the Crafts Center
the Crafts Center - spring 2016 schedule
the Crafts Center is funded primarily by
NC State University student fees and community participation. The programs and facilities are open to everyone with the following qualifications: for woodshop, lapidary, darkroom, glass, jewelry & metals classes, participants must be age 18 or older and have health insurance; for all other classes, participants must be age 14 or older. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes.
Class aND wOrKsHOP fees I Student price
fee paying NC State student (not spouses)
II Affiliate price
alumni; parent of NC State student; NC State employee; non-fee paying NC State student*; OLLI student; senior citizen (60+)* (* discount not extended to spouses)
III Base price
studio Use fees
Studio passes are available to those not taking a class; first time users must complete an orientation before using the facilities. Studio access may be limited or unavailable during class times. Fees apply to current semester only.
stUDIO / f ee: I Clay $46
14 and older; access to studio with pottery equipment; slips, glazes & firings included; user must purchase clay from the Crafts Center.
18 and older/insurance required; access to fully equipped darkroom, user provides chemicals & paper.
14 and older; access to floor looms, spinning wheels, & fiber arts library (limited passes are available).
PaymeNt: Payment may
18 and older/insurance required; access to studio equipment; access to tools, kilns, & torches; some flat glass & glass rod available for purchase by students & pass holders only.
CaNCellatIONs: Staff must be notified of a
18 and older/insurance required; access to tools, acetylene torches, and metal working equipment.
18 and older/insurance required; access to faceting equipment, cabochon machines, and a rock saw.
general public
be made by cash, check, or money order made payable to University Student Center. Checks returned by your bank for any reason will incur a $25 return check fee.
cancellation 7 days before the class or workshop begins for a refund; $10 is non-refundable.
To receive the best experience and get the most out of your class, attendance at all classes is important as there are no provisions for make-up sessions for missed classes.
spring 2016 schedule
(Daily calendar available on website) monday, wednesday, & friday: 2 - 10 pm tuesday & thursday: 10 am - 10 pm saturday & sunday: 12:30 - 5 pm
Nov. 16 Dec. 7 Jan. 6 Jan. 15 Jan. 19 Feb. 1
Spring registration for NC State students begins* Spring registration begins for all other groups* Open for semester, 2 pm Close at 10 pm for MLK holiday weekend Open at 10 am Disappearing Frogs Project Art Exhibition begins (ends Mar. 3) Feb. 25 Robin Moore Presentation, 6:00 pm Feb. 26 Neil Patterson presentation, 6:30 pm Mar. 4 Close at 6 pm for Spring Break (Mar. 5 - 13) Mar. 14 Open at 2 pm Mar. 25-27 Closed for Spring Holiday Mar. 28 Open at 2 pm Apr. 11 Summer registration for NC State students begins* Apr. 26 - May 15 Closed for semester abreak May 2 Summer registration begins for all other groups* May 16 Open for summer semester, 2 pm *No registrations accepted prior to designated registration date. Look for exhibitions, special events and additional activities on our website:
Jewelry /Metals $40
18 and older/insurance required; access to fullyequipped woodshop; a variety of wood is available for purchase.
multiple Class Discounts:
If registered for one class or one workshop, pay the Level I price for one additional class of equal or lesser value taken in the same semester. Workshops are not discounted.
studio Use fee Discount with workshops:
Workshop participants can purchase a studio pass for the studio related to the workshop at the Level I price.
PHONe: 919-515-2457 maIlING aDDress: The Crafts Center, Campus Box 7320 NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 lOCatION: Lower level of Thompson Hall, corner of Jensen Dr. & Dunn Ave., across from the Coliseum Parking Deck (see website for driving directions and bus route information). aCCessIBIlIty: Public areas of the building are wheelchair accessible. If needs are anticipated, please notify our staff at registration. Daytime parking deck permits for use by visitors can be purchased at the Crafts Center for $10.00 per day (or $5.00 per day by online request). Parking in the deck after 5:00 pm weekdays and all day on weekends is free. Visit for more info.
This brochure was not printed with state-appropriated funds.
HOw tO reGIster
Information about how and when to register and registration fees is available on the Crafts Center website: Registrations must be made in person, mailed in, or deposited in our drop box. We cannot accept registrations via phone or e-mail.
For photography classes & studio/darkroom use, participants must be age 18 or older and have health insurance. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. All darkroom classes include a pass for access to the darkroom for the current semester. The darkroom is available for use without taking a class; see Studio Use Fees for more information. BlaCK aND wHIte PHOtOGraPHy Instructor: Katy Walls
An introductory darkroom class. Capture light and motion on film using SLR cameras. Bring your own camera or use a Crafts Center loaner. Students will process their exposed film and spend the remainder of this class camped out in the dark room exploring the traditional B & W printing process. Visit Katy’s website: Monday evenings for 5 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 25 – February 22
Instructor: Gary Knight
Supply fee $21 Class fee I = $42 II = $75 III = $83
Wouldn’t you like to take your own still pictures and not have to pay others to create images for your portfolio or publication? This class will serve to orient students in the use of the Crafts Center’s photography studio while covering composition, camera control, and lighting demands common to still photography. As a bonus, students will receive an orientation of the use of Photoshop software and a scanner for digitizing 35mm slides. For more about Gary’s work, visit
Class fee I = $25 II = $45 III = $50
Class fee I = $33 II = $60 III = $67
Thursday evenings for 3 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, February 4 – 18
Instructors: Section A & B - Gary Knight: Section C - Katy Walls
The digital camera…so much capability that so few people fully comprehend! From learning the various camera controls to exercising the options of how and when they are best used, students in this nuts and bolts class will gain the confidence needed to capture that perfect instant. Learn to use your own SLR camera or use one of our Nikon D3000 loaners in order to get the most out of this series of hands-on discussions and photo shoots. Bring your own SD card. For more about Gary’s & Katy’s work, visit and
Section A: Monday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 21 – April 11
Section B: Tuesday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 22 – April 12
Section C - (for NC State Students only): Wednesday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 23 – April 13
DIGItal maCrO PHOtOGraPHy Instructor: Gary Knight
Class fee
