Wyndham News August 2012
Wyndham comes alive in Spring
• Budget Adopted
• Wyndham’s the Place to be
• Arts and Culture Strategy
• Millions in Contracts Awarded
• The View from Truganina
• Living Longer and Stronger
• National Reading Hour
• Dumping Success
• What’s On in Wyndham
Mayor’s Message People want to get up close and personal with what is happening in their communities, and Local Government plays an important role in this – both now and into the future.
I recently attended the Australian Local Governance Association Congress in Canberra where the key speaker, Phillip Adams, talked about how important it is for people to connect locally.
Representing our local community is one of the most important things I do as Mayor, and I was pleased to be part of several high level discussions as part of the conference. Cr Menegazzo and I spoke to Tom Bentley, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister, and urged support from the Prime Minister’s office for the continuation of the ‘Jobs in Suburbs’ initiative in some form and in closer collaboration with the Minister for Employment. We also continued to advocate to the Prime Minister on the development of the Werribee Employment Precinct with a primary focus on employment. The Age recently urged the government to develop a new city between Melbourne and Geelong and Wyndham has been referred to by the State Government as the capital of Melbourne’s new west – and we have
Your Councillors Cr Kim McAliney JP Mayor Truganina Ward Ph/Fax: 9974 6505 Mob: 0439 377 646
the space and willingness to make that happen in the Werribee Employment Precinct. The State Government owns a large tract of land here which could house over 40,000 jobs. Wyndham City, as the Local Government authority, is ready and waiting to help build this new area and wait in anticipation of action from the State Government. We discussed with the Prime Minister’s office the implications of changes to Technical and Further Education in Victoria and the operation of Commonwealth funded Trade Training Centres. Wyndham Councillors also spoke to staff in the office of Mental Health Minister Mark Butler about initiatives to address mental health issues and with staff in the office of Sports Minister Kate Lundy about the financial pressures Council faces in providing enough sporting infrastructure for our community. Mayor, Cr Kim McAliney JP
Cr John Menegazzo
Cr Shane Bourke JP
Cr Heather Marcus
Cr Adele Hegedich
Iramoo Ward Ph: 9741 7123 Fax: 9741 7122 Mob: 0400 037 642
Chaffey Ward Ph/Fax: 9974 0638 Mob: 0400 659 396
Cr Glenn Goodfellow Deputy Mayor Truganina Ward Ph: 9748 0486 Mob: 0429 959 941
Iramoo Ward Ph: 9974 1127 Fax: 9731 7073 Mob: 0400 533 371
Chaffey Ward Ph/Fax: 9731 7593 Mob: 0400 667 536
Cr Bob Fairclough
Cr Cynthia Manson
Cr Marcel Mahfoud
Truganina Ward Ph/Fax: 9974 6824 Mob: 0409 408 449
Iramoo Ward Ph/Fax: 9742 7317 Mob: 0400 863 015
Chaffey Ward Ph/Fax: 8360 7461 Mob: 0418 538 435
Wyndham City 2012/2013 budget adopted
Wyndham City has adopted its 2012/2013 budget, including a capital works budget of $83.9 million, $1.11 million for new initiatives and a reduction in the proposed garbage charge.
The 2012/2013 budget includes an average residential rates increase of 5.5 per cent, a municipal charge of $39.35 and a garbage charge of $242. The garbage charge, which has been impacted by both the increase in the State Government EPA levy from $44 per tonne to $48.40 per tonne and the carbon tax, has been reduced from $254.25 as outlined in the proposed budget to $242.
Wootten Rd Pavilion
In September works will begin on the Wootten Rd Pavilion, which is due to be complete in April 2013 at a cost of $3.34 million. The new facility will be home to a football club with a social room, four change rooms and a change room for referees, plus a kitchen and toilets, including a disabled accessible public toilet available to non-club users of the reserve. Tennis will also be housed there with a social room, change rooms, kitchen and storage. The project includes 120 car spaces, lighting, footpaths and landscaping.
This is due to the development of a clearer understanding of the financial impacts of the carbon tax. The $83.9 million capital works budget incorporates $29.54 million for roads and pavements, $12.04 million for open space and $35.87 million for buildings. To view the 2012/2013 budget, visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
Tarneit Road
plicate Tarneit Road City will work to du This year Wyndham of Sayers Road. ard School to south from The Good Shep d lanes, upgrades two new north boun The project includes new traffic signals h bound pavement, to the existing sout thany Road, Tarneit Road and Be at the intersection of d services. locating undergroun landscaping and re on Tarneit fety and traffic flow sa e ov pr im ll wi ct upgrade The proje am City’s program to dh yn W of rt pa is d Road an nds become roads as land and fu to begin late and duplicate main the road is expected on on cti tru ns Co . Work will available. leted in March 2013 mp co be to d an r Septembe in August. derground services begin to relocate un
Driving is Not a Game A new Driving is Not a Game billboard is now at the intersection of Heaths and Derrimut Roads, one of our busiest intersections, and features a cartoon from Herald Sun cartoonist Mark Knight. We want to make young motorists think about their driving practice, including speeding and hoon behaviour, as there are real consequences to errors in judgement and practice.
