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Executive Summary

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This document, prepared as part of WWF-Myanmar’s Tha Bar Wa (TBW) project, which means “nature” in English, seeks to provide to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within the food and beverage (F&B) industry a good understanding of energy usage in F&B enterprises, identifying areas of high energy usage as well as some directional guidance on steps they may take to improve energy efficiency within their own enterprises. Such information would also be beneficial for other stakeholders such as service providers and industry associations.

Another objective of this document is to share the TBW project’s lessons learnt with public and private sector stakeholders who may be designing or implementing similar projects on energy efficiency in the future.

This report will cover:

• An overview of the F&B industry in Myanmar. In this section, the relevance of the F&B sector in the country is highlighted and provides justification for the sectoral choice made by the TBW project. • What is energy efficiency and why is it important for the F&B industry?

This section briefly explains the concepts of energy efficiency and the relevance for the F&B sector. • How to improve energy efficiency in your business. This section provides the basic steps that an F&B SME could take in order to become more energyefficient. • Good practices for energy efficiency. This section describes the practices commonly seen in enterprises that have already taken steps to achieve energy efficiency, as well as those practices that help to sustain a focus on energy efficiency over time. These practices can serve as a benchmark for SMEs starting their journey towards becoming more energy-efficient. • Energy efficiency case studies from the F&B sector. This section lists out specific energy efficiency case studies and aims to motivate interested SMEs by highlighting tangible benefits that similar SMEs have achieved. • Overview of equipment used in the F&B industry. This section delves deeper into the utilities and equipment commonly used within F&B SMEs and provides specific technical guidance on relevant energy efficiency actions that SMEs can implement for their own operations. • Food and beverage sub-sector process mapping. This section looks at the typical processes for different kinds of F&B sub-sectors, such as bakery, dairy, or fish processing, and highlights key points where there may be opportunities to improve energy efficiency. • Energy efficiency-related lessons learnt from TBW project. This section is mainly helpful for stakeholders, such as consultants, non-governmental organizations, or industry associations, to improve the design and implementation of new energy efficiency-based projects in Myanmar. • Resources. Finally, this section provides some preliminary information about technology or solutions providers in Myanmar that SMEs may contact to procure energy-efficient equipment. This section also has links for interested readers to deepen their knowledge on the subject of energy efficiency.

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