WTO Publications Catalogue 2009/2010

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Dispute Settlement




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TO ORDER DIRECT : Online: http://onlinebookshop.wto.org ℡ +41 (22) 739 53 08 +41 (22) 739 57 92 @ publications@wto.org This catalogue provides information on titles as of November 2009. Prices and dates may occasionally vary and are subject to change without notice. Visit www.wto.org to register and receive free alerts when new titles become available.

© 2009 WTO – Information and External Relations Division ( IERD ) ISBN : 978-92-870-3679-7 http://onlinebookshop.wto.org



• Trade Policy Reviews 2009 • Dispute Settlement One-Page Case Summaries (1995-2008) 2009 Edition • Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum • World Trade Report 2009: Trade Policy Commitments and Contingency Measures • WTO Status of Legal Instruments 2009 • Trade and Climate Change • WTO Public Forum 2008: Trading into the Future • Dispute Settlement Reports 2007 • wto.org • Globalization and Informal Jobs in Developing Countries • WTO Annual Report 2009 • The Doha Round Texts and Related Documents • International Trade Statistics 2009 • World Tariff Profiles 2009 • World Trade Profiles 2009 • Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region




WTO In Brief

WTO in Brief provides a starting point for essential information about the World Trade Organization. Concise and practical, this short brochure is an ideal introduction to the WTO. WTO In Brief La OMC en pocas palabras L’OMC en quelques mots

ISBN 978-92-870-3418-2 ISBN 978-92-870-3420-5 ISBN 978-92-870-3419-9

Understanding the WTO

An introduction to the WTO, what it is, why it was created, how it works, and what it does, Understanding the WTO has been written specifically for nonspecialists. More comprehensive then WTO in Brief, this publication details WTO agreements, the dispute settlement process, the Doha round of negotiations and many other issues. Understanding the WTO Entender la OMC Comprendre l’OMC

ISBN 978-92-870-3495-3 ISBN 978-92-870-3497-7 ISBN 978-92-870-3496-0

10 Benefits of the WTO Trading System

From the money in our pockets and the goods and services that we use, to a more peaceful world – the WTO and the trading system offer a range of benefits, some well known, others not so obvious. Ten Benefits of the WTO Trading System tries to reflect the complex and dynamic nature of trade. 10 Benefits of the WTO Trading System Diez ventajas del sistema de comercio de la OMC Dix avantages du système commercial de l’OMC

ISBN 978-92-870-3436-6 ISBN 978-92-870-3438-0 ISBN 978-92-870-3437-3

10 Common Misunderstandings about the WTO

Is it a dictatorial tool of the rich and powerful? Does itt destroy jobs? Does it ignore the concerns of health, the environment and development? Emphatically no. Criticisms of the WTO are often based on fundamental misunderstandings of the way the WTO works. This booklet attempts to clear up ten common misunderstandings. 10 Common Misunderstandings about the WTO Diez malentendidos frecuentes sobre la OMC Dix malentendus fréquents au sujet de l’OMC

ISBN 978-92-870-3439-7 ISBN 978-92-870-3441-0 ISBN 978-92-870-3440-3




The Doha Round Texts and Related Documents

This booklet replaces an earlier publication, on, al Doha Declarations. It now includes the principal documents agreed by WTO member governmentss at important stages in the trade negotiationss that were launched by the Doha Ministerial Conference in November 2001. Until the Doha Round concludes, this collection remains work in progress. Published in 2009. The Doha Round Texts and Related Documents ISBN 978-92-870-3509-7 Los Textos de la Ronda de Doha y Documentos Conexos ISBN 978-92-870-3511-0 Les textes du Cycle de Doha et documents connexes ISBN 978-92-870-3510-3

WTO Annual Report 2009

The new-look Annual Report 2009 of the WTO is split into two main sections. The first is a brief summary of the organization and a review of 2008. The second section provides more in-depth information illustrated with charts, tables and photos. The Report also includes a personal message from the Director-General who reflects on 2008 and the challenges that lie ahead. Published in 2009. WTO Annual Report 2009 Informe Anual de la OMC 2009 Rapport annuel de l’OMC 2009

ISBN 978-92-870-3680-3 ISBN 978-92-870-3681-0 ISBN 978-92-870-3682-7

| CHF 50.| CHF 50.| CHF 50.-

Let us know what you think! Take the Readership Survey for the Annual Report. Your answers to this survey will help us make improvements to the WTO Annual Report. Find the survey at www.wto.org. WTO.ORG

A “snapshot” of the WTO web site as of August 2009. includes the legal texts, trade policy reviews, and trade statistics. This DVD is particularly useful for those who wish to access the web site content without an Internet connection. An ideal training tool for seminars. Contents include most WTO web site materials. Formally entitled WTO Website on DVD. Published in 2009. WTO.ORG English WTO.ORG français WTO.ORG espagnol


ISBN 978-92-870-3676-6 ISBN 978-92-870-3677-3 ISBN 978-92-870-3678-0


| CHF 20.| CHF 20.| CHF 20.-


WTO Public Forum 2008: Trading into the Future

This year’s edition of the WTO Public Forum offers an overview of the debates at the 2008 Forum, whose title was “Trading into the Future”. The Forum provided a unique opportunity for governments, representatives of non-governmental organizations, parliamentarians, nity, academics, members of the business community, he journalists, lawyers and students to discuss how the ds trading system may best reflect the future needs and aspirations of the international community. A d chapter is devoted to each of the sessions held during the two-day programme. A double DVD is included. The first DVD contains the full programme of the Public Forum 2008, including the inaugural speech by DirectorGeneral Pascal Lamy and audio recordings of individual sessions. The second DVD contains a video of a debate entitled “Mutual Supportiveness of Trade, Climate Change and Development Objectives and Policies”. Published in 2009.

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ISBN 978-92-870-3499-1 CHF 30.ISBN 978-92-870-3501-1 CHF 30.ISBN 978-92-870-3500-4 CHF 30.ISBN 978-92-870-3516-5 included

2008 WTO Public Forum 2008 Foro Público de la OMC 2008 Forum public de l’OMC Double DVD trilingual

The WTO Building Brochure

The WTO Building brochure provides a fascinating insight into the artwork, architecture, and history of the Centre William Rappard, home to the World Trade Organization. The brochure describes the origins of the building, which previously housed the International Labour Organization and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Lavishly illustrated, the brochure highlights the many works of art and decorative items donated by countries and institutions over the years. Stunning photographs illustrate the varied paintings, frescos, os, bas-reliefs and statues housed within the Centre re William Rappard. The accompanying text focusess on the architects who designed and built it and d the artists who helped to create a variety of works that span several decades. This brochure reveals many hidden treasures, many of which have only recently come to light. Published in 2008. The WTO Building Brochure El edificio de la OMC Le bâtiment de l’OMC

ISBN 978-92-870-3424-3 ISBN 978-92-870-3426-7 ISBN 978-92-870-3425-0

| CHF 20.| CHF 20.| CHF 20.-




A Handbook on Accession to the WTO Foreword by Arif Hussain

The Handbook provides the first detailed explanation on and analysis of how governments become memberss of the WTO. The WTO Agreement, which came into o force on 1 January 1995, provides few details on how this process takes place. The steps in the detailed negotiations leading up to accession have evolved over the years through the actual process that governments have followed to become members of the WTO. This handbook provides a unique account of how the process has evolved and details exactly what is involved. The input provided by the WTO Secretariat in the preparation of the guide has resulted in the publication of information that has not been available until now to anyone outside the Secretariat. The handbook will serve as a useful source of reference for officials from acceding governments, WTO members, academia, and anyone else interested in this area.


2008 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : English ISBN 978-0-521-72868-3 HB: English ISBN 978-0-521-42594-0

| CHF 55.| CHF 125.-

WTO Public Forum 2007: “How Can the WTO Help Harness Globalization?”

The second edition of the Public Forum addresses the discussions and concerns raised during the 2007 WTO Public Forum, whose theme was "How Can the WTO Help Harness Globalization?" The discussion of this topic comes at a time when many member countries are experiencing concerns regarding the impact of global trade on an already fragile environment, the ever-present economic and trade differences between the North and the South, and the possible completion p of the overdue Doha Development Round and its ensuing benefi fits for increased global trade. These disparate ate issues are organized into sub-themes of: global al governance, coherence, economic growth, and d sustainable development. More specific topics are e also discussed, such as the ability of global trade to help reduce climate change, to create winwin situations in international trade, and to push international trade into the national development strategy. CD-ROM included. Published in 2008. 2007 WTO Public Forum 2007 Foro Público de la OMC 2007 Forum public de l’OMC


ISBN 978-92-870-3372-4 ISBN 978-92-870-3473-1 ISBN 978-92-870-3474-8


| CHF 30.| CHF 30.| CHF 30.-


The First Ten Years of the WTO 1995-2005 Peter Gallagher

This book was commissioned by the World Trade de Organization as a factual account of the first st decade of its existence. It aims to cover the e principal activities of the WTO as the successorr to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the steps taken to establish a global trading system. Peter Gallagher, the author, is an independent trade analyst and consultant, who records what might be regarded as the WTO's main achievements as well as describing the controversies that have arisen in its first ten years. A useful reference book for policy makers, journalists, members of trade delegations and for everyone who requires a detailed understanding of the workings of the WTO.


