2015 May-Jun WA Veterinarian Magazine

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May/Jun 2015 Volume 9 • Issue 3







PRACTICAL TIPS Learn how to maximize tax advantages and mimimize liability for your business.

Washington State Veterinary Medical Association wsvma.org

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BOARD BRIEFS News from the March 12 Board of Directors Meeting.

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE How social trends affect your practice.

NEWSWIRE The latest veterinary news in Washington State.

EMV CREDIT CARD PROCESSING Upcoming deadlines for new equipment.

Cover Story

I NEED A WHAT FOR MY BUSINESS? Choosing an entity for today's practice.

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CREATING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT Keeping your employees safe.

RELIEF VETS In-state directory of available relief veterinarians.

CLASSIFIEDS Career & practice listings.

The Board of Directors met on March 12, 2015 in Olympia ADVOCACY: The WSVMA has heard many members' concerns regarding pharmacy errors. The Board discussed a strategy to approach the Veterinary Board of Governors and the Pharmacy Commission to determine how to ensure pharmacists have the appropriate knowledge base in order to dispense pet medications. ONE HEALTH: The Department of Health has established a steering committee of physicians, veterinarians and other human health representatives to increase the responsible use of antibiotics and to establish an antimicrobial resistance surveillance system within the state. Drs. Lauren Neuhaus, Gordon Plotts, and Mike Wedam and Candace Joy will represent private practice veterinarians. VCPR RULEMAKING: The Veterinary Board of Governors (VBOG) continues the rulemaking process to define the Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR). At WSVMA’s request, the VBOG added new language that further defines the relationship to protect food animal veterinarians. The definition is more stringent and will require a more intimate relationship between the patient and veterinarian, increasing our responsibilities but also requiring more regular examination and monitoring of the patient/herd. RABIES VACCINE REPORTING: In response to a request from the WSVMA, language was added to the animal healthcare tasks rule for licensed veterinary technicians when administering a rabies vaccine. The rabies certificate will now become a part of the medical record and will require client permission to be released, making it more difficult to obtain private information for unrelated purposes such as tracking down unlicensed pets by King, Vancouver and Spokane counties. MEDIA RELATIONS: WSVMA media relations specialist Mark Funk was instrumental in getting our issue with Regional Animal Services of King County into the local media, which resulted in our success in blocking the County’s efforts to compel private client information for pet licensing. LEGISLATIVE REPORT: WSVMA joined the Recover WA campaign to address potential small business tax increases the state legislature may impose in the upcoming biennial budget. WASHINGTON PHYSICIANS HEALTH PROGRAM (WPHP): The WSVMA is working together with (WPHP) to increase awareness and ease access to mental health and addiction treatment programs. WPHP is asking the WSVMA to support an increase from $10 to $25 for the fee included in veterinary licenses to help pay for increases in the cost of WPHP’s services. Veterinarians have historically paid less than physicians, dentists and the other professions served, and without an increase by all groups, WPHP services are not sustainable. Because of the importance of WPHP’s services for veterinarians, the Board of Directors approved support for the increase. WSU/CVM: The freshman class for this fall will total 130 students and include both the Utah and Montana programs. Additional preceptors are needed. Those interested in participating should contact WSU. The Veterinary Teaching Hospital pharmacy has had challenges meeting requirements by the Pharmacy Commission because state law is geared towards regulating human hospital pharmacies. STATE VETERINARIAN: WSDA personnel have been active in mitigating the avian influenza outbreak that has affected bird populations throughout the state. Several thousand birds in Okanogan and Richland were depopulated, although none were in commercial facilities. Dr. Joe Baker has taken over as the new state veterinarian. MILITARY VETERINARIAN: LTC Burke is taking over for Col. McHargue as the new commander of the veterinary units that cover Washington and Alaska. There are two active duty veterinary units in Washington, with one having seven veterinarians and the second one having eight veterinary specialists with defense response training.

May/Jun 2015 • Volume 9 • Issue 3 A Washington State Veterinary Medical Association Publication

Editorial & Publications Committee Dr. Richard DeBowes Dr. John Cannon Dr. Angela Lehman Dr. Jim McCutchan Dr. Donna Mensching Dr. Debora Wallingford Dr. Saundra Willis

Editorial Comments & Contributions Please send all comments and/or contributions to:

Washington Veterinarian Magazine 8024 Bracken Place SE Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Tel (425) 396-3191 Toll Free (800) 399-7862 Fax (425) 396-3192 info@wsvma.org Editorial comments and contributions must be received no later than the first day of the month prior to publication. Publication months are January, March, May, July, September, and November each year.


Please refer to the Classifieds Section for classified advertising details, rates, and deadlines. For commercial advertising rates and deadlines, please contact the WSVMA office at (425) 396-3191 or info@wsvma.org

Magazine Template by Breightly breightly.com

WSVMA Board of Directors Executive Vice President Candace Joy

President Lisa Parshley, DVM

Vice President Michael Anderson, DVM Paul DeMaris, DVM Diana Thomé, DVM

Secretary Diane Pinkers, DVM

Treasurer Jerry Gemar, DVM

Directors: Michael Burdette, DVM Katherine Hickey, DVM Chantal Rothschild, DVM Stephen Ruark, DVM Tamara Walker, DVM


Candace Joy is the Executive Vice President of the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association. She can be reached at candacejoy@wsvma.org


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Rena Carlson-Lammers, DVM Kim Nicholas, DVM Saundra Willis, DVM

Bd. of Directors, Dist. XI Rep. Delegate Alternate Delegate

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How social trends affect your pactice.

