24 minute read
Ichabod season/career highs
Hits 1. Torrie Beauchamp 85 1999 2. Chris Torrez 81 1995 3. Kristen Cheney 80 2002
Samantha Stallbaumer 80 2019 5. Samantha Stallbaumer 74 2018 6. Tish Williams 75 2007 7. Carrie Kaberline 73 2000
Marrit Mead 73 2021 9. Marcy Scott 70 1996 10. Dani White 69 2009
Marina Quimby 69 2015
Emilee Baker 69 2018
Doubles 1. Carrie Kaberline 22 2000
Stacie Carpenter 22 2000 3. Dani White 19 2009 4. Brooke DeVader 17 2006
Tish Williams 17 2007
Lindsey Moore 17 2012 7. Dara Clouse 16 2002 8. Carrie Kaberline 15 1999
Savannah Moore 15 2018 10. Six tied with 14
Triples 1. Tish Yarnell 10 1986 2. Torrie Beauchamp 8 1999 3. Brandi Steinmetz 7 1992
Katie Schroeder 7 2014 5. Brandi Steinmetz 6 1993
Sherri Spangler 6 1990
Tish Yarnell 6 1985
Brianna Fuchs 6 2019 9. Marcy Scott 5 1998
Chris Torrez 5 1996
Kim Campbell 5 1978
Shelly (Burke) DeHart 5 1991
Tish Williams 5 2008 Home Runs 1. Tish Williams 19 2009 2. Lauren Thimmesch 16 2015
Tish Williams 16 2008 4. Lauren Thimmesch 15 2014 5. Brooke DeVader 14 2008
Tish Williams 14 2007
Taylor Kirk 14 2019 8. Dani White 12 2006
Dani White 12 2009
Tish Williams 12 2010
Lauren Thimmesch 12 2013
Taylor Kirk 12 2018
Ashton Friend 12 2021
Batting Average 1. Tish Williams 2. Chris Torrez 3. Marrit Mead .490 2007 .458 1995 .453 2021
4. Marcy Scott
.440 1996 5. Chris Torrez .437 1996 6. Kristen Cheney .428 2002 7. Torrie Beauchamp .423 1996 Brandi Steinmetz .423 1993 Samantha Stallbaumer .419 2019 10. Torrie Beauchamp .414 1998
Runs Batted In 1. Savannah Moore 62 2018 2. Tish Williams 56 2007 3. Chris Torrez 52 1996 4. Taylor Kirk 51 2019 5. Tish Williams 48 2008
Dani White 48 2009 7. Shelly (Burke) DeHart 47 1993
Chris Torrez 47 1994 9. Lauren Thimmesch 45 2015 10. Brooke DeVader 43 2008 Runs Scored 1. Tish Williams 58 2009 2. Samantha Stallbaumer 53 2018 3. Kristen Cheney 52 2002 4. Torrie Beauchamp 50 1999 5. Cassidy Merriman 48 2015 6. Tish Williams 47 2008 7. Hayle Beauchamp 45 2000
Torrie Beauchamp 45 1996
Marrit Mead 45 2021 10. Chris Torrez 44 1996
Stolen Bases 1. Torrie Beauchamp 33 2000 2. Samantha Stallbaumer 31 2018
Samantha Stallbaumer 31 2019 4. Jenny Klamm 29 1990
Jo Wodtke 29 1990 6. Hayle Beauchamp 28 2000 7. Chris Shaffer 27 1994
Julie Michel 27 1990
Rina Hembrough 27 1990 10. Stephanie Reed 23 1988
Torrie Beauchamp 23 1998
Pitching Victories 1. Laura Klamm 30 1986
2. Kathy Mohler Amy Heiman Joanne Fluker
22 2000 22 1999 22 2004 5. Katie Gregg 21 2002 6. Lauren Thimmesch 20 2015
Kelly Swygert 20 2006 8. Kathy Mohler 19 1999 9. Five with 18
Ichabod Career Highs
Hits 1. Torrie Beauchamp 2. Tish Williams 3. Chris Torrez 4. Brooke DeVader 5. Dani White 6. Marcy Scott 7. Carrie Kaberline 7. Julie Blaufuss 9. Mandy Tarbutton 10. Dara Clouse
1996-99 2007-10 1993-96 2005-08 2006-09 1996-99 1997-2000 2000-03 2005-08 2001-04 258 250 245 225 217 210 207 205 203 201
Batting Average - minimum 250 AB’s 1. Samantha Stallbaumer 2018-19 .405, 154h, 380 AB 2. Tish Williams 2007-10 .399, 250 H, 626 AB 3. Chris Torrez 1993-96 398, 245 H, 616 AB 4. Torrie Beauchamp 1996-99 .387, 258 H, 666 AB 5. Brandi Steinmetz 1992-93 .354, 101 H, 273 AB 6. Shelly Cole 1997-98 .361, 95 H, 263 AB 7. Kristen Cheney 1999-2002 .358, 183 H, 511 AB 8. Marina Quimby 2013-16 .354, 180 H, 508 AB 9. Cassidy Merriman 2015-16 .344, 110 H, 320 AB 10. Marcy Scott 1996-99 .338, 210 H, 622 AB
Walks 1. 117 Williams,Tish 2006-10 2. 69 Marsteller,Haylee 2013-16 3. 66 Zordel,Alex 2010-13 66 Beauchamp,Torrie 1996-99 5. 65 Schmidt,Katie 2001-04 6. 62 DeVader,Brooke 2005-08 7. 59 Torrez,Chris 1993-96 8. 58 Webb,Ashley 2004-07 9. 55 Amanda Vawter 1998-00 10. 53 Clouse,Dara 2001-04
Stolen Bases 1. 87 Beauchamp,Torrie (87-95)1996-99 2. 62 Samantha Stallbaumer (62-69)2018-19 3. 59 Klamm,Jenny (59-73) 1990-93 4. 54 Wodtke,Jo (54-57) 1989-91 5. 45 Hembrough,Rina (45-48)1989-90 6. 34 Mohler,Kathy (34-37) 1997-00 7. 33 Paul,Diana (33-36) 1991-92 8. 32 Hayle Beauchamp (32-33)1999-00 9. 31 Spangler,Sherri (31-31) 1989-90 10. 29 Kristen Cheney (29-32) 1999-02 Doubles 1. Stacie Carpenter 1998-2001 2. Dani White 2006-09
