The Word on Wycliffe - A Report on the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year

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Carol Boettcher, Chair Bishop Stephen Andrews, Principal

Chair’s Report 2020-21 2020–2021 has proven to be another year of considerable change for Wycliffe College as the pandemic continued. We give thanks for the work of all those essential workers whose commitment to doing their jobs has allowed each of us to do ours. In 2020 the Board endorsed an Anti-Racism Statement affirming the dignity of every human being as a beloved creature made in the image of God. The Board is committed to ensuring that this statement continues to be translated into actions. We acknowledge the outstanding efforts of staff and faculty to serve the Wycliffe College community— and almost entirely online. We are grateful to each member of the team and to their families. Principal +Stephen Andrews is in his fifth year of providing exceptional leadership to the College. Principal Andrews continues to guide the College through the implementation of our Strategic Plan. He is a man of God sent to us for such a time as this.

The Board is made up of a group of volunteers who give freely of their time and talents because of their love for the College and its mission. I am extremely grateful for each Trustee’s commitment, diligence, and wise counsel as we navigate this unusual time together with God’s help. Respectfully submitted and with every blessing,

Carol Boettcher Board Chair

Principal’s Report This past year has been one of negotiation and compromise where, in the wake of rapidly changing public policies and conditions, we sought to respond appropriately to pandemic-related challenges. Faculty and staff were undaunting in their efforts to provide the best possible residential and learning experience for our students while ensuring their safety. The necessity for remote teaching raised difficult questions surrounding maintaining a building and educational programs in an institution whose identity is centred on the formation of mind, spirit, and character in community. The faculty adapted well to the new instruction environment, which involved teaching a diverse and distant student body. IT reliability was a priority for us as students came from over twenty countries. Other highlights include: Faculty news – A successful international search for a new Professor of Theology resulted in the hiring of Dr Justin Stratis. He will be able to supervise students at the doctoral level immediately. Professors Mark Elliott and Stephen Chester were also granted approval to supervise doctoral students. Professor Glen Taylor retired at the end of the year, while Professor Tom Power retired in August 2021. TST – Professor David Kupp was seconded to TST for the equivalent of one day per week. David assisted in the preparation of the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process Report. The UTQAP review happens every ten years (as does the ATS review). He has also been involved in the revamping of the DMin program, an area that falls under one of Wycliffe’s strategic objectives (#2). ATS – We completed our ATS Self-study, a project that involved almost every member of Wycliffe’s staff and faculty (as well as some students, alumni, and board members). As of this writing we are preparing for the reviewers’ “site” visit, which will happen virtually. Anti-racism – Conversations on the matter of racism continued at the College. A task force was established to develop an action plan and we began to identify resources that can help us in cultivating our awareness around issues of race. Sexual misconduct training – Students, faculty and staff participated in increased mandatory training events, in addition to a newly revised training program administered by the Diocese of Toronto.

Chapel – Throughout the summer and term I continued to lead the Daily Office in the Chapel. The weekly Wednesday afternoon worship services in the Fall and Winter featured faculty preaching through the Psalter and the Gospel of Matthew. Scripture and Theology Colloquium – Both fall and winter colloquia were well attended online. The former event celebrated the work of Professor Chris Seitz, with a focus on the Future of Old Testament Canonical Interpretation, while the winter event brought together a panel of scholars evaluating the Brazos commentary series. Preaching Day – Attracted 125 registrants online for a conversation on “Preaching from the Parables” between Stephen Chester and Professor Klyne Snodgrass, retired New Testament scholar from North Park Seminary in Chicago. Friends and Alumni – Nearly 500 households supported Wycliffe’s ministry. My deepest gratitude to you and those who responded to the appeal for funds to assist students in need during the pandemic. Your generosity allowed us to assist many students and their families in crisis last year. Lilly Grant – We received a phase-one $50,000 USD grant from the Lilly Foundation’s three-phase Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative, which aims to help “theological schools strengthen their ability to prepare pastoral leaders for Christian churches into the future.” Online Convocation – The ceremonies began with a pre-recorded Chapel event and then transitioned into three separate convocations. Collectively, some 350 viewers and participants celebrated our 43 newest graduates, among whom were honorary degree recipients Archbishop Mouneer Anis, and Bishops Stephen Leung and Annie Ittoshat.

Respectfully submitted, +Stephen Andrews Principal and Helliwell Professor of Biblical Interpretation

Operating Revenue Sources l Tuition


l Residence


l Grants


l Investment Income & Fund Transfers


l Donations for Operating Purposes


l Other Revenue TOTAL



*Total Donations for Operating Purposes: $793,769 Thank You!

Operating Expenditures l Faculty & Staff Salaries & Benefits


l Facilities & Maintenance


l Administration


l Library






*Total Bursaries and Awards granted from all sources $766,288

Who Gives to Wycliffe? l Friends


l Alumni


l Churches


l Faculty & Staff


l Board


l Foundations


l Corporations


*Of 497 Households who gave to Wycliffe last fiscal year

Where Do Your Gifts Go? l Academic Programs & Administration


l Programs, Capital Improvement & Equipment 17% l Financial Assistance to Students


l Evangelism & Outreach


Total Gifts to General & Designated Funds $1,578,960 *Graph denotes all gifts given in fiscal year ending May 31, 2021, less bequests designated to endowment. To receive a copy of Wycliffe’s Audited Financial Statements, please contact us at

Thank you

Age Distribu on Fall 2017 To 2020 37.9 34.2 33.3


Thank you for your generous support of Wycliffe College this past year. Despite the many challenges brought on by COVID-19, your faithful support continues to allow us to provide rigorous theological education to a new generation of leaders as they respond to God‘s call in their lives.

Student Statistics 31.7

26.2 22.4

Theological education faces the challenges of a rapidly changing world, but we are reminded again of the support and loyalty of the Wycliffe College community and look forward to partnering on mission in educating people for practical ministry and theological scholarship in Christ’s global church and the world.


24.4 23.5






13.3 10.4





Axis Title





7.1 8.1




2020-21 Total Enrollment By Program With Previous Year For Comparison

We invite you to join with us in prayer and through financial support, as we seek to equip students to share the gospel at home and around the world.

Fall Session Program DMIN THD PHD (USMC) new PHD* THM MA (USMC) new MA AD sub total MDIV MTS MTSU CCTS new DCS new CAS new NDEGB Visiting BD subtotal Head Count

2020 4 10 2 60 7 1 5 89 75 72 11 4 1 6 9


Winter Session 2021 4 9 2 56 7 1 4 83 70 77 11 4 1 8 5 1 177 260

2020 5 10 1 57 4 1 5 83 64 70 17 6 1 1 7

178 267

2019 5 11 2 57 6 2 5 87 65 62 7 5 2 2 5 1 149 236





FTE Includes non conjoint Note: Figures do not include students on academic Leave of absence FTE is from Count Date summary.

Wycliffe College 5 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1H7 Connect with us:

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