Get close to your subject! This class begins with a Thursday evening I = $29 session aimed at equipment and technique used in capturing stunning closeII = $53 up photographs. Then, early Saturday morning, while light is good and the dew is on the vine, students will gather at the JC Raulston Arboretum where III = $59 they’ll capture the best of NC flora. After breaking for lunch, the class will reconvene at the Crafts Center to share successes and discuss how their shots could be made better. For more about Gary’s work, visit
Thursday evening, April 7, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, & Saturday, April 9, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
For clay classes and studio use, participants must be age 14 or older. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. All clay classes include a pass for access to the studio for the current semester. The clay studio is available for use without taking class; see Studio Use Fees for more information. Except for classes requiring supply fees, individuals must provide their own tools and purchase clay from the Crafts Center. INtrODUCtION tO tHe POtter’s wHeel
Instructors: Section A - Charlene Poisel; Section B - Wah Tran (an NC State student); Section C - Edge Barnes; Section D - Jo Ellen Westmoreland
Supply fee $22 Sections A-C Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100 Section D I= $42
Would you like to learn how to work on the pottery wheel? This class covers fundamentals of throwing basic forms: wedging, centering, pulling & shaping walls to make cylinder forms, mugs, bowls and vases. Learn to trim and glaze to create finished pots. Practice time outside of class is strongly suggested to develop throwing skills. Supply fee includes one 25# bag of clay. Section A: Monday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 11 – February 29 (skip Jan. 18 and Feb. 22) Section B: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 12 – February 16 Section C: Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 14 – February 18 Section D: (for NC State students only) Friday mornings for 6 weeks, 9:45 am - 12:15 pm, January 22 – February 26
Instructors: Section A - Jennifer Siegel; Section B - Marina Bosetti No experience necessary. Coiling, soft and hard slab construction, and extruding are the main methods of handbuilding this beginner level class introduces. Students will create functional as well as sculptural forms, such as small bowls, plates, and lidded boxes. Surface decoration through slips, stains, and wax, as well as glazing, will be a significant aspect of this class. Practice time outside of class is strongly suggested to develop your skills and finish class projects. Supply fee includes one 25# bag of clay. See Jennifer’s work at jennife-siegel and Marina’s work at Section A: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 12 – February 23 (skip Feb. Section B: Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 21 – February 25
Supply fee $22 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
alterING & sUrfaCe DeCOratION
Class fee Instructor: Edge Barnes I = $50 Create exciting surfaces on your pots! Explore diverse methods for altering & modifying wheel II = $90 thrown forms as well as a variety of surface decoration methods, including fluting, sprigging, carving, impressed texture, faceting, etc. A large number of stamps and tools for texturing will III = $100 be available during class and you will learn how to easily make your own personalized texturing tools. While the focus of the class will not be on glazing, we will discuss how different surfaces react with and enhance glazes. Form alteration will be on wheel thrown pieces; however, much of the surface decoration is applicable to hand formed pieces and hand builders are welcome. Practice time outside of class is strongly suggested to develop throwing skills. Students must purchase clay of their choosing at the Crafts Center. Use included studio pass from start of semester. See Edge’s work at Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 20 – February 24 Prerequisites: Continuing Wheel class or other equivalent class or experience.
Supply fee
Clay BIrDHOUses
$22 Instructor: Marina Bosetti This class is for intermediate-level handbuilding folks. Using slabs and other handbuilding Class fee techniques, we will be making homes for North Carolina bluebirds, wrens, and nuthatches. I = $50 Students will be instructed on the components of what makes a functioning bird haven. Houses II = $90 constructed in this class will be compliant with the annual JC Raulston Arboretum's Bird House Contest that takes place in April, should a student wish to participate. Supply fee includes one 25# III = $100 bag of clay. Use included studio pass from start of semester. For more about Marina and her work, visit her website: Monday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 25 – February 29 Prerequisites: Handbuilding 101 class or other equivalent class or experience. tHINKING tHrOUGH Clay
Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
Instructor: Gaines Bailey An intermediate level wheel-throwing class. Whether you have just developed your technical skills and want a creative push or are looking to re-energize your work, this class is designed to help focus your inspiration and examine the motifs, context, and coherence of your work. Activities to research and progress your personal style, technical demonstrations, and personal assistance to get your ideas into action will all be covered. Students must purchase clay of their choosing at the Crafts Center. Use included studio pass from start of semester. See Gaines’ work at Saturday & Sunday mornings, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm, February 6 & 7 and 20 & 21 (skip Feb. 13 &14) Prerequisites: Continuing Wheel class or other equivalent class or experience.
Class fee
PersONal tOtems
Instructor: Julie Olson I = $50 An intermediate level class. Create your own personal four foot tall totem using the potter's II = $90 wheel. We will explore several different forms including compound forms and textures. Basic throwing skills are a must for this class. Students must purchase clay of their choosing at the III = $100 Crafts Center. Use included studio pass from start of semester. For more about Julie and her work, visit Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 16 – April 20 Prerequisites: Continuing Wheel class or other equivalent class or experience.
Class fee
Instructor: Edge Barnes I = $50 The next step after you have completed the introductory wheel class. This class is for students II = $90 who understand the basics of centering and pulling up walls and would like to continue III = $100 exploring their skills. Demonstrations include small plates, lidded pots, pitchers, handles, etc. Students’ skill levels will help direct this class. Practice time outside of class is strongly suggested to develop throwing skills. Students must purchase clay of their choosing at the Crafts Center. Use included studio pass from start of semester. Visit Edge’s website: Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 17 – April 21 Prerequisites: Introduction to the Potter’s Wheel class or equivalent.
For NC State Students Only: Introduction to the Potter’s Wheel-D
on Friday mornings and
Crafting in the Afternoon: Sessions E & F - find all the details in the Especially for NC State
Students section of this brochure.
See the Specialty Classes section for Raku Firing.
