Insight Magazine - Spring/Summer 2018 edition

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Insight SPRING/SUMMER 2018

Teaching Truth 3









“LIFE, TRUTH, ...”


“What is truth?” By The Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen G.W. Andrews

Dear Friends, “WHAT IS TRUTH?” In one fashion or another, this question was at the centre of two debates sponsored by Wycliffe College this past academic year. One featured a conversation between atheist-turned-Christian Alister McGrath and Christianturned-atheist Michael Shermer. It was on the theme “Is God a Figment of Our Imagination?” The second one, addressing the question “Is There Meaning in Life?”, included the apologist William Lane Craig, the psychologist Jordan Peterson, and the naturalist philosopher Rebecca Newberger Goldstein. Both events, ably and winsomely guided by Karen Stiller, drew capacity crowds at U of T’s Convocation Hall, and confirmed the fact that many people, lots of young people in university, are looking for truth. But for many, truth is elusive. One can easily see why. In the first place, we are hearing daily about “fake news.” It is difficult to trust completely the accounts of others, given that they, like we, have limitations and biases that colour their reporting. Moreover, those raised in the “post-modern” world have been taught that all “truth” is relative, and that what is true for me may not be true for you. We no longer share a 2

conviction that truth is self-evident. Finally, we are too familiar with those who use “truth” as a tool of power, as means by which to bludgeon and enslave the other. If that’s what truth is good for, who needs it? And yet, it would seem as if a hunger for truth is built into the human soul. It is persistent and unavoidable. For, as St. Augustine noted, every experience of doubt presupposes that there is something that is true. (Descartes was reportedly miffed when a friend pointed out that his aphorism, “I think, therefore I am,” was borrowed from St. Augustine’s assertion, “I doubt, therefore truth is!”) We continue to be truth-seekers at the College. In this issue you will see that it is a passion for truth that inspires our Bishops Frederick and Heber Wilkinson Professor of Church History, Alan Hayes. His sabbatical project will explore dimensions of the church’s relationship with indigenous people. It is a timely enterprise in light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, and it promises to shed light on an uncomfortable and sometimes controversial topic. Truth is sometimes hard to hear. Of course, the truth that is preeminent at a theological college is the truth found in him who said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” The truth of God in Christ lies at

the heart of all that we teach, and it is now at the centre of a new Wycliffe initiative designed to assist preachers and devout lay people in engaging the set Sunday Scripture readings used by most mainline denominations. Professor Chris Seitz is our guide in a weekly podcast that takes us through each of these readings, placing them in their biblical context and bringing out the truth about God and His purposes in the world. “What is truth?” This is a question famously posed by Pontius Pilate on the eve of Jesus’ execution. His encounter with Jesus is a sobering reminder that sometimes we can come face to face with the truth and still not recognize it. This is why we are so earnest in our quest for truth, and why we continue to be grateful for those who pray that Wycliffe will stand as a beacon for truth, and that our students “may so learn truth as to bear its light along their ways, and so learn Christ as to be found in him.” With every good wish in Christ,

Stephen Andrews, Principal

“A nice note to end on” By Patricia Paddey

On a clear winter day, when the trees have long since shed their leaves, Alan Hayes can see the Principal’s Lodge at Wycliffe College—where he has his “Professor of Church History” office— from a window at the Toronto School of Theology (TST), where he has his “Director’s” one. ONLY ABOUT 500 STEPS DIRECTLY across Queen’s Park separate one from the other. It is a walk he has made thousands of times over the past decade. But it is a walk he will make far less frequently after June 30, when his second and final term as Director of TST comes to an end. Asked how he managed to juggle both roles for all of those years, Alan doesn’t hesitate. “A lot of it really was the indulgence of the principals,” he says. “In theory 60 percent of my time has been with TST, and 40 percent here. But I push the 60 percent, and the principals have taken the view that Wycliffe benefits from a strong TST.” That the consortium of seven theological schools known as TST is strong is a fact that received external recognition recently, when the prestigious QS World University Rankings published their annual list of top schools at which to study theology, divinity, and religious studies. The University of Toronto rose three places to 8th spot (from 11th) internationally and ranked first in Canada. That’s good news for Wycliffe alumni whose degrees have the words University of Toronto printed on them. “This ranking goes a very long way in affirming the quality and prestige of the degrees,” notes Jaroslav Skira, Director of the Graduate Centre for Theological Studies at TST in an email. “It is,” says Alan, “a nice note to end on.” He has led the way for many positive changes at TST, says Elizabeth Smyth, Professor and Vice Dean at the School of Graduate Studies, U of T. As the University’s representative on the TST Board, she has worked closely with Alan and cites his leadership in responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, together with

creating the conjoint PhD and conjoint MA in theological studies, as among his greatest contributions. “The member colleges should be very grateful—as is the U of T— for the leadership that he has given,” she says. “It has been thoughtful. It has been productive. He has built an excellent team.” “Alan does an excellent job of working well with all of the diverse components that make up TST,” says Elizabeth Neilly, Administrative Assistant to the Director and Communications Coordinator at TST. And he does it all in a manner that reflects his deep faith in Jesus Christ. “He is easy going and has a great, dry sense of humour,” she adds.

“I live from day to day in a sort of overarching confidence,” says Alan. “Confidence in God’s love is the cornerstone. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I’m in theology. I could do Church History in the history department. But in a way, [my faith] forms my sense of how history works, my sense that God works for good for all those who love God, that there’s a kind of providential meaning to history.” He didn’t always have that kind of faith. Raised in a community church, in a city that only had one church, he says he walked away from it in high school. He found his way to the study of divinity at McGill University without really being a Christian. “I was a seeker,” he explains. “I had a professor who said, ‘You’re not going to find what you’re looking for by reading books and writing papers.’ He gave me a list of churches. I found [a church], and things changed, primarily through the preaching,

Alan Hayes is Professor of Church History the music, and the fellowship. At a certain point I realized, ‘This has got to be true.’” A self-described “glass-half-full kind of person,” Alan is heartened by the current atmosphere on the university campus. “I’m often surprised at how sympathetic people are, and curious about Christianity. Across the university, there are a lot of people who aren’t hostile. That’s changed [since first arriving at Wycliffe more than 40 years ago] and that’s heartening. It’s a big, secular university. But it has a lot of room for people of faith.” With the conclusion of his tenure at TST, a sabbatical begins. “I’ll do some research and writing. I’d like to focus on indigenous Christianity in Canada, maybe write a history of the Anglican Church of Canada from a point of view that respects indigenous realities, as opposed to repeating the old [colonial] narrative.” He’s looking forward to what comes next, conscious, he says, that it is the home he makes with his wife of 47 years, Rev. Dr. Morar Murray-Hayes, which allows him to do the work he does. But there is another place of belonging he feels compelled to mention. “I couldn’t do that job [at TST] without being at Wycliffe,” he says. “Without the chapel life here. Without the support of my colleagues. Without the sense that Wycliffe is my home.” 3

