus on? If you’re just getting into social media, I suggest two postings per week. It’s a realistic number. Start small and work your way up. If you’ve been doing this for a while, ramp up to three to five postings per week—not too few, but not overwhelming. As far as the social channels: Facebook: Use it. Most users log on multiple times a day. Twitter: Use this, too. There are many users and you can easily link to Facebook if you don’t have the number of followers to engage in true Twitter talk. Pinterest: This is still too new to be effective for veterinary practices. If you’re an advanced social media user and want to dabble in this, go for it. If you don’t have the time or are new to this, then hold off. Don’t rush to be part of every new channel—you’ll burn out. Google + : This is also still very new, plus there are many spammers. Here’s how I gauge whether this channel is worth it or not: If Dr. Marty Becker has 881 people in his Google + circles and he’s on top news channels and travels the nation to spread the good veterinary word. What would this look like for a veterinary practice? One distinct difference between Google+ and Facebook is Facebook appeals to every demographic with strong numbers. Google + can’t say that yet. However, Google itself is an unstoppable force and you do not want to miss out on the opportunity to be part of the world’s largest search engine’s social network. I suggest mastering Facebook first then tap into Google+.


What’s your 30-minute a week strategy for social media? Make sure you preplan your marketing. This should include what your focus is (such as dental care, laser therapy, senior care). Pinpoint the dates you want to post and put them on a calendar. Finally, plan your resources for each topic: Visit a few websites in advance and copy/paste those links into a Word document. This way, you’ll know when you will post, what you will post, and where to get a good reference to share when you do. Most practices stop posting on social media because they wind up sitting there, trying to think of something productive to say. They waste time and lose sight of effective postings.

Interview By: Kim Fernandez Interview With: Eric Garcia Eric Garda is owner of Simply Done Tech Solutions (www. simplydonetechsolutions.com) and is a frequent speaker and contributor to veterinary conferences, publications, and events on the topic of social media.

january /februar y


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Relief Bank Dr. Jessica Allmendinger UC Davis, ‘08 SA Medicine and Surgery,ER (day only) Greater Seattle Area (530) 220-3868 jlallmendinger@gmail.com Dr. Sonia Amador Ross and Cornell ‘03 SA General Medicine Surgery, and ER (day/night) Greater Seattle area, 7 days (206) 369-5308 healerfox1@gmail.com Dr. Douglas Anderson WSU ‘94 (360) 249-3550 doug270@gmail.com Dr. Veeda Angell WSU ‘04 SA/MA King, Snohomish, Pierce and Thurston Cos. (509) 432-3225 vangell_dvm@hotmail.com Dr. Janice Anthony WSU, ‘03 Small Animal Medicine King and neighboring counties Short notice OK jaadvm@cs.com Dr. Bela Belle Tufts ‘97 ER, SA Medicine/Surgery, PT (425) 770-3193 Dr. Evelyn Bittner MSU ’91 SA Medicine/Surgery Greater Seattle & Eastside area (206) 301-0580 evelynbittner@comcast.net Dr. Frank Bousaid TAMU ‘95 SA, Acupuncture/Chinese Herbal Therapy Eastern Washington including Wenatchee, Moses Lake, Spokane (206) 683-3770 snohobear@gmail.com Dr. Kimber C. Brawley KSU ‘89 SA & Exotics, Medicine/Surgery, some Orthopedics King & Snohomish (425) 367-1288 docb333@aol.com Dr. Jon Bruhn Purdue, ‘81 SA Medicine and Surgery Snohomish and King Counties (425) 478-4073 purduevet81@gmail.com Dr. Teri Byrd WSU, ‘91 SA Medicine Seattle- Eastside, North (808) 866-0420 teribyrd@hotmail.com Dr. Stacy Chartrand WCVM ‘01 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery and Emergency and Critical Care Greater Seattle and Eastside (206) 445-9994 stacychartrand@gmail.com

Dr. Leah Cloud WSU ‘05 SA Medicine King County (425) 223-7618 leahclouddvm@gmail.com Dr. Patricia Dorsey IL ‘84 Cats and Dogs (253) 851-8234 (Gig Harbor) reliefvet@dorsey.cotse.net Dr. Michael Ericson UCD ‘80 SA Medicine Western Washington (425) 281-6301 mlericson@earthlink.net Dr. Leah Ferguson Kansas State, ‘02 SAl medicine and surgery Snohomish and King counties (503) 380-4810 leah.jia@gmail.com Dr. Robyn Fry WSU ‘06 SA Medicine King & nearby Counties (425) 244-5776 robyndvm@gmail.com Dr. Tracy Fuelleman MIN ‘89 SA Medicine Greater Puget Sound area (206) 361-8009 tracydvm@hotmail.com Dr. Emma Harvey Edinburgh, Scotland ‘12 SA medicine & surgery, Food animal, equine, exotics Anywhere in WA, Short Notice OK (206) 601-0620 emmarosefiala@gmail.com Dr. Lee Harris WSU, 1974 Pierce, Snohomish and King Counties Small Animal Medicine with Surgery (253) 569-5360 dr.harris@pacificcrestvets.com Dr. David Hildreth MO ‘70 Small Animal (360) 914-1234 dhildr9770@aol.com Dr. William D. Hougham UCD ‘75 SA Surgery and Medicine South King County and Pierce County (360) 825-1981 drbilldvm@gmail.com Dr. Elizabeth Hughs STG ‘09 SA (206) 992-1730 elizabeth.hughs@gmail.com Dr. Brian Hur WSU ‘11 SA, Medicine/Surgery/Dentistry, ER/CC Greater Seattle Area (206) 856-0928 brian.hur@gmail.com

Do You Want to Be in the WSVMA Relief Bank? All you have to do is email or fax your information to the WSVMA offices. If you are a current WSVMA member, your ad is free! Contact classifieds@wsvma.org or fax to (425) 396-3192 to get your ad started!

Dr. Emily Jewell Liverpool ‘98 SA General Medicine & Surgery Seattle and surrounding, Walla Walla and surrounding (206) 579-1012 eajewell@hotmail.com Dr. Kathy Johnson Ohio State `83 SA Snohomish & South Skagit (360) 659-7252 katherine@earthlink.net Dr. Rebecca Johnson OSU / WSU ‘94 SA Medicine Greater Puget Sound area (206) 230-8002 reliefdoc@comcast.net Dr. Darlene King WSU ‘98 Snohomish and King County area (425) 344-7996 dnmking@yahoo.com Dr. Cynthia Knapp Ohio State ‘98 SA North King and South Snohomish Counties cyn.knapp@comcast.net Dr. Kathleen Koppa WSU ‘07 SA Medicine and Surgery King and Snohomish Counties (425) 495-2626 kkoppa@yahoo.com Dr. Lori Maness Tufts, ‘92 Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish Counties (307) 277-8819 Maness.lori@gmail.com Dr. Regina Mansfield WSU ‘85 SA Medicine SE King/ NE Pierce (360) 825-6753 regina.scott.m@gmail.com Dr. Alina McClain Ross ‘06 SA, Ultrasound, Soft Tissue Surgery Northern Western Washington to Seattle Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and some Sat/Sun (360) 682-6216, (614) 563-9914 ndcrud42@yahoo.com Dr. Cheryl Meyers MSU ‘96 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery & Dentistry Greater Puget Sound area (206) 683-0685 cherylmeyers101@gmail.com Dr. Gary Miller WSU ’84 SA & MA WA, OR, Northern ID, Western MT (509) 248-7398 millerg@bossig.com Dr. Sue Moriyasu WSU ‘02 SA, high volume spay/neuter King & nearby counties (425) 830-2784 sue.moriyasu@gmail.com

