Wynpress - Term 4, 2018

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by Mu'minah Salie

01 Editor's Letter - Mu'minah Salie 02 Stop Dreaming, Start Living - Marine Bosch 03 My Body, Your Body, Her Body - Nicola van Tellingen 04 Constitutional Consciousness - Nicola van Tellingen 05 Appreciation and Appropriation - Cheyenne Britten 06 Dear Stressed Teenager - Liezaan Bosch 07 Study Tips and Tricks - Jenna Ryklief 08 Pressure - Lieschen Natus 09 the Art of Bullet Journalling - Sage Seef 10 Black Consciousness - Kimber Jacobs 11 Seven Ways to Exercise Your Power - Ciara Birch 12 Be the Change - Kelly Blake 13 Breast Cancer Awareness - Christan Gonsalves 14 Are You Aware of Your Social Media? - Kaylen Meiring 15 Conscious Living - Lara Marais

the Editor's Letter With the constant buzz of everyday life, it is easy to give in to routine without being aware of it. We wake up; we show up; we leave. But the same thing every single day? Yes, some routines are unavoidable. We need to wake up and brush our teeth. We need to put on the uniform and go to school. We need to do the work and fulfil responsibilities. Yet we should not be ignoring the things that make us human. I'm not talking about abandoning pressures, adventuring to foreign lands (although with exams coming up, the idea is very appealing). I am asking whether we are aware of what we lose in the daily grind? Are we conscious of our roots and culture? Are we conscious of our privilege and opportunity? Our value? Abilities and limits? Are we conscious of ourselves? These days, sleep isn't the only unconscious state we are in. We seem to be walking day dreams, just going through the motions and not really paying attention to anything. We need to change our everyday, so that we may not only change the person we are (and keep growing), but also our school, our home and our world. Whether it is trying to be more inclusive, truly listening to somebody when she/he opens up, or looking inwards more, you can enact everyday change. And change is simultaneously easy and difficult, because it requires bravery to be conscious. With the constant buzz of everyday life, it is easy to give in to routine, but we must wake up, show up, and never truly leave. - Mu'minah Salie

by Marine Bosch

Stop Daydreaming, Start Doing Have you ever found yourself stuck in a daily routine where you no longer feel in control? Instead of consciously creating and living your life, you find that you are simply drifting along and following society. You dream and wish for many things as you watch other people living their lives, but you never take action and start living the life that you imagine for yourself. It is torment to follow the same routine year in and year out without knowing why. This is exactly the reason why it is essential to live consciously. Living consciously means that you become aware of your desires, values, emotions and purpose. Once you have identified how you truly wish to live your life, you can direct your actions and energy to accomplish goals that will lead you on a path where you find your purpose and happiness. Here are a few tips that will help you to start your journey to a more conscious and purpose-driven life:

1. Explore yourself Another way to describe conscious living is living ‘on purpose’, which requires thought and self-exploration. Self-exploration considers “what you are” and “what you really want to be”. You must listen to yourself and ask yourself what you want to do and why. Explore the reasons behind your actions. Questioning and challenging everything is an important aspect of living consciously. Remember that society’s way is not the only way. Everyone has different interests and desires. 2. Understand your emotions Understanding your thought processes, your emotions and behaviour in reaction to certain events can help you to control your response to future tough situations. Fear plays a large role in our ability to live consciously, as it is easier to back away when something scares you rather than to face your fear and continue the life that you wish to live. The secret is to embrace fear. Although you might not be able to erase it, you can acknowledge and understand your fear. This will allow you to manage your reaction when you are faced with your fear in the future. 3. Accept yourself No one is perfect and it is easy to find other individuals who seem to be better equipped or more adequate for different jobs or dreams that you may have. Do not allow your value to be degraded by comparing yourself to others and do not allow yourself to believe that you are better than other people. Whilst this may sound clichéd, you are perfect in your own way and that is what makes you beautiful. Take time to see this beauty in those around you.

