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Medium-Term Testimonials
This is what our customers said about our medium-term grass seed mixtures.
Philip Misselbrook, FORTRESS
Hertfordshire, Suckler beef, buy-in reared calves and sheep “We reseed ground as and when it needs a refresh to maintain production levels for our suckler herd and grazing sheep, so we like a mix which lasts three to four years. With Fortress, we’ve sown around 40 acres over the last two years and have been thrilled by its performance. Its early spring growth allows two cuts of round baled silage and haylage, and it maintains its quality over winter for sheep grazing. Despite not having the weather for perfect silage growing and having dry land, Fortress has provided quality forage for our beef cattle, and will remain our go-to for further reseeding.”
Thomas Gravel,
Carmarthenshire, Dairy farm “We run a New Zealand based system, so we need our grass mixes to be robust and resilient. Often we create our own, reseeding 20% of the farm each year, and Sovereign plays a big role in our mix. We need quality leys which provide a good sward with high levels of production for at least eight years, and Sovereign does just this. Each season, we graze our cows for around six to seven months as well as being able to take three to four cuts of quality silage. We’re very happy with how Sovereign performs.”
Keith Williams,
Pembrokeshire, Contract-rear heifers “Fortress helped us clinch the win as ‘All Wales Big-Bale Champion’ in 2020, with the highest quality sample of the group. Day-to-day, the forage produced from our nine acres is the sole element of the diet for the 160 heifers we contract rear. It provides enough energy to cover heifer maintenance and growth, meaning no concentrates need to be fed. We’re thrilled with its performance and it’s very easy to manage in the field, taking cuts every month throughout the growing season to prevent it going too mature.”
For more information on the range of grass and root seeds available, please call our Seed Department on 01939 210777 or visit www.wynnstay.co.uk.
New Sown Ley
(less than 1 year old) Established Grass
(over 1 year old)
Sward for Destruction
Non productive grass species with Docks, Thistles, Nettles No Clover Clover
KYLEO 5.0L/ha Squire Ultra 40g/ha Squire Ultra 60g/ha Eagle 40g/ha
Pasture Master 2.5L/ha + Tomahawk2 0.75L/ha
THRUST 2.5L/ha + Tomahawk2 1.0L/ha
Plough and reseed grass after 7 days or clover after 14 days. Direct drill after 1 month Seedling Fat Hen, Docks, Thistles, Nettles, Chickweed
Apply April to 31st August in new sown leys from 3 leaf stage of grass Seedling Fat Hen, Docks, Nettles, Chickweed, Redshank
Apply Feb to 30th June for rotational grass and to 15th October when re sowing permanent grass
(>5 years old)
Nufarm products are safe to white clover only. No Clover
Docks Thistles Nettles Chickweed Buttercup Cow Parsley
Apply April to September to actively growing weeds at leafy rosette stage Clover
Docks (Broad leaved & Curled species) Under-sown cereals
Fat Hen, Chickweed, seedling Docks in under sown grass + clover
Apply February to 30th June for rotational grass and to 15th October in permanent grass
(>5 years old) Apply in spring (from 1st Feb) when grass is at least 3 leaf stage and clover 1 trifoliate leaf
Eagle contains: 75% w/w amidosulfuron Kyleo contains: 240g/l glyphosate + 160g/l 2,4D PastureMaster contains: 360g/l 2,4D + 315g/l MCPA Squire Ultra contains: 75% w/w amidosulfuron Thrust contains: 344g/l 2,4D + 120g/l dicamba Tomahawk 2 contains: 200g/l fluroxypyr Kyleo, PastureMaster and Thrust are registered trademarks of Nufarm. Eagle and Squire Ultra are registered trademarks of Bayer Livestock should be excluded from treated areas until any Ragwort has completely recovered or died and there is no visible sign of the dead weed. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. For label and safety information, refer to the Nufarm website www.nufarm.com/uk. Nufarm UK Ltd, Wyke Lane, Wyke, Bradford, BD12 9EJ. To find out more visit: www.wynnstay.co.uk22 t: 01939 210777www.nufarm.com/uk/products