Excellence Happens 2018 Sponsorship and Advertisement Opportunities

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EXCELLENCE HAPPENS, LLC Bringing Excellence to the Entainment Arts

EL 1 Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities

2018 Let 's Make Excellenc Happen We're All in this Together

INSIDE ~ Sponsorship Fact Sheet ~ Who We Are

~ eZine is Back ~ 2018 Events ~ The Lolita Gentry Projects ~ Sponsorship Packages


Excellence Happens Sponsorship Fact Sheet

Sponsorship Levels… Extraordinary Sponsor Valiant Sponsor Virtuous Sponsor Excellent Sponsor The Lolita Gentry Projects Sponsor Online Sponsor Via Patreon

Exposure… • •

Social Media: through social media, besides reaching hundreds of local patrons, EH has the potentials of reaching thousands of web surfers around the globe who has a fascination with Hawaii and the arts and entertainment in Hawaii. Website, Promotional Materials and PR efforts: We expect to touch at least 500 potential customers through targeted marketing by sending regular digital announcements, direct email, and working with the local publications. Through distribution and displays around the island, our information will be exposed to residence and tourist across the city. Programs and Banners at Performances and Events, and Introductions to Internet Viewers: With a vast number of live audiences on the island both locals and tourists and the large global market who have turned to the internet for their entertainment, we stand to reach at

least a thousand people with your message.

Entertainment… •

Tickets to performances, special events, VIP honors and more.

Discounts •

Up to $3 off performance tickets and 25% discount on special event tickets

Even More… •

Extraordinary Level sponsors will be honored at the performance of the 1Voice1Play1Day performance which is celebrated internationally.

So Much More... •

The satisfaction that you are aiding the growth of your community by boosting the Entertainment Arts, which offers more opportunities to aspiring artists, entertainers and technicians; encouraging much needed innovation. This, in turn, generates new businesses, that leads to new jobs, that leads to a better economy which we all can benefit from. A pie in the sky thought? Broadway and Hollywood were born out of pie in the sky thoughts.

Or go to www.Patreon.com/excellencehappens to become a monthly online sponsor.




the Entertainment Arts





Excellence Happens is Movin On... Excellence Happens was founded nearly 10 years ago by Jeanne Wynne Herring as an on-line magazine using her photography skills and entertainment background to help celebrate Hawaii's artistic culture and community outreach. Moving deeper into the artistic culture and community outreach as a producer, EH has become an active player rather than an objective observer of an industry that possesses the opportunity to make significant changes. In 2013, Excellence Happens became a production company with the production, "Four Little Girls". In 2015, EH began it's expansion becoming an Entertainment Arts company ​ adding to it's features, which already included media and theatre, film and events. EH has had the privilege to work with and have the support of such influential theatrical and community outreach organizations as Manoa Valley Theatre, Honolulu Theatre for Youth, St Andrew's Priory, African American Diversity Cultural Center Hawaii, TJ Mahoney & Associates and the Institute for Human Services in ​ Honolulu. EH is also happy to have worked with several local Hawaii independent filmmakers such as Lymari Graciano, 3 Dogs Lost Films, Level 6 Films, Ventureway, The Ninja Monkeys and Ohana Productions to name a few. EH has continued its visual artists work in photography and has been honored to have worked for such local ​ promoters as Double-0-Spot. We are thrilled to include on our list our cooperation with New York's Project1Voice and partnership with music producer, Enigma in Africa. Excellence Happens is dedicated to bringing Excellence to the Entertainment Arts and we are proud to celebrate each victorious year with all those who support us through their hard work, encouragement and ​ involvement. Welcome to Excellence.




LOINS and be Valiant

Excellence Happens is an entertainment arts company aiming to become a valiant leader in entertainment by exploring new and exciting ideas that challenges conventions with the intent of growth that will benefit the community at large. EH walks in the light, relying on faith and doing good works which makes the company extremely precious and valuable to the marketplace. Because EH's objective is to inspire and empower ingenuity, we are constantly raising the bar of standards within our organization, venturing outside our comfort zone, gently nudging those with potential to go the extra mile and realize our highest value without apologies.




We are forward thinking and team oriented. To keep our eyes on the results, we focus on the three bests: Seek what is best, do one's best and do it for the best reasons. There are no short cuts to success. Though we never settle, we do not deny we may find a moth that turns into a butterfly.



- United we work together

It's worth mentioning again. Excellence Happens worksas a team in every department. Thus, we have a ‘nodiva policy. Not one person is more important than another. Not one person is less important. Like the finest car on the market, we achieve excellence by performing our part properly and in harmony with all the others who are performing their part. Our achievements are due to the strength of our teamwork. 4

Our Mission: Simply to be Excellence. Our Value Position: To provide quality productions and events to patrons while offering artists the opportunity to surpass the standards and continuously raise the bar bringing excellence to the entertainment arts and uniting the community. Such effort of excellence will capture global attention and assure longevity.

Our Philosophy: "Gird your Lions and be Valiant." We are a forward thinking organization with the

determination to surpass standards, to be unusually good, to stay in the light and to fix our sights on things of the spirit.

Values: • Faith • Integrity • Dignity • Ingenuity • Creativity • Risk • Challenge • Respect • Inclusion • Wisdom

Value Statement: To be excellence is to be daring. Excellence Happens believes in the unseen promises of victory and will constantly strive for extraordinary achievements that can lead to a radical change. With radical change comes new ideas. With new ideas come new businesses. With new businesses come new jobs and with new jobs come growth in your community and economy.


Excellence Happens’ eZine The Return of Excellence Happens’ Online Magazine ~ Coming 2018

Yes! It is coming back with a new name and a new feel! Excellence Happens started as an eZine, but stepped away from the media to strengthen its craft in theatre production. But, we missed meeting new people, getting to know our community intimately, enjoying great art and entertainment, and seeing the goodness of the folks that make sacrifices in the name of reaching out to give help, education or love. Our quarterly eZine, ‘EH’, is going to bring us back into the community, show casing the entertainment arts as well as the arts in areas we often overlook . We will be exploring the art of Real Estate, Economics and a variety of industries in which it takes an artistic hand in the success of one's growth. We will also be honoring those businesses that support our artistic community. We will start with a special March edition Celebrating Women and their achievements inspiring and empowering women everywhere to focus forward despite of past struggles. Featuring photographers Erich Steinwandt and Jeanne Wynne Herring, we explore the island’s performing and visual arts, night life, fashion, culinary arts, and the natural art that surrounds us which so many wish they could wake up to every day. We wi ll also have special publications and events to give thanks to our citizens and businesses who make every effort to see our art culture flourish and outreach programs grow, making significant long-term changes that benefit us all. It doesn’t stop there! Programs , promoters, businesses and tourist destinations will have the opportunity to add their upcoming events to our quarterly calendar within. This is a great way to let travelers know what you are up to and consider what to do prior to their visit. Simple calendar event entries are free to submit. ‘EH’ lets the world know what’s up in Hawaii. The beauty and excitement will not go unnociticed. Now that’s Excellence and that’s how it Happens.


DR. KING FATALLY SHOT Excellence Happens BY ASSASSIN IN MEMPHIS in Cooperation with Project1Voice partners U .S .Shocked , Saddened by Slaying , Johnson Says — with Evolve Theatre Company, Hosts SCSilSH “ 'ANGUISH VOICED Dies Hour After Injury j Troops Recalled

By DOUG STONE MEMPHIS, Tenn ( AP) Nobel Laureate M a r t i n Luther King Jr , father of non violence in the Ameri can civil rights movement, was killed by an assassin 's



WASHINGTON - - BY U.S. LEADERS Cr,ef ls K c,ion SPAIWS SSE *»*Violence “ Feared ( AP ) Prcsi dent Johnson spoke Tnursday ,

nation of Dr. Martin Lutbet King as he condemned violence .

lawlessness and divisiveness.


Ttic na NEW YORK ( API ln a brief message to the nation 's civil rights and political lion via television ar.d radio, leaders reacted with anguish Johnson disclosed that he is shock snd grief Tliurnlay night postponing a trip to Hawaii fori at the slaying of 1he Rev Dr . a Vietnam strategy conference Martin Luther King Jr. in Mem He had been scheduled to leave phis fear that around raid night. He said bei There also . the slaying could lead to will leave sometime Friday. Tlse President appeared in the violence, ," have been sa ddened < doorway of the White House of -' ( ices, Mem laced anti spoke or President Johnson told the on lion radio television arrl - I all television and radio net ask every cltlsen to reject the weeks ;CjcrM;c hat has struck "I Oik every American CIO ' bllnd V O r . King who lived m nonv ^ ' struck blind violence that has TRIP PITT OFF down Dr. King. who lived bv The President Mid he was


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bullet Thursday night. King J9 , was hit In the neck by a bullet as he stood on the balcony of a motel here He died less than an hour later In St. Joseph Hospital Gov . Bufortl Ellington im mediately o r d e r e d 4 ,000 National Guard troops back into the city A curfew,



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Memphis after a King led march turned into a riot a week ago. was reimposed. Police said incidents of vio lence, including several f i r e DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING Rifle Bullet Fells Rights Crusader . bombings were reported follow The President urged ling King's death for peace and understa The I set Nobel Peace Pi tie until F dav H, « . en the land anil said scheduled to leave ( winner standing on the i( V,c can achieve nothing by ' mghl Thuisda. balcony ol his mold here , where lawlessness and drrisiwness vice Presliden Hubert it . he had to lead protests among the American people " Humphrey said * the slaying He said he hopes all Amert ."brings shame to oar country.! behalf of the city's 1303 . Non ' V olcnc: Advocate( striking garbage workers, most . *n apostle of nonviolence InuJNEf wilt search their hearts | v | At that point he said he wastaen u,c uicsim 0( violence ” llliUIUlUJ OUlHOIl Read Day Uter ol them Negroes, when lie


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The Project


Excellence Happens is honored to represent Hawaii in this international event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King No Matter What Happens ' _ __ , , Jr.’s assassination. SIX:01, a global inquiry-based call to action event, is a RDF < SMASH „, . | AUTO WINDOWS . > ^ six-day examination of one man—Dr. King—and his message of justice ^ ^^ ^a - l ^ . - * ?L r> - ! c cjyifercnco ^ . . and equality as seen through six disciplines: dance, film, music, . | | photography, theater and visual art during the week of April 2-8, 2018. Honolulu's event will be April 4th. ..



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In cooperation with New York producer, Erich McMillan-McCall of Project1Voice and partnering with the newest Honolulu theatre, Evolve Theatre Company, we will be joining organizations such as the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and other artist around the world to remember and practice the values and message Dr. King left as his legacy. Around the globe, each discipline will receive a day of performances or exhibitions. The event is titled for the precise moment Dr. King was assassinated. All the events will incorporate 6:01 p.m. as their start or finishing time. Also included in this event will be a pause or moment of silence, at 6:01 p.m., in honor of Dr. King. Over the course of the six-day event,6:01 p.m. will be utilized as a daily global inquiry-based call to action that will inspire and suggest ways we all can be come more informed and engaged in the world and how to translate those interests into real action that inspire social change. Finding ways to enlighten, engage and empower young people in the world is key to the success of this event. Young voices will be involved and incorporated in every way possible. Programming by and for young people will be included in all disciplines exploring and utilizing the same criteria mentioned above.

The Vision Arts and culture are the integral part of our lives that help us respond to and cope with an often chaotic and puzzling world. As one unthinkable event overlaps another, despair often overtakes humanity. In these unimaginable times, we are even more committed to strengthening the networks that unite artists and filmmakers around the world by protecting storytellers and artists under threat, illuminating the root causes of injustice, and elevating the leadership and expression of people whose voices have not been heard. Our work explores how cultural narratives affect and shape contemporary reality and how the arts can contribute to a more fair, just and optimistic society that will strengthening the world. For this reason, Project1VOICE will present SIX:01 - A Global six day Call to Action in partnership with people and organizations around the world.

About Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Assassination

On Thursday April 4, 1968 at 6:01 p.m., Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate was shot and killed while standing on the balcony outside his room—#306—at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was only 39 years-old. He was the nation’s most ardent exponent of nonviolent social reform. His murder sent emotional shock waves around the world. The day after the assassination, then-President Lyndon B. Johnson declared Sunday, April 7, 1968 a national day of mourning for the man he said, “symbolized the freedom and faith of America.” 7

Excellence Happens in Cooperation with Project1Voice Presents the 2018 ‘1Voice1Day1Play’ Stage Reading of

Flyin' West, by Pearl Cleage About the Play Flyin' West highlights the struggles of Black homesteaders in Nicodemus, Kansas. Set in 1898, Pearl Cleage's play includes a sparse cast of six characters. Flyin' West gives us a glimpse of the tribulations that freed Black slaves faced even after the abolition of slavery. Attempting to put the past behind them, Black Americans fled the south to available lands provided by the Federal Government in the Homestead Act. This flight into the American Frontier is known as The Great Migration. As the number of Black Americans grew in the Homestead States, this migration became known as The Black Exodus.

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Freedom wasn't without problems. Largely based on journal entries Cleage had collected and t read, Flyin' West is an historical tribute to the Black women who moved west and attempted to find a place for themselves in a white male dominated world. (Rust) The play opens with Sophie a thirty-six-year-old woman, and Miss Leah a seventy three year old neighbor. Both women are former slaves who are discussing life in the all Black town of Nicodemus. Among some of the issues that faced the women of Flyin' West were the influx of white prospectors, eager to grab up the thousands of acres in Kansas, racial hierarchies among the former slaves, racism, and the pressure to keep the land they were tasked with making into successful producing homestead farms. ~Homesteader~ Flyin' West was published in 1995 by Dramatists Play Service but was performed in Atlanta prior to publication. The play was originally commissioned in 1992 by the Alliance Theatre Company and was produced with the support of AT&T and the Lila Wallace Reader's Digest Fund Resident Theatre Initiative. Critical response was favorable, and audiences were pleasantly surprised at the play's bold content. Besides portraying strong black women in late nineteenth-century America, the play serves as a reminder that the West was settled by a diverse population. Cleage seeks to inform audiences that the Homestead Act enabled people from all races and genders to own land and to use that land to support themselves, or to develop it and sell it for a profit. The women in the play have left the oppressive South in hopes of enjoying the freedom that they have so long been denied. Flyin' West remains one of Cleage's most admired works. ~ BookRags ~

About Pearl Cleage Pearl Cleage is an Atlanta based writer whose work has won commercial acceptance and critical praise in several genres. An award-winning playwright whose Flyin' West was the most produced new play in the country in 1994, Pearl is also a bestselling author whose first novel, What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day, was an Oprah Book Club pick and spent nine weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Her subsequent novels have been consistent best sellers and perennial book club favorites. I Wish I Had A Red Dress, her second novel, won multiple book club awards in 2001. Some Things I Never Thought I'd Do, was a "Good Morning America!" book club pick in 2003, and Babylon Sisters made the ESSENCE Magazine best seller list in 2005. Her most recent novel, Baby Brother's Blues, was the first pick of the new ESSENCE Book Club and an NAACP Image Award winner for fiction in 2007. www.pearlcleage.net


Excellence Happens Introduces a New Member to its Family Introducing “The Lolita Gentry Projects” (aka The LGPs.)


“The Lolita Gentry Projects” is centered around Lolita Gentry, a middle aged black woman who decides to change her career in business management to a career as a hired assassin. For reasons not yet known, she aspires to bec ome the top and most feared super villain in the w orld. “The Lolita Gentry Projects” explores the cause and effects of life through experimental art and entertainment. A


study in sociology, if you will, the creator of this concept plans to offer a storytelling atmosphere, welcoming you to a new world filled with rich characters you can meet anywhere on the streets.


How is “The LGPs� Presented?

Through film, short stories, photography, theatre, events, illustrations and conversation we aim to connect global creators and offer opportunity to freely step outside the norm, using ingenuity and experimentation to present the world of Lolita Gentry and all her frienemies. By using fiction and

fantasy, comedy and satire, drama, music, parties and imagination we will explore, together, how our thoughts, emotions, actions, reactions, behaviors, teachings, words, social powers and ideals might be effective or noneffective in the forward movement of the real world.


Let’s Make Excellence Happen We’re All in this Together

Excellence Happens Sponsorship Opportunities

2018 Season Sponsor o

Extraordinary Sponsor: $2000

The Season 1. The opportunity to sponsor all upcoming programs and events 2. The Lolita Gentry Projects - a study of sociology, of sorts, looking at the cause and effects of life through the story telling of the rich characters in Lolita Gentry's world by way of film, short stories, photography and illustration. Learn more about the LGPs at www.lolitagentry.com 3. In Collaboration with New York’s Project1Voice, Six:01, a global celebration, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, which was at 6:01 April 4th, 1968. We will be partnering with EPOCH Theatre Company. 4. Our annual 1Voice1Play1Day Staged Reading. The international performance, in Cooperation with New York’s Project1Voice, of Flyin' West, by Pearl Cleage will be presented on June 18, 2018. (Benefitting Hawaii’s newest theatre, EPOCH Theatre Company.) You will receive • • • • • • • • •

A mention and your logo as season sponsor on all promotional materials, social media, public relations materials, logo with its weblink on all associated websites Your Company’s logo prominently displayed on a banner at the entrance of performances venue and as part of the events photo booth display. Your name or company name prominently listed as season sponsors on our website and accompanying websites 6 VIP access passes to the Six:01 Performance. 6 VIP tickets to the performance of “Flyin’ West” along with exclusive access to the VIP lounge before performance and during intermission. $3 off performance tickets and 25% discount on special event tickets Full page colored ads in all performance programs and our quarterly online Entertainment Arts magazine “EH”, through 2018. Prior to curtain of our season closer, “Flyin West” you will be honored and presented, with the deepest gratitude, a plague for being an Extraordinary Sponsor. An Excellence Happens hydro flask showing the year you showed your excellence as a season sponsor.


Show Sponsor


Valiant Sponsor: $1000 ▪ full page colored program ad of your chosen show ▪ Choices 1. 6 VIP seats for our annual international 1Voice1Play1Day Staged Reading performance in Cooperation with New Yorks Project1Voice on June 18, 2018 – this year’s play will be Flyin' West, by Pearl Cleage. (Benefited Charity TBD) plus exclusive access to the VIP lounge before performance and during intermission. 2. 6 VIP access passes for the week-long event Six:01 and 6 tickets to its special VIP closing reception. ▪ $3 off performance tickets and 25% discount on special event tickets ▪ A mention and your logo as corresponding show sponsor on all promotional materials, social media, logo with weblink on our website, and in public relations materials ▪ Your Company’s logo prominently displayed on a banner at the entrance of performances venue of your sponsored show.


Virtuous Sponsor: $500 ▪ 1/2 page black and white program ad ▪ Choices 1. 4 VIP seats for our annual international 1Voice1Play1Day Staged Reading performance in Cooperation with New Yorks' Project1Voice on June 18, 2018 – this year’s play will be Flyin' West, by Pearl Cleage. Benefitting EPOCH Theatre Company. 2. 4 VIP access passes for Six:01 Performance. ▪ a mention as show sponsor on promotional materials, social media and logo on Excellence Happens website

Excellent Sponsor: $100 ▪ 2 VIP seats, 1/4 black and white program ad and name listed on website as an Excellent Sponsor, all for the show off your choice. ▪ Show Choice 1. The Six:01 Performance 2. Flyin West by Pearl Cleage


The Lolita Gentry Projects Sponsor $250 Be part of the growth of Excellence Happens' new subsidiary, The Lolita Gentry Projects. Using rich characters in the world of Lolita Gentry, we explore the cause and effects of life by way of film, short stories, photography, theatre, and illustrations. Otherwise called the LGPs, this new subsidiary offers something new to the land of entertainment and sociology. Sponsorship includes: ~Name or Company Name prominently displayed on website as a sponsor ~Logo on our website ~Half-page ad in the Excellence Happens' online quarterly magazine "EH" in 2018 which will be seen worldwide ~Full page ad in the online” Lolita and Frienemies” eStory-Telling-Series ~Appreciation mentions during our “Follow the Creation” ~$2 off all Excellence Happens event or play tickets not associated with the LGPs in 2018 ~ Exclusive memorabilia from the LGP family as a thank you gift.

Other opportunities •

Program and Ezine Advertising Only (Great for those who are off island) ▪ Full page Colored Program Ad: $100 ▪ Full Page Colored Digital Ad: $75 ▪ 1/2 Black & White Program Ad: $75 ▪ 1/2 Black & White Digital Ad: $50 ▪ 1/4 Black & White Program Ad: $50 ▪ 1/4 Black & White Digital Ad: $25

Goods and Services – email sponsorship@excellencehappens.com for details

Become an online Sponsor via www.patreon.com/excellencehappens and find various opportunities including advertising opportunities with monthly payments.


Sponsorship Form Excellence Happens, LLC Bringing Excellence to the Entertainment Arts Sponsor Information (please print, type or complete the form online at www.excellencehappens.com) Name Company Name Billing address City, ST Zip Code Phone 1 | Phone 2 Fax | Email Project/Event/Show You Are Sponsoring Or are you interested in being a Location, Goods or Services Sponsor? We will contact you.

Sponsorship Information Total Payment: $____________________ to be a: ☐Extraordinary Sponsor ☐Valiant Sponsor ☐ Virtuous Sponsor ☐Excellent Sponsor ☐The Lolita Gentry Prjts Sponsor Form of Payment: ☐check ☐credit card (You may also make your payment online at www.excellencehappens.com) Credit card type | Exp. date Credit card number Authorized signature

Acknowledgement Information Please use the following name(s) in all acknowledgements: ☐I (we) wish to remain anonymous. Signature


Please make checks payable to:

Excellence Happens, LLC 808 Makaleka Ave. F Honolulu, HI 96816

Thank you for your generous support. 14

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