Dr. Kathryn Okawa WSU ‘81 SA, Small mammals (425) 870-7088 okawak@aol.com Dr. Pamela Powell WSU ‘82 SA, ER, HQHV spay-neuter WA, ID, OR. Short notice OK. (253) 229-7816 pamvetdr@aol.com Dr. L. Louise Rutter Cambridge, England ‘95 SA Medicine and Surgery relief work King County, Lake Washington area (425) 999 6765 louiserutter1000@gmail.com Dr. Michael Ryan WSU ‘84 SA Medicine and Surgery Kitsap and West Sound region (360) 830-4911 ryanserv@msn.com Dr. Aja Senestraro WSU, ‘14 SA, LA, some exotics, Integrative medicine Tumwater to Bellingham (425) 492-0323 SeatoSkyVet@gmail.com Dr. Timarie Simmons OK State ‘98 Small Animal Medicine/Surgery and Some Exotics Greater Seattle and Statewide Options (703) 606-3300 timariedvm@yahoo.com Dr. Heather Smith WSU ‘03 SA Medicine/Surgery, Exotics (small mammals) North King/South Snohomish counties (425) 501-8008 heatherlosmith@yahoo.com Dr. Hank Snelgrove, CVA UCD ‘81 Integrative Small Animal Practice: medicine, dentistry, surgery, acupuncture, and TCVM herbal therapy Olympic and Kitsap Peninsulas and Central and Western Washington (360) 301-0096 tsetsibus@olympus.net Dr. Mary Sprague WSU ‘89 SA Medicine King, S. Snohomish Counties (425) 880-4073 dr.sprague@cablespeed.com Dr. Priscilla Stockner Min ’70 King, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties. (360) 420-3717 priscillastockner@mac.com Dr. Michael Stone OSU ‘99 SA,ER, Medicine/Surgery (253) 988-1200 nwdvmrelief@gmail.com

Dr. Melissa Walker Cornell ‘04 SA Medicine and Surgery, Integrative Medicine Greater Seattle Area (206) 595-2382 mwalkerdvm@gmail.com Dr. Karen Wichert WSU ‘89 SA Medicine and Surgery Snohomish, King Counties (425) 312-3376 karen.wichert.dvm@gmail.com Dr. Evelyn Wilson, WSU ‘90, ABVP canine & feline med. Small animal medicine, surgery, dentistry, E.R. and exotics Snohomish, King, Skagit and Whatcom counties. (360) 631-2400 evwilsonvet@wavecable.com Dr. Heather Woodke WSU 2002 small animal medicine, surgery, ER, mobile small ruminant Western Washington (509) 990-8854 woodkemagpie@comcast.net Dr. Michelle Zachry Purdue ‘02 SA, Medicine/Surgery/Dentistry, ER/ CC, Public Health/Food, Shelter King County and surrounding areas (425) 654-3521 reliablevetrelief@gmail.com Dr. Sharon Zito UC Davis, 1984 SA Medicine Seattle/King County Area 3 or more days in a row (619) 733-6875 s.zito@yahoo.com

Classifieds WSVMA 2014 Classified Advertising Rates WSVMA Members

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Ads for the Mar/Apr 2015 issue of the WSVMA Classifieds will be accepted until Feb. 28, 2015. No refunds or changes will be allowed after the deadline has passed. The WSVMA WA Veterinarian Magazine and WSVMA Classifieds are sent to all WSVMA members.


