The VIBE Teacher Dec.2012

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Shore Regional High School

December 2012 William J.Valenti Educational Media Specialist Director of Information Resources

Teacher Edition


The Information Geek

Valenti’s Information Bulletin Essentials

ANY CLIP Any clip believes movies define us. They guide us as we live our live, and shape our outlook on the world. Use a movie clip to Introduce a lesson or concept.

DECEMBER READER OF THE MONTH– Grace-Anne Bertolami Grace-Anne says, "Reading is so important in my life for many reasons. The first and most important reason reading is crucial in my life is my eight year old daughter, Chloe, she looks up to me as a role model and I believe we lead by example. It is my responsibility to offer her every avenue of success possible and reading is key to staying ahead of the pack. Secondly, reading allows me a wonderful excuse to indulge my interests while grabbing some much deserved me time".

One of the books I have currently finished is So Happy TOGETHER by Maryann McFadden

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ShowMe - The Online Learning Community

ShowMe is a global learning community - a place where anyone can learn or teach anything. Our mission is to connect great teachers and experts to students across the world. Categories include: Math, Science, Language English, Social Studies and General

The 21st Century Teacher Toolbox

WEBSITES EMAILED BY WILLIAM J. VALENTI DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION RESOURCES EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SPECIALIST Art/Music Kahn Academy Video Resources on Art History Download Hundreds of Free Art Catalogs from The Metropolitan Museum of Art

MetPublications now makes available 370 out-of-print titles, including lots of informative and visuallypacked art catalogs from the museum’s past exhibitions. You can read the books online or download them in PDF format (although I should warn you that the PDF downloads take some time, so be patient). ~ From Open Culture

Child Study Team Self-Control Resources ~ From Larry Ferlazzo

English Twenty-One Poems for AP Literature and Composition For each of the twenty-one poems or poetic forms for AP Literature and Composition, students and teachers will find a link to the poem and multimedia resources. These include EDSITEment lessons as well as EDSITEment-reviewed websites that discuss the poem, the poet, and its context ~ From Thinkfiity

It Came From Greek Mythology

The lessons in this unit provide you with an opportunity to use online resources to further enliven your students' encounter with Greek mythology, to deepen their understanding of what myths meant to the ancient Greeks, and to help them appreciate the meanings that Greek myths have for us today ~From Thinkfinity

Seeking Social Justice Through Satire: Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift’s 1729 pamphlet “A Modest Proposal” is a model for satirizing social problems. In this lesson, students complete multiple readings of Swift’s essay: a guided reading with the teacher, a collaborative reading with a peer, and an independent reading. The online Notetaker tool helps students restate key ideas from Swift’s essay as they read and elaborate upon these ideas postreading. After independent reading, pairs of students develop a mock television newscast or editorial script, like those found on Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update,” The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, or The Colbert Report, including appropriate visual images in PowerPoint.

~ From Read/Write/Think

A Biography Study: Using Role-Play to Explore Authors' Lives Students read biographies and explore websites of selected American authors and then role-play as the authors. ~ From Read/Write/Think

Active Reading through Self-Assessment: The Student-Made Quiz This recurring lesson encourages students to comprehend their reading through inquiry and collaboration. They choose important quotations from the text and work in groups to formulate “quiz” questions that their peers will answer. ~ From Read/Wrtie/Think A High-Interest Novel Helps Struggling Readers Confront Bullying in Schools

Students read a work of realistic fiction about bullying and gain understanding through writing, Readers Theatre, and discussion. ~ From Read/Write/Think

All’s Well that Sells Well: A Creative Introduction to Shakespeare

Students compare attending a performance at The Globe Theater with attending a modern theater production or movie. They then create a commercial for an Elizabethan audience promoting a modern product. ~ From Read/Write/Think Analyzing Character Development in Three Short Stories About Women Students read three short stories about women; discuss the development of female characters, gender differences, and society's expectations; and write scripts in which the characters discuss their similarities and differences. ~ From Read/Write/Think