Music, miracles, and the lectionary

Living life through Scripture By Amy MacLachlan

Seitz is senior research professor at Wycliffe College. He joined the faculty in 2007, and is an ordained Episcopal priest and Old Testament scholar known for his work in biblical interpretation and theological hermeneutics. HIS PODCAST, INSIGHTS WITH SEITZ: The Symphony of Scripture, explores the idea of orderly reading (or, more traditionally, the lectionary) for Anglicans and non-Anglicans alike. Orderly reading— based on an ancient method of reading the Bible that looks at passages together and determines what one is saying about and to the other—includes Old and New Testament readings, a Psalm, and a Gospel lesson. It is related to how Jesus and the evangelists used the scriptures of Israel. “We often preach on the Gospel and ignore other texts,” says Seitz. “My hunch is that people sit and wonder, why this and why that? So my goal is to show the relationship between the texts.” He likens this connective process to a symphony. “My job is to make the preacher aware of what lessons are coming up [in the lectionary],” he explains. “So the strings, the oboe, etc.” Seitz says that the practice of drawing connections is something New Testament writers did as well. “They quote the Old Testament and use it to make associations between what God has done before and what God is doing now. “The lectionary doesn’t show the Old Testament as a ‘B.C.’ document, meaning something from the past en route to something more important. Rather, it’s analogous—that was so, so this is so…. The lectionary shows the relationship between stories.” Seitz’s personal story changed dramatically about six years ago when his wife Elizabeth was diagnosed with a rare form of lung disease, involving the deterioration of the lymphatic system in her lungs. Over

the next five years, she went from being a 50-something, healthy marathon runner, to needing oxygen 24/7. “And then your heart begins to go because there’s not enough oxygen to work with,” says Seitz. “It was a life-changing event.” Elizabeth was taken on as a patient with the National Institute of Health, which was studying the disease. The couple moved to France, motivated largely by the expertise of doctors there, and Elizabeth was placed on the urgent list for a lung transplant. “She had one or two days left,” Seitz remembers. “The surgeon phoned me on my birthday to say, ‘we have the lungs. We’re doing it today.’” Helicoptered in for the eight-hour surgery, Elizabeth was kept comatose for six days after. “It wasn’t clear she’d live,” he says. “I’d go in and read her the Psalms. The nurses told me to make sure she hears my voice and knows I’m here. But you have to say goodbye. Plan the funeral. “You do ask, why me?” While his wife lay in the hospital bed, virtually unresponsive, Seitz asked the nurses if he could play music for her. “I just had my iPhone, so I put it to her ear. I played her favourite—music from The Mission, by Ennio Morricone. And she began to move. I said, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand, and she did.” After six days, Elizabeth woke up. “And overnight, she was already getting better.” That was May 2017. Today, she spends her time in Paris at her own travel and culture business. “We need to spend time talking about this,” Seitz remembers saying. “We shouldn’t just go back to work as usual.” He mentions the amazing church com-

“I want to pay attention to the way the Bible communicates with itself,” says Christopher Seitz, during an interview from his home just outside Paris.

Christopher Seitz is pictured with his wife Elizabeth. munity—and larger French community— that strongly supported him. And how the Psalms came to life for him in a way they hadn’t before. “‘The cords of death enfolded me.’ I read those words and thought, this is it! This is written for this situation. ‘I cried out to the Lord and he heard my cry.’ “There are lots of stories of people who suffer terribly and don’t make it,” Seitz reflects. “That’s a story to tell. And it’s equally defying to have somebody make it. You wonder, ‘how did that happen?’” “Sometimes we have to fight to live. And my wife did it.”

Listen to Christopher Seitz’s podcast every week on the Wycliffe College website:



“What about Wycliffe?” By Lane Scruggs

“What about Wycliffe?” I remember my brother popping into my office sometime in the winter of 2008 and proposing the question (he knew that I was looking into seminaries). After some online digging and a few short phone calls, my wife Chantelle and I were confident that God had prepared us for this new adventure. We were nervous, excited, and a bit unsure of what to expect when we landed in Toronto and made our way to Wycliffe. It’s amazing to reflect on that mix of emotions and all the unknowns that surrounded our coming to Wycliffe, especially now having recently departed, feeling very much like we’ve left home. That is not to say that our time at Wycliffe was easy or without struggle, but it was everything we hoped it would be and more. Our 8+ years at Wycliffe were an intensely formative period for our family, one that saw the completion of two degrees and (more importantly) the addition of three children! We look forward to maintaining the strong relationships we built with staff, faculty, residents, and fellow students. Although it was difficult to leave, we felt prepared and ready for our next stage of ministry, and we know that this is what Wycliffe is all about—a foundation for ministry that shapes our ability to make disciples “as we go.” And so, as I prepare to have my ThD (Doctor in Theology) degree conferred this spring and have begun fulltime

congregational ministry back in Calgary with Chantelle, Hudson (6), Cadence (4), and Elise (2) by my side, we are acutely aware of the privilege we had in spending such a substantial period of ministry and teaching preparation at Wycliffe and the responsibility that comes with that privilege. The question my brother posed to me a decade ago changed my life. As Christians we know better than to stay silent about good news, so I need to close with a challenge: who have you told about Wycliffe lately? Lane Scruggs is the Senior Pastor of Oak Park Church of Christ in Calgary and an adjunct faculty member of Wycliffe College. He is the son and grandson of ministers from Western Canada and is humbled to carry on the tradition. After completing his MTS degree from Wycliffe in 2011, Lane continued on to his ThD, defending his dissertation this past fall, and graduating in May 2018.