4. Regain your consciousness Focus your attention on activities that are important to you and that provide you with a purpose. You will be faced with many choices in life. Using everything that you have learnt about yourself, make deliberate decisions to reach the goals that you have set to live a conscious life. Disregard any distractions that may cross your path. A useful skill that will help you to spend your time wisely, is to say “No” more often. If you are doing something that you do not enjoy and that is not purposeful, stop wasting your time and find another activity that aligns with your goals. This is quite a mouthful, but I am sure that you will take at least one point from these tips which you can incorporate into your life so that you will be a step or two closer to living a more conscious life.

A conscious life is more likely to fill you with joy and happiness. Stop dreaming and start doing! - Mariné Bosch

As women in our society today there is a huge amount of emphasis and importance placed on our bodies. How tall, how short, how thin, how fat, how muscled, how healthy and the list goes on and on and on. If it’s not we who are comparing ourselves to others (which it admittedly often is) it’s men doing so and global corporations propagating the idea that beauty can be defined: there are a certain number of characteristics that one can possess and if, and I mean only if, all of these are present, can a woman be truly beautiful.

As women, it is crucial we build a culture of acceptance where it is internationally recognised that beauty in itself comes in all shapes, sizes and colours. We can’t control the thoughts or actions of others, but we can check ourselves when we think negatively, comment harshly on our bodies and judge others for theirs. We need to recognize that although fat is a noun it is used as an adjective, that is a fact. But that by no means is that word synonymous with ugly or not beautiful. Describing someone as fat shouldn’t be an insult, it shouldn’t even happen. However, in a culture where it inevitably does, we must work to deconstruct the idea that thin is beautiful and that’s that. It is going to take the collective work of a gender to break down what patriarchal societies have spent centuries cultivating, but it is possible.

by Joanna Roodt

I challenge you to think of one person you consider beautiful and I am almost 100% sure that she/he doesn’t see herself/himself that way. There are others she yearns to look like, that there are others she idolises. The reasons for our insecurities differ from person to person and to claim there is one universal cause would only be a vast oversimplification of a worrying global phenomenon. It is important, however, to evaluate what causes your insecurities and work to address the underlying issues as to why they exist.

My Body, Your Body, Her Body

We must simply be conscious of what society would have us believe and why that just won’t stand anymore. We must be conscious of our implicit biases. We must be conscious that we are all beautiful - for and because of our differences. - Nicola van Tellingen

South Africa has one of the most progressive and fair constitutions in the world today, one so admirable it is studied in international universities as an example of a great constitution. The people of this country wrote this document together to create a better, equal and diverse society free from oppression, discrimination, and violence where all have the fundamental right to dignity. Chapter Two, the Bill of Rights, is based on the Freedom Charter drawn up during the liberation struggle and protects the right to freedom of association, dignity, education, equality, freedom of belief and so many more fundamental rights that allow our society to be, in principle, one of the most progressive. In practice, however, it is hard to see the principles which our constitution is based upon, in daily life. The preamble states: “We, the people of South Africa, Recognise the injustices of our past; Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land; Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country; and Believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity. We, therefore, through our freely elected representatives, adopt this constitution as the supreme law of the Republic so as to – Heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights; Lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law; Improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person; and Build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations. May God protect our people. Nkosi Sikelel’iAfrika. Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso. God seen Suid Afrika. God bless South Africa. Mudzimu fhatutshedza Afurika. Hosi Katekisa Afrika.”

by Lula de Rose

Constitutional Consciousness

In common culture, there is a lack of understanding and appreciation of this incredible document regarded as the law of our land. We are both privileged and lucky to be able to call a land where this reigns supreme “home”. In order to be active citizens and participants in our society, we need to become aware of this and when and where it is being violated. We need to encourage others to become aware otherwise we won’t realise when the values it aims to protect are being blatantly violated. Google it, buy a copy, watch a documentary - enlighten yourself so that when one day your democracy and country call on you to act, and it always does at some point, you will know when and where to fight.

