Design World March 2016

Page 1 March 2016


LINEAR MOTION: Picking the right accumulation chain for conveying PAGE 66

INTERCONNECT: PCB connection technology keeps pace with power demands PAGE 100

TEST & MEASUREMENT: Oscilloscope designs change with the times PAGE 80


key electrical design concepts for mechanical engineers 58

Cover_DW_MARCH 2016_FINAL.indd 1

3/4/16 4:58 PM

840-15203 THK Value Ad_R1_pick_Layout 1 6/18/15 6:34 PM Page 1

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3/3/16 11:04 AM

EZ Automation 3-16.indd 1

3/3/16 11:09 AM

PRECISE. ROBUST. AVAILABLE. These new generation CD® Couplings feature zero backlash precision and high torsional stiffness. They answer today’s demanding needs in servo motor applications with high reverse loads and positioning requirements. New clamp style hubs handle increased torque on shafts without using keyways. Manufactured of RoHS compliant materials. Now size, select and see the right CD® Coupling solution for your coupling application with Zero-Max 3D CAD files. Check our FAST deliveries. 800.533.1731

Zero-Max_CD Coupling Zero Max 3-16.indd 2 A1C r4 Design World.indd 1

1/15/16 11:11 1:46 AM PM 3/3/16

SEPT15 Sensors NC Ad (DW)_Design World 8/11/15 2:05 PM Page 1

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Allied Electric #1 ad_9-15.indd 3

An Electrocomponents Company.

3/3/16 11:11 AM

Insights Partnering up with Germany We’re just about a month away from the annual Hannover Fair, the world’s largest industrial tradeshow. The German tradeshow is pretty hard to comprehend, with 30-ish trade halls, 200,000 visitors, and 6,500 exhibitors. It’s definitely a show you have to plan a strategy for, not to mention packing some comfortable shoes. This year’s Fair will focus on the concept of “Integrated Industry – Discover Solutions.” Fair organizers say that exhibits will inform the international audience how to transform their production facilities into smart factories for the digital age and how to build intelligent, networked systems for energy generation, distribution and storage. I’m personally interested to see who will win the Hermes Award, which is given out at the Fair each year. The award is given in honor of a technologically innovative product making its debut at Hannover. Products entered for the award must have undergone industrial trials and/or already be used in industrial applications, and must be particularly innovative in terms of technical and economic impact. Last year, Wittenstein AG won for its Galaxie product, a new type of mechanical gearhead that features Industry 4.0 connectivity. Each year, Hannover Fair chooses a partner country; last year it was India, in 2014 it was The Netherlands, and in 2013 it was Russia. The Fair encourages all exhibitors to focus on their businesses within the partner country, as well as invite customers from that country. Traditionally, the partner country’s head of state conducts the ceremonial opening ceremonies with the German Chancellor. For the first time, the United States will be the partner country at Hannover. Approximately 250 companies from the U.S. will present industrial solutions at the Fair, scheduled for April 25–29. President Obama will appear at the Fair with Chancellor Merkel, and we’ll be there to cover all of the news and innovations. In fact, for the first time, Design World will be sending two editors to the Fair, to provide you information on all of the latest products and innovations across the mechanical and electrical engineering spaces. Please follow myself and Executive Editor Lee Teschler on Twitter at @DW_Editor and @DW_LeeTeschler to keep up with the latest on Hannover. DW

Will your company be sending engineers to the Hannover Fair?

Pa ul J. Heney - Edi tor i al D i re ctor pheney@wtwhme di

Comment on Paul’s blog on Pneumatic Tips,


Insights 3-16_Vs2.MD.indd 4


March 2016

On Twitter @ DW—Editor

3/3/16 1:32 PM


Whatever keeps you up at night, we’ve got a solution—the largest selection of motors, pumps and air-moving devices available. Plus, one-of-a-kind solutions ready to be custom-engineered for your precision industrial, commercial, combustion or transportation application. If you can dream it, you’ll find it at Solution City.

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AMETEKPMC Never Sleeps Ad_9x10.875.indd 1 AMETEK PMC 18611_City (Solutions City) 8-15 (NEW).indd 5

7/29/15 11:17 9:14 AM AM 3/3/16

Te s c h l e r o n To p i c

Performance review is another way of saying “morale killer” I once worked at a company where the human resources department had run amuck and perfected a performance review process pretty much guaranteed to be discouraging. Every six months, we were ostensibly graded on a one-tofour scale on each of a laundry list of goals. But this grading scale was only in theory. For some reason, no one could earn the highest score. Managers who gave one of their reports a “four” got the evaluation bounced back for a redo, often accompanied by a back-handed reprimand. Thus, no matter what you managed to accomplish, you could never be “outstanding.” To make matters slightly worse, the goal-evaluation process was such that even strong performers could end up, on paper, looking like bumbling fools. The reason: The computerized evaluations demanded numerous goals in numerous categories. So managers were

forced to come up with inconsequential objectives just to make the evaluation look complete in the eyes of HR. Even superbly performing employees couldn’t meet them all. So there were always lots of unimportant things left uncompleted. The theory among employees was that managers used the uncompleted tasks as an excuse to keep salaries down. The upshot of the evaluation process was that top management came across as two-faced: During company meetings, we were all part of a great team. During individual evaluations, we were all idiots. I once thought my brush with this evaluation nightmare was just bad luck. But there is a lot of evidence that counterproductive employee evaluations are the norm in U.S. business rather than the exception. For a classic example, consider the evaluation process in place at Microsoft prior to 2012. Called stack ranking, it forced managers to declare a certain percentage of their reports as being poor performers, no matter how well they were actually performing. As related by author Kurt Eichenwald in Vanity Fair magazine, “Every current and former Microsoft employee I interviewed— every one—cited stack ranking as the most destructive process inside Microsoft, something that drove out untold numbers of employees.” Stack ranking, he said, gave engineers incentives not to work with other engineers who were outstanding for fear of ending up on the bottom of the ranking scale.

Microsoft engineers also told Eichenwald that the politics around stack ranking slowed company decision making dramatically. “People planned their days and their years around the review, rather than around products. You really had to focus on the six-month performance, rather than on doing what was right for the company,” one engineer told him. Indications are that Microsoft was embarrassed by Eichenwald’s portrayal of its review process. Though it never said why, the company scrapped its stack ranking scheme shortly after publication of the article. And there is ample evidence that nobody likes performance reviews. Consider the findings of Texas A&M researchers. They hypothesized that people who thought their abilities developed mainly through effort and experience would take negative feedback better than others who mainly tried to avoid negative judgments. Nah. In studies the researchers ran, nobody liked negative feedback. Those researchers could have saved themselves some effort if they had simply referred to the works of quality guru W. Edwards Deming. As far back as the early 1950s, Deming was teaching Japanese manufacturers to evaluate groups rather than individuals. In so many words, he claimed that individual performance reviews create chaos rather than order. A lot of companies every day prove that Deming was right. DW

Le la n d Te sc h le r - Exec u t i ve Edi to r ltesc h ler@wtwh m edi a .co m

On Twitter @ DW—LeeTeschler 6


Lee Teschler Column 3-16_Vs2.MD.indd 6

March 2016

3/3/16 1:29 PM

Optimize performance for your application with

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Helical 3-16.indd 7

3/3/16 11:18 AM

Te c h n o lo gy Fo r wa rd

Mind the gap

When designing products for the Internet of Things (IoT), research is showing that the user experience with software is often more important than the experience with the IoT device itself. While most of the studies focus on consumers and consumer targeted IoT products, the point is valid for industrial IoT designers too. The study focused on IoT products for the “smart home.” This idea consists of hardware devices and software apps that, when combined, should make an efficient system for consumers. But a new report from Argus Insights shows that consumers are overall more frustrated with the applications that dictate, schedule and manage each device than with the actual devices themselves. According to data compiled from nearly 50,000 “Smart Home” device and app reviews from August 2015 to the present, a number of developers’ apps lack features users want. Users indicate that they are more frustrated with the software applications than with the actual devices. It appears as though end users look at the hardware and software experiences differently. Once the hardware is installed, which should be an easy process, the

hardware functions in the background. Users have much more interaction with the software app. Thus, they are looking for the best functionality of the software possible. In many cases, this functionality means fast video streaming, short load times, and minimal video blackouts. It’s here users find a gap in expectations among IoT products. One company that appears to be an exception is Honeywell, which offers a more synchronized hardware and software ecosystem and is doing well among consumers. Research shows it has beaten Nest with an overall better experience. The analytics from IoT implementation are supposed to help make it easier to shrink the gap between user expectation and product operation. But this study shows that simply buying into the concept of the IoT is not enough. If the IoT really delivers on valuable, useful information that can aid design, it’s still up to designers to use that information appropriately. The other companies mentioned in the research, AT&T, ADT and Comcast, illustrate what happens when IoT data are not used, or not used well to aid design—loss of market share. DW

Le sli e La n gn a u - M a n ag i n g Edi to r lla n g n a u r@wtwh m edi a .co m

On Twitter @ DW—3Dprinting



Leslie Column (Technology Forward) 3-16 Vs3.LL.MD.indd 8

March 2016

3/3/16 1:31 PM

Proto Labs 3-16.indd 9

3/3/16 11:19 AM

IS THE ANSWER TO MY DESIGN CHALLENGE ALWAYS A PART NUMBER? Ask Smalley. We know that there’s really no such thing as a standard design. So we deliver a level of technical collaboration and customization far beyond what you’d find in a typical parts catalog. Smalley engineers are always ready to share their expertise with you—tailoring a highperformance Smalley wave spring, Spirolox® retaining ring or constant section ring to meet your unique application requirements. So don’t settle for ordinary. Talk to a Smalley engineer today. Stamped Ring Constant Section Ring Spirolox® Ring Smalley retaining rings eliminate the protruding ears that interfere with assemblies, while providing a 360-degree retaining surface. And their unique design means no special tools are required.

Visit for your no-charge test samples.


38139_Smalley_BrandAd_PartNumber_DesignWorld.indd 1 Smalley 11-15(new).indd 10

10/9/15 11:20 1:46 AM PM 3/3/16

l Contributors Spotlight


PCB connection technology keeps pace with power demands

Key Account Manager iwis Drive Systems

Picking the right accumulation chain for conveying


Gerhard brings more to the table

Product Marketing Manager Phoenix Contact Jim, who holds a BSEE and MBA from Penn State University, believes that in 20

years, 3D printing will play a big role in everything we do, from printing food in restaurants to manufacturing buildings. As someone whose previous jobs include development engineering, product engineering and engineering supervision in a manufacturing facility, Jim said it drives him crazy when people assume that engineers can fix anything that breaks. “At one time, I had stereos, microwaves, refrigerators and more lined up in my garage because people assumed that since I was an engineer I could repair it all for them.”



Jim is inspired by the

fun fact movie Jiro Dreams of

Sushi. “It’s about an 85-year-old guy who dedicated his life to perfecting sushi and making it better each day. Amazing.”


Gerhard wishes he had learned more practical aspects of his career, such as chain technology, that weren’t part of his college curriculum. fun fact Gerhard has his travel sights set on the U.S. or South America. “It sounds strange,” he said, “but so far, I haven’t had the opportunity to go to either one. On the other hand, I travel to Asia a lot on business.”

Power delivery and the Type-C revolution Brig joined Agilent Technologies in 2005 as a Technical Support Engineer. During his time with Agilent, he has held the following positions: Marketing Operations Manager, where he oversaw the marketing budget and managed the technical support and learning products teams, and Technical Support Engineer, where he helped solve numerous customer problems. Before Agilent, Brig worked at Micron Technologies as a Test Engineer. He graduated with an MBA from Northwest Nazarene University and BSEE from the University of Wyoming. In his spare time, Brig runs marathons and climbs the mountains of Colorado with his kids.

BRIG ASAY Product Manager High-Performance Oscilloscopes Keysight Technologies

fun fact

Brig is a published technical author.

Georg earned his degree in engineering from the Bochum University of

GEORG GRUNENBERG Product Marketing, Business Unit, Device Connectors Phoenix Contact

than supplier support and strategic purchasing—he’s had advanced training as a time-and-motion studies technician, and completed an apprenticeship as a toolmaker in Munich, Germany, where he currently resides. In addition, he has practical experience in all production departments at iwis including head of production of special rollers, bushes and special parts. Like a lot of engineers,


PCB connection technology keeps pace with power demands

Applied Sciences. Advances in technology, he said, will continue to make people’s lives easier. “Simple tasks such as mowing the lawn and vacuuming the living room won’t remain the sole domain of robots. In ten years, robots will start to take on jobs for people in need of help, like doing the laundry, cooking, and grocery shopping.” In 1990, Georg wrote a thesis paper investigating the operation of a solar-powered inverter that was directly connected to the grid. He began working in product marketing at Phoenix Contact in 1997 and in 2012, he became Group Manager for the Combicon power product range. “If technology is used with people’s needs in mind, it can only be to our advantage,” Georg said. “I’m primarily concerned about the misuse of people’s data, not to mention internal corporate data and information.” When he’s not at work or home, Georg can most likely be found taking a jog or spending time with friends.

my advice People should always take a central role!

Contributor Page 3-16_vs2.MD.indd 11

March 2016



3/4/16 3:21 PM


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Staff page 3-16_Vs1.indd 12

Follow the whole team on twitter @DesignWorld EDITORIAL


Editorial Director Paul J. Heney @dw_editor

VP, Creative Services Mark Rook @wtwh_graphics

Managing Editor Leslie Langnau @dw_3DPrinting

Art Director Matthew Claney @wtwh_designer

Executive Editor Leland Teschler @dw_LeeTeschler

Graphic Designer Allison Washko

Senior Editor Miles Budimir @dw_Motion Senior Editor Lisa Eitel @dw_LisaEitel

Traffic Manager Mary Heideloff Production Associate Tracy Powers NEW MEDIA/WEB/ BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT

Senior Editor Mary Gannon @dw_marygannon

Web Development Manager B. David Miyares @wtwh_webdave

Associate Editor Mike Santora @dw_MikeSantora

Web Development Specialist Patrick Amigo @amigo_patrick

Assistant Editor Michelle DiFrangia @wtwh_Michelle

Digital Marketing Specialist Andrew Zistler

Director, Audience Development Bruce Sprague

Digital Media Manager Patrick Curran @wtwhseopatrick

Videographer John Hansel @wtwh_jhansel Videographer Kyle Johnston Videographer Alex Barni

MARKETING Marketing Manager Stacy Combest @wtwh_Stacy Marketing and Events Coordinator Jen Kolasky @wtwh_jen Marketing Coordinator Lexi Korsok @medtech_lexi Digital Marketing Specialist Josh Breuler @wtwh_joshb Digital Marketing Intern Aly Ryan @wtwh_aly

Controller Brian Korsberg

Online Coordinator Jennifer Calhoon @wtwh_jennifer

2011 - 2015 2014 Winner

WTWH Media, LLC 6555 Carnegie Ave., Suite 300, Cleveland, OH 44103 Ph: 888.543.2447 • FAX: 888.543.2447

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March 2016

3/4/16 3:26 PM

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3/3/16 11:21 AM

Co ntent s |

March 2016 • vol 11 no 3


F E AT U R E S CONTROL 58 MOTION Five key electrical design


concepts for mechanical engineers

chain for conveying

For logistics and material-handling applications, chain engineered for accumulating discrete pieces of product is efficient and durable.

When are custom couplings the best choice? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”—an old phrase appropriate in reference to the coupling selection of a design. However, there are circumstances where a custom coupling is the difference between a good choice and the perfect choice.

Mechanical engineers often overlook important electrical issues when specifying their respective parts of an electromechanical system.

MOTION 66 LINEAR Picking the right accumulation



ELECTRONICS Power delivery and the Type-C revolution USB-C cords promise to be all-in-one cables for the next decade thanks, in no small part, to the way this new spec handles electrical power.

100 INTERCONNECT PCB connection technology keeps pace with power demands

As developers of power electronics devices compete to make these devices more compact, it is up to PCB connector manufacturers to fit within these space constraints while increasing efficiency.

ETHERNET 74 INDUSTRIAL A hint of things to come in the IoT

Mak Parts Fe S u p p le a s t ment

In some respects, the Internet of Things is still heavy on the buzz and promotion and light on actual products that help design engineers. A few helpful aids are emerging.


1 0 7-1 24

TEST & MEASUREMENT Oscilloscope designs change with the times From portable scopes to a wide array of testing tools, oscilloscope design keeps up with the times.

ON THE COVER A clean design balances mass and motion. Lighter-weight components help reduce mass and enable the use of smaller motor/drive components.



2015 O N LIN E

Courtesy of Bosch Rexroth. revenue over $3 million



CONTENTS MARCH 2016_first page_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 14


3/4/16 10:15 AM

160201_MPD_EEW_US.indd 1 Digi-Key 3-16.indd 15

1/29/16 2:00 PM 3/3/16 11:25 AM

Con te n ts

Custom Motor Drives

3.2 01 6

for Ready to Use Out-of-the Box* OEM’s

Reduce Cost – Purchase the exact control for the


application without unnecessary extras.

Save Labor – Eliminate the need for programming,


04 Insights

calibration or tuning.

06 Teschler on Topic 08 Technology Forward 11 Contributors 18 Green Engineering 20 Design for Industry 29 Engineering Exchange Provides Speed Control for:

30 Design Notes

AC Induction, PM DC, Brushless DC and PSC Motors 1/50 thru 5 HP

42 Coupling Notes

Chassis / IP 20 • NEMA 1 / IP 50 • NEMA 4X / IP 65 115, 208/230, 400/460 VAC – 50/60 Hz 1ph and 3ph Input

44 CAE Solutions

Applications • HVAC • Packaging Machines • Shrink & Stretch Wrap Machines • Equipment Using GFCI Outlets

50 Internet of Things

• Door & Gate Openers • Fitness Equipment • Ovens • Conveyors • Blowers • Fans

126 Product World

Motors Last Longer: Proprietary CL software provides overload protection, prevents motor burnout and eliminates nuisance tripping. UL approved as electronic overload protector for motors.


136 Ad Index

Energy Saving: Uses only the power the application requires. Replacing constant speed with variable speed will significantly reduce energy costs.


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Design_World_ac_motor_drives_oem_white_border_2014.indd 1 Contents MARCH_second page_Vs2.LL.indd 16

9/24/14 12:51 PM


March 2016

3/7/16 10:12 AM

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2/10/16 3/3/16 12:58 11:31 PM AM

» G re e n E n g i n e e ri n g

Canted coil springs can improve wind turbine seals, connectors n Jim Harty Global Market Manager Energy Bal Seal Engineering

Wind turbines must withstand harsh internal and external conditions, including temperature and weather fluctuations, turbulence caused by wind gusts, variations in rotor speed, and repeated strokes of the blades. For the components that make up the turbine, durability is essential. Even the smallest components, such as seals and connectors, must endure changes in pressure and temperature while minimizing friction and wear inside the nacelle.

Proper sealing Sealing and protecting turbine parts is a small job but an important one. When choosing a product, designers should consider materials that offer a proven ability to last and withstand the tough conditions inside wind turbines.

Friction and wear. When used in pitch-drive gears and other similar applications, seals need to facilitate a certain level of mobility. Because blades rotate millions of times, they must resist continuous wear. Lowfriction sealing materials such as a polymer-filled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) can minimize wear, providing excellent sealing performance and an extremely low dynamic coefficient of friction. An energized seal will ensure that the lip retains an ability to contact the housing, while securely and consistently sealing around the edges. Chemical and media compatibility. For proper protection, it’s important to choose a sealing material that exhibits chemical compatibility with the greases and lubricants commonly used in the turbine. PTFE is chemically inert and offers high resistance to solvents, chemicals, and other materials over time. By contrast, materials such as elastomers struggle with long-term exposure to UV rays.



Green Engineering_3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 18

March 2016

Contact stress. Machined large-diameter seals have no weld, and therefore no hard spots or areas of potential weakness. This results in an ability to provide consistent contact pressures along the entire diameter of the sealing lip. Machined seals can also withstand much harsher conditions than welded ones, increasing service life of the seal and minimizing turbine downtime for maintenance or repairs.

Shelf life. Longevity is an essential turbine design consideration, and this holds true for all of the turbine components. Minimizing the need for repairs or replacements of a seal means fewer maintenance visits and lower material costs. The design of a seal and the choice of material used will affect its shelf life. The length of time that seals can be stored is often dependent on the material. For example, materials such as PTFE can be stored for years without impacting their sealing performance.

Thermal stability. In areas where ambient heat is excessive such as in a turbine’s gearbox, it’s important to use seals that provide protection and thermal stability. The seal should withstand high and low temperatures (up to 140° F and as low as to -65° F) without compromising the sealing contact stress.

Connecting turbines Much like the requirements for proper sealing, connecting turbine parts deserves special consideration for the best and safest results. Connecting presents specific challenges inside the small confines of a turbine nacelle.

3/3/16 1:35 PM

are often used to carry current, other options such as canted coil springs placed on each end of a rod can improve current transmission. Because the spring maintains consistent contact forces on the conducting element, it can ultimately improve turbine performance.

Heat safe. Connectors should allow maximum current management with minimal heat buildup in the turbine. Capacitors, transformers, generators, electrical controls, and transmission equipment are all subject to fire. To minimize risk in wind turbines, operating temperatures must remain at a minimum. Typical requirements include a heat run during which the heat rises to no more than 63° C. Operating temperatures should not exceed 110° C at 2,900 A CC (amps of constant current). The short circuit current must be able to withstand 1.6 kVA for two seconds. Canted coil springs help minimize heat-to-current carrying capacity in high-temperature conditions. Compression resistant. It’s important that

Tight spaces can make it difficult to achieve adequate torque and high vibration can easily loosen cables. In a worst-case scenario, this can lead to increased turbine temperatures, rising heat, and potentially hazardous conditions. When choosing connectors, these characteristics are critical:

Latching and locking forces. Connectors should provide wind-turbine engineers with a means of dictating forces with which connections are made and broken. Fasteners such as canted coil springs offer controllable mating and unmating forces. Such controlled forces make it easy to connect and disconnect control, and provide an alternative to traditional technologies, such as threaded connections that require tools.

Conductivity. In wind systems, it’s necessary to “dial in” the current-carrying capacity based on application need by specifying physical properties of contact (type of plating and wire diameter, for example). Although copper braids

connectors in wind turbines are resistant to compression set, which refers to the permanent deformation of a material after release of stress or force. They should be comprised of material with physical properties that ensure consistent, multi-point contact for maximum efficiency of current flow. A resistance to compression set provides for consistent service over thousands of cycles.

