The VIBE Teacher Sept 2012

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Hewlett-Packard Company

September 2012

William J. Valenti

Teacher Edition

THE VIBE WELCOME BACK As you settle into your school routine, please don’t forget the valuable resources provided by The Russell T. Olivadotti Information Center. We have an extensive database and e-book collection available at, as well as a bevy of nonfiction titles to support your curriculum area. Please remember that a primary function of my job is to collaborate with you on lesson ideas that incorporate our resources and new Web 2.0 technologies. It is a personal goal of mine to introduce every faculty member to at least one new Web 2.0 technology. Some of these include the use of blogs, wikis,

KNOWMIA Knowmia is a great site for HS to find and share video lessons on a wide variety of subjects. There are over 7000 videos for

teachers to search through and can browse by subject. All these videos are short and easy to understand should be easy to integrate into their teachings.


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Chokadoc is a new site for watching free documentaries online. This is a very user friendly site that people can browse by category/subject. Also, a user can rate

English/Writing teachers. OW is a very innovative site that students use to create a paper. While they are typing their paper OQ automatically searches for content they are typing about and find them sources." These sources can then be cited or added as a bibliography automatically.

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what

DISCOVERY EDUCATION STREAMING Discovery Education Streaming is a comprehensive K-12 library of digital resources that enables seamless integration of standards-based videos into classroom lessons. Get started now: 1. Go to 2. Select the New User Login tab and enter your school’s passcode 3. Click on Submit to create your username and password SCHOOL PASSCODE


English GRAMMARCHECK.NET is an excellent free site for checking grammar & spelling and getting instant feedback. It's very simple to use and has a nice user interface. All a person has to do is copy/past their text into a text box and click on the check button. ~ From Technology Tidbits

Faculty 9 SLIDES is just a wonderful way to take your slideshow presentations to the next level. This site which is iPad compatible is wonderful for uploading presentations and then syncing them to video. This is ideal for teaching a new unit and especially for those giving staff trainings or professional development. Also, a user can track usage statistics for instant feedback. ~ From Technology Tidbits

MOBENTO Mobento is a new (beta) site that I just found out about fromFree Technology 4 Teachers. This is a nice site for finding educational videos on a wide variety of topics. However, what makes Mobento really shine is the ability to search for "spoken" words inside the video. The way this works is by typing in what words you are looking for and having Mobento generate a list, a person can then choose what video to view as well as see what time in the video the words are spoken. ~ From Technology Tidbits

OUIWRITE OuiWrite is a site I was lucky to find out about through an email. This is such a wonderful site for students and

Also, OuiWrite has other great features such as a: genius button (w/ a very cool counter point feature), built in dictionary/thesaurus, as well as the ability to check for plagiarism. Finally, OuiWrite has built in templates for creating different types of papers and bibliographies, as well as saving everything on the web (which makes it accessible by any computer). ~ From Technology Tidbits

PRINTABLE FLASH CARDS This site is great for finding free printable flashcards on a number of different subjects such as: Math, Geometry, Language, etc. Also, there is a nice printable flash card creator for those people that want to make their own. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers 20 FREE IPAD APPS FOR EDUCATORS Visit this site for a variety of teaching and learning materials to access from your Ipad.

~ From NEA 10 Free Things YOUTUBE AND EDUCATION YouTube offers a variety of free services to facilitate classroom instruction, including access to educational videos. THE ANTENAEUM This is an evolving set of online tools for anyone with an interest in history, archaeology, philosophy, or the arts, and offers examples of artwork.

~ From NEA 10 Free Things 366 COMMUNITY SERVICE IDEAS,html Download ideas for activities and projects that promote community service from the University of NebraskaLincoln and the 4-H.

~ From NEA 10 Free Things

Math SCIENCE AND MATH INFORMAL LEARNING EDUCATORS (SMILE) Offers 1,000s of science and math lessons and more for K-12 educators.

~ From NEA 10 Free Things

Science Sport Science - The Physics of Archery

Applications for Education I know of some schools that have an archery component in their physical education courses. Sport Science: Archery could be a good video to use to connect physical education with mathematics and science. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

Hands-on Science Activities for K-12

The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has a great selection of hands-on activities that teachers can use offline in their classrooms. There are activities for twelve topics. Activities for every grade level from pre-K through high school and beyond can be found on the website. To find an activity for your classroom select your grade level then select the topic(s) you want your students to learn about through hands-on activities ~ From Free Technology for Teachers EELINK Offers a compilation of preK-12 lessons, activities, and othe curriculum resources that focus on environmental education. ~From NEA 10 Free Things SCIENCE AND MATH INFORMAL LEARNING EDUCATORS (SMILE) Offers 1,000s of science and math lessons and more for K-12 educators.

~ From NEA 10 Free Things STELLARIUM Turn your computer, projection screen, or whiteboard into a planetarium with free software that plots stars in the sky based on your desired location, time and date.

~ From NEA 10 Free Things

Social Studies A Great Timeline for U.S. History Students

The American Revolution Center has a fantastic interactive timeline about the American Revolution. The timeline features an easily navigated combination of text and images. Click on any event in the timeline to view a short paragraph about that event. Click on an image of an artifact in the timeline and a you will see an enlarged image of that artifact. The page hosting the enlarged artifact image also hosts a description of the artifact and in some cases a video podcast about the artifact. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers

The War of 1812 in Animated and Google Maps History Animated offers an online tour of the causes of The War of 1812, notable battles and strategies, and the outcomes of each battle. History Animated's maps show troop movements throughout the war. Students can advance through the tour at their own paces using the fast forward, pause, and rewind buttons. Learn Alberta has a nine-part resource providing maps of The War of 1812. ~ From Free Technology for Teachers CENTER ON CONGRESS SHORT VIDEOS “The Impact of Congress” is a series of web-based videos examining key legislation in our nation’s history that impacts our lives today.

~ From NEA 10 Free Things

World Language LINGT CLASSROOM Lingt Classroom is a new site that is excellent for foreign language teachers. This site through an educational portal allows teachers to create interactive online voice based assignments (that include, text, images, video) and then track/assess students progress. These assignments are geared toward using your voice and allows students to listen to teachers and record their own voice. ~ From Technology Tidbits

NULU Nulu is a new (beta) site ideal for Foreign Language teachers wanting to teach a new language. This site has an educational portal which allows for students/classes to sign up and learn a language through choosing a current event news topic to read. These stories are then translated into a language, annotate words/phrases, and even help w/ pronunciation. Through an innovative flash card system for studying words students can use self reflection for learning by setting words to: easy, medium, or hard. Best of all a teacher can track student progress and reading comprehension. ~From Technology Tidbits

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