- Nicola van Tellingen

by Cheyenne Britten

Appreciation & Appropriation

- ChĂŠyenne Britten

Have you ever considered dressing up as a native American for Halloween or a costume party? Or perhaps an Egyptian or painting your face like those Mexican sugar skulls? These may seem like cool ideas at first, but they’re not. These ideas are all forms of cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is when only a certain aspect of one culture is selected by someone from another culture, without permission. It is mainly for the benefit of a trend and its cultural significance is ignored and forgotten. These often happen when a majority cultural group adopt a section of culture from a minority group. They are seen as ‘trendy’ and new, and are praised for creativity, whereas in the minority group, it is normal, yet they are considered to be ‘ghetto’. Kylie Jenner wore cornrows and it became a trend which was seen as edgy, but when Zendaya Coleman wore dreads to an awards show and a reporter commented negatively saying she smelt like “patchouli oil ... and weed” this is different. Speaking on appropriation, Zendaya said the following which I feel everyone should be made aware of: "You have to be very careful. Some things are really sacred and important to other cultures, so you have to be politically aware of these things before you just adopt them.” You may have remembered the trending tweet ‘my culture is not your prom dress’ where an American girl wore a traditional Chinese dress (qipao) for her prom yet she was not Chinese. This sparked a cultural appropriation debate. One user stated that it was traditionally worn by Chinese women who were oppressed and who then decorated it beautifully as a form of activism. The girl argued that she was just appreciating Chinese culture, but, if she really were, she would've understood that it is a traditional garment that holds a lot of history. Although there is a fine line between appropriation and appreciation, one must understand the meaning behind the cultural wear, show appreciation by learning about why it is worn and not use other people's culture for one’s personal gain.

Dear Stressed Teenager

This term is crazy! It is the term of exams for our end- of -year marks. I am so stressed and I guess you are, too. In fact, if you didn’t have a few butterflies in your tummy, I’d be a bit worried on your behalf. I have already planned my timetable. I have to study for an hour every day. It won’t be too hard as I’ve done it before. This is just going to be another stormy term filled with hard work, but you know that already. I have to make it to the top of this mountain, but I am scared that I will fall and become swept away in the whispers of the wind. What if I fail all my tests and exams? What do I tell Mom and Dad? They expect me to get good marks. Everyone does.

by Zoe Sasman

But wait…

- Liezaan Bosch

My marks aren’t everything! They don’t define who I am. I won’t let them control my life. I will work as hard as I can, but if I don’t achieve the marks that I aim for, I won’t be upset. I don’t care what people think of me. I will try my hardest and that will be enough. I won’t waste all my energy stressing and competing against everyone else. I will only compete against myself and try to do better than I did last time because competing against others is pointless. It would be like an engineer competing against a ballet dancer. We are all different. We all learn in our own way and at our own pace. Why compare ourselves with each other when we are all unique in our own way. We need both the ballet dancer and the engineer in this world. We shouldn’t try to discard either one. Promise me that you will try your best and that you will only compare yourself with yourself? I sincerely hope that you will remember what I have said. I can’t wait to see you on the mountain peak. Love Yourself, The Winning Teenager

Term 4 is upon us and we all know what that means... But exams don’t have to be the dreaded, stressful experience they usually are. These 5 tips will help you tame the Exams Beast and emerge victoriously! 1. Unplug - our various devices may steer you off your study schedule and into the addictive world of social media. Resist the temptation by either turning your phone off, giving it to your parents while you study or putting it away (out of sight, out of mind!). However, with our advances in technology, it’s understandable that you may need your device to study. In that case, a computer or laptop (as opposed to a phone or tablet) will lessen the chances of little distractions.