Analyzing Grammar Pet Peeves By analyzing Dear Abby’s “rant” about bad grammar usage, students become aware that attitudes about race, social class, moral and ethical character, and “proper” language use are intertwined. ~ From Read/Write/Think

An Introduction to Beowulf: Language and Poetics Students are introduced to Old English and the poetic devices of alliteration, kenning, and compounding in preparation for reading the epic poem Beowulf. ~ From Read/Write/Think Blogging With Photovoice: Sharing Pictures in an Integrated Classroom Make the most of your students' diverse ability levels and experience with a prewriting activity in which they describe an abstract idea using blogging and photographs that they have taken. ~ From Read/Write/Think World Shakespeare Festival Presents 37 Plays by the Bard in 37 Languages: Watch Them Online Aldous Huxley’s Most Beautiful, LSD-Assisted Death: A Letter from His Widow ~ From Open Culture Acting Up, A Melodrama for Theater Arts In this lesson, the students practice some melodramatic movement. ~ From Thinkfinity Arthur Miller and The Crucible

This lesson examines the consequences of personal conscience in conflict with rigid societal perceptions of what is "right" in human behavior as articulated in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. ~ From Thinkfinity Chivalry and Courtly Love Explore the Arthurian codes of chivalry and courtly love in art, modern films, books, and poetry. Examine the way in which these ideals have influenced modern concepts. ~ From Thinkfinity

Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: Teaching Through the Novel‐plan/chinua‐achebes‐things‐fall‐apart‐teaching‐through‐novel ~ From Thinkfinity

Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: Profiles in Courage

It Came From Greek Mythology ~ From Thinkfinity

Lesson 1: Faulkner's As I Lay Dying: Images of Faulkner and the South ~ From Thinkfinity

Lesson 1: Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury: Introduction William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury": Narrating the Compson Family Decline and the Changing South

A “Brief, Urgent Message”: Theme in Slaughterhouse-Five

As a culminating activity for Slaughterhouse-Five, students make a compilation album (a CD with 6-8 tracks) that reflects their analysis, understanding, and reaction to the ideas in the novelSlaughterhouse-Five. ~ From Thinkfinity

Analyzing Character in Hamlet through Epitaphs

Students create epitaphs for characters from a tragedy, such as Hamlet. ~ From Thinkfinity

Book Report Alternative: Getting Acquainted with Farcebook

In this alternative to the traditional book report, students report on their novel choices using Facebook-like pages. ~ From Thinkfinity

Connotation, Character, and Color Imagery in The Great Gatsby

Students explore the connotations of the colors associated with the characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald’sThe Great Gatsby. ~ From Thinkfinity

Creating Psychological Profiles of Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird

Students explore the motivation behind characters’ actions in To Kill A Mockingbird by creating psychological profiles for characters from the novel. ~ From Read/Write/Think

Exploring the Power of Language with Six-Word Memoirs (I have book)

What do the words we write really have to say about us? In this lesson, students examine the power of word choice as they write six-word memoirs of their lives. ~ From Read/Write/Think

Chaucer's Wife of Bath

At the end of this lesson students will be able to Analyze Chaucer's characterization of the Wife of Bath

Faculty 100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers ~ From Pinterest 10 Sites for Educational Documentaries Chockadoc - A nice site for finding documentaries w/ an educational category where people can rate videos as well. Documentary Heaven - A great place to find 1000's of documentaries on a wide variety of subjects. Documentary Storm - A fun community for finding documentaries rated on a 6 star scale. Users have the ability to leave comments and collaborate w/ others. Documentary Tube - A wonderful place to find documentaries where users can save documentaries by creating playlists. Documentary Wire - A simple site w/ lots of educational documentaries to browse through. DocumentaryZ - A great place to find free documentaries where people can search by most popular, subject, or best rated. Free Documentaries - This is a excellent place to find political and educational documentaries. John Locker - A nice place to find documentaries where people can rate and upload videos as well. Snag Films - One of the most popular sites for finding documentaries and independent films. Also, people can share these films and view on a mobile app. Top Documentary Films - A terrific site w/ lots of documentaries to search through where users have the ability to leave comments. ~From Technology Tidbits

