News Ethimo - Issue 03

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Milan Design Week Magenta, 12 4 –9 April , 2017 Ethimo Flagship Store Magenta / via Brisa Ethimo N° 03 ( News ) design
allaperto introducing:
Issue N° 03 002 Allaperto Grand Hotel white Lounge chair - white Ostuni painted mahogany frame, warmwhite metal and white etwick + Grand Hotel nature white acrylic mattress with blue piping version: ( Lounge chair + sunbed )

Quattro mondi, un’anima

Ethimo presenta Allaperto, una nuova e dinamica collezione pensata per rispondere alle molteplici esigenze degli ambienti outdoor, semplicemente cambiando veste e accessori. Grand Hotel, Mountain, Urban, Camping Chic: quattro mondi diversi, interpretati e risolti con forme e strutture che indossano di volta in volta tessuti, materiali, colori in sintonia con l’habitat circostante. Sempre con un’inconfondibile sartorialità nei dettagli ed uno stile in piacevole armonia fra memoria ed attualità.

Four worlds, one soul

Ethimo presents Allaperto, a new and dynamic collection designed to suit the many needs of outdoor living, by simply changing materials and accessories. Mountain, Urban, Grand Hotel, Camping Chic: four different worlds, interpreted and achieved through shapes and structures combined with fabrics, materials and colours in tune with the surrounding habitat. The unmistakable sartorial elegance given to each detail makes it the perfect combination between classic and contemporary style.


Allaperto Grand Hotel strings Lounge chair - White Ostuni painted mahogany frame, warmwhite metal, blue and white pvc coated strings

003 News 04.2017
allaperto introducing:
Allaperto Grand Hotel white Lounge chair
Coffee Table - White Ostuni painted mahogany frame, warmwhite metal and white etwick
Issue N° 03 design
by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez
allaperto introducing:

Prestigio naturale

Con l’eleganza senza tempo della struttura in metallo e mogano laccato bianco, lo schienale in fibra intrecciata a mano ed i comodi cuscini con bordure a contrasto, Grand Hotel interpreta in un modo impeccabile la classica accezione della parola prestigio. La variante con comode bande elastiche, aggiunge un tocco di colore al fascino degli ambienti più esclusivi.

Natural prestige

Using the timeless elegance of metal and white lacquered mahogany, the handwoven fibre and the comfy back cushions

contrasting edging, Grand Hotel interprets impeccably the classic meaning of prestige. The variant with soft and comfortable elastic bands adds a touch of colour to the charm of the most


005 News 04.2017
it en version: ( Lounge chair + coffee table + Dining chair + sun lounger) 80 79 Allaperto lounge chair 215 33 double canopy sun lounger dining chair 65 54 78 4470 36
006 Issue N° 03
Allaperto Grand Hotel strings sunbed - White Ostuni painted mahogany frame, warmwhite metal, blue and white pvc coated strings
version: (sunbed +
Lounge chair)
Allaperto sunbed 215 33 215 33 215 33
007 News 04.2017
Allaperto Grand Hotel strings Lounge chair - White Ostuni painted mahogany frame, warmwhite metal, blue and white pvc coated strings
by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez
allaperto introducing: 215 33 sunbed

Calore alpino

Montagne coperte di neve, terrazze baciate dal sole: questo è l’ambiente naturale di Mountain, con struttura in metallo e teak naturale o decapato, completata da un caldo sacco a pelo e da cuscini con rivestimenti in pura lana e cashmere che sfoggiano intramontabili motivi tartan, come un segno distintivo.

Alpine warmth

Snow-covered mountains and sun-kissed terraces are the natural setting of Mountain. Its structure in metal or teak wood available in both natural and pickled finishes, matches with a warm sleeping bag and cushions of pure wool or cashmere with classic tartan motifs, like a distinctive mark.

008 Issue N° 03
Allaperto Mountain Tartan Lounge chair - natural teak frame, coffee metal and ethitex tartan Tartan Ethitex in detail
it en
version: ( Tartan Lounge chair + Lounge chair with sleeping bag )
009 News 04.2017 Allaperto bark Mountain Lounge chair - pickled teak frame, coffee metal and bark etwick + accessories: red velvet decorative cushion and “magic box” blanket in fleece fabric and Moessmer wool design by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez allaperto introducing: 80 79 Allaperto Lounge chair with sleeping bag 70 36
010 Issue N° 03 version: ( Lounge chair + sofa +
sunbed) Allaperto bark Mountain Lounge chair - pickled teak frame, coffee metal and bark etwick design by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez
allaperto introducing:
011 News 04.2017
Allaperto 2 seater sofa and bark Mountain Lounge chair
pickled teak frame,
and bark
sunbed 215 33 80 79 Allaperto lounge chair 70 36 80 124 2 seater sofa 70 36


Rilassarsi in città

In un raffinato abbinamento fra la struttura in metallo e teak decapato, con i cuscini rivestiti in tessuto tecnico, Urban si inserisce armoniosamente negli scenari metropolitani, soddisfando i gusti più esigenti e suggerendo un’infinità di situazioni di vita collettiva.

Relaxing in the city

The structure is the result of the most refined combination between metal and pickled teak, with cushions covered in technical fabric. Urban is perfect for city settings, satisfying even the most demanding tastes and ideal for an infinite number of situations of collective living.

012 Issue N° 03
it en
( Lounge chair + Dining chair)
013 News 04.2017 version: ( lounge chair + sunbed + dining chair) 80 36 62 80 Allaperto lounge chair 215 33 sunbeddining chair 60 54 44 74

Godersi la vita

Fresche idee e ispirazioni vintage si mescolano in Camping Chic, creando un cocktail irresistibile di relax e divertimento. La struttura in metallo, completata da braccioli in mogano bianco, è resa accogliente ed ergonomica da colorate strisce di materiale plastico e da morbidi materassini gonfiabili.

Enjoy life

Refreshing ideas and vintage inspirations are combined in Camping Chic, creating an irresistibly relaxing and entertaining mix. Comfort and ergonomics is added to the metal structure. The white mahogany armrests add comfort and ergonomics to the metal structure and coloured strips of plastic and soft inflatable mattresses

the line.

014 Issue N° 03
it en version: ( lounge chair + sunbed + dining chair)
015 News 04.2017
Allaperto Camping Chic sunbed with self inflating mattressWhite Ostuni painted mahogany frame, warmwhite metal and blue rubber thin turquoise pvc rope + lime technical self inflating mattress
design by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez allaperto introducing: Allaperto dining chair with inflatable mattress 65 44 54 78 lounge chair with inflatable mattress 80 79 70 36 215 33 sunbed with inflatable mattress

via La Nova, 6 – 01030, Vitorchiano VT (Italy)

+39 0761


300 444 – VAT number 04445850961 Showroom – Milan, Rome, Turin, Viterbo, Paris, Cannes Milan Flagship Store Corso Magenta / via
– Milan (Italy) tel +39 02 8909 6602 Graphic design: Designwork Illustrations: Cinzia Zenocchini Photography: Massimo Gardone / Azimut News 04.2017 Issue N° 03 design by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez allaperto

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