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Mar/Apr 2015 • Feb. 28, 2015


Puget Sound Veterinary Referral Center and The Animal Emergency Clinic, a BluePearl Veterinary Partner, is seeking an Emergency Clinician with internship and/or equivalent experience to join our growing team. In our established hospital, we offer Surgery, Neurology with MRI, Radiology, Internal Medicine and Emergency Service. Dermatology is offered through Dermatology Clinic for Animals. BluePearl Veterinary Partners is a leading provider of specialty services, owned and operated by veterinarians and veterinary professionals. We are dedicated exclusively to specialty and emergency medicine and to helping patients, owners, and primary care veterinarians at 40 locations within 15 states. We confidently offer exciting, collegial, and fulfilling work environments, flexible schedules that allow a focus on professional development and quality of life, competitive compensation and benefits. To learn more about our hospitals, please visit us at www.criticalcarevets.com. If you are interested in discussing the position further, please contact Alison Freeman at Alison.Freeman@BluePearlVet.com or 813-549-5965. We are a D/F/W/P and an EOE. Your confidentiality will be respected. Full-time or part-time veterinarian wanted for busy small animal hospital in Vancouver, WA. Must have good communication skills, be efficient in exam rooms and in routine surgeries. One-year plus experience recommended. WE offer competitive salary, signing bonus, and good benefits. Please email resume to companion@integraonline.com or contact Dr. Joseph Giffoni at Companion Pet Clinic – Cascade Park, (360) 254-8811. Full-time veterinarian wanted for busy 2-3 vet small animal hospital in Port Angeles. Do you absolutely love being a vet? Will you get down on the floor to say hi to a dog or pick up and hold the small dog or cat that comes in? Do cats allow you to handle them with minimal restraint? Do you easily connect with owners personally and deliver the best possible health care? Are you able to handle a busy workload with unexpected drop-ins or emergencies and still find time to complete the charts and call backs in a timely manner? Are you looking for something a little different? Facility in process of AAHA accreditation. On site Digital Radiograph (also Dental), Ultrasound, two Ventilator assisted breathing anesthetic units, and a high LVT to DVM ratio. Please email resume to saradutrow@ olympicveterinaryclinic.com. Seeking associate veterinarian for three doctor clinic located in the fast growing South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle. This private practice has served the area’s dogs and cats since 1985 and maintains a longstanding, loyal clientele. Generous compensation, a 3-4 day week, no after hours responsibilities, onsite parking and potential for future ownership make this a unique opportunity. Contact carlandersondvm@gmail. com or (206) 383-1536. Wanted: FT motivated, energetic, veterinarian with great people skills to complete a five doctor team nestled in the evergreens of Kirkland, Washington, an eastside suburb of Seattle. Our privately owned hospital is progressive and well-equipped. Contact Doug Iverson at Evergreen Veterinary Hospital, (425) 821-9040 or dliverson@myfrontiermail.com.

w a s h i ngton ve te ri nari an

We are looking for an enthusiastic, compassionate and progressive (FT or possible ¾ time) SA veterinarian with strong communication skills to join our team at Elliott Bay Animal Hospital! We are a well-equipped, 7-DVM, AAHA accredited and cat Friendly Practice certified hospital that offers digital radiology, in-house ultrasound, and acupuncture. We value our staff, our patients and clients, exceptional medicine, commitment, integrity, continuing education and a positive and cooperative environment. Our doctors and support staff work hard to keep to keep our clients involved and informed in every aspect of their pet’s healthcare by providing a collaborative team approach. Applicants must have at least two years of experience and be skilled and interested in dentistry & extractions, surgery and internal medicine. Position starts January or February. Qualified applicants are encouraged to send cover letter, references, and resume to kdrummond@ elliottbayah.com. Full-time Veterinarian needed at VCA East Mill Plain Animal Hospital. We are an AAHA accredited, busy, 4-doctor, small animal, avian and exotics general practice located in Vancouver, Washington, close to beaches, mountains, rivers, high mountain deserts and Portland, Oregon. We have a great reputation, an excellent support staff, high licensed tech to DVM ratio and a beautiful facility. Competitive salary and benefits. Position demands confidence, strong communication and people skills in addition to a desire to practice the highest quality medicine and work in a team driven environment. Applicant must be proficient in Avian, exotic and pocket pets and love working with dogs and cats, too! Candidate with 5 years experience and internship trained preferred. Apply online at vcajobs.com. Chief of Staff (COS) Veterinarian needed for a progressive, small animal clinic in Puyallup. This 2 doctor Banfield Pet Hospital is excited to welcome a leader (and 3rd veterinarian) to the team! The COS works to ensure the highest quality of veterinary care, exceptional client service and maximum productivity of the veterinary team and partners with the Practice Manager to create a safe and effective hospital environment, improving both medical quality and business performance of the hospital. This position requires 2 years clinical and 6 months leadership experience and offers a generous benefits package + competitive pay. Please email Danielle.andrews@banfield.net. Full-time Associate Veterinarians needed for growing small animal practices in Seattle, Puyallup and Lacey! Banfield Pet Hospitals are full-service, companion animal hospitals and boast in-house labs, digital x-ray, high speed dental equipment, fluid pumps, and the largest data base of evidenced based medicine in the industry. We offer competitive pay, CE, unbeatable benefits, and the opportunity to grow in your career. Please email Danielle.andrews@banfield.net for more information. AAHA ER practice in North Puget Sound looking for confident and skilled veterinarian. We offer competitive salary base on production, generous benefits, and a great staff to work with. Contact Carrie Farmer at cfarmer@diamondvet.com or (425) 252-1106. Feline-only practice: FT/PT DVM. Busy, wellestablished clinic looking for a cat person with strong communication skills, a sense of humor, and the ability to work well under pressure. Leave the barking, drooling, and wrestling behind. p.gawley@comcast.net.