Study Tips and Tricks

2. Get jazzy - If you’re the type of person who needs to listen to music while studying, consider listening to Jazz! As much as we would all like to hear our favourite tracks whilst studying, sometimes that song is just too good and the next thing you know, you’re dropping your new mixtape all over your algebra notes. Listen to Jazz that doesn’t have lyrics, which can cloud your brain and derail your train of thought. 3. Find your learning style - Discovering what works for you when it comes to studying is vital. What’s the point of making all those colour- coordinated notes when you can’t seem to sit still and learn from it? Why learn your work like a parrot when you know how useless your memory is? There is a plethora of internet quizzes you can take to discover your learning style, I suggest this quick quiz ( https://www.how-to-study.com/learning-styleassessment/)

4. “Get your act together”- The mere thought of having to study, fully conscious of the amount of work you have to cover, is enough to put just anyone off, but Rome wasn’t built in a day and you have to start somewhere. A study timetable is a great way to put things into perspective. It allows you to prioritize which will mean that tasks will seem less stressful. 5. Hype yourself up - Find what motivates you, whether it be motivational videos, certain music or even a person. Motivate yourself to study by reminding yourself of your goals and study with them in the back of your mind! We all need a bit of encouragement now and again and watching that video, listening to that music or talking to that person may be just what you need to get the ball rolling! You can’t run and you can’t hide when it comes to exams, so it’s time to put on your big girl pants and show those exams what you’re made of! - Jenna Ryklief


by Lula de Rose

Our lives are filled with expectations. As young people in today's society, we find ourselves constantly drowning in pressure and stress. This stems from the expectations placed upon us by parents, peers and, mostly, ourselves. Heading into this final quarter of 2018, we all know that the tension is thick and the standards are high. No matter what grade, you know that the results from these exams are fundamental to the next stage of your schooling journey. Whether you are striving to make that Top 50 or simply aiming at personal growth, you have set goals for yourself. Goals that create a catalyst for you to fall upon in times of self-doubt. However, these goals, under the influence of so many external sources that play a role in your life, can begin to feel like a burden. You can start to feel pressured to achieve them and this can cause an extensive amount of problems because there is only so much pressure that you, as an individual, can convert to motivation. How can you ever live up to all those expectations? The simple truth is you can't. You can put in as much effort and work to the best of your ability and in the end your hard work will pay off, but you will find that you can never please everyone because you are only human. There is always room for error and failure. Embrace your full potential, accept your weaknesses and faults- they make you who you are. They make you whole. Take time for introspection and just become conscious of your abilities and strengths because everything does not always revolve around the negatives. It is as important that you give yourself credit for your tireless work efforts. From time to time during this exam term, take a break and praise yourself because you are unique, with your own goals, your own exceptions so be aware of the many challenges and rewards that life offers you.  - Lieschen Natus

the Art of Bullet Journaling - Sage Seef

It’s assumed that most of us are used to the old run-of-the-mill idea of journaling where you talk about your day and express your feelings. Bullet Journaling, however, is not traditional journaling, it is essentially a planner. This is a space you can use to plan your days, track your emotions and your physical and mental health. The concept of bullet journaling was created by a man named Ryder Carroll. It is completely personal and takes on the role of whatever planner you need it to be. It allows you to organise, log and plan using your own spark of creativity.

To start a bullet journal, or rather “bujo” (a colloquial term used by bullet journalers) all you need is: a pen of choice, or multiple pens (don’t be afraid to add colour) A notebook of your choice And the rest is history. It is as simple and minimalistic as you wish. Of course, for the people who enjoy a more aesthetic approach to life, choosing to add stickers or printouts or colourful highlighters are what you need. That's the beauty of it, it’s all up to you. A full tutorial on how to get you started can be found on Bullet Journals official youtube channel and is titled: how to Bullet Journal which explains the idea of the system and how it works. Before starting your own bujo, there is some ‘lingo’ you’ll need to understand first: Bujo: a contraction used for the word ‘Bullet Journal” Future log: A log you will keep to see the next 6 months and any exciting projects, plans or occasions coming up. Weekly log: a log you will keep to see the upcoming week Daily log: A log you will keep for daily tasks, reminders and plans Habit tracker: a place to track daily habits to be able to visually see progress and adapt to new habits. These can include things like: exercise, make the bed, journal, meditate etc. Tracking your habits is a good way to keep a good routine.