3. Carrie Kaberline 1997-2000
4. Tish Williams
2007-10 5. Savannah Moore 2015, 17-19 6. Brooke DeVader 2005-08
Chris Torrez 1993-96
8. Dara Clouse 2001-04
Lindsey Moore 10. Marcy Scott Julie Blaufuss 2009-12 1996-99 2000-03
Triples 1. Tish Yarnell 2. Chris Torrez 3. Katie Schroeder Torrie Beauchamp Brandi Steinmetz 6. Lindsey Himpel 7. Marcy Scott Brianna Fuchs 9. Ashley Ruder 10. Three with 1985-88 1993-96 2011-14 1996-99 1992-93 2009-11 1996-99 2019-21 2016-19
Home Runs 1. Tish Williams 2. Dani White Lauren Thimmesch 4. Brooke DeVader 5. Chris Torrez 6. Alex Zordel
2007-10 2006-09 2013-15 2005-08 1993-96 2010-13 7. Savannah Moore 2015, 17-19 8. Taylor Kirk 9. Kala Huske 2018-19 2003-06
10. Carrie Kaberline 1997-2000
Runs Batted In 1. Chris Torrez Tish Williams 3. Dani White
1993-96 2007-10 2006-09 4. Savannah Moore 2015, 17-19 5. Brooke DeVader 2005-08
6. Carrie Kaberline
1997-2000 7. Stacie Carpenter 1998-2001 8. Julie Blaufuss 2000-03 Earned Run Average 1. Laura Klamm 0.47 1984 2. Carol Williams 0.49 1979 3. Rhonda Rouck 0.86 1990 4. Stephanie Reed 0.92 1990 5. Katie Gregg 1.05 2003 6. Ashley Perkins 1.11 2002 7. Ashley Perkins 1.16 2003 8. Katie Gregg 1.19 2002 9. Elizabeth Anthony 1.31 1997 10. Two tied with 1.32
Strikeouts 1. Megan Deiter 2. Amy Heiman 3. Kathy Mohler
180 2018 161 1999 152 2000 4. Danielle Fox 141 2011 5. Ashley Perkins 131 2003 6. Joanne Fluker 125 2004 Raegen Hamm 125 2019 8. Katie Gregg 124 2002 9. Laura Klamm 122 1984 10. Lauren Thimmesch 117 2020
Fielding Pct. (Minimum 200 chances) 1. Julie Blaufuss 1.000 2000
Dara Clouse 1.000 2003 3. Dara Clouse .998 2002
Julie Blaufuss .998 2002 5. Dawn Nachbar .996 2000
Dara Clouse .996 2004
Connie George .996 1984
Kala Huske .996 2005 9. Malarie Fellers .998 2007 10. Dani White .997 2008 Assists 1. Brooke DeVader 192 2008 2. Cory Bergstrom 178 1995 3. Keri Tanner 177 2002 4. Amanda Carey 170 2005 5. Tish Williams 158 2007 6. Carrie Kaberline 149 1999 7. Mikala Mohler 147 2005 8. Katie Schmidt 145 2004 9. Jill Fischer 144 1988 10. Malarie Fellers 142 2005
Putouts 1. Dani White 562 2008 2. Latisha Yarnell 509 1986 3. Dara Clouse 487 2002 4. Brooke DeVader 483 2005 5. Dara Clouse 458 2004 6. Dara Clouse 454 2003 7. Kala Huske 445 2006
Dani White 445 2009 9. Stacie Carpenter 440 1999 10. Dani White 434 2007
Errors 1. Lenore Sparkman 30 1988 2. Brooke DeVader 29 2008 3. Lindsey Moore 28 2010 4. Shelby Erickson 26 2012 5. Shelby Erickson 25 2013 6. Carrie Kaberline 23 2000 7. Shelby Erickson 24 2014 8. Brooke DeVader 22 2006 9. Ashley Stewart 21 2003
Lindsey Moore 21 2010
56 51 49 47 45 44 44 40 40 39 39
21 15 13 13 13 11 10 10 9 8
61 43 43 38 32 30 27 26 24 22
167 167 159 156 141 139 121 120 118 111 Runs Scored 1. Tish Williams 2. Torrie Beauchamp 3. Chris Torrez 4. Ashley Webb 5. Katie Schroeder 6. Kristen Cheney 7. Brooke DeVader
2007-10 1996-99 1993-96 2004-07 2011-14 1999-2002 2005-08 8. Savannah Moore 2015, 17-19 9. Marcy Scott 10. Marina Quimby 1996-99 2013-16
Pitching Victories 1. Laura Klamm 2. Kathy Mohler 3. Amy Heiman 4. Kelly Swygert 5. Shannon Rhodes 6. Rhonda Rouck 7. Katie Gregg Reagen Hamm 9. Lauren Thimmesch 10. Erin Pierce
1983-86 1997-2000 1998-2001 2005-08 1990-93 1990-93 2002-03 2019-21 2013-15 2004-06
Assists 1. Malarie Fellers 2. Tish Williams 3. Brooke Devader 4. Katie Schmidt 5. Shelby Erickson 6. Carrie Kaberline 7. Dawn Nachbar 8. Katie Schroeder
2005-08 2007-10 2005-08 2001-04 2011-14 1997-2000 1999-2002 2011-14
9. Lindsey Moore
2009-12 10. Savannah Moore 2015, 17-19
Putouts 1. Dani White 2. Dara Clouse 3. Tish Yarnell
2006-09 2001-04 1985-88 4. Stacie Carpenter 1998-2001 5. Julie Blaufuss 2000-03
6. Alex Zordel 2010-13
7. Kala Huske 2002-06 188 175 148 127 125 124 123 116 115 110
79 69 65 60 54 51 39 39 37 33