Challenged to grapple By Seth Enriquez WYCLIFFE MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. Here I was invited to understand our faith in Jesus Christ more deeply in order to be more firmly grounded in his love for me and the world. I was challenged to grapple with Scripture so to better communicate the gospel credibly and winsomely. I was afforded the opportunity to study with folks whose views did not mirror my own, a blessing because I began learning

how to find common ground with sisters and brothers in Christ—and where common ground couldn’t be found, then to disagree in friendship and love. And finally, here I met my future wife Brit. I couldn’t be more grateful for the love of God made real to me in her love, friendship, and desire to partner with me in serving the Lord wherever he may call us. I’m grateful for the love and friend...continued on page 6 5

‘Seth Enriquez’ continued ... ship given me here, for the opportunity to learn in so many ways just how much God loves you and me. I hope to continue serving my local church, and to become an ordained minister. I hope to be a loving husband and father. And I hope to serve Jesus Christ every day of life that I’m given until I meet him face to face. Seth Enriquez graduated with his MDiv in May 2018. He is youth pastor at Little Trinity Anglican Church. He was born in Los Angeles and graduated from McMaster University with a degree in philosophy. He came to Wycliffe to pursue a call to ministry and explore Anglicanism. Seth and Brit were married on April 24, 2018.


Here for the intangibles By Michael Reardon WHEN I FIRST FELT CALLED to pursue theological studies, I made two appointments: one at a TST member institution closer to my ecclesial background, the other at Wycliffe. Within 30 minutes of entering 5 Hoskin Avenue, my decision was settled. My initial appointment was with Jon Clemens, who immediately struck me as one of the most intelligent yet approachable members of the academy I had ever encountered. The tour was uneventful—it’s readily evident that other colleges have “nicer” facilities. Still, what concretized my desire to choose Wycliffe was the unparalleled faculty resources. At any institution it is a rarity to have more than a handful of “all-stars” on staff, yet at Wycliffe, I realized that nearly every professor was situated at the top of their respective discipline. Thus I began my two-year journey. However, what inspired me to remain at Wycliffe for doctoral studies were the intangibles apart from academic prowess. In my first year I had opportunities to sit with professors over a $3 meal and explore everything from metaphysics to basketball scores—without an appointment. In my second year, I joined a professor-led fellowship group, wherein I got to step away from research and actually pray with and for a group of students in my cohort. During these times, I also experienced what it meant to be prayed for, as I passed through several difficult experiences, including the death of my father. I truly cannot articulate the care I experienced when during these darker times I dropped into various professors’ offices unannounced. I chose Wycliffe for academics, but I remained here because it has become part of my family (or rather, I have become part of its family). There’s no place like Wycliffe. Michael Reardon is a first-year doctoral student at Wycliffe whose proposed research is situated within the intersection of Christian ethics, New Testament studies, and jurisprudential theory. His other research interests include hermeneutic phenomenology, Pietism, pneumatology, the doctrine of theosis, and Sino-Christian theology. 6


Confounded by the great mysteries By Carol Voaden IT IS A GREAT PRIVILEGE to audit classes at Wycliffe College for many reasons: new knowledge, new friendships, and more important, the contagious gift that comes with being with people who are aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. For much of my life, I have been confounded by the great mysteries of our Creator and our Christian faith, and almost overwhelmed by the problem of evil. I lost my mother to a frightening and terrible battle with cancer. She was 48 when she died. I was only 14. Such a monstrous and dramatic change in my life was my first encounter with the reality that all was not well with my little world, nor with the world at large. I graduated from the U of T Faculty of Medicine, and after two years of post-graduate training, worked as a physician for the United Church of Canada in Bella Coola, BC. There, we served Indigenous people and others—mainly of Norwegian descent—who farmed along the floor of the valley. Later, throughout the 1960s, after establishing a practice in Toronto, I did several summer locums in places across Canada where medical practice was primitive, even by the standards of the day. After these forays, I finally settled into my Toronto practice. Upon retiring, it seemed logical to follow up my interest in theology. I chose Wycliffe College, a marvellous place to learn about scriptural interpretation and also about the bridge between these ancient writings and our contemporary materialistic society. I keep looking for new information concerning the interface between biblical studies and the insights of modern day psychology. I also look to Wycliffe for help in asking new questions about the mystery of evil. Where is God in this? Our greatest comfort comes from the cross and the resurrection, but still, many of our questions remain unanswered. It is helpful to have discussions with my classmates, and I will forever be grateful to Wycliffe College for the opportunities I have received here. Carol Voaden is a retired family physician who audits classes at Wycliffe. She is in her third year of study.

Graduating Class of 2018




Gail Marie Henderson

Seth Eligio Enriquez

R. Leigh Spruill

Joel David Steiner



Jeffrey Boldt

Daniel Young Choi

Wesley Miles Goudy

Shelly-Ann Pollard



Mary Catherine Culley

Alexandra Christine Pohlod


Warren Craig Campbell Hsin-yi Chen (Sophia)


Axel Kazadi

Sidney Alexander Baller

Yanling Meng Daisy Ying Mei Mui



Andrew Theodore Ronald Badgley

Christine Elizabeth Ivy

David Michael Dickson

Kenneth Michael Johnstone

Jose Luis Dizon

Shirley Esther Kitchen

Robert Kevin Irish

Heekyong Lee (Diane)

Juan Sebastian Maldonado Latorre

Joan Elizabeth Morris

Kayi Kalizya Nakazwe

Melissa Katherine Ritz

Michael Martin Chester Reardon

Brian Wishart Robertson

Juli Barbara Shore

David Blair Smith

Anandarajah Sinnadurai

George Russell Westgate

John Ryan Norman Smith

Ryan Ball

Robb Leonard Sykes 8

Clark Whitney



Thomas David Warwick

James Paul Detrich Roy Abraham Thomas THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THEOLOGY (University of St. Michael’s College, Conferred November 2017)

Mark Steven Francois Layton Boyd Friesen Jin Hwan Lee Ian James Vaillancourt THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN THEOLOGY (University of St. Michael’s College, Conferred November 2017)

Angela Grace Beesley Aleksander Krogevoll Robert Donald Miller

Photo credit Michael Hudson/Diocese of Toronto

Recently Ordained Students and Alumni

The following Wycliffe graduates were ordained as transitional deacons in the Diocese of Toronto, on Sunday, May 6 at St. James’ Cathedral in Toronto.