Space-saving design. To ensure maximum efficiency, each connector should provide an excellent size-to-current capacity ratio, allowing designers the opportunity to decrease overall device size and build in more functionality where necessary. As wind-energy systems supply a greater percentage of power worldwide, minimizing downtime and decreasing maintenance and service is critical. Conditions such as temperature, vibration and corrosion demand components that are efficient and reliable even in tough environments. DW

Bal Seal Engineering

March 2016

Green Engineering_3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 19



3/3/16 1:37 PM




» Design for Industry


Communication options for inverters/converters

These inverters and frequency converters use new communication

over-voltage shutdown and surge capability. Operating temperature is -20 to 75º C, with interfaces for heavy industrial and military -40º C as an option. applications. The CI, IT, IV, and K series of Optional features include: ac/dc single or three-phase Heavy Industrial and Mil inputs and ac/dc outputs; multiple output Inverters and Frequency Converters with CAN, voltages; remote on/off through various Ethernet, Modbus and Analog communication inhibit configurations; input inrush and interfaces are for mission critical applications. surge protection; mains synchronization; These reliable, customizable “built-to-project” input reverse polarity protection; output pure-sine-wave inverters offer 10 to more voltage adjustment potentiometer; output than 1,000 Vdc input voltage and 200 VA to voltage and frequency monitoring; increased 3 MW output voltages. Some of the designs mechanical strength; tropical (conformal feature an integrated UPS function, static coating) protection; low and high IP rated; switch(SS series), battery charging (B series) liquid or air-cooled; and parallel and and parallel capabilities (N+1). redundant operation. Heavy industrial and Features include continuous shortmilitary versions are available. circuit protection, automatic restart after Safety and construction protection



DFI 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 20

March 2016

meets EN 60950-1/EN 50178. EMI to EN 61000-6-4, class A, option class B available. Optional: Mil-Std-1399 type 1 and type 3; Mil-Std-461; Mil-Std-1275; Mil-Std-1332; Mil-Std-810; Mil-Std-901; Mil-Std-167, MilStd-704; and so on. COTS, MOTS and customtailored to meet your specific application requirements. DW


3/3/16 3:30 PM






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TAYOR-006170-4 MachSprg_9x10_875 DesWorld_MARCHMech.indd 1 Taylor Devices 3-16.indd 21

1/29/16 11:32 3:47 AM PM 3/3/16



» Design for Industry


Suction cups handle a range of product shapes and sizes

Some material handling and packaging applications have special handling needs, such as requiring perfect seal during pickup, or handling hot injection-molded plastics, or uneven surfaces. One option for these applications is the SP-BX Series Varioflex bellows suction cups. These cups deliver a perfect seal on surfaces ranging from oil-free metal sheets to hot injection-molded plastics, and even rough or uneven surfaces. Made of oil-, ozone-, and wear-resistant polyurethane composite material, FIPA’s SP-BX Series Varioflex bellows suction cups have a dimensionally stable body (60° shore) that prevents buckling over a range of shear forces, and a soft, low-marking sealing lip (30° shore) that delivers a perfect seal on surfaces ranging from oil-free metal sheets to hot injection-molded plastics, and even rough or uneven surfaces, including cardboard and wood. Available with either 1.5 folds (SP-BX1) or 2.5 folds (SP-BX2), the suction cups also function over long lifecycles to reduce machine downtime. Other features include holding force, recovery force, stability, and reset capabilities to accommodate systems with short cycle times. 22


DFI 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 22

March 2016

Available in diameters spanning 16 to 160 mm, the suction cups have 1.5 bellows to compensate for material height differences, and stabilizing cleats that both enable fast acceleration and prevent the deep drawing of thin materials like sheet metal. Available in diameters spanning 16 to 77 mm, these bellows suction cups have 2.5 bellows to accommodate material handling applications that require both height and angle compensation, such as the demolding of injection-molded parts, and feature an optional filter disk between the bellows for 26 to 53 mm diameter suction cups. Filter disks are included with suction cups with diameters of at least 77 mm, and rated operating temperatures for both SP-BX series span 50 to 122° F. DW


3/3/16 3:30 PM

machine tool




Take the work out of integration

maintenance & assembly tools BEARLOK


BEARLOK Shrink Disc




Responding to industry demand for integrated machine and plant control, the iQ-R series incorporates sequence, motion, safety, process and C language control into one platform. The control platform is for applications requiring integrated motion and safety control, tight synchronization between various processes and high production throughput. Applications include automotive, food and beverage, material handling, life sciences, and electronics manufacturing industries. The integrated design allows machines or production lines to consolidate control in one rack. The system can have up to 4 CPUs per rack for various combinations of motion, sequence or process control. Key features include: • 0.98 nsec execution speed • high-speed bus • GX Works3 programming software with built-in functions and configuration screens • CC-Link IE field network with deterministic performance over industrial Ethernet • built-in SD memory card database This scalable control fits many application needs, whether it involves coordinated motion, integrated safety, C language programming or PID control. It easily integrates with other automation products such as the GOT2000 series HMI and MR-J4 series amplifiers through pre-created templates and function blocks. A machine designed on the iQ-R series is set up for synchronization at every level—among PLCs, I/O modules and network stations for fast, reliable PLC performance. The clean control design allows communication between controllers across the backplane, eliminating the need for complex wiring that can add points of error. It also offers a variety of security features to protect intellectual property and ensure system integrity, including a security key feature to prevent unauthorized execution of OEMs’ programs. DW

Mitsubishi Electric Automation March 2016

DFI 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 23






















WHITTET-HIGGINS manufactures quality oriented, stocks abundantly and delivers quickly the best quality and largest array of adjustable, heavy thrust bearing, and torque load carrying retaining devices for bearing, power transmission and other industrial assemblies; and specialized tools for their careful assembly. Visit our website––to peruse the many possibilities to improve your assemblies. Much technical detail delineated as well as 2D and 3D CAD models for engineering assistance. Call your local or a good distributor. 33 Higginson Avenue, Central Falls, Rhode Island 02863 Telephone: (401) 728-0700 • FAX: (401) 728-0703 E-mail: Web:

3/3/16 3:31 PM



Âť Design for Industry


SCARA robots for small parts assembly This small SCARA robot handles a range of needs in applications requiring fast, repeatable and precise movements. The IRB 910SC SCARA (Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) robot has a maximum payload of 6 kg, and is available in reaches of 450, 550 and 650 mm. The single arm robot operates in a confined space and is tabletop mountable. All variants are modular by design, with differing linking arm lengths allowing end users to specify the optimal reach required for a specific application. Target applications include small parts assembly, material handling, tray kitting, component placement, parts inspection, laboratory automation, prescription drug dispensing and other applications requiring rapid cycle times, high precision and unmatched reliability. Each SCARA variant is IP54-rated for optimum protection against dust and liquids and a Clean Room ISO-5 option is under development. DW ABB



DFI 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 24

March 2016

3/3/16 3:31 PM

Couplings, Clutches & Brakes

Power Review Couplings Couplings Ameridrives Couplings Couplings Ameridrives Ameridrives Ameridrives PT PT Bibby Bibby Turboflex Turboflex Guardian Couplings Couplings Guardian & Dynatork Huco Huco Dynatork Lamiflex Couplings Couplings Lamiflex Heavy Duty TB Wood’s TB Wood’s Clutches & Brakes

Heavy Heavy Duty Duty Clutches & & Brakes Brakes Clutches Industrial Industrial Clutch Clutch Svendborg Svendborg Brakes Brakes Twiflex Limited Limited Twiflex Wichita Wichita Clutch Clutch

Belted Drives Drives Belted Svendborg Brakes TB Wood’s TB Wood’s Twiflex Limited

Marland Clutch Clutch Marland Stieber Stieber Clutch Clutch

Couplings, Clutches Brakes

Couplings Ameridrives Couplings Ameridrives PT Bibby Turboflex Guardian Couplings & Dynatork Huco Lamiflex Couplings Heavy Duty TB Wood’s Clutches & Brakes Industrial Clutch Belted Drives Svendborg TB Wood’s Brakes Twiflex Limited Wichita Clutch

Altra Industrial Motion Vol. 5 | No. 1 | 2016

Overrunning Overrunning Clutches Clutches

Formsprag Clutch Clutch Formsprag The Power Brands in Power Transmission Industrial Clutch

Couplings, Clutches Brakes Couplings Ameridrives Couplings Ameridrives PT Bibby Turboflex Guardian Couplings Huco & Dynatork Lamiflex Couplings TB Wood’s Heavy Duty Clutches & Brakes Belted Drives Industrial Clutch TB Wood’s Brakes Svendborg Twiflex Limited Wichita Clutch

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Overrunning Clutches Formsprag Clutch Marland Clutch Stieber Clutch

Electric Clutches & Brakes Inertia Dynamics Matrix International Warner Electric Warner Linear

ectric Clutches & Brakes

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Linear Products Warner Linear

Gearing Gear Motors Bauer Gear Motor Engineered Bearing Assemblies Kilian Manufacturing


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Overrunning Clutches Formsprag Clutch Marland Clutch Stieber Clutch

Electric Clutches & Brakes Electric Electric Clutches Clutches & & Brakes Brakes Inertia Dynamics Dynamics Inertia Matrix Matrix International International Warner Electric Electric Warner Warner Linear Linear Warner

Overrunning Clutches Formsprag Clutch Marland Clutch Stieber Clutch

Linear Products Products Linear Warner Linear Linear Warner

Electric Clutches & Brakes Electric Clutches & Brakes Inertia Dynamics Matrix International Warner Electric Warner Linear

Electric Clutches & Brakes

ted Drives Wood’s

Wichita Clutch

Linear Products Warner Linear

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Linear Products Warner Linear

Engineered Bearing Assemblies Assemblies Kilian Kilian Manufacturing Manufacturing

Gearing Gear Motors Bauer Gear Motor Engineered Bearing Assemblies Kilian Manufacturing

Nuttall Gear

Gear Drives Boston Gear Delroyd Worm Gear Nuttall Gear

Gear Drives Boston Gear Delroyd Worm Gear Nuttall Gear

Couplings, Clutches & Brakes Couplings Ameridrives Couplings Ameridrives PT Bibby Turboflex Guardian Couplings Huco Dynatork Lamiflex Couplings TB Wood’s Belted Drives TB Wood’s

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Featured in this Edition...

Heavy Duty Clutches & Brakes Industrial Clutch Svendborg Brakes Twiflex Limited Wichita Clutch Overrunning Clutches Formsprag Clutch Marland Clutch Stieber Clutch

Electric Clutches & Brakes

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3/3/16 11:33 AM

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from the brands of Altra Industrial Motion Corp.



Dollars invested in global wind power in 2014*

CALIPER BRAKE SOLUTIONS FROM ALTRA PROVIDE RELIABLE PERFORMANCE ON WIND TURBINES AROUND THE WORLD The wind turbine market has been slowly recovering since the 2008 global financial crisis. While there was significant improvement in 2012 and 2013, global wind power grew by a record 50+ GW in 2014. There are currently six countries that have an installed wind capacity of more than 10,000 MW, with China, the U.S. and Germany leading the world. The U.S. alone produces enough wind energy to power more than 16 million homes. Europe has been experiencing substantial growth in offshore wind capacity, with 408 turbines added in 2014. This brings the cumulative total of installed and grid-connected offshore turbines to 2,488 in 11 European countries. The small wind and distributed wind segments of the market (turbines from 5 kW to 500 kW) are also growing. In the U.S., 40% of distributed wind (power which is primarily consumed at the point of generation) is deployed in residential applications, while agriculture accounts for 26% and industrial/commercial uses 20%.

SUPERIOR ROTOR AND YAW BRAKING TECHNOLOGIES As they meet the world’s growing demand for wind energy, global wind turbine OEMs rely on Svendborg Brakes and Twiflex Limited for innovative hydraulic caliper braking solutions. The braking systems control the speed of wind turbine rotors as well as the 360 degree yaw rotation of the turbine’s nacelle as it follows changing wind directions. These two Altra brands work closely with major turbine OEMs as they develop new turbine models of various designs and capacities, while improving efficiency, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

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Application Profile


Custom Precision Bearing Assemblies


Poultry Processing Equipment


• Shielded 303 stainless steel housings • Sealed stainless steel ball bearings • Washdown and corrosion resistant • Smooth movement • Integral stud for easy installation

A leading poultry and food processing equipment manufacturer needed a stainless steel bearing assembly for use on its line of chicken vicera harvesters. The machines removes various internal organs from chicken carcasses as they rotate on an overhead-driven carousel. Multiple bearing assemblies, positioned over each of the carcass stations allow the carousel to rotate smoothly. Kilian engineers designed a custom stainless steel ball bearing assembly to meet the tough washdown application requirements. The units feature a 303 stainless steel shielded housing containing precision stainless steel ball bearings sealed to protect against bacteria and withstand harsh washdowns. An integral stud was added to allow for easy installation.

US (Sales/Engineering) 1-315-432-0700

Altra Industrial_#2_3-16.indd 26

Asia Pacific

For a list of our AP sales offices:


Printed in USA


3/3/16 11:34 AM

Altra’s How-To Video Series on YouTube Visit Altra Industrial Motion on YouTube to see our newest videos including our recently added instructional How-To Video Series. The How-To Video Series includes troubleshooting and installation instructions for a variety of products. Scan to visit the How-To Video Series How-To Video Series The How-to Video Series offers helpful how-to videos on a variety of industrial applications. We upload new videos routinely, so check back often. Warner Electric, TB Wood’s, and Boston Gear currently have videos featured in the How-To Series that include installation instructions and troubleshooting.

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3/3/16 11:34 AM

TB Wood’s Incorporated

NEW Sure-Flex Plus EPDM & Neoprene Sleeves Our new Sure-Flex Plus EPDM and Neoprene sleeves are best-in-class for coupling performance and value. Here’s why: High Torque Rating 30% Increased Torque Rating Provides longer service life in demanding applications, reducing required maintenance and associated replacement cost. Longer Life Sure-Flex Plus Lasts Over 3X Longer than the Competition Extensive testing shows our sleeves outlast the imitators. More uptime means less costly downtime. Better Value Save Money Using a Smaller Coupling The increased rating of the Sure-Flex Plus sleeves lets the user choose a one-sizesmaller coupling for over 50% of common applications. This lowers the cost of both initial purchase and future sleeve replacement. Interchangeable Retrofits to Existing Flanges No need to replace the full coupling – The Sure-Flex Plus sleeve design is 100% compatible with the current industry standard that TB Wood’s created over 50 years ago.

For more information on Sure-Flex Plus call 1.888.TBWOODS or visit Altra Industrial_#4_3-16.indd 28

Scan to Watch Sure-Flex Plus Video

3/3/16 11:35 AM



with Design World

Visit for our latest issue! March 2016

INSIDE: LINEAR MOTION: Picking the right accumulation chain for conveying PAGE 66

INTERCONNECT: PCB connection technology keeps pace with power demands PAGE 100

TEST & MEASUREMENT: Oscilloscope designs change with the times PAGE 80


key electrical design concepts for mechanical engineers 58

Cover_DW_MARCH 2016_FINAL.indd 1

3/4/16 4:58 PM




If you draw it, can you print it? 3D printing enables you to reduce part weight, raw material used and cut total energy used in production. But to truly take advantage of 3D printing, engineers need updated, intuitive, easy-to-learn CAD tools. by Jean Thilmany, Contributing Editor

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Teenager vs. Robotic Kit Design World's Editorial Director Paul J. Heney and Senior Editor Miles Budimir introduce the Spartan Robot, which has 26 motor, servo and sensor ports, allowing programs to interact with the robot’s environment. Coupled with the company's MATRIX building system, Spartan can complete endless challenges. Connect with 339,805 engineers at DesignWorldNetwork


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by Paven Patel, General Manager and Barry Siroka, Business Development

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Engineering Exchange 2-16_Vs2.indd 29

March 2016



3/7/16 10:19 AM

» D e s i g n N o te s

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

Lost in space: biomedical harness finally makes it home Almost 50 years after an Apollo space walk, a long-lost flat cable harness returned back home to Cicoil. The “Bio-Harness” assembly, built by the company for the 1969 Apollo 9 space flight, was returned in a NASA Apollo Space Program Auction. Considering its age and the number of miles it has travelled, the harness looked virtually brand-new. The 26-in.-long electrical biomedical harness was worn by Commander Jim McDivitt during the Apollo 9 flight that launched into orbit on March 3 and returned to Earth 10 days later. Typically, the Bio-Harness was worn underneath the intravehicular constant wear garment when in the spacecraft, and under the extravehicular pressure suit during spacewalk activities. The assembly enabled continuous monitoring of vital signs, such as pulse, respiration, body temperature and pulse rate for each astronaut during flight, orbit and spacewalk operations. In addition to Commander McDivitt, Astronauts David Scott and Rusty Schweickart also used BioHarnesses on the Apollo 9 space mission as well. The space flight approved Bio-medical Instrumentation and Telemetry Harnesses were chosen for their highly flexible and lightweight materials; high reliability in mission critical applications; resistance to UV light,

This cable w

as worn under th e astronauts’ garments and enabled co nt in uous monitoring of vi tal signs, such as bl oo d pressure, respiration, body temperatu re and pulse rate for each as tronaut during flight, orbit and spacewalk operations. The harness looks virtually brandnew, considerin g its age and the number of m iles it has trave led. 30


Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 30

radiation and vibration; high efficiency in dissipating heat between inner cable components; strong performance when exposed to temperature extremes (-65 to 260° C); and ability to separately encase shielded signal pairs to eliminate electronic interference and provide uninterrupted signal integrity during the harsh rigors of space flight. Flat cable harnesses were also there to help John Glenn (Mercury-Atlas 6) become the first American to orbit the earth, Edward White (Gemini 4) to be the first American to walk in space, Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11) to take his historical “First Step” on the surface of the moon, and Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11) to take his second walk on the moon. In addition to every Apollo space flight, the design team from Cicoil has manufactured cable assemblies for the Mercury and Gemini Space missions, Skylab, Mercury Voyager, the Space Shuttle, Tri-ATHLETE Lunar Vehicle, the Mars Rover; and myriad space transport rockets and satellites. DW Cicoil


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March 2016

3/3/16 3:57 PM





M e m o ry p r o t e c t io n d e v ic e s


F l u s h e s o ut t h e c o m p e t i t i o n

MPD m e m o ry p r o t e c t i o n d e v i c e s

Memory Protection Device 3-16.indd 31

M P D i s a g lo b a l m o t h e r e l e c t r o n ic c o m p o n e nt s s h o u l i s w h y w e a r e a lw


a t

a n u fac t u r e r o f b at t e ry h o l d c o m p o n e nt s . W e b e l i e v e t h at d f i t e a s i ly i nto y o u r d e s i g ay s c r e at i n g i n n o vat i v e n e w

e r s a n d o u r n s , w h ic h p r o d uc t s .

t e r y h o l d e r s . c o m

3/3/16 11:36 AM

Designing and Manufacturing Custom Products for


» De sign Note s

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor


Lightweight, Heat-Resistant Products Including Components for Engines, Flight Controls, Propulsion, Landing Gear, Interiors, Avionics, & Space Exploration Vehicles In-House Engineering, Development Processes, & Metallurgy Expertise Mission Critical Safety & Performance Standards ISO 9001 • AS9100 • FAA, DoD, NASA Compliant • Quality Management System (QMS) • ITAR Compliant • DFARS Materials • Member of NBAA • Boeing DPD Approved for CATIA Files • Made in the USA

Motion control is essential for the digitization

Learn more at: (847) 349-5780

Empowering Innovation. Engineering Value.®

Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 32

Anti-cage creep mechanism helps bring Lasik surgery equipment into focus and automation of equipment, and bearings are at the core of frictionless movement. In 1956, just distributing bearings in California was viable, even on a small scale. For many small distributors, with growing globalization through the end of the 20th century, it was change or die. This is where the entrance of strong engineering skills came to the rescue of such distributors. Bearing Engineers, one such distributor, recently changed its name to Motion Solutions to reflect their evolution into custom designers




March 2016

of motion solutions. How this distributor became a manufacturer is illustrated by the development of their newest product. A company who needed a better linear motor table for positioning laser surgery equipment brought this challenge to the engineering team. According to Shawn Hakim, mechanical engineering supervisor at Motion Solutions, “The client came to us with the complaint that their Lasik eye surgery equipment was not performing smoothly enough and its running parallelism was not up to their standards.” The problem was caused by

3/3/16 3:58 PM

Developing & Manufacturing Custom Products


In this S tudrolle r anti-c slidewa reep y from N B Corp., cre prevente epage is d becau se the ra depressio c e w ay has ns that t rack the nodules s t , prevent uds or ing slipp position age in an . y

linear bearing cage slippage. Though positioned horizontally, at full operating speed, the bearing retainer would creep as the momentum of the bearing movement was transferred to the cage (also termed the retainer). An anti-cage creep mechanism was the logical solution. The term “anti-creep” describes the method of eliminating any slippage of the retainer holding the crossed rollers between the two V-grooved rails of the slideway. In addition to maintaining precise movement, without creepage, downtime is reduced lowering the cost of maintenance. An anti-creep device eliminates this “creeping” of the retainer, so the slideway can be used in any mounting direction and with lower momentum motors such as linear

Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 33


motors. Several complex anti-creep devices have been developed. To prevent cage creep/ slippage, manufacturers have used a few different approaches, such as a rack and pinion mechanism; an external attachment made of plastic gears outside of the rail; and a metal gear inside of the rail. Some of these devices are quite expensive. After comparison tests, Hakim settled on one mechanism that does not use a gear. It is an anti-cage creep mechanism that uses a roller with round balls studded around its surface. It has the smoothest tracking motion and therefore is quieter than an externally attached toothedgear type anti-creep device. In this Studroller mechanism, creepage is prevented because the raceway has depressions that track the studs or March 2016



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3/3/16 3:58 PM

» D e s ig n N o tes


We understand your design challenges. With 110 years of engineering expertise, you can rely on our team of gearmotor experts to help you outperform the competition. We build gearmotor solutions for challenging applications. ®


Cage creep is pr evented by the studs th at roll into the raceways de pressions. The resin retain er fits around the rolle r in the Studroller.

nodules, preventing slippage in any position. By placing studs in the center roller and machining a path along the rail, this retainer will not slip. It is suitable for high acceleration, vertical or horizontal mounting and uneven load distribution. The engineering team saw that the improved linear motor table held great promise as a proprietary product. However, they had commercial concerns; cost was their number one concern. Costs vary for crossed roller bearings with anticreep mechanisms—depending on the complexity of their design and whether the application has to be custom designed to accommodate them. The Studroller, being the simplest non-slip design, uses a studded roller, as opposed to a gear or exterior control, so its cost is almost the same as a standard slideway. “We were able to make the product more cost competitive. Our product lowered the client’s cost by 17%. We gave them an equivalent product that is lower cost, has better running parallelism, better smoothness and with about 30% more force,” said Hakim. “Secondly, long lead times—say, six to eight weeks—could doom the product. We established processes that would allow us to shorten the lead time to somewhere between two and three weeks,” he added.

info @ | 800.726.3463


Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 34


March 2016

3/3/16 3:59 PM

The linear motor table, which initially was incorporated into Lasik eye surgery systems—focusing optics and lasers on the eye—has a level of precision that is also good for other applications. That challenge also led to the development of a line of precision positioning tables that meet the requirements of liquid-crystal related equipment, measuring instruments, assembling systems and material transfer equipment. The design team’s Linear Motor Table is powered by an ironless core linear motor. This smooth, non-contact drive system prevents force ripple (attraction force or cogging), unlike an iron core motor. Designed for high speed positioning, the linear motor tables allow speeds up to 2,550 mm/ sec. A compact, lightweight aluminum alloy enclosure houses a linear encoder that precisely positions down to 10 nm resolution. DW

In this image we se e technicians working in the Motion Systems as sembly area and cleanroom .