Find More Classified Ads Online at wsvma.org A busy, progressive, boutique referral veterinary hospital seeks an experienced or internshiptrained Emergency Veterinarian to join our growing team! Full and part-time positions are available. The ideal candidate will practice the highest standards of medicine, possess strong interpersonal skills, demonstrate a team-based approach to patient care, and appreciate a client-centric business philosophy. Animal Emergency & Specialty (AES) (www.aesvets.com) is a family-owned, 24-hour, small-animal emergency and specialty hospital, located in picturesque and petfriendly Kirkland, Washington (http://youtu.be/ XdIlkxLVVrg). The Emergency Veterinarian will work alongside our board-certified surgeon, board-certified critical care specialist, and other talented ER doctors. All doctors are supported by an exceptional team of nurses and support staff. Qualified applicants are encouraged to email a cover letter and résumé to Gay Lynn Folorunso, PhD, Hospital Administrator, at gaylynn@aesvets.com.

DVM Wanted, Eastern Washington Come join our family! Grand Coulee Veterinary Clinic is seeking the right person to provide quality care to our small animal clients. We are an established, well-equipped, rural, mixed animal practice that puts an emphasis on client relationships and patient care. Our community offers a slower pace of life with ample access to recreational opportunities. We need a self-motivated, dedicated, enthusiastic individual to fill a FT position. While experience is preferred new grads are welcomed to apply. Interest in equine medicine/surgery would be a bonus but not required. Salary is commensurate with experience; we offer a CE allowance, SIMPLE retirement plan, licensure, as well as paid vacation. Please e-mail cover letter, CV and references to Dr. Marlene Poe at drpoe@grandcouleevet.com or mail to PO Box 138 Grand Coulee, WA 99133. VCA North Division Animal Medical Center is a 6-doctor full-service, extended-hour small animal practice located in Spokane, Washington. We focus on high quality medicine and surgery and offer all the supportive tools to aid your success, including ultrasound (new GE machine with telemedicine capability), video-endoscopy (the newest Karl Storz scope), video-otoscopy, digital radiography (all films reviewed by a boarded radiologist), etc. If your ambition is to join a growing practice focused on premier medicine, I would enjoy speaking with you further about this FT or PT opportunity. Please submit resume to: joe.peterson@ vca.com.