So stay safe when you are driving and remember – driving is not a game. Mayor, Cr Kim McAliney
Millions in contracts
awarded in Wyndham City From new community centres to sporting pavilions, Wyndham City has spent the last few months awarding contracts for new community infrastructure projects: • The Nicol Group was awarded the $2.19 million contract for the construction of the Haines Drive Sports Pavilion and car park. • The Nicol Group were also awarded the $913,737 contract for the construction of a third kindergarten room at Featherbrook Community Centre. • Ace Infrastructure was awarded the $1.39 million contract for the construction of a section of the Werribee River shared path and pedestrian boardwalk between Cottrell Street and Wyndham Park. • Streetscapes was awarded the $3.47 million contract for landscape construction at Saltwater Reserve. • Excell Gray Bruni was awarded the $870,748 contract for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Dohertys and Tarneit Roads. • Dura Constructions was awarded the $8.7 million contract for the construction of Penrose Promenade Community Hub.
Featherbrook Community Centre
These projects, which total over $17.5 million, are part of the City’s $106 million capital works budget for 2011/2012. They not only cover a wide range of facilities, from roads to bike paths, they also cover the City from Point Cook to Wyndham Vale. Wyndham City is committed to providing new infrastructure
for our rapidly expanding community and upgrading existing facilities in our established suburbs. Wyndham City’s 2012/2013 capital works Budget includes $83.83 million in major projects for the year ahead. For more information on Wyndham’s capital works projects, contact the City on 9742 0777 or visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
What’s the right pet for you? Wyndham City encourages residents to consider what animal is right for them before heading to the Lost Dogs Home or the pet store.
What sort of dog are you looking for? Is it a high or low energy dog? How many hours a week can you spend exercising and grooming your new family member? How many hours a week do you work? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself and your family before you purchase a dog. Dogs have a lifespan between 10-16 years, so there is a lot to consider. One of the most frequent complaints to Wyndham City is about barking dogs. Dogs bark for all sorts of reasons including boredom and separation anxiety. Please take the time to do some research about the new addition to your family before you make that purchase. Speak to family members, friends and obtain as much information as you can before you choose.
Birds Cr Marcel Mahfoud with Tinkerbell
Wyndham’s pups have
a new place to play
Wyndham City’s pooches have some new places to play with the release of the new dog off lead areas throughout the City. The 15 off lead areas are the result of months of consultation with pet owners and residents and include: • The sports oval on the corner of Prudence Parade and Malibu Boulevard in Alamanda Estate, Point Cook for a 12 month trial period; • A purpose built dog off lead park in Saltwater Reserve, Point Cook (planned to open in mid-2013); • Southern side of Baden Powell Drive, bound by Baden Powell College, the Creek and Derrimut Road except from 8-9.30am and 3-4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Did you know that you must have a permit for your cockatoo or galah? Wyndham’s Local Law 16 requires residents to have a permit to keep birds such as cockatoos, corellas, galahs and peacocks. These birds can be a neighbourhood nuisance if not well managed. The Permit conditions may require the bird to be kept inside between the times of 3pm-9am. These are the most reported times these birds are known to screech and cause a nuisance to neighbours. Cockatoos can live up to 70 years and enjoy being part of a family with interaction, so it is important to keep that in mind when considering if you should purchase these types of birds. A budgie or a canary might be a better choice for you and your neighbours. Visit the RSPCA website for more information on choosing the right pet www.rspca.org.au
The off-lead area near Skeleton Creek has been removed and Werribee South has been altered due to works at the Wyndham Harbour Marina.
Visit Wyndham City’s website for more information on responsible pet ownership, restrictions on keeping certain pets and information on local vets www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
Wyndham City will also implement other changes as the result of community feedback. Improved signage and rubbish bins will be introduced over the coming months at a number of off lead sites and pet waste bags can now be picked up from libraries and the Wyndham Civic Centre.
Wyndham City is also hosting a Pet Expo in September, which will feature loads of information for current and potential pet owners. For more information, see page 8 and 9.
For a full list of Wyndham’s dog off lead areas, visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
Blue lid BONUS
Cr Cynthia Manson
Wyndham’s blue lidded bins are about to get a whole lot more use, with a new contract increasing the types of waste which can be recycled. Wyndham City has recently signed a new contract with SKM Recycling to receive kerbside recyclables. Now not only paper, cardboard, glass and plastic bottles and jars, steel cans and aluminium can be recycled - also pots and pans, dry and empty paint tins, plastic plant pots, plastic toys and more. There will be no change in the day or process for bin collection, but the change will bring many environmental and economic benefits, including diverting waste from landfill, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and placing less pressure on natural resources to produce virgin materials. Wyndham City is taking part in the Get it Right on Bin Night campaign, which encourages residents to put the appropriate waste in the right bin, so it is recycled or disposed of correctly. Putting waste into a recycling bin or putting recycling into plastic bags may result in the entire load of recycling ending up in landfill, so it’s vital that residents do the right thing when filling their bins. Wyndham City has also recently released a waste and recycling services guide, with a comprehensive overview of how to dispose of everything from aerosol cans to yoghurt containers, how to correctly place your bins in the street and information on the refuse disposal facility. For a full list of things you can place into your recycling bin visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
Going Green with Solar Panels Some of Wyndham City’s main buildings are going green with solar panels installed at Werribee CBD and Point Cook Library. Both have been fitted with a 5 kilowatt solar panel system, which will save around 8920.6 kilograms per panel of carbon dioxide emissions each year. Installing the panels is one of many green initiatives which were part of Wyndham City’s 2011/2012 capital works budget, which also included the Public Lighting Energy Management Scoping Study and hosting the first National Grassland Management Conference. The reduction in emissions for both systems was the equivalent of taking eight cars off the road each year. Solar panels save on carbon emissions, but also bring a financial saving as they reduce our energy bills. Educational displays have been created in each of the community learning centres to highlight energy, cost and emissions savings to visitors and provide a clear
demonstration of the benefits of solar power. These facilities were chosen as plenty of community members visit each day and they provide a great place to educate the public on the benefits of Renewable Energy.
Wyndham City is committed to reducing its carbon footprint through environmentally friendly initiatives. These include methane
gas capture and storage at our Refuse Disposal Facility and increasing the range of items which can be recycled through kerbside collections. For more information on Wyndham City’s environmental initiatives, visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
New kid on the block in Watton St
There will be a new kid on the block in Watton Street, with Wyndham City set to open a new office and display suite to promote Werribee as the capital of Melbourne’s new West. The Werribee Development Centre will be home to the Werribee City Place Manager and Wyndham City’s Economic Development Unit and will work to attract new development, investment and businesses.
Cr Heather Marcus with her grandchildren
Reading Hour
The Reading Hour on 25th August will see hundreds of people reading together from 2 to 3pm at Wyndham Libraries. These community events will be held at Point Cook Library, the Plaza Library and Wyndham Vale Library, in conjunction with local Kumon Education Centres, and are part of an Australia-wide effort. Special guests will read aloud from popular children’s books from the library’s collection, which will also be available for families to share on the day. If we read together with our children, for just ‘10 minutes a day’, it gives them a great opportunity to build knowledge, confidence and a love of learning for life. There is no better time than now to visit your local library with your child to take part in this and other events throughout the year – check out the events at your local library at www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries
In this strategic location, the new office will feature a promotional display suite and highlight plans for the Werribee City Centre. Residents, businesses and others can keep abreast of plans – from the proposal for a Riverbank Promenade to the Piazza Kiosk. It will also provide our businesses with an accessible place to drop in and discuss their plans and seek advice from Wyndham’s Economic Development Unit. This initiative is one of many services Wyndham City operates for the business community, including hosting business breakfasts, training and business development seminars and a business directory which features a list of all the businesses within the municipality. The Werribee Development Centre is at Shop 2 / 10 Watton Street, Werribee. For more information, contact the Centre on 9742 0777.
Craig Toussaint with Cr John Menegazzo
Wyndham’s t
There’s no reason to be bored in Wyndham over the next few months, with events on across the municipality. From pet owners to green thumbs, children to seniors, there’s something for everyone on Wyndham’s upcoming event calendar. These events are real highlights for the Wyndham community and create a fantastic showcase for our City. For more information come to www.wyndham. vic.gov.au or like our events page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ eventsinWyndhamCity to be kept up to date with all of our events.
Wyndham Sustainability Festival Date: Wednesday, 5 to Sunday, 9 September Expo Sunday, 9 September Time: 10.00am to 4.00pm Cost: The Expo is free This annual celebration is a five day event and provides first hand information to the community as tools for change. This year’s program will feature festival favourites such as bus tours, opshop tours, workshops and the Sunday Expo at the Wyndham Civic Centre. Residents will also be able to enjoy new programs to educate, engage and inspire a sustainable community. The free Sunday expo brings together a wide range of exhibitors showcasing their products, services and messages and of course includes the residents free plant giveaway.
August Arts Date: Saturday, 11 to Saturday, 25 August Cost: Some free events The theme for August Arts 2012 is Home, with many of the exhibitions, markets and programs having a homemade or local theme. As part of August Arts this year nine free events will be held between Saturday August 11th and Saturday August 25th. Now in its sixth year, August Arts showcases a range of artistic mediums. From arts markets to exhibitions, workshops to music concerts, there is something for all ages, interests and abilities to attend and participate in. This event continues to provide a great forum for our artists and community to get involved with our vibrant arts scene. With all events free and something going on across the municipality, there are so many choices. Come and see a movie at our pop up cinema, purchase some art at one of our markets or come along to a youth poetry workshop. For more information or to RSVP for some events, visit www.experiencewyndham.com. au/augustarts or contact our Arts Department on 8734 5468.
s the Place to be
Pet Expo Date: Sunday, 16 September Time: 10.00am to 3.00pm Cost: Free Does one of your family members have feathers, fur, scales or hide? Then Wyndham’s annual Pet Expo is the place for you. We have tips, product information, advice from experts, educational seminars, dog obedience display, exotic cat display, competitions, stalls and the opportunity to register and microchip your pet. A great family fun day out, the Expo will also feature plenty for the human family members with a petting zoo and jumping castle. Wyndham Civic Centre, 45 Princes Highway, Werribee. For more information contact the Wyndham Major Events team on events@wyndham.vic.gov.au or phone 9742 0777.