Jewelry & metals
For jewelry & metals classes and studio use, participants must be age 18 or olderand have health insurance. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. All classes include a pass for access to the jewelry studio for the semester. The studio is available for use without taking a class; see Studio Use Fees for more information. wIre wraPPeD Jewelry
Supply fee Instructor: Azlyn Arnett (an NC State student) $15 Learn how to make wire jewelry over the course of 4 weeks, including wrapping beads, making Class fee rings or bracelets, the best uses for different hardness and gauges of wire, and so much more! I = $28 Students will make rings, bracelets, a necklace, charms, and one item of their own design. II = $50 Tuesday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:00 pm, January 19 – February 9 III = $56 tHe CHamPleVÉ PeNDaNt Instructor: Sandra McEwen Supply fee Fuse silver sheet to create trough-like patterns that are then filled with brightly colored kiln-fired $35 enamels. The topic for this introductory class lies in the making of a pure silver pendant adorned Class fee with a charming flower or leaf shaped champlevé design. Topics covered include fusing fine I = $50 silver, enameling techniques and the shaping of the final pendant. Visit Sandra’s website: II = $90 III = $100 Monday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:00 - 9:00 pm, January 25 – February 29 taB settING ODD sHaPeD stONes Instructor: Linda Searcy
A great place to start for the absolute beginner metalsmith, this class will focus on essential jewelry techniques. Using copper, we’ll fabricate a pendant with odd-shaped stones, such as river rocks or sea glass, using tab settings where no soldering will be required. Annealing metal, sawing, drilling, filing, texturing, stamping and much more will be covered in class. A materials fee of $15.00 is payable to the instructor at class time (additional materials will be available for purchase in class). Visit Linda’s website: Wednesdays for 3 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 16 – 30
Class fee I = $25 II = $45 III = $50
sPrING 2016 sCHeDUle
For glass classes and studio use, participants must be age 18 or older and have health insurance. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. All classes include a pass for access to the glass studio for the semester. The studio is available for use without taking a class; see Studio Use Fees for more information. INtrODUCtION tO staINeD Glass
Supply fee $28 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
Instructor: Deborah Rodgers Add some color to your world! Learn to cut, foil and solder flat glass using the Tiffany copper foil method while making a simple sun catcher. Students in this beginning level class will also create an 8” x 11” panel using a pattern of their choice. The supply fee includes glass and materials used to make the sun catcher and panel. Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 19 – February 23
lamPwOrKING 101
Supply fee $28 A beginner’s class. Make really cool beads from molten glass. Use glass rods and flame to form Class fee decorative beads around a metal mandrel. Only basic techniques will be taught. Come and see if you I = $50 have a knack for working with fire! Supply fee includes glass rods and fuel for use during class. II = $90 Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 21 – February 25 III = $100 Instructor: Kathy Driggers
Instructor: Jonathan Davis Learn to sculpt glass using torches and small rods or tubes of borosilicate glass. You’ll create small figures, vessels, and other glass sculpture. In addition to the $15 supply fee paid at registration, a $15 materials fee payable to the instructor covers all glass used during the class. For more about Jonathan, visit Saturday & Sunday, January 30 & 31, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
tHe art Of fUsING aND slUmPING Instructor: Jean Cheely
An introductory class. Fuse art glass into forms including jewelry components, small plates and candleholders. This class combines the excitement of kiln fusing and forming with cutting techniques used in flat glass. Supply fee includes glass and use of tools for projects made during class. Visit Jean’s website: Monday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:00 - 9:00 pm, February 1 - 22
Supply fee $15 Class fee I = $44 II = $80 III = $89
Supply fee $28 Class fee I = $33 II = $60 III = $67
Instructor: Jonathan Davis Supply fee Build on skills and explore the creative possibilities found in the hot and more forgiving $10 nature of borosilicate. As a follow-up to Jonathan’s Intro to Borosilicate Flameworking, Class fee students in this class will expand their repertoire while learning to make small figures, I = $44 vessels, and other glass sculpture. In addition to the $10 supply fee paid at registration, II = $80 a $15 supply paid to the instructor covers all glass used during the class. For more about Jonathan, visit III = $89 Saturday & Sunday, February 27 & 28, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Prerequisites: Students must have taken an introductory class or be proficient in the basics of flameworking.
reaCtIONs IN fUseD Glass
Instructor: Danene Groenke Supply fee An intermediate to advanced class, prior fusing experience required. With the right glass $18 chemistry, a thin colored line or "reaction" can occur when the glass is fused in a kiln. In this class, Class fee learn which COE 96 colors react together, what reactions are possible with special glasses designed I = $33 for reactions, and how to create reactions with metal inclusions. An additional supply fee of $20 payable to instructor will cover specialty glasses and metal inclusions. Visit Danene’s website: II = $60 III= $67 Monday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 14 – April 4
BeyOND BasIC flat Glass
Instructor: Deborah Rodgers Supply fee Push yourself to learn more about the art of stained glass! Explore advanced $28 construction and soldering technique as you create a box, lantern, or a more Class fee challenging two-dimensional panel. The supply fee covers a generous amount of glass and other I = $50 supplies. Solder will be available for purchase. II = $90 Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 15 – April 19
III = $100
Prerequisites: Students must have completed the Introduction to Stained Glass class or have equivalent experience.
flOral Bas-relIef BeaDs
Supply fee
Instructor: Betty Fetvedt $23 An intermediate level class. Emphasizing precision and heat control, this class promises to take Class fee your beadmaking skills to a new level. Students will create painterly, bas-relief floral glass beads I = $39 using hand-pulled colorful glass cane and other techniques. Use your included pass to practice II = $70 ahead of time and come ready to add new dimensions to your beads! View Betty’s glass beadIII= $78 work at Friday, March 18, 6:30 - 9:30 pm; Saturday, March 19, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm; and Sunday, March 20, 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Prerequisites: Students must have completed the Lampworking 101 or Decorative Glass Bead Making class or be proficient in the basics of lampwork.
Supply fee staINeD Glass terrarIUm $38 Instructor: Deborah Rodgers Class fee Create the perfect tiny garden housed in a container made from a mix of clear textured glass I = $53 embellished with accents rich in color. Choosing from several patterns, work through Sunday morning cutting, foiling and soldering glass to construct a container that suits your personal space II = $95 and fancy. Sunday afternoon will be spent with hands in dirt, planting and filling your little III = $106 habitat with greenery. Supply fee includes succulents, mosses and other plants and planting materials. Friday, April 8, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm; Saturday & Sunday, April 9 & 10, 9:00 am - 5:00pm
Prerequisites: Students must have completed the Introduction to Stained Glass class or have equivalent experience.