DVM Wanted, Out-of-State Full-time, team-playing veterinarian needed to join or well-established, AAHA small animal practice on the beautiful Central Oregon Coast. We have a wellequipped facility and a wonderful team and seek to add another motivated, forward-thinking individual. Excellent communications skills and a positive mental approach are vital. Excellent benefits package. www. grovevet.com. Email resume to grovevetclinic@gmail. com or contact Office Manager at (541) 265-2381.

Associate veterinarian wanted for busy 6-vet hospital in beautiful Southeast Alaska. Experience preferred but not required. Competitive salary/benefits. For more information visit us at www.seavets.com or phone Tracye at (907) 789-7551.

Practice for Sale or Lease Want to buy an established practice for FREE? Ideal opportunity for start-up. Take over 20-year practice for lease payment only. Excellent north Seattle location. Great freeway access. (206) 999-2909 or ahealingvet@ comcast.net OREGON – NEW LISTING NEW LISTING: Growing area! Highly profitable, 3+ DVM, SA practice. Grossed nearly $1,700,000 in 2013. Potential for $150,000+ to buyer after debt. Facility has 5000 SF, leasehold. Practice price $1,650,000. Simmons Northwest (208) 664-3100 (LOR62) ALASKA – Southern Region CONSIDERING ALL OFFERS: Alaskan beauty, outdoor recreation. Highly profitable, 1 DVM, SA practice. Leasehold. Grossed $390k+ in 2013. Potential for $165k+ to buyer after debt pymts. Asking price $275,000/make offer. Simmons Northwest (208) 664-3100 (LAK06) WA – S. Puget Sound –Under Contract- 1 DVM, great location w/RE on busy 4 lane. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com WA –East of Seattle – Two Cat clinics each in busy shopping centers, high demographics. One Rev. 300k. Second one 700k. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com N. of Seattle, WA – Awesome 3,581 SF building for sale or lease, 1 DVM Practice. Needs jump start, financing available. Practice only, $50k sale price. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com SE AK – 1 DVM SA practice, leasehold. High profit and great recreation area. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 6361228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com NV – Sold - SA practice & RE. Outside Reno, Rev. 300k to 400k (2014). Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com OR – East of Portland. SA, some mixed, high rec. area. Rev. Over 500k. Beautiful facility included w/ Practice. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@ TPSGsales.com Two Practices - near Portland, OR –High net, SA high tech 2 vet $700k rev. One w/real estate one leasehold. For details, contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com OR –Central OR. SA 1 DVM over 400k gross rev. Leasehold. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com

WA – Great Income! Good practice S. of Seattle. Long term practice, on 4.25 day work week. Owner retiring. Nearly 400k rev. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com Six Figure Net: One DVM SA practice; 4000 sf. Business, inventory and real estate for $425,134.67. Contact Cashmere Veterinary Clinic, 227 Cottage Avenue, Cashmere, WA 98815 or mick@cashmerevet.com.

Miscellaneous Practice Sales Brokerage or Practice Buyer Representation. Increase profitability and Practice Sales price with Management Consulting. Practice Valuation and Employment contracts, buy-sells, startups, litigation support, representation before license board. Contact Karl Salzsieder, DVM, JD, AVA, (360) 5778115 or karl@salzsiederlaw.com.

Relief Technician Available Vet Tech Services – Let our experienced LVT’s keep your hospital running at full capacity. Please call Virginia Jones, LVT at (425) 330-5234

WSAVT Career Center (360) 273-7838 or ludeluh@yahoo.com

Display Ad Index Anchor Bank.........................................................................3 Architectural Werks........................................................ 14 Fido’s List............................................................................. 14 Kitsap Bank............................................................................5 Seattle Veterinary Specialists.........................................5 Simmons & Associates Northwest............................ 14 Total Practice Solutions Group................................... 14 WSU......................................................................................... 3

Visit wsvma.org to view additional job opportunities.

ID – Eastern ID. Practice and RE w/ Residence in the practice. Room to grow, in beautiful ID. $375,000 total package. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com

january /february 2 0 15


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