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Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 35   1/25/16 4:40 PM

March 2016



3/3/16 3:59 PM

» D e s i g n N o tes

Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

Pushing performance and fuel management While most bike enthusiasts have come to know Vance & Hines for its exhaust systems, the riding community also knows the company for its Fuelpak FP3. This aftermarket motorcycle part is the most capable and cost-effective fuel management system currently available for Delphi-equipped Harley-Davidson motorcycles. “This modification can impact fuel economy and performance as it alters the air/fuel ratio, causing the bike to run much leaner. Our classic Fuelpak devices solved those issues. With the new FP3, we added functionality like increased horsepower, quicker throttle response, and increased fuel efficiency,” said Larry Hinds, manufacturing manager at Vance & Hines. As the current generation of fuel management systems neared end of product life, demand grew for a solution with exciting new feature sets. The challenge for Vance & Hines then became how to optimize fuel economy and upgrade the user interface. 36


Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 36

March 2016

“The smart phone inte gration gave us the ability to not only fi x performance issue s, but also e n hance the rider experie nce. That m eant the FP would use B 3 luetooth tech nology and more robust , complex PC Bs,” said Larr Hinds, manu y facturing m a nager at Vance & Hin es.

Vance & Hines had the idea of linking the FP3 with the user’s smartphone over Bluetooth to provide a more dynamic interface. “The smartphone integration gave us the ability to not only fix performance issues, but also enhance the rider experience,” said Hinds. “That meant the FP3 would use Bluetooth technology and more robust, complex PCBs.” “Even though the FP3 is a fairly high volume product, we use a just-in-time (JIT) style of manufacturing,” he added. This production

3/3/16 3:59 PM

What’s 15 years to one of our blowers? A warm-up. Nothing moves air with more rock-solid reliability than AMETEK® Rotron regenerative blowers. Fifteen years’ service life is not unusual. These low-pressure, high-volume blowers feature rugged, compact construction and quiet operation. Their proven design makes them ideal in applications from chemicals, wastewater and furnaces to vapor recovery and more. Plus, they’re backed by the industry’s most knowledgeable engineering experts. AMETEK can customize your blower for harsh environments, high voltage and specialized applications, too. So make your next air-moving challenge a breeze. Call us at +1 330-673-3452 or visit our website to get started.

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© 2015 by AMETEK Inc. All rights reserved.

AMETEKDFS Blower Ad_9x10.875.indd 1 AMETEK 6-15Regen (NEW AD).indd 37

6/1/15 11:37 5:03 PM 3/3/16 AM

» D e s i g n N o tes

method called Kanban, or “blank card,” requires a PCB supplier to commit to a predictable production turnaround. “We set aside six weeks of board inventory and put a card on it,” said Hinds. “When we crack open that box, it signals us to place a PCB order that can easily be delivered within six weeks.” For this, the Vance & Hines design team chose Sunstone. In addition to collaborative prototyping services and capacity for high volume PCB production, communication lines were kept open at all times. “We don’t feel like we’re sending our orders into a black hole,” said Hinds. “There’s someone on the other end who cares.” “Instead of robotically manufacturing boards, Sunstone had a thought process behind their work,” precision half page.pdf



In addition to collabora tive prototyping services and capacity for high volu me PCB pro duction, communica tion lines are always kept open to ensure every measure is taken to m ake certain of quality before prod uction begin s.

he continued. That process in its simplest form is taking every measure necessary to ensure quality before production begins. Anything that can interfere with quality or performance raises a red flag and a proactive call to Hinds himself. For example: “A new employee accidentally sent over some specs that called for a tin-lead finish, rather than the silver RoHS we normally use,” he said. That anomaly raised the alarm at Sunstone, who contacted Hinds to confirm the unusual order. It had been made in error. That

email saved an entire production run. The commitment is to build the right board the right way, every time. No exceptions. For Hinds, this meant focusing on expanding the FP3 feature sets, not worrying about supporting basic functions. DW Sunstone

10:17:35 AM





Optimal components for your design





Industrial Linear Motors 262-743-2555

Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 38

3/3/16 3:55 PM

Bishop Wisecarver 9-15.indd 39

3/4/16 8:54 AM


0 90


ISO 13485


Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

Electric actuation helps save energy in automation applications




» De sign Note s

The sound of air leaking from ageing pneumatic actuators— nails on a chalkboard for your bottom line. Sixty years ago, when Raaco International started manufacturing plastic drawers and mobile storage solutions in Nykøbing Falster, Denmark, pneumatic actuators were the technology of choice for injection molding and semi-automatic welding line automation. We’ve since learned that pneumatic cylinders are susceptible to pressure loss and leakage. This issue was precisely the case for the company recently. With an increased need for performance and rising energy costs, Raaco engineers sought out electric actuators from Thomson Industries. To help them get started, the Raaco engineering team contacted AVN Teknik, a Danish distributor, from which it had previously sourced industrial components. In reviewing specifications, AVN Teknik’s product specialist, Flemming Blauert, analyzed the problem and compared actuation alternatives.

Tube bending

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ce costs Lower maintenan uenced and requirements infl switch to Raaco’s decision to tuation. ac electromechanical

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Tube & Fabrication, Inc. Franklin, Massachusetts

Phone (800) 528-8650 Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 40



March 2016

3/3/16 3:57 PM


The PC-series precision linear actuator delivers extended life, repeatability and quiet operation.

Raaco knew the actuators needed to be replaced, and were prepared to pay the cost—€360 per cylinder to upgrade to a newer pneumatic actuator, or €1,800 per cylinder for electromechanical actuators. Using a sizing and calculation tool that factored in the required dimensions, torque, price of energy, ambient conditions, number of cycles and the duration of operation, the cost of operating a pneumatic cylinder was estimated at €739 per year, compared to €63 for the electromechanical cylinder. Pneumatic actuators consume more energy because each cylinder operation requires compressors to be operating 24/7. Also, the efficiency rate of electrical energy for pneumatic cylinders is only 15%, compared to 80% for electromechanical actuators. But energy savings were only part of the value. Raaco chose to go with Thomson’s PC series. The PC series offered improvements in performance, productivity and maintenance. Raaco agreed to a preliminary test. The test involved replacing the pneumatic cylinder on a trapezoidal welding machine used for fixing metal parts. Although it was not a direct production application, it was enough to demonstrate the speed, safety, loading and energy saving capabilities of electromechanical actuators. The next step involved replacing the pneumatic actuator controlling the arm of a key injection molding application with the electromechanical actuator. The actuator’s function was to extend a robot arm down into the machine to grab a part from the mold, raise it up, move it sideways and drop it onto a

Design Notes 3-16_Vs7.LL.MD.indd 41

conveyor belt for processing. Expecting a certain amount of downtime for the transition, Raaco planned to hold factory production for up to two days; the actuators were up and working in a couple of hours. Energy savings met expectations. Annual energy costs for operating this particular machine fell from €179 to €19. Along with the low energy consumption came a boost in performance. The electromechanical actuator proved to be 3x faster than its pneumatic predecessor, saving Raaco up to 1.2 sec for each cycle. For every two parts fetched and placed before, the system was now handling three. With an average machine running 2,880 cycles a day, this was a significant boost in productivity. Maintenance for the electromechanical actuators is a squirt of grease into the lubrication ports three times per year. There is also a safety advantage. If the power fails while the system is in operation, the controlling pneumatic force goes away and the arm can drop rapidly, potentially harming anything that might be beneath it. This is not an issue for electromechanical actuators because they have an electric brake on the motor. If the power goes down, the actuator stays in position. Convinced of the potential value across the rest of its production line, Raaco ordered electromechanical replacements for its pneumatic cylinders on the whole of its injection molding line during the next scheduled maintenance turnaround, and is evaluating applications throughout the rest of its plant. DW


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Laser machining

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March 2016


41 3/3/16 3:57 PM


» Co u p li n g N o tes

GAM’s EASY clamp system opens up the bore slightly to allow for installation without damage to the coupling or mating shafts.

How to avoid common coupling installation mistakes Edited by: Mike Santora • Associate Editor

Initial coupling selection aside, the prevention of premature component failure begins with installation. Installing the right part the wrong way is bad—seems obvious. Yet, nearly all coupling manufacturers we speak with have similar tales of installation nightmares. Mike Parzych, product marketing manager at GAM, gave us the three most common installation mistakes he encounters.

Tighten Up “The most common mistake we have seen is when our customers do not tighten the clamping bolts to the recommended torque values. Rather than using a torque wrench, they estimate when the correct torque has 42


Coupling Notes 3-16_Vs3.MS.LL.MD.indd 42

March 2016

been reached. In some cases, they do not tighten the clamping bolt enough and the coupling slips. On the other end of the spectrum, they over tighten the clamping bolt which can damage the bolt or even cause hub fracture.”

Clean up your act “Another common mistake we see is when customers do not check to make sure the shafts and bores are cleaned and free from oil to prevent premature slippage.”

3/3/16 3:01 PM

Your Global Automation Partner

A metal bellows was evaluated using FEA. The specific loads in the corrugation valleys of the metal bellows are in red because of higher stress. This means that the corrugation valleys are the weak point of the metal bellows and most likely to break during an over torque situation, a common problem that should always be taken into consideration.

The Force is not with you “The last mistake we see is often due to difficult assembly conditions (confined space) or tight shaft/hub tolerances; customers force the coupling onto the shaft, which compresses the bellows and can damage the coupling. To account for these scenarios, many couplings have the EASY clamp system which opens up the bore slightly to allow for easy installation without damage to the coupling or mating shafts.”

Out of sight, out of mind One of the worst coupling installations I’ve seen was for an application where the parallel misalignment between shafts was actually visible. Normally it takes a precision gauge to measure the misalignment as we are generally talking distances of 0.3 mm (0.0118 in.). So being able to visually observe the misalignment gave us a clear diagnosis.” We also had some questions for Parzych about couplings when your design will likely experience large loads. Here is what he had to say: “When expecting large loads for a motion system design, a few things need to be

Coupling Notes 3-16_Vs3.MS.LL.MD.indd 43


Not suitable for repairing flimsy connectors (or your reputation).

Rugged, reliable industrial

considered in addition to the usual. First, the stakes are a bit higher; the amount of physical damage potential increases, and the cost of said damage compounds. With safety being the paramount concern for any engineer, the increased forces of higher load designs need to be addressed early and often. “The first step is to make sure the nominal torque rating of the coupling is greater than the peak torque of the application. While many couplings have a substantial safety factor built in, this methodology provides motion system designers with the confidence that couplings will do the job. It is always a good practice to be as comprehensive as possible when providing a manufacturer with the details that will determine a coupling’s necessary specifications. Oftentimes, manufacturers are provided with limited application information, and tend to be conservative when sizing, especially for large load applications. Clearer application specifications helps puts the precise coupling in your design, as opposed to one that is simply ‘good enough.’” DW

automation products from Turck are built to perform in the toughest conditions, and our engineered solutions are customized to meet your application challenges. Cheap knockoffs can’t compare. Turck works!

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GAM March 2016



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3/3/16 3:01 PM


» CA E Solu t i o n s

CFD software saves 75% in prototype build costs

The Ilmor design team had the opportunity to refine the cylinder head for an Indycar. The engineers used Converge, a CFD program that assists engine optimization, performance and efficiency.

“Step-Change” developments in the accuracy and resolution of engine design company Ilmor’s CFD capability have slashed development times by around 50% while reducing prototype build cost for its 2016 Indycar engine development project by 75%. Ilmor’s engine design consultancy division has been responsible for the design of Chevrolet’s championship-winning Indycar engine that powered Scott Dixon to the 2015 title. Recently, the design team had an opportunity to refine the cylinder head. The engineers turned to Converge, a CFD program that assists engine optimization, performance and efficiency. Converge software differs from legacy CFD programs as it couples and automates the mesh at runtime, reducing the time taken to calculate flow. This feature, once thought difficult to achieve in CFD, saved Ilmor eight weeks in development time on its 2016 Indycar engine update. Generating the mesh also crucially eliminated user-to-user variation inherent in traditional CFD programs that can lead to correlation errors. The introduction of Converge coincided with a large order for Ilmor in both automotive and motorsport applications. “With over 30 years of experience, our engineers are adept at creating ideas to extract performance from road or race engines,” said Steve O’Connor, chief engineer, Ilmor Racing. “We have always used simulation but to date it has supported our traditional approach of producing a part or concept and then trying it on the dyno. That development method provided accurate, real-world data but was costly and time consuming. Now Converge has 44


CAE Solutions_Simulations 3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 44

March 2016

3/3/16 3:02 PM

Your Global Automation Partner

» CAE S olutions

improved our understanding of the complex mechanisms that occur within the combustion chamber without cutting metal and has guided us along new avenues of development for both the road and track. With complex issues, such as combustion system development, now critical for road car emissions, it enables engineers to test more ideas without the need to manufacture each time. It marks a step-change in how we manage our entire development process.” This CFD program was created by engine specialists to address the deficiencies of other CFD codes in their field and to focus on the areas that really mattered to them. Factors such as flame propagation and knocking can be a real problem. Users can create larger mesh cells to save time, but accuracy diminishes and runtimes grow longer. With run-time grid generation, the program enabled Ilmor’s engineers to use their time to come up with more creative ideas instead of building meshes.

Underlining the suitability for engine developers, the program also links seamlessly with other software programs, such as GT-Power, making it suitable for other applications such as exhaust after treatment. With opportunities to use it in other applications, such as optimizing flame propagation, Ilmor is keen to blend its knowledge with Converge tools to acquire more OE contracts. “We are known for our motorsport success, but we are doing an increasing amount of automotive and R&D work,” said Ian Whiteside. “Combining our knowledge with the use of Converge to prove our concepts is attracting OEMs looking for novel ideas at the speed that only motorsports know how to deliver.” DW

WARNING Not suitable for repairing crummy sensors

Convergent Science

(or your reputation).

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QR24 Rotary Inductive Sensors An expanded line of noncontact inductive rotary position sensors with optional stainless steel housing. Wide variety of outputs includes HTL Incremental, SSI, CANopen and

Converge software couples and automates the mesh at runtime, reducing the time taken to calculate flow.

CAE Solutions_Simulations 3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 45

analog in voltage and current.

March 2016



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3/3/16 3:03 PM


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Large food, beverage, tobacco, beauty and healthcare manufacturers, as well as packaging and ingredients suppliers, face challenges to meet consumer demand in a competitive marketplace. New goods must be delivered on time without compromising quality, yet gaining this efficiency can be a challenge. Different product mixes, materials and compliance requirements involving multiple factories, geographies and suppliers must be managed. Perfect Production software addresses the manufacturing complexities that affect large CPG manufacturers. By introducing the concept of a virtual twin to CPG production, Perfect Production provides real-time visibility, control and synchronization of the business processes performed by plants and suppliers. Manufacturers can establish a common set of operational standards that can be managed holistically and globally, while continuously improving and meeting local market and customer needs. Specifically, the program offers: • accelerated new product introduction and reduced cost of quality • reduced inventory and increased production throughput, from raw materials, components and semi-finished goods synchronized with production, quality inspection and equipment maintenance processes • brand integrity and a consistent consumer experience, from precise and uniform management of all operational processes for multiple brands and regions within and across plants, with the flexibility to adapt to local requirements • synchronized and coordinated flow of information • rapid recognition and correction of quality issues, from collaborative problem solving tasks across a dynamic supply chain before issues become serious. DW Dassault Systèmes • 46

CAE Solutions_Simulations 3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 46


March 2016

3/7/16 10:25 AM

Âť CAE S olutions

Build applications that integrate simulation and 3D design The LiveLink portion of Comsol Multiphysics software supports application development for SolidWorks. LiveLink for SolidWorks connects Comsol software simulations and 3D design. This version allows users to build apps with the Application Builder. LiveLink gives design engineers a better understanding of how SolidWorks software designs perform in the intended operating environment by delivering an accurate evaluation of the impact of any physical effects and their interactions. Engineers can build apps based on Comsol models created from a SolidWorks software geometry. LiveLink for SolidWorks allows them to import and perform operations on their CAD geometries from within an app and then synchronize the final geometry with SolidWorks software.

This software includes a bidirectional interface between the Comsol Desktop environment and SolidWorks software. It allows synchronization of the CAD design with the Comsol model; it also lets the simulation control the CAD design parameters in the SolidWorks software file. The program also supports user-defined selections for simulation set-up on the synchronized CAD design. In SolidWorks, users can define selections, including bodies, faces, edges or points, that are synchronized to the Comsol model where they are available to assign materials, physics settings or any other model definitions. DW COMSOL

CAE Solutions_Simulations 3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 47

3/7/16 10:47 AM


» CA E »Solu CA Et iSo onlut s ions

Faster mechanical design IronCAD Mechanical add-on offers a library of intelligent tools such as standard fasteners, steel sections, pipes, flanges and a wide set of utilities aimed at increasing productivity in the design process. Because knowledge and rules are built directly into the tools, typical day-to-day tasks, such as bill of materials generation, component placement and sizing, are much simpler, reducing design time and effort. This add-on uses a specialized mechanical dialog to address all the details required to create custom or standard components and assemblies. Fastener Assemblies allows the creation of fasteners and holes that can be applied to multiple parts with precise settings for depths that follow engineering size standards. Plus, it provides assembly associativity, so when fasteners and plates are repositioned or resized, all the holes and clearances are automatically updated.

IronCAD Mechanical improves productivity when creating, for example, pipe layouts and steel sections. Users select a mechanical pipe from the catalog, verify the industrial information in the dialog and then drop the pipe into place. These components use Smart eBehaviors that add intelligent behaviors such as positioning, orientation, constraints, sizing or customized actions. For example, when other components are dropped onto the pipe, they automatically connect and size according to the previous pipe size making it faster to configure piping layouts. Fabricators also have access to specialized tools for trimming, welding and splitting components. DW IronCAD

DieQua offers more gearboxes Are You Selecting The Right Technology?

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Whether your application is for precise motion control or for general power transmission, there are several gear technologies that can do the job. But which one does it best? Only DieQua offers the widest range of gearmotors, speed reducers and servo gearheads along with the experience and expertise to help you select the optimal solution to satisfy your needs.

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CAE Solutions_Simulations 3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 48

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1/19/16 3:00 PM

March 2016

3/7/16 10:28 AM

» CAE Solu t i ons

An Open Internet of Manufacturing standard for PCB assembly The Open Manufacturing Language (OML) initiative addresses the longstanding need for a PCB-assembly-specific Internet of Manufacturing solution. This standard will help IT teams, solution providers and equipment providers integrate shop-floor data to create or enhance added-value manufacturing execution solutions based on a single, normalized, vendorneutral communication interface. Use of the OML standard supports the practical realization of the Internet of Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory 1.0 concepts. OML creates an operational hierarchy where neutral information is exchanged between manufacturing processes.

This information includes details of any shop-floor event in the areas of process performance, materials setup and consumption, traceability, process results and parameters, process control, and quality information from test, inspection and repair processes, both automated and manual. OML resolves many issues in automated and manual processes that previous formats could not address. DW Mentor Graphics

The NEW encoder module that gets the job done. With its compact size and flexible installation options, EPC’s new 30M Incremental Encoder Module can fit in tight spaces. Its bearingless design allows the 30M to work at high speeds – yet it’s tolerant of shaft misalignment, thanks to an air gap up to twice the size of other encoders in its class. The magnetic sensor and optional IP69K seal mean it can go into your dirtiest, dustiest, wettest applications and it’ll keep going. Call EPC today. Discover how the 30M can tackle your tough application.

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CAE Solutions_Simulations 3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 49

March 2016



3/3/16 3:06 PM

» Inter n et

.......................................... ................................ ........................ ................... .............. ........... ........ ...... .... .. A look at trends in industrial networking o f T h in gs

Anders Hansson • HMS Industrial Networks

“The presented figures represent our consolidated

Industrial Ethernet is growing faster than before and now

view, taking into account insights from colleagues

accounts for 38% of the market. Ethernet/IP is in first place within industrial Ethernet globally, followed by Profinet. However, classic fieldbuses still dominate the fragmented world of industrial networks, and Profibus is still the most widely used industrial network. Furthermore, the Internet of Things is driving wireless technologies.

in the industry, our own sales statistics and overall perception of the market,” said Anders Hansson. “It is interesting to see that industrial Ethernet is now growing faster and that wireless technologies are gaining foothold. But the network market remains fragmented as customers continue to ask


for connectivity to fieldbus, Industrial Ethernet and

Fieldbuses still growing

wireless networks.”

Looking at new installed nodes within factory automation globally, fieldbuses are still the most widely used type of networks with 58%


Internet of Things 3-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 50

March 2016

3/4/16 3:51 PM

When Size and Performance Matters Medical-Industrial of the market. Fieldbuses are still growing by approximately 7% per year as users ask for simplicity, tradition and reliability. The dominant fieldbus is Profibus (17% of the total world market including industrial Ethernet) followed by Modbus (7%) and CC-Link (6%).

Industrial Ethernet growing faster Industrial Ethernet is growing faster than previous years and taking more market share. At a growth rate of 20%, Ethernet now makes up for 38% of the global market compared to 34% last year. Ethernet/IP is the number one Ethernet network with 9% followed by Profinet (8%). Runners-up are EtherCAT, Modbus-TCP and Ethernet Powerlink. There is evidence of an accelerated shift to industrial Ethernet for new installed nodes. However, industrial automation is a conservative market and it will take time before industrial Ethernet outgrows fieldbuses.