450 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free ~ From Open Culture 375 Free eBooks: Download to Kindle, iPad/iPhone & Nook ~ From Open Culture 500 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns, etc. ~From Open Culture 175 Free Online Certificate Courses & MOOCs from Great Universities ~From Open Culture

Librarianship Lexile Finder

Math All in the Family

Students use a dynamic geometry applet to conjecture about the relationships between characteristics of a square: side length, diagonal length, perimeter, and area. Graphs are used to represent functional relationships between two characteristics, such as diagonal length as a function of perimeter. This lesson helps students deepen their understanding of basic functions (e.g., linear, quadratic, square root) and their knowledge of the measures of a square. ~ From Thinkfinity Trout Pond Using Algebra and Discrete Mathematics to Investigate Population Changes ~ From Thinkfinity Building Connections This lesson focuses on having students make connections among different classes of polynomial functions by exploring the graphs of the functions. The questions in the activity sheets allow students to make connections between the x-intercepts of the graph of a polynomial and the polynomial's factors. This activity is designed for students who already have a strong understanding of linear functions, some knowledge of quadratic functions, and what is meant by a polynomial function. ~ From Thinkfinity Cutting Conics Students explore and discover conic sections by cutting a cone with a plane. Circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas are examined using the Conic Section Explorer tool. Physical manipulatives such as dough can optionally be used as well. ~ From Thinkfinity Determining Functions Using Regression This unit guides students though activities that ask students to collect data. Then, they use technology to find functions that best describe a data collected. After analyzing the data, the student should be able to determine a best type of function to describe the trend. ~ From Thinkfinity Dirt Bike Dilemma Students discover the algorithm for solving linear programming problems and gain conceptual understanding by solving a real-world problem and using graphing calculator applications. ~ From Thinkfinity

Math Lessons Using Google SketchUp

3DVinci's SketchUp page has some very good resource for mathematics teachers, particularly Geometry teachers. 3DVinci presents acollection of mathematics projects that students can do using Google SketchUp. If you've never used SketchUp, don't worry. 3DVinci hosts video tutorials that will show you everything you need to know to get started using Google SketchUp to teach mathematics. ~From Free Technology for Teachers Amazing Fibonacci Using the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, your students study math concepts of pattern, recursion, Pi and the Golden Ratio, developing their ability to analyze the structure of music. ~ From Thinkfinity

Physical Education Top Ten Websites for Physical Education and Health Education

Teachers can find information and resources for enhancing the teaching of physical education and health at the following ten websites. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance The professional organization for educators in these areas. American School Health Association professional organization for health educators. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention This site offers a broad range of current information on health and wellness and is an excellent source of quality information for students and teachers. Go Ask Alice Studentsor teachers ask questions about health and wellness issues. Visitors simply send in their questions; they are answered by a team of experts from the Columbia University Health Question & Answer Service. Kids Health Parents.children. teens, and professionals find answers to commonly asked health questions. Topics include the benefits of different types of vitamins, the food pyramid, healthy children's recipes, how to read food labels, and keeping fit. Health Teacher site that offers a comprehensive, sequential K-12 health education curriculum consisting of almost 300 lesson guides that meet national health education standards and provide skills-based assessment methods. University of Alberta Health Centre Health Information Page Provides access to free interactive software that teaches about various health topics relevant to young adults. Science of Sport interactive site addresses the science of sport-specifically baseball, cycling, skateboarding, and hockey. P.E. Links 4U Provides information on adapted physical education, coaching and sports, elementary physical education, health and nutrition, fitness, interdisciplinary secondary physical education, and technology in physical education. Also has links to other major physical education websites. Using Technology in Physical Education Newsletter Newsletter provides physical educators and health educators with the latest information on using technology in physical education. Â

