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Long-term sheep grazing, with early bite Grazing Silage Hay

Average Heading Date: 5th June

Crusader is long-term grazing mixture, with the capability of taking cuts of silage. The high diploid content produces a dense sward for persistency under intensive grazing. The intermediate ryegrasses will provide early spring growth, allowing for an early turnout. A blend of small and medium leaf white clover enables tight grazing with both sheep and cattle. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on wetter soil types.

No Clover available Chicory available Plantain available


All Recommended List Grass Varieties

2.50kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG 2.50kg AberBann Late Diploid PRG 3.00kg AberChoice Late Diploid PRG 1.00kg AberLee Late Diploid PRG 3.00kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 1.00kg Dolina Timothy 1.00kg AberSheep White Clover Blend

35% AberAce Small leaf White Clover 50% AberLasting Rhizomes and Stolons Small leaf White Clover 15% AberPearl Small / Medium Leaf White Clover



Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield • Joint highest winter hardiness score


With it`s outstanding quality it has the highest ranked ME yield/ha out of all listed varieties


Joint second highest grazing yield • Very high ME yield The highest mildew score • High Sugar Grass – more efficient meat and milk production


Second highest grazing D-Value • High winter hardiness score High Sugar Grass – more efficient meat and milk production


Highest grazing yield • Highest grazing D-value • Highest ME yield Highest early, spring and autumn grazing yields • High Sugar Grass – more efficient meat and milk production

Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2020/21 (by species & ploidy group)

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