2005 Co-published with Cambridge University Press English ISBN 978-0-521-86215-8

| CHF 115.-

DVD : The WTO in Video

Offered for the first time on DVD, this trilingual two volume collection includes four videos produced by the WTO Secretariat. Developed as an introductory training tool, this DVD provides essential information on how the WTO system works, the evolution of the trading system from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), how trade disputes are solved through the dispute settlement system and a tour of the WTO building. Includes To the Heart of the WTO, From GATT to WTO - Achievements and Challenges, Solving Trade Disputes and A Students’ Visit to the WTO. Published in 2006. Trilingual ISBN 978-92-870-3337-6 DVD: The WTO in Video DVD: La OMC en video DVD: L’OMC en vidéo

| CHF 60.-

The Future of the WTO

The Future of the WTO is a report on the future of the multilateral trading system, including recommendations on reforms. It was prepared by the Director-General's Consultative Board. Published in 2004. Future of the WTO El futuro de la OMC L'avenir de l'OMC

ISBN 978-92-870-3483-0 ISBN 978-92-870-3485-4 ISBN 978-92-870-3484-7




Reshaping the World Trading System – 2nd Edition John Croome

Take 120 governments and territories, each bent on vigorously seeking its own self-interest. Give them a mandate to reach agreement on new rules for more open markets – not only for goods but for services and intellectual property as well. And give them a d it time-limit – four years. It sounds impossible and ly almost was. This is the story, told in frank, lively e and non-technical terms, of how and why the Uruguay Round came about, what the participantt countries sought, and the twists, turns, setbacks and successes of each stage and sector of the negotiations … and how, after seven years, the final achievement in many instances surpassed the original goals.


1998 Co-published with Kluwer Law International English ISBN 90-411-1126-3


| CHF 170.-



The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations : The Legal Texts

Includes 167 page Subject Index This book contains the legal texts of the agreements negotiated in the Uruguay Round, now the legal framework of the World Trade Organization. Goods: the updated General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that includes new rules on agriculture,, textiles, anti-dumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, import licensing, rules of origin, standards, and pre-shipment inspection. (The original GATT text is also included in this volume.) Services: the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Intellectual property: the Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Disputes: the new dispute settlement mechanism. New edition published in 2007. Co-published with Cambridge University Press The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations ISBN 978-05-217-8580-8 CHF 70.Los Resultados de la Ronda Uruguay de Negociaciones Comerciales Multilaterales ISBN 978-92-870-3422-9 CHF 70.Résultats des négociations commerciales multilatérales du Cycle d’Uruguay ISBN 978-92-870-3422-9 CHF 70.-

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Luxury Leather-bound Edition with Bookmarks

| CHF 200.-

CD-ROM: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations : The Legal Texts

Includes Subject Index This CD-ROM contains the legal texts of the he agreements negotiated in the Uruguay Round, d, now the legal framework of the WTO. Contentss include the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the Agreement on Trade-related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the dispute settlement mechanism.


2008 Trilingual ISBN 978-92-870-3450-2

| CHF 50.-

CD-ROM: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations : The Legal Texts CD-ROM: Los Resultados de la Ronda Uruguay de Negociaciones Comerciales Multilaterales: Los Textos Jurídicos CD-ROM: Résultats des négociations commerciales multilatérales du Cycle d’Uruguay: les textes juridiques




WTO Basic Instruments and Selected Documents

Basic Instruments and Selected Documentss is the official collection of legal documents, protocols, and reports adopted by the World Trade Organization. It contains the Protocols for Accession for new WTO members along with other legal instruments. Co-published with Bernan Press Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Volume V Volume VI Volume VII Volume VIII Volume IX Volume X Volume XI Volume XII Volume XIII

| CHF 110.- per volume

(1995) | February (1996) | February (1997) | October (1998) | March (1999) | February (2000) | May (2001) | September (2002) | November (2003) | April (2004) | February (2005) | May (2006) | Forthcoming (2007) | Forthcoming

2003 | ISBN : 08-9059-191-1 2005 | ISBN : 92-870-3302-1 2006 | ISBN : 08-9059-193-8 2007 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8029-8 2007 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8106-6 2007 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8143-1 2007 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8150-9 2007 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8160-8 2008 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8191-2 2009 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8193-6 2009 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8249-0 2010 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8280-3 2010 | ISBN : 978-15-988-8281-0

WTO Status of Legal Instruments 2008

This volume is concerned with the instruments drawn up by the members of the World Trade Organization or drawn up under their auspices since the inception of the Organization and represents a consolidated compilation of these data for each instrument. The instruments are generally numbered in the chronological order in which they were concluded. They are classified under five chapter headings. Published in 2009. WTO Status of Legal Instruments 2008 ISBN 978-92-870-3487-8 CHF 20.OMC - Situación de los instrumentos jurídicos 2008 ISBN 978-92-870-3489-2 CHF 20.OMC - Situation des instruments juridiques 2008 ISBN 978-92-870-3488-5 CHF 20.-

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This series presents the market access conditions agreed to by countries joining the WTO. This information is vital for specialists in international trade law and for business users operating in the relevant markets. The Protocols include detailed schedules on market access conditions for trade in both goods and services. These are the official WTO certified texts of the Protocol Accessions negotiated to become a member of the WTO. Protocol on the Accession of WTO Members Protocolo de Adhesión de los Miembros de la OMC Protocole d’accession des Membres de l’OMC

Protocol on the Accession of Cape Verde Geneva 23 July 2008 Trilingual ISBN 978-92-870-3476-2

| CHF 250.-

Protocol on the Accession of Ukraine Geneva 16 May 2008 Trilingual ISBN 978-92-870-3427-4

| CHF 250.-

Protocol on the Accession of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Geneva 11 January 2007 Co-published with Cambridge University Press Trilingual ISBN 978-05-217-0764-0

| CHF 250.-

Protocol on the Accession of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Geneva 11 December 2005 Co-published with Cambridge University Press Trilingual ISBN 978-05-217-0763-3

| CHF 250.-

Protocol on the Accession of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu Doha 11 November 2001 Co-published with Cambridge University Press Trilingual ISBN 978-05-217-8891-5

| CHF 250-

Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China Doha 10 November 2001 Co-published with Cambridge University Press Trilingual ISBN 978-05-217-8890-8

| CHF 250-




CD-ROM : Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, 2nd edition

This CD-ROM covers the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and includes text, video and audio material. This is complemented by a multiple choice test to enable users to monitor their progress. The complete text of the Agreement is also included.


2008 Trilingual | ISBN 978-92-870-3446-5

| CHF 75.-

Computer Based Training: Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, 2nd Edition Formación por ordenador: Acuerdo sobre la Aplicación de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias, 2ª edición Formation assistée par ordinateur: Accord sur l’application des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, 2ème edition

WTO Agreements Series

The WTO’s agreements are the legal foundation on n for the international trading system that is used ed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations. Thiss n series offers a set of handy reference booklets on selected agreements. Each volume contains the text of one agreement, an explanation designed to help the user understand the text, and in some cases supplementary material.

| CHF 30.- per volume Agreement Establishing the WTO

ISBN 978-92-870-3518-9

Agriculture Agricultura Agriculture

ISBN 978-92-870-3521-9 ISBN 978-92-870-3642-1 ISBN 978-92-870-3512-7

Technical Barriers to Trade

ISBN 978-92-870-3520-2

WTO Sanitary & Phytosanitary Measures Medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias Mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires

ISBN 978-92-870-3651-3 ISBN 978-92-870-3445-8 ISBN 978-92-870-3444-1

CD-ROM : General Agreement on Trade in Services

This trilingual CD-ROM is a training course on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), using text and interactive methods to enable users to acquire a detailed knowledge of this agreement. It includes a library of documents on the GATS, including the basic Agreement.


2005 Trilingual ISBN 978-92-870-3486-1

| CHF 75.-

Computer Based Training : General Agreement on Trade in Services Formación por ordenador: Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios Formation assistée par ordinateur : Accord général sur le commerce des services




General Agreement on Trade in Services Protocols

This set of publications consists of additional agreements negotiated after the Uruguay Round and attached to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). They are known as the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Protocols. There is no first protocol. Second GATS Protocol: Revised Schedules of Commitments on Financial Services. Third GATS Protocol: Schedules of Specific Commitments relating to Movement of Natural Persons. Fourth GATS Protocol: Schedules of Specific Commitments Concerning Basic Telecommunications. Fifth GATS Protocol: Schedules of Specific Commitments and Lists of Exemptions from Article II. This complete set includes four volumes presented in three books. Co-published with William S. Hein & Co.