The U.S. market is dominated by the CIP networks where Ethernet/IP is overtaking DeviceNet in terms of market shares. In Asia, no network stands out as truly marketleading—Profibus, Profinet, Ethernet/IP, Modbus and CC-Link are widely used. EtherCAT continues to establish itself as a significant network, and there are early signs of CC-Link IE Field being adopted. DW

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Regional facts In Europe and the Middle East, Profibus is the leading network, while Profinet has the fastest growth rate. Runners-up are EtherCAT, Modbus-TCP and Powerlink.

Internet of Things 3-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 51


(42AWG/85 ohms)

Wireless technologies are 4% of the worldwide industrial network market. WLAN is most popular, followed by Bluetooth. The Internet of Things is a driver for wireless technologies as it opens up new automation architectures and is increasingly considered for machine connectivity and control, especially for arrangements that include data access through tablets and smartphones.


Bundle of 128 Micro-Coax Cables

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Actual Micro-Coax cable bundle diameter compared to a penny.

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March 2016



3/3/16 4:23 PM

» Inter n et

o f T h in gs

Drive offers more power ranges and fieldbus options The AKD 32-kW drive consumes 576 cm2 of panel space. The smallest drive in the AKD family at 1 kW, it consumes only 99 cm2. This drive platform has a 0.67-µsec current loop, approximately 100x the industry-standard speeds of 62.5 µsec. The AKD platform supports Ethernet/IP, Profinet, EtherCAT, Modbus TCP, CANopen, SERCOS III, SynQnet and TCP/IP. Recent enhancements to HTTP and UDP support in the intelligent “PDMM” version of AKD. DW Kollmorgen

䴀䤀䌀刀伀䴀伀 漀û攀爀猀 琀栀攀 眀椀搀攀猀琀 爀愀渀最攀 漀昀 栀椀最栀 瀀攀爀昀漀爀洀愀渀挀攀Ⰰ 栀椀最栀 瀀爀攀挀椀猀椀漀渀 氀椀渀攀愀爀 愀渀搀 爀漀琀愀爀礀 洀椀挀爀漀 洀漀漀漀渀 猀漀氀甀甀漀渀猀 愀挀爀漀猀猀 搀椀瘀攀爀猀攀 洀愀爀欀攀琀猀⸀ 䰀攀愀爀渀 洀漀爀攀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀攀挀栀渀漀氀漀最椀攀猀 愀渀搀 挀愀瀀愀戀椀氀椀椀攀猀Ⰰ 椀渀挀氀甀搀椀渀最 䴀䤀䌀刀伀䴀伀ᠠ猀 䔀渀最椀渀攀攀爀椀渀最Ⰰ 䴀愀挀栀椀渀椀渀最Ⰰ 愀渀搀 䌀氀攀愀渀 刀漀漀洀 䄀猀猀攀洀戀氀礀 挀攀渀琀攀爀猀Ⰰ 愀猀 眀攀氀氀 愀猀 洀愀爀欀攀琀 愀瀀瀀氀椀挀愀愀漀渀猀 愀琀 眀眀眀⸀洀椀挀爀漀洀漀⸀挀漀洀⸀

Internet of Things 3-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 52

3/3/16 4:24 PM

Industrial 8-port gigabit managed switches

SIKO MagLine Absolute: ■

■ ■ ■

This industrial gigabit managed Ethernet switch line (LMX-0804G-SFP series) operates in applications in harsh or outdoor environments, such as power and utility, solar grids, windmills, mining infrastructures, and factory and process control automation. This 8-port switch has a 12-to-48-Vdc power input range, four 10/100/1000Tx RJ45 ports, and four 100/1000 dual rate SFP slots for flexible fiber connection options. Four fiber ports let users implement these switches in a fiber optic ring. With a 16-Gb backplane speed, the switches support Jumbo Frame and wide bandwidth for huge Ethernet data packet transmission for edge level connectivity solutions. The product series provides high EFT, surge (2,000 Vdc) and ESD (6,000 Vdc) protection. It is also built with a dual power input design with reverse polarity protection, and has a built-in relay warning function to alert maintainers when power failures occur. This makes it suitable for applications demanding a high reliability and distance extension. This product series is pre-loaded with “Layer 2” network management software that supports an ease-of-use Web Console or Telnet through the serial console by CLI configuration. Each series is built to withstand industrial networking hazards like shock, drop, vibration, electromagnetic interference (EMI) and extreme temperatures. There are two operating temperature version models for either standard temperature (-10 ~ 70° C) or extended temperature (-40 ~ 75° C). The models are 54 × 99 × 142 mm and weigh 2.4 lb. DW Antaira Technologies

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Depiction of Frequency Waves


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Internet of Things 3-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 53

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3/3/16 4:25 PM

» Inter n et

.......................................... ................................ ........................ ................... .............. ........... ........ Link EtherCAT to Ethernet/IP devices ...... .... .. o f T h in gs

Combining flexible PC-based control technology with an Ethernet/IP interface, the CX8095 Embedded PC is a low cost slave controller with integrated connection to highperformance EtherCAT I/O technology. It is compatible with the entire range of Beckhoff Bus Terminals and EtherCAT Terminals. Suitable for daisy chain cabling, it also acts as a two-port switch for Ethernet/IP. The CX8095 is suitable as a stand-alone controller and can be used in a distributed fashion as a tie-in to Ethernet/IP systems as a single Ethernet/IP slave. When the optional virtual device (slave interface) is activated, it behaves like two Ethernet/IP devices. Accordingly, the CX8095 can process twice the amount of Ethernet/IP process data. It can also communicate with a second Ethernet/IP controller (scanner)—a simple 54


Internet of Things 3-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 54

March 2016

way to increase system availability. The CX8095 (as a local controller) can verify the two incoming master signals by means of a plausibility check to monitor the function of the cabling, for example. Conversely, failure of one of the masters can be detected and the second master can respond accordingly. It measures 64 × 100 × 73 mm, runs Windows Embedded CE, and features a 32-bit, 400-MHz ARM9 CPU, 64 MB of RAM and a MicroSD card with up to 4 GB storage capacity. DW

Beckhoff Automation


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3/3/16 4:26 PM

Features include: • Timely notifications—custom alerts according to user preference to receive proactive and timely notifications • Alerts from multiple data sources—enable alerts from existing Honeywell DynAMo Alarm • Management software and OPC-compliant historians such as Uniformance Process History Database (PHD) • Connectivity tools to drive collaboration— allow use of threaded conversations to resolve and weigh in real time on issues; define alert conditions and subscribe or unsubscribe quickly and easily • Raise situational awareness—forward, share and receive critical alarms and events to increase situational awareness DW Honeywell


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Internet of Things 3-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 55



3/3/16 4:26 PM


Reduce the stress on both you and your equipment with Tompkins Live Swivels and Quick Disconnects. Our Live Swivels prolong the life of hose by reducing the effects of torque, twisting, kinking, and bending stress. Our Quick Disconnects are designed to connect and disconnect lines seamlessly; without the use of tools. Both product lines available in a variety of sizes to help you, and your machines, remain stress-free. 800.255.1008 |

Tompkins 3-16.indd 56

3/3/16 11:57 AM

» Inter n et

.......................................... ................................ ........................ ................... EtherCAT I/O controller .............. ........... ........ ...... .... .. o f T h in g s

The RIO-574x0 consists of digital and

analog I/O to be used remotely in an EtherCAT automation system. Although the RIO-574x0 can be used with any generic EtherCAT master, it is designed to integrate seamlessly into an EtherCAT system with Galil’s DMC-500x0 EtherCAT master. All RIO-574x0 have 16 opto-isolated digital inputs and 16 high-power (500 mA sourcing) opto-isolated digital outputs. The RIO-57420 also includes eight analog inputs (4 to 20 mA option available) and eight analog outputs, both configurable in the ranges of 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, ±5 V or ±10 V (12-bit

2015-DesignWorld_halfhoriz_precision_OTLNS_FINAL.indd 1 Internet of Things 3-16_Vs5.LL.MD.indd 57

standard, 16-bit option available). All I/O are accessible through convenient screw terminals. LED indicators are provided for all digital I/O points. The controller’s dimensions are 4.24 × 4.81 × 2.35 in. It can be configured over USB in a few steps using Galil’s software with intuitive, Englishlike, two-letter commands. DW

Galil Motion Control

3/6/2015 11:34:56 AM 3/3/16 4:27 PM

5 M














key electrical design concepts for mechanical engineers Mechanical engineers often

overlook important electrical issues when specifying their respective parts of an electromechanical system. This targeted advice will help you design your next electromechanical system.

Edited by: Paul J. Heney • Editorial Director

Mechatronic systems are the state-of-the-art technology in automation systems, intelligently integrating mechanical and electrical elements to perform increasingly complex and demanding functions. When designing electromechanical systems, mechanical engineers and electrical engineers may tend to emphasize the technologies, components and design principles from their single area of expertise—which can lead to systems with higher operating costs, increased maintenance demands and less than optimal performance. Electrical engineers involved in helping design and build mechatronic systems often see how inefficiencies and unnecessary complexity can be unintentionally designed into machines.

Better mechatronic systems can be created when mechanical engineers consider five crucial concepts when designing manufacturing systems, to derive the greatest value and efficiency electronics systems can offer to the manufacturing process.



Motion Control 3-16.v4.MD.indd 58

March 2016

3/3/16 4:57 PM


Create a clean design Good mechatronics design starts with good mechanical design—the best electronics and electrical systems can’t compensate for poor mechanical design. The most successful designs are clean; they feature a strong, rigid frame, using materials and structural principles to ensure that, whatever motion the machine undergoes, its long-term stability is engineered-in. Make sure that rigid bearings and support are used where motors are mounted on machines; this helps prevent shafts being sheared off due to microfractures that occur because the motor shaft is mounted out of alignment with a pillow block bearing or gearbox input planetary gear. Place motors on the machine in the best location so that operators aren’t accidentally stepping on cables

and connectors causing damage, and design machine guarding with easy access points to get to motors mounted under the wing base of the machine while still protecting them against harsh environments. Most importantly, a clean design balances mass and motion: sturdy, durable framing that withstands years of vibration and shock, combined with lighter-weight components for the moving parts of the machine. This helps reduce mass, provides more energy-efficient motion, and makes it easier to size-up smaller motor/drive components for the machine. We’ve seen a lot of innovative mechanical machine designs over the years, and a clean design makes the largest contribution to a machine’s longevity, robustness, and lowest overall cost of ownership.

Motion Control 3-16.v4.MD.indd 59

March 2016

A clean design makes the largest contribution to a machine’s longevity, robustness and lowest overall cost of ownership.



3/3/16 4:58 PM

Three-lobe knobs



















I/ O



Electromechanical design architecture (top) versus an older mechanical line shaft design (bottom). • Safe – ample lobes provide an effective and safe grip even when wearing gloves. • Easy to Keep Clean absence of recesses ensures easy cleaning and prevents accumulation of unhealthy residues and dust. • Corrosion Resistant – AISI 304 stainless steel inserts are suitable for equipment which requires frequent cleaning.

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Directly couple the motor to the load Effective mechatronics starts with a clean slate design. In the past, machines were often built around a single ac motor powering a machine line shaft, to which were attached gearboxes, pulleys, sprockets, chain drives and other mechanical devices for moving individual areas of the machine in synchronization—an approach to powering manufacturing that literally can be traced back to the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Consider replacing this architecture with individual servomotors coupled directly to the load you are moving. There are multiple design, machine cost and operational advantages to this solution (which a surprising number of machine designs do not use). First,

consider cost: Every time you add a gearbox, you add multiple costs; it’s an additional point of failure, it has to be lubricated, and it needs spare parts. Plus, you add mechanical backlash that needs to be compensated for during machine commissioning and every time you have a product changeover—motion and axes synchronization complexity that today’s intelligent drives and servomotors eliminate. When you strategically locate servomotors as close as possible to the area of motion they are serving, the incremental cost of electric drive components is almost completely offset by eliminating the cost of mechanical components and labor that must be purchased, machined, assembled

A clean design balances mass and motion: sturdy, durable framing withstands years of vibration and shock, combined with lighter-weight components helps reduce mass and enable the use of smaller motor/drive components.

Elesa. More than 30,000 SKUs. A unique partner.

Since 1941


Motion Control 3-16.v4.MD.indd 60


3/3/16 4:58 PM

Complete DRIVE


PACKAGING INDUSTRY Motion Solutions Made, Efficient, Maintenance-Free and on lowest cost of Ownership.

MODULAR SYSTEM Flexibility, delivery performance & complete motion solutions. Standardized motors, gears and modular accessories are available with a higher degree of flexibility to address specific requirements in complete motion solutions.

Dunkermotoren 3-16 REV.indd 61

1500 Bishop Ct - Mt Prospect, IL Call: 773-289-5555

3/3/16 11:58 AM














Using direct drive, direct motors and linear motors versus mechanical couplings allows machine designers to run higher gains and improve machine performance.

and configured. In particular, not having to stock multiple sets of sprockets, gears and cams, as well as the time involved in changeovers with mechanical drives, can really drive down the total cost of ownership for the machine. Ultimately, this design approach greatly reduces windup and backlash, improves machine commissioning time, and current state-of-the-art direct drives, direct motors and linear motors allow machine designers to run higher gains and improve the machine’s performance.


Use electronic gearing and camming Today’s electronic drives and motion control platforms give the mechanical engineer a powerful, flexible tool to improve the accuracy and performance of the machines you design. This technology lets you create a virtual “electronic line shaft” that can electronically synchronize all the drives and motors on the machine, eliminating the mechanical line shaft. In the process, you can dramatically improve axes synchronization and accuracy—from 1⁄16 or 1 ⁄32 in. typical with mechanical line shafts, down to motion precision closer to hundredths or even thousandths of an inch with electronic line shafting. And this synchronization can be accomplished with zero mechanical backlash— and fewer product jams. It also eliminates a host of mechanical adjustments to bring the machine 62


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March 2016

online, as well as the operator adjustments each time the machine is stopped and restarted. Electronic gearing and camming makes machine changeover completely programmable. Using FlexProfile technology, with the touch of a button on the HMI screen, you can load a machine recipe, and the changes are made in the

control and servo system to run the next product. This new FlexProfile camming technology makes it possible to build multi-segmented cam profiles based on position, velocity or time-based motion profiles. When you change a section of the electronic cam through a recipe change through the HMI, the control

Using electronic gearing and camming allows for better machine synchronization while eliminating the mechanical line shaft.

3/3/16 5:00 PM


platform will automatically optimize the rest of the cam profile across all of the machine’s motion elements. This enables the machine to run a shorter cycle time, or provide smoother dynamics for the machine, even though a change has occurred, such as a different bag seal time or flap tucking cam position on a cartoning machine.

March 2016

Motion Control 3-16.v4.MD.indd 63













Greater Accuracy. Higher Performance.


Incorporate energy-efficient technology One of the fastest growing costs for any manufacturing operation is energy—and good mechatronic design can help control these costs through the application of electric drive and motor systems designed to save energy. In machines that use servomotors directly coupled to critical axes of motion on the machine, and also use electronic synchronization and camming, the proper sizing of the servo system can create a highly energy-efficient machine. Proper sizing requires an accurate assessment of several motion factors (motor by motor): how fast the axis needs to accelerate, the size of the mass you’re trying to move, and how precise the acceleration and deceleration needs to be. Undersizing will lead to strains on the drives and motors; oversizing will draw too much power to do too little work. Some of today’s most cutting edge systems, such as the Rexroth IndraDrive Mi integrated drive/motor systems, include a highly energy-efficient feature: bus sharing. Multiple drives are daisy-chained together and share power from the same bus; in many multi-axis machines, as some motors are accelerating up to speed (drawing power), others are decelerating (regenerating power). With bus sharing, rather than having to deliver maximum power to the accelerating motors and bleed off the decelerating motors into heat across a bleeder resistor, power is shared, so the machine’s power consumption is significantly reduced. A further energy-efficient technology is called regenerative power supplies. In many machines, multiple servomotors will decelerate at the same time, boosting the voltage to excess levels on the power bus. Older generation electrical drives would bleed that excess electrical energy as heat—wasting the power and adding to the factory floor’s heat




Actuator Options

Del-Tron’s High Precision Positioning Stages with B.Y.O.S. (Build Your Own Stage) Technology! Del-Tron’s new line of VB, VR and VS High Precision Positioning Stages take positional accuracy, performance and actuator flexibility to a new level. Utilizing Del-Tron’s proven ball and crossed roller technology and more than three decades of experience manufacturing linear slides and stages we offer three new model numbers and you can choose the method of actuation best suited for your application. Build your own High Precision Stage by simply picking out the ball or crossed roller stage that meets your application’s needs, choosing one of the 4 methods of actuation: Micrometer head, Fine thread adjustment, Lead screw or Motorized actuator.

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Positioning accuracies range from 0.0001” to 0.00004” per inch of travel straight line accuracy.

Actuator mounting brackets are available in both center line and side drive configurations.

Choose from four methods of actuation.

Available in both Inch and Metric versions.

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Lead Screw

Motorized Actuator Designed & built in the U.S.A.


3/3/16 5:00 PM














production, requiring additional cabinet cooling. With regenerative power supplies coupled to a shared bus system, what was once wasted power can now be fed back through the shared bus and sold back to the electric company.


Regenerative power supplies feed power back through a shared bus to re-use on the machine rather than dissipating excess power as heat.

Use HMIs for better troubleshooting The computer revolution has spread to today’s machine control panel, replacing knobs and pushbuttons with sophisticated PC-based and embedded HMIs with advanced programming and Windows-based operating systems. Consider your typical office copier: when there’s a paper jam, a touchscreen control indicates where the jam is, what door to open, how to correct the problem, and prompts you what to do next once you’ve cleared the jam. The same user-friendly intelligence is now available to machine designers through today’s touchscreen HMIs featuring the latest graphical user interfaces. Machine layout drawings and schematics can be incorporated into control menus and diagnostic tools, to better manage the machine’s day-to-day operation and troubleshooting ease. Drawings and interactive instructional tools can not only show the precise point where a problem is—they can also show how to open enclosures and what steps an operator can take to put the machine in safe mode for initial maintenance, and other support resources to resolve a problem and step the operator back through the tasks to restart production.

These Couplings Really Are Quick

Order by noon today, and get your shaft couplings tomorrow. With the new RINGFEDER Rapid Response program, you don’t have to wait more than a day for the most popular couplings and locking devices. Servo-Insert Couplings. Backlash elimination and vibration damping for servo-driven shafts. Shrink Discs. Reliable shaft-hub locking devices for high force applications. Metal Bellows Couplings. Backlash-free, misalignment-tolerant and compact shaft connections.

Try our Rapid Response Program rapid-response-program

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Motion Control 3-16.v4.MD.indd 64

3/3/16 5:01 PM














Intelligent predictive maintenance alerts can be displayed via the HMI to the operator, along with next steps necessary to correct the issue.

Advanced graphics like this can be combined with the distributed intelligence inherent in servomotor-driven machines, to prevent machine failures or faults before they happen. Called predictive maintenance, this capability lets machine designers set fault tolerance bands in drives and then monitor drive performance. Electric drives and motors, such as IndraDrive systems, allow a broad range of conditions to be monitored— conditions that are directly associated with mechanical performance: variations in load, temperature, vibration, torque, belt tightness and gear meshing are all mechanical events that generate changes in the torque profile of an electric drive and motor moving those machine elements. Mechanical engineers can set tolerance bands for these components, and if they exceed them, then predictive maintenance alerts can be clearly and intelligently displayed over the HMI to operators, along with specific advice about next steps to take to correct the issue before it becomes a serious production problem or something that can damage the machine. Blending technologies for optimal value Every electromechanical system should perform its designed function with the minimal use of energy, motion and components required to get the job done—that’s the fundamental goal of any manufacturing engineer. Electrical drive and servomotor systems now offer a wealth of reliable, energy-efficient, digitally intelligent platforms to power the integrated vision of mechatronics to greater value and more innovative manufacturing and automation solutions. Hopefully, the five considerations described here demonstrate the advantages that today’s electric drives and controls offer, helping simplify certain mechanical design and engineering challenges and provide new resources for driving innovation and creativity in machine design. DW

Bosch Rexroth March 2016

Motion Control 3-16.v4.MD.indd 65



3/4/16 4:01 PM

Picking the right

accumulation chain

for conveying

For logistics and material-handling applications,

chain engineered for accumulating discrete pieces of product is efficient and durable.

Gerhard Hartinger • Key Account Manager • iwis Drive Systems



Linear Motion (iwis accumulator)_3-16_Vs4.MD.indd 66

March 2016

3/4/16 1:50 PM

L i n e a r

M ot i o n

Accumulation chains convey, collect and separate discrete components. The chains work off electric motors that engage and drive parallel conveyor trains (sometimes called chain strands) on the conveyor edges. The chains run continuously to take conveyed components to set points. At the same time, track rollers support the chain. This is different from traditional dragchain conveyors that have no rollers. When pieces of product reach set points, either lift pads, pneumatic pushers, bumpers, conveyor end modules, or other actuators go into action to lift or disengage product from the accumulation conveyor below—and hold, redirect or reorient them for the next production task.

Shown here are some different versions of iwis accumulation chains. These convey goods on lines that stop and start intermittently while the chain continuously runs off a motor. External rollers on one side of the chain mesh with sprocket teeth to transmit drive power; on the other side they support the chain in a track.

Linear Motion (iwis accumulator)_3-16_Vs4.MD.indd 67

March 2016



3/4/16 3:15 PM

L i n e a r

M ot i o n

Accumulation-chain features Some accumulation chains have transport or accumulation rollers fitted between the chain links. It’s upon these rollers that conveyed products ride. Accumulation chains can also have low-friction rollers that make chain operation more efficient (for better overall conveying efficiency). Low-friction rollers allow easy positioning of transported material at any point along the transport path—and remove the need to start and stop the chain, which can jostle products into incorrect orientations (or agitate their contents).

This is a Schnaithmann BS 11 dual-track accumulation roller conveyor. It transports workpiece carriers and uses accumulation chains from iwis. BS 11s mainly work in plants for automotive vehicle assembly and machine building—for manufacturing transmissions, engines or chassis components, for example. However, they also work for consumer goods ... transporting power tools, pressure cleaners, coffee machines and other products for assembly.

Accumulation chain can come with offset accumulation rollers to spread the load distribution. Maintenance-free accumulation chains can also have: • nickel-plated plates and pins for lubricantfree operation • covers with protection for fingers and small parts (to boost machine and personal safety) • side-bow accumulation setups with offset accumulation rollers for conveying systems having extremely small-bend radii.