Science What are Endangered Species? ~From Thinkfinity Endangered Species Categories and Criteria ~ From Thinkfinity Capturing Endangered Species ~ From Thinkfinity

The Periodic Table of Comic Books

The Periodic Table of Comic Books is a project of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. The idea is that for every element in the Periodic Table of Elements there is a comic book reference. Clicking on an element in the periodic table displayed on the homepage will take visitors to a list and images of comic book references to that particular element. After looking at the comic book reference if visitors want more information about a particular element they can find it by using the provided link to Web Elements. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Chem Reference - An Online Periodic Table

~From Free Technology for Teachers

Safely Experiment with Circuits on is a free website on which you can design and test electrical circuits. You can design your circuits using the virtual version of components that you could purchase and place on a circuit board. As you design your circuits, will tell you if your circuits will work or not. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers The Chemistry of Hair Care In this lesson, students learn that the chemistry of hair care, including the role of pH, helps in the development of better hair-care products. ~From Thinkfinity

Frosty the Snowman Meets His Demise: An Analogy to Carbon Dating This lesson will help students understand how scientists use carbon dating to try to determine the age of fossils and other materials. ~ From Thinkfinity

Isotopes of Pennies This lesson helps students build their understanding of the properties of matter and of atomic mass. ~ From Thinkfinity

Radioactive Decay: A Sweet Simulation of a Half-life This lesson simulates radioactive decay to develop the understanding of what we mean by half-life. ~ From Thinkfinity

Genes, Environments, and Behavior 1 This lesson focuses on how behavior is defined by scientists and on the genetic and environmental forces that interact to shape behavior. ~ From Thinkfinity

A Mendel Seminar In this lesson, students learn about Gregor Mendel's discovery of a process of biological evolution: how recessive and dominant traits are passed on. ~ From Thinkfinity

Cracking the Genetic Code This lesson explores what the knowledge of DNA can tell us about ourselves and other organisms and species. ~ From Thinkfinity

Introduction to Genetic Markers Students will be able to:

 list traits that they inherit from their families  describe how genetic information is passed on from one generation to the next

explain the relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes ~ From Thinkfinity

Social Studies US History PowerPoints

The Civil War in Art The Civil War in Art: Teaching and Learning through Chicago Collections from the Terra Foundation for American Art is designed for teachers and students to learn about the Civil War and connect to the issues, events, and people of the era through works of art. Included is an image gallery, classroom projects, a glossary, and more... ~ From Thinkfinity

Advanced Placement U.S. History Lessons This feature describes EDSITEment’s library of Advanced Placement U.S. History resources and provides an index of these lessons aligned with APUSH topics. ~ From Thinkfinity

Historical Thinking Matters - Multimedia Investigations in U.S. History Historical Thinking Matters features four fantastic historical thinking investigation activities for students. Through the investigations students learn about the Spanish-American War, the Scopes Trial, Rosa Parks, and Social Security. Each of the investigations provides students with background information in the forms of video, images, audio, and text (both primary and secondary sources) ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Exploring Vertebrate Classification Students will be able to:  describe criteria scientists use to classify vertebrates  explain that classification is based on common characteristics and evolutionary ancestry discuss challenges and opportunities with classification today ~ From Thinkfinity

World Language SPANISH VERB CHART Spanish Verb Chart is a an excellent interactive chart/application for verb conjugation. This chart helps people learn the Spanish language by illustrating the 14 basic verb tenses of the Spanish language. Also, it is ideal for Teachers of the Spanish language and can be used on any iOS device. ~ From Technology Tidbits

Verbling - Learn a New Language in a Google+ Hangout Verbling is a language learning service that launched back in July. When it launched its purpose was to match native speakers of Spanish and English to help each other learn a new language. Since then it has added support for French, Italian, German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian. The most significant upgrade to Verbling is the recent addition of structured classes hosted through Google+ Hangouts. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Some positive thoughts to usher in a Happy and Healthy New Year

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