2004 Trilingual ISBN 1-57588-830-0 CHF 350.General Agreement on Trade in Services Protocols Protocolos anexos al Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios Protocoles annexés à l’Accord général sur le commerce des services

CD-ROM : WTO Agreements – The Legal Text and Schedules : Services

This CD-ROM contains the updated schedules of services commitments and/or MFN exemptions for WTO member countries up to the year 2000 in English, plus the English, French and Spanish versions of the WTO Legal Texts. This material has never been available in one source before. The CD-ROM collates this material into one database and provides an easy to use interface, enabling full searches of the entire database, or searching by specific categories within the schedules. Results can be saved, printed or exported to other applications. • First searchable version both of these official WTO Schedules alongside the WTO Legal Texts • a compulsory purchase for anyone dealing in international trade in services • Help desk/technical support available by telephone and e-mail. Co-published with Cambridge University Press.


2002 Trilingual

ISBN 978-0-521-79645-3

| CHF 800.-

CD-ROM: WTO Agreements – The Legal Text and Schedules: Services CD-ROM: Los Acuerdos de la OMC – Los textos jurídicos y las listas: Servicios CD-ROM: Accords de l’OMC – Textes juridiques et Listes: Services




CD-ROM : GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents

The entire General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (BISD) – all 42 volumes in English, French and Spanish – are contained on one CD-ROM. Jointly developed by Bernan Associates and the WTO, this disk uses technology that turns the large library of documents into a highly accessible and useful tool for research. Its release coincides with the publication of the printed version of the final GATT BISD supplement. With a multiple-user licence, the data can also be accessed by several people on a computer network.


1998 Co-published with Bernan Press Trilingual ISBN 978-08-905-9101-7 CHF



CD-ROM: GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents CD-ROM: Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio: Instrumentos Básicos y Documentos Diversos CD-ROM: Instruments de base et documents divers du GATT

CD-ROM : Complete Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations

This unique CD-ROM contains the complete legal texts and marketopening commitments of the 125 countries who participated in the 1986-94 Uruguay Round. It allows information to be organized by specific countries or country groups. The material covers 30,000 pages of legal text covering goods, services, trade-related intellectual property rights, dispute settlement and individual countries' schedules of commitments in the goods and services areas. Published in 1996. Trilingual ISBN 92-870-0145-6

| CHF 1000.-

CD-ROM: Complete Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations CD-ROM: Resultados completos de la Ronda Uruguay de Negociaciones Comerciales Multilaterales CD-ROM: Résultats complets des négociations commerciales multilatérales du Cycle d’Uruguay

Legal Instruments embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round – Complete Set

The legal instruments embodying the results of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, adopted in Marrakech on 15 April 1994, are published in a set of 34 volumes. The complete set covers the legal texts, the ministerial decisions and the Marrakech declaration, the signatory countries, as well as the individual agreements, the schedules of specific commitments on services, the tariff schedules for trade in goods, and the Plurilateral Agreements. Schedules in the original language only. Published in 1994. Also available through the co-publisher William S. Hein & Co. Inc. English ISBN 1-57588-813-0


| CHF 4500.-



GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents – Volumes 1-42

This complete set contains all 42 volumes of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (BISD) series. This annual series presents the principal decisions, resolutions, recommendations and reports adopted by the GATT contracting parties every year. A volume was published every year from 1953 up to 1994. Reprinted in 2003. Available also from William S. Hein & Co. Inc. English ISBN 1-57588-789-4 CHF 1850.-





International Trade Statistics is the Number One source for data on world trade. Detailed tables provide comprehensive statistics on the world’s leading exporters and importers, with information broken p down by region and by country. Trade statistics are also provided byy product and by commercial services. With data dating back to 1948, this publication on provides unparalleled insights into the trendss for world trade over the past six decades.. Hundreds of statistical tables and highlight sections illustrating some of the key trends help to make International Trade Statistics an invaluable reference tool for businesses, analysts and anyone wanting to know more about international trade.

International Trade Statistics 2009

International Trade Statistics is the WTO’s annual compilation of global trade statistics. This Report provides comprehensive statistics on trade in merchandise and commercial services, with an assessment of world trade flows by country, region and main product groups or service categories. Some 250 tables and charts depict trade developments from various perspectives and provide a number of long-term time series. Major trade developments are summarized and discussed in the first part of the report under Overview. Detailed trade statistics are provided in Appendix tables. Published in 2009.


International Trade Statistics 2009 Estadísticas del comercio internacional 2009 Statistiques du commerce international 2009

ISBN 978-92-870-3697-1 ISBN 978-92-870-3698-8 ISBN 978-92-870-3699-5

International Trade Statistics 2008 Estadísticas del comercio internacional 2008 Statistiques du commerce international 2008

ISBN 978-92-870-3466-3 ISBN 978-92-870-3468-7 ISBN 978-92-870-3467-0


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CHF 50.CHF 50.CHF 50.CHF 50.CHF 50.CHF 50.-


Trade Profiles provides a country-by-country breakdown of trade flows and trade policy measures for WTO members and countries seeking to join the WTO. With information provided in a standardized format for each country, this publication is an invaluable quick reference tool for anyone looking for essential trade statistics. The data provided for each country includes basic economic indicators (such as GDP), trade policy indicators tors (such as tariffs and import duties), merchandise se trade flows (broken down by broad product ct categories and major origins and destinations),), commercial trade flows (with a breakdown byy major components) and industrial property indicators (such as annual number of patents granted). Presented in a handy format, with one page devoted to each country, Trade Profiles offers a concise overview of global trade.

Trade Profiles 2009 Trade Profiles 2009 Perfiles comerciales 2009 Profils commerciaux 2009

ISBN 978-92-870-3694-0 ISBN 978-92-870-3695-7 ISBN 978-92-870-3696-4

Trade Profiles 2008 Perfiles comerciales 2008 Profils commerciaux 2008

ISBN 978-92-870-3460-1 ISBN 978-92-870-3462-5 ISBN 978-92-870-3461-8

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CHF 30.CHF 30.CHF 30.CHF 30.CHF 30.CHF 30.-




World Tariff Profiles provides invaluable information on market access. The listing of the tariffs imposed by each WTO member on its imports is complemented with an analysis of the market access conditions it faces in its major export markets. The publication provides a comprehensive picture of tariffs. Presented in a handy format, it offers both summary tables and country-bycountry breakdowns, with one page devoted to on each country. The standardized presentation n allows for analyses and comparisons between d countries and sectors and between bound and applied duties for WTO members. This joint publication of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) is aimed at both specialists and non-specialists alike.

World Tariff Profiles 2009

The World Tariff Profiles 2009 is the third edition of this inter-agency statistical publication devoted to market access. The reader will find in this comprehensive report the main tariff parameters for WTO members and some other selected countries and customs territories. The description of the tariffs imposed by each economy on its imports is complemented with an analysis of the market access conditions it faces in its major export markets. The publication provides a comprehensive picture of tariff and ad valorem equivalents in an abridged format. Published in 2009. World Tariff Profiles 2009 Perfiles arancelarios en el mundo 2009 Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2009 World Tariff Profiles 2008 Perfiles arancelarios en el mundo 2008 Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2008



| CHF 50.| CHF 50.| CHF 50.ISBN 978-92-870-3463-2 | CHF 50.ISBN 978-92-870-3465-6 | CHF 50.ISBN 978-92-870-3464-9 | CHF 50.-

ISBN 978-92-870-3683-4 ISBN 978-92-870-3684-1 ISBN 978-92-870-3685-8


. Published annually, the World Trade Report takes an in-depth look at the latest trends in trade, trade policy issues and the multilateral trading system. The Report provides an overview of trade developments over the past year and offers insightful analysis into specific aspects of world trade

World Trade Report 2009

Trade Policy Commitments and Contingency Measures The World Trade Report 2009 examines the range of measures that governments may call upon in trade agreements and the role that these measures can play when governments face an economic crisis. The Report provides an economic, legal and political economy analysis of the key features of different types of measures and illustrates the benefits and costs associated with such measures. The Report also analyses whether WTO provisions provide a balance between giving governments the necessary flexibility to face difficult economic situations and at the same time limiting the use of these provisions for protectionist purposes. Published in 2009. World Trade Report 2009 Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2009 Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2009