Seniors Festival Date: Sunday, 7 to Sunday, 14 October Cost: Some free events
The Victorian Seniors Festival celebrates the inspiring contribution of older Victorians.
This year, the Festival celebrates its 30th year, with Wyndham City running many free and low cost events open to all seniors in Wyndham. Events include the luncheon and concert, multicultural morning tea, education seminar, Police band concert and Seniors Walk. This is a great opportunity for our older people to get together, enjoy some food and music and make some new friends. Tickets for the events go on sale next month and with last year’s program so popular, many sold out. For more information, contact Wyndham City’s Aged and Disability Unit on 9742 0833.
Point Cook Fiesta Date: Sunday, 14 October Time: 11am to 5pm Cost: Free Point Cook’s biggest celebration is on again, with thousands expected to line the streets for the 2012 Fiesta. The Point Cook Fiesta is a great day out for the whole family with stalls, rides, a baby animal farm, face painting, food, performances and Wyndham’s Street Surfer Bus. The event is totally free and a terrific opportunity check out the Point Cook Community Learning Centre, which will also
be open as part of the Fiesta. The streets of the town centre will be closed to traffic, however all parking lots will be accessible. For more information, contact the centre on 9395 6399 or email pcfiesta@stockland.com.au
Children’s Week Picnic at Werribee Park Date: Sunday, 21 October Time: 10.00am to 4pm Cost: Free The spectacular grounds of Werribee Park will once again come alive for Wyndham’s annual Children’s Week Picnic. Children of all ages will be entertained with an array of fun and unique activities that aim to inspire, expand imaginations, excite discovery, encourage physical movement and provide lots of fun! So, gather your family and friends, pack your picnic baskets and enjoy the exciting line up of entertainment in the lush green lawns and stunning surrounds of the historic Mansion.
The View from Truganina
Ever wondered what life’s like as a Councillor? This is your chance to find out the views of Wyndham’s Councillors and what it’s like to be in local government.
Councillor Glenn
ugh Cr Bob Fairclo crets? uganina’s hidden se Tr of e m so e k ar t Wha ong Skelton Cree
thways al Trail and other pa great The Federation e families with a id ov pr ey th – s ay rw to wetlands and and other wate d cycling close an ng lki wa y jo ents are aware opportunity to en not all of our resid at th s itie n cil fa er l Park, Jamieso parklands. Oth int Cook, Arndel Po e, oe r bo fe m of ra s re ese cent of include the Ya unity centres. Th m m co ok ro rb s, r familie Way and Feathe s and facilities fo fantastic service of e ts also need to ng ra en de sid re wi a citizens. Our or ni se r en ou d an nds that have be young people art” sports grou e th of , te rk ta Pa “s l e s at Arndel be aware of th creational activitie re d an t at or n io sp r truct established fo those under cons d Alamanda and Featherbrook, an ltwater Reserve. Innisfail and Sa
your ward in your in en se u yo ve ha What changes ? time of living here ce in Wyndham g up residen r of people takin diverse The large numbe ted a wonderfully ea untries has cr co 0 . These 13 life e of m y so from hanced our wa en tly ea gr s ha ity into our community which h greater divers uc m ed id ov pr ve ic, and in new migrants ha rmance arts, mus rfo pe d an l ua vis e gether with community in th l contributions, to ra ltu cu e es Th s. have greatly cultural activitie of superb foods e ng ra de wi a of the introduction
and Bob
community here vibrancy of our d an s es hn ric e r population contributed to th e increase in ou th in e sid wn do e se in traffic in Wyndham. Th a marked increa en be s ha ed nc crossings we have experie delays at railway ng lo s, ad ro e llit te issues are the congestion in sa although these rt po ns tra ic bl pu and inadequate l governments. ate and Federa St of y ilit sib on resp
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to you ing that’s happened th st ie nn fu e th What is ouncillor? icize in your time as C local dog to publ t with a for g in a photo shoo dog we selected I was participatin y. However the lic po ad le f of g our new do
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a ggest challenge as bi ur yo en be s ha What ns Councillor? ch as applicatio cil decisions, su
having Coun erturned by The frustration at ential blocks ov sid re on ts en pm velo ministrative for multi-unit de orian Civil and Ad ct Vi e th as ch su government. legislative bodies diction of State ris ju e th r de un are fort and time Tribunal, which ten put a lot of ef of rs lo cil un Co ns e decisions On these occasio and to have thes s ue iss ex pl m co me personal into weighing up sions presents so ca oc of r be m nu where there is overturned on a clude situations in es ng le al ch er cient finances challenges. Oth there are insuffi t bu ity cil fa a r fo ts. an obvious need particular projec dget to support bu e th in e bl la avai
nn Goodfellow Deputy Mayor Cr Gle ina’s hidden secrets? What are some of Trugan forget
ny people ers a wide area and ma The Truganina Ward cov development area has played in the the rich history that the ake to the dry dairy Farm of Alfred Le of the area. From the rks in Point Cook wo t sal rth and the old farming areas to our No favourite places at Laverton. One of my and to the RAAF Base the banks of sandstone quarry along would have to be the old ch history also ely walk and has so mu Skelton Creek; it is a lov could talk I would ng the creek. If these the old dairy vaults alo ld tell. There is of the stories they cou be amazed with some nts to get out and but I encourage reside however so much more, m. area but all of Wyndha explore not only your
AF L or soccer?
