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Ichabod vs opponent records
MIAA OPPONENTS Central Missouri 46-53 Central Oklahoma 17-24 Emporia State 58-90-1 Fort Hays State 44-37 Lincoln (Mo.) 35-6 Lindenwood 12-5 Missouri Southern 45-46 Missouri Western 49-51 Nebraska-Kearney 25-30 Northeastern State 16-18 Northwest Missouri 56-36 Newman 14-2 Pittsburg State 71-58 Rogers State 2-4
KANSAS OPPONENTS Avila College (Kan.) Baker
1-0 21-5
Barton County Benedictine Bethany Cloud County Friends Haskell Johnson County Kansas Kansas State
0-1 23-11 19-0 2-2 10-4 3-0 8-4 2-20 4-15 Kansas Wesleyan 8-1 Mid-America Nazarene 4-1 Ottawa 7-1 St. Mary’s 5-1 St. Mary’s of the Plains 8-2 Sterling College 6-1 Tabor 1-0 Wichita State 12-13
OTHER OPPONENTS Abilene Christian (Texas) 0-4 Adams State (Colo.) 2-1 Adelphi (N.Y.) 1-0 Angelo State (Texas) 1-8 Arkansas-Monticello 3-4 Arkansas Tech 2-2 Augustana (S.D.) 6-14 Augsburg College (Minn.) 1-0 Barry (Fla.) 0-3 Bellevue (Iowa) 1-0 Bemidji State (Minn.) 3-0 Bloomfield 1-0 Bradley (Ill.) 1-0 Briar Cliff (Neb.) 1-0 Buena Vista (Neb.) 1-1 Cal.-State Chico 0-1 Cal.-State Stanislaus 0-1 Cameron (Okla.) 3-5 Castleton State (Vt.) 1-0 Central (Iowa) 5-4 Central Arkansas 4-1 Central Methodist (Mo.) 2-0 Centrenary (La.) 1-0 Coe College (Iowa) 0-1 Chadron State 1-0 Colorado College 1-0 Colorado School of Mines 1-0 Colo.-Colorado Springs 4-0 Colorado State-Pueblo 4-1 Columbia College (Mo.) 1-0 Concordia St. Paul 7-5 Concordia (Neb.) 1-0 Creighton (Neb.) 0-2 C.W. Post (N.Y.) 1-0 Dana College (Neb.) 5-1 Delta State (Miss.) 1-0 Dixie State (Utah) 0-3 Doane College (Neb.) 2-0 Drake (Iowa) 1-0 Drury (Mo.) 2-2 East Central (Okla.) 2-3 East Stroudsburg (Pa.) 5-0 Eastern New Mexico 11-2 Erksine (S.C.) 2-0 Eureka College (Ill.) 1-0 Evangel (Mo.) 1-1 Florida Southern 2-0 Florida Tech 1-2 Fort Lewis 1-0 Francis Marion (S.C.) 0-1 Georgia College 1-0 Glendale (Ariz.) 0-2 Grace College 1-0 Grand View (Iowa) 1-0 Henderson State (Ark.) 2-2 Houston Baptist (Texas) 1-0 Howard-Payne (Texas) 1-0 Illinois-Chicago 2-0 Illinois-Springfield 1-1 Incarnate Word (Texas) 4-3 Indiana State 1-1 IUPU-Indianapolis 0-1 Kutztown (Pa.) 1-0 Lambuth (Tenn.) 0-1 Lewis (Ill.) 1-0 Lipscomb (Tenn.) 1-0 Livingston (Ala.) 1-0 Lubbock Christian (Texas) 0-1 Luther (Iowa) 2-0 Lynn (Fla.) 2-1 McKendree (Ill.) 1-2 Mary (N.D) Marycrest (Iowa) Marymount (N.Y.)
5-0 2-0 8-1 Maryville (Mo.) 4-0 Massachusetts-Lowell 3-1 Meramac (Mo.) 0-1 Mesa State (Colo.) 1-0 Metro State (Colo.) 1-1 Midwestern State 1-3 Minnesota-Crookston 2-0 Minnesota-Duluth 5-4 Minnesota State 11-11 Minnesota State Moorhead 1-0 Mississippi College 1-0 Missouri Baptist 1-0 Missouri-Kansas City 11-3 Missouri-St. Louis 8-5 Missouri S & T 19-8 Morningside (Iowa) 0-2 Mount St. Scholastic 1-0 Nebraska Omaha 8-28 New Mexico Highlands 2-0 New York Tech 1-0 North Dakota 5-1 North Dakota State 4-5 Northern Colorado 5-0 Northern Iowa 1-3 Northern State (S.D.) 6-2 Northwestern Okla. St. 0-2 Notre Dame (Ind.) 1-0 Nova Southeastern 1-2 Oklahoma 2-3 Oklahoma Baptist 3-0 Oklahoma Christian 1-2 Oklahoma City 5-22 Oklahoma Panhandle 5-1 Olivet Nazarene (Ill.) 0-2 Ouachita Baptist 2-0 Pace 1-0 Pacific Lutheran (Wash.) 1-0 Palm Beach Atlantic 0-3 Park (Mo.) 8-1 Peru State (Neb.) 4-0 Quincy (Ill.) 3-1 Regis (Colo.) 1-0 Rockhurst 5-2 Rollins (Fla.) 2-0 St. Cloud State (Minn.) 6-5 St. Edward’s (Texas) 3-2 St. Francis (Ill.) 1-0 St. Gregory’s (Okla.) 0-3 St. Leo (N.Y.) 0-1 St. Mary’s (Ind.) 0-1 St. Mary’s (Neb.) 0-1 St. Mary’s (Texas) 6-2 St. Thomas Aquinas (N.Y.) 1-0 St. Xavier (Ill.) 2-2 Saginaw Valley (Mich.) 1-1 Science & Arts of Okla. 2-1 Simpson College (Iowa) 3-0 SIU-Edwardsville 1-2 Sioux Falls (S.D.) 3-2 South Connecticut State 1-1 South Dakota 5-1 South Dakota State 8-3 Southampton 3-0 Southeastern Oklahoma 5-7 Southern Arkansas 1-3 Southern Colorado 4-1 Southern Indiana 1-0 Southern Nazarene (Okla.) 3-3 Southern Utah 1-0 Southwest Baptist 54-11 Southwest State (Minn.) 4-1 Southwestern Oklahoma 11-1 Snow 1-0 Stephen F. Austin (Texas) 0-1 Tarkio (Mo.) 3-1 Tarleton State (Texas) 3-6 Texas A&M-International 5-4 Texas A&M-Commerce 1-3 Texas A&M-Kingsville 1-2 Texas Lutheran 2-0 Texas-Permian Basin 2-3 Texas Woman’s 2-2 Truman State 35-32 Upper Iowa 11-3 Valpraiso (Ind.) 1-0 Vanguard (Calif.) 1-0 Wartburg College (Iowa) 1-0 Wayne State (Mich.) 2-1 Wayne State (Neb.) 21-12 West Florida 2-1 West Texas A&M 1-8 Western New Mexico 1-3 Winona State (Minn.) 1-3 William Jewell (Mo.) 4-1 William Penn (Iowa) 0-1 William Woods (Mo.) 1-1 Wisc.-Eau Claire 2-0 Wisc.-Oshkosh 2-0 Wisc.-Parkside 1-0 Wisc.-Superior 3-0