3 minute read
House Report
It has been another challenging year in the life of our Club, but one that we have weathered better than many others due to a dedicated workforce and supportive Members.
Not only has COVID-19 presented ongoing challenges, but an excess of water has effectively disrupted golf and Club life for all of us. Adapting to ever-changing circumstances has become the norm for the staff and they do a magnificent job of servicing Nembers and guests in the face of many obstacles.
Take, for example, Jazz on the Green. Come the scheduled date in March it was apparent the grass was too waterlogged to take the crowd and the threat of more rain was ever present. So, at the eleventh hour, the evening turned into “Sunday Night Jazz” in the Clubhouse. Mood lighting was created with candles, antipasto platters were distributed and patrons enjoyed a great night of jazz music delivered by The Graduates.
In addition to Sunday Night Jazz, the House Committee has been actively involved in promoting other events such as Sport’s Night, Trivia Night and the Club Annual Dinner, which together with the Men’s and Women’s Annual Dinners and Seafood Alfresco have contributed to a busy social calendar.
Members enjoying Seafood Christmas Party
Throughout the year, the pizza oven has been operating every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and has proved very popular with Members and their families. The Catering team has continued to develop new seasonal bar menus, freshly made sandwiches and an expanded wine list. Wednesday night Bistros have been well supported and based on their popularity regular Friday night a la carte dining has now been introduced. We thank Peter Barter and the Kitchen Brigade for the quality and standard of the service they provide to the Club.
A decision to bring the History group under the umbrella of the House Committee underlines the importance of maintaining and recording our history. Particular thanks are due to Ann Crisp and John Wall who devote many hours each week to the curation of our records. Bruce Jones has also spent countless hours digitising records and creating presentations on many interesting aspects of the Club and deserves our gratitude for his valuable contribution. Bruce believes we may have the most comprehensive history of any golf club in Australia, which speaks volumes for all those who have devoted their labours, past and present, to achieve this outcome.
We are all aware of the spectacular view of our course from the Clubhouse. The House Committee is currently working to incorporate a golfing theme within the Clubhouse to reflect what lies beyond. While this remains a work in progress, members can view stunning black and white photographs of the course at the Function entrance and in the boardroom.
The Centenary Committee under the guidance of the House Committee, is chaired by Jenny Harvey and has been working feverishly on the social and golf programs for 2023 to ensure that our Centenary Year is one to remember. Members will have received a flyer detailing the major events so that diary dates are noted. We have no doubt that Members will embrace the celebrations, commencing with the official launch on 26 February and will support the many exciting events that have been planned.

Special thanks are due to Barnaby Sumner and Kristen Ramirez who have worked tirelessly to maintain standards and improve offerings for Members.
My thanks to fellow Committee members, Graeme Martin, David Thorn, Judy Trickett and Andrew McDonald for their ongoing support and efforts throughout the year.
Lesley Roberts