President’s Message By Lisa Parshley, DVM WSVMA President

“Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” A truism from Jerry Garcia that fits perfectly the source of inspiration for this article. Let me explain. In the last six months I have had the privilege of attending a variety of educational seminars. A majority of these meetings were designed to educate volunteer leaders in order to strengthen the management of professional associations. We learned about trends in society, diversity, expected generational shifts, and advances in communication. It was discussed how these factors would influence professional associations in the years to come. What I did not expect was how much this information would apply to the profession of veterinary medicine. In hindsight it is easy to see, but in the moment it felt like a light bulb going off in my head. Essentially, I realized while it takes a village to provide medical care, it is the communication between the members of the team that define the level of that care. Communication between people is invariably defined by individual social traditions and communication methods. Understanding social trends and the impact of these changes on communication norms will improve the practice of medicine and maintain a desired standard of care. An example of such a trend is that we are currently facing a rapid generational shift in the business world. Each year 18% of baby boomers will retire. In five years 75% of the work force will be millennials. Every year from here on out the influence of the millennial generation will grow. In a very short time they will dominate the business and professional world. As a generation they are very socially conscious and are more about influence than affluence. To them the brand of a company or practice is more important than the individual. We should expect to feel the attributes of this generation begin to define our profession, our staff’s workplace expectations, and the interactions with our clients. We are also seeing a long range shift in the population dynamics of the United States. It is predicted that in 20 years Caucasians will no longer be the majority. As the veterinary profession is predominantly white (with very little projected diversity shift expected) this is a trend that could cause a substantial future impact on our profession. In other words, it is possible that if we do not address this imbalance, our future veterinary professionals will be one color and our clients will be another. Such a predicted cultural and social divide could cause considerable communication gulfs between veterinary staffs and clients. Thus in the future, lack of diversity could reduce our effectiveness in providing good veterinary medical care. Improving diversity would not only improve medical care through good communication, it could impact the bottom line of a practice. Some of the newest research suggests that for every 10% increase in racial diversity a business will realize 1% increase in overall earnings. Increasing gender diversity by 15% improves performance of a business by 80% as compared to a less gender diverse business (the current trend in veterinary medicine). If these facts hold true, it is in our best interest to work on attracting more people of color and more males to enter our profession at all levels. In the last 20 years technologic development has ensured that each generation communicates differently from the subsequent generations. For example, the generation currently in high school prefers instantaneous and relatively temporary communication methods such as Snapchat and Instagram, whereas the millennials have become the biggest users of Facebook and the baby boomers are most comfortable with websites and cell phones. Differences in age-related communication norms beg the question: how does a practice effectively communicate with older generations while engaging younger employees or clients? For the time being, it may be best for a practice to communicate via at least three different methods in order to capture all the generations and genera of communication users. There are many social and generational trends looming with the potential to impact veterinary medicine. How we address them will ultimately shape our profession and individual practices. We will have to look beyond our own comfortable spheres to embrace these coming changes and recognize the importance of diversity in those we work with and those we serve. Medicine is a team effort between doctor, staff, and client. Good medicine will require communicating to the differences and not homogenizing the team. A most unusual lesson learned in an unexpected place.


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Applications accepted for appointment to Veterinary Board of Governors The Department of Health is accepting applications to fill a veterinary member vacancy on the Veterinary Board of Governors. The Department is looking for public-spirited people willing to study the issues and to make decisions in the public’s best interest. Health profession boards, commissions, and committees operate under legislative mandate to protect the health and safety of the public and promote the welfare of the state by regulating the competency and quality of health care providers under their authority. More information about the Veterinary Board of Governors is available at the Department of Health website. Questions about board service can be directed to Judy Haenke, (360) 2364947, judy.haenke@doh.wa.gov.

Veterinary Newswire The Latest Veterinary News in Washington State

Samples needed for Coccidioides Immitis testing C. immitis has affected people and animals in Arizona and California for years, but recently human and animal infections thought to be locally acquired have been reported in Washington. Therefore, Coccidioides Immitis is now considered an emerging fungal pathogen in South Central, and possibly other areas of Washington State. During the investigation of the Washington cases, soil was collected from two locations in Benton County, Washington. Six of twenty-two soil samples were PCR positive; viable C. immitis was isolated from four of the six soil samples. This is new direct evidence that the infections were acquired in Washington and that C. immitis exists in this environment clearly outside previously recognized endemic areas. The Washington State Department of Health, Zoonotic Disease Program in collaboration with CDC and practicing Veterinarians in south central Washington, have been conducting a sero-survey (Phase I) to detect cocci antibodies from dogs in specific regions of Washington State. There is a need now to collect 500 – 700 samples from the west side of Washington. The sero-survey is based on veterinarians submitting a small (2 ml) convenience sample from all animal blood draws that have been taken for diagnostic purposes. No additional sampling is requested or required. Animal serum will be tested for antibodies using modified EIA by CDC.


Your collaboration will help provide valuable information to increase our knowledge of the prevalence and range of activity of cocci in Washington State. If you have questions and or would like to participate in this important study, please contact Dr. Ron Wohrle at ron. wohrle@doh.wa.gov with the Washington Department of Health, (360) 236-3369.

FDA Warns of Illnesses and Deaths in Pets Exposed to Prescription Topical Pain Medications Containing Flurbiprofen The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting pet owners, veterinarians, health care providers and pharmacists that pets are at risk of illness and death when exposed to topical pain medications containing the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) flurbiprofen. People using these medications, should use care when applying them in a household with pets, as even very small amounts could be dangerous to these animals. Veterinarians who have patients who show signs of NSAID toxicity should ask whether anyone in the household has used topical pain medications containing flurbiprofen. For more information, visit the FDA website at http://tinyurl.com/ l6ddf55.

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White Coat donations for Class of 2019 This year’s White Coat ceremony will take place in August at Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Each first-year veterinary student will be introduced and presented with a white lab coat with their name and the WSVMA logo embroidered on the coat. We need your help to outfit each Washington student. You can sponsor a specific student or make a general donation. If you would like to sponsor a student from your town, call the WSVMA office. Complete the enclosed form and send to WSVMA or donate online at the WSVMA website.

Member News and Moves WSU/CVM’s Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA) chapter took home first place in the 2014 National meeting in Orlando, FL for the second time in a row. It’s also their fifth consecutive year of placing in the top five. Dr. Mark Giffey, owner of Chehalis-Centralia Veterinary Hospital is the recipient of the National Guard’s Patriot Award. The award is given to supervisors who go above and beyond to support employees that serve in the Guard or Reserve.

Find new job opportunities at wsvma.org

October 15 deadline to have EMV credit card processing equipment


ecause of the rapid increase in credit card fraud, card issuers in the U.S. are now migrating to the more secure EMV chip card payment technology that has been in use for years in places like Europe and Canada.

Europay, MasterCard, Visa (EMV), are the three card associations that have developed the EMV standards. Discover and American Express have also become part of this agreement. Benefits of EMV chip cards include a reduced risk of fraud for your practice and your customers. Because EMV chip cards use a microchip to store account information, they are more difficult to counterfeit than magnetic stripe cards, so card-present (CP) transactions are more secure.

Businesses need to have updated EMV equipment by October 15, 2015 or they could be financially liable for card-present fraud that could have been prevented with the more secure EMV system. Banks have been absorbing credit card losses but the liability for card-present fraud is expected to shift to merchants that don’t update their system.

"Banks have been absorbing credit card losses but the liability for card-present fraud is expected to shift to merchants that don’t update their system."

With this new equipment, you will be able to run customers who have Chip cards as EMV transactions and not swiped transactions, reducing your risk of fraudulent transactions. Card-present (CP) fraud in the U.S. is expected to significantly decrease as more merchants and customers have EMV capability. In participating countries, EMV technology has reduced CP fraud by as much as 84 percent. The new equipment will also accept Apple Pay and Google Wallet, making it more convenient by only using one piece of equipment.

Switching technologies should be made sooner than later. Card fraudsters are expected to concentrate their efforts on merchants who have not upgraded to EMV. Thieves prefer easy targets. Until you upgrade to EMV equipment, your practice risks being attacked by thieves. The sooner you upgrade, the less vulnerable you will be.