524 506 486 382 375 349 348 343 341 277
1533 1489 1240 1226 862 771 738 710 696 693
Highest batting avg. (Minimum 250 AB) 1. .405 Stallbaumer, Samantha(154-380) 2018-19 2. .399 Williams,Tish (250-626) 2006-10 3. .398 Torrez,Chris (245-616) 1993-96 4. .387 Beauchamp,Torrie (258-666) 1996-99 5. .370 Steinmetz,Brandi (101-273) 1992-93 6. .361 Cole,Shelley (95-263) 1997-98 7. .358 Kristen Cheney (183-511) 1999-02 8. .354 Quimby,Marina (180-508) 2013-16 9. .344 Merriman,Cassidy (110-320) 2015-16 10. .339 Brooke Lyons (104-307) 2001-02
Highest slugging pct. (Minimum 250 ABs) 1. .792 Williams,Tish (626 AB) 2006-10 2. .657 Torrez,Chris (616 AB) 1993-96 3. .629 Thimmesch,Lauren (456 AB) 2013-15 4. .625 Merriman,Cassidy (320 AB) 2015-16 5. .624 Kirk, Taylor (327 AB) 2018-19 6. .611 White,Dani (669 AB) 2006-09 7. .587 DeVader,Brooke (670 AB) 2005-08 8. .546 Moore, Savannah (604 AB)2015,17-19 9. .544 Zimmerman,Taylor (281 AB) 2015-16 10. .543 Zordel,Alex (534 AB) 2010-13
Highest on base pct. (Minimum 250 ABs) 1. .501 Williams,Tish (626 AB) 2006-10 2. .450 Torrez,Chris (616 AB) 1993-96 3. .443 Beauchamp,Torrie (666 AB) 1996-99 4. .434 Stallbaumer, Samanatha (380AB) 2018-19 4. .433 Cole,Shelley (263 AB) 1997-98 5. .422 Zordel,Alex (534 AB) 2010-13 6. .420 Kristen Cheney (511 AB) 1999-02 7. .399 Podschun,Ashley (323 AB) 2009-10 8. .399 Steinmetz,Brandi (273 AB) 1992-93 9. .398 two with
Most games played 1. 220 DeVader,Brooke 220 Tarbutton,Mandy 3. 218 Fellers,Malarie 4. 217 White,Dani 5. 212 Blaufuss,Julie 6. 211 Carrie Kaberline 7. 209 Webb,Ashley 209 Clouse,Dara 9. 207 Williams,Tish 10. 202 Scott,Marcy
Most games started 1. 220 Tarbutton,Mandy 2. 219 DeVader,Brooke 3. 217 Fellers,Malarie 217 White,Dani 5. 211 Blaufuss,Julie 211 Carrie Kaberline 7. 209 Webb,Ashley 8. 207 Williams,Tish 9. 205 Clouse,Dara 10. 198 Schmidt,Katie
Most at bats 1. 706 Tarbutton,Mandy 2. 675 Fellers,Malarie 3. 670 DeVader,Brooke 4. 669 White,Dani 5. 666 Beauchamp,Torrie 6. 660 Blaufuss,Julie 7. 633 Clouse,Dara 8. 631 Carrie Kaberline 9. 626 Williams,Tish 10. 622 Scott,Marcy
Most runs scored 1. 188 Williams,Tish 2. 173 Beauchamp,Torrie 3. 148 Torrez,Chris 4. 127 Webb,Ashley 5. 125 Schroeder,Katie 6. 124 Kristen Cheney 7. 123 DeVader,Brooke 8. 116 Moore, Savannah 9. 115 Scott,Marcy 10. 106 Quimby,Marina
Most hits 1. 258 Beauchamp,Torrie 2. 250 Williams,Tish 3. 245 Torrez,Chris 4. 225 DeVader,Brooke 5. 217 White,Dani 6. 210 Scott,Marcy 7. 207 Carrie Kaberline 8. 205 Blaufuss,Julie 9. 203 Tarbutton,Mandy 10. 201 Clouse,Dara 2005-08 2005-08 2005-08 2006-09 2000-03 1997-00 2004-07 2001-04 2006-10 1996-99
2005-08 2005-08 2005-08 2006-09 2000-03 1997-00 2004-07 2006-10 2001-04 2001-04
2005-08 2005-08 2005-08 2006-09 1996-99 2000-03 2001-04 1997-00 2006-10 1996-99
2006-10 1996-99 1993-96 2004-07 2011-14 1999-02 2005-08 2015, 17-19 1996-99 2013-16
1996-99 2006-10 1993-96 2005-08 2006-09 1996-99 1997-00 2000-03 2005-08 2001-04 Most doubles 1. 56 Stacie Carpenter 2. 51 White,Dani 3. 49 Carrie Kaberline 4. 47 Williams,Tish 5. 45 Moore, Savannah 6. 44 Torrez,Chris 44 DeVader,Brooke 8. 40 Clouse,Dara 40 Moore,Lindsey 10. 39 Scott,Marcy 39 Blaufuss,Julie
Most triples 1. 16 Torrez,Chris 2. 13 Schroeder,Katie 13 Klamm,Jenny 13 Beauchamp,Torrie 5. 12 Guerin,Angie 6. 10 Hembrough,Rina 10 Scott,Marcy 10 Fuchs,Brianna 9. 9 Ruder, Ashley 10. 8 Williams,Tish 8 Tarbutton,Mandy 8 Huske,Kala 8 Fuchs,Brianna
Most home runs 1. 61 Williams,Tish 2. 43 Thimmesch,Lauren 43 White,Dani 4. 38 DeVader,Brooke 5. 30 Zordel,Alex 6. 28 Torrez,Chris 7. 27 Moore, Savannah 8. 26 Kirk, Taylor 9. 24 Huske,Kala 10. 22 Carrie Kaberline
Most runs batted in 1. 167 Torrez,Chris 167 Williams,Tish 3. 159 White,Dani 4. 156 Moore, Savannah 5. 141 DeVader,Brooke 6. 139 Carrie Kaberline 7. 121 Stacie Carpenter 8. 120 Blaufuss,Julie 9. 118 Clouse,Dara 10. 111 Zordel,Alex