This 100% customizable planner works completely in one's favour. It's 100% up to you how you set it up, decorate it etc. and will, therefore, work according to your needs without having something missing or anything unnecessary. It’s great for visual people as it’s easy to lay everything out and have a visual representation for tasks that need to be done. It promotes productivity as it allows you a chance to plan according to your time and motivates you to prioritise and complete tasks. It's also a helpful tool if you suffer from poor time- management as it allows you to see what needs to be done, by when it needs to be done, and what needs to be prioritised or forgotten about. And for everyone on a budget, all you need is a pen and paper which makes it totally affordable. Give bullet journaling a try and notice the change in your levels of productivity and the improvement of your time-management skills. There are so many places to find inspiration and advice as there is a large bullet journal community that still continues to grow on Tumblr and Pinterest. Below are a couple of ideas to possibly spark some inspiration.Â

Black Consciousness When I was approached to write an article pertaining to the theme of “consciousness”, my mind immediately shot to the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM). In his book I Write What I Like, Steve Biko defined and explained ‘black consciousness’ in the following words “Its essence is the realisation by the black man of the need to rally together with his brothers around the cause of their oppression - the blackness of their skin - and to operate as a group to rid themselves of the shackles that bind them to perpetual servitude." Now ‘black’ in Steve Biko’s mind did not only mean ‘Black’ as one’s racial status or identity, "Being black is not a matter of pigmentation - being black is a reflection of a mental attitude." Thus Biko included all ‘nonwhite’ and oppressed people in South Africa into the equation. I found it only fitting to write on this topic as we’d been watching Cry Freedom in History and learning about the BCM’s impact on 1970s resistance to Apartheid, but also because the story of Steve Biko is so engaging. Needless, to say after crying my eyes out while watching the film (it’s called Cry Freedom for a reason) and researching more about Biko, I felt extremely motivated to apply the concept of Black Consciousness to my own life, not specifically to race issues in our country but as a general concept in our lives at this moment in time. In 2018, we are living in a social climate where people are very vocal about not conforming to the norms that have been placed in our society by the ways of the past. There’s a lot more freedom of expression in the world and country we live in today that allows us to break away from the shackles that bind us and hold us back. We see tremendous social and political movements in which we see people breaking away from gender and racial stereotypes and hetero-normativity and expressing and accepting themselves for the human beings that they are, something that certainly in Biko’s time (41 years ago) would never have been tolerated.

However, not all of us are able to indulge in freedom of expression and speech, two things that are valued as core human rights, but, to thousands of people around the world, remain a privilege. Even though these rights are ingrained in our constitution, many of us still feel too ashamed to “come out” and distinguish ourselves from the “rest” as we experience an internal shame that has clipped back our wings and prevented us from taking flight. I implore you, dear reader, to take the necessary steps to emancipate and enlighten yourselves so that you may be able to spread your wings and fly without shame because enlightenment leads to empowerment.” “THE MOST POTENT WEAPON IN THE HANDS OF THE OPPRESSOR IS THE MINDS OF THE OPPRESSED.” BANTU STEPHEN ‘STEVE’ BIKO

- Kimber Jacobs

by Lula de Rose

Seven Ways to Exercise Your Power

You are powerful. You may not be in control of every aspect of your life, but you have influence. You have the power to change the ways of the world. I am asking you to look at the way in which you interact with your environment. Then, ask yourself: am I living mindfully?

Mindfulness is all about awareness, and once you are aware you suddenly realise your responsibility. We as the next generation of workers and earthdwellers are responsible for making sure that we improve this planet. Bearing in mind that you are not yet in complete control of the way you live, you need to take note of some tips on how to live more conscientiously and consciously. Acquire a reusable bottle. One-use plastic bottles are bad, not only for the planet, but for you. It takes more than twice the amount of water in a plastic bottle to make that bottle, which is incredibly wasteful. The water found in such water bottles is not the greatest for you because of the toxins secreted by the plastic, which you end up ingesting. Go vintage shopping. Brand new clothes are necessary in some situations (for example underwear), however, when you buy new clothes you are very often supporting businesses that have unethical labour practices, while encouraging the destruction of the environment (new materials are needed for clothing). By shopping vintage (or second-hand) you are preventing clothes from ending up in landfills, many a time supporting a local charity, and discouraging the production of more clothes. Bring your own containers. If you are going out for coffee with a friend, or getting a takeaway from a restaurant, or going out to eat with your family, bring a Tupperwarecontainer. Bring Tupperwarecontainers for takeout, leftovers and to-go coffee because those takeaway containers are one-use plastic holders (which are often styrofoam) which are bad news for the oceans.Â

Not only is it far more fashionable to have your own to-go mug, but it will also save your body from the toxins contained in the plastic. Say “No” to straws and plastic bags. By using alternatives you are decreasing the demand for one-use plastic items… enough said. Unplug. Leaving your cell phone on charge overnight is damaging to its battery life, and results in your phone having a shorter, more sporadic lifespan. This kind of charging uses lots of electricity. Replace. As time goes on and things like your toothbrush, razor, or deodorant need replacing, look for a more environmentally kind option. The online store Faithful to Nature has plenty of environmentally-sound options that are reasonably priced. You can also replace many body products with things you can find in the kitchen (for example, you can replace conditioner with diluted vinegar). Eat fewer animal products. Pastoral farming takes up crazy amounts of land, and even crazier amounts of resources. Approximately 15 415ℓ of water are required to produce just 1kg of beef, while it takes only 287ℓ to produce 1kg of potatoes. Through eating fewer animal products, even if you and your family have a Meatless Monday policy, you will save so many resources. Not to mention so many animals! - Ciara Birch

Be the Change - Kelly Blake

Growing up, I always loved helping others, whether others meant people or animals. Helping the environment was never something that I spent a lot of my time thinking about. I thought, how would I, just one individual, make any difference at all? Why does how I treat the environment matter? It was only recently that these questions of mine have been answered. I was lucky enough to be chosen to attend a course at the Two Oceans Aquarium during the holidays and not only did my passion for marine life develop, but a deep urge to protect the environment was awakened inside of me. It was during this week at the aquarium that I realized that we, humans, and all other living things are a part of the environment and how we treat the environment inevitably has an impact on us and our future. The story of Bob the green turtle Looking at the story of Bob, a green turtle who was rescued by the Two Oceans Aquarium in 2014, we can clearly see our current impact on the environment. Bob's rehabilitation journey started with the fracture on his shell being treated. Slowly but surely, his condition started deteriorating-he no longer had an appetite and he started going blind in both eyes. He was then sent for many tests to determine the cause of his condition and was monitored and cared for closely by the staff at the Aquarium.

One day, exactly 3 months after the day he came to the aquarium, Bob pooed out pieces of balloons and several pieces of large plastic. Since then, Bob has been getting better with time and now is a very greedy green turtle who loves feeding time! He has also regained sight in his one eye. Bob is just one of many creatures who is impacted negatively by plastic waste in the environment. Here are easy ten ways that we can do our bit in protecting the environment and make a difference: 1. Refuse single-use plastic shopping bags! (Use a reusable bag instead, you can find them in many different and pretty colours and patterns) and can buy them from school. 2. Refuse straws! ( Invest in a reusable straw such as a glass, steel or bamboo straw instead) 3. Don’t buy balloons! (Bring your friends flowers, bake a cake or make a card! It’s more personal and it is helping our oceans.) 4. Use reusable bottles Recycle any plastic bottles you might already have.

