“Ask Max” is a regular feature of C+RB’s ’s monthly Membership + Marketing column, where Max Passino Deboer, Director of Marketing & Membership for The Club at Mediterra in Naples, Fla., answers questions sent in by readers. The Club at Mediterra is a Distinguished Elite, Platinum Club inside the community of Mediterra, which has been named Community of the Year in Naples 12 times in 16 years. Max is a veteran hospitality leader with a 15-year hotel career followed by an almost 20-year club career, the last 13 at Mediterra. Max is a proud member of the Membership Directors Association of Southwest Florida, whose program for exchanging ideas and information is unmatched. Max’s passion is being helpful, so… let’s “Ask Max”!
Ask Max
Dear Max, I am brand new to membership marketing and sales. It feels like there is so much to learn. Where do I begin? #overwhelmed Dear Lost in Space, I hear you! I went from the hotel business to the club business (eons ago) and felt like a fish out of water. First thing first, know your governing documents. They tell the story of how you operate and hopefully, who you are. Make sure you have a mission and vision statement, along with a culture statement. If you don’t have these things, work with your General Manager to have your Board develop them. It will be a great exercise that gets everyone thinking the same about the club’s future. Now…find a mentor. A good mentor will help you navigate and prioritize your responsibilities and efforts. I chose one, and I chose well. (You know who you are, SP.) Finally, join an organization nearest you that will help. Hopefully you have a peer group of membership directors in your area. If not, create one! Even if it’s just a handful of people in the group to start, it’s worthwhile. I belong to the Membership Directors Association of Southwest Florida, and this group is invaluable to me! Work smarter, not harder, Max
Dear Max, I’ve always been told that the club belongs to the members and to give the best service, say yes to everything a member asks. That sounds impossible. #whenyesmeansno Dear NoYes, First, the club belongs to current AND future members. Second, it IS impossible. Sometimes the answer must be no. Such as when it’s a service you can’t possibly sustain or if it would be unfair to others. Perhaps the request goes against a policy that reflects your brand. But really the answer is never just a blunt “no.” It’s a “no, but.” Anytime you take away with one hand, give something with the other. Member: Hi, I’m busy—can you run out and pick up my dry cleaning? You: Sorry, we don’t provide that service—but I will call around and help you find a delivery service. May I help you that way? In fairness, Max P.S. This answer has a hidden shoutout to my first GM in the club business. Hey!
Dear Max, In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge a club faces? #job-one Dear Focused, I think it’s governance. A lot of clubs have governance models that don’t work. Members are placed on committees with no real vetting process, and new committee members often have hidden agendas they want to address after they get their places. Committees can end up getting bogged down with the same issues that percolate year after year, limiting progress. Some clubs don’t even have prerequisites for placing Board members, so elections may become popularity contests. Club policies create culture, and your governing bodies create policies. So you can see that without the right leadership in place, the club is not being properly served. The first step in making sure you have effective governance at your club is to start a Leader Development Committee. This committee can ask for volunteers who want to help lead your club and then vet them thoroughly, recommending them for proper placement (or not) in the areas where they will be most useful and effective. Before being a Board member, a member must have served on a committee. The Club Management Association of America has a great set of governance guidelines that I highly recommend. Get to vetting, Max
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Club + Resort Business
February 2022