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Strip graze behind an electric fence which should be moved daily. Monitor wastage levels to determine when you move the fence. A grass run back area is recommended. Zero grazing by cutting the crop with a forage harvester will secure the maximum use of green feed with little waste. Kale can be fed from a forage box or behind a barrier. Care must be taken to avoid soil contamination. Only 30-35% DM intake for dairy cows/day is to come from kale.
Caledonian is a taller marrow stem type ideal for cattle. It is clubroot resistant, which now enables growers to continually grow kale on infected sites. Caledonian’s huge yields, good lodging resistance and winter hardiness, make it ideal for utilisation by dairy and beef cattle.
Bombardier is a variety that produces high DM yields ideal for dairy, beef or lamb production. Its quality has been enhanced to help produce nutritional feed. Bombardier is also clubroot tolerant.
A short leafy type ideal for fattening lambs. It is highly digestible with good protein and D value. An ideal choice for out wintering with good winter hardiness and high leaf to stem ratio.
Keeper is a winter hardy variety and has good lodging resistance. It is a medium/short type – ideal for fattening lambs and providing quality winter feed. Keeper has high DM content and good winter hardiness.
Maris Kestrel
Other varieties available
For a bespoke kale fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist. Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266