Most total bases 1. 496 Williams,Tish 2. 409 White,Dani 3. 405 Torrez,Chris 4. 393 DeVader,Brooke 5. 332 Carrie Kaberline 6. 330 Moore, Savannah 7. 323 Beauchamp,Torrie 8. 307 Blaufuss,Julie 9. 300 Stacie Carpenter 10. 292 Huske,Kala
Most walks 1. 117 Williams,Tish 2. 69 Marsteller,Haylee 3. 66 Zordel,Alex 66 Beauchamp,Torrie 5. 65 Schmidt,Katie 6. 62 DeVader,Brooke 7. 59 Torrez,Chris 8. 58 Webb,Ashley 9. 55 Amanda Vawter 10. 53 Clouse,Dara
Most times hit by pitch 1. 36 Schroeder,Katie 2. 23 Erickson,Jordan 3. 19 Zordel,Alex 4. 17 Moore, Savannah 5. 16 Jones,Deidra 6. 15 Henry,Winter 7. 14 Stacie Carpenter 8. 13 Kemp,Sierra 9. 12 five with
1998-01 2006-09 1997-00 2006-10 2015, 17-19 1993-96 2005-08 2001-04 2009-12 1996-99 2000-03
1993-96 2011-14 1990-93 1996-99 1994-95,97 1989-90 1996-99 2019-21 2016-19 2006-10 2005-08 2003-06 2019-20
2006-10 2013-15 2006-09 2005-08 2010-13 1993-96 2015, 17-19 2018-19 2003-06 1997-00
1993-96 2006-10 2006-09 2015, 17-19 2005-08 1997-00 1998-01 2000-03 2001-04 2010-13
2006-10 2006-09 1993-96 2005-08 1997-00 2015, 17-19 1996-99 2000-03 1998-01 2003-06
2006-10 2013-16 2010-13 1996-99 2001-04 2005-08 1993-96 2004-07 1998-00 2001-04
2011-14 2014-15,17 2010-13 2015, 17-19 2013-14 2019-20 1998-01 2015-16 Most sacrifice flies 1. 9 Stacie Carpenter 2. 8 Schmidt,Katie 8 Friend,Ashton 4. 7 Blaufuss,Julie 7 Clouse,Dara 7 Moore, Savannah 7. 6 White,Dani 6 Erickson,Shelby 6 Zordel,Alex 6 Moore,Savannah 6 Carrie Kaberline
1998-01 2001-04 2020-21 2000-03 2001-04 2015, 17-19 2006-09 2011-14 2010-13 2015,17-18 1997-00
Most sacrifice hits 1. 43 Fellers,Malarie 2. 39 Mohler,Kathy 3. 37 Himpel,Lindsey 4. 34 Tarbutton,Mandy 5. 33 Clouse,Dara 6. 32 Scott,Marcy 7. 31 Brooke Lyons 8. 27 Schmidt,Katie 27 Carrie Kaberline 10. 26 Webb,Ashley 2005-08 1997-00 2009-11 2005-08 2001-04 1996-99 2001-02 2001-04 1997-00 2004-07
Most stolen bases (Attempts) 1. 87 Beauchamp,Torrie (87-95) 1996-99 2. 62 Stallbaumer, Samantha (62-69) 2018-19 3. 59 Klamm,Jenny (59-73) 1990-93 4. 54 Wodtke,Jo (54-57) 1989-91 5. 45 Hembrough,Rina (45-48) 1989-90 6. 34 Mohler,Kathy (34-37) 1997-00 7. 33 Paul,Diana (33-36) 1991-92 8. 32 Hayle Beauchamp (32-33) 1999-00 9. 31 Spangler,Sherri (31-31) 1989-90 10. 29 Kristen Cheney (29-32) 1999-02
Most stolen base attempts (Stolen bases) 1. 95 Beauchamp,Torrie (87) 1996-99 2. 73 Klamm,Jenny (59) 1990-93 3. 69 Stallbaumer, Samantha (62) 2018-19 4. 57 Wodtke,Jo (54) 1989-91 5. 48 Hembrough,Rina (45) 1989-90 6. 37 Mohler,Kathy (34) 1997-00 7. 36 Paul,Diana (33) 1991-92 8. 33 Hayle Beauchamp (32) 1999-00 9. 32 Kristen Cheney (29) 1999-02 10. 31 Shaffer,Chris (28) 1993-94 31 Spangler,Sherri (31) 1989-90 31 Ruder, Ashley (27) 2016-19
Lowest ERA (Innings pitched) 1. 1.12 Gregg,Katie (337.1) 2002-03 2. 1.14 Perkins,Ashley (319.2) 2002-03 3. 1.28 Fund,Vickie (261.2) 1989 4. 1.35 Rouck,Rhonda (520.0) 1990-93 5. 1.89 Sauer,Tammy (148.0) 1996 6. 1.89 Mohler,Kathy (728.1) 1997-00 7. 1.93 Rhodes,Shannon (479.0) 1990-93 8. 1.96 Reed,Michelle (150.0) 1990-91 9. 1.98 Amy Heiman (704.0) 1998-01 10. 2.10 two with
Fewest walks/7 inn game (min. 100 IP) 1. 0.54 Gregg,Katie (337.1) 2002-03 2. 0.89 Reed,Michelle (150.0) 1990-91 3. 1.18 Fund,Vickie (261.2) 1989 4. 1.40 Swygert,Kelly (670.2) 2005-08 5. 1.42 Novotny,Kelsie (212.2) 2010-11 6. 1.50 Fluker,Joanne (233.0) 2004 7. 1.68 Kimerer,Megan (104.1) 2007-09 8. 1.72 Mohler,Kathy (728.1) 1997-00 9. 1.80 Sauer,Tammy (148.0) 1996 10. 1.82 Pierce,Erin (419.0) 2004-06
Most strikeouts/7 inn game (Minimum 100 IP) 1. 8.64 Deiter,Megan (162.0 IP) 2018-19 2. 6.67 Fox,Danielle (148.0 IP) 2011 3. 5.72 Perkuhn,Nicole (104.0 IP) 2007-10 4. 5.53 Hamm,Raegen (437.0 IP) 2019-21 5. 5.34 Perkins,Ashley (319.2 IP) 2002-03 6. 4.90 Gregg,Katie (337.1 IP) 2002-03 7. 4.79 Crabtree,Lexi (147.2 IP) 2017-18 4.79 Holly Reichel (203.1 IP) 2001-02 9. 4.28 Novotny,Kelsie (212.2 IP) 2010-11 10. 4.06 Pierce,Erin (419.0 IP) 2004-06 3. 60 Swygert,Kelly (60-39)