WSVMA’s preferred merchant services provider for over 20 years, Alliant Merchant Solutions (formerly Bancard USA) can provide new or existing customer upgrades to point-of-sale (POS) equipment, system, and software to EMV capability. It may be as simple as adding an EMV-compatible PIN with a software update, though, you may need to replace your terminal completely. Call today and help protect your clients’ credit card information while reducing your liability. Call (866) 888-2872 or email help@alliantms.com. Working with Alliant also helps WSVMA members by providing a monthly residual to invest in WSVMA programs and services.



y typical veterinary client owns a piece of real estate with a clinic building located on that property. The client operates the veterinary practice out of the clinic. The Doctor wants to know how to structure this arrangement to maximize tax advantages and minimize liability. The answer is to incorporate the business side of the practice and form a limited liability company to hold the land and building. The limited liability company will then lease the property to the corporation. This article provides a brief overview of the specific reasons for this structure. Do you know why your business is structured the way it is? Let’s explore what options are available. First, eliminate entities that don’t need to be used. A sole proprietorship is a single person engaged in business. We eliminate sole proprietorships because they provide no benefits other than the low startup cost. General and limited partnerships are anachronisms that are no longer used. They have been eliminated by limited liability companies. So that leaves the two entities that we normally use for structuring the professional practice: corporations to operate the business and limited liability companies to hold the land and buildings. First, some explanation about corporations. Corporations are commonly created by an individual or a group of individuals (shareholders) who desire to enter into a business but desire to limit their liability to the amount of invested capital. Historically there has been a balancing act between protecting the shareholders from liability and protecting the public from the acts (sometimes abuses) of corporation shareholders. Corporations are granted corporate status by the state in which they are incorporated. All corporations must also conform to federal tax laws and regulations. All Washington state corporations are incorporated under the Washington Business Corporations Act, Revised Code of Washington Section 23(B). For federal tax purposes, Corporations can be taxed under either subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code or subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. Corporations that do not, or cannot elect to be taxed under Subchapter S are, by default, taxed under Subchapter C. Subchapter S passes income


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In the old days real estate was held in corporations or partnerships. The advantage of holding real estate in a corporation was limited liability. The ability to hold real estate in a corporation was effectively eliminated when the Internal Revenue Code was amended to impose potentially onerous tax consequences when property was distributed out of a corporation.

tax through to the shareholders. Subchapter C corporations are separate tax paying entities. Think Boeing. Historically, professionals could not use corporations as a means of doing business because of the notion that the professional would be shielded from malpractice liability thus leaving the consumer without recourse in the event of an injury. Professionals wanted to incorporate due to the desire to take advantage of tax favored retirement plans. Corporations could use defined benefit plans, defined contribution plans and profit sharing plans. Sole proprietorships and partnerships were limited to HR 11 or Keogh plans which were fairly restrictive in the benefits allowed. As is usually the case, creative attorneys and accountants worked around the corporate retirement plan restrictions by reclassifying their partnerships into corporations for federal income tax purposes. Under the Internal Revenue Code it was possible to create a state law partnership that would be classified as a corporation for tax purposes. The problem was that there was no real certainty whether the Internal Revenue Service would agree to the classification. This went on until Washington, together with many other states, decided to bring certainty to businesses owners. In 1969 the Washington State Legislature adopted the Professional Service Corporation Act, RCW 18.100. With the adoption of the Professional Service Corporation Act, professionals could incorporate under RCW 23B. However, when the corporation formed under RCW 23B is in the business of providing professional services, the Professional Service Corporation Act, RCW 18.100 applies. These statutes are an overlay of additional rules that only apply to Professional Service Corporations. The most important provision of the Professional Service Corporation Act from a consumer standpoint is that it does not protect the professional from her liability for malpractice. This is a big difference from most corporations where all shareholders and employees are generally protected from liability. A corporation is not, however, an appropriate entity for land and buildings. For that we need a different entity. In the old days real estate was held in corporations or partnerships. The advantage of holding real estate in a corporation was limited liability. The ability to hold real estate in a corporation was effectively eliminated when the Internal Revenue Code was amended to impose potentially onerous tax consequences when property was distributed out of a corporation. That left the partnership as the entity of choice to own real estate. Problems still exist with partnerships. There are two types of partnerships – general and limited. A general partnership is a collection of individuals. All of the


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individuals are liable for the debts of the partnership. The second type of partnership is the limited partnership. The limited partners are not liable for the debts of the partnership because the thought is that their participation is limited to investing in the venture similar to shareholders investing in a corporation. As investors, the limited partners may not actively participate in partnership management. The limited partnership requires that there be at least one general partner who is fully liable for the debts of the partnership. One way of setting up a general partnership was to use a corporate general partner thereby limiting all partner liability. This scheme, however, sometimes backfired because if the court determined that the general partner was undercapitalized, which was often the case when a partnership failed, the courts could convert the limited partnership into a general partnership. One advantage of a partnership was the ability to specially allocate tax benefits such as tax credits and accelerated depreciation. This ability to specially allocate tax benefits was the essence of the tax shelter limited partnership of the 1980s. The abuses that arose out of tax shelter limited partnerships was later curtailed by federal tax legislation. Once again, state legislatures sought a solution to this problem by seeking a mechanism to allow limited liability thereby encouraging investment of capital and allow tax flexibility. Legislation allowing limited liability companies was enacted in Washington in 1995. A limited liability company can hold real property and the real property can generally be transferred into and out of the limited liability company without state or federal tax consequences. All of the members of the limited liability company are protected from liability. As such, the limited liability company combines the best attributes of corporations by limiting liability and partnerships by providing tax flexibility. The members have limited liability and the members are able to make special tax allocations. Real estate may be transferred into and out of the limited liability company without unfavorable tax consequences. This overview should give you a better sense of how and why the dual structure of limited liability companies and corporations are used when structuring a professional practice. This is only a brief overview. This is not a substitute for engaging the services of an experienced attorney and/or accountant to determine what works best for you. — David Carson is the founder of Carson Law Group, P.S. located in Everett, Washington. He has worked for veterinary practices for 30 years. Carson Law Group, P.S. represents veterinary practices throughout western Washington. He can be reached at (425) 4935000.

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Creating a Safe Environment by Jessica Wass, PHR, SHRM-CP


here's a lot to be said for creating a safe work environment. Generally, employees are happier and healthier, workplace productivity is better, and insurance premiums are lower in a safe workplace. Creating a safe workplace cannot exist on best practice guidelines and policies alone. The entire work force -- from the practice owner to the most recent hire -- must recognize that worker safety and health is central to the mission and key to the profitability of all companies. When these elements come together in the workplace, patient outcomes improve and customer satisfaction skyrockets The foundation of any successful workplace safety effort is one that encourages employees to identify unsafe behaviors and opportunities for improvement while at the same time making well-informed safety decisions during daily routine tasks. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an effective safety and health program can save $4 to $6 for every $1 invested. As an employer, you have a duty to protect your workers from injury and illness on the job. Protecting workers also makes good business sense. Accidents and injuries are more expensive than many realize. Costs mount up quickly. But substantial savings in workers' compensation and lost workdays are possible when injuries and illnesses decline. OSHA can help you. Both OSHA and the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) provide leadership and encouragement to workers and employers to take that responsibility seriously.