Photo credit Michael Hudson/Diocese of Toronto

Shelly Ann Pollard—MDiv recipient 2018 (front row, fourth from left) Kenneth Johnstone—MDiv recipient 2018 (immediately behind Shelly Ann) Alison Hari-Singh—Wycliffe alumnus (second row from the front, behind the right shoulder of Archbishop Colin Johnson) Andrew Kaye—Wycliffe alumnus (beside Alison, second row from the front, behind the left shoulder of the Archbishop) Jeff Boldt – THD recipient 2018 (second row, second from right, in front of Bishop Andrews) 9

Honorary Degrees Conferred in 2018

From left to right: Mr. Peter Patterson, Dr. Wendy LeMarquand, The Rev. Fleming Rutledge, The Rt. Rev. David Lehmann

Dr. Wendy LeMarquand Doctor of Sacred Letters (honoris causa) Dr. Wendy LeMarquand is a physician with nearly 40 years’ experience in family medicine, tropical medicine, and village medical practice. She graduated from McGill University in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science, Honours Physiology; and from the Faculty of Medicine in 1982 with a doctorate of Medicine and a Masters in Surgery. After completing a Residency in Family Medicine at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Montreal, she began her medical practice in “La Clinique communautaire de Pointe-Saint-Charles,” a bilingual clinic serving the poor of the inner city of Montreal. In the late 1980s she moved to Kenya with her husband Grant, where she took care of the medical needs of St. Paul’s United Theological College and the surrounding community in Limuru, as well as acting as consultant to the development of the Community Based Health Care programme for the Diocese of Mount Kenya South. In 1989 she returned to Canada and joined an urban practice in downtown Toronto. After moving to Pennsylvania in 1998, she joined the staff of the East Liberty Family Health Care Center, a Christian medical clinic serving the homeless and uninsured in the inner city of Pittsburgh. In 2008, as a long 10

time board-certified member of both the Canadian and American Boards of Family Practice, she was made a Fellow of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Most recently Dr. LeMarquand has returned from nearly six years living and working in Gambella, Ethiopia, the poorest and least developed area of one of the poorest nations in the world. In Ethiopia Dr. LeMarquand developed and established the Mothers’ Union Community Education Program, designed to empower women to teach one another the tiny things that can be done to save the lives of literally thousands of at-risk children in the area. This program is now fully African-led and continuing to make a difference to the lives of those in the communities and refugee Honorand Wendy LeMarquand camps in the Gambella with Professor Emeritus Peoples Region of Ethiopia.

John Bowen

Peter Patterson Doctor of Sacred Letters (honoris causa) After graduating from the U of T in 1968, Peter Patterson pursued an actuarial career in insurance. He qualified as a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 1975. After a number of years in marketing, administration, and claims, Peter was appointed President and CEO of the Mercantile and General Reinsurance Company’s life business in North America in 1986. Over time he also took on responsibility for the Company’s general business, as well as global responsibility for disability and health products. After M&G was acquired by Swiss Re in 1996, Peter was appointed as President of Swiss Re’s life business in Canada and the U.S. After his retirement from that position, Peter spent his time and energy working in the charitable sector, including chairing the Board of Directors at World Vision Canada, serving as Business Director at Wycliffe College for 20 years, and acting as his church’s representative on the Board of Stonegate Ministry. He continues to serve on several corporate bank insurance boards.

Honorand Peter Patterson signs register

The Rt. Rev. David Lehmann, Bishop of Caledonia Doctor of Divinity (jure dignitatis) Bishop David was born in Toronto and raised in Fort Smith, NT. He completed his BA in History at Camrose Lutheran College in 1990. While working on his MDiv at Wycliffe, he enlisted in the Naval Reserves. Upon completion of seminary, he was ordained and served in Fort Simpson, NT. Throughout his parish ministry in the Northwest Territories and Alberta, he would actively engage in community initiatives, heritage projects, and Fresh Expressions of ministry.

The Rt. Rev. David Lehmann

Bishop David is currently the Bishop of Caledonia and is writing his dissertation for a Doctorate of Ministry at the Trinity School for Ministry.

The Rev. Fleming Rutledge Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) Having spent 22 years in parish ministry, Fleming Rutledge now has an international preaching vocation. She is invited to preach, teach, and lead conferences in the Protestant denominations of the USA and Canada, and is also recognized as a preacher-theologian by Roman Catholic leaders. She has taught preaching in the University of Toronto School of Theology. Mrs. Rutledge has twice been a resident Fellow of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton and was a visiting scholar at the American Academy in Rome. Her most recent book, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, was named Book of the Year (2017) by Christianity Today. Six previous sermon collections, including And God Spoke to Abraham: Preaching from the Old Testament, have met with wide acclaim across denominational lines. Her book about the theology of The Lord of the Rings is called The Battle for Middle-earth. Her new book Advent: The Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ will be published by Eerdmans this fall. Her website is One of the first women to be ordained (1977) to the priesthood of the Episcopal Church, Mrs. Rutledge served for 14 years on the clergy staff at Grace Church on Lower Broadway, New York City. She received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from the Virginia Theological Seminary. A native of Franklin, VA, Mrs. Rutledge and her husband Reginald E. (Dick) Rutledge recently celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary. They have two daughters and two grandchildren.

Honorand Fleming Rutledge greets Prof. Glen Taylor 11

Alumni news Dear friends in Christ, It is wonderful to hear where the Lord has led so many of you in your ministry and life after studying at Wycliffe. For many of us Wycliffe was a treasured time of intensive study and formation. My prayer is that we would continue to encourage one another in the Holy Spirit as we labour together for the gospel in our vocations, families, and neighbourhoods. Let’s connect online, support one another, and pray for the new class of Wycliffe students that will begin studies this fall. Under the mercy, The Rev. Jonathan Turtle (MDiv, 2012)

From the 1950s

The Rev. Earl C. Gerber (W ’53) while officially retired (in June 1994) is still active in St. Andrew Anglican Church in Alliston, ON. He preaches once a month and leads a weekly adult Bible class. As a Wycliffe student, he spent the summer of 1950 in a three-point rural parish in south Simcoe. The following summer, he was in charge of a two-point maritime parish in Nova Scotia. Following graduation and ordination to the diaconate, he and his wife would minister in Kamloops, BC (1 year), Nunavik (6 years), Muskoka (12 years), Richmond Hill (11 years), and Mississauga (10 years). Since retiring, he has done three interims. “With infinite sadness and sharp grief, I parted company with my beloved wife Betsie a little over two years ago,” he writes. “We had ministered together for nearly 63 years.”

