How to Avoid Developing eCommerce Apps that don't Sell?

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How to avoid developing eCommerce apps that don't sell The eCommerce store are always in search of better options to drive better traffic to the website. In this efforts the website owners tends to make the experience of the customers smooth and easy. Therefore, the owners introduce different apps in the eCommerce site to make the customers stay better and convenient. The apps may provide assistance to the customers in various ways. This helps the customers to shop better and make efficient usage of their time in the website. The websites can attain better traffic using the apps which will ultimately result in better conversions. The inclusion of various apps in the web store might reap fruitful results but the usage of apps which are not relevant or won’t sell may lead to negative results. Therefore, the websites makes smart decisions before incorporating any such application in the website. The usage of application is quite trending and may provide the customers with the proper insight of the services provided by the website but if the application is out dated or something that doesn’t connect with the customers may not help the website in making any profit using those application. This has pushed the developers to improve the mobile app development. The usage of application in the website must be well-versed. The website owners always keep a note of several factors in mind before introducing apps. The apps serves as life-line for the customers in order to guide them towards better understanding of the website contents. A better app ensures better engagement of the customer with the website while a non-convenient app may not convince the customers to use the app in order to browse the website and it just proves to be a wastage of the efforts by the website. Thus, the app developers must think about several factors before developing apps. There are various parameters which must be kept in mind before developing an app, some of them can be listed below.

1. App must be feasible

One of the important factor upon which the success of an app depends is its feasibility. If the app developed for the website has other standards of operating then it becomes quite difficult for the customers to relate themselves with it and use it for the better navigation in the website. Let’s say if the website wants to introduce a feature involving the sensor to make actions. This is not feasible as it may require a heavy setup and requirements which every customer may not be able to get or afford. Thus, the feasibility of the idea must be kept in mind before introducing an app.

2. Goes with the UI

The main objective of the website in terms of introducing an app is also concerned with the user interface. If the app is not able to provide a better UI then there is no point in introducing such feature. The interface is one of the important aspect of a website and a website is mostly dead if it is not able to interact properly with the customers. For instance if a website has introduced an app to navigate the users on the website using voice commands then the website needs to be sure that the voice command must be in all languages or cover major languages. If it is designed primarily in one or two language than it might not help most of the customers. Thus, making sure that a majority of the customers are not benefitted from the usage of the app.

3. Can be altered

A better app can be altered or optimized timely. Most of the time the website introduces app in accordance with the season. Therefore, if the website wants the app to last long and appreciated by the visitors than the app needs to be designed that way. If we say the app has been designed in such a way that it changes the theme with respect to change in season or special occasions than the developer must also keep in mind to provide the app with editorial features such that it can be modified to look different as required by the eCommerce sites. The special occasions are preset but some special occasions may arise and the app can be modified to provide the app with that look.

4. Should be compatible

The usage of a mobile app highly depends upon its compatibility. With the advancement in technology and its increasing reach, it becomes quite important for the website to design an app which must run through most of the devices and in a number of platforms. The development of OS has been in a rapid rise with the uneven distribution in the number of users for both the platforms, thus it would be non-profitable for the website to develop an app which can’t function through all of them. Most people prefer different devices to access the web, thus the app must run in all of them and must adapt to change for its success. If it is not compatible with them then the chances are it may not be able to sell itself to a healthy number of customers.

5. Has future aspects

There is no profit in developing an app which has no future prospects. Most of the app are designed to last long and to serve the eCommerce site for a better period of time but if the app is can’t provide any lasting assurance to the website than it is likely to be remained unsold. For e.g. if an app has been developed to send a thank you greeting to the customers after they have made a purchase during holiday season then the apps future usage is worthless because the holiday season won’t last long and the website owners can’t use it further. Thus, the app must be developed keeping in mind its future aspects.


The development of an app requires a lot of research and the developing team must provide it with various features such that it connects well with the customers and provides them with best of experience. This is the key to keep the app in trend.

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