For NC State Students Only: Crafting in the Afternoon: Sessions B & C details in the E s pe c ia lly f or N C S t a t e S t ude nt s section of this brochure.
- find all the
Jewelry & metals , continued
BraCelet, NeCKlaCe aND tOGGles twO Instructor: Naomi Profesorsky
For all skill levels! In the first class you’ll make a beautiful flat spiral woven bracelet using seed beads. On the second night you’ll use the St. Petersburg stitch to make a stunning necklace ...a new stitch at the Crafts Center! On the third night you’ll finish the pieces by using the Peyote stitch to make your own bar and ring toggle clasps. Visit Naomi’s website: Thursday evenings for 3 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 28 – February 11
metal Jewelry: DIsCOVer yOUr PersONal style
Supply fee $18 Class fee I = $25 II = $45 III = $50 Supply fee
Instructor: Mary Ann Scherr $24 For all skill levels. Explore a mix of tools with a strong emphasis on design and personal Class fee expression. Boundaries for accomplishment will be determined by the complexity of technique to I = $83 be learned. Experimentation is encouraged. Supply fee covers basic lab needs and Nu-Gold (bronze) used in making the initial project. Students will receive information from the instructor II = $150 regarding the purchase of additional metals. III = $167 Tuesdays for 6 weeks, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, March 22 – April 26
art ON PaPer
Participants must be age 14 or older. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes.
waterCOlOr I – BasIC waterCOlOr
Instructor: Laura Azzi
Instructor: Kirk Adam Class fee For beginners only. An excellent class for those who have never painted. Learn about composition, I = $50 value, materialism, space, volume, techniques, and color. Students will work from still life to learn II = $90 skills and then have the opportunity to paint their desired subjects. Students are responsible for providing their own supplies and will receive a supply list upon registration. (Expect to pay III = $100 $40-$100 for supplies, depending on the items & brands you choose to purchase.)
Monday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 25 – February 29
sCreeNPrINtING Instructor: Kirk Adam
Have you ever wanted to print your own design on a T-shirt or print cool posters? In this class you'll learn the basics to do just that. We'll cover things such as creating designs, making silkscreens, applying emulsions, exposing the screen, and printing techniques. No experience necessary, just an open mind to let creativity flow. In addition to the supply fee paid at registration, students are responsible for providing their own additional supplies and will receive a supply list upon registration. (Expect to pay $40-$50 for supplies at a local art supply store.) Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 27 – March 2
Supply fee $6 Discover the ancient art of paper folding. Each week we will explore different origami techniques and use them to create an endless variety of origami models. Students will have the opportunity to Class fee create origami ornaments and large sculptures. We will begin with simple introductory forms and I = $33 animals then move on to more complicated designs such as sonobe units and tessalations. II = $60 Thursday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, February 11 – March 3 III = $67 COlOrfUl CarDmaKING Instructor: Gabby Seider (an NC State student)
Instructor: Susan Soper
No experience necessary. Celebrate spring with us! Make your own colorful, whimsical cards while learning the basics of linoleum cut print making. Using bold images, blocks will be cut and printed cards! Envelopes included. A materials fee of $10 is payable to instructor at first class. Visit Susan’s website: Friday, April 8, 6:30 - 9:30pm
For the painter with experience in acrylics who wants to improve their skills and master more! Each week explore different acrylic painting exercises, learn different techniques, and refine your skill as you bring confidence into your new artwork possibilities. Students will experiment with abstraction, color combinations, composition, and new materials. During class, students will work on their own painting projects. Students are responsible for providing their own supplies and will receive a supply list upon registration. (Expect to pay $40-$100 for supplies, depending on the items & brands you choose to purchase.) Monday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 14 – April 18
Prerequisites: Completion of Acrylic Painting I or equivalent experience.
CONtINUING waterCOlOr Instructor: Laura Azzi
Class fee
Those who have previously learned the basics of watercolor will expand their knowledge of layering with color, light and texture to create natural and expressive paintings. Mixed media I = $50 techniques will also be explored. Students are responsible for providing their own supplies and II = $90 will receive a supply list upon registration. (Expect to pay $35 - $45 for supplies at a local art III = $100 supply store.) See Laura’s paintings on her website: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 15 – April 19
Prerequisites: Watercolor I class, Watercolor Cards workshop, or another beginning watercolor class.
For NC State Students Only: Crafting in the Afternoon: Sessions G, I & K details in the Especially for NC State Students section of this brochure.
Books workshop.
- find all the
See the Workshops section of this brochure for details about our Handmade
Participants must be age 14 or older. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. Weaving & spinning wheel classes include a pass for access to the studio for the current semester. The fibers studio is available for use without taking a class; see Studio Use Fees for more information.
Instructor: Barbara McGeachy Decorate a gourd birdhouse with paint and/or decoupage. Instructor will provide a craft-ready gourd (clean with holes cut) and all materials except the sealant. Once the birdhouse has completely dried (about 7 days), you will need to spray the gourd with an outdoor sealant (if you wish to hang the gourd outdoors). Bring an apron or towel or wear old clothes. A $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the start of class. Beginners and all skill levels welcome. Monday evenings for two weeks, 6:30 - 9:00 pm, January 25 and February 1
weaVING ON a flOOr lOOm
Instructor: Shelly King Learn to weave! Wind a warp, dress your loom and weave it off. Beginners to the craft will explore twill patterns and other weaving techniques before completing a woven scarf. For continuing students, it would be helpful to have your project planned before the first class. Class fee includes use of a loom through the end of the semester. Visit Shelly’s website at to view images of her work.
Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 26 – March 1
Class fee I = $14 II = $25 III = $28 Supply fee $29 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100 Class fee
Instructor: Claude Bolger I = $35 Basic techniques include: cast on, knit stitch, purl stitch, binding off, shaping, basic finishing, II = $63 and information about types of tools, materials and pattern resources. Students may progress at their III = $70 own speed. Advanced techniques will be taught and projects chosen based on each individual’s interest and skill level. For beginners – a materials fee of $16 is payable to instructor at first class and includes knitting needles, Knit-Chek, and yarn needles. Practice yarn will be provided by the Crafts Center at no charge. Repeat students welcome!
