Shore Regional High School
January 2013
William J. Valenti Educational Media Specialist
Student Edition
The Information Geek
Valenti’s Information Bulletin Essentials
UNUSED WORDS Learn new words daily. This site’s mission is to expose students to words they probably don’t hear on an everyday basis.
“The only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use intentionally to hurt someone.” ~Taylor Swift
Some Thoughts to Ponder “The difference between who you are and who you want to be what you do.” “She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” ~ Elizabeth Edwards “Even the darkest hour has only 60 minutes.” “If you carry the bricks from your past relationships to the new one you will build the same house.” ~ Anonymous
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JANUARY, CHANGE AND GOAL SETTING Every January, with New Year’s resolutions, we are given the opportunity to take stock of ourselves and choose things that we could or should work on changing. I always try to look deep within myself and find at least one positive change that I can work on during the year. I encourage you to take stock of yourself and try to be an agent of change primarily for yourself, but secondarily for those around you.
Go to : and then and on the right hand side under the heading eBooks and Audio Books click on “Library on the Go” ** PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR KINDLE’S WIFI MUST BE TURNED ON!!!!!!
Nook and
other eBook readers as well.
Must have a Monmouth County Library Card
Student 10 Sites and Apps for SAT Vocabulary Review
http:// ‐sites‐and‐apps‐for‐sat‐ vocabulary.html Type It - Type Accents On Any Keyboard Type It is a free online program for typing accent marks and other special characters that are often required for languages other than English. Type It supports twenty-one languages and currency symbols. You can insert accents and characters by selecting them from the menu provided by Type It or by using their suggested keyboard shortcuts. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers