Ethimo News N° 11

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Salone del Mobile. Milan 16–21 April 2024

Ethimo News
Patio Collection, Innesti, Boldini Tables, Lustra Lamp, Folia.

Patio Collection

design: Zanellato / Bortotto

Il calore del sole, l’ombra dei portici, il fascino di un giardino segreto. Natura e architettura si intrecciano, creando nuove forme di vita all’aria aperta.

Warmed by the sun, in the shade of porticoes, all the allure of a secret garden. An interweaving of nature and architecture for new outdoor living styles.

Patio — New collections
Patio Lounge armchair with frame in Natural Teak and woven backrest with Laguna and Light Grey Flat Rope.

Patio Collection

design: Zanellato / Bortotto

Il filo conduttore della collezione Patio è la riscoperta di intrecci tradizionali appartenenti a diverse culture, con i loro affascinanti schemi geometrici e la loro sapiente artigianalità. Dal loro studio nascono dei motivi inediti, al tempo stesso struttura e decoro per arredi accoglienti, seducenti e ricercati.

All the elements in the Patio collection share the same theme: a reworking of traditional weaving borrowed from different cultures, with their fascinating geometric patterns and clever craftsmanship. From their study come new patterns, at the same structure and décor for welcoming, seductive and refined furnishings.

Patio Lounge armchair with frame in Natural Teak and woven backrest with Laguna and Light Grey Flat Rope. Seat cushion in White Polypropylene fabric, lumbar cushion in Red Diamonds Polypropylene fabric. Round coffee table with Enamelled Lava Stone Muschio top, aluminium frame and Flat Rope Laguna decorative covering.
42 43 42 22
Round coffee table
88 78 75 78 40
Patio Lounge armchair

Patio Collection

design: Zanellato / Bortotto

L’ispirazione dei tavoli della collezione Patio viene dalle bobine su cui si avvolgono le cime per la nautica. I tavoli per il dining hanno piani in marmo cipollino e travertino, materiali millenari d’arredo e architettura. I coffee table sono invece realizzati con piani in pietra lavica smaltata, dal colore profondo e vibrante.

The tables in the Patio collection are inspired by the mooring bollards on quaysides around which boat lines wrap. The Cipollino marble and travertine chosen for the dining-table tops have been used in furnishing and architecture for thousands of years. The coffee tables instead have tops in a deep, vibrantly coloured, enamelled lava stone.

4 Patio — New collections
Patio 3 seater sofa with frame in Natural Teak and woven backrest with Laguna and Light Grey Flat Rope. Seat and back cushion in White Polypropylene fabric, decorative cushion in Madreperla Polyester fabric. Oval coffee table with Enamelled Lava Stone Muschio top, aluminium frame and Flat Rope Laguna decorative covering.
210 85 78 40 Oval coffee table 33 80 32 134 80 32 32
Patio 3 seater sofa

Patio Collection

design: Zanellato / Bortotto

6 Patio — New collections
Patio dining armchair with frame in Natural Teak and woven backrest with Laguna and Light Grey Flat Rope. Seat cushion in White Polypropylene fabric. Round dining table with Cipollino Marble top, aluminium frame and Flat Rope Light Grey decorative covering.

Archi intrecciati di colore azzurro, in delicato contrasto con i toni più chiari della griglia, rivestono gli schienali della seduta dining, della poltrona, del divano e del lounge bed. Le strutture in legno di teak sembrano telai sui quali mani esperte stendono trame e orditi.

Arches woven in blue, contrasting delicately with the lighter colours of the grid, cover the backs of the dining chairs, armchair, sofa and lounge bed. The teak structures look like looms on which expert hands have stretched warps and wefts.

240 45 37 37 75 45 72 120 Round dining table 140 54 72 140 Dining armchair 63 59 73 59 45
Patio Oval dining table Patio round dining table Cipollino Marble top detail. Patio — New collections
300 130 130
Patio Free standing hammock

design: Zanellato / Bortotto

Lasciarsi cullare dall’onda della memoria, abbandonarsi a una sensazione di totale benessere, in armonia con la natura. Rocked by the waves of memory, a fully immersive sensation of total wellbeing, at one with nature.

Patio Collection
170 140 78 140 40
Patio Daybed Patio Free standing hammock with frame in Limestone white metal and Natural Teak. Woven hammock with Laguna and Light Grey Flat Rope. Cushion in White Polypropylene fabric.

Innesti Pots

design: Studiopepe

Un incontro di volumi che si connettono nel paesaggio domestico, un dialogo fra materiali contemporanei e sensazioni naturali. Volumes come together in a home landscape, being the expression of a dialogue between contemporary materials and natural sensations.