They work to help employers and employees focus on reducing injuries, illnesses, and fatalities and to increase their commitment to improved safety and health. They can help businesses and others through a variety of tools, including partnership, consultation, compliance assistance, education and training, outreach, and plain language regulations. Below are ten tips that every employer should focus on: 1

Encourage your employees to work safely; at the same time, know the specific causes of possible accidents.


Remember that your employees are also your best consultants. Solicit their input on how to improve workplace safety.



Each safety and health program should be tailored to fit the practice, to blend with its unique operations and culture, and to help employers maintain a system that continually addresses workplace hazards. There are five elements that every effective program should have: management leadership and employee participation, workplace analysis, hazard prevention and control, safety and health training and education, and program evaluation. Promote any actions which make the workplace more enjoyable. Create a system that gives workers' the ability to provide supervisors with both positive and negative

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Ensure that work areas are cleaned regularly and free of hazards. All equipment should be checked regularly to ensure proper operation. If safety gear is necessary, be sure it is available at all times.


Do not create overly complicated emergency procedures. Keep accident plans simple: workers' will need to understand all the instructions immediately.


Emergencies require not only plans, but also supplies. Put fire extinguishers in plain view, and make sure employees know how to use them. Keep a first-aid kit and emergency phone numbers readily accessible.


Your building should adhere to all fire and safety codes. Check that all exits are clearly marked and unobstructed.


If your workplace has 11 or more employees Washington State law states each employer needs to form a safety committee by appointing some employees and having an election for the other members. Hold meetings on a regular basis to ensure your safety program is working.

10 Learn from your experiences. Keep track of workplace injuries or accidents, even if your employee isn’t going to the doctor; take a report of the injury and keep on file. Complete your OSHA 300 log at the end of the year and make sure to post it in a place visible by your employees from February 1 – April 30th Safety - It's the right thing to do, and doing it right pays off in lower costs, increased productivity, and higher employee morale. — Jessica Wass, PHR, SHRM-CP works for HR Kinections in Bothell, WA. HR Kinections provides effective Human Resource Management to clients. They help their clients achieve their business goals by creating smart solutions to meet their specific business needs. www.hrkinections.com.

Relief Bank Dr. Jessica Allmendinger UC Davis, ‘08 SA Medicine and Surgery,ER (day only) Greater Seattle Area (530) 220-3868 jlallmendinger@gmail.com Dr. Douglas Anderson WSU ‘94 (360) 249-3550 doug270@gmail.com Dr. Veeda Angell WSU ‘04 SA/MA King, Snohomish, Pierce and Thurston Cos. (509) 432-3225 vangell_dvm@hotmail.com Dr. Janice Anthony WSU, ‘03 Small Animal Medicine King and neighboring counties Short notice OK jaadvm@cs.com Dr. Evelyn Bittner MSU ’91 SA Medicine/Surgery Greater Seattle & Eastside area (206) 301-0580 evelynbittner@comcast.net Dr. Frank Bousaid TAMU ‘95 SA, Acupuncture/Chinese Herbal Therapy Eastern Washington including Wenatchee, Moses Lake, Spokane (206) 683-3770 snohobear@gmail.com Dr. Kimber C. Brawley KSU ‘89 SA & Exotics, Medicine/ Surgery, some Orthopedics King & Snohomish (425) 367-1288 docb333@aol.com Dr. Jon Bruhn Purdue, ‘81 SA Medicine and Surgery Snohomish and King Counties (425) 478-4073 purduevet81@gmail.com Dr. Teri Byrd WSU, ‘91 SA Medicine Seattle- Eastside, North (808) 866-0420 teribyrd@hotmail.com

Dr. Stacy Chartrand WCVM ‘01 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery and Emergency and Critical Care Greater Seattle and Eastside (206) 445-9994 stacychartrand@gmail.com Dr. Leah Cloud WSU ‘05 SA Medicine King County (425) 223-7618 leahclouddvm@gmail.com Dr. Patricia Dorsey IL ‘84 Cats and Dogs (253) 851-8234 (Gig Harbor) reliefvet@dorsey.cotse.net Dr. Michael Ericson UCD ‘80 SA Medicine Western Washington (425) 281-6301 mlericson@earthlink.net Dr. Leah Ferguson Kansas State, ‘02 SAl medicine and surgery Snohomish and King counties (503) 380-4810 leah.jia@gmail.com Dr. Robyn Fry WSU ‘06 SA Medicine King & nearby Counties (425) 244-5776 robyndvm@gmail.com Dr. Emma Harvey Edinburgh, Scotland ‘12 SA medicine & surgery, Food animal, equine, exotics Anywhere in WA, Short Notice OK (206) 601-0620 emmarosefiala@gmail.com Dr. William D. Hougham UCD ‘75 SA Surgery and Medicine South King County and Pierce County (360) 825-1981 drbilldvm@gmail.com Dr. Elizabeth Hughs STG ‘09 SA (206) 992-1730 elizabeth.hughs@gmail.com Dr. Emily Jewell Liverpool ‘98 SA General Medicine & Surgery Seattle and surrounding, Walla Walla and surrounding (206) 579-1012 eajewell@hotmail.com

Do You Want to Be in the WSVMA Relief Bank? All you have to do is email or fax your information to the WSVMA offices. If you are a current WSVMA member, your ad is free! Contact classifieds@wsvma.org or fax to (425) 396-3192 to get your ad started!

Dr. Kathy Johnson Ohio State `83 SA Snohomish & South Skagit (360) 659-7252 katherine@earthlink.net Dr. Rebecca Johnson OSU / WSU ‘94 SA Medicine Greater Puget Sound area (206) 230-8002 reliefdoc@comcast.net Dr. Darlene King WSU ‘98 Snohomish and King County area (425) 344-7996 dnmking@yahoo.com

Dr. Gary Miller WSU ’84 SA & MA WA, OR, Northern ID, Western MT (509) 248-7398 millerg@bossig.com Dr. Sue Moriyasu WSU ‘02 SA, high volume spay/neuter King & nearby counties (425) 830-2784 sue.moriyasu@gmail.com Dr. Kathryn Okawa WSU ‘81 SA, Small mammals (425) 870-7088 okawak@aol.com

Dr. Cynthia Knapp Ohio State ‘98 SA North King and South Snohomish Counties cyn.knapp@comcast.net

Dr. Pamela Powell WSU ‘82 SA, ER, HQHV spay-neuter WA, ID, OR. Short notice OK. (253) 229-7816 pamvetdr@aol.com