For NC State Students Only: Crafting in the Afternoon: Session J
Thursday evenings for 5 weeks, 6:30 - 9:00 pm, February 25 – March 31 (skip Mar. 10)
A Day of Silversmithing, Chain Making, Exploring the Possibilities of PMC 3 , Kumihimo Braiding, and Electro-Etching workshops .
Class fee I = $9 II = $15 III = $17
Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
Instructor: Kirk Adam
- find all the details in the Especially for NC State Students section of this brochure . WORKSHOPS: See the Workshops section of this brochure for details about our jewelry workshops:
Supply fee $12 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
Supply fee Instructor: Gary McCutchen $8 By popular demand, we’re offering this expanded two-day follow-up class to Gary McCutchen’s “A Day of Silversmithing.” Having learned the basic skills in the one-day Class fee introductory workshop, now you can turn your focus to creativity and have fun making more I = $39 pieces in this new weekend class. Bring your cabochons, fused glass, or other II = $70 suitable art pieces made in Crafts Center studios. The $8 supply fee only covers miscellaneous studio supplies. Gary will have solder, metal, stones and other materials for use III = $78 during the class (expect to pay an additional $25 - $100 for materials and supplies). Saturday & Sunday, April 2 & 3, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Class fee
For beginners only. Students will be taught the basics, from brush strokes to color mixing to applying water media paint. Color theory and composition will be covered. Come and express your I = $50 creative self through watercolor for relaxation and enjoyment. Students are responsible for II = $90 providing their own supplies and will receive a supply list upon registration. (Expect to pay III = $100 $35-$45 for supplies at a local art supply store.) See Laura’s paintings on her website: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 12 – February 16
Tuesday evenings for 5 weeks, 6:30 - 9:00 pm, January 26 – February 23
Instructor: Azlyn Arnett (an NC State student) Learn the basics of crochet including color work, types of chain, shaping, how to read patterns and the techniques needed for several small projects and one larger project of individual design. Students are responsible for providing their own supplies and will receive a supply list upon registration. Repeat students welcome!
Class fee I = $35 II = $63 III = $70
See the Workshops section of this brochure for details about our Silk Dyeing
Techniques and Kumihimo Braiding workshops .
the Crafts Center
For lapidary classes and studio use, participants must be age 18 or older and have health insurance. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. All classes include a pass for access to the lapidary studio for the current semester. The studio is available for use without taking a class; see Studio Use Fees for more information.
Supply fee $28 Instructor: Bob Bendelow A beginning level class. Release the color and hidden light from within a precious gemstone! Class fee I = $50 Participants in this class will learn to cut facets in crystals and gemstones turning them into works of art. Students will begin by working with crystal quartz and then move on to fine gemstones. II = $90 Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 14 – February 18 III = $100 CaBOCHONs Supply fee Instructor: Neil Chernoff $25 A beginning level class.Cut slabs of stone and polish into convex forms to produce gems worthy of Class fee setting into brooches, rings, or necklaces! This cut produces an evenly curved surface in a range of I = $42 shapes. Students will begin the process with agate or quartz – great for rock hounds! II = $75 Tuesday evenings for 5 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 26 – February 23 III = $83 faCetING II Supply fee Instructor: Bob Bendelow $28 Laps, polishes, shapes, materials - what to use and what to do. What lap works best for what Class fee material? What rough works best or is hardest to facet? Students in the class will explore I = $50 advanced concepts while cutting a more challenging shape. II = $90 Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 17 – April 21 Prerequisites: Introduction to Faceting class or equivalent experience. III = $100
For woodshop classes and studio use, participants must be age 18 or older and have health insurance. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. All wood classes include a pass for access to the woodshop for the current semester. The woodshop is available for use without taking a class; see Studio Use Fees for more information. HOw tO Use wOODsHOP maCHINes aND HaNDtOOls
Instructor: Z a c h G r e g o r y In teres ted in w oo dw o rkin g and hav e n ev er b een ex p o s ed to th e larg er mach in es , to o ls and proces s es ? S tu dents in th is in tr o d u cto r y h an d s - o n clas s w ill lear n th e s k ill s ets o f machine woodworking while constructing a floating top table suitable for use at home or in any res idence h all roo m. Vis it Zach ’s w eb s ite: z a ch g reg o r y. co m . Section A: Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 13 – February 17 Section B: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 15 – April 19
Ins t r uc t or : Tim B e v a c qua After completing the introductory woodworking class, are you eager to get started on your next woodworking project? From a plan and materials of your own choosing, discussion on the first night is aimed at getting you going. From there, this class will be all hands-on, requiring possible work time outside of class to complete your project. Expect to spend $20-$75 for materials, depending on choice of project and wood used. Section A: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 12 – February 16 Section B: Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 16 – April 20
Supply fee $28 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
Prerequisites: Completion of the How to Use Woodshop Machines and Handtools class with basic woodworking skills.
Supply fee
I n s t r u c t o r s : B i l l & J i m Wa l l a c e $26 Turn wooden bowls and spindles! In this introductory class, students will have the opportunity Class fee to explore the very different experiences found in turning the side grain of a spindle and the end grain found in making a bowl. The supply fee includes plenty of wood and use of lathe tools durI = $50 ing class and studio. Visit Bill’s website: II = $90 Section A: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 19 – February 23 III = $100 Section B: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 15 – April 19 Prerequisites: Completion of the How to Use Woodshop Machines and Handtools class with basic woodworking skills.
sPeCIalty Classes
Instructor: Kirk Adam
Class fee I = $17 II = $30 III = $33
BIKe rePaIr aND maINteNaNCe
Instructor: Conrad Weiser A two-day Raku firing event that includes a clay studio pass for the semester. Bring your pots in the biscuit state, ready to decorate. Glazes will be furnished, but you may bring your own. (All students participating in the Raku Firing for the first time at the Crafts Center are required to attend an introductory discussion of techniques and a video that will help in planning appropriate forms for Raku firing). Supply fee includes one 25# bag of raku clay. Use included studio pass from start of semester.Visit Conrad’s website: Introductory Session & Demo: Saturday, January 23, 9:00 - 11:00 am
Raku Firing: Saturday & Sunday, April 16 & 17, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Prerequisites: Completion of an introductory potter ’s wheel class or handbuilding class.
