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P. The development community should support the adoption and implementation of a regulatory framework governing the holistic model for linear infrastructure planning, design, approval, and construction by: a. offering ASEAN member states technical assistance for drafting and adopting tailored regulations to govern the holistic model; b. supporting pilot projects to demonstrate successful implementation of the holistic model, including assistance for undertaking strategic landscape planning processes and working with willing project proponents on best practice screening, risk assessment, and public participation processes.

Q. The development community should support CSOs to understand, tailor, and use the upstream screening checklists (provided in Annex 4 and Annex 5) to strengthen the capacity of local communities to understand resilience and inclusivity considerations, identify risks, and provide constructive input into the development of linear infrastructure.


R. The development community should support dissemination and encourage CSOs to use the Guidelines on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region to strengthen local communities understanding of the type of information they might seek to better facilitate their input into the development of linear infrastructure projects.

S. The development community should support enhanced generation, collation, storage, and sharing of data across all issues of relevance to the development of resilient and inclusive infrastructure and in all aspects of the holistic model.

T. The development community should support capacity-building within ASEAN, including for ASEAN member states and civil society, to enhance the effective implementation of the holistic model and recommendations.

February 2020

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