I am ts AFL team but pporters of the Ca su d . ou bs pr clu e g ar tin ily My fam r local spor orter of all of ou pp su en ke ry ve also a
Cat or dog ?
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paths and a new grading of our cycling needed sports ovals, up ve (Westmeadows n Creek at Traviller Dri footbridge over Skelto being better on community as well as Lane Area) linking the those little things.
that’s happened to you What’s the funniest thing in your time as Councillor? (Thanks Shirley).
a function I was at Being set up to sing at d of commend in ing condemned in instea And most recently say ort. relation to a Council rep
en in your ward in your What changes have you se time living here? ve seen many changes
m all my life, I ha Having living in Wyndha ping centre all when the only Shop over the years. I can rec e it was a real els ryone knew everyone was Werribee and eve neit were farms Tar d Cook, Truganina an country town and Point t what really Bu ve. finished at Spring Dri and Hoppers Crossing but in the s use ho growth not only in stands out for me is the home. This m ha nd that are calling Wy number of new cultures have to be uld wo it l proud of. But overal I think we can be very the last 10 in wth gro m and especially the ha nd Wy of wth gro the years.
ts expect to see in What changes can residen 12 months? Truganina over the next 6facing Wyndham over
es and challenges There are many chang changes can we and beyond, but what the next 6-12 months es Road in Point the upgrade of Sneyd see in the ward? Firstly Laverton North rdue. For our friends in Cook which is long ove d upgrades to allow s to footpaths and roa are in need of upgrade pletion of much through the ward com freight movement. And
st challenge as a What has been your bigge Councillor? my ward to the needs
the ratepayers in Balancing the needs of very hard as community. This can be of the whole Wyndham gs. I also thin ts that our own ward ge we all want to ensure of or against r ou fav nt to speak out in find it hard when you wa ing when you en list are munity know you com the let to ing eth som . Most of us are nflict of Interest Rules have to be careful of Co and sometimes nity we do in our commu elected from the work rs are the yea r ich we have made ove those associations wh or. cill un face in our role as Co biggest challenge we
ception about being a What is a common miscon Councillor? d we are full time
a Monday Night an That we only meet on nce than we ve more power or influe councillors. That we ha p of a hat. can fix things at the dro actually do and that we
AF L or soccer?
AFL North Melbourne
Cat or dog?
ee Tigers.
and the Mighty Werrib
t at this point, too young to have a pe None as my children are up. having 3 dogs growing but I am a dog person
Dumping is damaging success Wyndham City is continuing to have success with its Dumping is Damaging campaign with 6 successful prosecutions in just over six months. Between December 2011 and June 2012 there have been successful prosecutions for illegal dumping totalling over $13,000 in fines and costs. The Dumping is Damaging campaign has been extremely successful, with a large rise in the number of people reporting illegally dumped rubbish from 651 in 2009/2010 to 881 calls during the same period in 2010/2011. There has also been a 93.5 per cent reduction in illegal dumping in specific targeted areas for the same period. Wyndham City spends approximately $1.2 million each year on cleaning up illegally dumped rubbish, including cleaning gross pollutant traps and street sweeping. But the cost to the community isn’t just financial – there are large costs to our environment, with illegally dumped waste making its way into our rivers and wildlife habitats, as well
as having a negative impact on the way people view our City. The success of the Dumping is Damaging program has been a community effort– from real estate agents to charity bin operators, developers to residents, everyone has played their part. Ratepayers are entitled to two free tip tokens and two pre-booked hard and green
Arts and Culture Strategy Wyndham City wants your views to shape the future direction of Arts and Culture in our municipality.
We are in the process of producing a new Arts and Culture Strategy which will outline our commitment to: • Community Arts • Arts and Cultural Programming • Cultural Facilities • Professional Development in the Arts Sector • Creative Industries • Public Art Brecknock Consulting has been employed by Council to undertake this work, bringing many years experience in Public Art Development and Arts and Cultural Planning. Over the next few weeks, Brecknock will be contacting some of Wyndham’s arts community to be involved in focused discussions about Arts and Culture in Wyndham.
It’s important that a broad cross-section of the community tells us their opinion about Arts and Culture, to make sure that we best represent what the community wants in our planning and future development. The online survey will be open until Friday, 10th August 2012.
waste collections each year, so there is no excuse for dumping rubbish illegally in Wyndham. For more information on the Dumping is Damaging campaign, visit www.wyndham. vic.gov.au To report illegal dumping, contact Wyndham City on 9742 0777.
For further information about the Art & Cultural Strategy contact Jamie Smith, Arts & Cultural Development Coordinator on 9742 0777. To view the survey, visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
Growing Communities Workshop Ever wanted a green thumb? Then this is the workshop for you – and you can go shopping for dinner in your own backyard! Wyndham City, in partnership with Shoestring Gardening and Very Edible Gardens, is hosting a series of nine free gardening workshops as part of the Growing Communities project. The Complete Wyndham Gardener Workshops will focus on what to plant and where, composting, understanding soils, managing fruit trees, caring for chickens, preserving, organic pest control, permaculture and much more. Growing Communities is a joint Australian and State Government initiative under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventative Health and the Transport Connections Program. Growing Communities is one of the many projects that are to come as part of the Healthy Communities Initiative, working to tackle obesity and chronic disease in Wyndham. RSVP is essential. Register via email Karen at info@shoestring.org.au or phone on 0435 235 144.
If you require an interpreter at a workshop these can provided, please inform Karen at Shoestring Gardening when you register. For 2012 dates, visit the web site www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
Introduction to Permaculture
(2-day workshop) Very limited places, book early. Saturday, 25 and Sunday, 26 August 2012 9.30am-4.30pm each day Western Region Environment Centre 28 Ridge Drive, Wyndham Vale
This is the third year the group has been in operation, and the second album created, with many of the songs now appearing on itunes.
Pool Safety
It may be cold outside, but Wyndham City is reminded pool and spa owners that their safety barriers need to be properly installed and maintained. Swimming pools and spas can be great places for relaxation and recreation, but they can also be places of tragedy. Last year in Australia, 12 children under the age of 5 drowned in swimming pools.
Intro to Organic Gardening/ Preparing for Spring
While the responsibility for installing and maintaining pool and spa barriers rests with owners, Wyndham City also has a role to play.
Saturday, 22 September 2012 10am-1pm Werribee Community Shed – Heathdale 57A Kookaburra Road, Heathdale
Wyndham City’s Building Services Unit can provide advice on the specific requirements for barriers and issue building permits for the installation or alteration of these barriers.
Safety barriers are required for in-ground swimming pools, jacuzzis, indoor swimming pools, above-ground swimming pools and spas. This includes inflatable and portable units that are capable of holding water greater than 30centimetres (300mm) in depth. The barriers can include fences and walls, with associated gates, windows, locks, latches and hinges.
Saturday, 13 October 2012 11am-1pm Tarneit Community Centre 150 Sunset Views Boulevard, Tarneit
Understanding Soils Saturday, 1 December 2012 11am-1pm Arndell Park Community Centre 29-49 Federation Boulevard, Truganina
S.O.S. West S.O.S West, a creative group of young people with acquired brain injuries, Aspergers and Autism, have launched their second album and a short film at Wyndham’s Youth Resource Centre.
Reminder on
through a series of workshops to improve their skills and get involved in the mixing and arranging process. They have been involved with everything – from writing and recording to the development of video clips, a website called ‘electronictribes’ and a short film.
The album is called “ ...the story so far!” and was produced with support from the Wyndham City’s Youth Resource Centre and the Department of Human Services.
There are 15 people in the group, which was originally formed in response to a lack of artistic and creative options for young people in the area, especially over the school holiday period.
SOS have worked work together with local artist Akash Temple
For more information, visit http://www.electronictribes.net/
These barriers must be maintained by the property owner and occupant, ensuring that: • All gates providing access to a pool or a spa have self-closing and self-latching devices that work, • No tree branches, pool pumps, pot plants or other items which could be used to climb over the barrier are within a 90 centimetres (900mm) radius of the gate or fence, • Any fences (especially boundary timber paling fences) are still in good repair and non-climbable, • All gates that provide access to the swimming pool or spa area are closed at all times, except when entering or leaving the area. During Spring Wyndham City’s building inspectors will undertake a program of pool barrier audits and inspections to ensure that pool barriers are in place and being properly maintained. For more information, contact Wyndham City’s Building Services Unit on 9742 0718 or visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/building_planning
Spring into SPRING
Living Longer Living Stronger
Looking to improve your strength, balance, co-ordination and fitness levels as you get older? With the close of winter it’s time to get back outdoors and put that ‘spring’ back in your step. Why not try something new, participate in something close to home or just come along to meet others? Wyndham City’s Active Wyndham program encourages the whole community to keep active this spring, by showcasing many of the low cost and free outdoor recreational activities available to residents. Activities vary and there is something to suit most ages and abilities. Winter offered a myriad of indoor activities to keep you warm such as Tai Chi, carpet bowls, and dancing. Spring will feature outdoor activities such as walking and cycling to encourage people to get out and enjoy all that spring has to offer. Being active can make you feel good, improve your health, and is a great way to relax in the company of friends. The Department of Health and Ageing recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity per day for adults, 60 minutes per day for those aged 5-18 years and 3 hours spread across each day for children under 5 years. Active Wyndham offers seasonal leisure and recreation opportunities that help us celebrate the best of each season. To find out about the latest activities and opportunities we encourage you to visit the website www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/activewyndham For more information, or to promote your community recreational activity through Active Wyndham, contact Wyndham City’s Health Development Project Officer on 9742 8127.