-Bottle caps along with bread tags can be collected and used to raise money for wheelchairs so bring them along to school. -Use your empty plastic bottles to make eco-bricks! 5. Pick up any litter you might see lying around ( This might save an animal’s life and makes our environment more hygienic ) 6. Try eating less meat 7. Buy second-hand clothing ( Vintage is in! And so is helping the environment. ) 8. Use a reusable coffee mug (These come in different colours and patterns. They also save plastic lids ending up in the environment!) 9. Try to stay away from skin care products that have exfoliating balls inside of them. (Those balls add to the millions of micro-plastic pieces in the ocean) 10. Use a bin! ( Throw your garbage in the bin! This can save that same waste being eaten by land animals and ending up in the ocean) “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” -Jane Goodall

Breast Cancer Awareness As women, young and old, we all go through the daily challenges or obstacles put in our way. However, many of the challenges we overcome make us stronger and help shape who we are. Unfortunately, a massive obstacle which thousands of women face daily is breast cancer. The month of October has been dedicated to breast cancer awareness, This is not just a time for us to acknowledge the disease, but to learn more about it and how we can prevent it. We take this time also to commemorate those who have experienced breast cancer and who are still fighting the battle. Here are some tips on breast cancer and what you can do to help. Prevent breast cancer: -DO NOT drink too much ALCOHOL: the more alcohol you consume on a daily basis increases your chance of getting breast cancer. -DO NOT SMOKE: studies have proven that there is a big link between smoking and breast cancer and the more you smoke, the more likely it is for you to get breast cancer. -Healthy lifestyle: being active and eating the right foods decrease your chances of getting breast cancer as many women who are obese or overweight have a bigger risk of getting breast cancer. -Avoid exposure to radiation and environmental pollution: these harsh conditions play an important part in getting breast cancer. -Family history: checking your family history is very important as a woman with a family history of breast cancer has to take additional steps to prevent breast cancer. Symptoms & who can help -Lump: lumps in the breast can sometimes be seen, but, if not, it can be felt in the breast. This is the biggest factor in identifying if you have breast cancer. -Any changes in the shape of the breast; the texture of the skin; the colour of your breast; change in nipple or crusting around the nipple and nipple discharge can be signs of breast cancer.. -Who can help: Â Pink Drive Organisation, Project Flamingo, CANSA, Angels Walking and many more organisations who provide care, financial aid and assistance for all women. How can I help : -Showing support at local or international events supporting the cause and by sharing it with everyone. -Supporting and caring for all women going through breast cancer and acknowledging all they go through and making a difference in their lives. -Make a donation to organisations supporting breast cancer. -Educate others about breast cancer and make them aware. -Volunteer at organizations to help prevent or battle breast cancer. Interesting facts : -1 in 8 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer. -Breast cancer has become the most common type of cancer among women. -It is proven that on average every 2 minutes a woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer and every 13 minutes on average a women will die from breast cancer. -Having a mammogram helps to catch breast cancer in its early stages. - Christan Gonsalves

Are You Aware of Your Social Media? If you’re reading this, you probably believe that there is nothing else you could possibly learn about social media awareness. I mean, so did I. I thought that I knew anything and everything I could possibly know about being aware on social media. It’s something we are constantly lectured on at school, at home, with friends or family and somehow we all think that because we’ve heard the speech a million and one times that we have all magically become aware. But, that is not the case. You see there are many things that we do on social media without thinking about consequences. Here are some things to be aware of on social media: Hate speech - just because you are not saying this to the person’s face doesn’t mean it doesn't offend them and it still counts as hate speech and cyberbullying which can become a matter for the law. You should also report or delete offensive and discriminatory posts. Nothing is private - everything you share has a long lifespan. Even if you take things down, it could have been screenshotted and is now in the possession of another person over whom you have no control. So be careful what you post online. - Kaylen Meiring

Job opportunities - As social media becomes a regular part of our day to day routine, it is becoming more common for people who see you as a potential employee to go through your social media accounts to see what kind of person you really are. Again - be careful what you post. Personal Information - Never share your personal information online. Things like your age, location, school should stay between you and people you have met in real life. There are many instances of people sharing their locations online and then being robbed because someone knew where she lived. You should report anyone who violates your privacy. Passwords - Make sure you have a strong password to avoid your account being hacked. Don’t share your passwords with anyone: this ensures security. If you already follow these tips, good for you, but if you don't you might want to get started to ensure your security on social media.