FROM THE 1970s

The Rev. Canon Terry McNear (W ’71) is presently doing a part-time Interim at St. James the Apostle, Wallaceburg. He moved back to SW Ontario (from NW Ontario) in March 2016 to be able to keep an eye on his mother. She will be 97 in September. Prior to this the McNears were spending winters in their Airstream trailer, often in Arizona. They are very well and enjoy playing cards, going to the theatre, and texting their children, who live in Kenora, Caledonia, and Sioux Lookout, ON, and in Indonesia. They are hoping to run an Alpha course with their parish and would be


Tom Corston - School of Ministry delighted if it has the same results as at St. John’s in Kingston. At the age of 78, Terry walked Hadrian’s Wall with his eldest granddaughter. The McNears are heavily engaged in supporting the building and ongoing support of an orphanage and school in Uganda. The Rt. Rev. Thomas A. Corston: (W ’75 & ’11) Bishop Tom’s wife comments that he can’t spell “no” so he continues actively in his retirement! A major accomplishment has been his oversight of the Diocese of Moosonee’s School of Ministry, which graduated 24 local parish leaders in January. Of the graduates, ten have discerned a call to ordination. A special process has been planned to assess the candidates as the Diocese moves forward on the exciting project. With the impending retirement of both the Archbishop Johnson (who acts as Bishop of Moosonee) as well as the Diocesan Administrator, Tom has agreed to assist the new Metropolitan to the end of 2019. Added to that ministry, Tom continues as Interim Rector of Sudbury’s Church of the Epiphany. The Bishop of Algoma has asked him to remain in that ministry until the end of 2019 and serve as Mentor to The Rev. Sarah Armstong (W ’17), who has been appointed as half-time

Curate beginning this September. Following a year with Bishop Tom, she will assume the role as full-time Rector. Rather than wait until “full” retirement, Tom and Ruth plan to travel throughout Britain this summer.

FROM THE 1980s

Chris Barrigar, W ’88, W ’89: In 2017, Chris’ book Freedom All the Way Up: God and the Meaning of Life in a Scientific Age was released (available on Amazon). Chris did a book tour, speaking on campuses across North America, from UBC to MIT. In March 2018, Chris walked the Camino de Compostela in Spain with his wife, Fiona, and son, Devadas.

FROM THE 1990s

The Ven. Keith Osborne (W ’91) and his wife Vivian have retired, she from nursing and he from being Rector of Pennfield for 18 years. They now live in Saint John, and he has been appointed Director of Senior Ministry for the Archdeaconry. This involves giving pastoral care to Anglicans in nursing homes as well as training a team of lay people to do the same. The Bishop has also appointed Keith as Archdeacon for a three-year term. Maj. Rev. Steven M. Cameron (W ’94) graduated with a DMin in Biblical Preaching from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN, on May 20, 2018. His thesis was entitled “Seeing Salvation: The Effectiveness of Preaching on the Sacramental Life in a Salvation Army Context.” He is a Major in The Salvation Army, stationed at Kitchener Community Church.

Tom and Ruth Corston

Sandra Copland Dufour (W ’96) has been ministering in downtown Hamilton for 18 years. She has two small congregations in Hamilton’s north end. Her outreach min-

istry focuses on children and their families. There is a high percentage of children living in poverty in the area, so along with the typical after-school fun and games, they feed them God’s Word and nourishing meals. Stan Fowler (ThD, W ’99) is retiring this summer as Professor of Theology at Heritage Theological Seminary, Cambridge, ON. He will continue occasional teaching as an adjunct professor at Heritage, but he will have time to do more reading and writing on his own schedule. The writing projects are yet to be determined. Ted Ward (DCS, W ’99) was privileged to spend time at St. Martin’s, Houston, the largest Episcopal church in the USA, as Rector, with Dr. Russell Levenson, a great evangelical leader and miracle believer. The Center for Hope and Healing is the fulfillment of Levenson’s vision to “minister to those broken by life circumstances.” It offers seminars on dealing with mental health issues, individual prayer ministry every week, counselling (as for recent Houston flood victims) and fellowships for researching mental health/spiritual issues. Run by former Baylor professor Dr. Matt Stanford, it is self-supporting but closely aligned with St. Martin’s. One sees the working out of Jesus’ Great Commission and model for ministry as in Luke 9–10 and Matthew 10. Check it out at, where they welcome visitors.

FROM THE 2000s

FROM THE 2010s

John Dykeman (W ’15) and his wife are expecting their first child on September 4, 2018. He still plays ball hockey at the Wycliffe tennis court on Monday nights. He now works fulltime for the Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada as chaplain to medical and dental students at U of T and participates in advocacy work around doctors’ conscience rights. He has recently stepped down as Youth Pastor at Christ Church St. James after 4 1/2 years and has applied for ordination in the Anglican Church of Canada.

They spend approximately half the year in the West, raising awareness of work supporting indigenous pastors in Tanzania; the other half of the year is spent in Tanzania. They work with four denominations. The charity he and Cathy founded (ACrossMission) is supporting the stipends of 31 pastors in Sub-Saharan East Africa (prayers and ideas as to how to broaden awareness of this ministry and so increase their level of support would be greatly appreciated). Canon Edwards says that “God seems to be leading us to adopt 30 ministries in Haiti, Burundi, DRC, and South Sudan over the next few years… please pray for God’s provision.” Rev. Sarah Armstrong (Jackson) (W ’17) On Easter Sunday Sarah and her husband, The Rev. Aidan Armstrong (W ’16), celebrated the baptism of their son, William Alfred (born November 15th, 2017), at the Church of the Ascension in Sudbury where Aidan serves as the incumbent. His godparents are The Rev. Dr. Derek Neal (W ’17) and Allison Dean (W ’17).

The Rev. Canon Howard Edwards (W ’15) was ordained as Deacon on Aug. 21, 2016 in the Diocese of Rorya, Anglican Church of Tanzania, and ordained as a Priest in the same diocese on Dec. 11, 2016. He was appointed Canon and Archdeacon of Suba on July 2, 2017 – Diocese of Rorya, Anglican Church of Tanzania. He and his wife Cathy are teaching the Gospel in five congregations, and God is establishing new Anglican congregations in the Suba region of Tanzania (the shores of Lake Victoria south of Kenya and north of Musoma Tanzania).

The Rev. Paul Ranson (W ’05) is currently the Rector of the Parish of Douglas and Nashwaaksis (August 2016–Present) at St. John the Evangelist Church. From 2013 to 2016 he was chaplain at Rothesay Netherwood School in Rothesay, NB. He is married to Kimberly (Worrall) from Fredericton, NB. They have three children: Isaac (5), Colin (4), and Rachel (1). Vannesa Rottner (W ’05) participated in the Care 150 Therapeutic Touch events in May 2018 with her colleagues at Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario as a Community Educational event, offering sessions at Sick Kids Hospital and also at St. John’s Convent. Therapeutic Touch has its roots in the practice of Laying on of Hands. She continues to exercise her lay ministry to the church, friends, and family within those parameters and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. She says her Calico cat “keeps me on the straight and narrow, reminding me of God’s abundant unconditional love.” 13

In Memoriam

We remember those members of the Wycliffe family “called home” in 2017-18

The Rev. Dr. Dennis A. Andrews, Class of ’59

Mr. David Platt, Former Property Committee Member

The Rev. Juergen E. Berlenbach, Class of ’89

Ms. Loretta Purser, Friend of Wycliffe College

Mrs. Wilda Cathcart, Friend of Wycliffe College

Lt. Col. Maxwell F. Ryan, Class of ’00

Ms. Josephine Clement,Staff Member The Rev. John F. Crabtree, Class of ’86 Ms. Kelly S. Duffett, Friend of Wycliffe College The Rev. Donald S. French, Class of ’60 & ’65

Mr. C. Richard Sharpe, Friend of Wycliffe College The Rev. James Slater, Friend of Wycliffe College Ms. Lillian M. Thistle, Friend of Wycliffe College Mr. Douglas M. Tisdall, Class of ’65

The Rev. Samuel J. Hanna, Class of ’59 & ’67

The Rev. Dr. Joy H. Vernon, Class of ’59 & ’89

Mrs. Catherine Hughes, Friend of Wycliffe College

Mr. William D. Wemp, Friend of Wycliffe College

The Rev. Peter Lai, Class of ’86

The Rev. Dr. Daniel A. Westberg, Class of ’78

The Rev. Canon David E. Lemon, Class of ’51 Mr. Ken Macdonald, Fellow & Former Trustee Miss Joan Nix, Class of ’85 Rev. Dr. Jonathan Glyn Owen, Friend of Wycliffe College

The Rev. Philip C. Whitney, Class of ’60 Mr. Kin Wah Wong, Class of ’14 The Rev. John S. Yamane, Class of ’57

Josephine Clement was a valued member of Wycliffe’s staff, called home suddenly earlier this year. We miss her joyful smile and the sound of her singing as she worked. We remember her family in our prayers.

“…seeing then that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…let us run the race that is set before us.”

Hebrews 12:1

Report on the Annual General Meeting of the Wycliffe College Alumni Association On Friday, May 25th, alumni travelled from near and far to gather for the Wycliffe College Alumni Association’s Annual General Meeting. They heard reports from the Executive Committee, Wycliffe’s Principal and administrative offices, received nominations for the 2018/19 Executive Committee, and honoured graduates with anniversary years ending in the numbers 3 & 8. In addition, they discussed amendments to the Alumni Association bylaws in the hopes of better reflecting current realities with a refreshed purpose and vision, and celebrated God’s faithfulness together over dinner. The Rev. Stephen Shaw, a friend and honorary alumnus of Wycliffe College, was presented with the Archdeacon Harry St. Clair Hilchey Award for Distinguished Service for his lifelong commitment to the Gospel, as well as for his many significant contributions to Wycliffe College and the Church over the years. For questions about the Alumni Association, please contact our 2018-2019 Alumni Association Executive Committee President, The Rev. Jonathan Turtle at 14

Is There Meaning to Life? Three big names debate a big question. By Amy MacLachlan

PHILOSOPHER WILLIAM LANE Craig, U of T psychology professor Jordan Peterson, and philosopher Rebecca Newberger Goldstein met as guests of Wycliffe College’s Religion and Society Series on January 26 at U of T’s Convocation Hall. Their purpose? To debate the question, “Is there meaning to life?” A sold-out crowd of 1,500 people attended the discussion. The live stream of the event on the College’s YouTube channel has been viewed over 112,000 times (and more than 900,000 if you include views registered by those who have shared the video). Moderated by journalist Karen Stiller of Faith Today magazine, the evening began with each speaker presenting a short monologue on the topic, followed by a debate among the speakers. Audience questions were taken at the end. “Where can you find meaning?” asked Peterson, whose book Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief relates to the psychology of religion. “You can find it in art and literature; in relationships if your relationships are built on trust and truth. You find it in what you say and do if what you say and do comes from the heart.

“We often are asking the wrong question: Is there meaning in life?” he continued. “What we’re really asking is, in the face of life’s pain and suffering, does life have any positive meaning? And that’s a different question.

“Meaning is what makes the suffering worthwhile.” “This question to me and to each one of us, is personal,” said Newberger Goldstein. “How you answer this question draws on who you are…. I’m a naturalist. I don’t think that anything supernatural exists.” Naturalism is the philosophy that everything arises from natural causes, dismissing any spiritual explanation. According to Newberger Goldstein, naturalism “provides all the resources for pursuing a meaningful life.” “We all want to live a meaningful life,” continued Newberger Goldstein. “We have a will to matter; a profound longing to not be nothing. It is deeper than the will to survive. “The goal is to cross the divide,” she added, “to the deeper commonalities between us.”

This sentiment was echoed in Peterson’s words: “We all have the divine spark within us,” he said, “and it’s obligatory for me to recognize that in you if we are going to inhabit the same territory and… cooperate. “[We need to] take responsibility for being. We need to accept suffering and work to ameliorate it.” William Lane Craig came at the question from a strictly Christian perspective, arguing that without God, there is no meaning. “Atheism cannot support a happy and consistent life,” he stated. “If God exists, there is hope. If God does not exist, there is only despair. If God is dead, then man is dead too.” Craig spoke about purpose, value, and significance, saying that if God did not exist, life would be void of these three things. He also discussed morality, arguing that without God, there would be “no objective standards of good and evil.” “In a world without God, morality is a biological adaptation—an aid to reproduction and survival. Good and evil do not exist, only the bare, valueless fact of existence.”

“In an age of ‘alternative facts’ and ‘fake news,’ telling the truth in clear and winsome ways has never been more important. It is with this in mind that I am grateful for the education that I received at Wycliffe College. I started studying for my Master of Divinity at Wycliffe… in 1994, having just finished my undergraduate degree, overflowing with questions, uncertain about ordination, and wondering where this degree would take me. Within my first week, I encountered the truth that would not only ground me those three years, but continues as the anchor of both my personal life and my ministry as both a priest and now a bishop.” - The Rt. Rev. Jenny Andison, Suffragan Bishop, Diocese of Toronto. 15

Institute of Evangelism Being the Body WYCLIFFE SERVES ANNUAL REPORT

By Judy Paulsen

By Steve Hewko

ONE WOULD EXPECT THAT WHEN THE BUSTLE of classes ends for the day, and students flow out the doors of the College, silence would fall upon the building. But there are other inhabitants within these walls, whose songs and laughter bring life and vibrancy to this place. Among the other users of the College are many Christian churches, groups, and campus clubs. Power to Change and Toronto China Bible Church hold their regular worship meetings, small groups, and prayer meetings here. The Christian Reformed chaplaincy hosts its weekly “Wine Before Breakfast,” Graduate Christian Fellowship, and Christian Faculty Fellowship. The Network of Christian Scholars hosts its monthly seminar series that challenge academics to engage their world through their disciplines. Throughout the year, different churches and denominations use the building for a variety of purposes, from house churches to their pastoral training and development days. Not only are these groups users of our building, but they are also partners in mission. This year we have seen various campus groups participate in our Religion and Society series, help us host an Alpha group each Monday in Cody Library, and co-labour in an annual Mission Week. Mission Week is one of the highlights in the calendar, and this year we saw 1000 students take in 12 talks on topics such as science and faith, society, morality, loneliness, and hope. Our vision is to be a good steward of our building for the mission of God at the University of Toronto St. George Campus and the City of Toronto. It is no accident that we are placed at the very heart of these two strategic mission fields, and our prayer is that we would continue to cultivate these partnerships so as to maximize our influence. As a bonus, it just so happens that some of our current students have come from these groups and are contributing to the life of the College, all the while being formed by our professors and through our courses.

The Institute of Evangelism exists to provide churches with resources and training, enabling them to rediscover their apostolic calling and place mission at their core. Recent, current, and up-coming initiatives include the following: 1. Earlier this spring, the new master’s-level course Evangelism Remixed had one of the highest enrollments for courses Wycliffe has offered in evangelism. Students from a variety of denominational backgrounds learned together about healthy models of evangelism as they explored conversion stories in the Bible. 2. The Institute of Evangelism Mentor Team began working with groups of churches in the YorkCredit Valley region of the Diocese of Toronto. The Missional Coaching Project allows our mentor team to systematically help churches strengthen their missional focus. With an increased demand for this help, we will be expanding our team from six to 12 qualified mentors. 3. The second edition of the Christian Foundations workbook was released in August 2017 and with little to no marketing sold out half of its first printing. Churches across Canada have been using this small group resource with people exploring faith, as a confirmation program with teens and adults, and as a refresher for people who may have been in church for years but wonder about the “big picture” of the Bible, Church History, and the Gospel. 4. Special training weekends in both the Diocese of Huron and the Diocese of Florida focused on equipping people to share their faith naturally, and helping clergy and lay leaders cultivate churches that place mission at their core. 5. The Institute of Evangelism is partnering with the Anglican Diocese of Toronto to host a national conference on evangelism and formation. Discipulus ’18 will take place October 18–19, 2018. For more information:


Wycliffe Israel Trip 2018 Throughout my 17 years working at Wycliffe, I have watched students return from the Israel Trip and heard how it was life-changing for them. By Karen Baker-Bigauskas

Karen Baker-Bigauskas (left) and Connie Chan (right)

THIS FEBRUARY WAS MY TURN! The whole trip was incredible. Dr. Stephen Notley was our guide extraordinaire, the group of 53 was a cohesive one of students, staff, faculty, alumni, friends, and family, and the sites we visited had us walking through the Bible. The day that we walked from the birthplace of Jesus though his final days had a particularly emotional impact on me. Our second stop was the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The church is built on the traditional site of the stable where Jesus was born. I had the opportunity to place my hand on a star on the floor believed to be the birthplace of Jesus. As I placed my hand there, a feeling of awe came over me. I wanted to rest there

awhile. But the pushing crowd had other ideas, and I had to let others have their turn. After lunch we ventured to the Mount of Olives, where we looked out over cemeteries thousands of years old, strategically placed outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. Jesus was there! He had prayed there many times! Then we walked down to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed before he was betrayed by Judas. The olive trees there are incredible, dating back hundreds if not thousands of years. There was a sense of peace, a quiet that made me reluctant to talk. I wanted to rest with him a while. From the Garden we walked into the Old City of Jerusalem, then along the Via Dolorosa, where

Pilgrim Reflections

By Connie Chan

I had seen photos of it. I had heard news about it. But nothing quite equates to actually setting foot on the land of Israel.

VISITING ISRAEL ALLOWED ME TO engage the biblical world not only with my intellect, but with my whole person. There’s nothing quite comparable to walking through the underground tunnel that King Hezekiah created, stepping on the staircase where the apostle Peter likely stood when he preached to thousands on the day of Pentecost, tracing the footsteps of Jesus across Israel/Palestine: from where he was born, where he grew up, to where he started his ministry. Among the places we visited, my favourite was Jerusalem, the city where Jesus spent his last days. It is where he wept, ate his last supper, faced his accusers, carried the cross, and was crucified.

On our free day in Jerusalem, I visited the Western Wall, where I spent some time in prayer and reflection. The trip proved to be both an enriching and confounding experience. I was fascinated by the layers of history illuminated by the ancient sites we visited, the coexistence of diverse ethnic and religious groups, and the complexity of current political situations. I sat down and sketched, observing women who prayed earnestly: some with their hands on the wall, some on their faces, some with hair down, others with heads covered. Countless pieces of paper with written prayers and wishes filled the cracks of the wall. Over the heads of the pilgrims, birds found shel-

Jesus carried his cross, to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, believed to be the site of Jesus’ crucifixion. Our day ended with the opportunity to put our hands on the place where Jesus’ cross stood. The emotions that ran through me cannot be described. Time stood still, and again I wanted to rest with Jesus. The entire 12-day trip led me through a rollercoaster of emotions, but that particular day brought the reality of Jesus, his life, and his death, into my heart. Karen Baker-Bigauskas is Executive Administrator and Manager, Human Resources at Wycliffe College. ter in the holes of the wall, oblivious to religious conflict, historical complexity, and the joys and sorrows in the hearts crying out to God. Then I remembered: the same God who provides for the birds also rules over impossible situations. And Jerusalem, where Jesus spent his last days, was also where he was raised to life. Through faith in Jesus, we have hope. There’s still much to ponder. I want to give thanks to all the wonderful people with whom I shared this unforgettable experience! Connie Chan is Communications Coordinator at Wycliffe College, and a part-time student in the MTS program.

