3 minute read


C.1. Are there any national or sub-national climate mitigation or adaptation strategies in place for the location in which the project is proposed?

C.2. Are there any national or sub-national disaster risk reduction strategies in place for the location in which the project is proposed?


C.3. Has a multi-hazard risk assessment, or other identification of potential disaster risks, been prepared for the for the location in which the project is proposed?

C.4. Has a vulnerability assessment been undertaken for the for the location in which the project is proposed?

C.5. If the answers to C.3 and C.4 are “no” or “not known”, is there existing information about the potential risk of natural hazards in the location in which the project is proposed (including, for example, flooding, storm surges, cyclones, landslides)?

C.6. Is all data necessary for a vulnerability assessment identified and available, and considered as part of project identification/selection?

C.7. Has the potential for project design incorporating NBS been considered as part of project identification/ selection?

C.8. If the project is located in the coastal zone, has consideration been given to coastal erosion, storm surges, sea-level rise, coastal inundation?

C.9. Is the project likely to be impacted by flooding, soil erosion, or landslides or landslips?

C.10. Is the project likely to be impacted by forest fires during the lifetime of the project?

C.11. Has any disaster risk reduction assessment been conducted on the design of the project?

C.12. Has there been an assessment of anticipated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from construction and operation of the project?

C.13. What measures will be provided to reduce or offset GHG emissions from the project?

C.14. What measures will be provided to reduce or offset GHG emissions from the project?


D.1. Is there a clear, legally recognized land tenure system that applies in the location in which the project is proposed?

D.2. Has the tenure over all land in the location in which the project is proposed been identified (including land adjacent to the proposed location)?

D.3. Is there any information available on customary land use and tenure in the location in which the project is proposed?

D.4. Has a “no-resettlement” or “minimal resettlement” alternative been considered in the identification of the proposed project?

D.5. Is there a process for obtaining free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) from indigenous people with an interest in the location in which the project is proposed?

D.6. Have all costs associated with potential land acquisition, compensation and resettlement been incorporated into any feasibility study?


E.1. Have relevant government gender strategies been considered in the identification of the proposed project?

E.2. Have the potential positive and negative impacts, both direct and indirect, of the project on women been considered?

E.3. Is there any information available on the needs of the local communities in the location in which the project is proposed—both directly and indirectly in relation to the type of project?

E.4. Have local community needs been identified and considered in the identification of the proposed project?

E.5. Has the design of the project been subject to a road or rail safety assessment (of relevant) to minimize risk to humans along the site of the project?


F.1. Does the location in which the project is proposed include any communities in which there is, or has been, recent conflict or significant underlying social tensions?

F.2. Is there any information about the implications of other projects on community conflict or social tension in the location in which the project is proposed?


G.1. Will the project produce or emit high levels of pollution?

G.2. Has the project considered how to reduce the production of pollution?

G.3. Will the project use chemicals?

G.4. Has the project considered how to reduce the use of chemicals?

G.5. Has the design of the project incorporated best practice into the storage and management of chemicals?

G.6. Will the project need any pollution permits or approvals?


H.1. Has the project considered how to manage and dispose of waste impacts and how to reduce the production of waste?

H.2. Is there a waste and plastic plan to minimize or reduce waste and plastics during construction?

H.3. Has the project developed a plan to manage, store, handle and transport hazardous waste or toxic waste?

H.4. Are all waste disposal contractors licensed and with appropriate insurance to cover accidents and spills?

H.5. Will there be a publicly available annual independent audit of the waste, pollution and chemical management plan?

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