2005-08 4. 51 Rouck,Rhonda (51-24) 1990-93 51 Rhodes,Shannon (51-20) 1990-93 6. 39 Gregg,Katie (39-9) 2002-03 39 Hamm,Raegen (39-31) 2019-21 8. 37 Thimmesch,Lauren (37-31) 2013-15 9. 34 Perkins,Ashley (34-13) 2002-03 10. 33 Pierce,Erin (33-31) 2004-06
Most losses 1. 46 Long,Kayla (30-46) 2. 39 Swygert,Kelly (60-39) 39 Amy Heiman (65-39)
2007-10 2005-08 1998-01 4. 38 Mohler,Kathy (69-38) 1997-00 5. 31 Thimmesch,Lauren (37-31) 2013-15 31 Pierce,Erin (33-31) 2004-06 31 Hamm,Raegen (39-31) 2019-21 8. 30 Quimby,Marina (7-30) 2013-16 9. 28 Davis,Stacey (20-28) 1994-95,97 10. 24 Rouck,Rhonda (51-24) 1990-93
Most saves 1. 7 Crabtree,Lexi 2. 6 Carson,Samantha 3. 4 Hamm,Raegen 4. 3 Mohler,Kathy 5. 2 Farris,Samantha 2 Herrin,Aubree 2 Sauer,Tammy 2 Swygert,Kelly 2 Zuniga, Bailey 2 Hamm,Raegen
Most appearances 1. 137 Amy Heiman 2. 133 Mohler,Kathy 3. 123 Swygert,Kelly 4. 97 Hamm,Raegen 5. 95 Long,Kayla 6. 91 Rouck,Rhonda 7. 84 Thimmesch,Lauren 8. 80 Rhodes,Shannon 9. 78 Carson,Samantha 10. 72 Pierce,Erin 2017-18 2014-17 2019-21 1997-00 2009-10 2018-19 1996 2005-08 2019 2019-20
1998-01 1997-00 2005-08 2019-21 2007-10 1990-93 2013-15 1990-93 2014-17 2004-06
Most games started 1. 107 Amy Heiman 2. 100 Swygert,Kelly 3. 97 Mohler,Kathy 4. 84 Rouck,Rhonda 5. 83 Long,Kayla 6. 74 Rhodes,Shannon 7. 69 Hamm,Raegen 8. 66 Pierce,Erin 9. 55 Henry,Kelsee 10. 53 Davis,Stacey
Most complete games 1. 79 Amy Heiman 2. 77 Mohler,Kathy 3. 74 Swygert,Kelly 4. 66 Rhodes,Shannon 5. 55 Rouck,Rhonda 6. 49 Pierce,Erin 7. 47 Long,Kayla 8. 42 Thimmesch,Lauren 42 Gregg,Katie 10. 36 Davis,Stacey
Most shutouts 1. 25 Amy Heiman 2. 24 Gregg,Katie 3. 22 Rouck,Rhonda 4. 20 Mohler,Kathy 5. 17 Perkins,Ashley 6. 16 Swygert,Kelly 7. 14 Rhodes,Shannon 8. 10 Pierce,Erin 9. 9 Fluker,Joanne 9 Hamm,Raegen
Most innings pitched 1. 728.1 Mohler,Kathy 2. 704.0 Amy Heiman 3. 670.2 Swygert,Kelly 4. 520.0 Rouck,Rhonda 5. 479.0 Rhodes,Shannon 6. 463.1 Long,Kayla 7. 437.0 Hamm,Raegen 8. 428.1 Thimmesch,Lauren 9. 419.0 Pierce,Erin 10. 349.0 Davis,Stacey
1998-01 2005-08 1997-00 1990-93 2007-10 1990-93 2019-21 2004-06 2017-18 1994-95,97
1998-01 1997-00 2005-08 1990-93 1990-93 2004-06 2007-10 2013-15 2002-03 1994-95,97
1998-01 2002-03 1990-93 1997-00 61 2002-03 2005-08 1990-93 2004-06 2004 2019-21
1997-00 1998-01 2005-08 1990-93 1990-93 2007-10 2019-21 2013-15 2004-06 1994-95,97 Most hits allowed 1. 706 Swygert,Kelly 2. 701 Mohler,Kathy 3. 656 Amy Heiman 4. 515 Long,Kayla 5. 508 Thimmesch,Lauren 6. 468 Pierce,Erin 7. 464 Davis,Stacey 8. 403 Carson,Samantha 403 Hamm,Raegen 10. 394 Rouck,Rhonda
2005-08 1997-00 1998-01 2007-10 2013-15 2004-06 1994-95,97 2014-17 2019-21 1990-93
Most strikeouts 1. 404 Mohler,Kathy 2. 390 Amy Heiman 3. 345 Hamm,Raegen 4. 271 Rhodes,Shannon 5. 251 Rouck,Rhonda 6. 244 Perkins,Ashley 7. 243 Pierce,Erin 8. 236 Gregg,Katie 9. 229 Thimmesch,Lauren 10. 224 Long,Kayla 1997-00 1998-01 2019-21 1990-93 1990-93 2002-03 2004-06 2002-03 2013-15 2007-10
Fielding pct. (Min. 250 chances) 1. .991 Clouse,Dara (1489-101-15) 2001-04 2. .990 Francis, Bri (710-52-8) 2018-21 3. .989 Horejsi,Jacque (233-34-3) 2010-11 4. .986 Cushing,Britny (403-18-6) 2009-12 .986 Blaufuss,Julie (862-101-14) 2000-03 .986 Kemp,Taylor (248-27-4) 2015-17 .986 Myers,Lacie (301-39-5) 2016-18 .986 Thimmesch,Lauren (439-173-9) 2013-15 9. .984 Huske,Kala (738-84-13) 2003-06 .984 Bell,Kristen (481-88-9) 2012-15
Most chances 1. 1742 White,Dani 2. 1605 Clouse,Dara 3. 1333 Stacie Carpenter 4. 1258 DeVader,Brooke 5. 1106 Fellers,Malarie 6. 1098 Carrie Kaberline 7. 983 Zordel,Alex 8. 977 Blaufuss,Julie 9. 835 Huske,Kala 10. 770 Francis,Bri 2006-09 2001-04 1998-01 2005-08 2005-08 1997-00 2010-13 2000-03 2003-06 2018-21
Most putouts 1. 1533 White,Dani 2. 1489 Clouse,Dara 3. 1226 Stacie Carpenter 4. 862 Blaufuss,Julie 5. 771 Zordel,Alex 6. 738 Huske,Kala 7. 710 Francis,Bri 8. 696 Carrie Kaberline 9. 693 DeVader,Brooke 10. 542 Fellers,Malarie
