Vibe tchr sept 2013

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Shore Regional High School

September 2013 William J. Valenti Teacher-Librarian

Teacher Edition

THE VIBE WELCOME BACK As you settle into your school routine, please don’t forget the valuable resources provided by The Russell T. Olivadotti Information Center. We have an extensive database and e-book collection available at, as well as some non-fiction titles to support your curriculum area. Please remember that a primary function of my job is to collaborate with you on lesson ideas that incorporate our resources and new Web 2.0 technologies. I would also be more than happy to teach you how to use SRHS databases and ebooks to augment your teaching experience.

100 Inspiring Youtube Videos for Educators . 010/100-informative-inspiring-youtube-videos-foreducators/

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Free Ebooks@Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. “The controlWEBSITES EMAILED BY center of your life is your attitude” WILLIAM J. VALENTI

DISCOVERY EDUCATION STREAMING Discovery Education Streaming is a comprehensive K-12 library of digital resources that enables seamless integration of standards-based videos into classroom lessons. Get started now: 1. Go to 2. Select the New User Login tab and enter your school’s passcode 3. Click on Submit to create your username and password

SCHOOL PASSCODE F7F7-7C3D FYI Alyssa Fagen uses this all of the time.



What Is Money? - A Short Economics Lesson

The Atlantic's new series Economics In Plain English is a good resource for social studies teachers to bookmark and share with their students. One of the new additions to the series is What Is Money? What Is Money? uses the fun scenario of trying to deposit a banana into a bank to explain the basic purpose and function of money. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Child Study Team Rewordify Helps Students Read Complex Passages

Rewordify is a free site that was developed by a special education teacher and former computer programmer for the purpose of helping students read complex passages. At its most basic level Rewordify takes a complex passage and rephrases it in simpler terms. Students can adjust Rewordify's settings to match their needs. For example, students can add words to a "skip list" and those words will not be changed when they appear in a passage. Students can also use Rewordify to simply highlight difficult words instead of having them replaced. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

English Seven Good Sources of Writing Prompts StoryToolz Scholastic Story Starters Things to Think About Toasted Cheese Quotes Daddy One Word Make Beliefs Comix ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

A Glossary of Poetry Terms for Students The Poetry Foundation offers some helpful resources for teachers and students. One of the resources

that immediately jumped out at me when I visited the Poetry Foundation's Learning Lab was theglossary of poetry terms. Students can search the glossary alphabetically, by form & type of poem, by rhyme & meter, by schools & projects, by technique, and by theory or criticism. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Faculty A Short Guide to Creating and Grading Quizzes Through Google Forms ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Classmint - Create and Share Online Flashcards

Classmint is a free, online flashcard service. Like all of the services similar to it, Classmint can be used to create and share sets of flashcards. One aspect of Classmint that makes it slightly different from some other flashcard tools is that Classmint will read your flashcards to you. Classmint also supports the use of images in your flashcards. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Science pH and pOH - A Crash Course in Chemistry

This week Hank and John Green added the thirtieth episode to their chemistry Crash Course series. The latest episode is all about pH. Students will learn what pH is and how to calculate it. Like all Crash Course videos your students will probably have to watch the video twice or rewind the section on calculation to catch it all. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Social Studies Free Teaching Materials from the Zinn Education Project

The Zinn Education Project is a website designed to help teachers use A People's History of the United States in their classrooms. The Zinn Education Project provides complete lesson plans for use in elementary school, middle school, and high school settings. In some cases the lesson plans include document excerpts and references to A People's History of the United States. On the Zinn Education Project site you can search for lesson plans by time period, theme, or by student reading levels. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

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