Dr. Kathleen Koppa WSU ‘07 SA Medicine and Surgery King and Snohomish Counties (425) 495-2626 kkoppa@yahoo.com

Dr. L. Louise Rutter Cambridge, England ‘95 SA Medicine and Surgery relief work King County, Lake Washington area (425) 999 6765 louiserutter1000@gmail.com

Dr. Lori Maness Tufts, ‘92 Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish Counties (307) 277-8819 Maness.lori@gmail.com Dr. Regina Mansfield WSU ‘85 SA Medicine SE King/ NE Pierce (360) 825-6753 regina.scott.m@gmail.com Dr. Jeff Mayo OSU ‘94 SA Surgery (advanced), Medicine (425) 218-1400 drjeffmayo@comcast.net www.jeffmayodvm.com Dr. Alina McClain Ross ‘06 SA, Ultrasound, Soft Tissue Surgery Northern Western Washington to Seattle Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and some Sat/Sun (360) 682-6216, (614) 5639914 ndcrud42@yahoo.com Dr. Cheryl Meyers MSU ‘96 Small Animal Medicine, Surgery & Dentistry Greater Puget Sound area (206) 683-0685 cherylmeyers101@gmail.com

Dr. Michael Ryan WSU ‘84 SA Medicine and Surgery Kitsap and West Sound region (360) 830-4911 ryanserv@msn.com Dr. Aja Senestraro WSU, ‘14 SA, LA, some exotics, Integrative medicine Tumwater to Bellingham (425) 492-0323 SeatoSkyVet@gmail.com Dr. Timarie Simmons OK State ‘98 Small Animal Medicine/ Surgery and Some Exotics Greater Seattle and Statewide Options (703) 606-3300 timariedvm@yahoo.com Dr. Hank Snelgrove, CVA UCD ‘81 Integrative Small Animal Practice: medicine, dentistry, surgery, acupuncture, and TCVM herbal therapy Olympic and Kitsap Peninsulas and Central and Western Washington (360) 301-0096 tsetsibus@olympus.net

Dr. Jennifer Spooner OKL ‘10 Emergency/Critical Care, Small Animal Medicine/ Surgery Snohomish/King Counties (503) 480-5767 jennyspooner@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Sprague WSU ‘89 SA Medicine King, S. Snohomish Counties (425) 880-4073 dr.sprague@cablespeed.com Dr. Priscilla Stockner Min ’70 King, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties. (360) 420-3717 priscillastockner@mac.com Dr. Michael Stone OSU ‘99 SA,ER, Medicine/Surgery (253) 988-1200 nwdvmrelief@gmail.com Dr. Teri Weronko TENN ‘94 SA Medicine, Surgery & Dentistry Greater Puget Sound Area, as well as Alaska, Oregon, Hawaii and International (425) 466-2809 gobivet7@gmail.com Dr. Karen Wichert WSU ‘89 SA Medicine and Surgery Snohomish, King Counties (425) 312-3376 karen.wichert.dvm@gmail. com Dr. Evelyn Wilson, WSU ‘90, ABVP canine & feline med. Small animal medicine, surgery, dentistry, E.R. and exotics Snohomish, King, Skagit and Whatcom counties. (360) 631-2400 evwilsonvet@wavecable.com Dr. Michelle Zachry Purdue ‘02 SA, Medicine/Surgery/ Dentistry, ER/CC, Public Health/Food, Shelter King County and surrounding areas (425) 654-3521 reliablevetrelief@gmail.com

may /june 2 0 15


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Classifieds WSVMA 2015 Classified Advertising Rates WSVMA Members First 30 words Each additional word WSVMA Blind Box (one-time fee) Include ad in next print issue

$65.00 $1.00 $5.00 $10.00

No charge for contact information. Rates are for two months on the website. Ad will be included in the next available print issue for an additional $10.00. Non-Members First 30 words Each additional word WSVMA Blind Box (one-time fee) Include ad in next print issue

$115.00 $ 1.50 $ 5.00 $20.00

No charge for contact information. Rates are for two months on the website. Ad will be included in the next available print issue for an additional $20.00. Classified ad forms are available upon request. Call (800) 399-7862 or (425) 396-3191 or email classifieds@wsvma. org. Deadlines for Classifieds Ads for the July/Aug 2015 issue of the WSVMA Classifieds will be accepted until June 30, 2015. No refunds or changes will be allowed after the deadline has passed. The WSVMA WA Veterinarian Magazine and WSVMA Classifieds are sent to all WSVMA members. More Information For further information on classified advertising, please contact: WSVMA Office (800) 399-7862 or (425) 396-3191 classifieds@wsvma.org New Ad Deadlines July/Aug 2015 • June 30, 2015

DVM Wanted, King-Pierce-Snohomish Counties Enjoy FLEXIBLE hours in a GREAT TEAM ENVIRONMENT, practicing HIGH QUALITY MEDICINE on the road as a House Call Vet, and in our brick and mortar clinic as well! We use Cornerstone and offer digital radiology, surgery and dental services to our loyal clientele. Our team is cohesive, supportive, dedicated, and fun, so we are looking for exactly the right person to help us accommodate our rapidly growing practice while still preserving our homey, friendly environment. Days worked and hours/week are negotiable and flexible. If interested, please send your resume and cover letter to: info@YourAtHomeVet.com See www.YourAtHomeVet.com for more info about our practice, and feel free to call with any questions. Thank you! Graham – SA associate wanted for growing practice. Must have strong skills in medicine/surgery. Focus on high quality care & client communication. Nestled on rural forested 11 acres with an energetic positive staff. This flexible position requires leadership skills and experience. In-house lab, Dxray, US, IM3 dental, therapeutic/surgical laser, computer records & more. Send resume to horsedoc@rainierconnect.com.

Banfield Pet Hospital is growing and seeking Associate Veterinarians and Chiefs of Staff to join our full-service, preventative care, companion animal hospitals. Hospitals located in: Aurora, Bellevue, Everett, Federal Way, Issaquah, Lacey, Lakewood, Lynnwood, Puyallup, Tukwilla, and Woodinville. The primary purpose and function of the Associate Veterinarian is to ensure the highest quality of veterinary care and client education. As a veterinarian in our hospitals, you'll enjoy the best of both worlds—making independent medical decisions, while having the strength and support of thousands behind you every step of the way. Your benefits package may include medical, health savings account, dental, vision, life, disability, health and dependent care flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and more! And, the Banfield benefits package offers you and your family preventive care and wellness options, and provides coverage for your health needs, whether it's routine care or a catastrophic event. Your retirement is also made more secure by participating in our 401(k) Savings Plan, which includes employer matching contributions. Please visit our website at Banfield.com/ careers or contact david.ueki@banfield.net or (503) 9225031. Want to be recognized for your surgical skills? Interested in working with the latest state-of-theart equipment in one of the best facilities in the nation? Would you like to be surrounded by professionals who are practicing the same high level of veterinary medicine that you aspire to? WE are a high end, privately owned 5 doctor hospital with the client focus that you are seeking. Ideal candidates will have spent time in a surgical internship/residency or have had surgical experience. Join “The Gentle Doctors” at Northwest Animal Care Hospital near Everett, Washington. Visit our website at www.nwanimalcare.com and send us your resume with cover letter to gentledoctors@outlook.com. We’ll respond in confidence. FULL TIME/PART-TIME Associate Veterinarian wanted for a well-established independently owned small animal hospital in North Seattle. Provides progressive high quality medicine in a well-equipped hospital. RECENT GRADUATES considered. Contact Mike Bellinghausen @ kenmorevet@yahoo.com or (425) 485-6575. Lake Stevens, WA (Snohomish County – 40min north of Seattle) SA Practice seeking PT/FT Associate: Privately owned, 6 DVM, ~4,000 sq/ ft practice. Cornerstone electronic records, digital radiology, IDEXX in-clinic, seasoned support team. Preventative/integrative (western/eastern) medicine with strong client education and community-outreach focuses. Experience within companion-animal surgical/ clinical environments preferred; side interest within pocket-pets/specialty is favorable. Production-based salary with dues/CE, PTO and excellent health/dental/ vision included. Great skiing, hiking and biking. Contact: manager@frontiervillagevet.com PT/FT DVM for busy small animal practices in Bellevue and Puyallup. Great hours, no emergency or on-call. Generous remuneration with signing bonus. Large support staff, digital radiography, in-house lab. Please email Jo at jsnyman@comcast.net Diamond Veterinary Associates / Emergency Clinic of Everett is seeking a full-time veterinarian to join our team. If you are looking to work for a hospital that provides excellent opportunities for varied experiences and challenges, education and growth, then our hospital is the place for you! The ideal candidate will be motivated, compassionate, professional, courteous and comfortable working independently, performing surgeries, and maintaining the long-term relationships we have established with our clients throughout Snohomish County and beyond. Diamond

Veterinary Associates / Emergency Clinic of Everett is an established small animal practice, located in Everett. State-of-the-art equipment includes a fully equipped surgical suite, computerized practice management, an inhouse laboratory, digital radiology, and ultrasound. We pride ourselves in our high quality medicine, excellent reputation and supporting the Everett community for over 25 years. This position offers a very competitive salary and generous benefits, commensurate with experience. To apply, please email a cover letter and resume to laura@diamondvet.com. Feline-only practice: FT/PT DVM. Busy, wellestablished clinic looking for a cat person with strong communication skills, a sense of humor, and the ability to work well under pressure. Leave the barking, drooling, and wrestling behind. p.gawley@comcast.net. We are looking for an enthusiastic, compassionate and progressive full-time small animal veterinarian with strong communication skills to join our fabulous team at Elliott Bay Animal Hospital. We are a well-equipped, 7-DVM, AAHA accredited and Cat Friendly Practice certified hospital that offers digital radiology, in-house ultrasound and acupuncture. We provide exceptional medicine and value commitment, integrity, continuing education and a positive environment. Above all, we value our patients, our clients and our staff. Our doctors and support team work hard to keep our clients involved and informed in every aspect of their pet’s healthcare by providing a collaborative approach. Applicants must be skilled and interested in dentistry & extractions, surgery and internal medicine. The ideal candidate will have at least 2 years’ experience, but new graduates will be considered. The position is available now. Please send your cover letter, resume and references to Kimberly Drummond, CVPM at kdrummond@elliottbayah.com. To learn more about us, you can visit our website at www.elliottbayah.com.

DVM Wanted, Western Washington SA veterinarian wanted to add to fast-paced, 2-doctor practice. Client-oriented, full service general practice. Looking for an enthusiastic doctor with good communication skills and a desire to practice quality medicine while serving others. Great, exper4ienced staff and pleasant working atmosphere. Benefits package available. Possible buy-in potential. Contact daupperlee@comcast.net. Full-time veterinarian wanted for busy 2-3 vet small animal hospital in Port Angeles. Do you absolutely love being a vet? Will you get down on the floor to say hi to a dog or pick up and hold the small dog or cat that comes in? Do cats allow you to handle them with minimal restraint? Do you easily connect with owners personally and deliver the best possible health care? Are you able to handle a busy workload with unexpected drop-ins or emergencies and still find time to complete the charts and call backs in a timely manner? Are you looking for something a little different? Facility in process of AAHA accreditation. On site Digital Radiograph (also Dental), Ultrasound, two Ventilator assisted breathing anesthetic units, and a high LVT to DVM ratio. Please email resume to saradutrow@ olympicveterinaryclinic.com. Full-time or part-time veterinarian wanted for busy small animal hospital in Vancouver, WA. Must have good communication skills, be efficient in exam rooms and in routine surgeries. One-year plus experience recommended. We offer competitive salary, signing bonus, and good benefits. Please email resume to companion@integraonline.com or contact Dr. Joseph Giffoni at Companion Pet Clinic – Cascade Park, (360) 254-8811.

Find More Classified Ads Online at wsvma.org The Pet Emergency Center in Mount Vernon, Washington is currently hiring an experienced Emergency Veterinarian. We are an after-hours facility, open week nights, weekends and all holidays. The hospital is very well-equipped with a new digital x-ray and much more. We are located in scenic Skagit County. Please send your resume to Andy Porter at customerservicebootcamp@gmail.com or call with questions at (360) 809-0661. Orchards Veterinary Clinic in Vancouver, WA is seeking FT and PT associates for a small animal, 4-doctor practice. Must be driven, compassionate, have strong communication skills and enjoy a fast paced environment. Compensation based on experience great rotating schedule, vacation, CE, etc. Send resume to ovcjobs@rocketmail.com. Progressive, energetic 6 DVM mixed animal practice seeks new Associate. Beautiful new hospital located in Centralia, WA. Position provides a mix of small animal medicine and small ruminants, some small animal surgery, bovine, equine, camelids and exotics if interested. For information contact: Drs. Affeldt, Humphrey or Iverson at (360) 736-3361; vetclinic@ localaccess.com; www.cascadewestvet.com. Experienced veterinarian needed for emergency after hours clinic in Bellingham, WA. Looking for someone to provide outstanding medicine, surgical care & client communication. Excellent support staff. Experienced DVM required. PT to FT available. FT includes health insurance, CE, paid dues, paid vacation, scrub allowance, SIMPLE plan. Resume to Dr. Jessica Williams at jesvetmed@icloud.com or mail AEC, Dr. Williams, 317 Telegraph Rd., Bellingham, WA 98226. Need to balance your professional and private lives better? Then consider a full time or part time associate veterinarian position with Chehalis Centralia Veterinary Hospital. Chehalis is located in beautiful Lewis County Washington half way between Seattle and Portland, just south of Olympia. Lewis County offers many outdoor activities with mountains, lakes, rivers, bike and running trails, and ocean nearby. Chehalis is ideal for raising a family; we have recently built a new library, outdoor swimming pool, and passed a bond for new elementary schools. Chehalis Schools have a strong STEM program including molecular genetics and robotics programs and scholarships for graduates. Your housing costs will be much lower than the more urban areas of Western Washington. If you prefer a more urban community to reside in, Olympia is just a short freeway commute away. Chehalis Centralia Veterinary Hospital is looking for a motivated and enthusiastic associate veterinarian to join our growing practice. We are a progressive cat and dog only 4 doctor practice that provides high quality veterinary care to a close knit community and prides itself on building long term relationships with clients. Our veterinary hospital is equipped with a complete in house Idexx lab, well trained staff, state of the art dental equipment, CornerStone computer software, digital X-ray equipment and therapeutic LASER. We are committed to balancing our income producing professional lives with our private lifestyles and understand each individual has a different perspective on that balance. We offer a very competitive compensation package with the ProSal method to new associates then switching to production pay once the associate is established. Benefits for all associates include SIMPLE retirement, liability insurance, AVMA and WSVMA dues, and paid CE. Full time associates can participate in our medical insurance program. Production associates earn a vacation benefit. Relocation budget of $1500.00 is available. Please send CV or resume, including references, to Associate Position, CCVH at 1214 NW State Ave Chehalis, WA 98532, or Email