Most assists 1. 524 Fellers,Malarie 2. 506 Williams,Tish 3. 486 DeVader,Brooke 4. 382 Schmidt,Katie 5. 375 Erickson,Shelby 6. 349 Carrie Kaberline 7. 348 Dawn Nachbar 8. 343 Schroeder,Katie 9. 341 Moore,Lindsey 10. 277 Moore, Savannah
Most double plays turned 1. 47 Clouse,Dara 2. 43 DeVader,Brooke 3. 39 Fellers,Malarie 4. 37 White,Dani 5. 32 Zordel,Alex 6. 27 Schroeder,Katie 7. 24 Stacie Carpenter 8. 22 Moore,Lindsey 9. 20 Kirk,Taylor 10. 17 Dawn Nachbar 2006-09 2001-04 1998-01 2000-03 2010-13 2003-06 2018-21 1997-00 2005-08 2005-08
2005-08 2006-10 2005-08 2001-04 2011-14 1997-00 1999-02 2011-14 2009-12 2015, 17-19
2001-04 2005-08 2005-08 2006-09 2010-13 2011-13 1998-01 2009-12 2018-19 1999-02
Highest batting avg. (minimum 125 AB) 1. .490 Williams,Tish (75-153) 2007 2. .458 Torrez,Chris (81-177) 1995 3. .453 Mead,Marritt (73-161) 2021 4. .440 Scott,Marcy (70-159) 1996 5. .437 Torrez,Chris (66-151) 1996 6. .428 Kristen Cheney (80-187) 2002 7. .423 Beauchamp,Torrie (63-149) 1996 8. .423 Steinmetz,Brandi (60-142) 1993 9. .419 Stallbaumer, Samantha (80-191) 2019 10. .414 Beauchamp,Torrie (58-140) 1998
Highest slugging pct. (ABs) 1. .889 Williams,Tish (153 AB) 2007 2. .797 Williams,Tish (172 AB) 2009 3. .782 Williams,Tish (170 AB) 2008 4. .762 Torrez,Chris (151 AB) 1996 5. .729 Torrez,Chris (177 AB) 1995 6. .728 White,Dani (173 AB) 2009 7. .720 Friend,Ashton (132 AB) 2021 8. .693 Kirk, Taylor (176 AB) 2019 9. .687 Williams,Tish (131 AB) 2010 10. .677 Mead,Marrit (161 AB) 2021
Highest on base pct. (ABs) 1. .551 Williams,Tish (153 AB) 2007 2. .522 Torrez,Chris (177 AB) 1995 3. .519 Williams,Tish (131 AB) 2010 4. .513 Kristen Cheney (187 AB) 2002 5. .503 Torrez,Chris (151 AB) 1996 6. .485 Zordel,Alex (137 AB) 2012 .485 Beauchamp,Torrie (149 AB) 1996 8. .480 Mead,Marrit (161 AB) 2021 9. .478 Beauchamp,Torrie (140 AB) 1998 10. .470 Williams,Tish (172 AB) 2009 .470 Williams,Tish (170 AB) 2008
Most games played 1. 65 Stacie Carpenter 65 Carrie Kaberline 65 Beauchamp,Torrie 4. 64 Amanda Vawter 5. 63 Scott,Marcy 6. 61 Tara Steffan 7. 59 Five with 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999
Most games started 1. 65 Stacie Carpenter 65 Beauchamp,Torrie 65 Carrie Kaberline 4. 63 Scott,Marcy 63 Amanda Vawter 6. 61 Tara Steffan 7. 59 Five with 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999
Most at bats 1. 218 Beauchamp,Torrie 2. 191 Tarbutton,Mandy 191 Stallbaumer, Samantha 4. 190 Webb,Ashley 190 Scott,Marcy 6. 189 Stallbaumer,Samantha 7. 188 Fellers,Malarie 8. 187 Kristen Cheney 9. 186 DeVader,Brooke 186 Blaufuss,Julie 186 Carrie Kaberline 1999 2005 2019 2004 1999 2018 2005 2002 2008 2002 1999
Most runs scored 1. 58 Williams,Tish 2. 53 Stallbaumer,Samantha 3. 52 Kristen Cheney 4. 50 Beauchamp,Torrie 50 Beauchamp,Torrie 6. 48 Merriman,Cassidy 7. 47 Williams,Tish 8. 45 Hayle Beauchamp 45 Mead,Marrit 10. 44 Torrez,Chris
Most hits 1. 85 Beauchamp,Torrie 2. 81 Torrez,Chris 3. 80 Kristen Cheney 80 Stallbaumer, Samantha 5. 75 Williams,Tish 6. 74 Stallbaumer,Samantha 7. 73 Carrie Kaberline 73 Mead,Marrit 9. 70 Scott,Marcy 10. 69 Baker,Emilee 69 Quimby,Marina 69 White,Dani 2009 2018 2002 1996 1999 2015 2008 2000 2021 1996
1999 1995 2002 2019 2007 2018 2000 2021 1996 2018 2015 2009 Most doubles 1. 22 Carrie Kaberline 2. 19 White,Dani 3. 17 Williams,Tish 17 Moore,Lindsey 17 DeVader,Brooke 6. 16 Clouse,Dara 7. 15 Moore,Savannah 15 Carrie Kaberline 9. 14 seven with
Most triples 1. 8 Beauchamp,Torrie 8 Hembrough,Rina 3. 7 Schroeder,Katie 4. 6 Steinmetz,Brandi 6 Spangler,Sherri 6 Torrez,Chris 6 Fuchs, Brianna 8. 5 seven with
Most home runs 1. 19 Williams,Tish 2. 16 Thimmesch,Lauren 16 Williams,Tish 4. 15 Thimmesch,Lauren 5. 14 Williams,Tish 14 DeVader,Brooke 14 Kirk, Taylor 8. 12 seven with
Most runs batted in 1. 62 Moore,Savannah 2. 56 Williams,Tish 3. 52 Torrez,Chris 4. 51 Kirk, Taylor 5. 50 Moore,Savannah 6. 48 Williams,Tish 48 White,Dani 8. 47 DeHart,Shelly 47 Torrez,Chris 47 Friend,Ashton