ISBN 978-92-870-3513-4 ISBN 978-92-870-3514-1 ISBN 978-92-870-3515-8

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CHF 60.CHF 60.CHF 60.-

World Trade Report 2008

Trade in a Globalizing World The purpose of the Report, whose main theme is “Trade in a Globalizing World”, is to remind ourselves of what we know about the gains from international trade and the challenges arising from higher levels of integration. The Report addresses a range of interlinking questions, starting with a consideration of what constitutes globalization, what drives it, what benefits does it bring, what challenges does it pose and what role does trade play in this world of ever-growing inter-dependency. The Report asks why some countries have managed to take advantage of falling trade costs and greater policy-driven trading opportunities while others have remained largely outside international commercial relations. It also considers who the winners and losers are from trade and what complementary action is needed from policy-makers to secure the benefits of trade for society at large. Published in 2008. World Trade Report 2008 ISBN 978-92-870-3454-0 Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2008 ISBN 978-92-870-3456-4 Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2008 ISBN 978-92-870-3455-7

| CHF 60.| CHF 60.| CHF 60.-




World Trade Report 2007

Sixty Years of the Multilateral Trading System : Achievements and Challenges On 1 January 2008 the multilateral trading system celebrated its sixtieth anniversary. The World Trade Report 2007 marks the occasion with a retrospective look at what we have learned from those six decades of international trade cooperation. In asking what we have learned, the Report reviews a rich history of change and institutional adaptation. It attempts to identify what lessons are to be drawn from past experience and the nature of challenges to come. The World Trade Report is a vital tool for policymakers and for any individuals or groups interested in global trade policy. World Trade Report 2007 ISBN 978-92-870-3401-4 Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2007 ISBN 978-92-870-3403-8 Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2007 ISBN 978-92-870-3402-1

| CHF 60.| CHF 60.| CHF 60.-

World Trade Report 2006

Exploring the links between subsidies, trade and the WTO The core topic addressed in the World Trade Report 2006 is subsidies. The Report takes a look at recent trade developments and examines a range of trade topics, including trade in textiles and clothing, ows of international receipts and payments of royalties and license fees, trends in the trade of least-developed countries, and the impact of natural disasters and terrorist acts on international trade ows. World Trade Report 2006 ISBN 92-870-3352-8 Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2006 ISBN 92-870-3354-4 Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2006 ISBN 92-870-3353-6



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CHF 60.CHF 60.CHF 60.-


Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries

This joint study by the International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization focuses on the relationship between trade and the growth of the informal economy in developing countries. Based on existing academic literature, complemented with new empirical research by the ILO and the WTO, the study discusses how trade reform affects different aspects of the informal economy. It also examines how high rates of informal employment diminish the scope for developing countries to translate trade openness into sustainable long-term growth. The report analyzes how well-designed trade and decent-work policies can complement each other so as to promote sustainable development and growing prosperity in developing countries. Copublished in 2009 with the International Labour Organization. Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries


ISBN 978 92 870 3691 9 CHF 35.La globalización y el empleo en el sector informal en los países en desarrollo


ISBN 978 92 870 3693 3 CHF 35.Mondialisation et emploi informel dans les pays en développement ISBN 978 92 870 3692 6

| CHF 35.-

Multilateralizing Regionalism : Challenges for the Global Trading System Edited by Richard Baldwin, Patrick Low

Regional trade agreements (RTAs) have proliferated around the world in the past two decades, and now nearly all members of the WTO are party to at least one. Besides tariffs and rules of origin regulating trade in goods, many RTA’s now include provisions on services, investments, technical barriers to trade and competition rules, as well as a host of issues not directly related to trade. The geographic reach of RTA’s is expanding, with transcontinental agreements spreading forcefully alongside intra-regional agreements. ‘Multilateralizing Regionalism’ was the title of a major conference held from 10–12 September 2007 at the WTO in Geneva. Together, the conference papers achieve two things. First, they marshall detailed, new empirical work on the nature of the ‘Spaghetti Bowl’ of RTA’s and the problems it poses for the multilateral trade system. Second, they contribute fresh and creative thinking on how to ‘tame the tangle’ of regional trade agreements.


2009 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : English HB: English

ISBN 978-0-521-73810-1 ISBN 978-0-521-50601-4

| CHF 60.| CHF 130.-




Regional Rules in the Global Trading System Edited by Antoni Estevadeordal, Kati Suominen, Robert Teh

The proliferation of regional trade agreements (RTAs) over the past two decades has led to the relationships between regional and WTO rules or disciplines becoming increasingly complex. A major obstacle to advancing the understanding of RTAs is the absence of detailed information about their contents. This limits empirical analysis of their economic effects and policy debate between those who view RTAs as nist discriminatory instruments hostage to protectionist interests and those who see them as conducive to multilateral opening. In response, contributors to this book provide analytical mappings of RTA ruless in six key areas – market access, technical barrierss to trade, contingent protection, investment, services and competition policy – across dozens of the main RTAs.


2009 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : English ISBN 978-0-521-75934-2 HB: English ISBN 978-0-521-76084-3

| CHF 50.| CHF 120.-

Managing the Challenges of WTO Participation – 45 Case Studies Edited by Peter Gallagher, Patrick Low, Andrew L. Stoler

This compilation of 45 case studies documents disparate experiences among economies in addressing the challenges of participating in the WTO. It demonstrates that success or failure is strongly influenced by how governments and private sector stakeholders organise themselves at home. The contributors, mainly from developing countries, give examples of participation with lessons for others. They show that when the system is accessed and employed effectively, it can serve the interests of poor and rich countries alike. However, a failure to communicate among interested parties at home often contributes to negative outcomes on the international front. Above all, these case studies demonstrate that the WTO creates a framework within which sovereign decisionmaking can unleash important opportunities or undermine the potential benefi ts flowing from a rules-based international environment that promotes open trade.


2005 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : English HB: English


ISBN 978-0-521-67754-7 ISBN 978-0-521-86014-7


| CHF 80.| CHF 160.-


WTO Agreements & Public Health

This publication is a joint study by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Trade Organization Secretariat on the relationship between trade rules and public health. The 171page study explains how WTO agreements relate to different aspects of health policies. It gives an insight into key issues for those who develop, communicate or debate policy issues related to trade and health. The study covers areas such as drugs and intellectual property rights, food safety, tobacco and many other issues which have been subject to passionate debate. Published in 2002. WTO Agreements & Public Health Los Acuerdos de la OMC y la Salud Pública Les Accords de l’OMC et la santé publique

ISBN 978-92-870-1223-4 ISBN 978-92-870-3622-3 ISBN 978-92-870-3686-5

| CHF 30.| CHF 30.| CHF 30.-

Trade and Employment : Challenges for Policy Research Marion Jansen and Eddy Lee

This study is the outcome of collaborative research between the World Trade Organization Secretariat and the International Labour Office (ILO). It addresses an issue that is of concern to both organizations: the relationship between trade and employment. On the basis of an overview of the existing academic economic literature, the study provides an impartial view of what can be between trade and employment, an often contentious issue of public debate. Its focus is on the connections between trade policies, and labour and social policies and it will be useful to all those who are interested in this debate: academics and policy-makers, workers and employers, trade and labour specialists. Published in 2007. Trade and Employment : Challenges for Policy Research ISBN 978-92-870-3380-2 CHF 20.Comercio y empleo: Retos para la investigación sobre políticas ISBN 978-92-870-3382-6 CHF 20.Le commerce et l’emploi: un défi pour la recherche sur les politiques ISBN 978-92-870-3381-9 CHF 20.-

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Discussion Paper n°13 Fulfilling the Marrakesh Mandate on Coherence : Ten Years of Cooperation between the WTO, IMF and World Bank Edited by Marc Auboin

This paper looks at ten years of cooperation between the three institutions, from routine daily work and projects to higher-profile initiatives. It describes the mandate and framework under which cooperation is organized, and provides an overview of the multipronged activities in which the WTO is engaged with its partners. It takes a critical look at what has been achieved so far in relation to expectations and according to the different interpretations of the mandate.


2007 English ISBN 978-92-870-3443-4

| CHF 20-

Discussion Paper n°12 The Changing Landscape of Regional Trade Agreements : 2006 Update Edited by Roberto V. Fiorentino, Luis Verdeja and Christelle Toqueboeuf

Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) have become in recent years a very prominent feature of the Multilateral Trading System. The impasse in the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations is further strengthening members' resolve to conclude such agreements as a flurry of new RTA initiatives have emerged in recent months whose effects will be felt in the years to come. The objective of this paper is not to assess the pros and cons of RTAs; rather to raise awareness of the magnitude of the RTA phenomenon, the main trends and characteristics of this proliferation with quantitative and qualitative indicators.


2007 English ISBN 978-92-870-3417-5



| CHF 20.-


Discussion Paper n°11 International Production Sharing : A Coherent Policy Framework Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås

This study seeks to clarify what fragmented production or production sharing is, how widespread it is, how it is organized, its driving forces and what are its policy implications – the latter focusing on developing countries and the Doha Development Agenda. It presents six country case studies where the importance and nature of production sharing or vertical specialization in the automotive and electronics sectors is studied for each country.