Higher efficiency through low-friction rollers Accumulation chains having idler rollers on both sides serve two purposes. Idler rollers engage with the sprocket teeth to transmit power. The idler rollers also support the chain in the profile. In some cases, slightly protruding bushes in the inner link prevent contact corrosion between the inner link and outer plate. Some accumulation chains also have lowfriction sintered metal rollers that provide consistent smooth running conditions not slowed by lubricant adhesion. These lowfriction rollers increase the chain efficiency by 30% to decrease motor capacity thanks to lower coefficients of friction—or increased potential conveyor length due to reduced forces.

Side-bow accumulation chain is a modular conveyor component that lets engineers design direction changes into conveyors with tight bend radii of less than 14 in. or so. Transported items lie flat.

This is a accumulation chain from iwis. The powertransmission and conveying component works in feeding and automation, warehousing, general conveying, and electronics manufacture. It’s relatively low-cost chain for jobs requiring long life and high precision.



Linear Motion (iwis accumulator)_3-16_Vs4.MD.indd 68

March 2016

3/4/16 1:26 PM

What’s Inside Matters The PITTMAN Difference ®

On the outside, this looks like an ordinary DC motor. In fact, this particular motor is not a standard off-the-shelf part, but designed exactly to a customer’s specific technical requirements. PITTMAN has an experienced team of engineers focused on providing the perfect motor assembly to our customers demanding motion applications. • • • • •

Special brush formulation for use in a very low humidity environment Bearing system to handle higher than normal axial loads Very tight balancing spec to minimize audible noise and vibration at high speeds Unique magnet charge pattern to minimize cogging at low speeds Specially chosen surface-mount components inside the motor to meet an aggressive EMC requirement • Numerous integrated spur and planetary gearboxes, encoders, brakes and drives

When evaluating DC motor choices, it’s what’s inside that matters.

www.Pittman– 343 Godshall Drive, Harleysville, PA 19438 USA: +1 267 933 2105 Europe: +33 2 40 92 87 51 Asia: +86 21 5763 1258

Pittman (AMETEK) 3-16.indd 69

3/3/16 11:59 AM

L i n e a r

M ot i o n

Maintenance-free MEGAlife accumulation chains from iwis have nickel-plated plates and pins for lubricant-free operation. Plus these accumulation chains feature low-friction rollers that boost chain efficiency.

Offset accumulation rollers for load distribution Note that many standard accumulation chains have a wide roller on every other pin. In contrast, versions with offset accumulation rollers have transport rollers on every pin, so each works as a loadbearing subcomponent. That means twice as many rollers carry load. Ultimately, this setup reduces wear and strain on the chain guide. The rollers’ offset arrangement also maximizes load distribution and supports the load better (for smoother product advancement). More specifically, it reduces localized load on the chain guides by up to 50% so even plastic guides can convey up to twice the normal load.

Maintenance-free and covered accumulation chain Chain with nickel-plated plates and pins and low-friction sintered metal rollers are the main features of maintenance-free accumulation chain. These components negate the need for lubrication and further reduce maintenance costs while helping chain resist wear under extreme running conditions. These chains are common in applications where lubrication is impossible or unacceptable due to risk of contamination—for example, when chain conveys food or medical products, electronics, glass or ceramics. For improved safety, accumulation chains with safety covers shield the space between one transport roller and the next. This prevents the ingress of small parts that jam the rollers or chain links. Plus the

Accumulation chains with safety covers close the spaces between rollers.

covers prevent deliberate or accidental insertion of fingers while the conveyor is operating; that boosts operator safety. Matched to the chain type and required bending radius, protector shields (either jointed or unjointed) totally cover the space between the transport rollers. Plastic clips permanently fit to chain inner links. There is no interference with conveyed goods, workpiece carriers or transport rollers. Chain versions also exist for sideflexing conveyor applications. Here, side-bow accumulation chains with offset accumulation rollers work in side-flexing conveying systems with tight bend radii down to 350 mm. The roller arrangement provides multiple contact points, which reduces pressure on product through the bend. This can help to prevent marking or damage and also reduces wear on the system.

The covers also prevent insertion of fingers while the conveyor runs—an easy way to prevent accidents and satisfy increasingly strict industrial-safety requirements. Notice how there’s total coverage of the space between the transport rollers, even over tight bend radii.



Linear Motion (iwis accumulator)_3-16_Vs4.MD.indd 70

March 2016

3/7/16 11:55 AM

IoT Enabled Linear Motion Smart | Integrated | Networkable

Full Range of Transmission and Bearing Options

Belt Drive

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Single- and Multi-Axis Cartesian Robot Configurations Watch the IoT Video at

PBC LINEAR, A PACIFIC BEARING CO. 1-800-962-8979 | | 6402 Rockton Road, Roscoe, IL 61073 | USA

PBC Linear 3-16.indd 71

3/4/16 9:22 AM

L i n e a r

M ot i o n

This is a section of accumulation chain with offset accumulation rollers. The roller arrangement more evenly supports loads and allows for smoother running of conveyed material. The offset roller arrangement also reduces local load on the chain guide by 50%—so for example, guides (even plastic ones) can support twice the load.

Case in point: German integrator Schnaithmann makes Modular Transfer Systems (MTS) that use accumulator chains. By combining MTSs with other systems and integrating commercially available parts (such as linear drives, grippers, robotics, processing components, stoppers, positioning devices and turning stations) the company customizes the MTSs. The modules excel in: • assembly systems for transmissions • conveying to connect machine tools in sequence • transportation lines for domestic appliances, hardware and industrial items • production cells with integrated robots and processing centers

MTSs handle discrete products to 150 kg, and one version, the BS 11, works for loads to 1,500 N/m. The MTSs use 0.5-in. accumulation chain from iwis to transport workpiece carriers. Hardened-steel accumulation rollers on the chains extend service life and sintered rollers reduce friction (to keep the conveying surface clean and dry). DW iwis Drive Systems


Connect and discuss this and other design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online

Some lines of accumulation chain come with hardened steel or plastic transport rollers. The latter are made of Vestamid (a tailored polyamide).



Linear Motion (iwis accumulator)_3-16_Vs4.MD.indd 72

March 2016

3/4/16 1:31 PM

Design for washdown

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Build your food and beverage machine designs from our menu of linear motion solutions. Tolomatic actuators serve up all the right ingredients to keep production flowing. Try our ERD all-stainless steel actuator, the IMA integrated linear servo actuator with food-grade white epoxy paint, or our rugged RSA highforce actuator. You’ll find the perfect solution to resist corrosion, prevent contamination and protect against caustic washdown—while meeting your machine specs and budget requirements. And, our sizing software lets you prepare your designs fast and easy. Visit or call us at 877-385-2234. Choose the right components for your application. Download our guide to complete food and beverage solutions. Visit

Tolomatic 3-16.indd 73

3/3/16 12:00 PM

A hint of things to come

in the IoT

Leslie Langnau • Managing Editor



Industrial Ethernet 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 74

March 2016

3/8/16 1:35 PM

I n d u s t r i a l

E t h e r n e t

In some respects, the Internet of Things is still heavy on the buzz and promotion and light on actual products that help design engineers. A few helpful aids are emerging.

Vendors continue to promote the need of and benefits for more connectivity to the Internet of Things (IoT) or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Potential users have noticed, however, that they need additional support software and equipment to fulfill the promise of the IoT of better products and greater productivity. Thus, vendors are beginning to introduce products that will help with the analytics as well as the connectivity needed to take greater advantage of the concept of IoT. Connecting disparate systems Digital communication using a fieldbus or Industrial Ethernet is already widely used in modern production plants and is an important building block for increasing productivity. The demand for intelligent communication will continue to increase because of Industry 4.0 and IoT. However, the legacy mix of fieldbuses and Industrial Ethernet standards poses the problem that devices and machines of different communication systems are in themselves unable to exchange data. This inability of machines to exchange data with each other will either force machine builders to equip their machines with different networks, or limit a customer’s selection of suitable machines. Thus, part of the drive behind the IoT is to overcome the growing need for manufacturerspecific transfer specifications and complicated custom converters.

Industrial Ethernet 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 75

March 2016



3/8/16 1:35 PM

I nd ust r ia l E t h e r n e t One of the drivers pushing the adoption of the IoT is to overcome the growing need for manufacturer-specific transfer specifications and complicated custom converters to enable disparate machines to send data to each other. CC-Link and Profibus International are collaborating to promote the use of open industrial networks.

The CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) and PI (Profibus and Profinet International) are collaborating to promote the use of open industrial networks, such as CC-Link IE and Profinet. CLPA and PI aim to enable transparent and easy bi-directional communication between CC-Link IE and Profinet devices through standard interfaces. A joint working group is being established to develop the necessary technical specifications to achieve this goal. When work on the specifications is complete, it will be available to members of both organizations for implementation. “This will give users more flexibility when building their IIoT, Industry 4.0, or e-F@ctory enabled systems,” said Naomi Nakamura, Global Director of CLPA. Other network developers are pursuing a similar course. The need for diagnostic software Part of the attraction of the IoT is the potential for better diagnostics, especially for machine components. Sensors will certainly help with the data collection. But good algorithms are imperative for operation and performance analysis. Beckhoff Automation, for example, offers TwinCAT Analytics. This software includes 76


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March 2016

online and offline condition analysis, predictive maintenance, pattern recognition, machine optimization and long-term data archiving. One of the key features of this program is that it stores all process-relevant data in a cycle-synchronous manner. Data are stored in a standard process data format with data compression, either locally in the controller, in a cloud-based system on a server or in a public cloud, as required. TwinCAT Analytics provides a temporal image of the manufacturing process and the production data for an information baseline for condition analysis of the machines. Recorded process and production data can be analyzed online or offline. Machine cycles can be examined for minimum, maximum and average values of the cycle times. Total runtimes and time differences of production processes can be gleaned from cycle counters or offline trace analyses. Another benefit claim made by proponents of the IoT is how this data will be available to help engineers optimize the design of a machine or system. In TwinCAT Analytics, for example, status analysis gives information that can help engineers optimize a machine or system

A growing number of devices and M2M applications for IoT require wireless communication. The ioLogik family, from Moxa Americas, supports analog I/O and digital connections over WiFi.


3/8/16 1:37 PM

The Price Alternative

Optimized for OEM requirements at a lower price. PHD, Inc. is setting a new standard in pneumatic actuators. PHD Optimax® products are designed and tested to meet the demands of the industrial market for optimum price savings. These economical, efficient and reliable actuators complement PHD’s option-rich product lines. Series OSH Compact Pneumatic Slide Table - 4 Sizes, Incremental Travels

Algorithms and other analytics will be key to successful implementations of the IoT. The Beckhoff Automation TwinCAT Analytics software, for example, performs online and offline condition analysis, predictive maintenance, pattern recognition, machine optimization and long-term data archiving.

Series OSP Compact Pneumatic Thruster Slide - 8 Sizes, Incremental Travels Series OCV Pneumatic ISO Cylinder - 3 Sizes, 4 Strokes

Series OSW Dual Bore Pneumatic Table Slide - 6 Sizes, Incremental Travels

in terms of energy consumption or process sequence. In addition, detailed knowledge of all processes simplifies configuration of drives, for example, and it may be used to reduce the connected load of machines based on measurement readings. The TwinCAT 3 software helps address the need for seamless and cycle-synchronous data acquisition necessary for predictive analytics. When the IoT matures, data on machine processing errors will enable designers to reduce or eliminate excessive costs and lost production time.

Series OSD Thruster Pneumatic Slide - 3 Sizes, 4 Travels

Optimized Products at a Lower Price

(as compared to PHD established products)

Security Of course all of this connectivity increases the risk of stealing data or hacking into corporate systems. Some companies and developers take security very seriously. The ODVA is one

Industrial Ethernet 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 77







March 2016

Series OCG Pneumatic Cylinder - 6 Sizes, 10 Strokes - Imperial & Metric Models

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To order a catalog and see more solutions, visit 1-800-624-8511 77

P.O. Box 9070 • Fort Wayne, IN 46899 USA

3/8/16 1:37 PM

I nd ust r ia l E t h e r n e t organization that does take it seriously and has recently announced it will publish a new volume in its specifications specifically dedicated to cybersecurity. This body of work will be released under the name of CIP Security and will join the family of other CIP services. CIP Security will be initially applicable for Ethernet/ IP implementations. Because Ethernet/IP relies on commercialoff-the-shelf (COTS) technologies, users have been able to deploy traditional defense-in-depth techniques in Ethernet/IP systems for some time. In 2011, ODVA published “Securing Ethernet/IP Networks.” CIP Security will help users take additional steps to protect their industrial control systems with industry proven techniques for securing transport of messages between Ethernet/IP devices and systems and thus reduce their exposure to cybersecurity threats. The initial release of CIP Security includes mechanisms to address spoofing of identity, tampering with data and disclosing of information. Mechanisms supported in the initial release include device authorization, integrity of message transport and confidentiality of messages. ODVA has adapted encryption standards from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for encryption based on Transport Layer Security (TLS), Data Transport Layer Security (DTLS) and authentication based on the X.509v3 standard for certificate handling. “The publication of the volume dedicated to cybersecurity in the Ethernet/IP specification is the next step in providing users with methods to help them manage threats and vulnerabilities in Ethernet/IP systems,” said Katherine Voss, ODVA president and executive director. “Following this publication will be the realization of the mechanisms provided by CIP Security in ODVA Conformant Ethernet/IP products.” ODVA’s focus on cybersecurity is not only a function of increased emphasis on cybersecurity for industrial control systems but also because of the widespread adoption of Ethernet/IP in a range of applications from manufacturing to critical infrastructure. As a result of the breadth of applications, the next edition of the Ethernet/ IP specification will expand support for IEC 62439-3 “Industrial communication networks—

The legacy mix of fieldbuses and Industrial Ethernet standards poses the problem that devices and machines of different communication systems are in themselves unable to exchange data.



Industrial Ethernet 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 78

March June 2015 2016

high availability automation networks—part 3” to include High Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) in addition to Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP). HSR is commonly used in electrical substation automation as specified in IEC-61850. Other high reliability techniques supported in the Ethernet/IP specification include Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP) and Device Level Ring (DLR). More WiFi Moxa offers a data acquisition system that brings greater versatility for the IoT applications. Its ioLogik 2542-WL1 and ioLogik 2512-WL1 feature 802.11a/b/g WiFi connectivity, which will serve the growing number of devices and M2M applications that require wireless communication. The ioLogik 2542-WL1 supports analog I/O connections over Wi-Fi, whereas the ioLogik 2512-WL1 supports digital I/O connections over WiFi. “We want to make it as easy as possible for industrial users to collect and share sensor data in different environments and circumstances,” said Wenyuan Niu, product marketing manager. “WiFi is becoming a useful and popular mode of communication both on the factory floor and in remote locations.” Both ioLogik units feature automatic tag generation and reporting for connected sensors and devices. These features enable operators to monitor a large number of field devices efficiently. Data communication is protected with security (WPA2/802.11i), and features advanced encryption and authentication. DW Beckhoff Automation CC-Link Partner Association Moxa Americas ODVA

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Oscilloscope designs

change with the times



Test and Measurement 3-16_Vs4.MB.MD.indd 80

March 2016

3/3/16 3:19 PM

















From portable scopes to a wide array of testing tools, oscilloscope design keeps up with the times.

A key piece of electronic test equipment for well over half a century, oscilloscopes have long given engineers and designers insight into the invisible world of electrical signals. And as those signals got faster and decidedly more complex, oscilloscopes evolved. And they’ve kept on evolving, rising to the challenges of contemporary design. Some of those challenges include the pace of design itself. No longer is it good enough to have and use one instrument for decades. There are many reasons for this, including that signal speeds are orders of magnitude faster than signals of yore. As well, there are far more mixed-signal designs, so engineers need more channels on scopes and more capabilities. New applications are also driving scope design. For instance, scope manufacturers are adding functions that support Internet of Things (IoT) designs as well as designing and testing new faster network protocols. To accommodate these requirements, newer oscilloscopes have built-in instrument functions, such as logic or protocol analyzers and digital multimeters. Multi-instrument, portable scopes Perhaps nothing illustrates the evolution of oscilloscopes better than the plethora of handheld, portable scopes. When compared to the scopes of yesteryear (giant steel boxes with CRT screens that took up quite a bit of lab bench space), mobile scopes look like small miracles. Take, for example, the Scope Rider from Rohde & Schwarz (R&S). It combines five instruments in one, features isolated input and communications interfaces, meets CAT IV standards, and can carry out measurements on low-voltage installation sources up to 600 V. Ideal uses include mobile installation and maintenance work. It features an acquisition rate of 50,000 waveforms per second, a 10-bit A/D converter developed by R&S, and a maximum bandwidth of 500 MHz for the analog input channels. The foundation of this portable multiple-test-instrument is a high-performance oscilloscope with a precise digital trigger system, 33 automatic measurement functions, mask test and XY diagram mode. The scope can function as a logic analyzer with

» Miles Budimir • Senior Editor

Multi-instrument capabilities are common in today’s oscilloscopes. The MDO4000C series of oscilloscopes from Tektronix can be configured with up to six instruments in a single unit, including a full spectrum analyzer.

Test and Measurement 3-16_Vs4.MB.MD.indd 81

March 2016



3/3/16 3:21 PM

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M e a s u r e m e n t

eight additional digital channels, as a protocol analyzer with trigger and decoding capability, as a data logger, and as a digital multimeter. The large format capacitive touchscreen lets users operate it as a tablet PC. It also features large buttons for use with gloves and a practical multifunction wheel for parameter adjustment. The R&S Scope Rider’s IP51 certified housing offers protection from environmental hazards such as dust and dripping water and has passed all mechanical load tests in line with military standards. In addition to a microSD card, the instrument features USB and Ethernet ports for easy storage and transfer of measurement data. The integrated WLAN interface can be configured as a hotspot for remote control with a smartphone, tablet PC or laptop. A web browser on the mobile device is all that’s required, with no need for additional software or apps. As for more traditional bench-top oscilloscopes, standard offerings include more bandwidth, faster sampling and capture rates, and the same multi-instrument capabilities in mobile scopes. A typical example of the kind of oscilloscope available today is the MDO4000C series of oscilloscopes from Tektronix, which can be configured with up to six instruments in a single unit, including a full spectrum analyzer. It can also provide a synchronized view of analog and digital waveforms along with RF spectrum traces, making it a useful debug tool for IoT and other embedded engineering applications. The scope adds onto its core oscilloscope functionality with options to add a spectrum analyzer, arbitrary/ function generator, logic analyzer and protocol analyzer. The 6-GHz spectrum analyzer features the ability to synchronize views across time and frequency domains, and the ability to perform vector signal analysis. As for the logic analyzer, its timing resolution is down to 60.6 psec and independent logic thresholds per channel enable capturing of multiple logic families at once. As far as performance specs go, it offers bandwidth from 200 MHz to 1 GHz and can also be upgraded at any time. It also features a 20-Mpoint record length, up to 5 GS on all channels and greater than 340,000 waveforms/sec capture rate. Compared to stand-alone instruments, the MDO4000C saves time lost from having to look for and configure several different instruments. For instance, the built-in arbitrary waveform generator makes it easy to capture signals on the scope, modify them and then replay them through the generator. This could come in handy for something like margin testing by making it easier for users to add noise to any signal.

Handheld, mobile oscilloscopes,

such as the Scope Rider from Rohde & Schwarz, weigh 2.4 kg and include more than four hours of battery runtime. They’re available as four-channel or two-channel instruments, the latter with a digital multimeter, with bandwidths of 60, 100, 200, 350 and 500 MHz.

Oscilloscope tools boost performance Aside from the oscilloscope itself, software tools and other accessories abound. These serve a number of functions, from adding custom features geared for a specific application, to keeping the scope calibrated properly and thus delivering clean and accurate data. For example, SignalCorrect software from Textronix, combined with the company’s TSC70902 calibration source, which works with the DPO/ MSO70000 real-time oscilloscope, simplifies the process of characterizing and de-embedding the effects of cables, fixtures and other interconnects for more accurate and repeatable high-speed signal measurement results. Various types of interconnects, such as cables, fixtures, adapters or RF switches, are used to connect the signals on a device under test (DUT) to an oscilloscope. As signal speeds increase, interconnects impact 82


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March 2016

3/3/16 3:22 PM

signal characteristics and can lead to distorted eye shapes due to effects such as ISI, parasitics, delay, impedance mismatch, losses and variability. In the past, characterizing and de-embedding interconnects required expert know-how and the use of expensive specialized equipment. But these newer tools let even novice engineers quickly and easily perform these tasks using a standard, high-speed, real-time oscilloscope.

“Aside from the oscilloscope itself, software tools and other accessories abound.

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These serve a number of functions, from adding custom features geared for a specific application, to keeping the scope calibrated properly and thus delivering clean and

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accurate data” SignalCorrect provides step-by-step guidance from initial setup through to measuring insertion loss and creating and applying filters. The software is designed for intuitive operation with a friendly GUI and detailed information that guides the user through the process using both text and graphical content. The software supports creation of multiple filters from a single measurement and enables comparison of raw waveforms with different filter designs. As for the stand-alone TCS70902 calibration source, it uses a compact form factor for placement closer to the interconnect under test (IUT) for more accurate measurements. Two 9-psec fast edge outputs enable dual input measurements and full de-embed of single-ended, differential and common mode signals. This fast rise time lets users characterize at speeds beyond 50 GHz. March 2016


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Test and Measurement 3-16_Vs4.MB.MD.indd 83

Custom components, infinite possibilities.

2/19/16 3:13 PM 3/4/16 4:17 PM

T e s t

Âť Tools such as SignalCorrect software from Textronix, together with a calibration source, can simplify the process of characterizing and de-embedding the effects of cables, fixtures and other interconnects. Cleaning up signals aides in more accurate and repeatable highspeed signal measurements.



Test and Measurement 3-16_Vs4.MB.MD.indd 84


M e a s u r e m e n t

Another problem exacerbated by modern high-speed signal designs is crosstalk. Increased speeds in data communications systems has led to higher data rates and parallel data lanes, which are placed closer together. The combination of higher bit rates and tightly spaced lines leads to an increased amount of crosstalk. As a result, crosstalk is becoming a more significant problem. Power supplies are also an important component. They can create interference on the data lanes they drive in the form of noise and jitter, and they themselves can be susceptible to data-dependent noise, such as simultaneous switching noise, which leads to ground bounce. One solution to crosstalk comes from Keysight Technologies in the form of their N8833A and N8833B crosstalk analysis applications to assist in the diagnosis of crosstalk. The application detects and quantifies the presence of crosstalk, and it can also determine which aggressor signals are primarily responsible. The application can go one step further by actually removing the crosstalk from the victim waveform so engineers can visually compare the original waveform with the clean waveform side by side. Engineers can also compare the results from other scope analysis tools, such as real-time eye diagrams or jitter analysis, giving them a direct way of quantifying the amount of improvement they can expect by mitigating the different sources of crosstalk.

