Pennant Hills Golf Club History 1922-1988 (Giblin)

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Many associates, mostly not good golfers, contributed in a way which is not shown on the Honour Boards, but will be remembered in the archives of the Club forever.

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PENNANT HILLS GOLF CLUB NEWSLETTER The publication of the Newsletter now spans three decades and from a humble beginning now provides an excellent publication with news of our Club's activities. Every member receives a copy, when in regular attendance, with those members who frequent the Club Jess often, their copy is posted. This is the history of the Newsletter with various references to members whose names will remain in the Club's archives forever, for they were the Editors of yesteryear. The first issue of the "Hills Newsletter", as it was known then, was published on the 1st August 1951. The Editor, or as he liked to refer to himself, "Your Roving Reporter" was S.J. (Jim) Hines, a Captain of the Club froml 952 to 1958. This first issue commenced with the statement: "First and probably only issue - depends on your reaction." Jim followed this with a request: "If you can think of a better name for this Newsletter, give your suggestion to the Secretary, it may win you a prize of two new golf balls." In this first issue was a report from the Election Committee, it read; "These burn the midnight oil boys" interviewed more than one hundred candidates for membership during the past six weeks, while the Associates President, Captain and Secretary saw another 40 Ladies. In another par the Associates were complaining of having only fifty five lockers to satisfy the needs of two hundred plus membership. The second issue published in November 1951 contained the following information. "Better name contest". The promised trophy for a better name brought the following suggestions.

K. Emery suggests ''The Hills Indigest" Harry Stoyles effort was "Rough Notes" Anonymous "Pentillian" Lilian Marks comes forward with "Pennantees" (Please note the competition and the two golf balls is still on.)

The first issue of the "Hills Newsletter" was only a single sheet with the editor apologising for lack of interest and content. Further issues were printed roneo in 1959 and 1962, without number or volume reference. A further issue was printed and distributed to the members in March 1964. It was called the "Newsletter", the word Hills had been omitted. Its Editorial read: "The General Committee of the Club have decided to present to members and associates, items of interest and information by the medium of a Newsletter, issued three or four times a year, and we feel that the resumption of this amenity will be welcomed by all. Mr. Bob Bradley (Committee 1963-1968) has been appointed Editor. Bob produced this black and yvhite roneod sheet of Club news with an often repeated request to speed up play on the course. When Bob retired from Committee in 1968, John Bourke became the Editor. After a successful two year period and with John not standing for committee, the position became vacant. In 1970 Paul Henricks took over the editing of the Newsletter and converted it into an excellent four page printed brochure, with photos. This new presentation then became the source of "Getting to know Members," in fact, on one occsion, Graham Allen, at the time a prominent member of the Pennant Team, was in Amsterdam, Holland, when a fellow member Noel Byles, came up to him and introduced himself saying, "You're Graham Allen, I have seen your photo in our Club's Newsletter." Paul Henricks edited the Newsletter for twelve years, during which time he continually improved its degree of excellence. When he became president in 1982, John Newman and Rus 70

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