10 Innesti — New collections
Innesti Pots in Mastice and Sabbia lightweight Concrete-Tetide Verde alga rug.

Pensati per essere utilizzati in coppia oppure in gruppo, i vasi della collezione Innesti hanno forme complementari che permettono di accostarli liberamente, creando delle composizioni ogni volta diverse. Lo speciale cemento con cui sono realizzati gli dona una raffinata matericità. Designed to be matched in pairs or in groups, the Innesti collection vases are characterized by complementary shapes that make them easy to set up and change up, in arrangements with a sophisticated texture, thanks to the special concrete used.



design: Studiopepe

Male oval pot 50 107,5 57,5 Male round pot 60 57,5 57,5 Female round pot 60 50 50
Innesti Innesti Pots in Mastice and Sabbia lightweight Concrete-Tetide Verde alga rug.


Coffee tables design: Ethimo

12 Boldini — New collections
Boldini Coffee table with top in Marmo Rosso Francia top and Glazed Ceramic Red legs or Travertino glossy top and Glazed Ceramic Light Cream legs. Esedra lounge armchair.

Tre forme e dimensioni, due altezze, tre materiali che raccontano storie affascinanti di pietra e artigianalità, per una famiglia di coffee table in cui ogni pezzo è unico, come le venature dei piani in marmo: Rosso Francia, Verde Guatemala, Travertino.

Three shapes and sizes, two heights, and three materials tell fascinating stories of stone and craftsmanship. This coffee tables’ family, each piece is as unique as the veins on their marble tops: Rosso Francia, Verde Guatemala, and Sabbia Beige.



Coffee tables

L’effetto lucido della superficie dei piani, esalta il colore del marmo e la morbidezza delle forme. Le gambe in ceramica smaltata riprendono le tonalità tipicamente mediterranee del marmo, creando una naturale affinità fra i due materiali e la natura circostante. The sheen of the tops enhances the colour of the marble and the softness of the shapes. Legs in enamelled ceramic embrace the typically Mediterranean shades of the marble, creating a natural affinity between the two materials and their natural surroundings.

— New collections
Boldini Coffee table top details in Marmo Rosso Francia, Travertino glossy and Marmo Verde Guatemala.
Medium coffee table 100 160 100 120 100 100 Small coffee table 42 46 42
Boldini Large coffee table
28 / 40 interchangeable legs 28 / 40 interchangeable legs 28 / 40 interchangeable legs
design: Ethimo

Coffee tables

design: Ethimo


Lustra+Folia Collection

design: Luca Nichetto

Con la sua presenza importante e suggestiva, la lampada Lustra arricchisce di emozioni e funzioni le situazioni conviviali e dining, mentre lo sgabello Folia introduce nello spazio contemporaneo un motivo ispirato ai cancelli delle antiche ville italiane.

The Lustra lamp enhances convivial and dining scenarios with its suggestive presence, while the Folia stool introduces a pattern into contemporary living spaces which is inspired by the old Italian villas’ gates.

16 Lustra+Folia — New collections
Lustra Led lamp in Dark grey metal. Folia Stool-coffee table in Olive Green, Limestone White, Cinnamon and Dark Grey Metal.

Forme armoniose in ferro battuto, tradizione antica che percorre nuove tecniche, materia senza età in armonia con lo spirito del presente. Wrought iron harmonious shapes, an old tradition, wonderfully revisited by new techniques, a timeless material in tune with the spirit of the present.

Detail of Lustra luminaire. Lustra+Folia Collection design: Luca Nichetto

Lustra Led Lamp

design: Luca Nichetto

18 Lustra+Folia — New collections
Lustra Led lamp in Dark grey metal.

Lustra+Folia Collection

design: Luca Nichetto

Folia Stool in Cinnamon Metal.
19 Lustra Floor Led lamp 50 150 202 Ø 65 Ø 100 Ø 100 Folia Stool 44 33 33 Coffee table 46 35 35
Folia Coffee table with Olive Green metal frame and Enamelled Lava Stone London Smoke top.


tel +39 0761 300 444 –

Registered office n° 16 via Brisa, 20123

– Milano (Italy)

Headquarter n° 6 via La Nova, 01030

– Vitorchiano VT (Italy)

Ethimo showroom Milan, Rome, Viterbo, London, Paris, Cannes
Graphic design: Designwork Photography: Massimo Gardone / Azimut Illustrations: Cinzia Zenocchini
Texts: Daniele Varelli

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