March 2016


3/27/2015 4:00 PM

3/4/16 4:18 PM

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3/3/16 12:02 PM

T e s t


M e a s u r e m e n t

» Application-specific tools, such

as Teledyne LeCroy’s new QPHY

The crosstalk analysis application can HDMI2 and QPHY-eDP, aide provide a lot of valuable insight into the design. designers doing testing of For instance, it can help engineers determine the HDMI Version 2.0 and Embedded margins the design would recover without the crosstalk. It can also help determine if a signal DisplayPort. that fails design specification can pass without the crosstalk. This can lead to important design decisions such as whether or not it is worth spending the time and effort to improve the crosstalk effect or where in the design to improve. The crosstalk analysis application can analyze up to four signals (aggressors or victims) at the same time. No additional simulation inputs or files are required. It can handle different types of 2.0, the SDA real-time test equipment platform provides a complete set of crosstalk including transmission line near-end amplitude and jitter measurements as defined in the HDMI specification. crosstalk (NEXT) and far-end crosstalk (FEXT) as The QPHY-eDP software option provides an automated test well as power supply aggressors, including power environment for running all of the real-time oscilloscope tests for sources supply induced jitter (PSIJ), voltage-dependent in accordance with Version 1.4a of the Video Electronics Standards amplitude noise, and simultaneous switching Association (VESA) Embedded DisplayPort PHY Compliance Test network. Guideline. QPHY-eDP supports testing at up to 5.4 Gb/sec for full coverage Some tools are designed for a specific of all bit rates included in the eDP 1.4 compliance test guideline. DW application. For example, Teledyne LeCroy’s Keysight new QPHY-HDMI2 and QPHY-eDP expand the company’s automated transmitter test solutions for display standards to include HDMI Version 2.0 and Rohde & Schwarz WHAT DO Embedded DisplayPort. YOU THINK? The software option for the WaveMaster/SDA/ DDA 8 Zi series of oscilloscopes offers a concise set Tektronix of validation/verification and debug tools written in accordance with version 2.0 of the HDMI electrical test specification. HDMI test modes cover Teledyne LeCroy Connect and discuss this and other amplitude, timing and jitter parameters. In addition design engineering issues with thousands of professionals online to standard eye pattern and jitter tests for HDMI

» Faster signal speeds combined


with tightly packed circuit board

signal traces has led to more

problems with signal crosstalk.

Keysight Technologies’ N8833A and

N8833B crosstalk analysis

applications help designers

diagnose crosstalk issues.


Test and Measurement 3-16_Vs4.MB.MD.indd 86

March 2016

3/3/16 3:23 PM

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2/29/2016 10:41:23 AMPM 3/3/16 12:03

When are custom couplings the

Mike Santora

• Associate Editor

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”— an old phrase perhaps most appropriate in reference to the coupling selection of a design. With time constraints moving at the speed of commerce, designers go with what they know has worked in the past. That’s a legitimate argument. Plus, there is no reason to over-engineer the simple answer. However, there are certain circumstances where a custom coupling might mean the difference between a good choice and the perfect choice. To help us recognize the difference, we spoke with Randy Kingsbury, mechanical engineer and VP of sales and marketing at Helical Products Company.

Design World: Can you tell us about some of the ways engineers can simplify machine assembly from the start? Randy Kingsbury: We work all the time with applications engineers, and what we’ve found is that they’re using our catalog and trying to figure out the best way to fit our catalog coupling into their application. When they call, we review the application. We find that we can actually choose 88


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March 2016

3/4/16 8:16 AM

M e c h a n i c a l

Often, there really is no reason to risk over-engineering the simple answer. However, there are certain circumstances where a custom coupling option might mean the difference between a good choice and the perfect choice.

Mechanical_Helical_3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 89

March 2016



3/4/16 8:17 AM

M e c h a n i c a l

“When people are trying to stick with a catalog part, they might find that the coupling has an inch and a quarter outside diameter and doesn’t have enough torque capacity. They have to jump up quite a bit in size. What happens is the engineer ends up with a coupling that’s more expensive and too large.”

a better solution for them by designing a custom coupling. They’re often surprised that a custom coupling doesn’t necessarily mean more expensive. With custom, we can incorporate certain features and attachments that will optimize it for their application.

DW: It would be nice if we could design from within a funding vacuum where price does not matter, but that’s almost never the case. In relation to cost, when are custom couplings the best choice and when are they not? RK: The one thing I can say is our most expensive part is a custom part and our least expensive part is also a custom part. That gives some perspective that it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be more expensive. The key is going into

an application and looking if there’s other features or components that can be integrated into a coupling. When you do that, rather than buying a standard coupling and buying the associated components that might mount on either side of it, all these components can be machined into one solution.

DW: Can you give us examples of other components? RK: We have machined specialty shaft shapes, flanges, gears, lever arms and more into a single piece solution so the customer does not have to buy a standard coupling and manufacture those additional components. Customers are looking to manage their efficiencies by having a part where they are combining two, three, four or more parts.

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3/4/16 8:17 AM

Custom components can help protect the intellectual property of a design. Manufacturing a custom coupling that has unique features can simplify installation, inventory and help prevent reverse engineering. A competitive company will not be able to replicate another company’s design just by ordering standard parts and piecing them together.

This saves an engineer from managing many separate drawings, quotes and purchases from several vendors. Additionally, there is the savings of not having to invest manpower in assembling the various parts because the custom coupling is ready to drop into the assembly.

DW: Outside the cost and value assessment, often the choice is an oversized coupling. What options are available to avoid oversizing? RK: When people are trying to stick with a catalog part, they might find that the coupling has an inch and a quarter outside diameter and doesn’t have enough torque capacity. They have to jump up quite a bit in size. What happens is the engineer ends up with a coupling that’s more expensive and too large. It can also be heavier and possess more inertia

than they actually require because the next size down is too small. Instead, engineers can have a custom coupling with the exact size and torque capacity required.

DW: How do operating conditions

DW: How has designing custom

RK: This is a situation when trying to stay with a standard part can mean compromises. Certainly thermal variances can be an issue. A good example that we run into is high temperature. We use 17-4 steel, which is a great, high-strength material. In certain applications, somebody may need something that has even better high-temperature capacity and that would be an Inconel material. With that, rather than trying to use the 17-4 and get that to work, we can look at other alternative materials that are better.

couplings changed recently? RK: Machining technology has truly pushed things forward. You can now machine more difficult features and hold tighter tolerances. The ability to machine specialty materials has greatly improved with the current machining technology.

impact an engineer’s choice of materials?

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3/4/16 4:25 PM

M e c h a n i c a l DW: Can you tell us a little more about alternate

DW: Earlier we mentioned the need to get

materials and maybe some applications?

to market fast, but there is also the issue of

RK: Application examples would be downhole drilling and medical tools. Both involve highly corrosive environments. For drilling, we might look into an MP35N cobalt alloy option, which is very corrosion resistant. For medical tools and components that have been implanted in the body, custom choices are often needed. We might choose aluminum or 303, which is actually not a very high-strength material. When you get into things related to the body, often, MP35N and even titanium is used.

DW: How is the weight of a material factored into the equation? RK: Well, weight is especially important in the aviation or space industry. Frequently, aluminum doesn’t have the strength. Titanium is frequently an excellent solution.

competition. Can custom components help protect the intellectual property of a design? RK: Manufacturing a custom coupling that has unique features can simplify installation, inventory and help prevent reverse engineering. A competitive company will not be able to replicate another company’s design just by ordering standard parts and piecing them together. This creates a significant barrier to reverse engineering. The ability to machine specialty materials and provide a flexible element uniquely tailored to an application means the best coupling performance is packaged in the minimum possible space. If a competitor tries to duplicate a design and use off-the-shelf parts, it will likely require a coupling larger than the customized one to meet the necessary torque and misalignment. Reverse engineering is a global phenomenon. It can happen here. It can happen overseas. It can happen everywhere. DW Helical

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Mechanical_Helical_3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 92

March 2016

3/4/16 8:22 AM

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Maxon Motor 3-16.indd 93

3/3/16 12:05 PM

Electron ics


delivery and the

Type-C revolution Over the next few years, the ubiquitous USB

USB-C cords promise to be all-in-one cables for the next decade thanks, in no small part, to the way this new spec handles electrical power. Brig Asay • Keysight Technologies



Electronics_Keysight 3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 94

March 2016

connector will move from the versions familiar today, called Type-A and Type-B, to a new version called Type-C. This is much more than a mere cosmetic change; widely used connection technologies that include DisplayPort (for video), MHL (for audio and video), and Thunderbolt (for data and video) have all announced they’ll move into the Type-C connector. Consumers probably think the consolidation of multiple connector styles into one sounds like a great idea. But there are many other reasons to be excited about the change. Some of the reasons include better usability (yes, a USB connector can be plugged in either way), higher power handling power (up to 100 W), and devices using Type-C can be either a supplier or a consumer of power. Additionally, the Type-C connector is smaller. Excitement around the Type-C connector has brought visibility to a specification that has been around for many years, but is at the heart of many of Type-C connector’s key features. This technology is the USB power delivery specification. USB, DisplayPort, MHL and Thunderbolt are pushing data rates of up to 20 Gb/sec. The USB power

3/3/16 1:24 PM

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Here’s what a USB Type-C connector looks like from the action end. It is physically smaller than the Type A and B connectors now in common use. delivery specification only runs at 300 kHz, yet there is as much excitement about it as for the other technologies. The reason for all the excitement is that power delivery is the backbone behind the Type-C revolution. What is power delivery? The USB-IF website says, “The USB Power Delivery Specification enables the maximum functionality of USB by providing more flexible power delivery along with data over a single cable. Its aim is to operate with and build on the existing USB ecosystem.” Given the revolution within Type-C, the power delivery specification becomes increasingly important. Power delivery resolves cable orientation to establish data bus routing, establishes the “host” and “device” roles between two attached ports, discovers and configures the Vbus pin, configures Vconn,

Electronics_Keysight 3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 95

and discovers and configures the optional alternate mode. One example from the USB-IF website shows just how configurable the power is: Battery powered devices implementing Type-C can both charge up from a hub and then give power back temporarily if need be. The Type-C connector now has 24 pins. These pins include a CC line (channel configuration), which is a single-ended, BMC encoded, 4b/5b signal used for PD (Power Delivery) negotiation. The CC line is where much of the power delivery testing takes place. A few details about the concept of the alternate mode: Simply put, it refers to running a technology other than USB 3.1 over the Type-C connector. Not surprisingly, alternate mode really depends on the power delivery technology, because the power delivery technology provides the hand March 2016





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3/4/16 4:30 PM

E le ctro n i c s

Different flavors of USB Type-C receptacles for the new spec, as depicted by the USB Implementers Forum.

shaking between USB and other technologies such as MHL, DisplayPort and Thunderbolt. Part of the large interest in power delivery stems from the more complicated Type-C connector. Previously, power negation was simple: The connector could only connect one way, power management was straight forward, and only one technology was ever used on a USB connector. Now, the Type-C connector is much smarter in the management of power. Plus, the device must recognize which way the connector is plugged in. The connection won’t work if the devices think the connector is right side up when it is upside down. The increased complexity means there is a need for more test specifications. The power delivery specification considers such factors as supply drift and static load response. The specification also looks at high-frequency transients and noise and the programmable rail response. The CC line alone has a whole new level of testing, including eye diagram testing, rise time testing and a CRC check. Some of the other tests 96


Electronics_Keysight 3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 96

March 2016

on the CC line include fall-time testing, bit rate testing, voltage swing testing and inter-frame gap testing. The CC line also undergoes full protocol testing, along with the monitoring of the CC line to ensure that what is being programmed is what is actually being passed through the line. Test methodologies The testing of power delivery focuses on three chapters from the power delivery specification: chapter 5, physical layer test; chapter 6, protocol test; and chapter 7, power supply. Oscilloscope vendors and third-party test houses have begun to develop automated tests for the power delivery specification. For instance, Granite River Labs now sells a complete power delivery test suite, and other vendors will shortly follow. The advantage of these compliance applications is that validation engineers needn’t deeply understand the many power delivery tests. And they can spend more time analyzing the data and less

time writing complicated tests. The power delivery controller is another important component of the power delivery test specification. This controller “toggles” the devices into and out of the different modes that the Type-C connector can handle. Currently, there are a number of power delivery controllers on the market, and all have different functions. Engineers who validate Type-C functions should look to see that the power delivery controller has been integrated into the test and measurement company’s compliance software. More complete integration between the PDC and the compliance software makes possible more automation in testing. The PDC, at bare minimum, should support Alt mode link negotiation and Power Delivery handshaking needed for other tests such as high-speed PHY testing. The hardware needed for testing the power delivery specification depends on the chapter of interest. For instance, chapter 5

3/3/16 1:25 PM

The CC line alone has a whole new level of checks during verification of USB Type-C operations. For example, checks include eye diagram testing as depicted here, as well as rise time testing and a CRC check. Makers of USB Type-C test gear have devised special fixtures for Type-C tests; one such fixture is visible here (green wires).

includes an oscilloscope (such as a Keysight 10-bit S-series), two probes (such as the Keysight 1147B current probe and N2837A passive probes), and two power delivery coupons (which can be purchased from companies such as Granite River Labs or Luxshare). The aforementioned software from Granite River Labs will run all the tests in chapter 5 in an automated fashion. The power delivery controller will toggle the device into the mode needed for each of the individual tests to permit their automation. Chapter 7 testing is more typical of conventional power supply testing. It includes the need for a dc power module, a power analyzer and a dc load. Again, automated software can handle chapter 7 procedures.

Pins on the new USB Type-C spec are defined such that the connector is reversible. The connections are correct regardless of which way the connection is made.

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Electronics_Keysight 3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 97

March 2016

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12:45 PM

There are many challenges in Type-C. In particular, a couple worth considering are power supply drift and incorrect traffic being passed across the power delivery bus. Note the CC line is the key communication/handshaking device for Type-C. Fixtures designed to look at the CC line should give easy access to it. Tools such as Keysight’s N8837A USB-PD Protocol and Triggering software make it possible to monitor this traffic through the S-series scope used for chapter 5 testing. The N8837A software provides access to a rich set of integrated protocol level triggers. The application includes a suite of configurable protocol-level trigger conditions specific to USB-PD. When serial triggering is selected, the application enables special real-time triggering hardware inside the Infiniium S-series scope. Hardware-based triggering ensures the scope never misses a trigger event when armed. This hardware takes signals acquired using either scope or digital channels and reconstructs protocol frames. It then inspects these protocol frames against specified protocol-level trigger conditions and triggers when the condition is met. From the power supply drift side, the Type-C connector supports up to 100 W of power (5 V at 20 A). Devices typically haven’t been designed to handle this type of power, so it is increasingly important to test the power supply. Power supply drift can be monitored easily with equipment featuring low noise and high dc offset. There are many candidates in this category, including Keysight’s N7020A voltage rail probe, which provides dc offset up to 20 V. Over the next few years, many high-speed digital standards will move to Type-C. While not running at really high speeds, power delivery is at the heart of the Type-C connector. It is the technology that makes all the flexibility of the connector possible. As a result, a technology running at only 300 kHz has become one of the hottest technologies in the high-speed digital industry today. DW Keysight Technologies USB Implementers Forum The company behind the NTE and ECG Brands!

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Electronics_Keysight 3-16_Vs3.MD.indd 98



March 2016

3/3/16 1:27 PM

Sunstone 1-16.indd 99

3/3/16 12:06 PM

PCB connection technology keeps pace with power demands As power electronics devices become more compact, it is up to PCB connector manufacturers to fit within these space constraints while helping to increase efficiency.

Georg Grunenberg James Dunbar



Interconnect_3-16_Vs4.MG.LL.MD.indd 100

• Product Marketing, Business Unit • Device Connectors • Phoenix Contact

• Product Marketing Manager • Printed Circuit Board Connectors • Phoenix Contact

March 2016

3/4/16 2:06 PM

I n t e r c o n n e c t

Power electronics—as used in drive technology or photovoltaics—play a role in many areas of our everyday life. They are currently growing in importance thanks to the rising demand for energy efficiency. For instance, 40% of today’s global electrical power consumption goes into electrical drives. Complex power electronics ensure optimal use of electrical power behind the scenes, as in the complexity of baggage handling in airports. Most manufacturers of frequency converters and inverters are currently engaged in an international competition to build more compact, powerful and economical solutions. The development of semiconductors for power electronics enables increased efficiency and allows for more compact converter dimensions. Some current devices can reach efficiencies of 96% or higher. Less space, more power

With these higher demands and space constraints come design challenges for connection technology. Converter manufacturers need optimal and fitting PCB and feed-through terminal blocks to stay on top of the game. One challenge is that there is less and less space inside the device itself for connecting and transporting electrical power. However, the conductance of economically feasible conductor materials is physically set and, therefore, limited. It is common to use copper or even copper alloys. For weight and economical reasons, the use of aluminum is also possible in some cases. Generally, however, the use of aluminum is limited to certain externally connected cables, depending on the application. Therefore, the required cross-section of the conductor materials for external connection, as well as for the transport of electrical power within the frequency converter, is largely predetermined. Almost in contradiction to this, the connection space should still be large enough to enable comfortable cable connection of suitably large cross-sections. The cable cross-section of copper cables remains unchanged for the same current and cannot be reduced. Even larger cross-sections tend to be used in the installation environment to avoid line losses. When considering the system from an economic point of view, a right-fit design makes sense in most cases.

Electrical drive technology plays a role in many areas of everyday life—and energy efficiency is one of its key requirements.

Interconnect_3-16_Vs4.MG.LL.MD.indd 101

March 2016



3/4/16 2:06 PM

PCB terminal blocks from Phoenix Contact

I n t e r c o n n e c t Compact connection technology increases cost-effectiveness

• The MKDSP 95 PCB terminal block reaches high levels of cost-effectiveness through fast processing as well as by forgoing additional parts, such as bolts, nuts and busbars.

Newer wave-solderable PCB terminal blocks have much higher power than in the past, representing a viable solution. Some are available with a rated current of 200 A according to UL. Where an expensive copper busbar installation was previously needed, the device manufacturer can now use a simple solderable solution, which no longer requires separate operations during production. A standard PCB with multilayer technology carries the high current. Bolts, nuts and special busbars are no longer needed. Another advantage to this solution is a smaller space requirement. In addition, there are no potential sources of error during installation. Furthermore, the PCB terminal block can be processed using common soldering profiles. The forces required for the cable connection up to 3/0 with or without ferrules are accomplished by equipping the screws with a Torx drive. The pitch is a compact 20 mm, and based on the vibration test according to DIN EN 60068-2-6, the user is safe from an electrical and mechanical

• The SPT 35 PCB terminal block facilitates an extremely fast cable connection. • The PTSPL 6 and PT-SG 1 PCB terminal blocks are compact reflow solderable. • High-quality conductor materials offer a sufficient cross-sectional area. • Device manufacturers get safe components because regulatory demands are exceeded.

point of view. Manufacturers of frequency converters and inverters can now consistently use PCB terminal blocks to terminate wire from 16 AWG to 3/0. In this way, end users receive an integrated cable connection up to 200 A based on an identical operating philosophy. External connection is necessary

The external cable connection of devices should be as easy and self-explanatory as possible. Engineers have little time on site when installing photovoltaic inverters, so the connection should be simple and robust. One feasible method would be a screw connection. Operators are familiar with screw connection for terminal blocks, and this technology is internationally accepted. Some screw-type terminals are also vibrationtested and fitted with self-locking screws. In addition, the screws are integrated in the terminal to prevent their loss; the screw must be tightened with the required torque as a matter of principle. Terminals with a lever clamp make this task even easier. This enables the correct contact force automatically and continuously through the spring. The user also has visual control with the lever position—and the lever operation, too, is self-explanatory. The advantages of fast connections

External device connections require easier operation and even more compact design. However, device-internal PCB connections often take place in industrial large-scale production under controlled conditions. In addition, trained personnel typically perform the wiring and installation. Prefabricated cables with ferrules are

Some newer terminal blocks have a current-carrying capacity of up to 200 A, making them the most powerful wave-solderable PCB terminal blocks on the market.



Interconnect_3-16_Vs4.MG.LL.MD.indd 102

March 2016

3/4/16 2:06 PM

Opto 22 (Hello World).indd 103

3/3/16 12:07 PM

I n t e r c o n n e c t


The prefabricated cable is inserted by push-in technology, so that 2 AWG is connected in a matter of seconds


often used, enabling high-speed installation. Saving time during production makes it easier to reach a higher level of economic efficiency. The use of fast connection technology also has clear advantages. The prefabricated cable is pushed into the clamping area in the case of fast connection technology based on the push-in principle, making permanent and secure contact. This operation only takes a few seconds. Newer PCB terminal blocks feature a fast connection with a wire of 2 AWG. This means that 101 A and 600 V, according to UL, can be connected in a matter of seconds. Reflow solderable without insulation housing Let Us Help You 1-800-543-0470

A cost-efficient device design is possible today thanks to compact and flexible connection technology, as well as by avoiding different manufacturing processes. New reflowsolderable terminal blocks are designed for up to 41Â A. This allows the terminal blocks to be processed with the other components in one soldering process. A compact spring connector without insulation housing makes this possible. The developer can set the reachable voltage level by means of trace spacing on the PCB. These new terminal blocks allow for horizontal cable connection and are available with an open- or closed-spring connector. The closed version can be populated with the pickand-place method using a vacuum pipette. Certain versions even support a vertical flat conductor connection.


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March 2016

3/4/16 2:07 PM

I n t e r c o n n e c t A final review of demands

The demands placed on power electronics devices are constantly increasing. An innovative connection technology offers device manufacturers the desired level of compact design and economy without forcing them to make compromises to quality. The main demands of device manufacturers usually refer to the following aspects:

• connection technology • angle of cable entry • operating direction • manufacturing process • external shape/dimensions In addition, in large-scale production there is often the desire to match the color of external connectors to a superordinate or corporate design. Marketable PCB terminal blocks must fulfill all of these manufacturer demands. DW

Horizontal and vertical cable connection—the reflow-solderable

Phoenix Contact

PCB terminal blocks have a current-carrying capacity of up to 41 A.