Conscious Living “My approach to living with purpose has always been to create the life I want, one conscious decision at a time.” -Oprah Winfrey. Living your life guided by tradition, society and family is now a thing of the past! While most people around us don’t live an intentional and thought-out daily life, “conscious” living has proven to be a happier and more joyful way of life. You may now be wondering, what conscious living is. As described by Steve Aitchison, living consciously means listening to yourself before making choices and looking at the reasons behind the actions you take. Conscious living is a process and a habit that makes use of selfawareness and self-discovery. Every so often, it doesn’t hurt to sit down and do some self-evaluation of your options, actions and the way you make decisions. Living a conscious life means making deliberate choices based on your values, doing what feels right to you and rejecting things that don’t resonate with you. You can start your own journey to conscious living with these simple steps and adjustments: 1. Accept yourself for who you are Despite what you have been led to believe throughout your life, you are enough. Despite any imperfections, you do not have to change for anyone. Neither compare yourself to others nor judge others. Always motivate and believe in yourself. 2. Develop positive values Every day, as often as you can, act with positive values like kindness, helpfulness, forgiveness, compassion and courage instead of bitterness, ignorance and irrationality. In

times of fear, walk with courage. Acknowledge fear and question it. Being aware of what is stressing you out can help you to overcome it. Think of options and solutions. Spread love and kindness; a simple smile at someone in the passage goes a long way. 3. Be mindful of your actions and words Actions speak louder than words. Identify the attitudes you have towards certain things and people. Look at the way you act and treat others around you, and work towards becoming more open and friendly to others. It is so much easier and better to act with positive energy as opposed to negative. Know that words can hurt. Say nicer and alternative things to people if you know what you say could hurt them. As Aitchison also said, “If there’s a way to speak that hurts less and inspires more, do that.” Harmful words and actions have consequences; be mindful of what you are doing. 4. Establish what makes you unhappy Whether it’s people at school or a sport you’re no longer enjoying, we all have something that bugs us. Identify what is bringing out your negative side and act on it. Not enjoying your sport? Find another way to get exercise that makes you happier. Distance yourself from negative and toxic people who aren’t bringing out the best in you and spend more time with those who do. It’s simple: if you aren’t enjoying what you’re doing, stop and do things that you do enjoy. The best way to become happier is to do more

of what makes you smile, whether it’s participating in a different activity or surrounding yourself with more positive company. 5. Let go Let go of negativity (i.e stop doubting yourself before that Maths test), but also let go of any negativity that is surrounding you. Let go of judgement towards people and circumstances. Let go of attachment, resentment and grudges. Forgive daily and rather focus your energy and work towards your desires, goals, ambitions and dreams. 6. Try something different/take up a new hobby Adults and teachers can’t stress taking up new hobbies enough. It is so important and beneficial to enrich both your mind and your life. Take up activities that calm you, excite you or bring out the best in you. Draw cartoons off Pinterest, learn to knit to make blankets for charity; join a running club; start a new sport; play a musical instrument; take up dancing; buy an adult colouring-in book; learn selfdefence; meditate or start bullet journaling-there are so many activities to invest in! 7. Give back to your community Charities are always looking for volunteers. Walking dogs at animal shelters, playing with children at a children’s home or handing out soup at soup kitchens are just a few of the many ways you can help those around you. Not only are you helping others when you volunteer, but you are also giving yourself a rewarding and inspirational experience. 8. Become environmentally aware Reduce, reuse and recycle your waste! Try to eat organically and be mindful of where you shop and of the products you’re buying. Spend wisely. Care about the place you live in. There are so many ways to live a conscious life! Take some time to think about the kind of person you are and the kind of person you want to become. Determine what your values are and how to live your life accordingly. Know what you want out of life. Look at the way you treat people and at the way in which you treat yourself. - Lara Marais

by Mu'minah SalieÂ

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