Most total bases 1. 137 Williams,Tish 2. 136 Williams,Tish 3. 133 Williams,Tish 4. 129 Torrez,Chris 5. 126 White,Dani 126 Kristen Cheney 7. 122 Kirk, Taylor 8. 115 Four with
Most walks 1. 43 Williams,Tish 2. 33 Kristen Cheney 3. 26 Williams,Tish 26 Williams,Tish 5. 24 Torrez,Chris 24 Zordel,Alex 7. 23 Clouse,Dara 8. 22 four with
Most times hit by pitch 1. 12 Schroeder,Katie 2. 10 Schroeder,Katie 10 Schroeder,Katie 4. 9 Moore,Savannah 9 Kemp,Sierra 9 Kerschen,Hadely 6. 8 six with
Most sacrifice flies 1. 6 Friend,Ashton 2. 5 Stacie Carpenter 3. 4 Zordel,Alex 4 Moore,Savannah 4 Erickson,Shelby 4 Schmidt,Katie 4 White,Dani 8. 3 Nine times
Most sacrifice hits 1. 21 Mohler,Kathy 2. 20 Himpel,Lindsey 3. 17 Brooke Lyons 4. 16 Scott,Marcy 16 Himpel,Lindsey 16 Whitt,Tiffany 7. 15 Bergrstom,Cory 15 Billington,Katie 15 Bainter,Liz 10. 14 Fellers,Malarie 14 Brooke Lyons 2000 2009 2007 2012 2006 2002 2018 1999
1999 1989 2014 1993 1990 1995 2019
2009 2015 2008 2014 2007 2008 2019
2018 2007 1996 2019 2019 2008 2009 1993 1994 2021
2009 2007 2008 1995 2009 2002 2019
2010 2002 2008 2009 1995 2012 2002
2013 2014 2012 2017 2016 2021
2021 1999 2013 2018 2013 2003 2008
1999 2009 2002 1997 2010 2004 1997 2003 1997 2007 2001 Most stolen bases (SB-SBA) 1. 33 Beauchamp,Torrie (33-37) 1999 2. 31 Stallbaumer,Samantha (31-32) 2018 31 Stallbaumer, Samantha (31-37) 2019 4. 29 Wodtke,Jo (29-30) 1990 29 Klamm,Jenny (29-34) 1990 6. 28 Hayle Beauchamp (28-29) 2000 7. 27 Shaffer,Chris (27-30) 1994 27 Michel,Julie (27-27) 1990 27 Hembrough,Rina (27-29) 1990 10. 26 Kelsey,Beth (26-26) 1990
Most stolen base attempts (SB-SBA) 1. 37 Beauchamp,Torrie (33-37) 1999 37 Stallbaumer, Samantha (31-37) 2019 3. 34 Klamm,Jenny (29-34) 1990 4. 32 Stallbaumer,Samantha (31-32) 2018 5. 30 Shaffer,Chris (27-30) 1994 30 Wodtke,Jo (29-30) 1990 7. 29 Hayle Beauchamp (28-29) 2000 29 Hembrough,Rina (27-29) 1990 9. 27 Michel,Julie (27-27) 1990 10. 26 Kelsey,Beth (26-26) 1990
Lowest ERA (Innings pitched) 1. 0.85 Rouck,Rhonda (131.0 IP) 1990 2. 0.92 Reed,Michelle (99.0 IP) 1990 3. 1.05 Gregg,Katie (166.1 IP) 2003 4. 1.11 Perkins,Ashley (151.0 IP) 2002 5. 1.16 Perkins,Ashley (168.2 IP) 2003 6. 1.19 Gregg,Katie (171.0 IP) 2002 7. 1.24 Bryan,Erin (68.0 IP) 2005 8. 1.28 Fund,Vickie (261.2 IP) 1989 9. 1.30 Anthony,Elizabeth (86.0 IP) 1997 10. 1.31 Rouck,Rhonda (155.0 IP) 1993
Lowest opponent batting avg. (min. 40 IP) 1. .188 Gregg,Katie (166.1 IP) 2003 2. .190 Perkins,Ashley (151.0 IP) 2002 3. .192 Deiter,Megan (145.0 IP) 2018 4. .215 Perkins,Ashley (168.2 IP) 2003 5. .219 Gregg,Katie (171.0 IP) 2002 6. .220 Thimmesch,Lauren (185.1 IP) 2015 7. .237 Hamm, Raegen (190.2 IP) 2019 8. .238 Amy Heiman (164.2 IP) 2000 9. .240 Henry,Kelsee (168.0 IP) 2017 10. .242 Holly Reichel (80.0 IP) 2002
Fewest walks/7 inn game (min. 40 IP) 1. 0.49 Gregg,Katie (171.0 IP) 2002 2. 0.59 Gregg,Katie (166.1 IP) 2003 3. 0.65 Rhodes,Shannon (119.0 IP) 1993 4. 0.72 Bryan,Erin (68.0 IP) 2005 5. 0.79 Crabtree,Lexi (70.2 IP) 2018 6. 0.85 Reed,Michelle (99.0 IP) 1990 7. 0.96 Reed,Michelle (51.0 IP) 1991 8. 1.09 Swygert,Kelly (211.2 IP) 2006 9. 1.14 Thompson,Kim (92.0 IP) 1995 10. 1.17 Kimerer,Megan (47.2 IP) 2008
Most strikeouts/7 inn game (min. 40 IP) 1. 8.69 Deiter,Megan (145.0 IP) 2018 2. 6.67 Fox,Danielle (148.0 IP) 2011 3. 6.43 Perkuhn,Nicole (57.2 IP) 2007 4. 5.50 Ginter,Jaycee (127.1 IP) 2021 5. 5.45 Hamm,Raegen (132.1 IP) 2021 6. 5.44 Perkins,Ashley (168.2 IP) 2003 7. 5.24 Perkins,Ashley (151.0 IP) 2002 8. 5.09 Perkuhn,Nicole (42.2 IP) 2008 9. 5.08 Gregg,Katie (171.0 IP) 2002 10. 4.90 Holly Reichel (80.0 IP) 2002
Most wins 1. 23 Fund,Vickie (23-16) 1989 2. 22 Amy Heiman (22-14) 1999 22 Kathy Mohler (22-8) 2000 22 Fluker,Joanne (22-12) 2004 5. 21 Gregg,Katie (21-3) 2002 6. 20 Thimmesch,Lauren (20-9) 2015 20 Swygert,Kelly (20-12) 2006 7. 19 Mohler,Kathy (19-10) 1999 8. 18 Swygert,Kelly (18-12) 2008 18 Perkins,Ashley (18-5) 2002 18 Gregg,Katie (18-6) 2003 18 Rouck,Rhonda (18-0) 1993 Most losses 1. 18 Long,Kayla (11-18) 2010 18 Quimby,Marina (2-18) 2013 3. 16 Fund,Vickie (23-16) 1989 16 Pruitt,Cheryl (15-16) 1994 16 Fox,Danielle (9-16) 2011 16 Davis,Stacey (7-16) 1994 16 Farris,Samantha (12-16) 2009 8. 15 Thimmesch,Lauren (9-15) 2013 9. 14 Henry,Kelsee (11-14) 2017 14 Amy Heiman (22-14) 1999 14 Hamm, Raegen (14-14) 2019