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half page ad 2016.indd 1

1/19/16 3:01 PM

Interconnect_3-16_Vs4.MG.LL.MD.indd 105

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March 2016



3/4/16 2:07 PM

SEE the world’s leading suppliers of imaging and machine vision systems and components TOP FIVE REASONS TO ATTEND THE VISION SHOW: 1. Keep up with the latest technology innovations 2. Get answers to your vision and imaging challenges 3. Attend in-depth conference sessions with practical information needed to successfully apply vision 4. Take Certified Vision Professional (CVP) courses and exams 5. Learn about Emerging Vision Applications and Collaborative Robots

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AIA Vision Show 3-16.indd 106

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3/3/16 12:08 PM

A supplement of Design World • March 2016

Inside: 110 How 3D printing transformed aerospace manufacturing 116 3D printing versus injection molding

Melting metal with high energy COVER_MPF 3-16_FINAL.indd 107


3/4/16 8:35 AM

Proto Labs 3-16_MPF.indd 108

3/3/16 12:09 PM

Le s li e La n g n a u M a n ag i n g Edi to r

Ed i to ri a l

lla n g n a u @wtwh m edi a .co m

What’s ahead for 3D printing in healthcare Developing products for the Healthcare market using 3D printing/additive manufacturing is one of the better employment opportunities from now through 2020. A new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, “World 3D Printing Healthcare Market—Opportunities and Forecasts, 2014–2020,” projects that the world 3D printing healthcare market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 26.2% from 2015 to 2020. External wearable devices application is set to boost the 3D printing healthcare market to a $2.3B market by 2020. In addition, medical and surgical centers are major end users of the 3D printing technology, constituting around three-fourths share of the total 3D printing healthcare market. The key factors behind this forecast growth are: • 3D printers’ abilities to work in multiple materials, often simultaneously • print in color • be portable or powered by non traditional sources of energy, like solar power • deliver custom and personalized medical devices • the growing availability of biocompatible materials • an increasing geriatric population, along with the rising incidence of osteoporosis, growing number of amputees, and spiraling number of patients with auditory loss and dental problems • hospital management also expects that the use of this technology will reduce the duration of surgery, anesthesia exposure and operative risks, aid in the effective pre-surgery planning, and improve surgeon’s practice, thereby promoting faster healing • 3D-printed organs have also delivered an alternative to animal testing, thereby assisting the market growth by shortening the time span for clinical trials and reducing cost and inherent risks associated with testing of new drugs.

Leslie's Editorial_MPF 3-16_Vs3.LL.MD.indd 109

Factors potentially delaying or negatively affecting the growth of 3D printing in medical include: • cost of advanced 3D printers • lack of both structured regulatory frameworks and reimbursement policies • copyright and patent issues associated with 3D printing of patented products are expected to impede the market growth • the external wearable devices application is expected to continue to lead the 3D printing healthcare market during the forecast period, owing to increasing count of amputees, patients with auditory loss, dental problems, and increasing availability of biocompatible materials • the materials segment is expected to grow rapidly in North America and Europe, due to the established systems market; polymers are the most preferred materials for 3D printing, as they account for about half of the market revenue in the materials market, whereas the ceramics segment is projected as the fastest growing segment with a CAGR of 32.1% during the forecast period • the electron beam melting technology segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR of 29.6% from 2015 to 2020 • the tissue engineering application segment could emerge as the fastest growing segment, registering a CAGR of 31.7% during the forecast period. The report also notes that the 3D printing healthcare market is largely consolidated, with the majority market share governed by two leading players, 3D Systems Corporations and Stratasys Ltd. The major companies profiled in this report include 3D Systems Corp., Stratasys Ltd., SLM Solutions Group AG, EnvisionTEC, Arcam AB, Organovo Holdings, Inc., Oxford Performance Materials, Inc., Materialise NV, Bio3D Technologies, and Cyfuse Medical K.K. n MPF March 2016



3/3/16 5:59 PM


3D printing transformed aerospace manufacturing

The aerospace industry, with its stringent certifications, testing and safety approvals, relies on 3D printing, making a strong case for 3D printing to become a critical part of manufacturing’s future for the rest of us.

Ed Yuh Project Engineering Manager Stratasys Direct Manufacturing

3D printing applications in the aerospace industry are a guiding ruler with which to measure the success of the overall 3D printing industry. From giants like GE Aviation relying on metal 3D printing for production components, and Boeing and Airbus boasting thousands of 3D printed parts on its aircrafts, the advances of 3D printing on a production scale have perhaps most boisterously been verified by the aerospace community before trickling down to other industries. Put simply, aerospace usage of 3D printing is a driving force behind industry-wide adoption of 3D printing for production.



Stratasys MPF 3-16_Vs6.LL.indd 110

March 2016

3/4/16 9:47 AM

A d d i t i v e

M a n u f a c t u r i n g

We know from the success stories of aerospace production that the payoff from 3D printing isn’t fully realized until you’ve invested in three key areas: training engineers how to design for 3D printing; research and development into standardization of materials and processes; and developing clear parameters for quality control to achieve repeatability. First, we’ll look at why 3D printing and aerospace get along so well together in the larger manufacturing picture.

» 3D printing is known for handling complex geometries. It can also add complexity where it’s beneficial.

The transformation It’s not surprising 3D printing quickly became a critical solution in aerospace manufacturing so soon after its introduction to shop floors. 3D printing is that rare process that can drastically simplify complex assemblies through consolidation, where multiple parts can be combined into and built as a single component—and often at a much shorter lead time. It still offers one of the best solutions for weight reduction because it can cut down on the overall use of fasteners, adhesive and welds, which also reduces potential failure modes associated with joints. By minimizing assembly processes, 3D printing helps simplify bill of material and

Stratasys MPF 3-16_Vs6.LL.indd 111

inventory management—a huge consideration for aircraft supply chain management. There’s also great interest in the idea of a portable and virtual inventory where parts can be printed out on-demand. Overall, 3D printing continues to offer one of the easiest ways to decrease cost and increase productivity by saving weight, time and parts. NASA’s exploration into 3D printing as an alternative manufacturing method for their rocket injectors is an example of how the technology has reduced manufacturing labor and time. We recently worked with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) on a functional prototype injector that originally contained 163 individual components when manufactured with conventional means. With 3D printing, we were able to create those same parts as two-piece functional prototypes that also passed hot fire, static and strenuous mechanical property tests. But 3D printing can also add complexity where it’s beneficial. We still remember when starting a new project meant hitting the drafting table where it’s easier to stick to straight lines and circles (simpler geometries for simpler fabrication methods.) It’s not wrong to think the only way to ensure a part withstands applied loads is to thicken up the

March 2016



3/4/16 4:36 PM

Additive Manufacturing


» By minimizing assembly processes, 3D printing helps simplify bill of material and

inventory management—a huge consideration for aircraft supply chain management.

entire design, but today we don’t have to waste material and add weight to get a strong part. 3D printing can grow localized strengthening features using organic inspirations that mimic honeycomb and bone growth in those same areas where stress is concentrated on a design while at the same time removing material in sections with little or no load. Relying on 3D printing for its organic manufacturing freedom has resulted in a few key areas of manufacturing success for aerospace part design: zero tooling restraints, optimal conformal shapes for improved efficiency/functionality, and customer design for adaptive technology. At Stratasys Direct Manufacturing, the most common 112


Stratasys MPF 3-16_Vs6.LL.indd 112

March 2016

parts we manufacture for aerospace suppliers involve everything from behind the scenes to human interfacing, including: • full-length, lightweight conformal ducting systems • dynamic galley systems • decorative parts to resemble chrome-plated metal or wwood • fuel nozzles • sensor housings • drain fairings 3D printing is one of the fastest ways to lower costs, part count and weight on a project, which fits many aerospace needs. MRO Aerospace, for example, is evaluating 3D printing for virtual inventory of on-demand parts. However, the technology still

has a long way to go, especially in terms of larger adoption. Getting there requires some help from young engineers with a fresh perspective.

New champions for 3D printing Using 3D printing to its full potential isn’t a matter of simply changing the technology used to manufacture a design. GE’s 2014 jet engine bracket design challenge provides one of the starker contrasts between what 3D printing can do—build a dense part identical to a machined part—and what 3D printing can enable—a redesigned bracket 84% lighter than the traditional model. The re-designed bracket represents a long-touted ideal in the 3D printing realm: easier

3/4/16 9:50 AM

Additive Manufacturing

iterative design. 3D printing lets you take advantage of a process that builds directly from CAD data where a revision does not mean reprogramming or modifying the tooling, and where there is essentially no cost penalty for adding complexity. The winner of GE’s competition was an engineer barely five years out of college who fully understood these principles. Young engineers today are brought up fluent in digital design programs. They are familiar with 3D printing and aren’t relying on the methodology of converting traditionally manufactured parts into 3D printed parts; instead they are comfortable pushing the envelope. We see young engineers as champions of the technology, in part because they have the freedom and encouragement to test 3D printing’s design limits. However, the road to 3D printing adoption isn’t filled with young rebel engineers fighting against traditional manufacturing. We need the expertise of engineers who have long worked with tough project challenges to bring 3D printing into fruitful fullscale adoption. However, because 3D printing is only just permeating schools and universities, education in how to use the technology to its full potential is still missing from the larger picture.

Lighter, Stronger Parts without the Learning Curve

Easy to use topology optimization and analysis software for early-stage design.

Knowledge and quality standardization Despite the efforts of young 3D printing champions, there are still hurdles to overcome for 3D printing adoption. Education and standard training resources are one example.

 Learn more at



© solidThinking, Inc. and solidThinking Inspire. All Rights Reserved.

March 2016

Stratasys MPF 3-16_Vs6.LL.indd 113



3/4/16 5:16 PM

Additive Manufacturing

“3D printing is only just permeating schools and universities; education in how to use the technology to its full potential is still missing from the larger picture.”

Another is the need for more production floor personnel with some design knowledge. While 3D printing has lowered barriers to entry for smaller manufacturers through reduced program development costs and offers an economical way to produce one-off and low volume parts, knowledge on designing for 3D printing is a much larger gap to breach than simply bringing a 3D printer in house. Bridging the knowledge gap requires open discussions between manufacturers who are veterans in the field and have developed

their own tried and true process parameters for 3D printing. Efforts in developing 3D printing design guidelines and process specifications are fragmented, but have been the focus of larger aerospace companies and 3D printing service providers who supply aircraft parts. As there is no established industry guideline available today that ensures 3D printing processes can reliably produce parts with consistent mechanical characteristics, there is still a “wait and see” approach taken by smaller companies unsure where or how to invest in 3D printing. A grassroots effort by America Makes


Redefine your design Bracket for a satellite produced on a Renishaw AM250

Explore the potential of additive manufacturing Renishaw’s additive manufacturing systems use

inserts, reduce component weight by only

powder bed fusion technology to produce fully

placing material where it is needed, and

dense complex metal parts direct from 3D CAD.

consolidate multiple parts in one assembly.

Also known as 3D printing, this technology is

Additive manufacturing is also complementary

not constrained by traditional manufacturing

to conventional machining technologies, and

design rules. Create complex geometries such

directly contributes to reduced lead times,

as conformal cooling channels for tooling

tooling costs and material waste.

No requirement for tooling.

Increased design freedom—complex geometries and hidden features.

Rapid design iterations right up to manufacture.

Renishaw Inc Hoffman Estates, IL

Additive DesignWorld 3_16.indd 1 Stratasys MPF 3-16_Vs6.LL.indd 114

2/18/16 2:02 PM 3/4/16 9:51 AM


A key advantage of using 3D printing is the ability to cut down on the overall use of fasteners, adhesive and welds, reducing the number of parts an object has; such an ability reduces the number of manufacturing steps.


to spread the technology through education is a step in the right direction, but a broader call to action is still needed.

Getting there (but not quite yet) America Makes and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) are currently developing and standardizing terminologies, test methods and process improvements to help companies and users work under consistent 3D printing guidelines. These efforts will eventually result in a well-defined 3D printing space that benefits all industries. In the meantime, we can look to the aerospace industry in terms of FAA-accepted design allowables, post-processing methods to increase quality, process specifications for repeatability, and the overall successes of aerospace parts manufacturing

to know that 3D printing in other industries will eventually be used as a true production option beyond low volume parts. GE, Boeing, Airbus and NASA are a few of many examples where 3D printing has overcome hurdles, such as design, material and standardization. The wins from aerospace are only the beginning for everyone else. If this sector, with its stringent certifications, testing and safety approvals, relies on 3D printing, we can comfortably assert 3D printing will be a critical part of manufacturing’s future for the rest of us.

Onward and upward While some look at 3D printing with disappointment for not achieving as much today as was predicted five years ago, it’s important to step back and look at what it’s achieved in just 30 years. The next steps fall to the

community to share information, processes and successes to bring 3D printing into more widespread adoption. The promise of smarter manufacturing, leaner production and better products is significant and too good to pass up. n MPF

Stratasys Direct Manufacturing

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Connect and discuss this and other engineering design issues with thousands of professionals online

March 2016

2:02 PM

Stratasys MPF 3-16_Vs6.LL.indd 115



3/4/16 9:51 AM

I n j e c t i o n

m o l d i n g

3D printing

versus injection molding Kip Hanson • Contributing Writer



Proto Labs MPF 3-16_Vs2.LL.indd 116

March 2016

3/4/16 8:59 PM

Many 3D printing proponents say 3D printing is a great alternative to injection molding when you need molds. But is it really? Here’s a look at the arguments for and against.

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has made a tremendous impact on the manufacturing world. Prototype parts that once cost thousands of dollars and took weeks to produce can now be designed in the morning, printed that night and delivered to your desk or assembly area the next morning. Some companies have begun using this technology to produce injection molds. No more months of waiting for a production-ready tool to make its way through the mold-making area, or spending huge chunks of cash for a mold that might require modifications because of downstream design changes or unexpected problems on the production floor. Molds can simply be printed in whatever configuration is necessary and used to produce

Proto Labs MPF 3-16_Vs2.LL.indd 117

low-volume injection molded components. If the mold doesn’t work or a design tweak is needed, just print up another one and start over, right? Well, sort of. Injection molds made with plastics-based 3D printing are a little like the plastic storage sheds some of us put in our backyards. They’re a little cheaper than metal sheds. They go up quickly and are fine under light

March 2016



3/4/16 9:00 PM

Injection M o l d i n g loads. Pile too much snow on them, however, and they’ll collapse like a house of cards. Still, 3D-printed molds have their place, and some shops have had success with them. Proponents argue that 3D printing produces molds up to 90% faster and 70% cheaper than traditional mold-making processes. And while this may be true in some circumstances, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of metal molds compared to those made of printed plastic.




Real molds, really fast Rapid manufacturing company, Proto Labs, has been making quick turnaround injection-molded parts since 1999. Its rapid injection molding service manufactures parts made from engineering-grade plastic, metal and liquid silicone rubber (LSR) materials. Molds are primarily machined from aluminum (but steel in some cases), and can produce a handful of parts to 10,000 or more, and ship in 1 to 15 days. Its industrial-grade 3D printing service includes stereolithography (SL), selective laser sintering (SLS) and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), allowing it to 3D print parts in thermoplastic-like material that mimics plastics like polypropylene and ABS, along with actual commercialgrade nylon and metals such as stainless steel, aluminum and titanium. With this range of capability, why not just print molds, rather than machine them?


Moldmaker beware The engineers at Proto Labs considered this approach, but after 16 years in the quick turnaround molding business, there are compelling reasons to stick with a tried-and-true rapid injection molding process: • A clear finish. 3D printing builds parts in layers. Because of this, printed parts can exhibit a stair-step effect 118


Proto Labs MPF 3-16_Vs2.LL.indd 118

March 2016

» There are compelling reasons to stick with a tried-and-true rapid injection molding process. The finish is usually better because 3D printing tens to create a stair-step effect. Part size can be limited in 3D printing. And molds often must withstand temperatures to 500° F.

on any angled surface or wall. Printed molds are no different, and require machining or sanding to remove these small, jagged edges. In addition, holes smaller than 0.039 in. (1 mm) must be drilled, larger holes reamed or bored, and threaded features tapped or milled. All of these secondary operations eliminate much of the “print-to-press” speed advantage associated with printed molds. • Size matters. If you’re designing the next great skateboard or plastic tackle box, a printed mold is probably out of the question. Part volumes are limited to 10 in.3 (164 cm3), roughly the size of a grapefruit. And although modern additive machines have impressive accuracy, they cannot compete with machining centers and EDM equipment, which routinely machine mold cavities to ±0.003 in. (0.076 mm) and part volumes up to approximately 59 in.3, about 6x larger than parts made with 3D printing. • The heat is on. To make material flow properly, injection molding requires high temperatures. Aluminum and steel molds are routinely subjected to temperatures 500° F (260° C) or greater, especially

when processing high-temperature plastics such as PEEK and PEI (Ultem). These tools can easily produce many thousands of parts, and can also serve as bridge tooling until a production mold is available. Molds produced with SL and similar 3D printing technologies use either photoreactive or thermoset resin, which is cured by ultraviolet or laser light respectively. These plastic molds, though relatively hard, break down fairly quickly when subjected to the demanding thermal cycles of injection molding. In fact, printed molds typically become ineffective within 100 “shots” of soft, hot plastic, such as polyethylene or styrene, and may produce only a handful of parts from glass-filled polycarbonate and other tough thermoplastics. • Comparable costs. One of the biggest draws of a printed mold is its low cost. Aficionados point to production-grade machined tooling costing $20,000 or more, suggesting this as an apples-to-apples comparison with a $1,000 printed mold. It’s not a fair analogy though. Cost estimates for printed molds are frequently “material only” and do not include labor for assembly and fitting, ejector systems and miscellaneous

3/4/16 9:06 PM

Injection M o l d i n g hardware. Aluminum molds at Proto Labs, for example, start around $1,500 and are ready to go. Need more parts? With 3D-printed molds, you’ll need to print, machine assemble and test a new mold every 50 to 100 shots. Aluminum tooling, on the other hand, often sees service well past 10,000 shots, regardless of the plastic being used. • Part design. The principles and practices of conventional injection mold-making have been in use for more than a century and are well understood in the industry. Printed molds are fairly new. For example, draft angles must be increased to 5° or more, exceeding that of most aluminum tooling requirements. Ejecting plastic parts from a plastic mold can be challenging, so greater attention must be paid to the placement and quantity of ejector pins. Plastic molds are somewhat flexible, especially at higher molding temperatures, making thicker cavity walls and lower operating pressures the norm. Gate design is different as well. Tunnel and point gates should be avoided, while sprue, fan and tab gates should be increased to three times their normal size. Polymer flow through the printed mold should be oriented in the same direction as 3D print lines to avoid sticking and improve filling at lower injection pressures. Cooling systems

can be used to improve mold longevity somewhat, but will not decrease the substantially longer cycle times seen with printed molds, as plastic tools do not dissipate heat nearly as well as ones made of aluminum or steel. A time and place Despite the advantages of rapid injection molding with aluminum tools, there are times when printed molds make sense. For shops with a 3D printing machine and time available to work through the learning curve associated with printing molds, some might argue that equipment should be put to use. Of course, mold designers must understand how to build a functioning tool, or costly rework and rebuilding of molds will be needed. Support people and equipment are needed as well—machinists or toolmakers to sand the mold, fit the pins, bushings and mounting hardware, and an injection molding machine operator available to dial in the shot size, temperature, and machine pressure, since these will be far different than the parameters he or she is used to with conventional tooling. But wait—what about DMLS? Why not print molds in metal? DMLS uses a laser together with precision optics to “draw” part layers in a bed of fine metal powder, creating fully

» But what about using DMLS

to build molds? It’s an option if finish and part size are not issues. This mold was made by Harbec service bureau using an EOSINT M 270.

Proto Labs MPF 3-16_Vs2.LL.indd 119

dense, production-ready components widely used in the aerospace and medical industries. Some suggest molds made of aluminum or tool steel may one day be printed from the ground up, and will offer efficient conformal cooling channels that dramatically decrease molding times and improve tool life. For some, DMLS is slow and expensive for complete mold production such as this, and is typically only used for miniature, complex tools, and for mold inserts that cannot be produced through conventional machining methods. Tried and true In summary, Proto Labs thinks it’s better to use DMLS, SL and other 3D printing technologies for what they do best: printing parts, not molds. However, injection molds produced with 3D printing machines might be a viable alternative if: • low quantities of relatively simple parts with large draft angles are needed • your tool-and-die team is familiar with the design rules of molds made with 3D printing • people and machines are available to process and assemble the plastic tool. One final design consideration: If you need a mold for long service, once a 3D-printed mold has verified the design, the next step is to make a mold out of a more permanent material, such as aluminum or steel, as plastic tools primarily support low part volumes. Since printed molds are designed differently than conventional tools, a certain amount of mold redesign and testing must be planned for in the project timeline and budget. n MPF Proto Labs

March 2016



3/4/16 9:06 PM

A d d i t i v e

M a n u f a c t u r i n g

Melting metal with high energy Materials have always been key to 3D printing success. But metal materials are enabling new designs as well as new mechanical properties.

» “CAD to Metal” process allowing production of patient specific implants using data derived from Computer Tomography (CT). The CT data is used to create an exact CAD model of the desired implant. This CAD model is then used by the EBM machine to build the actual part.



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March 2016

3/4/16 10:05 AM

Lasers are a common way to additively build objects out of metal, but it is not the only additive option. Electron beam technology also delivers dense metal parts. Here’s a closer look at the Arcam electron beam process.

Bruce Bradshaw Arcam

The buzz in additive manufacturing these days is centered on metal technologies. While many companies offer laser-based technology or a combination of metal with some sort of binder, one technology, Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is unique in the way it works to build parts. What follows is a look at how Arcam EBM works and why many companies, like GE/Avio in the aerospace market and Lima in the orthopedic implant market, have chosen this technology for metal production parts. The Arcam EBM systems use a 3-kW electron beam that generates the energy needed for melting and for producing a high number of parts (depending on part size and shape). It is built on state-of-the art deflection electronics, which change the beam position, focus settings and astigmatism to enable extremely fast and accurate beam control. The deflection coils can move the beam 8,000 m/sec. Thus, re-positioning over the build area occurs in milliseconds, which allows melting of multiple points simultaneously without compromising surface finish or precision. The use of the electron beam to melt multiple points simultaneously is referred to as MultiBeam. The beam melts multiple locations one at a time for a very short period and then returns to the original melt pool before it has solidified. To the naked eye, it looks like there are 70 simultaneously moving beams inside the machine—hence the name MultiBeam.

