Shore Regional High School
September 2013
William J. Valenti
Student Edition
THE VIBE Valenti’s Information Bulletin Essentials
A Welcome Message from Mr. Valenti The way we perceive ourselves as learners directly impacts how well we achieve in the classroom. As you start this school year put your best foot forward and act in a manner that shows your teachers that you are an enthusiastic learner and do all those things that will guarantee your success. Sit in the front row, ask questions, do homework and class assignments and don’t get behind. Dress for success and be prepared with all the equipment that you need. Remember also, that I work for you. I will be more than happy to help you with your research needs as well as try to assist you with your assignments. I am a valuable resource to you– don’t fail to use my expertise. If you find yourself being a person that you don’t want to be-CHANGE! We all flounder sometimes, but the only person who can change the direction of how things are going is YOU. Remember that if you need help ask me.
Back to School Advice: "“Change your thoughts and you’ll change your world.”~ Anonymous
Free Ebooks@Project Gutenberg Reading is a highly addictive gateway to more than your imagination can hold. Reading as a lifetime activity is also a part of Shore Regional High School’s mission statement. Choose books to read right on your Chromebook by going to
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SOME THOUGHTS ON SEARCH STRATEGIES Your first line of defense when beginning a research assignment is to go to the right place. While “Google” is an efficient way to get some quick answers, the best place to go is Shore Regional High School Databases. These databases hold information on all subjects gathered by experts in their fields. You never have to worry about the authenticity of this information and most times it will be exactly what you are looking for. Databases are located on the Olivadotti Information Center page on the Academics Tab @ Any questions on how to use these valuable tools, just come and ask me. Username and password on page 30 of your agenda.
SAVING A MICROSOFT WORD DOCUMENT– If your home version is newer than Shore’s, save as “Rich text” or as an XP or 2000 document. If you are using a classroom laptop cart and want access in the library, save this way as well.
WHAT SHOULD I READ NEXT Did you ever read a great book and wish that you could find another? Enter a book you like and the site will analyze our database of real readers' favorite books (more than 75,000 different titles so far, and more than a million reader recommendations) to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next. (You can register for free on the results page and build your own favorites list.)
WHEN CAN I USE THE OLIVADOTTI INFORMATION CENTER???? The Olivadotti Information Center is open to study halls most days. The only time it is closed to study hall is if there is a class scheduled. You can check the schedule online by going to the RTO page and click on “daily schedule”. During study, you report directly to “The Olive” and sign up and I will send the list to your study teacher. We are also open before school (around 7am) and until 2:45.