to ccvh@chehalisvet.comcastbiz.net New graduates should consider this opportunity to build their skill base! Successful candidate would have the following qualifications: - DVM or equivalent degree; - Have a license in good standing to practice veterinary medicine in Washington State and current USDA accreditation; Have exceptional communication skills and be able to quickly develop a rapport with our loyal clientele; - Be a team player that would be willing to take on a leadership position with staff and client education; - Have a solid, up to date, base in routine surgical procedures and general practice medicine New graduates will be supported by our seasoned staff. We all remember our first year as a practicing veterinarian. We encourage the development of individual protocols; - Take pride in their work and seek out continuing education opportunities; - Be able to prioritize their work load and meet the needs of our clients with their schedule; - Be open to change and provide input on hospital policy development. We are open 7 days a week and successful candidate's schedule will include one to two working weekends a month. www.Chehalisvet.com; www.chamberway.com; www. Century21Lund.com. Thank you for your consideration, Dr. Brandy Fay and Dr. Mark Giffey. NEW GRAD or Experienced DVM position open. Progressive 3 Vet practice in Port Angeles, WA. Great location on north Olympic Peninsula surrounded by endless recreational possibilities in the mountains or nearby Seattle. Guaranteed generous base plus production; medical and dental insurance, IRA, great CE stipend, four day work week every other week ... all this in a NON-CORPORATE CLINIC! Full team of LVTs helps you achieve your best with our extensive, empowered client base. At your fingertips - New Aloka Noblus ultrasound, full dental suite with digital radiography & trained LVTs to assist - and a solid team that loves working together. Contact Dr. Sharon Jensen at drj01@ earthlink.net and check us out at www.bluemountainvet. com. Seeking an experienced SA veterinarian, PT to FT for well-established community veterinary hospital, in SW Washington. Compassionate quality veterinary care both medically and surgically with excellent communication and teamwork skills a must. We have an excellent team of support staff, including licensed technicians and experienced receptionists. Our hospital is equipped with digital x-ray, a full dental suite with digital dental x-ray, therapy laser, isoflurane anesthesia, pulse oximeter, blood pressure monitor, Idexx in house lab. Must be able to work Saturdays. Contact hearthwooddogandcat@gmail.com.

DVM Wanted, Eastern Washington Come live where others go to play! Full-time associate position available at small animal practice in the Columbia Gorge. Competitive salary and benefits with at least one year experience required. Please send cover letter and resume to info@alpinevet.net. Seeking PT - FT veterinarian for our family friendly small animal practice in Wenatchee, WA. New grads welcome. Team oriented, integrity and desire to provide quality care a must. Email resume to: blackbuttevet@hotmail.com. DVM WANTED: FT SA associate looking to join our team. We are expanding and moving into our new state of the art facility at the end of May. Must be highly motivated, flexible and play well with others. The schedule that needs to be filled would be as follow: Mon 7-2 (Sx), Tues off, Wed 8:30-7, Thurs 7-6, Fri 8:30-6, Sat 8:30-1 and Sun off. Benefits include Health/Dental,

w a s h i ngton ve te ri nari an

Professional, and CE. Contact Dr. Ryan Brown at info@ indiantrailvet.com. Resumes may be dropped off, emailed, or mailed to our current location: Indian Trail Animal Hospital, 9027 N. Indian Trial Rd., Spokane, WA 99208. Seeking FT mixed-animal DVM with excellent people skills for thriving four-doctor practice (est. 1982). Modern facility with six exam rooms, digital radiography, latest ultrasound units. Benefits include 401(k) plan with employer matching; medical, dental, vision insurance; credit for CE expenses; 2 weeks paid vacation; relocation assistance (if moving >50 miles). Full reimbursement for professional liability, license renewal, and AVMA dues. Come join our friendly team in the sunny Tri-Cities! Contact practice manager Henry James at support@pascovets.com. More info at www.pascovets. com . Seeking PT - FT veterinarian for our family friendly small animal practice in Wenatchee, WA. New grads welcome. Team oriented, integrity and desire to provide quality care a must. Email resume to: blackbuttevet@hotmail.com. Small Animal Emergency Practice seeking FT or PT weekday, overnight and/or weekend shift veterinarian. Located in our own free standing building in Pasco, WA. Contact Dr. Chad Pilgeram at Mid-Columbia Pet Emergency services by email at gocougs@hei.net. Full-time associate for well-established rural SA practice in Central WA. Non-corporate environment with ownership potential. New grads welcome. Please send resume and references to: 227 Cottage Ave., Cashmere, WA 98815 or mick@cashmerevet.com. FT SA Associate Veterinarian needed for a busy, long-established, 2nd generation Spokane practice. Non-corporate, family atmosphere. Strong surgical & orthopedic case-load. Stable, loyal staff with little turnover. Needing an associate with 3+ years’ experience, confident with good diagnostic, procedural & surgical skills. Rotating schedule with full medical, professional & CE benefits. Vstreet80@hotmail.com at Five Mile Pet Clinic. Wanted: Full-time small animal veterinarian. No weekends or after-hours emergency calls. Friendly, small town atmosphere. Complete in-house lab and digital x-ray. Close to Yakima and Tri-Cities. New upcoming grads welcome. Send resume with references to zillahvet@gmail.com or fax to (509) 829-6520. Cascade Veterinary Clinic in Wenatchee is seeking an experienced full-time veterinarian (new grads considered) to join our high quality, progressive eight doctor team. Great compensation opportunity and benefit package. Bob Bellamy at bob@cascadevetclinic. com; 1201 Walla Walla Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801; (509) 663-0793. VCA North Division Animal Medical Center is a 6-doctor full-service, extended-hour small animal practice located in Spokane, Washington. We focus on high quality medicine and surgery and offer all the supportive tools to aid your success, including ultrasound (new GE machine with telemedicine capability), video-endoscopy (the newest Karl Storz scope), Videootoscopy, digital radiography (all films reviewed by a boarded radiologist), etc. If your ambition is to join a growing practice focused on premier medicine, I would enjoy speaking with you further about this FT or PT opportunity. Please submit resume to: joe.peterson@vca. com.