2007 English ISBN: 978-92-870-3379-6

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°10 Demystifying Modelling Methods for Trade Policy Roberta Piermartini and Robert Teh

This paper focuses on the use of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and gravity models to develop policy options in the area of trade. It identifies the strengths and limitations of these analytical tools. The authors also explore the essential factors that need to be taken into account in using computer modelling in arriving at policy scenarios for decision-makers.


2005 English ISBN 92-870-3328-5

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°9 The WTO and Direct Taxation Michael Daly

This paper provides an overview of the extent to which WTO rules apply to taxation, particularly direct taxation. It contains a summary of disputes concerning income tax measures that have arisen at the WTO since its establishment, with special attention to the protracted dispute between the EC and the US over the latter’s FSC/ETI schemes.


2005 English ISBN 92-870-3327-7

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°8 The Changing Landscape of Regional Trade Agreements Jo-Ann Crawford and Roberto V. Fiorentino

This paper looks at main trends and characteristics of regional trade agreements, in force and under negotiation. It also examines their effects on third parties and on the multilateral trading system.


2005 English ISBN 92-870-3326-9

| CHF 20.-




Discussion Paper n°7 Selected Issues Concerning the Multilateral Trading System Rohini Acharya and Michael Daly

This paper explores selected issues that were stumbling blocks at the Cancún Ministerial Conference in 2003, including international trade and investment and market access of developing countries in textiles and clothing.


2004 English ISBN 92-870-3301-3

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°6 The Trade, Debt and Finance Nexus : at the Crossroads of Micro and Macroeconomics Marc Auboin

This paper seeks to clarify how the WTO is part of the national and international effort to address some of the challenges raised by these relationships. It reviews some of the theoretical links and existing literature on the subject, and analyses practical steps and priorities that are directly addressed in the newly established Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance.


2004 English ISBN 92-870-3300-5

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°5 The Global Textile and Clothing Industry post the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås

This paper, written under the exclusive responsibility of a staff member of the WTO Secretariat in a personal capacity, assesses some of the possibilities with respect to the potential impact of trade liberalization in the textiles and clothing sector with the end of import quotas on 1 January 2005.


2004 English ISBN 92-870-1244-X

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°4 The Role of Export Taxes in the Field of Primary Commodities Roberta Piermartini

This paper examines the economic effects of an export tax on commodity prices and the volume of exports. It examines how welfare resulting from an export tax is redistributed among foreign and domestic consumers, producers and the government, and the effects of an export tax used as an instrument of trade policy to improve developing countries' terms of trade.


2004 English ISBN 92-870-1243-1



| CHF 20.-


Discussion Paper n°3 Income Volatility in Small and Developing Economies : Export Concentration Matters Marion Jansen

This paper examines the effect of export concentration on income volatility in small economies, and concludes that volatility is reduced if small economies diversify their exports.


2004 English ISBN 92-870-1242-2

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°2 Improving the Availability of Trade Finance during Financial Crises Marc Auboin and Moritz Meier-Ewert

This paper explores the reasons behind the failure by private markets and other institutions to meet demand for cross-border and domestic short-term trade finance during financial crises such as the one which affected emerging economies in the 1990s.


2003 English ISBN 92-870-1238-5

| CHF 20.-

Discussion Paper n°1 Industrial Tariffs and the Doha Development Agenda Marc Bacchetta and Bijit Bora

Containing many tables and charts, the paper focuses on the basic mandate given to negotiators at Doha and looks at specific issues facing developed, developing and least-developed countries.


2003 English ISBN 92-870-1231-8

| CHF 20.-




Special Studies n°7 Adjusting to Trade Liberalization The Role of Policy, Institutions and WTO Disciplines Marc Bacchetta and Marion Jansen

This study seeks to identify tools at the disposal al of governments to smooth adjustment, minimize e an economy's adjustment costs and alleviate the burden of those who suffer most.


2003 English ISBN 92-870-1232-6

Special Studies n°6 – Market Access : Unfinished Business - Post Uruguay Round Inventory Marc Bacchetta

The study profiles post-Uruguay Round market access conditions in three areas – industrial tariffs, agriculture and services – the latter two of which are already the subject of ongoing negotiations. The detailed study is intended as a comprehensive resource for negotiators and the interested public.


2001 English ISBN 92-870-1217-2

Special Studies n°5 – Trade, Income Disparity and Poverty Dan Ben-David, Håkan Nordström and L Alan Winters

This study, which is based on two expert reports commissioned by the WTO Secretariat, aims to clarify the relationship between trade, global income disparity, and poverty. Professor Dan Ben-David of Tel Aviv University takes an in-depth look at the linkages between trade, economic growth, and income disparity among nations. Professor L. Alan Winters of the University of Sussex discusses the various channels by which trade may affect the income opportunities of poor people. The publication also includes a non-technical overview of the two expert reports.


1999 English ISBN 92-870-1215-6




Special Studies n°4 – Trade and the Environment Håkan Nordström and Scott Vaughan

This study addresses several key questions related to the environment. The study shows that trade could play a positive role in the diffusion of environment-friendly technologies around the world and is backed up by five case studies on chemical-intensive agriculture, deforestation, global warming, acid rain, and over-fishing.


1999 English ISBN 92-870-1211-3

Special Studies n°3 – Trade, Finance and Financial Crises K. Michael Finger and Ludger Schuknecht

This study by the WTO explains the basic links between trade and the financial sector, and how financial crises are interrelated with trade. This study also includes case studies on past financial crises.


1999 English ISBN 92-870-1210-5

Special Studies n°2 Electronic Commerce and the Role of the WTO Marc Bacchetta, Patrick Low, Aaditya Mattoo, Ludger Schuknecht, Hannu Wager and Madelon Wehrens

This study examines the potential trade gains from the rapidly increasing use of the Internet for commercial purposes. The study was written as a means of providing background information for WTO members who are now developing policy responses to this form of commerce. Written by a team of economists from the WTO Secretariat, it identifies the complexities as well as the potential benefits of trade via the Internet. The book describes the extraordinary expansion of opportunities that electronic commerce offers, including for developing countries.


1998 English ISBN 92-870-1198-2

Special Studies n°1 Opening Markets in Financial Services and the Role of the GATS Masamichi Kono, Patrick Low, Mukela Luanga, Aaditya Mattoo, Maika Oshikawa, and Ludger Schuknecht

This publication explores some of the issues surrounding the financial services negotiations, analyzes what is at stake, and assesses what WTO members have already achieved in previous negotiations. This 50-page study contains detailed tables, charts, and boxes to help the reader understand some of the characteristics of the financial services sector and appreciate the full benefits of its trade liberalization.


1997 English ISBN 92-870-1189-3 http://onlinebookshop.wto.org



Trade Policy Reviews Trade Policy Reviews provide unrivalled coverage of the latest trade developments in the WTO’s 153 member countries. Each Review provides a detailed account of the country’s trade policies and practices, describing trade policy-making institutions and the latest economic situation. The WTO’s analysis of the country’s trade policies is complemented by a policy statement by the country under review. As well as reviewing measures directly affecting imports, each Review provides a sector-by-sector account of access to domestic markets. Over 15 Trade Policy Reviews are produced each year. Reports are available in English, French and d Spanish. Co-published with Bernan Press | CHF 100.- each Trade Policy Reviews Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales Examens des politiques commerciales

2009 Trade Policy Reviews: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Guatemala Japan Brazil Fiji European Communities Mozambique Solomon Islands New Zealand Morocco Guyana Zambia Southern African Customs Union (SACU)[1] Chile Maldives Niger/Senegal El Salvador Georgia

2008 Trade Policy Reviews: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Barbados Brunei Darussalam China Dominican Republic Ghana Jordan Liechtenstein / Switzerland Madagascar Mauritius Mexico Norway Oman Pakistan Republic of Korea Singapore United States of America

[1] The Members of the Southern African Customs Union are: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland.

Trade Policy Reviews are available at www.wto.org./tpr




Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region

Case studies and lessons from low-income communities Edited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden, Lee Ann Jackson

This book explores the complex relationship between international trade and poverty reduction through a combination of research papers and contemporary case studies. Written mainly by developing-country authors in consultation with local businesses and communities, the case studies contribute to our understanding of the ways in which low-income communities are dealing with trade as a practical challenge, especially in the Asia-Pacific region where approximately twothirds of the world’s poor live. While making it clear that there is no ‘one size fits all’ formula, the research and stories highlight a number of necessary preconditions, such as political commitment and cooperation at all levels, if trade is to successfully reduce poverty. To be published in 2009.