Wyndham Leisure and Events Centre’s over 50’s Council on the Ageing (COTA) Living Longer Living Stronger program could be the perfect option. Supervised by qualified gym staff, you will be shown through an individualised gym program specific to your needs. COTA runs Monday to Friday 10am-2pm with additional staff available at all times to attend to any questions or to help you safely complete your program. The cost of the program is only $5 per session – which includes access to all the aquatic facilities at the centre. All you need to get involved in the program is a clearance from your doctor and to make an appointment at the centre for your first, free consultation. For further information about COTA or to book an appointment please contact the centre on 9748 2555.
o n M t h y t e f a Community S
October is Community Safety Month and to celebrate Wyndham City is running a number of events to make your neighbourhood safer:
Community Safety Month is a community based initiative aimed at making our communities even safer through the promotion of safe practices.
• Safety Plate Day – Come and get anti-theft screws installed on your number plates. Wyndham Safe Stroll – Come out for a night time community walk and reclaim the night.
For a copy of the calendar of events or further information on Community Safety Month, please contact Wyndham City’s Community Safety Planner on 9742 0763 or visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au
• Know your Neighbours Barbecue Day – Have a street party or barbecue in your local park and get to know your neighbours.
Wyndham Cultural Centre CHET BAKER – Like Someone in Love Saturday, 4 August
e the David Goldthorpe brings to the stag of ise dem extraordinary life and sudden e piec 3 a America’s Chet Baker. With er’s band Goldthorpe brings to life Bak and ic mus soulful voice and melodic some raw dialogue.
What a man’s gotta do
… s t n e Pres
Saturday, 8 September
ical The hilarious one man comedy mus with t nigh by Andrew Horabin. Spend a gwriter comedian and award-winning son sex, ut Andrew Horabin, laughing abo Buck’s work, marriage, mateship, booze, old ing Nights, being a dad and gett without necessarily growing up.
Ladies Night
Thursday, 4 October
s, The story of four unemployed guy form to s’ motivated by ‘The Chippendale e mak to a male stripping act, in order some fast cash.
Treasure Island Friday, 5 October
through A legendary adventure story told In . the eyes of young Jim Hawkins ng our interpretation of the story, you by g Jim is assisted in the story tellin s see y his father. This adventure stor , sea its characters battling with the the land, one another and their own the inner emotions as they search for ic hero famous buried treasure. Their r thei with and brave approach together it outw to constant ploys and strategies
ical one another, offer a hostile yet com ing journey towards their goal of find e. priz ious glor its and d Islan Treasure
Stevie-The Life & Music of Stevie Wright & The Easybeats Friday, 12 October
takes This upbeat LIVE Rockumentary beat the from ney jour a the audience on s day dy hea and hard of the 60’s to the ic mus an trali Aus . of the 70’s and 80’s as history was made with hits such , Evie, Fine So ’s She d, Friday On My Min and py Hap You e Mak Sorry, Goodtimes, and out ng selli n bee has many more and s. tion ova receiving standing
Caravan Burlesque Thursday, 8 November
e From multi-award winning Finucan hit sh sma al glob of & Smith, creators elling The Burlesque Hour, comes a trav tclub nigh sian Pari s emporium that fuse with jaw-dropping cabaret.
Changes for Werribee South Boat Ramps Users Wyndham City has re-zoned the vehicle and trailer car park at the Werribee South Boat Ramps as a ‘Permit Only’ parking zone. All ramp users must now: 1. Park only within the marked parking bays; 2. Only use the parking spaces if you have a vehicle towing a trailer; and 3. Display a valid ramps ticket in your windscreen. The ticket must be visible for inspectors. The changes at the Werribee South Boat Ramp parking lot will provide parking facilities for those who have paid to utilise the ramps and those parking a vehicle with a trailer. When all marked bays are full, ramp users are still able to utilise the overflow car park.
All vehicles utilising the overflow car park must: 1. Have a trailer attached to their vehicle. 2. Display a valid ramps ticket in their windscreen. 3. Park in an orderly fashion. Wyndham City’s Legislative Officers will be patrolling the parking lot on a regular basis and those who do not follow the parking rules may be fined. If a valid parking ticket is not on display, or a user is parking outside of a marked bay, an on-the-spot fine may be issued. Annual Pass holder’s who launch prior to the Coast Guard being at the ramps must display a valid annual pass in their windscreen. Otherwise, fines may be issued.
