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Three to four year heavy production, with early growth Grazing Silage Hay
Average Heading Date: 22nd May
Fortress is a three to four year, heavy production silage mixture. It provides good early spring growth for an early cut or graze. The mix is quick growing and produces high yields, which means it is ideally suited for silage, with some aftermath grazing potential. The high tetraploid content increases water soluble carbohydrate levels which will aid silage fermentation.
Clover available
Chicory available Plantain available Festulolium available
All Recommended List Grass Varieties
3.50kg Kirial Tetraploid HRG 3.50kg Aston Crusader Tetraploid HRG 3.50kg AberClyde Int Tetraploid PRG 3.50kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG
Highest year of sowing yield • Good solid variety with terrific disease resistance
Consistent high yielding variety • Second highest early spring growth yield Second highest mildew score
Joint second highest grazing D-value • Joint highest autumn ground cover score Very good disease resistance
Second highest spring growth yield. Third highest ME yield • Joint highest total mean cutting yield Joint second highest winter hardiness score
Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2020/21 (by species & ploidy group)