Wycliffe and the Dead Sea 17

“The book of Revelation does not want to argue or convince us of anything. Rather, the book seeks to capture our hearts, renew our love grown cold, strengthen us for resistance to the ungodly powers, and summon us to that patient endurance without which we have no hope of being saved. The book seeks neither our assent nor our approbation but only our obedience.” - Joseph Mangina

Life, truth, and patient endurance: the Apocalypse By Joseph Mangina

What is Revelation, anyway? It is, to begin with, an apocalypse. APOCALYPSIS MEANS A disclosure, an uncovering or unsealing of heavenly mysteries—the mysteries of God! Revelation is not simply “an” apocalypse, however. It is the Apocalypse, the apocalypse of Jesus Christ. Does that mean Jesus is the one who does the revealing, or does it mean that Jesus is himself the substance and content of the revelation? Yes. It is both these things. God gives the revelation to Jesus, who gives it to an angel, who delivers it to John, who


writes it on a scroll and shares it with the seven churches. Christ is the medium here, but he is also the message. He is the very word of God itself. So here is a piece of counsel: read the Apocalypse as one long exercise in de-familiarization, forcing us to re-examine the Jesus we thought we knew. Jesus is not only alive, he is the living one. He did battle with Death, and Death won, which is to say, Death lost. To be joined to him is to know and experience the very life that God is and that God wills for his creatures. If one had to choose a single theme that runs through the Bible it might well be that of life, although often life appears un-

der its opposite, the experience of death and judgment. Apocalypse is one long demonstration of this truth. As we hear the book and let its visions wash over us, we are caught up in the reality of the God of life, named triply as the One who is, and who was, and who is to come; as Jesus Christ the faithful witness; and as the seven spirits before the divine throne—a liturgical and doxological way of saying the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who is none other than the LORD God of Israel. What is Revelation, again? It is not only an apocalypse but a prophecy, uttered on the Lord’s Day “in the Spirit.”

THE WELLNESS PROJECT @ WYCLIFFE The prophet is commissioned to speak the Word of the LORD to the LORD’s people in some particular historical moment—usually when the fate of the covenant hangs in the balance. The LORD is faithful to his covenant, but will Israel be? Or in the case of the Apocalypse, will the church be? As usual, the LORD’s Word cuts like a sharp two-edged sword, but it is a Word that we cannot live without, for it is life and health and salvation for us. We the church are those who live by what theologian Hans Frei once called the “wounding and healing invasion” of the Word. This is why we cling to the words of the prophecy. This is why the Apocalypse is so indispensable.

What is Revelation, one last time? What is Revelation, one last time? What we call the book of Revelation is in fact a letter. This might not seem obvious amid all the apocalyptic fireworks, and certainly John’s epistle is very different from those of St. Paul—although you might want to read Revelation side by side with Romans 8! Still, John the Seer shares his visions with the Christian assemblies in seven cities of Asia Minor. John is joined to his churches in a relation of profound solidarity. It is this solidarity in suffering that lends credibility to John’s testimony. The Apocalypse is played out on a historical, political, even cosmic scale, but it is also local and particular, lived out in the daily lives of those baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection. The LORD apocalypses himself in Ephesus and Smyrna and Pergamum, in the shadow of empire and the reality of persecution; and he apocalypses himself into our lives in these strange late modern times, a post-Christendom that is perhaps not unlike the pre-Christendom of John and his churches. Strange times, and yet the LORD’s time, as the risen Jesus shows himself among us. We are the ones who suffer his wounding and healing invasion. “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it; for the time is near.” Joseph Mangina is Professor of Systematic Theology at Wycliffe College. This essay is a summary of his Thursday morning sermon delivered in a series on the book of Revelation during the Winter 2018 semester.

A tool for flourishing in ministry The Wellness Project @ Wycliffe aims to assist people who engage in Christian ministry to gain a deeper understanding of their workrelated stresses, and of the things that help them flourish in ministry. Launched in June 2014 as a long-term study, the Project—under the supervision of Wycliffe College Professor of Pastoral Psychology, Wanda Malcolm—is about better understanding the ups and downs of ministry life. “Working in ministry is emotionally, physically, spiritually, and intellectually demanding,” says Wanda. “We know that the rate of burnout among those who serve in ministry is much higher than we’d like it to be, and that people are most vulnerable to vocational burnout when they are overstretched and overwhelmed; when their own needs are not being met and they’re overextending themselves to care for the needs of others.” That being said, a call to ministry life can be deeply satisfying, and responding to a sacred call offers powerful resources to those engaged in such work. To do justice to a life of ministry, both the life-eroding and life-giving elements need to be understood and appreciated. Starting as a research project, the Wellness Project transitioned into a service to the Church when Wanda and her team realized they were gathering information that could be returned to participants in the form of a helpful feedback report and conversation that offers individuals insight into their particular stressors and satisfiers, and the balance between both. The Project is for anybody who defines themselves as being engaged in ministry in a church or communitybased setting and includes both ordained and lay ministry, full- and part-time positions, paid and unpaid work. For more information:


The Debate Continues: Save the date for Wycliffe’s next RELIGION AND SOCIETY SERIES EVENT, September 21, 2018 at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall. The following comments were submitted by online viewers of our January 2018 debate, “Is there Meaning to Life? 3 Perspectives.” “About 5 years ago, I was considering suicide. If I had met [Rebecca] Goldstein, I [would] not have changed my mind: if I had met [Jordan] Peterson, I would have postponed it, but I met one like [William Lane] Craig, and I changed my mind for good.” – Christine

“I got one for you. A Kabbalist, Gnostic, and a Christian theist walked up on a stage. They were polite and civil to each other. And everyone watching got to see their beliefs and judge for themselves which one made sense and which one didn’t.” – Michael

“I’m an atheist and I have to say [William Lane] Craig really made me think.” – Peter “Classy discussion… Kudos to all three great speakers.” – Ashton

“Thank you Wycliffe for hosting this. I think it was a really great discussion, and wonderful to see [William Lane] Craig and [Jordan] Peterson on a stage together. Some great points made.” – Mark

MISSED THE EVENT? You can watch it here:


The Wycliffe College Newsletter for Alumni and Friends June 2018, No. 85 ISSN 1192-2761

Connie Chan

Barbara Jenkins

Patricia Paddey

Rob Henderson

Shelley McLagan

Thomas Power


Stephen Andrews

Peter Herriman

Joe Mangina

Fleming Rutledge

Karen BakerBigauskas

Steve Hewko

Patricia Paddey

Lane Scruggs

David Lehmann

Peter Patterson

Carol Voaden

Wendy LeMarquand

Judy Paulsen

Andy Witt

Amy MacLachlan

Michael Reardon

Connie Chan Dhoui Chang

INSIGHT is published twice yearly by Wycliffe College Communications Connect with us:


Marion Taylor

Seth Enriquez CONTACT Patricia Paddey, Communications Director 416-946-3535 X 3548

Wycliffe College 5 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1H7

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