Casual users who launch prior to the Coast Guard being at the ramps may still launch and purchase a ticket upon retrieval. The Coast Guard will remain responsible for the selling of ramps tickets. Tickets can be purchased from the Coast Guard when at the ramps (either upon launch or retrieval). For ticket enquiries, please contact the Coast Guard on 0488 228 025 or 9742 1502. For all other enquiries, please contact Wyndham City’s Leisure Contracts Officer on 9742 0777. For more Information on the Werribee South Boat Ramp facilities visit: http://www.experiencewyndham.com.au/ leisure_recreation/water/wsouthboatramp
What ’s On in
Wednesday, 8 August 2012 Gran’s Bag - Children’s Theatre Chrissie Shaw brings the tale to life as the larger than life Gran and pulls the entire show out of her giant red handbag - which seems to have a life of its own. With storytelling, songs and puppetry, Gran takes us on a fun adventure full of twists and turns. You never know where the story will go next. Time: 10.30am and 1pm Where: Wyndham Cultural Centre, 177 Watton Street, Werribee. Cost: Adult $15, concession $11 and child $11 Contact: Tickets available from Box Office 9741 9500 or www.wyncc.com.au
Saturday, 11 August 2012 Iramoo Market Food, plants, swap table, handmade wares and Indoor and outdoor stalls available at the Iramoo Market held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Time: 9am to noon. Where: Iramoo Community Centre, 84 Honour Avenue, Wyndham Vale. Contact: Linda on 8742 3688
Saturday, 18 August 2012 Yarambooee Community Monthly Market Come along on the 3rd Saturday of Every Month, 30 plus stalls of handmade, knitted, new and used products, including jewellery, home decor, candles, toys, coffee, sausage sizzle, face painting, jumping castle, freebies and much more. Time: 9am-2pm Where: 55 Maple Crescent, Hoppers Crossing Contact: Nicole 9748 9310 or info@yerambooee.org.au
Saturday, 18 August 2012 Wyndham Fruit and Vegie Swap On the 3rd Saturday of each month veggie growers bring their excess produce along and put it on a
common table and then swap it for other home grown produce on the table. It’s very casual and no money changes hands. You can swap your produce for whatever you need. You could turn your extra figs into lemons, eggplants into oranges, roses into rhubarb, or home made pickles into pumpkins. You might want to bring along seeds, seedlings, cuttings, flowers, fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs, homemade jams, chutneys, sauces and home grown eggs (all dated please). Or feel free to bring a thermos for yourself on cool days and perhaps you would like to wow us with some wonderful dish to share that you have cooked with your home grown fruit or vegetables. Time: 11am Where: Iramoo Community Centre, Honour Avenue, Wyndham Vale Contact: Coralee Klement happy-potter@optusnet. com.au or 0403 433 795.
Saturday, 25 August 2012 Tai Chi in the Werribee Piazza Come along and enjoy the relaxing and invigorating exercise of tai chi in the open air. Learn simple exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Open to all ages. Wear comfortable clothes and enjoy an experience that may transform your life. No cost, just bring yourself along. Time: 10am-12am Where: Werribee Piazza, Watton Street, (Opposite Werribee CBD Library) Cost: Free Contact: John Sindoni (Werribee Celestial Tai Chi Instructor) on 0418512255 or visit www.celestialtaichi.com
Time: 6.45pm Where: Italian Sports Club of Werribee, 601 Heaths Road, Werribee Cost: Members $35per head, Non Members $40 per head. Contact: 9741 1225 or visit www.iscw.com.au
Sunday, 26 August 2012 Community Garden Swap in Point Cook Held on the 4th Sunday of the month this is a free community gathering of like-minded home gardeners/cooks, who want to share their surplus home-grown harvests, garden supplies, recipes and plants. Time: 10am-1am Where: Meet at the park shelter, Corner Bergamot Drive and Caraway Crescent, Point Cook - enter via Boardwalk Boulevard – (opposite Point Cook Senior School) Contact: Rita on 0418 469 598 or email ritaosullivan@bigpond.com
Saturday, 15 September 2012 Heathdale Christian College Family Fun Day
Come along and help us celebrate 30 years as a school. There is guaranteed to be lots of fun, food, rides and craft stalls. Lots of free activities on the centre stage including music performances and dance displays. Time: 10-3pm Where: Heathdale Christian College, 175 Derrimut Road, Werribee Contact: Sharon 0457 008 359.
Saturday, 25 August 2012 Roy Orbison and the Legends of Rock The show comprises 3 x 40 minute sets and there is an open dance floor for you to get up and rock ‘n’ roll to the classics. Dinner and show includes a gourmet platter to share, main meal and dessert with beverages available at bar prices.
www.experiencewyndham.com.au For more information on What’s on in Wyndham visit:
facebook.com/EventsInWyndhamCity twitter.com/EventsInWyndham