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Most swedes are grazed in situ. It is advisable to use an electric fence to help reduce waste. You should introduce feeding any Brassica slowly over two weeks. It is best to have a grass or stubble run back.
A high yielding and high DM variety, with uniform purple skinned roots. It has both clubroot and powdery mildew resistance. Due to its winter hardiness, it is ideal for post-Christmas utilisation and can be used to help extend grazing periods. It also has a large leaf for extra grazing potential.
A swede that has been bred by PGG Wrightsons. Triumph is a high yielding, medium DM variety which also produces a good leaf yield. It has yellow flesh and a uniform bronze/purple skinned bulb. Triumph has good dry rot and mildew tolerance and good resistance to clubroot. It is ideal for pre and post-Christmas utilisation.
Lomond can be used before or after Christmas. It has high fresh weight and DM yields, making it perfect for finishing lambs. Lomond also has clubroot and powdery mildew resistance.
Marian is a purple top variety. It has a good uniform shape and some resistance to clubroot and mildew. A second early variety for use from October through to January. Marian can also be used as a culinary swede.
Gowrie is a purple skinned variety with uniform roots that can be utilised pre or post-Christmas. It can produce high DM and fresh weight yields and exhibits good resistance to both clubroot and powdery mildew.
Other varieties available
For a bespoke swedes fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist. Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266