2009 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : English ISBN 978-0-521-74530-7 CHF 90.HB: English ISBN 978-0-521-76836-8 CHF 180.-

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Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum

This Aid for Trade monitoring report — the second of its kind — documents the success of the initiative to date. It examines trends and developments and presents a comprehensive analysis of donor and partner country engagement. In addition, it addresses the regional dimension of Aid for Trade and showcases three cross-border des infrastructure projects. Finally, the report provides fact sheets that help in assessing the outcomes and nd D/ impacts of Aid for Trade. This second joint OECD/ WTO report highlights that the Aid-for-Trade e Initiative has already made remarkable progress:: developing countries are prioritising trade in their development strategies and, in response, donors are scaling up their resources. Maintaining momentum, particularly in light of the economic crisis, necessitates advancing broadly based incountry and regional dialogues.


2009 Co-published with Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum ISBN 978-92-870-3525-7 La Ayuda para el Comercio en síntesis 2009: Mantener el impulso ISBN 978-92-870-3701-5 Panorama 2009 de l’Aide pour le commerce: entretenir l’élan ISBN 978-92-870-3702-2

| CHF 90.| CHF 90.| CHF 90.-




Trade and Climate Change

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the international community. Mitigating global warming and adapting to its consequences will require major economic investment and, above all, unequivocal determination on the part of all policy-makers. This Report reviews how trade and climate change policies interact, and how they can be mutually supportive. The aim of nd the Report is to promote greater understanding and assist policy-makers in this complex policy area. n This publication uniquely examines the intersection between trade and climate change from four different but correlated perspectives: the science of climate change, economic aspects, multilateral efforts to tackle climate change, and national climate change policies and their trade effect.


2009 Co-published with the United Nations Environment Programme Trade and Climate Change El Comercio y el Cambio Climático Commerce et changement climatique

ISBN 978-92-870-3522-6 ISBN 978-92-870-3524-0 ISBN 978-92-870-3523-3

| CHF 50.| CHF 50.| CHF 50.-

A Handbook on Reading WTO Goods and Services Schedules

This is a detailed guide on how to read WTO Schedules of Commitments for Goods and Services. The Schedules are part of the Legal Texts of the WTO Uruguay Round Agreements. They comprise about 27,000 pages of specific commitments by the 153 members of the WTO on market access conditions. Understanding how to interpret the Schedules is essential for anyone wishing to glean information for academic, official, or business ss purposes. Commissioned and reviewed by the WTO O Secretariat, this is a unique guide to understanding g the Schedules. A detailed description is provided d of information contained in goods and services schedules, helping to guide readers through fundamental concepts behind individual legal texts.


2009 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : HB :


English ISBN 978-0-521-70682-7 English ISBN 978-0-521-88059-6


| CHF 45| CHF 115-


Opening Markets for Trade in Services : Countries and Sectors in Bilateral and WTO Negotiations Edited by Juan A. Marchetti, Martin Roy

Trade in services is an increasingly important part of global trade and, as such, ďŹ gures prominently in multilateral, regional and bilateral trade negotiations. In this volume of essays edited by Juan Marchetti and Martin Roy, academics, negotiators and experts from various international organizations explore the achievements of such negotiations, together with the challenges and opportunities which arise and the motivations that come into play in such negotiations. The contributions highlight issues in important services sectors, such as distribution, energy, ďŹ nance, telecommunications, ns, air transport and the postal and audiovisual sectors, s, as well as areas such as cross-border trade and d government procurement. Case studies look into the experiences of speciďŹ c countries. The focus on sector analysis and country experiences sheds light on the state of services liberalization and the regulation of international trade in services, making this an indispensable guide to ongoing and future international negotiations on this topic. v


2009 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : English ISBN 978-0-521-73591-9 HB : English ISBN 978-0-521-51604-4

| CHF 85| CHF 165-




Air Transport and the GATS :

This special compilation describes air transport services from a regulatory and economic point of view, with a special focus on market access questions. Each volume contains original material and insights, written on the basis of close cooperation with industry professionals. Air Transport and the GATS : 1995 - 2000 In Review In preparation for the second air transport review ew mandated by the General Agreement on Trade de in Services (GATS) Annex on Air Transport rt Services, the WTO Secretariat gathered togetherr in this publication the documentation produced in 2000-2001 for the first review. This publication is the first of several volumes in this compilation. Published in 2006. Air Transport and the GATS: 1995 -2000 In Review ISBN: 978-92-870-3373-4 CHF 50.El transporte aéreo y el AGCS: 1995 a 2000 ISBN: 978-92-870-3375-8 CHF 50.Les transports aériens et l’AGCS 1995-2000 ISBN: 978-92-870-3374-1 CHF 50.-

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Air Transport and the GATS : 2000 - 2005 In Review This publication contains the documentation prepared ared p in by the WTO Secretariat for the WTO membership he the framework of a five-year review process of the y" air transport sector. It deals with services "auxiliary" d to air transport, namely maintenance repair and overhaul, airlines’ ticket distribution, franchising, leasing, ground handling, airport management and air navigation services. This publication is the second volume in this compilation. Published in 2007. Air Transport and the GATS: 2000 -2005 In Review ISBN: 978-92-870-3384-0 CHF 50.El transporte aéreo y el AGCS: 2000 a 2005 ISBN: 978-92-870-3386-4 CHF 50.Les transports aériens et l’AGCS 2000-2005 ISBN: 978-92-870-3385-7 CHF 50.-

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A Handbook on the GATS Agreement WTO Secretariat

This handbook aims to provide a better understanding of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the challenges and opportunities of the ongoing negotiations. For those who are familiar with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), similarities and differences are pointed out where relevant. Likewise, for those who are familiar with the balance-of-payments definition of 'trade', departures from the Agreement's coverage ge are explained. To stimulate further thinking about the he core concepts and implications of the Agreement,t, several text boxes have been included to provide e 'food for thought'. At the end of each chapter test questions have been added to recapitulate and ensure understanding of the core content.


2005 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : English HB: English

ISBN 978-0-521-61567-9 ISBN 978-0-521-85071-1

| CHF 50.| CHF 102.-

Trade & Environment at the WTO

Developed to assist public understanding of the he trade and environment debate in the WTO, thiss document briefly presents its history and focusess on trade and environment related issues within the Doha mandate, the effects of trade liberalization on the environment, the relationship between multilateral environmental agreements and the WTO, and a review of trade disputes involving environmental issues. Published in 2004. Trade & Environment at the WTO El comercio y el medio ambiente en la OMC Le commerce et l’environnement à l’OMC

ISBN 978-92-870-3490-8 ISBN 978-92-870-3492-2 ISBN 978-92-870-3491-5




A Handbook of Anti-Dumping Investigations Judith Czako, Johannes Human, Jorge Miranda

This handbook covers areas arising in anti-dumping ping TO investigations as embodied in the relevant WTO llprovisions, providing an exposition of welle sourced information, explanations and guidance g for grasping the intricacies of anti-dumping proceedings. Beginning with a chronicle of an anti-dumping investigation, the book proceeds to consider the crucial issues involved: calculation of dumping margins and determinations of injury and causation.


2003 Co-published with Cambridge University Press HB: English ISBN 978-0-521-83042-3

| CHF 150.-

Guide to the GATS : An Overview of Issues for Further Liberalization WTO Secretariat

This work brings together in one volume the background papers on major service sectors prepared by the WTO Secretariat for the WTO’s Council for Trade in Services. Following an analysis of the economic effects of services liberalization, 19 chapters on individual service sectors consider the issues which WTO members need to consider when framing their negotiating positions and objectives for the current round of negotiations and preparing their industries for a more open trading environment. Many of the papers also identify tify prevalent forms of trade restriction or discrimination on and suggest areas for further work. In addition, n, the work includes a detailed description of the e structure of services commitments as submitted d by WTO members with respect to the four modes of supply which constitute the definition of trade in services under the General Agreements on Trade in Services (GATS).


2001 Co-published with Kluwer Law International and Éditions Yvon Blais PB: Guide to the GATS :An Overview of Issues for Further Liberalization ISBN 978-90-411-9775-7 CHF 360.-


HB: Guía del AGCS: Panorama de las cuestiones relativas a una mayor liberalización del comercio de serviciosISBN 978-92-870-3690-2 CHF 90.-


HB: Guide sur l’AGCS: Aperçu des questions relatives à la poursuite de la libéralisation du commerce des services ISBN 978-92-870-3578-3 CHF 90.-





The Internationalization of Financial Services : Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries Stijn Claessens and Marion Jansen

The internationalization of financial services is an important issue for strengthening and liberalizing financial systems in developing countries. There has been considerable support for the view that internationalization can assist countries in building financial systems that are more stable and efficient by introducing international standards een and practices. At the same time, there have been on concerns about the risks that internationalization he may carry for some countries, particularly in the e absence of adequate regulatory structures. The chapters in this book examine different aspectss of this debate, the relative benefits and costs of internationalization, and together provide an insight into the diversity and significance of the effects of internationalization on domestic financial systems.