CONtINUING GUItar Instructor: Kirk Adam
Have you recently completed the Beginning Guitar class and wish for further instruction aimed at advancing technique and music theory? Students in this class will explore music while learning more complex melody and harmony structure. The Crafts Center has three electric guitars for use during class by the first three students to reserve one with registration.) Repeat students welcome. Monday evenings for 6 weeks, 5:00 - 6:00 pm, March 14 – April 18
Supply fee $24 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
Class fee I = $17 II = $30 III = $33
Supply fee $28 Class fee I = $22 II = $40 III = $44
Instructor: Sophie Wiseman-Floyd (an NC State Student) In this introductory leatherworking workshop you will learn basic cutting, stitching, stamping, pattern making and finishing techniques. You will leave this class with either a handmade strap clutch or a passport/card carrier/wallet and a key fob to match. Students will use basic leather construction and finishing techniques that will apple to future projects. See Sophie’s work on Friday evening, January 29, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, and Saturday, January 30, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
HaNDmaDe NatUral BODy Care: lOtIONs, sOaPs aND lIP Balm (Workshop)
Instructor: Angel Cruz (an NC State student) Make your own body care products in a casual and fun setting. Make your own organic lip balm, body butter, castile soap and goat’s milk soap! You will be able to take home plenty of products to try, as well as enough for gifts for family and friends. Students need to bring their own 4- to 6-quart stainless steel pot to melt ingredients in.
Friday, February 5, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, and Saturday, February 6, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Supply fee $30 Workshop fee I = $25 II = $45 III = $50
sCrOll saw ImaGery
Instructor: Maria Chang Puzzles, portraiture, and layer-built imagery - all of these can be created out of colorful woods with the help of the scroll saw. Gain confidence in scroll sawing as you work to complete a basic project. Once the machine is mastered, you will explore more advanced techniques, work with more advanced patterns, and even create imagery of your own design. Monday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 25 – February 15
Supply fee $8 Class fee I = $33 II = $60 III = $67
ImaGes aND sCrIPt: aN INtrODUCtION tO tHe sHOPBOt CNC rOUter
Instructor: Zach Gregory
An introduction to the Crafts Center ’s ShopBot router, students will design imagery, create tool paths and execute basic cuts. CAD (computer-aided design) software will be used to develop imagery before setting up the machine to cut and inlay designs into matching pockets on contrasting hardwood. Engraving of script and other designs will be explored to embellish wooden plaques. All cutting bits and materials will be furnished during the class. You must provide your own cutting bits for use outside of class. Visit Zach’s website: Thursday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, February 4 – February 25 Prerequisites: Prior computer experience in vector drawing is required.
tHe eleCtrIC CIGar BOX GUItar
Instructor: Sam Mayes (an NC State student) Build your own axe! We’ll saw and set the frets, shape the neck, install tuning machines and wire the pick-ups. This simple four-string instrument is fun to make and even more fun to play! Though learning to play will be up to you, we’ll provide wood, the cigar box, and all the other bits and pieces needed to make your guitar sing. Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 17 – April 21
Supply fee $10 Class fee I = $33 II = $60 III = $67
Supply fee $45 Class fee I = $50 II = $90 III = $100
For NC State Students Only: Making the Longboard Skateboard Deck, A Quick Shelf, Woodturning Bootcamp, and Crafting in the Afternoon: Sessions A, D & H. Find all the details in the Especially for NC State Students section . WORKSHOPS: See the Workshops section of this brochure for details about our Marquetry workshop.
maKING tHe lONGBOarD sKateBOarD DeCK Instructor: Hilary Smith (an NC State student)
Section B: Monday evenings, for 3 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 14 – 28
INtrODUCtION tO tHe POtter’s wHeel Instructor: Jo Ellen Westmoreland
For NC State students only. Would you like to learn how to work on the pottery wheel? This class covers the fundamentals of throwing basic forms: wedging, centering, forming and pulling walls to make cylinder forms, mugs, bowls and vases. You then will learn to trim and glaze to create finished pots. Practice time outside of class is strongly suggested to develop throwing skills.
a QUICK sHelf
Instructor: George Thomas
For NC State students only. In this fun-paced introduction to woodworking, students will experience the proper use of power tools while constructing a wall shelf of their own design. On day one we’ll cut, plane and square rough wood to serve as the underlying structure for building the shelf. Subsequent classes will be spent with each student personalizing their own shelf through creative piercing, carving, texturing, shaping, or finishing. Friday afternoons for 3 weeks, 4:00 - 7:00 pm, February 5 – 19
Instructor: Alex Barnes (an NC State student)
Instructor: Gary McCutchen
CHaIN maKING (Workshop) Instructor: John Fetvedt
Workshop fee I = $19 II = $35 III = $39
Supply fee $9 Workshop fee I = $19 II = $35 III = $39
Make a chain bracelet - from raw wire to finished jewelry. Tools and techniques will be covered along with the math behind selecting the right sized jump rings for different chain patterns. You’ll even learn to wind and cut your own jump rings! All levels of students can participate. Beginning students will practice making several basic round ring chain patterns using copper jump rings. Advanced students will be encouraged to move beyond the basics into the realm of complex chains. All necessary tools will be available for use during the class, or you may bring your own. A supply fee of $15 (plus tax) is payable to the instructor at the end of the workshop. Additional materials will be available for purchase from the instructor. Visit John’s website: Saturday, February 27, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
eXPlOrING tHe POssIBIlItes Of PmC3 (Workshop) Instructor: Kaleigh Hessel
Supply Fee $60 Workshop fee I = $28 II = $50 III = $56
An introductory two-day workshop for all skill levels. Precious Metal Clay (PMC 3 ) can be molded, sculpted, and carved to create jewelry. When fired in a kiln, this versatile material becomes 99.9 % silver! PMC 3 is suitable for making earrings, pendants and other jewelry components embellished with stones set either before or after firing. Basic techniques will be demonstrated along with the opportunity to design and complete several pieces expressing your own creative style. The $60 supply fee paid at registration includes one 25g package of PMC 3 . An additional materials fee of $20 payable to the instructor at the beginning of class includes stones and special supplies used to embellish your jewelry. Saturday & Sunday, February 27 & 28, 12:00 - 5:00 pm