Most saves 1. 7 Crabtree,Lexi 2. 4 Carson,Samantha 3. 3 Mohler,Kathy 4. 2 Herrin,Aubree 2 Sauer,Tammy 2 Zuniga, Bailey 2 Hamm,Raegen 8. 1 18 times 2018 2017 1997 2018 1996 2019 2021
Most appearances 1. 43 Hamm, Raegen 2. 42 Amy Heiman 3. 41 Fluker,Joanne 4. 40 Fund,Vickie 5. 38 Kathy Mohler 6. 37 Swygert,Kelly 37 Swygert,Kelly 8. 36 Mohler,Kathy 9. 35 Amy Heiman 10. 33 Mohler,Kathy 33 Pruitt,Cheryl
Most games started 1. 37 Amy Heiman 2. 35 Fund,Vickie 3. 33 Fluker,Joanne 4. 32 Swygert,Kelly 5. 31 Pruitt,Cheryl 6. 30 Swygert,Kelly 30 Hamm, Raegen 8. 29 Henry,Kelsee 29 Amy Heiman 10. 28 Kathy Mohler 28 Mohler,Kathy
Most complete games 1. 33 Fund,Vickie 2. 32 Amy Heiman 3. 28 Fluker,Joanne 28 Pruitt,Cheryl 5. 25 Swygert,Kelly 25 Swygert,Kelly 7. 23 Gregg,Katie 23 Kathy Mohler 23 Mohler,Kathy 10. 22 Davis,Stacey 22 Rouck,Rhonda
Most shutouts 1. 13 Amy Heiman 13 Gregg,Katie 3. 11 Gregg,Katie 4. 9 Perkins,Ashley 9 Fluker,Joanne 6. 8 Perkins,Ashley 8 Rouck,Rhonda 8 Rouck,Rhonda 9. 7 Thimmesch,Lauren 7 Mohler,Kathy 7 Amy Heiman
Most innings pitched 1. 261.2 Fund,Vickie 2. 241.2 Amy Heiman 3. 234.0 Kathy Mohler 4. 233.0 Fluker,Joanne 5. 211.2 Swygert,Kelly 6. 209.1 Swygert,Kelly 7. 203.0 Pruitt,Cheryl 8. 190.2 Hamm,Raegen 9. 187.0 Mohler,Kathy 10. 185.1 Thimmesch,Lauren
Most hits allowed 1. 244 Pruitt,Cheryl 2. 239 Thimmesch,Lauren 3. 236 Fluker,Joanne 4. 227 Kathy Mohler 5. 226 Davis,Stacey 6. 225 Swygert,Kelly 7. 219 Swygert,Kelly 8. 198 Mohler,Kathy 198 Quimby,Marina 2019 1999 2004 1989 2000 2006 2008 1997 2000 1999 1994
1999 1989 2004 2006 1994 2008 2019 2017 2000 2000 1999
1989 1999 2004 1994 2006 2008 2003 2000 1999 1994 1993
1999 2003 2002 2002 2004 2003 1990 1993 2015 1999 2000
1989 1999 2000 2004 2006 2008 1994 2019 1997 2015
1994 2013 2004 2000 1994 2008 2006 1997 2013 Most strikeouts 1. 180 Deiter,Megan 2. 161 Amy Heiman 3. 152 Kathy Mohler 4. 141 Fox,Danielle 5. 131 Perkins,Ashley 6. 125 Fluker,Joanne 125 Hamm, Raegen 8. 124 Gregg,Katie 9. 116 Thimmesch,Lauren 10. 113 Perkins,Ashley
Fielding pct. (Min. 250 chances) 1. 1.000 Clouse,Dara (454-29-0) 2003 2. .996 Clouse,Dara (458-30-2) 2004 3. .996 White,Dani (445-21-2) 2009 4. .994 Zordel,Alex (314-14-2) 2010 5. .989 Kirk,Taylor (246-25-3) 2018 6. .989 Kemp,Taylor (246-14-3) 2017 7. .988 Clouse,Dara (487-23-6) 2002 .988 Blaufuss,Julie (285-32-4) 2002 9. .987 White,Dani (562-24-8) 2008 10. .985 White,Dani (434-26-7) 2007 .985 Francis,Bri (243-18-4) 2021
Most chances 1. 594 White,Dani 2. 516 Clouse,Dara 516 DeVader,Brooke 4. 490 Clouse,Dara 5. 483 Huske,Kala 483 Clouse,Dara 7. 480 Stacie Carpenter 8. 468 White,Dani 9. 467 White,Dani 10. 460 Stacie Carpenter
Most putouts 1. 562 White,Dani 2. 487 Clouse,Dara 3. 483 DeVader,Brooke 4. 458 Clouse,Dara 5. 454 Clouse,Dara 6. 445 White,Dani 445 Huske,Kala 8. 440 Stacie Carpenter 9. 434 White,Dani 10. 429 Stacie Carpenter
Most assists 1. 192 DeVader,Brooke 2. 177 Keri Tanner 3. 170 Carey,Amanda 4. 158 Williams,Tish 5. 149 Carrie Kaberline 6. 147 Mohler,Mikala 7. 145 Schmidt,Katie 8. 142 Fellers,Malarie 9. 138 Carrie Kaberline 10. 137 Williams,Tish 137 Fellers,Malarie
Most errors 1. 29 DeVader,Brooke 2. 28 Moore,Lindsey 3. 26 Erickson,Shelby 4. 25 Erickson,Shelby 5. 24 Erickson,Shelby 6. 23 Carrie Kaberline 7. 22 DeVader,Brooke 8. 21 Stewart,Ashley 9. 20 White,Dani 20 Stacie Carpenter
Most double plays turned 1. 23 DeVader,Brooke 2. 20 Fellers,Malarie 3. 18 Clouse,Dara 4. 15 Clouse,Dara 5. 13 Carey,Amanda 13 Stacie Carpenter 7. 12 White,Dani 12 Zordel,Alex 12 Carrie Kaberline 10. 11 Huske,Kala 11 Schroeder,Katie 11 Clouse,Dara 11 Stacie Carpenter 11 Kirk,Taylor