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March 2016



3/4/16 10:06 AM

Additive Manufacturing


Âť Speed, repeatability and specific

Ensuring quality material properties Many laser-based additive machines use Argon gas in the build chamber to stabilize the process or to work with specific materials safely. In the EBM process, though, the electron beam works in a vacuum. The vacuum system provides a base pressure of 1.10 to 5 mbar or better throughout the entire build cycle. During the process a partial pressure of He (Helium) is introduced to 2.10 to 3 mbar. This ensures a clean and controlled build environment, which is important to maintain the chemical

material properties are critical for the aerospace and medical industries, growing users of this type of additive manufacturing. In addition, though, these industries also require traceability of material and processes. To meet these needs, Arcam offers various support tools, such as the Arcam LayerQam that verifies part quality, the EBM LogStudio to analyze each build, the EBM BuildReport to verify the success of each build, and Integration with Streamics software, a program for production planning and part traceability. Many of these tools were used in the production of this aerospace landing gear part.

specification of the build material. The parts made with this process are free from residual stress with material properties better than cast and comparable to wrought material. For each layer in the build, the electron beam heats the entire powder bed to an optimal process temperature, specific to the material used. The warm process parts are not just heated on the surface layer; the system continues to heat a few layers below the surface layer during the build. This process results in components with no residual stresses

Âť The electron beam heats the



In MultiBeam electron beam melting, the beam melts multiple locations one at a time for a very short period and then returns to the original melt pool before it has solidified. To the naked eye, it looks like there are 70 simultaneously moving beams inside the machine.


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March 2016

entire powder bed to an optimal temperature. Because of this process, parts are not just heated on the surface layer but to a few layers below the surface layer. The result is components with no residual stresses and a microstructure free from martensitic structures.

3/4/16 10:07 AM


In addition to the range of Arcam EBM machines, the company offers a suite of auxiliary equipment designed for easy and safe powder handling and tough industrial standards. It includes explosion-protected vacuum cleaners (ATEX-classed), powder handling trolleys and a range of Powder Recovery Systems (PRS) for safe and efficient powder recycling.

and a microstructure free from martensitic structures. High-quality production—fast This EBM process is well suited for volume production because of its high build speed (typically 30 to 100 cm3/h, depending on part geometry), high repeatability (typically 0.2 mm) and excellent material properties. Part quality as well as productivity and throughput make this technology an attractive additive manufacturing production approach. The MultiBeam feature, though, makes this technology faster than other laser-based systems, and more productive due to the ability to stack parts where possible in the build envelope. Because of the consistent temperature in the build chamber, powder that is not actually used in the end part is heated to the point of staying together to form

“Solid and porous sections of the implant are built in one process step, eliminating the need for secondary processes for applying traditional porous materials.” supports in voids between parts. It is rather loosely aggregated, similar to wet sand, but not sintered. For example, you could easily separate the aggregated powder just by rubbing it between your fingers. But this capability means that you can stack parts, which will be supported by the remaining powder, to leverage as much of the entire build envelope

» The Arcam Q10 has a build area of

200 × 200 × 180 mm. The build chamber interior is developed for easy powder handling and fast turn-around times.

as possible, including the Z area. By contrast, in laser based systems each part needs to be attached to the build plate to avoid part distortion during the build as segments of the build part cool at different rates due to the nature of temperature control of the build chamber. An example of an additive machine for medical applications is the Arcam Q10. It is specifically for the production of orthopedic implants. The size of the build area (200 × 200 × 180 mm) allows for optimal stacking of the most common implant types, and the build chamber interior is developed for easy powder handling and fast turn-around times. The technology can manufacture both press-fit implants and cemented implants. Solid and porous sections of the implant are built in one process step, eliminating the need for secondary processes for applying traditional porous materials. This also ensures structural continuity between the solid and porous sections. In addition, you can manufacture allporous implants for augments, wedges, blocks, and so on. For aerospace applications, there is the Arcam Q20, which is used to build turbine blades, structural airframe March 2016

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3/4/16 10:07 AM

Additive Manufacturing

components and more. The build envelope is Ø350 × 380 mm, which suits large components and stacking of smaller ones. Like the Arcam Q10, the build chamber interior is developed for easy powder handling and fast turn-around times. The Arcam Q20 is based on the Arcam Q10 technology platform, with the same electron beam gun for higher productivity and improved resolution. It also includes LayerQam, a camera-based monitoring system for inline part quality verification. Certain materials require high process temperatures when creating parts. Electron beam is a technology that can deliver those temperatures,

up to 1100° C. The Arcam A2X, for example can build parts using titanium alloys, such as TiAl and Inconel 718. It suits demanding applications such as low-pressure turbine blades and structural aerospace parts that must meet the highest material standards. In addition, this additive machine can also be used on new materials or custom materials. In orthopedic and aerospace applications, for example, achieving target material properties is vital. While several additive technologies are available for building parts out of metal, electron beam melting is one that can efficiently deliver high-quality parts. n MPF

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Arcam EBM

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Arcam feature_MPF_3-16_Vs6.indd 124

3/4/16 10:08 AM

2016 A












Leadership in Engineering


Aggressive Hydraulics Aggressive Hydraulics develops “purpose-built” solutions for the mobile hydraulic cylinder industry. Each purposebuilt hydraulic cylinder addresses an application’s specific rigors, environmental challenges and exacting requirements, ensuring an Aggressive Hydraulics’ cylinder solution is fit-for-purpose and outperforms the others day in and day out. The company’s Design & Engineering Group is backed by decades of combined expertise making it one of the most progressive, innovative teams in the hydraulic cylinder industry. And, because Aggressive Hydraulics is committed to long-term client satisfaction, customers experience exceptional service before, during and after the sale. With a manufacturing facility focused exclusively on cylinders, Aggressive Hydraulics provides expertly crafted solutions that deliver a competitive advantage, and their “Made in the USA” products are hard at work globally, on every continent, performing in a wide variety of industries and applications. For new cylinder applications and redesigns of existing cylinders to single units and full-scale production runs, Aggressive Hydraulics is engineered to move your business. Aggressive Hydraulics 18800 Ulysses Street NE Cedar, MN 55011 Phone: 763-792-4000 Toll Free: 866-406-4100 Fax: 763-792-4400 Email:

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Engineering Tough Hydraulic Cylinder Applications,

Now That’s Aggressive. Aggressive Hydraulics’ Design & Engineering team combines technology, sound engineering practices and empirically derived experience when tackling tough applications. The company’s “purpose-built” philosophy and team approach are key factors of its success in the industry. Developing a “purpose-built” hydraulic cylinder solution takes the following important factors into consideration: • • • • • • • • • • •

System Design & Function Requirements Respective Industry Standards & Regulations Environmental Conditions Safety Factors Typical Load Conditions Material Selection Designed Duty Cycle Unique Performance Requirements Safety Interlocks Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Failure Analysis of Failed Item(s) The majority of Aggressive Hydraulics’ team has been working together for more than twenty years, providing customers with a level of efficiency, effectiveness and excellence that’s not only hard to match, it’s hard to find. The team starts by integrating a variety of perspectives to arrive at designs that encompass all aspects of the intended application and the environmental factors that will impact the cylinder. The team then conducts comprehensive design reviews and enlists manufacturing personnel to insure the design can be efficiently produced, fully addressing the manufacturing sequence of operations required for maintaining important geometric and dimensional tolerances. Aggressive Hydraulics also recognizes that failure analysis of an existing cylinder intelligently informs the development of a cylinder solution. Combined with sound engineering and an understanding of the application, a failed cylinder helps identify real-world dynamics that impact the cylinder. A failed cylinder is not always available but when it is, Aggressive Hydraulics employs a methodical approach to root cause analysis.

Aggressive Hydraulics embraces the value and accreditation of the Fluid Power Specialist certification from the Fluid Power Society. Understanding the hydraulic system of an application is another important aspect of creating “purpose-built” hydraulic cylinder solutions. The company’s certified Fluid Power Specialist include each member of the Engineering staff, the Hydraulic Technicians in the shop, the Sales Manager, the Production Control Manager and even the President and CEO. In need of hydraulic cylinders that exceed your expectations and outperform the competition? Get Aggressive.

Aggressive Hydraulics_DWLP16_V6.indd 125

March 2016



3/7/16 9:03 AM

Prod uc t World Fault sensors NK Technologies AGLD series ground fault sensors have a one-piece, solid-core design that allows for installation over wires feeding heavy loads. The output relay will change state at any point between 5 and 100 mA or 80 and 950 mA. A delay can be set to allow downstream protection to activate before the sensor, keeping the main circuit protection hot and equipment energized while smaller faults are cleared. The large LED display shows the precise trip point and extra delay clearly in any light condition.

Ultrasonic sensors Ring drive indexer Nexen Group The Precision Ring Drive (PRD) indexer combines roller pinion system technology with a precision-grade bearing and gearhead. The PRD table is supported by a high capacity cross-roller bearing rated for loads up to 1,575 kN. It is capable of speeds up to 94 rpm and

Carlo Gavazzi All UA18CSD and UA18ESD sensors are IP67 rated, have cULus UL508 approval and can be operated with 10 to 30 Vdc. Both digital output and analog output versions are available. Digital NPN or PNP versions can be either normally open or normally closed and support two different set-points, providing a detection “window.” The analog output versions include 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 Vdc, with positive or negative slope.

can handle peak torque inputs at any time.



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March 2016

3/4/16 2:42 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

I/O breakout boards Opto 22

Ballscrews & Rollerscrews

The SNAP-UDC-HDB breakout board consolidates wiring for a 32-point SNAP digital I/O module into a compact 4.0 × 3.3 in. (101 × 83 mm) board, which simplifies installation, reduces labor costs,

Industrial Robots

and saves valuable space inside enclosures and machines. The board includes convenient per-point LED indicators that show point status and are invaluable for troubleshooting and maintenance. Easy-to-use spring-clamp connectors hold field wiring securely in place. Linear Motors

Metal shims SPIROL

Linear Actuators

These precision shim products include specialty shims, thrust washers, laminated and edge-bonded shims in configurations ranging from simple OD/ID shapes to complex geometries. The shims come in global industry-standard shim, sheet and coil stock, Linear Guideways

laminated materials and specialty metals in both inch and metric gauges. Passivate, zinc plate, cadmium plate, black oxide, anodized, and other finishes are available.

Linear Encoders / Positioning Measurement Systems

AC Servo Motors

Hiwin D1 and D2 Servo Drives

For more information visit

Product World_3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 127

March 2016



3/4/16 2:43 PM

Prod uc t World Drive couplings available in four styles AutomationDirect The SureMotion jaw/spider coupling is a clamp-style coupling with 14 to 65 mm aluminum hubs and bore diameters ranging from 3⁄16 in. to 32 mm. Polyurethane center “spiders” are available in different durometers. Double-loop couplings provide high torsional rigidity in a one-piece design. Available in 10 to 40 mm hub sizes, they dampen shock and vibration and operate at speeds of up to 3,000 rpm. Oldham drive couplings feature aluminum hubs in 19 to 57 mm sizes. Corrosion-resistant and non-magnetic, they provide electrical isolation, absorb shock and isolate vibration while dampening resonance. Beam-style servo couplings are stainless-steel setscrew couplings. They are suitable for high-speed applications up to 10,000 rpm.

The event of the year for anyone involved in 3D manufacturing SME’s RAPID event plays a vital role defining additive manufacturing. It is the event to see the latest innovations, network with industry experts, and explore the unlimited possibilities of how additive manufacturing can advance your business. No other event provides such a comprehensive display of 3D technology, expertise, and innovation in one place. Why go anywhere else? It’s all at RAPID 2016.




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March 2016

may 16-19, 2016 | exhibits may 17-19 orange county convention center | west building orlando, fl

2/5/16 1:17 PM 3/4/16 2:42 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Miniature ultrasonic sensors Pepperl + Fuchs With a housing size of 31 × 11 × 23mm, F77 series ultrasonic sensors fit in space-restricted applications

WE Series Linear Guideway Wide Series Ball Type.

and provide up to 50 Hz switching frequency for fast response times. These IP67-rated sensors can be used in temperatures ranging from -25 to 70° C (-14 to 158° F). A 4-pin Nano-style M8 connector makes installation easy. These sensors provide one PNP, normally-open or normally-closed switch point output, use inexpensive discrete PLC inputs, offer high or low frequency options, and deliver a 2-Hz/mm maximum resolution. They are available in diffuse (up to 400-mm sensing range), retroreflective (up to 400-mm sensing range), and thru-beam models (up to 800-mm sensing range).

PG Series Linear Guideway Integrated Magnetic Encoder.

Inductive couplings Balluff Balluff inductive couplings enable transfer of power and data over a small air gap, making it suited for the industrial space, where getting I/O in hard to reach

MGN / MGW Series Linear Guideway Stainless Steel Miniature Linear Guideway Size 5 Now Available.

places or to moving components is a challenge. The coupler, with its small compact IP67 housing (40 × 40 × 70 mm), offers 32 bytes of bi-directional data transfer over a standard 4-pole M12 sensor cable. It’s also rated for 500 mA at a 5-mm gap with 24 V power.

HG / EG / RG Series Linear Guideways Ball and Roller Type.


1:17 PM

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March 2016



3/4/16 2:41 PM

c o n g r a t u l a t e s

975 Cottonwood Ave. P.O. Box 20 Dorner 50th anniversary ad 3-16_FINAL.indd 130

Hartland, WI 53029 U.S.A. 800.397.8664

3/7/16 11:15 AM

Produ ct World Space-saving actuators BEI Kimco LM Linear Actuator / SAR Linear motor driven high acceleration and accuracy, unlimited travel.

Available in three standard models, the new military and medical grade family of linear unhoused VCAs (Voice Coil Actuators) feature through-hole design with aperture sizes of 15, 20 and 24.9 mm. Additional space-savings beyond the through-hole design is achieved with actuator sizes that measure as small as 38.1 mm in diameter and 39.6 mm in length (at mid-stroke). Other product performance features include total strokes ranging from 6.35 to 11.43 mm and peak forces of 14 to 45.2 lb respectively.

KA Type Linear Actuator / SAR Ballscrew or belt driven, exible design.

KK Type Linear Actuator / SAR Ballscrew driven, high accuracy and reliability.

Stand-alone dc electronic loads Tektronix KS Type Linear Actuator / SAR Ballscrew driven for clean room applications.

Available in 200, 250 and 750 W models, the Keithley Series 2380 family of compact, stand-alone dc electronic loads features multiple operation modes and diverse auto test modes with up to 25 kHz dynamic load cycling mode. The new instruments build confidence in measurement accuracy with 0.1 mV/0.01mA voltage/current read back resolution and 0.025/0.05% voltage/ current read back accuracy.

AC Servo Motors.

Hiwin D1 and D2 Servo Drives for Servo Motors, Torque Motors and Linear Stages.

Product World_3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 131

March 2016



3/4/16 2:41 PM

Prod uc t World Power supplies with push-in connections Phoenix Contact

Personal CNC

The TRIO POWER power supplies are the first generation in the TRIO POWER family to have push-in connections, allowing fast and easy

Prototyping - Product Design - R&D - Engineering

installation. The TRIO power supplies range from 72 to 480 W, with variations for single-

Eisertech, a medical device company in San Diego, CA, designs and manufactures spinal implants and surgical instruments with the help of their Tormach PCNC 1100. What started out as garage shop prototypes has grown into a successful medical device product line.

and three-phase applications. Features include diagnostic contact, input surge protector and up to 150% dynamic power boost output.

To read more about this story, and to see what others are doing with their PCNC mills, visit PCNC 1100 Series 3

Titanium bone screws and surgical spinal implants manufactured by Eisertech LLC.

PCNC 770 Series 3 PCNC mills shown here with optional stand and accessories. 132

Product World_3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 132


March 2016

3/4/16 2:40 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Absolute shafted angle encoders HEIDENHAIN These ROC angle encoders with integral bearing and solid shaft use a separate rotor coupling for coupling the shaft. This makes it possible to realize axial tolerances of up to ±1 mm, depending on the rotor coupling used. The rotor couplings are capable of compensating for axial motion and misalignment between the encoder shaft and the measured shaft. They also feature an absolute track with serial code structure and an incremental track that is scanned by means of robust, single field scanning, so there is no need for a homing routine at power-up.

Aurora-Where_the_Action_Is:Aurora 11/5/10 1:10 PM Page 1

Tube Connection Components Rod Ends and Spherical Bearings designed and manufactured to Aurora's exacting standards for quality and durability. Registered and Certified to ISO-9001 and AS9100.

Scan to see these products

J.W. Winco, Inc. offers a comprehensive line of tube connection components, including inch and metric close tolerance tubing, as part of its immense offering of standard machine components for industry. Explore our full line on our website or contact us with your application requirements.

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Product World_3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 133

From economy commercial to aerospace approved, we've got it all !

March 2016



3/4/16 2:40 PM

Prod uc t World Drop bearing with drywell


Nord Gear The VL4 heavy-duty drop bearing provides the high capacity bearing design of the VL2/ VL3 with the addition of a drywell. While most drywell designs have a small oil dam tube inside the gear unit, Nord’s stationary oil dam tube extends vertically above the top of the gear unit housing. This provides a higher degree of leak safety. Additionally, there is a sealing O-ring at the top of the oil dam for maximum protection.




Product World_3-16_Vs4.LL.MD.indd 134


March 2016

3/4/16 2:40 PM

For further information about products on these pages visit the Design World website @

Analog signal conditioner Weidmuller The new ACT20P-PRO DCDC II provides users the ability to measure, isolate and convert signals from a maximum range of ±300 Vdc or ±100 mA and any value in-between. The output is selectable for either Sink or Source signals making it suitable for use with any PLC or DCS analog input card. Flexible power inputs range from 24 to 230 Vac/dc. It can also run off the ac supply voltage to power dc input and output devices. These new signal conditioners offer measurement accuracy of 0.05% for precise data recording. The 3-port, high galvanic isolation of 4 kV (600 V rated continuous voltage) between the input/output/power supply ensures that any noise generated on the input does not make it through to the output.

Epoxy adhesive with low thermal resistance Master Bond Supreme 18TC maintains high bond strength properties, even when exposed to hostile environmental conditions, including high and low temperatures. It bonds well to a wide variety of substrates including metals, composites, ceramics and plastics. This compound offers tensile lap shear strength of 2,200 to 2,400 psi, a tensile strength

Miniature circuit breaker

of 6,000 to 7,000 psi, t-peel strength of 5 to10 psi and a compressive strength of 22,000 to 24,000 psi.

Schurter Schurter’s AS168X series is DIN Rail mountable, style EN50022, for quick installation. Screw terminal connections at line and load accept a range of wire sizes 16 to 4 AWG. Compact in design, measuring 17.5 mm in width, these circuit breakers conserve panel space and are well suited for high-density configurations. They have ingress protection of IP40 from the front side in accordance with IEC 60529. The circuit breaker is RoHS compliant.

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March 2016



3/4/16 2:39 PM


A d In dex Aggressive Hydraulics ............................. 125 AIA - The Vision Show................................106 All Motion ....................................................... 4 Allied Electronics, Inc. .............................3,85 Altra Industrial Motion Corp. ......25,26,27,28 AMETEK/DFS (Windjammer)..................... 37 AMETEK PMC ................................................. 5 Anderson Metals Corp ..............................134 Aurora Bearing Co. .................................... 133 AutomationDirect ....................................... 13 Bal Seal Engineering, Inc. .......................... 83 Balluff .......................................................... 57 BellowsTech ................................................ 55 Bishop Wisecarver .....................................39 Bison Gear & Engineering Corp. ............... IBC Bodine Electric Co ......................................34 Carlo Gavazzi .............................................. 97 Colder Products Company .........................92 CS Hyde ....................................................... 12 Del-Tron Precision, Inc. ............................... 63 DieQua ................................................. 48,105 Digi-Key Electronics ................................... 15 Dorner Mfg. Corp. ................................ 46,130 Dunkermotoren, part of Ametek .............. 61 Eagle Stainless Tube & Design ........... 40,41 Elesa USA Corporation ...............................60 Encoder Products Co. .................................49 EZAutomation ............................................... 1 FABCO-AIR, Inc. ............................................ 79 Fixtureworks ............................................... 35 HAWE Hydraulik .......................................... 87 Helical Products Company .......................... 7 HELUKABEL USA ......................................... 19 Hitachi Cable America ................................ 51 HIWIN ........................................... 127,129,131 Interpower ...................................................95 ITT Enidine ................................................... 47 J.W. Winco, Inc. ......................................... 133 KB Electronics, Inc. .................................... 16 Keystone Electronics Corp. ....................... 17 LinMot ..........................................................38 Master Bond ................................................ 35

Mike Caruso 469.855.7344 Todd Christenson 440.381.9048 @wtwh_todd

maxon precision motors, inc. ..................93 Memory Protection Devices, Inc. .............. 31 MICROMO .....................................................52 MW Industries ....................................... 32,33 NTE Electronics ..........................................98 Opto 22 ......................................................103 PBC Linear ................................................... 71 Peninsular Cylinder ....................................84 PHD Inc. ....................................................... 77 PITTMAN....................................................... 69 Proto Labs, Inc. ............................................. 9

Jessica East 330.319.1253 @wtwh_MsMedia

Mike Francesconi 630.488.9029

Ringfeder Corp. ........................................... 64 Rittal ....................................................... 90,91 Rotor Clip Company, Inc. ........................... 65 Servometer ................................................. 55 Setco ..........................................................104 SEW Eurodrive ............................................ BC SIKO Products .............................................53 Smalley Steel Ring Company .................... 10 Sorbothane .................................................53 Sunstone Circuits .......................................99 Taylor Devices ............................................. 21 THK America, Inc. .......................................IFC Tolomatic, Inc .............................................. 73 Tompkins Industries ..................................56 Tormach ..................................................... 132 TRIM-LOK, INc. ............................................. 24 Turck-USA ............................................... 43,45 Whittet-Higgins Company.......................... 23 ZERO-MAX, Inc............................................... 2

ICOMold ...................................................... 124 Proto Labs, Inc. ............................................. 108 Renishaw Inc.................................................114 SolidThinking..................................................113

Courtney Seel 440.523.1685 @wtwh_CSeel Michelle Flando 440.670.4772 @mflando

Michael Ference 408.769.1188 @mrference

RAPID ............................................................. 128

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Jim Powers 312.925.7793 @jpowers_media

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Ad Index 3-16_Vs1.indd 136

March 2016

3/7/16 11:34 AM



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We make your products go.™

3/3/16 12:19 PM

Size matters. Especially with gearmotors... Too small = premature failure Too large = high cost & low efficiency Unsure of your drive size? Then go online to PT Pilot®. Simply enter the parameters of your hoist, conveyor, or travel car. PT Pilot® will automatically calculate the optimal horsepower, speed, and gear unit – with or without a VFD. PT Pilot® also provides documentation, pricing, and a 3D CAD drawing for every selection. Visit | 864-439-7537

SEW Eurodrive 3-16.indd 1

3/3/16 12:18 PM

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