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Maincrop Turnips
Most maincrop turnips are grazed in situ. Stock should have access to a grass runback or hay/silage during feeding. It is advisable to use an electric fence to control intake and reduce waste. White fleshed, autumn varieties can be ready for grazing after 12-15 weeks. The yellow fleshed winter types take 16-20 weeks. Yellow fleshed maincrop turnips can be lifted and stored in a clamp. Always make sure the roots carry as little soil as possible and reject any damaged roots as they may introduce fungal diseases.
Green Globe
Green Globe turnips are ideal for livestock grazing, offering high DM yields. It produces large white bulbs. Green Globe is a winter hardy variety and is ideal for utilisation between October and January.
Massif produces huge yields due to its large roots. It is a yellow fleshed variety, which is 14% higher yielding than Green Globe. It has excellent winter hardiness, which makes it an ideal forage crop during the winter.

For a bespoke turnip fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist. Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266