DVM Wanted, Out-of-State We are looking for a veterinarian with previous practice experience to join our team. We are 80% small animal and are located in North Idaho. Generous compensation includes IRA plan, continuing education allowance and group medical plan. Email djwalkeridaho@gmail.com. Mixed animal super-vet wanted! Do you want to C-section everything from 3kg Chihuahuas to 1000kg Charolais? Can you translate latin into Farmer-ese? Can you talk the talk with horse people? Sew up any wound? If so then we want you! We have what you need to practice GREAT medicine - digital rads and records, ultrasonic dental unit, in-house lab, powerfloat, in house squeezes etc. Our amazing team of AHT’s and front of house staff is committed to delivering excellent client and patient care. We are seeking the right person who will be a good fit for our clinic family, and take great care of our clients and patients. Extensive compensation package including mileage, CE, license, health/dental/ disability plan, generous vacation time and more. Salary negotiable based on experience, new grads guaranteed 75k+ package. Mentorship is strong within our practice group. Shared call with backup for new grads. If you have a well-developed sense of humor and wish to practice high quality medicine and surgery on a variety of species please contact us! hpvet@telus.net or (780) 5233826. Associate veterinarian wanted for busy 6-vet hospital in beautiful Southeast Alaska. Experience preferred but not required. Competitive salary/benefits. For more information visit us at www.seavets.com or phone Tracye at (907) 789-7551.

Practice for Sale or Lease Want to buy an established practice for FREE? Ideal opportunity for start-up. Take over 20-year practice for lease payment only. Excellent north Seattle location. Great freeway access. (206) 999-2909 or ahealingvet@ comcast.net. Oregon, Linn County - 2-story (1,800sf each) SA hospital w/RE. Gross income ^20% through February 2015. OR2. California, Riverside County – The Hill area - 2,000sf SA clinic, family area. CA9. 1.800.636.4740 psbroker.com info@psbroker.com. One doctor small animal practice outside of Great Falls, MT (hunter/fisherman’s paradise). Two exam rooms, surgical suite, laboratory, pharmacy, grooming room, two kennel rooms, isolation room, in-house diagnostics, new digital x-ray. Selling with one/two acres. Grossed over $320,000 in 2014. Motivated to sell: new opportunities. Email interest to countryhavevet@ gmail.com. WA - NEW LISTING -East of Seattle- 1+ DVM Feline only SA practice, Leasehold, $500,000 Rev. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com. WA- JUST REDUCED!!- East of Seattle -Feline only SA practice, Leasehold, OVER $300K Rev w/DVM working 3.5 days a week. $200,000 Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com. WA – S. Puget Sound –OFFER MADE-1 DVM, great location w/RE on busy 4 lane. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com.

WA –East of Seattle – Two Cat clinics each in busy shopping centers, high demographics. One Rev. 300k. Second one 700k. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com. WA - S. of Seattle -UNDER CONTRACT Great Income! Long term practice, on 4 ¼ day work week. Owner retiring. Nearly 400k rev. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com. AK -South East– 1 DVM SA practice, leasehold. High profit, 2014 30% rev increase and great recreation area. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@ TPSGsales.com. OR - Two Practices near Portland–High net, SA high tech 2 vet over $900k revenue combined. One w/real estate one leasehold. For details, contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com. OR- South Central- NEW LISTING -2 DVM SA and Boarding Business with real estate, $800,000 Gross Rev. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@ TPSGsales.com. OR Central- UNDER CONTRACT- SA 1 DVM over 400k gross rev. Leasehold. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 6361228 or Karl@TPSGsales.com. ID – Eastern ID. Practice and RE w/ Residence in the practice. Room to grow, in beautiful ID. $375,000 total package. Contact Karl Salzsieder (360) 636-1228 or Karl@ TPSGsales.com. ALASKA – Southern Region CONSIDERING ALL OFFERS: Alaskan beauty, outdoor recreation. Highly profitable, 1 DVM, SA practice. Leasehold. Grossed $390k+ in 2013. Potential for $165k+ to buyer after debt pymts. Asking price $275,000/make offer. Simmons Northwest 208.664.3100 (LAK06) Eastern WA; SA Clinic; Owner Contract available on Sale/Lease; business, inventory, real estate; 30 min. to Spokane; great rural community and clients, great variety nearby recreation. Contact Ron at (509) 979-0011 or drkatepetvet@msn.com..

Northwest Animal Care Hospital has an immediate opening for a Licensed Veterinary Technician. Come work for one of the top veterinary hospitals in the nation. Benefits include competitive salary $15-$22/hour, four day work week much of the year, health insurance, paid time off, employee discounts for personal pets, 401K. Come check us out at www.nwanimalcare.com. Please email resume with cover letter to gentledoctors@outlook. com. .

Relief Technician Available Vet Tech Services – Let our experienced LVT’s keep your hospital running at full capacity. Please call Virginia Jones, LVT at (425) 330-5234.

WSAVT Career Center (360) 273-7838 or ludeluh@yahoo.com

Display Ad Index Anchor Bank.....................................................................................14 Architectural Werks.......................................................................14 AVMA-PLIT........................................................................................... 3 Dermatology Clinic for Animals................................................14 Kitsap Bank.......................................................................................... 5 Omni Practice Group....................................................................... 5 Seattle Veterinary Specialists...................................................... 3 Simmons Veterinary Practice Sales & Appraisals...............11 Total Practice Solutions Group..................................................14 WSU..................................................................................................... 11

Miscellaneous Practice Sales Brokerage or Practice Buyer Representation. Increase profitability and Practice Sales price with Management Consulting. Practice Valuation and Employment contracts, buy-sells, startups, litigation support, representation before license board. Contact Karl Salzsieder, DVM, JD, AVA, (360) 5778115 or karl@salzsiederlaw.com..

Technician Wanted Want to be appreciated? Hate workplace drama? Come on over! FT LVT Seattle. Small vet hospital with family atmosphere seeking new teammate! We provide the very best veterinary care using state of the art diagnostics and treatments delivered with love. Your ideas are welcome here and your career goals will be supported. Mutual respect and appreciation is required. Pay is $15-25/hr. Health insurance and CE. hbennett@ thefamilypet.org. Small animal practice in Sequim is seeking licensed technician or assistant. Willing to train a compassionate and team player. Competitive salary and benefits. Resume to debpacnwvet@hotmail.com.

may /june 2 0 15


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