2001 Co-published with Kluwer Law International HB English ISBN 90-411-9817-2

| CHF 200.-

Trade, Development and the Environment

The book explores the relationships between trade and the environment, and trade and development, which have become increasingly complex. The need to reconcile the competing demands of economic growth, economic development, and environmental protection tion has become central to the multilateral trade agenda. da. he In this volume various commentators debate the role of the World Trade Organization and other er e institutions in addressing these challenges. The book arises from the papers presented at two o High Level Symposia hosted by the World Trade Organization in March 1999, on Trade and the Environment and Trade and Development.


2000 Co-published with Kluwer Law International PB : English HB : English

ISBN 978-92-870-3588-2 | CHF 52.ISBN 978-90-411-9804-4 CHF 100.-





WTO Dispute Settlement : One-Page Case Summaries (1995 -2008) 2009 edition

This publication has been prepared by the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO with special assistance from the Rules Division and the Appellate Body Secretariat. It offers case-by-case, single-page summaries of panel and Appellate Body reports adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body as of 31 December 2008. The publication aims to facilitate understanding of WTO dispute settlement ement cases among WTO members by providing core facts. Substantive tive findings contained in the adopted panel, summaries es of key findings on significant procedural matters rs and, where applicable, Appellate Body reportss for each decided case are documented. Other matters of particular significance raised during the proceedings are listed in accompanying footnotes to each case. Cases are indexed by article and by WTO agreement. Published in 2009. WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries (1995 -2008) ISBN 978-92-870-3469-4 CHF 30.Solución de diferencias en la OMC: un resumen de asunto sustanciado por página (1995 - 2008) ISBN 978-92-870-3471-7 CHF 30.Le règlement des différends dans le cadre de l’OMC: Un différend, une page (1995 — 2008) ISBN 978-92-870-3470-0 CHF 30.-




Dispute Settlement Reports 2007

The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under the provisions of the Marrakech Agreement. It is an essential addition to the library of all practising and academic trade lawyers, and needed by students worldwide taking courses in international economic or trade law. The date of each volume corresponds to the date in which the dispute was resolved. These are the only WTO authorized and paginated reports, available in English only. 2009 I Co-published with Cambridge University Press Volume 1: Pages 1-422 United States - Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews (WT/DS322); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51406-4I

| CHF 200.-

Volume 2: Pages 423-718 United States - Anti-Dumping Measure on Shrimp from Ecuador (WT/DS335); Chile - Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products - Recourse by Argentina to Article 21.5 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS207); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51409-5


| CHF 200.-



Volume 3: Pages 719-1204 Chile - Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products Recourse by Argentina to Article 21.5 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS207); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51416-3

| CHF 200.-

Volume 4: Pages 1205-1646 Mexico - Anti-Dumping Duties on Steel Pipes and Tubes from Guatemala (WT/DS331); Brazil Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres (WT/DS332); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51420-0

| CHF 200.-

Volume 5 Pages 1647-2148 Brazil - Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres (WT/DS332); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51427-9

| CHF 200.-

Volume 6: Pages 2149-2700 Turkey - Measures Affecting the Importation of Rice (WT/DS334); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51434-7

| CHF 200.-

Volume 7: Pages 2701-3102 Japan - Countervailing Duties on Dynamic Random Access Memories from Korea (WT/DS336); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51675-4

| CHF 200.-

Volume 8: Pages 3103-3520 United States - Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services Recourse by Antigua and Barbuda to Article 21.5 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS285); Korea - Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Certain Paper from Indonesia - Recourse by Indonesia to Article 21.5 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS312); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51678-5

| CHF 200.-

Volume 9: Pages 3521-3826 United States - Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina - Recourse by Argentina to Article 21.5 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS268); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51685-3

| CHF 200.-

Volume 10: Pages 3827-4300 United States - Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina - Recourse by Argentina to Article 21.5 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS268); United States - Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews - Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS322); United States - Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services - Recourse by the United States to Arbitration under Article 22.6 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (WT/DS285); Cumulative list of published disputes. HB: ISBN 978-0-521-51689-1

| CHF 200.-

Dispute Settlement Reports Complete Set I volumes 1996 - 2007 116 hardback books

I ISBN 978-0-521-82322-7 I CHF 17,600.-




The WTO in the Twenty - first Century : Dispute Settlement, Negotiations, and Regionalism in Asia Edited by Yasuhei Taniguchi, Alan Yanovich, Jan Bohanes

Three significant issues will determine the future of the WTO: dispute settlement, negotiations and regional integration. Dispute settlement is widely regarded as one of the major successes of the WTO in its first ten years. Concluding the Doha round of negotiations is one of the WTO's main challenges. Regional integration is now at the frontline of debate as regional agreements proliferate and policy-makers and academics eral come to grips with their impacts on the multilateral ay trading system. These issues, and the interplay rs between them, are examined by leading scholars e and practitioners in the field of international trade law from North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.. In addition, special sections focus on the AsiaPacific region, its participation in WTO dispute settlement and negotiations, and recent trends towards greater regional integration.


2007 Co-published with Cambridge University Press HB: English ISBN 978-0-521-86314-8

| CHF 155.-

WTO Analytical Index – Guide to WTO Law and Practice

Second Edition (2 volumes) Legal Affairs Division, World Trade Organization

The WTO Analytical Index is a guide to the legal interpretation and application of the WTO agreements by the WTO Appellate Body, WTO dispute settlement panels and other WTO bodies. The book provides assistance to anyone working with WTO law in identifying the existing jurisprudence and relevant decisions concerning a given provision of any WTO agreement. This is a unique work produced by the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO Secretariat with contributions from other divisions of the Secretariat and the Appellate Body Secretariat. The second edition of the WTO Analytical Index covers developments in WTO law and practice up to the end of December 2004. • Each of the WTO agreements is described clearly by specialists • Chronological listing is provided of the WTO TO O disputes which have been dealt with under each ch h agreement • Covers over 30 WTO agreements, decisions and d declarations within the body of agreements which h constitute the Results of the Uruguay Round.


2007 Co-published with Cambridge University Press HB English ISBN 978-0-521-88029-9



| CHF 365.-


WTO Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995-2006 (3rd Edition) Appellate Body Secretariat, World Trade Organization

The WTO Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards is the essential research tool for professionals involved in international trade law. Originally developed as an internal research tool to assist the g Appellate Body Secretariat in carrying out its dutyy to p provide legal ory support to Appellate Body members, the Repertory he has now been made available to the public in the ls hope that it will become a practical tool for officials d from WTO members, academics, students and d private practitioners of international trade law and dispute settlement.


2007 Co-published with Cambridge University Press English ISBN 978-0-521-88253-8

| CHF 365.-

CD-ROM : Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995 - 2005

This trilingual CD-ROM provides comprehensive coverage of Appellate ce Body jurisprudence. It constitutes an easy reference d guide to Appellate Body case law. It contains detailed indexes organised by subject-matter, by Appellate e Body Report, and by Arbitration Award. It has been compiled by the Appellate Body Secretariat. Trilingual ISBN 978-92-870-3410-6

| CHF 20.-

CD-ROM : Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995 - 2005 CD-ROM: Repertorio del Órgano de Apelación de la OMC: informes y laudos 1995-2005 CD-ROM: Répertoire de rapports et de décisions de l’Organe d’appel de l’OMC 1995-2005

Computer Based Training CD-ROM : Dispute Settlement

This trilingual training module is aimed at anyone who needs a basic understanding of the dispute settlement system. It has been developed by WTO specialists on dispute settlement and includes interactive tests which allow users to measure their progress in learning the content. In addition to the course material, there are links to reference documents, such as legal texts and other official WTO documents. There is also a pop-up glossary for related terms. Trilingual ISBN 92-870-1229-6

| CHF 30.-

Computer Based Training CD-ROM : Dispute Settlement Formación por ordenador CD-ROM: Solución de diferencias Formation assistée par ordinateur CD-ROM: Règlement des différends




The WTO at Ten : The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System Edited by Giorgio Sacerdoti, Alan Yanovich, Jan Bohanes

Bringing together articles by some of the leading policy-makers, including previous WTO Director-Generals, practitioners, scholars of international trade law, government officials, international civil servants, members of the WTO Appellate Body, and judges from a number of international tribunals, this volume assesses the first ten years of the World Trade Organization. It examines: the relationship and balance between political governance and dispute settlement; the functioning of the dispute settlement procedures and various reform proposals; the contribution of the Appellate Body to the development ent of international trade law; and treaty interpretation on in a number of international dispute settlements ts conducted by the WTO, the International Court of Justice, the European Court of Justice and the e Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. This publication commemorates the tenth anniversary of the creation of the Appellate Body.