KUmIHImO – JaPaNese BraIDING (Workshop)
Instructor: Carol Sell
Supply Fee $23 Workshop fee I = $28 II = $50 III = $56
No experience necessary. In this class you will learn how to make both fiber and beaded jewelry that can be used for any occasion. You will first learn how to braid a round bracelet using a Kumihimo disk. Then we will move on to braiding with beads and finally, we will put some dimension into the beaded braid using a different shaped bead. You will be able to expand your braiding techniques to make beautiful jewelry when you leave this class. Saturday March 19, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm & Sunday, March 20, 1:00 - 5:00 pm
H a N D m a D e B O O K s (Workshop)
Instructor: Anne McLean
Learn the skills used in decorating book covers, tearing and folding signatures (pages), and stitch bindings. Students will explore the creative and functional design possibilities of books, including addition of pockets and unusual materials to make each book unique! Supply fee includes materials to make two books sapproximately 17 cm x 13 cm (~5” x7”) each. Bring your own decorative papers, fabric, or wallpaper for the covers if you wish. Saturday & Sunday, March 19 & 20, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Supply fee $36 Workshop fee I = $33 II = $60 III = $67
(includes a studio pass for the semester)
Supply fee $18 Class fee $25
(includes a studio pass for the semester)
Supply fee $15 Class fee $28
For NC State students only. Learn to spin wood into any shape you wish! The Friday evening session will provide an intensely hands-on introduction to the wood lathe, spindle turning, and all of the many shapes that can be made. On Saturday, students (includes a can expect a fast-paced day of making tea bowls with the final challenge being a studio pass for goblet. This class includes a semester pass so that you can continue practicing your the semester) newfound skill. Friday evening, March 18, 5:00 - 8:00 pm and Saturday, March 19, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Instructor: Katy Walls
Class fee
For NC State students only. The digital camera…so much capability that so few people fully $33 comprehend! From learning the various camera controls to exercising the options of how and when they are best used, students in this nuts and bolts class will gain the confidence needed to capture that perfect instant. Learn to use your own SLR camera or use one of our Nikon D3000 loaners in order to get the most out of this series of hands-on discussions and photo shoots. Bring your own SD card. Visit Katy’s website: Section C: Wednesday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 23 – April 13
Spring 2016 Schedule
If registered for a workshop, studio use can be added in the studio related to the workshop at the Level I price listed under Studio Use Fees. Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes. No experience needed as this is a quick introduction to the fabrication of jewelry. All students will have the opportunity to walk away with at least one piece of wearable jewelry. Whether a simple pendant, bracelet, ring, or pin – think ahead about what you want to make and come ready to bring your ideas to life. Bring your cabochons, fused glass, or other suitable art pieces made in Crafts Center classes and spend the day turning them into jewelry. Gary will have solder, metal, stones and other materials available for purchase during the workshop. (Expect to pay $25 - $100 for materials and supplies.) Section A: Saturday, January 30, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Section B: Sunday, January 31, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Supply fee $22 Class fee $42
Section D: Friday mornings for 6 weeks, 9:45 am - 12:15 pm, January 22 – February 26
wOrKsHOPs wOrKsHOPs , continued
a Day Of sIlVersmItHING! (Workshop)
Supply fee
$18 For N C S tate s tu d en ts o n ly. No exp er ien ce n eed ed. In ten s ely h an d s -o n ! M ak e a Class fee custom-sized longboard skateboard you can ride and enjoy for years. Students will $25 learn to laminate plys of Baltic birch into the necessary complex curves. The form will then be cut with the band saw, drilled, routed and sanded to final shape. By the end of (includes a the three classes, you will have a finished longboard deck ready for wheels. studio pass for the semester) Section A: Thursday evenings for 3 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 7 – 21
Session A - Desktop Book Cradle: Make a simple wooden book holder perfectly adorned with a ShopBot routed image of the NC State Block “S.” Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, January 22
Session B - Glass Memory Pendant: Capture your college memories between two pieces of glass soldered and adorned to make a pendant (use our images or bring your own 2D artwork around 1.5” x 1.5” in size). Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, January 22
Session C - Hot Glass Beads: Learn to use the lampwork torches to make colorful glass beads. Friday afternoon 4-7 pm, January 29
Session D - Hopi Style Flute: Use a piece of PVC pipe to make a Hopi styled flute with origins deep in the Anasazi heritage. Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, January 29
Session E - Clay Bowl: Use the potter’s wheel to create a simple bowl or cup made from clay! Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, January 29
Session F - Clay Flute: Make a handbuilt clay “xun” or “ocarina” style flute. Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, February 5
Session G - Creative Card Making: Be ready for those unexpected occasions! Make your own classy cards all while learning the basics of linoleum cut printmaking! Using bold images, blocks will be cut and printed. Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, February 19
Session H - Wooden Bowl: Use the wood lathe to turn and a block of poplar into the perfect little bowl. Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, February 26
Session I - Watercolor Tulips: Learn watercolor techniques while painting springtime tulips. Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, March 18
Session J - Wire Wrap Bracelet: Come learn how to make a simple wire bangle and decorate it with wire, beads, and charms! Friday afternoon, 4-7 pm, March 18
Session K - Origami: Learn to make origami butterflies, swans, cranes, and geometric ornaments. Friday evening, 6-8 pm, March 18
attention ras and student Organizations!
You can schedule a craft activity session for your student group. Select from a menu of classes geared especially toward being taught in a 1 1⁄2 - to 3-hour session. Activities offered include Pottery, Jewelry Making, Painting, Sculpture, Woodturning, Wood Carving, Stained Glass, Glass Bead Making, and more. Vi s i t t h e C r a f t s C e n t e r w e b s i t e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .
Cover images, L to R: Elissa Doty, Gary Knight, Terry Thirion, Marina Bosetti, Sandra McEwen
wOrKsHOPs, continued
eleCtrO-etCHING (Workshop)
Instructor: John Fetvedt
fee For all skill levels! Get in-depth knowledge and experience electro-etching metal using simple equipment that can easily and safely be set up and used in your home studio. The I = $39 advantages of electro-etching include: no caustic or highly dangerous chemicals are used, no II = $70 dangerous gasses or fumes are created during the process, and many of the electrolyte solutions III = $78 do not become exhausted and do not need to be refreshed. The techniques learned may be used to electro-etch copper, brass, bronze, nickel silver, and silver, depending on the electrolyte. We’ll use 1.5 and 6 volt batteries as power sources, and salt, copper sulfate, and cupric nitrate as electrolytes. A wide variety of resists will be used and discussed during the workshop, including; vinyl, PnP Blue, etc. Students may also use a hydraulic press for forming bracelets, pendants, and earrings. The $35.00 supply fee, paid to instructor at the end of the workshop, includes several sheets of copper. Students who wish to etch silver must bring their own silver to the workshop. 20 gauge metal is recommended for bracelets and pendants and 24 gauge metal for earrings. Visit John’s website: Saturday & Sunday, March 19 & 20, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
marQUetry (Workshop) Instructor: Beth Woody
Workshop fee I = $44 II = $80 III = $89
No experience needed! Have you ever wanted to make the lovely imagery or floral inserts used in fine furniture and intricately detailed pictures? You can! Not only will students in this hands-on workshop learn the history of this ancient art form, they will also cut veneer with hand-operated fret saws and knives while creating their own beautiful marquetry picture. A $25 materials fee payable to the instructor at the end of the workshop covers veneer and use of all tools needed to complete one picture. Additional supplies will be available for purchase. Saturday & Sunday, April 2 & 3, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
sIlK DyeING teCHNIQUes (Workshop)
Instructor: Wanda Borrelli
Workshop fee I = $39 II = $70 III = $78
No experience necessary! Add some color to your wardrobe or make a gift for that special friend. In this fun class we will learn different dyeing techniques using Procion MX dyes on silk scarves. Exciting patterns will emerge as we experiment with various techniques and color mixing. Colors can range from vibrant to pastels. In addition to immersion dyeing, we will learn shibori techniques and different forms of resist. All supplies provided. A $30 materials fee, payable to instructor at first class, includes 6 silk scarves. Extra scarves will be available for purchase. Saturday & Sunday, April 16 & 17, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
exhibitions & special events
Check out our upcoming gallery exhibitions & special events on our website: Here’s what you’ll find: the Disappearing Frogs Project Art Exhibition; Crafting for the Birds - A Challenge and Informative Talk; In Search of Lost Frogs, a presentation by author and photographer Robin Moore; a talk on Forensic Photography by Gary Knight; a presentation by nationally known potter Neil Patterson; and Exploring the Micro-World: Where Science Meets Art!
w w w. n c s u . e d u / c r a f t s
(does NOT include studio access for the semester)
the crafts
Supply fee $8 Class fee I = $33 II = $60 III = $67
Instructor: George Thomas For all skill levels! Build tiny homes for your fine feathered friends! Think about habitat, architecture and what will make your little house a cozy home. A great introduction to woodworking, you’re encouraged to build on your own ideas as we surface and machine wood and even explore the use of non-traditional materials. We hope you’ll consider showing your creation at JC Raulston Arboretum’s annual parade of homes (birdhouses.) Monday evenings for 4 weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 25 – February 15
Crafts Center classes are extracurricular, non-credit classes.
Class fee $5 per session, all supplies included
Instructors: Kathan Bender (an NC State student) and Class fee Gregory Powell (an NC State student) I = $17 For NC State students, Employees & Centennial Affiliates only - a Bike Repair Facility in support of the WolfWheels Program! Say goodbye to expensive bike repairs and learn to properly II = $30 maintain your own bike. Participating NC State students will receive access to our repair facility for their entire college career and participating employees and Centennial Affiliates receive access for their entire term of employment at the University! Whether you are a competitive racer or just a casual rider, this class will provide you with the necessary skills to replace/repair flats, lubricate drive-trains, tune brakes and derailleurs, true wheels, and much more. Students are encouraged to bring their own bikes to learn on. For more about WolfWheels, visit Section A: Thursday evenings for two weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, January 28 & February 4 Section B: Wednesday evenings for two weeks, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, March 23 & 30
tINy HOUses: wOODwOrKING fOr tHe BIrDs
Registration for NC State Students begins Monday, November 16
For NC State students only. Don’t have time to commit to a full-length crafts class? Come join us for an afternoon of fun & learning! Register for one or more sessions.
A special thanks to the Dover Foundation, the Fox Family Foundation, and our family of volunteers & affiliated crafts guilds for their generous support
Would you like to learn to play the guitar? For both electric and acoustic guitar, students in this introductory class will build the basic foundation of chords and rhythm needed to play their favorite songs. No prior knowledge of music is required! (The Crafts Center has three electric guitars for use during class by the first three students to reserve one with registration.) Repeat students welcome. Section A: Monday evenings, 5:00 - 6:00 pm, for 6 weeks, January 25 – February 29 Section B: Wednesday evenings, 5:00 - 6:00 pm, for 6 weeks, January 27 – March 2
Supply fee I n s t r u c t o r : D a v i d Tr u e b l o o d $27 Great as an accent or beside the bed or sofa, the Shaker styled side table is perfect for expandClass fee ing your skill set after taking an introductory woodworking class. Starting from rough planks of poplar hardwood, you’ll layout and learn to taper legs and chop mortise and tenon joints by I = $50 hand. The mix of machines and handtools used offers a great opportunity to experience the joys II = $90 of handcrafting a fine piece of furniture. III = $100 Saturday mornings for 6 weeks, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, January 23 – February 27 Prerequisites: Completion of the How to Use Woodshop Machines and Handtools class with basic woodworking skills.
esPeCIally fOr NC state stUDeNts !!!
the Crafts Center Campus Box 7320 NC state University raleigh, NC 27695-7320
tHe sHaKer styleD sIDe taBle
For Bike Repair and Raku Firing classes, participants must be age 18 or older and have health insurance. For all other classes, participants must be age 14 or older.
wOODwOrKING, continued
sPrING 2016 sCHeDUle