2006 Co-published with Cambridge University Press HB: English ISBN 978-0-521-86314-8

| CHF 140.-

Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement : The First Ten Years Edited by Rufus Yerxa, Bruce Wilson

Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement is a unique que view of the operation and evolution of the WTO TO at dispute settlement system by WTO Secretariat e professionals and outside experts, covering the d first ten years of the WTO. Each chapter is based on the individual author's personal experience with, or study of, the system. The book makes for informative and even fascinating reading for those who wish to gain further insights into how the system has operated in practice since 1995.


2005 Co-published with Cambridge University Press HB: Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement: The First Ten Years ISBN 978-0-521-86159-5

| CHF 125.-

PB: Cuestiones clave del sistema de solución de diferencias de la OMC: Los primeros diez años ISBN 978-92-870-3377-2

| CHF 80.-

PB: Questions clés dans le domaine du règlement des différends: Les dix premières années ISBN 978-92-870-3376-5



| CHF 80.-


The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures – 2nd Edition WTO Secretariat

This second edition takes into account legal decisions and other legal instruments adopted since 1995 for the WTO's dispute settlement procedures. New material includes the 'Working Procedures for Appellate Review', and the 'Rules of Conduct for the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU)'. In this publication the provisions on consultation and on dispute settlement in each of the multilateral trade agreements covered by the DSU are now collected together. her. Older, less relevant material has been removed. ed. Cross references between the texts have been en extended. Key words within the index have been n augmented to reflect the extended coverage.. This is the procedural bible for practitioners, academics, students, and all who need to interact with the dispute settlement procedures of the WTO panels and Appellate Body.


2004 Co-published with Cambridge University Press and Éditions Yvon Blais The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures – 2nd Edition ISBN 978-0-521-01077-1 CHF 60.Los procedimientos de solución de diferencias en la OMC — Segunda edición ISBN 978-92-870-3581-3 CHF 60.Les procédures de règlement des différends de l’OMC — Deuxième édition ISBN 978-92-870-3579-0 CHF 60.-

| | |

A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System WTO Secretariat

This guide has been prepared by the WTO Secretariat to explain the practices that have arisen in the operation of the WTO dispute settlement system since its entry into force on 1 January 1995. Its detailed content will be useful to expert practitioners as well as to those wanting to gain a basic understanding of the dispute ute settlement system.


2004 Co-published with Cambridge University Press and Éditions Yvon Blais PB: A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System ISBN 978-0-521-60292-1 CHF 80.PB: Manual sobre el sistema de solución de diferencias de la OMC ISBN 2-89451-769-6 CHF 80.PB: Guide sur le système de règlement des différends de l’OMC ISBN 2-89451-768-8 CHF 80.-


| |




Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms – 5th Edition Walter Goode

This dictionary acts as an accessible guide to the vocabulary used in trade negotiations. It explains some 2,500 terms and concepts in simple language. Its main emphasis is on the multilateral trading system represented by the agreements of the World Trade Organization. The dictionary allocates generous space to the vocabulary associated with such agreements. It offers clear explanations, for example, of the tial concepts used in the administration of preferential de rules of origin. Additional areas covered include rly emerging trade issues and issues based particularly on developing-country concerns. Most entriess e have cross-references to other entries, to see the material in a broader context. The dictionary covers the spread of free-trade agreements and contains useful summaries of major topics and events, enabling readers to get a quick snapshot of an issue.


2007 Co-published with Cambridge University Press PB : HB :

English ISBN 978-0-521-71206-4 English ISBN 978-0-521-88506-5

| CHF 70.| CHF 130.-

Tariff Negotiations and Renegotiations under the GATT and the WTO – Procedures and Practices Anwarul Hoda

The procedures and practices to implement the provisions relating to tariff negotiations and renegotiations have evolved considerably since the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was established in 1947. The provisions themselves have undergone some changes in the last 54 years. Professor Hoda oda reviews the evolution of these provisions and of ed the procedures adopted and practices followed by the contracting parties to GATT 1947 and the e members of the WTO. He offers some conclusionss and recommendations. This book will be of particular interest to negotiators, government trade ministries, economists, and all academics who specialise in trade policy.


2001 Co-published with Cambridge University Press HB: English ISBN 978-0-521-80449-3



| CHF 135.-


Guide to the Uruguay Round Agreements

This publication is the only ofďŹ cial and comprehensive explanation by the WTO of the Uruguay Round treaties. It helps readers to navigate the complexities of well over 20,000 pages of decisions, agreements and commitments arising out of the negotiations.


1999 Co-published with Kluwer Law International English ISBN 90-411-1125-5

| CHF 55.-

The Information and External Relations Division (IERD) produces interactive training modules and learning materials in both print and electronic format on various trade topics.




10 Benefits of the WTO Trading System




10 Common Misunderstandings about the WTO


Regional Rules in the Global Trading System


A Handbook on Accession to the WTO

Reshaping the World Trading System – 2nd Edition



Special Studies 1-7


A Handbook on Reading WTO Goods and Services Schedules


Tariff Negotiations and Renegotiations underthe GATT and the WTO – Procedures and Practices


A Handbook on the GATS Agreement


The Doha Round Texts and Related Documents


A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System


The First Ten Years of the WTO


The Future of the WTO


Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum


Air Transport and the GATS :


The Internationalization of Financial Services : Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries


The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations : The Legal Texts



The WTO at Ten :The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System


CD-ROM : Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, 2nd edition CD-ROM : Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995 - 2005


The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures – 2nd Edition


CD-ROM :GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents


The WTO in the Twenty - first Century : Dispute Settlement, Negotiations, and Regionalism in Asia


CD-ROM: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations : The Legal Texts

The WTO Building Brochure


CD-ROM : Complete Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations

CD-ROM : General Agreement on Trade in Services



Trade and Climate Change


Trade, Development and the Environment


Trade & Environment at the WTO



Trade Policy Review



Trade Profiles



CD-ROM : Dispute Settlement Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms – 5th Edition


Understanding the WTO

Discusion Papers 1-13


World Tariff Profiles

Dispute Settlement Reports


GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents – Volumes 1-42


Trade and Employment : Challenges for Policy Research

CD-ROM : WTO Agreements – The Legal Text and Schedules : Services

DVD : The WTO in Video

7 15

3 18

World Trade Report


WTO Agreements & Public Health


WTO Agreements Series

12 40

General Agreement on Trade in Services Protocols


WTO Analytical Index – Guide to WTO Law and Practice

Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries


WTO Annual Report

Guide to the Uruguay Round Agreements


International Trade Statistics


WTO Basic Instruments and Selected Documents



WTO Dispute Settlement : One-Page Case Summaries (1995 -2008)


Legal Instruments embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round – Complete Set Managing the Challenges of WTO Participation – 45 Case Studies Multilateralizing Regionalism : Challenges for the Global Trading System Opening Markets for Trade in Services : Countries and Sectors in Bilateral and WTO Negotiations Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement : The First Ten Years



A Handbook of Anti-Dumping Investigations



WTO In Brief






WTO Public Forum 2007: “How Can the WTO Help Harness Globalization?”



WTO Public Forum 2008: Trading into the Future WTO Status of Legal Instruments


5 10


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WTO Library

ocated from the first to fourth floors of the Centre William Rappard, the WTO Library serves the information and research needs of WTO Secretariat staff, member state delegations, researchers, United Nations and related agency employees and other users. The Library offers personalized information services covering international trade data, theory, policy and law, and government and international organization statistics as well as numerous other areas of the WTO’s work programme. In addition to its collection of books, periodicals, and online resources, the Library houses a complete collection of official documents from the GATT and WTO.

Collections ♦ International trade theory and policy ♦ Country studies ♦ International trade law ♦ International trade statistics ♦ GATT/WTO archives

Services ♦ Desktop access to journals, full-text articles and other information as well as the library catalogue ♦ Bibliographic research and reference services ♦ Information outreach ♦ Training in library use and specialized search skills

Working hours

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♦ Wireless internet access ♦ Enhanced information access through collaboration with research and UN libraries

Borrowing rights WTO Secretariat staff can borrow books for up to one month, while delegates can borrow books for up to two weeks. These periods can be renewed at the request of the user. Students studying at a Swiss university or staff from the United Nations or related agencies can borrow materials through inter-library loan for up to one month.

The Library is open on weekdays

Contact information World Trade Organization Library Rue de Lausanne 154 CH-1211 Geneva 21 ♦ Tel: +41 (0)22 739 51 24 (Main Library) ♦ +41 (0)22 739 53 75 (Statistics section) ♦ +41 (0)22 739 53 71 (Archives) ♦ Fax:+41 (0)22 739 57 95 ♦ Email: web.librarian@wto.org ♦ http://library.wto.org

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